stxrmwithskin · 4 years
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Name: Esmeralda Rae Hastens.
Nicknames: Esme, Es.
Biological Age: 24.
Birthday: December 21st, 1993.
Star Sign: Sagittarius.
Place of Birth: Falls Church, Virginia.
Current Town: Falls Church, Virginia.
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Marital Status: Single.
Species: Death God.
Occupation: Stay at home mom, Heir to Heaven.
Education: General Studies, University.
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin.
Brett Hastens (Father)
Adelya Petrova (Mother)
Landon Sandell (Step-Father)
Delilah Aurora Hastens (Twin Sister)
Adeline Avalina Petrova-Hastens (Eldest Sister)
Phoebe Hazel Hastens (Elder Sister, †)
Blair Elena Hastens (Elder Sister)
Jade Zoe Hastens (Younger Sister)
Sophia Gemma Hastens (Younger Sister)
Roxanne Chloe Hastens (Younger Sister)
Kyle Scott Hastens (Eldest Brother, †)
Matthew Zander Hastens (Elder Brother)
Gillian Sandell (Half-Sister)
Mark Sandell Half-Brother, Twin of Maia)
Maia Sandell (Half-Sister, Twin of Mark)
Other Relatives:
Zander Hastens (Uncle)
Veronica Claw (Non-Biological Aunt)
Octavia Hastens (Aunt, †)
Emberly Hastens (Aunt)
Nesryn Hastens (Aunt)
Iliana Phoebe Hastens (Adoptive Daughter, Biological Niece)
Vasilisa “Lissa” Adeliah Hastens (Daughter).
Romantic Partners:
Nathan Forbes (On/Off Boyfriend)
Julian Adello (Ex-Boyfriend)
Jasper Reese (Ex-Lover)
Rhysand Verselle (Ex-Lover).
Elain Silvena (Best Friend, Former Handler)
Elody Killip (Best Friend, Roommate).
Physical Features:
Build: Slim.
Weight: 123.5 lbs.
Height: 5’7 ft.
Ethnicity: White.
Skin Tone: Olive.
Hair Color: Dark Brown.
Eye Color: Hazel with dominant green shades.
Tattoos: “Joy” in cursive on outer side of left wrist.
Birthmark: Crescent moon on right shoulder.
Scars: N/A.
Species Information:
Main Powers: Telepathy, materialization, elemental powers, flying, healing, resurrection, death prediction within family, aura reading, ability to see spirits, telekinesis, superhuman strength, speed, agility, dexterity, enhance senses, self-regeneration, shapeshifting into wolf, spell casting, immortality, ability to kill others with a thought. Main Weaknesses: Seraph blades are harmful but not lethal to Esmeralda. This will delay her regenerative capabilities for a certain amount of time depending on the grade of the wound. Seraph blades are blades angels are susceptible too, and because one of her more dominant species is angelic, she too is susceptible. Mort daggers are lethal to all death gods. If struck through the heart with one of these blades, Esmeralda would die. Mort daggers were five daggers created by Lucifer and hid all over the world meant for the original five death gods that original were born into existence, since Esmeralda is the child of one of the children of those death gods, she too is vulnerable to them.
Species Features: White feathered wings, wing slits, crescent moon birthmark originally meant for the Heir to Hell as she was supposed to be.
Diet: In order to maintain and keep up her extensive set of powers, Esmeralda must drink blood. This blood can be the blood of any other species.
Esmeralda wasn’t always as cold and cynical as she’s become. Despite her family troubles, she was rather innocent and looked at the world hopefully. However, over the years she’s become colder and has had her eyes opened to what she believes to be the way of the world. There are a few exceptions for her iciness, and those are her children and her siblings. They get to see a warmer, more compassionate side of her. With them, she is understanding and kind. Esmeralda tends to avoid intense feelings and emotions using wit, a blunt attitude, sarcasm, and deflection. She feels a great deal, but is known for bottling things and pushing them down, so when she does deal with something head on, it brings all the other emotions to surface and she gets rather overwhelmed, often falling into states of depression. Because of the one constant of people walking out of her life and sometimes never coming back, she’s learned to push people away, to keep them at an arm’s length, which is another reason she avoids emotional honesty and intimacy, because it keeps people from getting too close to hurt her. She prefers superficial relationships with no true roots because they don’t result in a broken heart. She has trust issues, so if she ends up letting someone in and allowing them to get close, it’s not a common occurrence. She will be completely loyal to those she develops this bond with. However, if she’s hurt or betrayed, she can be extremely spiteful. Esme had a high temper and tends to snap first and ask questions later, though the exception to this is her kids. Her temper is volatile, and if someone she loves is especially threatened, violence tends to be a medium of that rage. She often finds rage and anger are the easiest emotions for her to feel, and knows if she dips far into the others, she won’t be able to control it, which is something she’s had a great deal of difficulty with, losing control. In most things, Esmeralda is blunt and uncensored, she has the tendency to say the things that if people noticed, they wouldn’t talk about. Though, the one thing she isn’t quite as blunt about is the rejection of her ‘destiny’. She fears the angels taking action against her, or worse, someone she loves if she full out rejects what they believe she is to do. And so, she lives her life just within the lines they’ve set for her, if only to avoid getting tortured, or having someone she loves targeted. More so than her sisters, she has the tendency to be reckless and impulsive, something that goes hand and hand with her blunt attitude and her temper. She acts and thinks on how she’s feeling in the moment, and doesn’t always take the time to sort it out. Despite a constant show of bravado and a generally cocky defect, Esmeralda is insecure, and believes herself to be expendable, something that started as early as her parents mistreating her, and developed more so with struggles in other relationships. Despite not wanting to get close, she’s rather extroverted, though she keeps the deeper parts of herself reserved, she tends to be more outgoing, however not everyone can get along with her attitude. Her biggest weak spot are her two children, and her biggest fear is that one day the angels will use this against her if she steps out of line. Despite her tendencies favoring rash actions, she’s intelligent, and she’s capable of being calculated.
Background & Birth:
From the beginning of her pregnancy, Adelya knew that something was different. It had not been like her other pregnancies in any sense. She wasn’t sure what it was, but there was something. As the pregnancy developed, she found her own health declining rapidly. She grew weaker and weaker the longer she was pregnant. Finally, Brett took Adelya to a shaman healer. Upon seeing her, the shaman was struck, and with a deeper, more magical search, he realized that the children Adelya carried had a far greater purpose than even their lineage would suggest. He informed them there had been a prophecy, long foretold within both the Hell and Heaven realms, that one day the time would come for new heirs to rise to take over Heaven and Hell. The heirs would be twin girls, with the first born being destined for darkness, meant to be future Heir to Hell, and the second born being destined for light, meant to rule Heaven. At first, neither was willing to believe it, but eventually came to terms with what their daughters were meant for. In preparation, they did as much research as they possibly could on the prophecy, something Adelya had a great deal of time to do with all the time spent on bedrest.
Adelya’s health continued to rapidly decrease. Near her seventh month of pregnancy, it was evident that she would not survive carrying the children to term. Even her vampire nature would not be enough to save her and her children. Two weeks into her third trimester, she discovered she was bleeding. Both she and Brett knew they had to save the children, so an emergency c-section was performed, which is where it all went wrong. The procedure was complicated because of her vampire nature, but alongside of that, the twins were not born in the natural order intended. Esmeralda, in line with the prophecy was intended to be heir to Hell, and was meant to be born first, however, because of the c-section, Delilah was born first, and despite the way fate was meant to swing, she was to be the Heir to Hell. Esmeralda was removed second, taking place as the Heir to Heaven.
Using complicated to describe her childhood would be a severe understatement. From day one, people doted on her twin sister over her. Where Delilah had been an easy, happy baby, Esmeralda had been a difficult one. While Delilah had a natural light charm about her, Esmeralda always had something darker about her, even when she was innocent, she was not her sister, and life had seemed set up to remind her of that fact. Though, despite being ignored, strangle enough she bore no ill will to her siblings that got more attention, to her it was a tragic but given fact that she came last. Anybody putting her above others often was met by surprise from Esmeralda. As long as she was able to comprehend the environment around her, she can remember the fights between her parents. More often than not, Esmeralda found herself caught between the fights of her parents. The couple did not simply squabble with each other or have small disagreements – when they fought, the house hold shook with the volume of their screams. They’d go on for hours, and more than often her relations with her parents were one or the other trying to sway her towards their side of the argument, if they even paid attention to her. If it wasn’t for the fact her elder sister Adeline was there to look after her and care for her, to give her the time of day when others would not, she might never have held onto her innocence and hopeful nature as long as she did.
She was eight the first time her father left. Even though she wasn’t always the closest with him, she mourned his departure. A lot of the times she questioned herself, what she could have done to make him stay, or what actions she had done to make him leave. The cycle continued each time he came back. She lost track of the times he’d leave, disappear for weeks, sometimes months or years. During those times, she couldn’t rely on her mother. She was either occupied with a new boyfriend or child. The only thing she could rely on were her parents abandoning her.
Teen Years:
The pattern of her father’s disappearances carried well on into her teenage years. The cycle became so normal, she began to forget that her father’s patterns had laid the groundwork to her always keeping a distance from people. Even as in her youth, she found ways to avoid intimacy, often through avoiding people in general. She was more introverted. And though her mother had them attending a human school, no true connections ever came of it. In class, she focused only on her courses and tasks at hand. She didn’t gossip with the other students or pass notes in the back of the class. The only time she was really open was when she was around her two sisters, Delilah and Adeline. While she and Delilah would always meet for coffee in the local café, in school, they were often avoided each other.
When Esmeralda was thirteen, her mother told her and Delilah about their prophecy. Though it had remained clear from the start to her that she wasn’t exactly like her other siblings, at least in terms of powers, she knew that. But she hadn’t expected the bomb that was dropped on her by any means. She had always believed that she was meant to be in the background. Delilah she could imagine as a leader, but herself, it hadn’t dawned on her in any sense. She spent almost two years scoffing at the idea, finding new ways to deny what she was meant to do. While she didn’t rebel against the idea in so many ways, she rejected it.
When she was fifteen, she started to shift, losing the innocence and optimistic nature. It started rather simply, in fact, with something that might have been normal by most circumstances. She got involved with a man. His name was Rhysand, and he was from an ancient family of hybrid vampire-werewolves. She found him wounded, and offered him her blood to heal. She knew the risks at the time, knew that her angelic blood could be addictive to those who craved blood, but she wanted to ensure he healed. And so she fed him her blood. Predictably, he got addicted to it, and she too got addicted to him in a way. He was escape from all the things at home. Her mother and father’s flightiness, the stress of the prophecy. For a time, she could just be carefree. She started skipping some days of school, spending most days at his house, often letting him feed off her just because she enjoyed the thrill. Eventually their relationship became sexual, and he took her virginity. They continued the rather unhealthy interaction for about a year. Unfortunately, Esmeralda fell for him, yet he hadn’t wanted that type of relationship with her, so when she told him of her feelings, she was rejected, and not kindly.
She was changed by it. The cruel rejection from the man she had loved stirred up all the feelings of a similar rejection from her parents and it basically took the lid off the bottle. She snapped. She started partying, often taking supernatural drugs to feel alive, to let her hair down and be out of control of something. She slept around, and didn’t regard anyone’s feelings but her own. Despite her close relationship with Delilah, they grew distant over the next two years as Esme changed. Delilah kept confronting her about her problems and habits, and Esme didn’t want to face them. Instead she grew closer to her sister Phoebe, who turned into her party buddy, someone who wasn’t trying to change her back into the girl she’d been before.
When she was seventeen, the angels took her for the first time. They had been watching her since birth, certain she would mess up since she hadn’t been intended to be the heir at all. Seeing her behavior, they believed it to be a disgrace to heaven and wanted to nip it in the bud immediately. They’d use a series of torture techniques. Physical and emotional. Whether they were messing with her mind, or ripping into her body, they found their ways to make Esme fear their wrath. The first time, they released her after a week. The second time, she was not nearly so lucky. They kept her for three months that time. No one came to save her as they simply believed she’d gone off the rails partying. And even though after two times of being tortured by the angels enough to fear them, she still went on partying. The third time she was taken for half a year. They allowed her to experience the fall from heaven to earth. She collided in her hometown in an alleyway, slamming hard enough into the ground to make her bones shatter. The pain knocked her unconscious.
Upon waking up, she was at the house of a male named Nathan. He had bandaged up her external wounds and had watched over her while she had healed. She had been more than alarmed and paranoid at first, but after spending a few days in his home, their relationship switched to the blossoming of a friendship. And perhaps it was because she didn’t know him, and he didn’t have expectations of her, but he was the first person she told about being tortured by the angels. He helped her come up with a loophole for the angels strict rules so she could continue to be her partying self. They spent three months around each other, and her platonic feelings for him developed into something more romantic, though she kept them hidden because Nathan had a girlfriend at the time. Eventually he broke up with his girlfriend two months after meeting Esme, simply because of her attitude and behavior. Eventually, he fell for Esme too. She let him in, trusted him and they started a relationship. It didn’t last long, eventually Nathan returned to his ex, breaking Esmeralda’s heart in a much deeper manner than before, and further affirming her trust issues.
Determined to go back to her lifestyle, she moved to Los Angelos with her sister Phoebe. For a while, they went about partying, doing so under the radar with Esmeralda dancing around the angels set lines. Phoebe started growing paranoid and carried an odd behavior. Esmeralda was scared she was losing it. Things only got worse when Phoebe discovered she was four months pregnant. It seemed to be her undoing. She spent most nights pacing the house, muttering about how something was coming for her. She gave birth a month before she was due, to a little girl.
Later in the evening after Phoebe had given birth, Esme woke up to the sound of the infant child crying. At first she thought nothing of it, until the crying persisted on. Eventually she got up, worry striking her. She went down to her sister’s room and found the child alone in her sister’s bed, and next to her, a letter. Esme calmed the infant down despite her confusion, then settled her back on the bed to read the letter. The letter was from her sister. Most of it was scribbled thoughts of her paranoia, but there was some clarity to it, telling Esme she loved her and that she was sorry.
Adult Years:
With her sister’s disappearance, there was no one to look after the daughter she’d left behind. Esmeralda was left to take on a child she had not been prepared for in any sort of way. But, despite her lack of being prepared for such a thing, she took it on. It was difficult, extremely so. But it was good for her, because it gave her a reason to smarten up. It gave her something to care about, to drive her. She became a mother to the child, adopting her as her own. She became more responsible, stopped partying and got sober of the spell ridden drugs she’d been relying on to take her from the cruelty of the world she’d been in. She struggled with it, but she always had something to anchor her, something to drive her to keep going. She ended up naming the child she adopted Iliana Phoebe, in honor of her sister and Iliana’s biological mother. It was one of her better kept secrets, at an early age she even imprinted a copy of her own birthmark onto Iliana’s shoulder, knowing that any biological child of hers would have it, and it would be necessary to make it seem as if Iliana was her true child.
She ended up meeting Julian two years after taking in Iliana. He was everything that she needed. He was safe, reliable. He had a daughter the same age as Iliana named Rose. They ended up getting together, but despite the fact that he was safe and secure with him, there was no passion. She loved him, but she was not in love with him. She made it work for as long as she could. Things started getting more serious, and when he proposed to her, she almost accepted, but realized it wouldn’t be right because while she loved him, she could never be in love the way he was. She ended things.
When Iliana was three years old, she felt a familiar echo of power, one she’d felt only three times before – when family members of her had fallen. Only this one was different, closer, it felt like a part of her. She knew what it meant, that her sister Phoebe had died. She wasn’t sure how, but she spent over a year trying to find her body, or her killer. She couldn’t find anything. It was hard to deal with the loss, but when she was finally no longer consumed by trying to find her, she mourned for her sister.
It was just after the death of her sister when Nathan came back into her life. She couldn’t believe it. At first, she kept him at a distance, scared to let him back in after he’d left her for his ex. She was terrified of being hurt. But she was vulnerable, with the death of her sister, and more than that, despite her better efforts, she still loved him, she ended up getting close again, and they became close to getting back together again. One morning she woke up, and he was gone, leaving her heartbroken all over again.
She never truly got that close to anyone romantically after that. The closest she came to romance was Jasper Reese, who came into her life two weeks later when she took Iliana for a check-up. He was a doctor known for treating the supernatural, and Iliana had a worrying fever. At first it was strictly professional, she relied on him solely for medical help with Iliana. It shifted when she discovered he was Iliana’s birth father. Knowing what it was like to be raised without a father, she told him that he was Iliana’s father, and let him be part of her life, even though she was scared he would try to take Iliana from her. Esme got involved in a physical with Jasper, and feelings started to develop, but then he too left. She discovered she was pregnant two weeks later, but knew because of the date that it was not Jasper’s, but Nathan’s. However, because the answer was easier, because Jasper held less power over her, she lied and told those who asked about the father that he was.
She had a daughter whom she named Vasilisa, though it was an incredibly rare day that she ever used her full name. Often she affectionately called her “Lissa.” She had her hands full with two daughters, but during her pregnancy she had taken the time to fully repair things with Delilah, whom she’d pushed away but always held closer than others. Those were her main emotional ties, as she swore of almost all romantic connections, certain they could only lead to pain. She still rejected her destiny in a more quiet manner, but never quite said it allowed, because she feared the angels may come and take the two most important things in the world to her, her daughters.
0 notes
xsinnerssxint · 4 years
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Name: Delilah Aurora Hastens.
Nicknames: Dee, Deedee, Lilah, Lil, D.
Biological Age: 24.
Birthday: December 21st, 1993.
Star Sign: Sagittarius.
Place of Birth: Falls Church, Virginia.
Current Town: Falls Church, Virginia.
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Marital Status: Single.
Species: Death God.
Occupation: Shop Owner/Freelance Photographer/Heir to Hell.
Education: High School.
Faceclaim: Shelley Hennig.
Brett Hastens (Father).
Adelya Petrova (Mother).
Landon Sandell (Step-Father).
Esmeralda Rae Hastens (Twin Sister).
Adeline Avalina Petrova-Hastens (Eldest Sister).
Phoebe Hazel Hastens (Elder Sister, †).
Blair Elena Hastens (Elder Sister).
Jade Zoe Hastens (Younger Sister).
Sophia Gemma Hastens (Younger Sister).
Roxanne Chloe Hastens (Younger Sister).
Kyle Scott Hastens (Eldest Brother, †).
Matthew Zander Hastens (Elder Brother).
Gillian Sandell (Half-Sister).
Mark Sandell Half-Brother, Twin of Maia).
Maia Sandell (Half-Sister, Twin of Mark).
Other Relatives:
Zander Hastens (Uncle).
Veronica Claw (Non-Biological Aunt).
Octavia Hastens (Aunt, †).
Emberly Hastens (Aunt).
Nesryn Hastens (Aunt).
Children: N/A.
Romantic Partners: N/A.
Friends: Theresa “Tessa” Romaro (Best Friend).
Physical Features:
Build: Slim.
Weight: 126 lbs.
Height: 5’8 ft.
Ethnicity: White.
Skin Tone: Tan.
Hair Color: Dark Brown.
Eye Color: Dark Brown.
Tattoos: N/A.
Birthmark: Sun-shaped mark on right shoulder.
Scars: N/A.
Species Information:
Main Powers: Telepathy, telekinesis, materialization, elemental powers, flying, prediction of birth within family, aura reading, ability to see spirits, possession, resurrection, healing, regeneration, superhuman strength, speed, agility, dexterity, enhance senses, self-regeneration, shapeshifting into coyote, spell casting, immortality, ability to kill others with a thought, empathy.
Main Weaknesses: Demon blades are harmful but not lethal to Delilah. This will delay her regenerative capabilities for a certain amount of time depending on the grade of the wound. Demon blades are blades made from an onyx stone and enchanted with magic that is lethal or extremely dangerous to demons, because Delilah has a far more demon dominant nature, she too is vulnerable to these. Mort daggers are lethal to all death gods. If struck through the heart with one of these blades, Delilah would die. Mort daggers were five daggers created by Lucifer and hid all over the world meant for the original five death gods that original were born into existence, since Delilah is the child of one of the children of those death gods, she too is vulnerable to them.
Species Features: Leathery wings with horned apexes, similar to a bats, wings slits and when out of control of her powers, black eyes.
Diet: In order to maintain and keep up her extensive set of powers, Delilah must drink blood. This blood can be the blood of any other species. Without a consistent diet of blood, it takes far more energy to wield her powers.
Delilah is a free spirit. She’s always been the type to go with the flow and adapt to the situation as its come, never quite planning ahead or calculating every movement. She has never been one for following an exact plan to the t, and has always found a way of making things her own and finding a way to do things that suits her personality. She is a strong believer in free will, and despite the fact she’s not an overly blunt type of person, she does openly and frequently say she thinks fate is ridiculous. This ideology is a big part of why she rebukes her destiny. Delilah has always encouraged others to follow the path they feel is right for them, and has tried to do this herself in whatever way she can. Her prophecy and the weight of it has always been a motivator for her to rebel against having her life planned or things like fate. Deep down in her subconscious, she doesn’t entirely believe that she can avoid her fate, and it terrifies her – so she uses her stubborn determination in being a free spirit to compensate for the fear she doesn’t want to give into. Delilah is a warm and compassionate. She is someone who likes to take care of others, but also knows when it’s time to take care of herself as well. Though she can be rather self-sacrificing, and in cases where it comes down to her own comfort and the lives of others, she will choose the lives of other over herself, which is why she often locks herself up before she can lose control entirely. She is a very loving, bubbly and outgoing person. Because she’s the type suited for so many things, she tends to be able to find common ground with just about anyway. It always made for her to be a more popular person among others, especially in school. Despite being viewed as popular, she’s also rather down to earth. She isn’t cocky or conceited, but instead tends to be more confident in herself, yet drawing the line before such confidence can lead to something like her being as narcissistic as her parents. She’s very energetic, and tends to be good at multi-tasking. She always likes to have several things going on at the one time to keep her high-speed mind busy. Delilah is adventurous and curious about the world. She likes to explore new things, whether it be trying new foods, exploring a new place or studying about cultures and practices, or picking up a new hobby. She’s always been a bit all over the place in where she belongs, as she’s found pieces of herself in so many things. It was why she didn’t end up going to university or college like her sisters, because she didn’t feel as if she could simply restrict herself to one things. She’s very perceptive, and she can pick up things rather quickly. She’s usually quick to figure a person out and understand them, and while she’s not blunt at calling people out on the things like her sister Esme is, she does often trying to nudge them in the direction that will help them the most with the knowledge she picks up on through her perceptive nature. Despite her joyous affect, Delilah carries a heavy weight of guilt. She knows she’s always been the favorite of her mother, and she feels an intense amount of guilt for the way that her siblings were treated by her mother in comparison to her. She feels bad that they had to deal with more emotional distance than she did, especially for how Esmeralda was treated in comparison to her. She tries not to let it show, but she often tries to make up for it by being extremely active in her siblings lives, not wanting them to feel alone. Delilah may be optimistic and hopeful, but she’s not completely dazing with her head in the clouds. She’s more than capable of facing the facts, and is perceptive enough to figure out when something simply isn’t going to happen. As an example, while she believes in epic loves and believes her parents had one, she also know they simply don’t belong together. Delilah has a sort of dry wit and a sarcastic humor, though she does make some jokes, a lot of which are at her own expense. When she’s especially nervous, she makes jokes to ease the tension and avoid having to deal with the strong emotions. She’s a very trusting person, and believes everyone has a heart, and that they deserve a second chance if even a small part of them wants remorse. She’s the type to have faith in people when others may have given up on them.
*Delilah has two very different sides. When her powers overwhelm her, and she is practically possessed by the sheer darkness of them, she is cold and ruthless. Her darker-self delights in chaos and destruction, in death and pain of others. There is almost no traces of her lighter, warm self during these times, although that part of her is conscious enough for her to have memories of these times. Her dark-self is similar to her in the fact she acts on whims and impulses. Only her whims and impulses are consumed by a malicious nature in this case. Dark Delilah is extreme sadistic, deriving pleasure and amusement from the pain and suffering of others.
Birth & Infancy: 
From the beginning of her pregnancy, Adelya knew that something was different. It had not been like her other pregnancies in any sense. She wasn’t sure what it was, but there was something. As the pregnancy developed, she found her own health declining rapidly. She grew weaker and weaker the longer she was pregnant. Finally, Brett took Adelya to a shaman healer. Upon seeing her, the shaman was struck, and with a deeper, more magical search, he realized that the children Adelya carried had a far greater purpose than even their lineage would suggest. He informed them there had been a prophecy, long foretold within both the Hell and Heaven realms, that one day the time would come for new heirs to rise to take over Heaven and Hell. The heirs would be twin girls, with the first born being destined for darkness, meant to be future Heir to Hell, and the second born being destined for light, meant to rule Heaven. At first, neither was willing to believe it, but eventually came to terms with what their daughters were meant for. In preparation, they did as much research as they possibly could on the prophecy, something Adelya had a great deal of time to do with all the time spent on bedrest.
Adelya’s health continued to rapidly decrease. Near her seventh month of pregnancy, it was evident that she would not survive carrying the children to term. Even her vampire nature would not be enough to save her and her children. Two weeks into her third trimester, she discovered she was bleeding. Both she and Brett knew they had to save the children, so an emergency c-section was performed, which is where it all went wrong. The procedure was complicated because of her vampire nature, but alongside of that, the twins were not born in the natural order intended. Esmeralda, in line with the prophecy was intended to be heir to Hell, and was meant to be born first, however, because of the c-section, Delilah was born first, and despite the way fate was meant to swing, she was to be the Heir to Hell. Esmeralda was removed second, taking place as the Heir to Heaven.
Delilah and her sisters were two sides of the same coin. Delilah had been an easy, happy and content baby. She’d been the one everyone got to hold and coddle. Whereas her sister had been a difficult baby. Delilah had been bright, charming as a child, she drew people in naturally. Her aunts and uncles, her parents and siblings, family friends, they all gravitated towards her. People were just drawn to her. Even with her dark destiny, she possessed such light it was hard for people not to pay attention. She was her mother’s favorite, and that was saying something considering the woman had been cold to the majority of her children. She always felt a little guilty – even as a small child – watching Esme being ignored. It was a weight on her conscience from an early age.
Despite many favoring her, she didn’t have an easy childhood. No child in the Hastens household was lucky enough to come out unscathed by the things that happened within the walls. For as long as she could remember, her parents were almost always fighting. They weren’t squabbling like normal couples, every single fight seemed to be all or nothing with the two of them. They were either completely icing each other out or screaming and roaring at each other enough to make the very foundation of the family manor quake. In the middle of all of that was the kids. It weighed especially on arguments, because her mother would always come to her after a fight. When she didn’t want to share a bed with her father, her mother would come into her room and sleep in Delilah’s bed, often relying on Delilah as somewhat of a clutch and seeking for her to comfort her. It wasn’t easy, and while Delilah now as an adult recognized her mother’s dependence on her wasn’t healthy, she still loved her.
She was eight years old when her father left for the first time. While she had not been as nearly as close to him as she had been with her mother, and more than often she had her mother whispering in her ear telling her horrible things about her father, his leaving still hurt immensely. For her, his leaving hitting her had been more to do with the fact she hadn’t been close to him. She mourned for the fact that with him gone, she wouldn’t get a real chance to know who he was, or what sort of relationship they could have had.
Teen Years:
Her father’s flighty tendencies carried on well into her teen years. It became so normal she wasn’t so swayed by it, though there was still the slightest bit of sting when he did leave, even if she wasn’t quick to accept it, she acknowledged it enough so that it didn’t entirely weigh her down. She didn’t let her stop from trusting people and letting them in. Even in her human school, she was friends with most people, and didn’t leave herself closed off. In fact, it motivated her more than anything to know people so she wasn’t left with so many questions if they did leave like her father did. She was often in the center of a crowd, always around people. Whether it was her siblings at home, or her friends in public, she was always around people.
At thirteen years of age, another curve was thrown into her life. This was because at thirteen, her mother told both her and her sister about the prophecy that had been set for the two of them. About their destinies. She’d always known she wasn’t exactly like her siblings, that she was a little more powerful, and that her power had favored a particular subset of skills, but she never would have guessed it. Much like her sister, she didn’t fully believe it at first. However, unlike her sister, who denied it by simply pretending it wasn’t real, she learned everything she possibly could about it. Her spare time became consumed with research about her supposed prophecy, about the Hell dimension that she was supposed to take over. She looked at books and scrolls and spoke to people who knew what it was like. The more she learned, the more she was terrified by it. By the time she was fourteen, she was so scared she ended up having a massive panic attack. In the process, she lost control of her powers and they possessed her. And for the first time she remembered it. Her mother found her before she could do major damage, and got help from her Uncle in subduing her. After she awoke, back to herself once more, her mother explained to her why she’d chosen to tell them when she did.
Her mother told her that ever since she’d been small, she’d had similar blackouts, mostly when she’d gotten out of control. They used different things like amulets and charms to keep her in check, and had Zander wipe her memories of them. She’d done all this to hide it from both Delilah and her siblings. However, right before her thirteenth birthday, it became apparent that more magic was needed to weaken her own powers, and so her mother had hoped by telling her about her destiny, she might gain a further control over it. Delilah was given back her memories of the previous blackouts, and found herself faced with a whole new world.
Over the years, she worked her hardest to keep her darker self in check. She did a lot of work in learning about charmed objects and talismans – eventually even studying with some witches to learn how to make them herself. It was in this time that she ended up finding a great deal of peace in her witch magic. She liked using it, finding it to be something that both allowed her to channel out some of the weight of her powers and to let her focus on something that wasn’t her demon side.
While she battled her dark side, Esme seemed to be battling her own. It was painful for her to see her suffer, and a lot of the time she blamed herself for it. She felt as if maybe she hadn’t always been picked first, maybe Esme would have more people and wouldn’t have resorted to living the way she did. Between her own guilt and concern for Esme, she ended up pushing her too much, trying to get her to get help too often. Esme ended up pushing her away, something that hurt Delilah a great deal, but she gave her space afterwards to sort herself out.
Adult Years:
Delilah didn’t follow the path that many of her other siblings had followed. While they had all gone off to college and university, she chose not to. At first, she wanted to, but when the time had come for her to make a decision about which program she wanted to enter, she couldn’t decide. She felt as if a piece of her could fit in all the programs, and couldn’t pick simply one. So instead of spending years doing every single one she could, she decided to go on her journey.
She spent four years traveling around the world, visiting place after place and seeing all sorts of different countries and cultures. During her travels, she would often take photos, and keep an individual album for each place she visited, sometimes more depending on where she stayed. For a long time, that was her passion. She liked belonging everywhere and nowhere at the same time. But soon, traveling no longer suited what she needed, and she decided it was time to return to her home town.
Delilah moved back to Falls Church and decided to open up an occult store, a place where she could celebrate her appreciation for the witch part of herself. It took some time, but she eventually set up everything for the shop and had a successful grand opening. Along the way, when Esme reached out again, she found herself being grateful to have her sister in her life once more. However, as in her twenty second and twenty third year, she noticed her powers getting even stronger, more out of control. She knew she would start losing control to her darker side more often if she wasn’t careful, and so she went to her Uncle for help. She had him help her build an enchanted prison type chamber for her to go to before her dark magic took over.
Present day, more than often Delilah can be found at her shop, whether she’s selling merchandise or doing a lesson on something, with Esmeralda or Adeline, or somewhere off in a nature rich place where she can take her pictures.
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crimsynsun · 4 years
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BiName: Crimsyn Novak [Born: Mary Pennell] Nicknames: N/A. Age: 17. Birthday: July 12th, 1968. Star Sign: Cancer. Place of Birth: Goochland, Virginia. Current Town: Falls Church, Virginia. Sexuality: Heterosexual. Marital Status: Single. Species: Ghost. Occupation: N/A. Education: N/A. Faceclaim: Dove Cameron.
Lisa Jennings (Biological Mother, Deceased) Todd Stokes (Biological Father, Deceased) Lana White (Foster Mother, Deceased) George White (Foster Father, Deceased) Dana Jenkins (Foster Mother, Deceased) Trina Sparks (Foster Mother) Brian Sparks (Foster Father, Deceased) Ellie Venturi (Foster Mother) Alan Barker (Foster Father, Deceased)
Tracy Jennings (Maternal Half-Sister) Brandon Stokes (Paternal Half-Brother) Riley Stokes (Paternal Half-Brother) Erin Stokes (Paternal Half-Sister)
Other Relatives: N/A.
Children: N/A.
Romantic Partners:
Jackson Harding (Ex-boyfriend)
Physical Features:
Build: Slim. Weight: 115 lbs. Height: 5’2 ft. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Skin Tone: Pale. Hair Color: Blonde. Eye Color: Green. Tattoos: N/A. Scars: N/A
Crimsyn is rather soft and gentle at heart. She’s not the type who was made to be hard wired and rebellious. She’s always been compassionate, kind and open-minded. Though, despite her compassionate and friendly soul, she’s incredibly shy. Since dying, she’s held onto most of her personality traits from her life before, even when she didn’t remember much about her life at all. Despite coming back and recovering from her initial behavior of skittish and easily frightened, she’s still a little nervous and shy around others initially, but when she warms up to them she can be quite outgoing and friendly. Despite this attitude, she’s not very outspoken, and is the type to find a middle ground between two sides, though she does have the tendency to try and see the best in people. Crimsyn tends to be very trusting, so after getting over her initial fear, she can often be easily manipulated. Crimsyn is incredibly selfless, and rarely thinks of herself first at all. Most times she’ll put others above her own. Despite getting over her initial confusion, she still wakes up sometimes terrified and confused about where she is. The nightmare are a frequent player in her sleep and she can rarely ever escape them. She suffers flashbacks often, and finds herself falling victim to the symptoms of the trauma she’s endured in her life.
Birth & Infancy: Crimsyn was not the result of a happy union. Her mother was imprisoned for two years on a minor charge brought on by false accusations, and forced to serve out her sentence in what was known to be a difficult and harsh prison facility. During her time there, she went through horrific kinds of torture. She would be locked in solitary for days on end, as well as beaten and tormented by guards and other inmates. The worse however, was a guard in particular who was known for taking what he deemed to be the “pretty” inmates and raping them. He took an interest in Lisa and she became his next victim.
For almost six months, he would attack he any chance he got. And he terrified her more than enough for her to not tell anyone. She was constantly bullied and brutalized by him. Eventually, this led to a pregnancy. After becoming pregnant, she managed to get some break away from the man. She grew stronger, and started to want to tell. But while in her last trimester, she found a pig heart delivered with her lunch with a note. The note entailed exactly what would happen to her and her child if she were to tell. She decided to keep her mouth shut, and eventually gave birth to a little girl, surrendering the child for adoption and not telling the father of the child.
Because her mother had not named her, the system gave her a relatively basic name, Mary. After spending a day in the hospital, she was sent off to live with a foster family. The foster family was decent, but only had interest in looking after smaller children, so as soon as Mary was old enough, she was sent to live with another family.
Childhood: Mary’s life wasn’t exactly easy. She often fell into the hands of neglectful or even abusive foster parents. She rarely ever got to feel any form of love or acceptance. Most times, it was just a matter of waiting for the next foster family to come along. Despite this, she remained hopeful and always wishing for something better. Even with a rather unfortunate life, she always hoped for a better life, and never relinquished the hope despite the horrid things she had experienced.
She went to school often. It was her one reprieve from her shifting home life. She often would find excuses to stay in school for longer than necessary, such as joining clubs that didn’t require money, or staying in the library to do homework. She didn’t have a great deal of friends, but she cherished the friends that she did have, even if she was rarely ever allowed to spend time with them outside of school.
Teen Years: At twelve years old, Mary was moved into the home of Ellie Venturi, a single woman who’d lost her own child in a car accident. She was the first experience Mary ever had with a truly kind home. She was fed, cleaned, looked after and cared for. While there wasn’t always a great deal of money for her, she had what she had wanted, or so she had thought. She was with Ellie for two years, and she had thought that she might have found her forever home.
But Mary started to remind Ellie of her lost daughter, and the more she saw Mary, the more depressed she became. Eventually, Ellie’s love and affection became strange. The woman either couldn’t be near Mary at all or she was completely obsessed with making sure she was safe and looked after. She wouldn’t leave Mary alone. Eventually, Mary’s case worker removed her from Ellie’s care. Despite the odd behavior of the woman, she’d been the closest thing Mary had ever had to a mother, and the separation was painful – to say the least.
Mary’s final foster home was a complete nightmare. She was moved in with Alan Barker, a single man who suffered with a painful addiction. Because there was no knowledge of his addiction, he was given Mary. Any money that was given to him went right towards drugs. When he was high, he treated Mary horribly. He would beat her and humiliate her, mock and demoralize her. She wished for the moments where he was passed out when he was coming down, and spent most of her days just trying to hide the bruises at school because she feared more abuse if she dared breathe a word.
That was when she met Jackson Harding. Or was reintroduced to him. They had met previously, when she was seven years old in one of her foster homes. She barely remembered him, or well, she only remembered that at the time she had had a crush on him. It was a chance encounter, with her running to a local coffee shop to get Alan coffee that he’d requested to help with his withdrawals. She had been eager for the reprieve. Jackson offered to pay for the coffee, and seemed charming. She could easily remember why she’d fallen for him in the first place.
They agreed to meet again. And again. They continued meeting, and soon, Mary was so in love with him that she was blind to the warning signs. She didn’t even bother looking. She trusted him completely. She was sixteen, and thought she was in love. She didn’t care that he was ten years older than her. Finally, Jackson devised a plan for them to run away together, told her that they could be together if she would leave with him. It didn’t take much convincing, and two weeks later, she ran away with him.
They moved through several little towns in Virginia, squatting in different places. Eventually, they found a country estate that hadn’t been occupied for a while in Falls Church. They made something of a little home there. Well, as much as they could, given the lifestyle they were leading. They had been staying there for two weeks when Mary went out and saw a newspaper front page that depicted an image of Jackson. The article read that he had killed a person, and had escaped imprisonment.
She was completely shocked, and even though she didn’t want to believe it. She knew it was true. She took the newspaper and confronted him. It didn’t end well. All those little warning signs that might have derailed her flared up and his true nature was revealed. He beat her savagely, telling her that they could have been together if she had been good. His savage beating killed her, and continued well after she was dead. He buried her body in the yard of the house they had been squatting in and took off.
Afterlife: For decades, Mary’s spirit was stuck in a limbo of sorts, sleeping. But years later, after the house had been renovated and moved into, she found herself waking up, becoming present once more. With the way she was murdered, and her body being stuck in the house, she became a stuck spirit, confined to that area. She lost all conscious memories of her past – all part of the trauma she endured – forgetting who she had been entirely. Often times, she’d flicker in and out, often appearing in the bedroom of one of the houses inhabitants, Iliana.
It was there that she heard the name Crimsyn Novak from a book the child had been being read, and she decided to take it on simple because she could remember her own name. 
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addyhastens · 4 years
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Quick Facts
Name: Adeline Avalina Hastens.
Nicknames: Addy, Ad, Princess.
Biological Age: 22.
Real Age: 40.
Birthday: August 14th, 1985.
Star Sign: Leo.
Place of Birth: Falls Church, Virginia.
Current Town: Falls Church, Virginia.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Marital Status: Divorced.
Species: Death God.
Occupation: Out of Home Business Owner.
Education: Partial University Education.
Faceclaim: Britt Robertson.
Brett Hastens (Father).
Adelya Petrova (Mother).
Landon Sandell (Step-Father).
Phoebe Hazel Hastens (Younger Sister).
Blair Elena Hastens (Younger Sister).
Delilah Aurora Hastens (Younger Sister).
Esmeralda Rae Hastens (Younger Sister).
Jade Zoe Hastens (Younger Sister).
Sophia Gemma Hastens (Younger Sister).
Roxanne Chloe Hastens (Younger Sister).
Kyle Scott Hastens (Younger Brother, †).
Matthew Zander Hastens (Younger Brother).
Gillian Sandell (Half-Sister).
Mark Sandell Half-Brother, Twin of Maia).
Maia Sandell (Half-Sister, Twin of Mark).
Other Relatives:
Zander Hastens (Uncle).
Veronica Claw (Non-Biological Aunt).
Octavia Hastens (Aunt, †).
Emberly Hastens (Aunt).
Nesryn Hastens (Aunt).
Kahlia Sophia Hastens (Eldest Daughter).
Audrey Mariella Hastens (Youngest Daughter, Twin of Parker).
Parker Brett Hastens (Eldest Son, Twin of Audrey).
Romantic Partners:
Nicholas “Nick” Goulding (Ex-Husband).
Chris Samson (Ex-Fiancé).
Friends: N/A.
Physical Features:
Build: Athletic.
Weight: 115 lbs.
Height: 5’3 ft.
Ethnicity: White.
Skin Tone: Light.
Hair Color: Blonde.
Eye Color: Blue.
Tattoos: Star on right shoulder.
Scars: Triangle-shaped scar on left ankle (Hex Mark).
Species Information:
Main Powers: Since her children were brought back to life, she’s stopped using her powers. The most she does is use a small glamor to make it appear to others as if she’s not a supernatural creature. Naturally, she has regenerative capabilities and though she’s not actively using her powers, these and her enhanced physical traits (speed, strength, agility, dexterity and senses) as well as her immortality function whether or not she’s actively using her powers. Before ceasing her use of powers, Adeline showed no true affinity. Being a death god, she is the embodiment of powers of all supernatural beings, and unlike many of her siblings, her body didn’t favor a particular species or power set, she could access and use them all. Mostly, she simply copied her father. Her only true infinity was shown towards the water element. Though she had control over all elements, she always had a pull to water.
Main Weaknesses: Mort daggers are lethal to all death gods. If struck through the heart with one of these blades, Adeline would die. Mort daggers were five daggers created by Lucifer and hid all over the world meant for the original five death gods that original were born into existence, since Adeline is the child of one of the children of those death gods, she too is vulnerable to them.
Species Features: N/A.
Diet: Before stopping using her powers, she often felt more powerful when drinking blood. Blood can allow her to heal more quickly, and offers a quick recharge when she down. She doesn’t consume a lot, but drinks a tiny bit once a week, just enough to provide some energy to keep glamouring herself.
Adeline has always been a caretaker. From the earliest of ages she possessed a strong maternal instinct that drove her to look after others. Even as a small child, she often pretended to be a doctor and would look after her mother while she was pregnant, which was the only real time she ended up being sick, or look after sick animals. Her compassionate side drives her. Even before being put in a big sister type roll, she was driven by her warm and caring nature, the drive to help other beings. It’s lead to her having a more selfless complex. After an entire lifetime of constantly putting others above herself, she doesn’t know how to put herself first. She doesn’t know how to simply do things for her, and the thing that truly drives her is doing things for other people. While it may seem that she has a low self-esteem, she doesn’t often hold the mindset of someone who hates herself. For her it’s more so a fact of not thinking of herself as an option. Though in some factors, she does have an incredibly low self-esteem, such as her belief that she causes death. The initial loss of her children plagued her for years. She is haunted constantly by the idea that she was the reason for losing her child, that something is wrong for her that she couldn’t do the one thing to bring her child into the world safely. Even knowing about the curse has not helped the guilt or the shame, it’s only provided one way for her to not face the guilt. While Adeline was always one for facing problems, both intense emotional and more shallowly calculated problems head on with a clear and more logical mindset, she does tend to use avoidance tactics such as deflection to steer away from people alluding or outright saying that she often uses her caring for other people as a crutch and shield from admitting she never learned how to truly love or care for herself. More than often she’ll shift topics away from anything that grows close to pointing this fact out. In the cases of the previous pregnancy complications, she uses an entirely different tactic, and one that is uncharacteristically harsh for her. She superficially blames magic for the problems she’s experiences, and acts as if it is the reason for all issues within her and her family’s life when in reality, this is simply a way to hold down and bottle her emotions. Adeline doesn’t have a real mean bone in her body. She’s never been malicious, or cruel, she’s always been warm. She is however the most calculating of her sisters. She’s got an incredible intelligence, and tries to force herself as best as she can into a logical way of thinking so she can solve problems, though it’s not always the easiest for her to separate her soft heart from the decisions she makes. She’s naturally got a firm and guiding hand, something that has always had the tendency to put her in a leadership type position. Unlike a lot of her siblings, she has a far more forgiving nature. While she’s capable of holding a grudge or being upset with someone, this usually doesn’t last long and she often forgives them repeatedly, no matter how many mistakes they’ve made in the past – one of the biggest examples of this being her father. She’s not tempered, like the majority of her family, in fact she’s often the one to remain calm and collected in a situation, and while she does go to a panicked state, this often doesn’t result in anger. When she is angry, it is a quiet and icy rage that possesses her. She often is perfectly quiet, and most people only see the calm before the storm until it’s too late.
Background & Birth:
Adelya and Brett didn’t start off in the best of ways, but soon antagonism turned into flirtation, allure and curiosity. And from that, a friendship blossomed and that blossoming friendship evolved into love. They were happy, at first, for a time. They wed a few months after being with each other. Everything was often rash and intense with the two of them, their decisions with their marriage and life was no different. About a month after they had gotten married, Adelya discovered she was pregnant with her first child. It came as a shock to both Adelya and Brett, as Adelya was a vampire and it wasn’t expected that she could conceive or carry a child.
Because of this, Brett was always hovering during the pregnancy. Almost every moment, he spent at her bedside, caring for her, checking on the baby to make sure they were both safe. It wasn’t an easy pregnancy, but it wasn’t nearly difficult as some of the other ones Adelya experienced. Finally, after nine months, Adeline was born. She was lucky enough to come into the world at a time where her parents were still very much in love with each other and when they very much loved her. She was greeted with open arms by all her family and the friends of family.
However, her family name turned into a curse. With such great power as her father possessed, and his cruel and hard nature that he’d had before meeting her mother, he’d made many, many enemies. These enemies were all over the world, seething and waiting for a chance at vengeance on him for what he’d done in the past. It was a warlock who decided that Adeline would be the one to pay the cost though. He didn’t think killing Brett or even Adelya would solve his problems, because it would be too quick, too easy. The pain would not be lasting. He knew though, from watching his own family suffer because of Brett’s actions, that the pain of having to watch a loved one in pain would be the only suited punishment for his crimes. And so only a day or two after news reached the warlock that Adeline had been born, he cursed her. The curse was rather simple. He made it so she could bear no child that would not fall to the hands of death. The mark of the curse marred her ankle in a triangular scar. Neither Brett nor Adelya knew what the scar had come from.
Unlike the majority of Brett and Adelya’s children, Adeline was born before the fighting began. When all the intensity and rash nature was turned on one another. She got to see something most of her other siblings didn’t get to see – her parents truly loving each other. Things were never quite like they had been in those first five years. They had been a proper family, they’d had love and light. And it had shown in the way that Adeline was raised in those five years. She was doted on by everyone, cared for, even had a best friend, Chris. But she was especially loved by her father. Even after her other children were born, she was always his soft spot.
She was happy, for those five years. And then the fighting started. It was small things at first, disagreements over furniture and clothing and parties to attend. Then it was her father telling her mother she spent too much time partying and drinking with her friends, and her mother telling her father that maybe if he wasn’t running off all the time, consumed by his job as the embodiment of death. It tore her apart to see her parent’s relationship falling and crumbling before her eyes. She often stayed up at night in her bed, listening to them yelling through the walls. More than often she’d try to do damage control, going out of her way to be well-behaved after their fights, if only so she didn’t agitate it. Even though her mother and father had always encouraged her looking out to her siblings, she’d also have the tendency to look after them and do what she could after the fights to make sure they weren’t scared by the fighting.
It only escalated from there. Love turned to possession, hatred and anger. And Adeline was there to watch it. She was there while her parents sought different things to solve problems that they had, as they had more kids in hopes that might repair their broken relationship. Her mother had become completely dependent on her to look after the kids by the time she was eight. It was a big responsibility for someone so young, but it seemed natural to her. Since she thought it might make things better, she kept doing it – kept trying to look after the others in hopes that their family might stay together. Holding her family’s broken bits into one piece became her mission and purpose.
Teen Years:
Holding her family together was not a mission she abandoned in her teenage years. Her family came first, no matter one. She put it above everything, even above herself. They were always more important to her. Even though her mother had enrolled her into a human school so she could have a normal education to fall back on as opposed to simple money and riches she would inherit from her father, she barely had time to focus on it. Despite the intelligence she had, she never did her best. She maintained good grades, but they were not by a mark what she could have gotten if she hadn’t been so distracted – if she’d been able to apply and immerse herself in her studies. Even though she was well liked in school, people never got the chance to get truly close to her. All those friends she had were human and she knew they couldn’t know the truth anyway, so she used that divide as an excuse to put her family once more above her personal connection. She even grew apart from Chris, her friend since childhood who knew all the details of her family.
In the craziness of her family drama, her only true escape was her books. She’d often get overwhelmed, and while she didn’t let it break a calm exterior that she’d forced herself to learn, she needed an escape to get away from all the stress her family could bring on. So when all of her responsibilities were handled, she’d bury herself in books. She’d always choose books with character who she could relate too, so if she focused hard enough, for just a little while it could almost be like she was somewhere else for a change. It was the closest she ever really got to doing things for herself.
When she was sixteen, her father left for the first time. Through all the fights, all the arguments and screaming, a part of her never really believed he’d leave. She spent so much time holding her family together, she almost believed she could do it forever, that if she kept trying, if she gave it her all, it would work. It was the crushing of this ideal that led to Adeline taking it the hardest when her father left. She tried to hide it, tried not to show how heartbroken she was when she was looking after her little sister’s and brother’s, or comforting her mother, but at night, when she was alone in her room, she cry for him and plead to the crushing silence for him to return.
It became almost normal, and a lot of the time, Adeline was able to forgive her father for leaving. She was too willing to. Every time he’d come back, she’d let him again, hoping it would mean her family might be whole again. It took her a long time to realize that her father and mother weren’t meant to be forever. It took her a long time to really stand up to him even. It wasn’t until she was eighteen and her younger brother, the second oldest of the family died that she truly lost it at her father, when she didn’t forgive him for leaving. She blamed him for her brother’s death because instead of having been there when he died, to defend him, he had been gone.
Adult Years:
Adeline’s duty still lay with her family, even when she’d reached adulthood. She still held a dedication to her siblings, to her mother. Even if her mother was out partying all the time, or messing around with a new boyfriend. She was there. And though she’d tried to be normal, to have something like a college experience, it didn’t work and she only got halfway through her first year. There was one thing that got her away from her family, aside from reading. At least in a way.
Her father had had a vampire friend named Nick Goulding. He’d been around a fair bit growing up, and he was no stranger to her. But a few years before her father had left, there’d been a falling out, so he’d faded away from her family life. When she was eighteen, only a few months after her brother had died, she ended up running into Nick again. He’d left town for a while, but had been coming in for a brief visit. They ended up having dinner and talking. It had been nice, to see the face of someone who didn’t just simply expect her to do something for them.
He left town a week later, but they had spent a few hours together, spread out over that week. That time spent together had been enough for Adeline to be reminded of a small childhood crush she’d had on him, and that it was a lot easier now to fall for his charm in a more serious manner. He returned a few months later, after she’d turned nineteen, this time because he was moving back to town. It gave her a new outlet, one away from her family. He already knew things, knew her father, her mother. She could talk to him or well not talk at all. Sometimes they would just be around each other. Her feelings got serious, and soon it became all too real a fact that she was head over heels in love with him.
It took her two months to gain the courage to tell him, but when she finally did, he admitted he’d been feeling things too, but had been worried it was wrong because of so many things. Despite this, they pursued a relationship. They ended up married rather quickly, just before she turned twenty years old. It was more of a rash decision, but she had been certain that she loved Nick, and he was the one for her at that time. She thought they were soulmates.
Things were okay at first. They were happy. Her attention was still with her family, but he’d become a part of that family, so it was much easier to balance both parts of her life. It started to get more difficult near the end. Things were more complicated. Adeline found out she was pregnant, and Nick realized when she told him he wasn’t ready for the seriousness of the entire thing. It got difficult. Nick started growing distant from her, and Adeline was left to deal with a lot of the pregnancy on her own. She was five months along when Nick told her he’d cheated on her. It broke her heart, but she did what she often did and forgave him. Though what he’d done made her question many things about herself. She only got more depressed and stressed after his confession. At seven months along, she went into early labor. The baby was still born.
Nick ended things with her a week later. She spiraled, falling into a pit of despair. She’d throw herself into anything and everything she could focus on besides the crushing loss of both her husband and child all at once. It was too much for her, and she thought throwing herself into taking care of her family once more was far better than facing the pain of that loss.
A few years passed, and she was obviously facing a serious depression, but still denying it to everyone around her, if they even noticed at all. She ran into Chris once more, her childhood friend. He was just returning from university and he had gotten a job in town. At first, things were stiff. After all she’d been the one who’d built the distance between them at first. But he became the first person she really let herself get close to after losing the baby and Nick. They became friends once more, and he eventually helped her get help, even arranged for her to see a therapist to help her cope with her problems. She got some closure, and even though she didn’t get a complete release from her pain, it was enough for her to start moving on with her life.
A year or two passed, and her friendship with Chris persisted. He was her rock in life, and provided her with a security she hadn’t gotten to experience with many others. She had developed feelings at one point, but had sat on them because of him being in a relationship. Eventually they faded, or she’d pushed them back enough so that they weren’t in the conscious part of her mind. His relationship eventually ended because he and his girlfriend didn’t want the same things – like kids. He talked a lot about having kids, how he thought about seeking out other methods of having a child, such as having a surrogate carry his child. Even though she still mourned for her daughter, she too wanted a child. So she offered to be the mother to his child, for them to raise the child together as friends. He agreed.
After a process of artificial insemination, Adeline found out she was pregnant with not just one child but two. The pregnancy was difficult. She was on constant alert, paranoid and terrified that she might lose her children. Chris was there, for every appointment, every single moment. They grew close, and eventually admitted they had feelings for each other. Even got engaged. However, when she was four months along, she awoke one night bleeding. When she went to the hospital, Chris had her go in the office alone. The doctor informed her she had lost her twins. When she left the office Chris wasn’t there. He’d abandoned her. She called a dozen times, went looking for him over and over. She never found him.
Four years later, her father returned once more after a very long time. Unlike her usual behavior, she was furious with him. He hadn’t been there, hadn’t held her or soothed her when she’d cried her eyes out every night for months after she’d lost her kids, hadn’t been there to help her through her pain. He’d left her alone so many times, and that finally hit her, even more so than it had when her brother had died. In the process of her anger, she told him why she was so angry. And after her anger had faded into sadness, when the emotion had subsided to normal levels, he told her he could bring her children back.
She was in disbelief at first, because she’d tried herself to use her powers to bring her kids back to no avail. However, when he did it, it worked. Only the twins had to be resurrected within her as they had no solid vessel. It was during the resurrection of the twins they he recognized the curse on his daughter. After some research, he learned the details of the curse and who’d done it, and while he tried to get him to break the curse, it wasn’t possible, but he at least now knew there was a way around it. After he told Adeline about the curse, she officially forgave him for leaving, and found some peace in the life she had to look forward to with her kids. Though, to avoid some of the weight of guilt on her, she found herself blaming magic for the problems within her life, and decided her kids would not have magic in their lives.
Years later, Adeline still lived in her home town with her daughter Kahlia and her twins Audrey and Parker. Most of the time, her life is consumed with being a stay at home mom, though she does make teas and perfumes and sells them out of her home as a hobby.
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stxrmwithskin · 4 years
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c h a r a c t e r ⤳ h e a d c a n o n s
1. ⤳ Esmeralda is a gardener. In the enclosed backyard of her house, she keeps an extensive flower garden and small vegetable garden. It’s one of the few lighter activities she takes pleasure in, and spends a great deal of her days in the backyard with her daughters.
2. ⤳ Esmeralda suffered from a drug problem. She went dangerously close to a full blown addiction, and often used the drugs as a coping mechanism from her life. Most drugs she used were of a magical variety, charmed potions and such. Most were ones that created vivid hallucinations that were similar to vivid dreams.
3. ⤳ She has a birthmark with a crescent moon on her right shoulder. The tattoo was supposed to be the mark of the prophecized Hell heir, but because she was removed last in the c-section, it marked her as the heir to the heavens.
4. ⤳ Like her siblings, she has a set of wings. Unlike her siblings, hers are feathered and white, like the angels from many stories. She can glamour them to make them look different, but she cannot truly change the nature of them, where as many of her siblings can. This too, is a mark of her intended future role. Her wings are not sensitive, though the slits that they enter and exit through are.
5. ⤳ Although, like her father she is a death god, with the powers of all species combined, she only has a real access and control over her angelic, shapeshifter, witch and vampire abilities. She feeds on blood, which fuels her energy to use her other abilities. Her form is a wolf. She takes little pride in her witch ability, but has learned a bit about them because of Delilah’s influence.
6. ⤳ She is one of the few of her siblings who also blame their mother for the way they are raise. She thinks that she abandoned them just as much as her father did, often choosing her latest boyfriend over her children.
7. ⤳ She was not the closest to her father, but when he came around she would often talk to him and try to convince him to return to Adelya. This was because she always believed her best chance of getting him to stay was if he was around her, and hoped that perhaps her mother would start to care once more.
8. ⤳ Esmeralda was kidnapped and brought to the heavens three times. It was there where they tortured her, hoping to get her back in line as the other angels believed her behavior was disgraceful for a future leader of Heaven. The torture was meant avert her from further bad behavior.
9. ⤳ While her sister Delilah has a link to children, babies and birth, Esmeralda has a link to death. She can sense it when someone in her family, or someone intended for a prophecy of Heaven or Hell has fallen. Esmeralda is not nearly as attuned with this ability as Delilah is hers. She has spent the majority of her life ignoring it simply because she believes it’s a nuisance. However, this is how she knew that her sister Phoebe was dead when she went missing.
10. ⤳ Esmeralda is a caffeine-addict, much like the majority of her family. For her in particular though, the caffeine provides and extra boost to feed any extra power she got because of her supposed future role. This is similar for her sister Delilah. Whenever they meet up, it’s often in whatever café is close.
11. ⤳ Both she and Delilah reject their parts in the prophecy. Unlike her sister however, who has openly rebuked the prophecy, she has been more subtle about it. This is mainly because she fears repercussion from the angels, and what they measures they might take to make her accept her role.
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xsinnerssxint · 4 years
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c h a r a c t e r ⤳ h e a d c a n o n s 1. ⤳ Delilah is a freelance photographer. It’s an open love of hers, and she likes taking both pictures of nature and occasionally does photoshoots for others. Mostly wedding and baby pictures. She works a lot in her sister’s garden for these shoots. 2. ⤳ Aside from doing freelance photography, she also runs an occult store. While she wouldn’t want to put humans in harm’s way by teaching them enough about the supernatural to put them in harm’s way, she does teach a fair bit about magic that can be taught to those without powers to wield it, things such as Wicca and Paganism. She does hold a section of her shop with properly enchanted items that real witches and spellcasters can use. Many of the charms, brews, potions and things she sells in the shop she’s made herself. 3. ⤳ Ever since she was six years old, Delilah has suffered bad blackouts. However, her blackouts are not ordinary. If she keeps her darker demonic powers contained for too long without using, they overwhelm and take control of her. Her consciousness is knocked out and she’s taken over by an emotionless, cold version of herself. This can also happen when she’s not incredibly focused and loses control of herself in general. When she feels herself growing overwhelmed, she tends to lock herself up, as there’s been many nights where her evil alter ego has caused death and destruction. 4. ⤳ She has a birthmark of the sun on her right shoulder. The tattoo was supposed to be the mark of the prophecized Heaven heir, but because she was removed first in the c-section, it marked her as the heir to Hell. 5. ⤳ Like her siblings, she has a set of wings. Unlike her siblings, hers are black and leathery, horned at the tips, like the demons from several stories. She can glamour them to make them look different, but she cannot truly change the nature of them, where as many of her siblings can. This too, is a mark of her intended future role. Her wings are incredibly sensitive to the touch, though the wing slits themselves are not quite as sensitive. 6. ⤳ Although, like her father she is a death god, with the powers of all species combined, she only has a real access and control over her demonic, shapeshifter, witch and vampire abilities. She feeds on blood, which fuels her energy to use her other abilities. Her form is a coyote. She revels in her witch nature, however, she takes no pleasure in her demonic nature. 7. ⤳ She has always been extremely close to her mother. While her mother was guilty of not taking a great deal of care for her children, she had always doted on Delilah, always being more warm and compassionate with her. 8. ⤳ Delilah was not close with her father by many any mark. Though her mother doted on her, her father had already well established a routine of moving in and out of her life at his whim. Despite this, she’s always craved a relationship with him, and wished that perhaps he would pay half as much attention to her as he did her sister’s. 9. ⤳ She is a big believer in love, and always tries to convince her sisters to search for it, often taking note of the things holding them back and calling them out on it. Despite her belief in love, she doesn’t wish for her mother and father to get back together. She believes they held each other back, and that their relationship was unhealthy and co-dependent. While she thinks everyone deserves an epic love and can daydream about it, she’s also a realist in many ways, and can understand when two people just aren’t meant for each other. 10. ⤳ Delilah has an odd link to children, birth and babies. Within her family, she can sense when someone is expecting, and can tell when a new child has been born in that line. This gift is also linked to prophecies, and she can sense when children who are linked to prophecies of Hell or Heaven are born. 11. ⤳ Delilah is a caffeine-addict, much like the majority of her family. For her in particular though, the caffeine provides and extra boost to feed any extra power she got because of her supposed future role. This is similar for her sister Esmeralda. Whenever they meet up, it’s often in whatever café is close. 12. ⤳ Both she and Esmeralda reject their parts in the prophecy. Unlike her sister however, who has made it more subtle, she’s openly rebuked the prophecy, and has frequently stated she controls her own destiny.
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