#fire and safety course in kuwait
narayanamepblr · 3 months
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"Poverty drove my grandfather away from my country, but love brought me back to it." (1/3)
Today's story is about the revolutionary, internationalist comrade, colonel, and martyr, Antoun Jamil Slim Dawoud.
From Mexico to Palestine to Cuba, Antoun lived for revolution.
A son of the diaspora, he was born in Bogata, Colombia in 1909 to a family from Bethlehem. Revolutionary blood coursed through his veins. He fought against Americans in Mexico's Las Segovia battle, relocated to Honduras in 1932, and then to France and before moving to Palestine to fight and execute operations during the Arab revolt of 1936 with Abdulqader Al-Husseini. From there, he traveled to Cuba to fight alongside Che Guevara and Fidel Castro at the dawn of the Cuban revolution. Antoun followed Che to Bolivia, where the revolution continued, and Che fell as a martyr of the revolution. In his revolutionary life, Antoun met with Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh before his burial in Kuwait on this day in 1969, draped in a Palestinian flag. He was martyred as he was born: planning for the revolution.
Antoun's riveting story is one that competes with even the most astounding movie plots, but his life of revolution is as real as the struggles for which he fought.
Antoun was a pilot and a solider. In Mexico, he earned the rank of Captain due to his courage in the battle of the Las Segovia mountains, where he led machine gun squads. In Honduras two years later, he had founded a commercial airline.
Upon his return to his homeland, he first worked as a spy, since he told the immigration officer he was Jewish as soon as he got off the boat. He infiltrated the Palestine Mandate Police, where he worked as an agent for the revolutionaries. He would cover for them, help prisoners, and inform fighters of British plans. Despite hesitation due to his poor Arabic, Antoun joined the 1936 Revolution as it erupted, working as a spy within the comprador Palestine Police Force.
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"Liberators of peoples must struggle within the lands they intend to liberate. Wars are not won from behind desks." (2/3)
Antoun learned the ins and outs of the American consulate, discovering through Haganah members that zionist political and military forces were under the command of the Jewish Agency. His plan was meticulous, crafted with precision to ensure he knew who would be present. Antoun slept in the consulate that night, keeping a close eye on American zionist soldiers. After secretly listening to meetings, he contacted Abdulqader Al-Husseini—he knew what had to be done.
Antoun passed through four Jewish checkpoints and two British ones. He planted barrel after barrel, tricking guards into thinking he was transporting American officers. They saw no one in the car. "Arab! Arab! Arab!" It was too late.
Antoun threw two bombs. Neither exploded. Undeterred, he drew two pistols and fired two shots, leaving an officer dead on the spot. He continued to hit soldiers, knowing time was running out and the explosives hadn't yet detonated. In a quick dash, Antoun rolled under a zionist armored vehicle and found himself on the main street, quickly moving to safety.
Boom. The Jewish Agency was turned to rubble under the force of Antoun's explosives. He had succeeded in destroying a booby-trapped fortress of zionist documents guarded by Haganah death squads. 250 tons of explosives had been detonated in front of the American consul, for whom he worked as a driver. 40 zionists were killed and 40 more were injured, with damage extending as far as the Jerusalem Post.
Antoun left safely, pistols loaded. He slyly told some zionist guards it was the British who had blown up the building.
He was not done yet. His fight was not over.
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A lifelong struggle. (3/3)
From Yaffa to Al-Quds then onto Bethlehem. Back to Al-Quds. Antoun was home. He was in Palestine, fighting for her liberation. He accomplished what he set out to do. After the operation, he went to Areeha, then Nablus, where he ate some knafeh. His journey led him to Birzeit to meet commander Abdulqader.
Antoun was forced to leave home yet again because of risks to his life. However, he carried the sprit of struggle with him until his end. After the Nakba, he traveled to Cuba in 1950, becoming part of the first cell of the incipient and victorious Cuba revolution with Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. A specialist in guerilla warfare, Antoun accompanied Guevara to Bolivia in the 1960s.
He made several visits to Vietnam and China, conducting interviews with revolutionary leaders in Asia, particularly Mao Zedong. After a long journey in struggle, he returned once again to his homeland. There, he chose to join the PFLP under Dr. George Habash's leadership, because he believed in the value of its scientific socialist approach.
After the 1967 Naksa, Antoun planned a major operation with the PFLP to deal a severe blow to the zionist entity. Fate had other plans, and his time ended before his wish could be realized.
While visiting family in Kuwait, Antoun completed his tour of revolution and passed away, but his story lives. And the revolution lives, fueled by stories of courage like Antoun's. From Colombia to Cuba, from Bethlehem to Yaffa, from homeland to global struggle, Antoun's story is unbounded by borders and indelibly etched in the history of revolution.
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armorservices · 14 days
The Essential Role of Security Guards in Kuwait: Ensuring Safety and Protection?
Security guards play a crucial role in maintaining safety and order in various settings across Kuwait. From residential complexes to corporate offices, these professionals are essential in preventing crime and providing peace of mind. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of security guards in Kuwait, their responsibilities, and what makes a good security guard.
1. The Importance of Security Guards in Kuwait
Security guards are an integral part of Kuwait's safety infrastructure. Their presence deters criminal activities and ensures a secure environment for everyone. Key areas where security guards are vital include:
Residential Areas: Protecting homes and families in gated communities and apartment complexes.
Commercial Establishments: Safeguarding businesses, offices, and retail spaces.
Public Events: Ensuring the safety of attendees at concerts, exhibitions, and sports events.
Government Buildings: Providing security at embassies, ministries, and other official locations.
2. Responsibilities of Security Guards in Kuwait
The duties of security guards are diverse and tailored to the specific needs of their posts. Common responsibilities include:
Monitoring and Surveillance: Keeping an eye on security cameras and conducting regular patrols to detect any suspicious activities.
Access Control: Managing entry and exit points to ensure only authorized individuals are allowed in secure areas.
Emergency Response: Acting quickly and efficiently in emergencies such as fires, medical incidents, or security breaches.
Customer Service: Assisting visitors and providing information, which enhances the overall experience and safety of the premises.
3. Qualities of an Effective Security Guard
Not all security guards are created equal. The best security guards possess certain qualities that make them effective in their roles:
Alertness: Staying vigilant and aware of their surroundings at all times.
Physical Fitness: Being in good health to handle the physical demands of the job.
Communication Skills: Clearly conveying information and instructions, both verbally and in writing.
Integrity: Being trustworthy and reliable, as they often have access to sensitive areas and information.
Problem-Solving Abilities: Quickly assessing situations and determining the best course of action.
4. Training and Certification for Security Guards in Kuwait
To become a security guard in Kuwait, one must undergo rigorous training and obtain necessary certifications. Training typically covers:
Basic Security Procedures: Understanding fundamental security protocols and practices.
First Aid and CPR: Providing initial medical assistance in emergencies.
Conflict Resolution: Managing disputes and de-escalating tense situations.
Fire Safety: Knowing how to prevent and respond to fires.
Certifications are often required to ensure that security guards meet the industry standards and regulations set by authorities in Kuwait.
5. Challenges Faced by Security Guards in Kuwait
Security guards often face various challenges in their line of duty, including:
Long Hours: Extended shifts can be physically and mentally taxing.
High-Risk Situations: Dealing with potentially dangerous situations requires courage and composure.
Public Perception: Gaining respect and cooperation from the public can sometimes be challenging.
6. Future Trends in the Security Industry in Kuwait
The security industry in Kuwait is evolving with technological advancements and changing security needs. Future trends include:
Integration of Technology: Utilizing advanced surveillance systems, drones, and AI for enhanced security.
Specialized Training: Focusing on cybersecurity and advanced emergency response techniques.
Increased Demand: As Kuwait continues to grow, the need for professional security services is expected to rise.
Security guards are the backbone of safety in many settings across Kuwait. Their presence and vigilance provide a secure environment for residents, businesses, and public events. By understanding their importance and the qualities that make them effective, we can better appreciate the essential role they play in our daily lives.
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naseerm · 5 months
TUTIS Training Fire Fighting Course
TUTIS prepares workers and employees in Kuwait and Qatar for various skills and safety courses. Fire prevention training is a comprehensive educational program designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify, mitigate, and respond to potential fire hazards. This training covers a range of topics, including fire safety principles, emergency evacuation procedures, proper usage of fire extinguishers, and the importance of maintaining a fire-safe environment. Participants learn to recognize common fire risks, understand fire behaviour, and implement preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of fire incidents. This fire prevention training emphasizes the importance of early detection, swift response, and effective communication in emergency situations, fostering a culture of safety and preparedness within organizations and communities.
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greenworldindia · 7 months
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Know Why Nebosh Course in Kuwait with Green World Group is the Ultimate Game-Changer
A Transformative journey with the Nebosh course in Kuwait offered by Green World Group, and discover why it stands as the ultimate game-changer in the realm of occupational health and safety. This comprehensive program, recognized globally, is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of workplace safety. With a curriculum that covers risk assessment, emergency response protocols, and personal protective equipment usage, the Nebosh course ensures a well-rounded understanding of occupational health and safety management
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dianamat · 8 months
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Embracing Health and Safety in Everyday Life, Incorporating health and safety practices into our daily routines is the key to long-term success. Managing stress effectively. In workplaces, it involves adhering to safety protocols, using personal protective equipment, and reporting hazards promptly. By making conscious choices and adopting healthy habits, we can create a safer and healthier future for ourselves and those around us.Join us in Green World Group and discover how we are connected with Health and safety solutions
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acetnc · 2 years
ACE Training & Consulting is the best Fire & Safety Online Courses in Hyderabad. It is approved by international institutions and offers a Diploma in Fire Fighting Course in Hyderabad. Fire and Safety Courses in Hyderabad at the lowest fees.
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badgelip0 · 3 years
Active Vacation In Yemen
More costly Wadi Hadramout hotel is cross the main road from Tahrir Square, other extra economical is near Taj Sheba resort at Ali Abdulmogny Street. There double room with toilet and TV prices about 2000 Rials . Travelers should make many photocopies of their travel allow as each checkpoint may ask for a copy. Travelers must also have copies of the biographical information web page of their passport useful. Often international passengers give a pile of travel permit copies to the bus driver so that he can provide them to officers at checkpoints. Travelers should let the bus driver or army personnel know of their nationality as they should know. Go on awildlife safariin the southern part of the country as an alternative andbathe with elephantsin the village of Sauraha. Go ballooning above the Kathmandu Valley or bungeejumping off a 500-foot suspension bridgesnuggled within the mountains, high above the river. Canoeing and rock climbing are different popular summer adventures in Nepal. Visit unique points of interest; see majestic landscapes, vibrant cities and iconic landmarks; or go on an in a single day tour tosurf incredible wavesand take a look at your physical limits. The Schoolboys On A Field Journey In Yemen Had Been Chatting And Laughing Then Got Here The Airstrike Taxes and other revenues constituted roughly 17.7% of the GDP, with a price range deficit of 10.3%. Yemen had reserves of international change and gold of around $5.538 billion in 2013. Its inflation fee over the same interval based on consumer costs was 11.8%. The primary export commodities are crude oil, coffee, dried and salted fish, liquefied pure fuel. These merchandise were mainly despatched to China (41%), Thailand (19.2%), India (11.4%), and South Korea (4.4%). I really have a authorized press visa, but Mr. Fire spends half an hour yelling at us anyway. He waves a list of 5 names, journalists who've tried to sneak into the more and more tense country on vacationer or student visas. Thanks to my press visa and our long-ago-booked itinerary—to tourism destinations like the Haraz Mountains and Socotra Island—we are allowed to remain. But we'll have to take an official minder, to ensure we don't cowl politics. Hadi managed to flee from Sana'a to Aden, his hometown and stronghold in the south, on 21 February 2015. He promptly gave a televised speech rescinding his resignation, condemning the coup, and calling for recognition because the constitutional president of Yemen. The following month, Hadi declared Aden Yemen's "temporary" capital. The Houthis, nevertheless, rebuffed an initiative by the Gulf Cooperation Council and continued to move south towards Aden. All U.S. personnel had been evacuated and President Hadi was compelled to flee the nation to Saudi Arabia. Tearing The Historic Material That view has been propounded, for example, by Sheikh Kamel Rian of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement. The new Muslim narrative asserted, for instance, that the al-Aqsa Mosque was not built somewhat more than 1,300 years ago – as modern analysis maintains – however, as a substitute, by the “First Man” 40 years after the mosque in Mecca was built. The Saudi historian Muhammad Sharab likewise affirmed that al-Aqsa was built by the First Man, and so did the previous mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian Authority, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri. According to 外燴 , Solomon didn't construct the Jewish Temple but quite the al-Aqsa compound, which is a Muslim mosque. In current years spokesmen of the Northern Branch of the Israeli Islamic Movement have acknowledged that it was Abraham who built al-Aqsa about 4,000 years ago, 40 years after he constructed the Kaaba in Arabia with his son Ishmael. The country was as soon as often recognized as Arabia Felix, Happy Arabia, due to its dominance of the incense trading route. The UAE has taken advantage of the local and international public’s preoccupation with the struggle to enhance its affect on Socotra Island, far from the military operations. The Executive Committee shall periodically meet on the call of the President or a majority of the Executive Committee in govt session, appropriate for adopting laws and dealing with the essential enterprise of the Association. Its duties embody all duties set forth in these Bylaws plus such other tasks because the President or the Executive Committee shall determine every so often. All actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be recorded by the Secretary and shall be introduced to the representatives at the next Business Session in writing. The Christian custom, which was adopted by the Muslims, views this recess because the place where Jesus was laid after his mom, Mary, introduced him at the Temple 40 days after his start. In previous centuries, Muslim pilgrims would go to the spot and skim Surah Maryam of the Koran beside it. Dunton Scorching Springs Many examples of early Ottoman hammams stay in Anatolia and the Balkans, notably in the early Ottoman capitals of Edirne and Bursa, where many of their early structural and ornamental options were established. Many had been inbuilt association with particular mosques or spiritual complexes (külliyes). As a primarily feminine house, women's hammams play a special role in society. Staats argues that hammams are places where girls can feel more comfortable than they really feel in plenty of other public interactions. When it all will get to be too much and I begin to feel like a hamster in a Habitrail and have to unwind, I drop into a Japanese bathtub house, known assento. As pleasurable as the churning scorching whirlpools are, the natural water texture of the Octagon stands out. It is a rare instance for the Blue Ridge of water naturally sizzling sufficient to move unheated outdoors. The water is of course warm, effervescent and extremely mineralized. The furnaces were used to heat water which was then delivered to the steam rooms. At the same time, scorching air and smoke from the furnaces was channeled via pipes or conduits beneath the floor of the steam rooms, thus heating the rooms, earlier than rising via the partitions and out the chimneys. As sizzling water was continuously wanted, they were kept burning all through hours of operation. Two Sculptures Of Ancient Women Give Voice To The Safety Of Antiquities In War Zones "There's a very robust hyperlink between the Yemenis and their heritage -- together with pre-Islamic heritage," he mentioned. Some Yemeni treasures have resurfaced in private collections in Gulf nations, including Qatar and Kuwait, stated Jeremie Schiettecatte, an skilled in the archaeology of the Arabian Peninsula at France's National Centre for Scientific Research. "We discover stolen Yemeni antiquities on the market on-line or at public auctions," Talal added, giving the example of a grand stone-hewn throne from the Saba kingdom, greatest known for the Queen of Sheba. Though there are not any figures for the number of antiquities stolen, the authorities and UNESCO have undertaken inventories at several of Yemen's museums. Against a jarringly fluorescent digital backdrop, we see a stay spider shifting throughout an online whereas a voice – Ali’s – recounts the legend of Queen Bilqis. The Fosters' artifacts present a glimpse at the life of upper-class individuals who lived from the sixth century B.C. Many of the pieces show heads of men or women and were carved for display in temples or different burial places. Most have been carved from calcite-alabaster, a cream-colored stone that's indigenous to the region and has a translucent quality. Islamic artwork is collected by museums, galleries and personal collectors in lots of countries around the world. On June 8, the Yemen Peace Project shall be co-hosting a pictures occasion in Costa Mesa that includes pictures from Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine, and elsewhere within the area. In addition to rotating exhibits, it has a permanent “Crown of the Continent” exhibition that features 15 historic Glacier National Park murals, as well as work from a few of the best-known Western artists, including Charles M. Russell and O.C. Embassy of IsraelClick on Consular providers for entry necessities; native information, and present events. Renaissance Fine Arts, in the upscale Village of Cross Keys neighborhood and retail heart, is a nice art gallery showcasing authentic works in a variety of media, from canvas and paper to sculpture. MICA , the oldest and one of many high artwork colleges within the nation, hosts greater than one hundred exhibitions annually, and has three major on-campus gallery spaces the place the public can view work by its talented school and students, as properly as visiting artists. C. Grimaldis Gallery, an institution in the Baltimore artwork scene, is the longest continually working gallery within the city. With 23,000 sq. feet of gallery area to cover, the Maryland Center for History and Culture is devoted to bringing Maryland’s historical past to the forefront by way of all kinds of art work. Their spectacular museum assortment contains the world’s largest assortment of Baltimore Album quilts, a fashion archive spanning four centuries, and 9 portraits by Joshua Jackson, often identified as the first African American artist in the us Motor Houseis an arts hub in Station North that presents performances and concert events in addition to gallery reveals spotlighting works by Baltimore artists. The Gallery in Baltimore City Hall is devoted to showcasing work by Baltimore artists and on themes that inform the story of metropolis life. Galerie Myrtisin Station North has a reputation for exhibiting cutting-edge work by primarily African American artists who're on the cusp of national and international acclaim. Exploring The Lost World Of Socotra No other place on the planet has this mixture of visuals. Saudi Arabia shaped an alliance with Malaysia, Egypt, Morocco, Senegal, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan and Bahrain. They continued to again Hadi after he referred to as for army assist in 2015. Tens of thousands of civilians have been killed, together with tons of of kids, in air strikes and raids. The combination of war, famine and disease in Yemen has created some of the pressing humanitarian issues in modern history. Having dinner with Adnan, Salam, and Medi; my organizer, driver, and information, respectively, for my trip to Socotra.Now, this was my means of getting the visa with them. First, I sent a replica of my American passport and the dates I was interested in visiting , and so they moved forward on getting the visa. If you realize somebody in Socotra, they might have the power to get a visa for you. Since I didn’t, I contacted a tour agency to do that for me, purchase my flights, and of course, manage my entire trip. Send me seasonal updates, suggested events and journey deals. We advocate confirming that parks and swimming areas are open previous to your go to instantly by way of the NY State Parks website. Due to the popularity of Ithaca-area parks and capacity limitations in response to COVID-19, park entrances have been closed at peak occasions when capability has been reached. Book your birthday celebration, register for a girls night time out or stop in throughout open Craft days and select a project from the project board. The Cork 1794 is the perfect spot for a date night time or particular occasion! Indoor and outside seating available with amazing meals. Set sail on a 4-day adventure, private charter or sundown cruise aboard this beautiful sailing vessel. Festivals In Yemen The slaves got three days off during the Christmas season, which they used to celebrate by singing and dancing in vibrant masks, travelling from home to deal with, often on stilts. The uncertainty of its origin solely proves that Bahamians don’t want a cause to throw a wonderful celebration. Catch this celebration of Bahamian culture and historical past on Boxing Day—aka the day after Christmas—as properly as on New Year's Day and many Saturdays throughout the summer. The largest Junkanoo celebration takes place on Bay Street, in downtown Nassau, but Bahamians across the sixteen islands have fun this joyful custom. A fragile transition authorities has pledged to usher in democratic reforms as properly as equal rights for girls. The public holidays differ annually as they are topic to the Moon sighting. The authorities regulates the public holidays; beneath the legal guidelines of the land it has the ability to take away or introduce any public holiday it sees match. Under Article 78 of the states, all workers are entitled to a full day’s pay on all of the recognized public holidays. Article seventy one states that in the month of Ramadan, all staff usually are not allowed to work for more than 36 hours every week. The public holidays are influenced by tradition, religion, and historic occasions. Ani Mercedes is CEO, Impact Producer, and Founder of Looky Looky Pictures, which connects the ability of movies with the ability of individuals, by bringing films to passionate partners and audiences who can use them as tools to alter the world. She also utilizes Virtual Reality in highlighting stories from Yemen. The poems featured in the movies premiered right here have been written in response to a series of workshops held in Liverpool, Birmingham, Sheffield and Cardiff in 2019 as a part of Yemen in Conflict. Peachtree City Georgia Is A Shoppers Delight Start purchasing plans over atbattleface, my go-to travel insurance coverage selection. I saw one on a desolate stretch of street close to Arher (and if you’re wondering– sure, I chased it down and bought ice cream) and one other in Hadiboh. Not really the shopping Meccas of nearby Dubai or Kish Island, however there are a handful of souvenirs to purchase. Socotra has additionally suffered a catastrophic cyclone, adopted by another cyclone in late 2015 that damaged a lot of the little existing infrastructure. Kal Firawn & Sabuniya-Both Kal Firawn and Sabuniya are rocky outcrops and not full-blown islands but are a half of the archipelago. Sabuniya is positioned about 15 kilometers off of Shua’ab Beach on Socotra Island’s northwest coast and Kal Firwan is positioned about 25 kilometers north of Abd al Kuri. In addition to his writing, Rick is an interesting Western character and speaker. He has the distinctive capability to make his characters come alive as he tells a narrative. He has spoken at national and worldwide conferences and banquets. He visits faculties where he talks to college students about the importance of education, creating studying and writing abilities, and impressing upon them the value of saving our history for future generations. Nowhere epitomizes Bend’s transformation from a sleepy lumber town to a world-class journey destination like theOld Mill District. Tap into all of the senses with a go to toMeadowSong Flower Farm. Near the sting of Homhil, there is a natural pool that has epic views down onto the Arabian Sea beneath. After heavy rainfall in October 2019, the tracks to Homhil had been washed out but must be restored quickly. Balaqthan Sinkhole-Roughly halfway between Hadiboh and Qalansiya you’ll reach the village of Balaqthan simply off the primary paved street. You can follow dust tracks out there to visit the village (if you arrive when youngsters are on the afternoon break they’ll be really curious) which has a decent-sized sinkhole just off the seaside. Many locals imagine it’s the outcome of a meteor strike , however, it's greater than probably just a result of stone that collapsed here long ago. We’ve got loads of recommendations for all your gift-giving needs, even if it’s simply to yourself. Whether you’re on the lookout for residence goods, skin care or tasty treats, you’ll discover a thoughtful memento here. Take house a bit of Baltimore made by a local as a memento of your time in Charm City. A Charleston establishment which has been in enterprise for over 50 years. The Preservation of Society Shop options an assortment of locally crafted specialty items from a large collection of artisans. Eclectic mix of fantastic presents & Judaica that includes work from noted artists from the US and Israel. Yemen Cafe Michigan,hamtramck, Eating Places ,8731 Joseph Campau St,48212 Regulars like it for the complimentary lentil soup, juicy rotisserie chickens, and plentiful combination plates piled excessive with everything from falafel to fried kibbeh to grape leaves. Michigan Avenue’s M Cantina makes a speciality of Nuevo Latino road food, together with halal tacos and tortas in addition to refreshing, booze-free cocktails from chef and mixologist mastermind Junior Merino . Although the cafe shares the identical block as the bodega, it belongs to a newer Brooklyn. Diners loll with laptops and nurse lattes with froth flowers. You can order an açaí bowl, an egg sandwich with Sriracha mayo, and the inevitable avocado toast, right here dusted with za’atar. In 1995, once they had been younger kids, their households left their small village in the Yafa tribal area of south Yemen, fleeing the turmoil after a civil war. At Al-Aqeeq, we strive to bring new experience and knowledge to coffee, pushing our expertise additional, to offer one of the best espresso to prospects, eating places, cafe’s, and companies around the country. He provides that he has many friends, from completely different religions and sects, and he shares with them their celebrations and some of their rituals due to his belief in the significance of dwelling amongst all human beings. They developed the idea of promoting high-quality Yemeni coffee within the US. Coffee bought instantly from farmers in Haraaz in the form of dried coffee cherries. Celestine Celestine seems like an off-the-cuff neighborhood restaurant, but this Mediterranean spot is on the water in Dumbo and has glorious views. Many affiliations, sects and religions had been gathered in it, the inhabitants of town and its visitors, in which experiences, stories, information, customs and traditions are exchanged for every class of followers of the completely different religious doctrines and sects. Among the famous historic well-liked eating places in Aden which is linked to minorities is Palu restaurant that is specialised in selling kebabs, which dates again to 1926 and which Muhammad Palu, Indian origin Muslim, has established in Al-Midan in Crater District. Al-Hunud neighborhood, the Persians Temple, Al-Rizmit space, Al-Makawiya and others. Coffee raised controversies in the Christian in addition to Muslim lands in medieval occasions. Figs, dates and nuts had been introduced by retailers to conquered lands, and spices had been brought from the Orient. The Middle East incorporates the Fertile Crescent, together with the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers the place wheat was first cultivated, followed by rye, barley, lentils, beans, pistachios, figs, pomegranates, dates and other regional staples. The domestication of sheep, goats and cattle occurred in the region as well. Fermentation was additionally discovered there, in order to leaven bread and make beer in Mesopotamia and the Levant. Additionally, the earliest written recipes come from that area. This time round, I joined my pal Jamila at Bab al-Yemen (no relation to final week’s Bab al-Yemen). A post-2014 addition to Cairo’s Yemeni restaurant scene, Bab al-Yemen quickly established a reputation as considered one of city’s finest, thankfully managing to beat a short blip in high quality last 12 months that was so notable that I heard about all of it the way in Beirut. Assault On Yemen Market Kills More Than 10, Combatants Commerce Blame As such, pastoralists are presently expected to be holding and fattening their livestock upfront of Eid Al Adha. As the financial scenario has deteriorated, remittances from Yemenis working abroad have increasingly served as a big supply of income for lots of households. Be cautious of taking photographs outdoors the confines of the walled market because the police will stop you and delete them. Looking forward, the country’s inhabitants of 23 million is set to double by 2030, further straining restricted sources. Yemen suffers from rising unemployment and excessive poverty charges, with over 45% of the inhabitants residing on less than $2 per day. Illiteracy runs excessive — 60% for females and 23% for males — whereas gender disparities are consistently ranked as the largest in the world. Aiming to feed almost 13 million of the most susceptible folks each month, WFP’s emergency response in Yemen is our largest anywhere on the earth. Yemen was granted observer standing at the World Trade Organization in 1999, and its application for full membership was under negotiation as of December 2006. Yemen's tourism trade is hampered by each limited infrastructure and vital security considerations. The country's hotels and eating places are under worldwide requirements, and air and street transportation is basically inadequate. Kidnappings of overseas tourists stay a menace, especially outside the primary cities. This has considerably elevated the worth of sending inner remittances and has elevated traders’ reliance on overseas forex in its place. On common throughout IRG governorates, the parallel market change fee in May 2021 had reached a document 904 YER/USD based on information from FAO, representing a 36 p.c lack of value for the rationale that similar time last yr. Meanwhile, in the north, the change price has remained generally steady since late 2019. Yemenis The original walled metropolis built in the 1st century advert still stands. The old homes are six to seven stories excessive, made of stone, brick, and dust. The exterior walls are ornately adorned with white plaster. Ancient Yemenis used coloured alabaster, a soft stone, for windows. Modern Yemenis use stained glass to attain the traditional look. Yemen's territory additionally contains the Hanish Islands and the islands of Kamaran and Perim within the Red Sea, and the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean. The Zaydi imams overthrew the Turks in 1636, but the Turks regained management of northwestern Yemen by the mid-1800s. The Ottoman Turks and the British drew a borderline between north and south Yemen by 1905, and the area remained divided into North Yemen and South Yemen all through most of the twentieth century. After the Turks were defeated in World War I ( ) the Zaydi imamate once again took control of North Yemen, beneath the rulership of Imam Yahya. The biggest company in Yemen is Yemitco, their places of work could be present in major cities. The CDC's newest guidance on international journey for vaccinated people can be foundhere. There is a really excessive threat of kidnapping, and detention of U.S. citizens in Yemen, notably twin national Yemeni-Americans. The new structure ensures the proper of all citizens to an training. The government has opened a selection of public faculties in giant cities and towns. The ladies climb up on the roof and start making a high-pitched sound, known as the zaghrada. Yemen Pop Culture Shortly after assuming power in 1962, Ahmad’s son, Muhammad al-Badr was deposed by coup forces that took control of Sana’a and created the Yemen Arab Republic. This occasion initiated the North Yemen Civil War, which lasted till 1970. Both would need to accept the plan for it to move ahead, with any timeline prone to be set by U.N. The Houthis, then again, have also been accused of several human rights abuses, including indiscriminate missile attacks, utilizing baby troopers and more. Such examples of indiscriminate airstrikes are the Saudi-led coalition airstrike in August that hit a faculty bus, killing 43 and wounding sixty three, most of whom have been kids. Boys eat bread they collected from a garbage dump on the outskirts of the Red Sea port city of Hodeida, Yemen on January 7, 2018. Atlas Obscura and our trusted partners use know-how corresponding to cookies on our website to personalise advertisements, assist social media features, and analyse our site visitors. Please click on under to consent to the usage of this know-how whereas shopping our website. To learn more or withdraw consent, please visit our cookie policy. The principal crops are sorghum, potatoes, dates, wheat, grapes, barley, maize, cotton, millet, and backyard greens, but only part of the harvest is produced on the market. Coffee, biscuits, grapes, sesame seeds, sugar, honey, and dried and salted fish are exported. In villages in northern Tihama timber and straw are used, while in towns shell lime is more widespread; in southern Tihama timber and brick are used. In the central mountainous region, hewn stone is used; within the highlands, houses are made of stone, burned brick, and stamped clay. Shiʿis observe ʿĀshūrāʾ (commemorating the demise of al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī, the Prophet’s grandson). The Day of National Unity is May 22, the day on which, in 1990, North Yemen and South Yemen had been officially united. A number of other civil and non secular holidays also are observed. Yemen' 外燴 provide many opportunities for out of doors sports, corresponding to biking, mountain climbing, trekking, hiking, skiing, mountain leaping, and other tougher sports, including mountain climbing. Mountain climbing and mountaineering tours to the Sarawat Mountains and the Jabal an Nabi Shu'ayb, together with the 5,000 m peaks in the area, are seasonally organized by native and worldwide alpine companies. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he had spoken to the Saudi foreign minister in regards to the warfare. French Infections Rise, Spain Cracks Down On Nightclubs Yemen just isn't a famous destination for contemporary vacationers, however active recreation lovers will find many interesting entertainments in it. First of all, you will need to point out that Yemen is a Muslim country and nightlife just isn't developed here. In order to enjoy nighttime leisure, it's better to go to another nation. Searching for alcohol is useless as nicely – Yemen banned the sale of alcoholic drinks even in duty-free zones in airports. Many local folks chew Khat leaves that have a light narcotic effect. Even this won’t be easy, however you might have the power to find some single ladies in Sana’a utilizing Adult Friend Finder when they need to hook up. This is going to be tough to say the least, however should you put in the effort you then simply may get laid. You may additionally fly all the method down to celebration with Nairobi women or some other cities in Africa the place issues are far less conservative. If you see a pleasant, luxury resort just like the Sheraton or Al Bustan you would possibly discover a bar or club inside, nevertheless they maintain that stuff on the down low. It is value trying into, but don’t be stunned should you go in and ask and so they inform you there isn't any alcohol there either. I discreetly slip the capsule into my mouth and wash it down with Czech beer. Around the bar, I can see groups of men and women talking animatedly and some are dancing. Natural situations and not very developed vacationer infrastructure make extreme tourism within the country really exciting and even thrilling. When it involves historic landmarks, Yemen is amongst the richest international locations on the planet on this regard. Arabs in Yemen became Muslims when Prophet Mohammad was nonetheless alive. Here, in the city of Marib, lived famous biblical Queen of Sheba. Even the modern capital of Yemen, Sana’a, was founded by Shem, a son of Noah, the builder of the Ark. Here, you’re sure to find a car from the top automobile rental firms in Sana'a together with Avis, Budget, Enterprise, Europcar, Hertz, and Thrifty. Our safe automotive rental reserving system enables you to compare the most recent deals instantly and find a automobile rent that suits your finances.
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loadmaple347 · 3 years
Alien Storm Crack
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Pick a war any war, and you can pretty much guarantee that it has been done to death on PC already. Well, OK then, the number of games featuring the Tet Offensive or Rorke’s Drift have been pretty thin on the ground, and despite the potential carnage, Passchendaele hasn’t seen much in the way of in-game footage, but generally, wherever there is war, us PC gamers are willing to fight. Just so long as the odds are stacked heavily in our favour.
Commodore 64 Crack: Alien Storm 1581 by Master. About this site: CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. The titles include: Shadow Dancer, Space Harrier, Cyber Police ESWAT, Congo Bongo, Alien Storm, Crack Down and Bonanza Bros. These SEGA titles will be added to the growing list officially licensed games that will be available in the iiRcade game store at launch, with plans for more games to be added both before and after launch. Exciting games on iiRcade iiRcade Store Launching Soon. Over 200+ Games Available at Launch iiRcade DEMO - Quick Sample of Some Games That You Can Play on iiRcade Backed by major gaming studios to indie developers, our collection of games is expanding fast. The final batch of games for Sega's upcoming Astro City Mini console have just been revealed in a livestream, taking the total number of known games up to 36.It was also revealed that the system.
So it’s a little strange when you consider that the Gulf War has taken so long to reach our monitors. If there is one thing you can guarantee in a war action game it’s a high ratio body count and they don’t come any higher than the six week Desert Storm operation - according to 'official’ figures Iraqi forces managed to kill about 150 of the Coalition forces, with a few more notched up by the US. However, according to US Central Command, 100,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed, while close to half a million others were either wounded, taken prisoner or were courting execution for desertion. Shocking figures indeed, but no more impressive than your typical PC game. Serious Sam can take out 100,000 screaming headless zombies in the time it takes George Bush Sr to call his boy and say: 'You go get ’em, son.'
Hot Potato
Of course, the main reason we haven’t had a Gulf War action game until now is because it was and still remains a contentious war, one that whether it was necessary or not, certainly gave EastEnders a battle in the ratings war. Still, wars are soon forgotten, and when Conflict: Desert Storm was conceived (the game, not the TV show), the world’s peacekeeping armies had moved through Somalia, the Balkans and East Timor. The time seemed right. Then came September 11, Operation Enduring Freedom, and George Bush’s thinly veiled desire to finish what his father had started in Iraq.
Consequently, Conflict: Desert Storm has become something of an interactive hot potato. Publisher SCi is of course no stranger to controversy after three Carmageddon titles, although they’re at pains to express the game has 'nothing to do whatsoever with September 11 or the war in Afghanistan'.
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Friendly Fire
The game we are concerned with today is far less controversial than you might I imagine, considering current events.
As with most PC games it offers a S more sanitised version of history based loosely on actual operations. Those of you expecting the Cold War realism of Operation Flashpoint may be a little disappointed. Desert Storm is an action game through and through, one that measures health out of a hundred, where you play the good guys, kill the bad guys and get to run across lots of sand. Burning oil fields, friendly fire, Gulf War Syndrome and NBC suits are all off the menu.
'It’s a game not a simulation,' says Jim Bambra, MD of Pivotal Games. 'We’ve drawn extensively on events in the Gulf War, but we’re not creating a soldier sim. Instead, we've gone for a fun-based game that allows you to take a few hits before being knocked out.'Certainly the PC could do with some light relief. Action games with a contemporary setting have exclusively been aimed more towards the hardcore, while the more arcade-like Delta Force series hasn’t delivered all it could have done. I for one am relieved, although since we saw more of Kate Adie than anyone else on the battlefield, it will be strange reliving the conflict without reporters bringing up the rear.
'Actually, during the Kuwait City mission a news helicopter buzzes you,' says Jim. 'You can see the cameraman filming you as you fight your way across the highway. Later, at the end of the game, the media are interviewing one of the characters you’ve rescued earlier on in the game.'
Sure enough, as I played through beta code a couple of days later, a helicopter flew over my squad. Needless to say they never filed their next report. You can’t have nosy media types exposing the cream of Britain’s fighting few, after all.
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Yes, you read that right; Britain’s fighting few. In what is something of a first, certainly in living memory, Desert Storm allows you to play either as Delta Force or the SAS. Of course the game isn’t much different whichever nationality you choose to control, but having led hundreds of virtual American soldiers to their doom, it makes a refreshing change to be able to do the same to your own countrymen.
'The most obvious difference is the character uniforms and voices,' adds Jim, 'but each set of characters has different levels of specialist skills. All the SAS guys have one skill level as a medic, while only one of the Delta Force characters has medic skill, but he starts at level 3.'It would be interesting to see how Delta Force and the SAS would square up to each other in the game, but in reality, the way the skills have been handed out to the troops is pretty realistic. For example the SAS are very adept at everything; each soldier is familiar with most weapons and can patch up a wounded colleague. US special forces on the other hand are much more specialised to the point where a medic wouldn’t only be able to perform minor surgery, he could offer counselling as well.
'We’ve used Cameron Spence as our military adviser,' adds Jim. 'Cameron is the author of Sabre Squadron and an exSAS trooper who fought behind enemy lines in the Gulf War. It’s been great having him on the team as he has first-hand knowledge of the weapons, tactics, and the environment in which the game is based.'Well that’s alright then.
Storm Troopers
Setting the game behind enemy lines makes a lot of sense, especially since the actual ground war in the desert only lasted a couple of days. By the time the tanks rolled across the Saudi border, the job of the special forces was all but done. For them the conflict lasted for weeks rather than hours and was rather more taxing than taking thousands of prisoners.
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'The mission objectives are varied,' says Jim. 'From blowing up bridges, rescuing prisoners of war from Baghdad, escorting the Emir of Kuwait to safety, all the way up to full-blown military attacks on enemy positions. In 'Cavalry Charge’ you have to take out mobile anti-aircraft defences and then call in the A10 Tankbusters to take out the emplaced enemy armour. Plus, we have classic Scud hunting missions, and wetop it all off with a deep insertion into Iraq to take out a high-ranking Iraqi general in his heavily guarded fortress.' To help you in your mission of course are the members of your highly-trained squad. Up to four soldiers will be in action at any one time and like Red Storm’s recent Ghost Recon, switching between your troops and issuing commands on the fly is a thankfully simple affair.
'The order system is very elegant,' says Jim. 'It’s all done in the game world with no recourse to planning maps or complex in-game editors. You can tell the other men to follow you, go to any position you can see in the game world, get them to crouch, crawl, fire at will or set up ambushes.'
'Each character complements the others,' he adds. 'Success depends on using the characters as a team with the sniper and heavy weapons guys being used to cover the others as they advance. Once the front guys are in position, the heavy weapons and sniper guy can be quickly called up or moved into new positions using the order system.'
A Real Hummer
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It wouldn’t be much of a game without an array of real-world weaponry, most of which we’re all well acquainted with through Counter-Strike and other games and mods; M16 with M203 grenade launcher, Barrett Light 50, M60, AK-47, MP5 - the lot. Moreover there are mines, grenades, mounted machine guns, Stinger missiles and the option to call in artillery or air strikes. Best of all your specialists can hop into Humvees and M2 APCs and drive around. Of course the Iraqis have hardware of their own, so racing through the desert isn’t something you do too often.
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While the version of the game we played had very impressive team Al, that of the enemy was rather static. They throw grenades, run from yours and even try to outflank you, but finding cover seems something of a problem. Of course we have a few months to go until release, by which time we will have played the multiplayer side of things (you can join up as Russian Spetsnaz or Iraqi Republican Guard). Maybe Pivotal will even sneak in a Sadam Vs Bush minigame. Controversial certainly, but it would be fun.
Desert Siege
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While there is a place for a game like Desert Storm, its biggest problem is its release so soon after the Ghost Recon add-on Desert Siege. Despite being set in near-future East Africa, Desert Siege is a fantastic expansion to a great game. Desert Storm itself shares many similarities with Ghost Recon' the four-man squad, the environment and the realtime tactics. Desert Storm certainly has its work cut out and worryingly Pivotal doesn’t seem to have played it. Leaving aside Ghost Recon, there are many other realistic shooters out there or on the way -Counter-Strike: Condition Zero and Raven Shield are two that spring to mind -prompting us to fear that Desert Storm may be a game too far.
'If shooters don’t evolve, then yes, PC gamers will get sick of them,' says Jim. 'But Conflict: Desert Storm is primarily a third-person game, not a first-person shooter. This makes it play very differently from other FPSs. It’s also very tactical with each of the characters performing a different role, and to succeed, you have to use the characters as a team. With Conflict: Desert Storm we’re offering something very different.'
Whether it’ll be different enough, we’ll have to wait and see. One thing’s for sure, with so many realistic teambased games setting themselves in fictional conflicts, the fact that Desert Storm has a very real setting will be a big draw. For me, until we get to go over the top and across the bog of the Somme, the desert will do just fine.
How Real Is Conflict Desert Storm?
Just how real is Conflict: Desert Storm compared to the real war in the desert? Well it’s certainly the case that we’d rather play Desert Storm than have been in Desert Storm. While in the game you have to worry about being shot in the face by an Iraqi bullet, in reality, as a Brit, you had a greater chance of being shot in the back by an American one. Then of course there was the extreme heat, the dust and lack of water. The only extremes you face in front of a PC are tiredness, obesity and incontinence. Just be glad Conflict: Desert Storm is a game. If you want the real experience, put on a gimp suit, turn up the central heating, set your PC in front of a treadmill and gaffer tape mobile phones to your ears to simulate the effect of being in constant contact with depleted uranium. If you don’t expire with ten minutes, you surely will within ten years.
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thefabulousfulcrum · 6 years
The Texas school shooting reminds America what vets already know: civilian gun culture is a dysfunctional mess
Compared to the weapons training that military and law enforcement personnel undergo, the training required of civilian gun owners is a joke.
Michael E. Diamond
The U.S. military has a lot of guns, but not a lot of non-combat fatalities. Why is this? Because of common sense military regulations. That’s why, like many other military veterans, I view America’s civilian gun culture as dysfunctional.
Today, Americans mourn yet another tragic mass shooting, this one in a Texas high school. It has been a mere three months since 17 teens lost their lives at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida. Much has been made of U.S. gun control laws — or lack thereof. But instead of listening to politicians battle across the partisan divide, we should be listening to the men and women who work with guns the most. 
Most Americans would be surprised, for example, at how little time military personnel in particular spend with their weapons over the course of a career. Apart from firing on highly structured firing ranges or routine maintenance, access to your weapon on base is rare. Military Police provide security, so soldiers move about the base unarmed. There’s a reason for this: In the military, anything that reduces accidents, homicides or suicides isn’t put up for a vote. It’s a requirement.
The military’s strict rules on weapon and ammunition access can apply to wartime as well, as my own experience demonstrates. In 1991, I was a military intelligence officer in the U.S. Army Reserve. My unit was mobilized and sent to Fort Bragg, N.C. Shortly before boarding a plane to Saudi Arabia I was issued my M16 along with several magazines of live ammunition.
Although I had fired countless live rounds over the years on various military weapons ranges, it’s a different feeling when you’re issued live ammunition before heading to a combat zone. This time it was real.
That’s right. Once we arrived in an operational war zone, one of the first things the U.S. Army did was take our ammunition away.
After a 16-hour trip — most of which I spent sitting on the hood of a truck with my back against the windshield trying to stay warm — we emerged into the intense desert heat. Because of the ear-splitting noise of departing jets we quickly inserted hearing protection, and then surrendered our ammunition.
That’s right. Once we arrived in an operational war zone, one of the first things the U.S. Army did was take our ammunition away.
We were in a location where small-arms engagement with enemy forces was unlikely, so, as far as the Army was concerned, there was no need for a bunch of wound-up soldiers to be walking around with live rounds. Even without any ammunition, before entering a building every soldier had to demonstrate his or her weapon was empty by pointing it down toward a barrel of sand and pulling the trigger, causing it to make the “click” sound of an empty weapon (hopefully). 
Eventually, my unit moved north toward Kuwait, where we were re-issued ammunition just before the start of the ground war. Several weeks later, after successfully completing our mission in Kuwait City, we were re-routed to northern Iraq to address the Kurdish refugee crisis. On arrival, we once again surrendered our ammunition.
These military safety requirements are a stark contrast to civilian U.S. gun laws. Where the military requires background checks before a service member is allowed anywhere near a live weapon, the majority of U.S. states allow private gun sales without a background check. Where military personnel are trained to take a weapon away from a soldier who poses an extreme risk to himself or others, most states do not have laws enabling law enforcement or loved ones to do the same.
Compared to the weapons training that military and law enforcement personnel undergo, the training required of civilian gun owners is a joke — if it exists at all.
Before I was sent out to use it, I had to prove an intimate familiarity with my weapon — how it worked, its maximum effective range in meters, how to load and unload it safely, how to disassemble and reassemble it, how to clean it, clear jams, sight it and fire it accurately. So it’s hard for me to fathom how easy it is for almost any civilian to walk out of a gun retailer carrying a new weapon without a clue about so many of these standards.
And where military and law enforcement undergo extensive training on how to make the right shooting decision quickly while under extreme stress, civilians receive no such training, contributing to avoidable deaths arising from poor decisions and petty disputes. In this context, the National Rifle Association’s favorite slogan about good guys with guns defeating bad guys with guns is more naive myth than solution.
It’s crucial that veterans now bring our voice and experience to the national conversation about reasonable gun reform. As a group, we understand guns and appreciate that responsible gun ownership is an important part of American life — but we also understand that a safe environment is achieved through training and regulation.
 We fought to protect our country, yet see our fellow citizens being gunned down in schools, churches, restaurants and concert venues at a rate unseen anywhere else in the developed world. More Americans have been killed by guns since 1968 than in all of the wars in U.S. history. It’s ridiculous and tragic.
As a veteran, I am often asked what lessons the civilian world can learn from the military. There are many insights each can gain from the other. When it comes to guns, however, the greater wisdom lies with the military. It maintains a high-functioning gun environment because it remains serious about background checks, training and accountability.
It is time for the civilian world to do the same.
Michael E. Diamond served as a military intelligence officer in the United States Army Reserve for seven years.
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Photos: The USCG in the Persian Gulf War and the Origins of the PSU
[By Capt. John R. Olson, United States Coast Guard Reserve (retired)]
Beginning in 1982, the United States Coast Guard assigned responsibility to the Ninth Coast Guard District in Cleveland, Ohio, to train reservists for military mobilization. The intended mission of these “notional,” or prototype units, was to perform harbor defense for offload ports supporting that support combat operations.
Before the early 1980s, the Coast Guard had provided supervisory fuel transfer teams and explosive loading teams during military exercises. In 1983, during Operation “Lifeline,” it became clear that other military services could provide their own fuel transfer and explosive loading supervision. However, it also became clear that port security teams supported by the Coast Guard could provide afloat and ashore security that other services could not.
Under the Ninth Coast Guard District in Cleveland, joint military port security and harbor defense training exercises had been assigned to specific Coast Guard Reserve units. The Ninth District assigned units at Milwaukee, Buffalo, and Cleveland, to initiate military port security training in addition to training in marine safety and search and rescue. Beginning in 1984, this specific port security training was added for individual reservists, small groups and reserve units.
Following the Operation Lifeline exercises, Reserve officer Lt. Daniel Zedan submitted an after-action report to the commandant of the Coast Guard via the Ninth Coast Guard District commander. The mobilization recommendations and Department of Defense port security requirements identified in his report moved the service’s flag-level decision makers to transfer port security training from Chicago to Cleveland. Leadership made this move to avoid placing excessive demands on Western Great Lakes units.
Meanwhile, Ninth District Coast Guard Reserve senior officers and decision makers urged creation of stand-alone port security units, with defined personnel complements, supply inventories and patrol craft. To facilitate this transition, the Coast Guard and other active-duty military forces provided added port security training. In 1986, the first official Port Security Unit (PSU) training with automatic weapons began with a Combat Skills Course at the U.S. Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Virginia.
As of 1988, notional port security teams were listed in seven contingency plans encompassing three combatant commands. In theory, high-speed Coast Guard patrol boats would maintain security zones at anchorages, in the seaway, and alongside ships offloading military cargoes. Landside patrols and security guards would control access to the ports and the piers. The role and training for port security forces had emerged as a priority for the Coast Guard and the Reserves!
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Photo of the compound built by PSU 301 of Buffalo, New York, at the port of Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia. (Courtesy of Capt. John Olson, ret.)
Between 1988 and 1989, the Ohio National Guard provided additional combat training at Camp Perry, Ohio, with its “Flame River” exercises. This was the first time that PSU boat crews had fired .50 caliber and 7.62mm M60 automatic weapons while underway. This was also the first time Coast Guard women trained on, and later, operated weapons in combat roles. The new Reserve PSU teams also trained in shore-side security tactics. At the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff finally recognized the Coast Guard’s suitability for port security duties, so the Department of Defense funded PSU uniforms and equipment.
After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, Coast Guard Headquarters placed three PSUs on alert. Within six weeks, two units would deploy to Persian Gulf ports to support Operation Desert Shield combat efforts in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. On September 18, 1990, PSU 303 from Milwaukee was deployed to King Abdul Aziz Port in Ad Dammam, Saudi Arabia, and commenced operations. On September 21st, PSU 301 from Buffalo was deployed to Al Jubayl, Saudi Arabia. On Thanksgiving Day, November 22nd, PSU 302 from Cleveland arrived in Manama, Bahrain. This proved the first mobilization of the Coast Guard Reserve since World War II. It was also the first use of reservists in the Middle East and first deployment of the Coast Guard’s new PSUs.
During this initial mobilization, port pier and entry-gate patrols were staffed by Coast Guard PSU personnel. PSU harbor and anchorage patrols were conducted in 22-foot Transportable Port Security Boats, or “Raider boats,” armed with .50 caliber and M60 automatic weapons. Meanwhile, command and control was still implemented through a cumbersome joint military organizational structure. In addition, Middle East weather conditions were challenging, logistical support minimal, operational planning uncoordinated, and supplies meager. As a result of these problems, morale among PSU members initially declined.
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PSU 301’s Raider Boat patrolling the Port of Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia, with Saudi interpreter on board. (Courtesy of Capt. John Olson, ret.)
Through sheer force of will, ingenuity, and inter-service negotiations, the men and women of the three Coast Guard PSUs pulled things together. For example, PSU 301 acquired portable showers from the Army and bartered with other U.S. military units for protective material for pier-side tents. To protect against Iraqi SCUD missiles, PSU 302 members filled countless sand bags for their berthing spaces and the operations center at Manama.
By January 1991, PSU operations in the three ports had become more efficient and their operational changes recorded for training future PSUs. Despite equipment shortfalls and tight budgets, the men and women deployed to operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm had gained important skills, knowledge and confidence in the PSU mission. Many important lessons were drawn from practices innovated for Desert Shield and Desert Storm by reservists deploying to the Middle East.
Meanwhile, the Coast Guard committed to training second-wave Port Security Units at the Army National Guard’s training facility at Camp Blanding, Florida. Composed of nearly 60 personnel, a Coast Guard-sourced training detachment conducted this comprehensive instruction. Two of the three units trained at Camp Blanding deployed to the Middle East as the first wave of PSU personnel returned home. 
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Lt. Steven Day (later Rear Admiral), PSU 302 Operations Officer, on board a Saudi patrol vessel with Saudi Frontier Force personnel. (Courtesy of Capt. John Olson, ret.)
After all PSU personnel had redeployed from Desert Storm, Port Security Units 301, 302, and 303 returned to a “notional” status. The Coast Guard documented lessons learned from Desert Shield and Desert Storm and embarked on a three-year deliberation regarding the future of the Port Security Unit program. During this period, notional units 301, 302, and elements of 303 participated in field exercises such as Flame River and Forward Sentinel. 
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PSU 302’s protective dockside bunker at the Port of Manama, Bahrain. (Courtesy of Capt. John Olson, ret.)
As the development of Port Security Unit training expanded, the Coast Guard’s commitment to the program remained uncertain. However, 1994’s Operation Uphold Democracy in the Republic of Haiti added urgency to that commitment. It also provided an ideal opportunity to implement PSU lessons learned from Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
As a result of experimentation during the late 1980s and early 1990s, the role of PSUs was affirmed with their commissioning as official Coast Guard Reserve commands. Because PSUs were considered rapid deployable units, it became necessary to develop a defined course of study and qualification system to ensure readiness. Today, that training is recognized as an official qualification system for the Coast Guard’s port security and harbor defense missions.
This article appears courtesy of Coast Guard Compass and may be found in its original form here.
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/photos-the-uscg-in-the-persian-gulf-war-and-the-origins-of-the-psu via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Firefighters training programs:
For a new firefighter, after a theoretical part, there is a training program. Hence the recruitment in agencies is possible only after undergoing the training process. For the theoretical part, you can register in fire academy as well as probationary school.
The time period for a full-time training last Up to 18 weeks; during this time period, an individual can get information about safety factors and other services. While firefighting services ample instructions are shared with students such as:  
·         Knowledge about emergency medical procedures
·         Practical facts about fire investigation
·         Information about hazardous materials
·         Various operations such as domestic violence, rescue, and terrorism response
·         While a training process, students can get knowledge about skills that should be applied at the time of fighting fires.
Qualification required for Firefighters:
To become a Firefighter different states require different eligibility criteria. Hence there are some standards qualifications which are mandatory if you want to apply for firefighter profession:
1.       Age group: 
If you want to enroll for firefighter training then the age group should be between 18-21 years. The age group differs according to state or entrance procedure.
2.       Education qualification:
The students who want to enroll for firefighter courses can apply after high school examination, diploma or after GED.
3.       EMT certification: 
In certain for firefighter courses, EMT certification is a must
4.       Training and assessment: 
For a professional career, it is important for a student to get qualified in firefighting training courses approved by different states. Along with practical knowledge, theoretical skills are always counted, so it is mandatory to qualify the written examination as well as practical certification.
Skills required for firefighters:
·         Leadership qualities
·         Physical fitness
·         Teamwork
·         Problem solving
·         Discipline
·         Communication qualities
·         Interpersonal skill
·         Mechanical knowledge
Firefighters have to meet new challenges in their daily life. Every day whether it is a rural area or urban area; the professionals have to stay prepared for duties. In this process, they have to rescue others by laying down their lives. Instead of thinking about them a professional have to fight with fire. A professional should have leadership quality so that can take an instant decision and can work effectively with a team.
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greenwgroup · 4 years
Online NEBOSH Course in Kuwait | Safety Course in Kuwait
NEBOSH Course in Kuwait provides an excellent platform for the HSE candidates to realize a broad understanding and the knowledge of Occupational Health and Safety Management. NEBOSH is a UK based independent examining board that offers several types of Occupational Health & Safety Certifications supported the principles of international HSE regulations all over the world through accredited training institutes.
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Scope of doing it:
If you want to start a career in health and safety, then NEBOSH IGC will help you to place on good organisations in various countries. For overseas employment, especially in Gulf countries, NEBOSH IGC may be a mandatory qualification for beginner position. NEBOSH is suggested for all the employees including employees, supervisors, and managers.
Green World Group is the leading HSE training institute in Kuwait that gives the major specializations of NEBOSH Training in Kuwait through both the regular classroom training and virtual classroom training by international health and safety experts.
Courses offered in Kuwait
NEBOSH International General Certificate (IGC)
NEBOSH International Diploma (IDIP)
NEBOSH Health &Safety at Work (HSW)
NEBOSH Process Safety Management (PSM)
NEBOSH HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation
 Among the other qualifications in the HSE sector, NEBOSH IGC in Kuwait is the most popular certification across the world and it provides profound knowledge for the learners who wish to develop their careers in the HSE field. Green World Group is one of the best institutes in Occupational Health and Safety sector that attains the NEBOSH Gold Learning Partners status in Middle-East, India & Africa.
Moreover, we are the only institute in Kuwait which delivers more number of NEBOSH IGC batches in all our premises throughout the world and we also offer all kinds of Health and Safety Courses in Kuwait such as,
ü National Diploma Course
ü ROSPA Approved Course
ü IOSH Course
ü Lead Auditor Training
ü NCFE Courses
ü Fire and Safety Training
ü Industrial Safety Training
ü Construction Safety Course, etc…
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