#fireroll’s little aus
fireroll · 2 years
I have plans for an AU-fic, but it’s really made on a whim and there’re a lot of plotholes and details here and there that I haven’t figured out yet :/ Which is sad. BUT I figured I would share this and feel free to pop me some ideas if you have any (I really need it) 😭
This entire civilisation buckled and fled under the attack of another kingdom. Pedro sacrificed himself and the miracle happened. However, instead of turning to Alma for leadership, the civilisation, consisting of at least several hundreds or even thousands of people, turned against her and started to view her family as “abnormal” and “dangerous”. As the triplets started developing magical abilities like controlling the weather or seeing the future (the Madrigals are born with gifts in this AU), this confirmed their fears. The Madrigals were banished and they lived their life away from the city. They would sometimes go into the city under false names, but Madrigals with gifts difficult to hide (i.e. Pepa) often spend their entire lives outside the city, in the wilderness where they have managed to start a relatively lonely/hard but stable life.
Alma has a gift in this AU, which is to put a seal of a person’s gift. However, it comes with a side effect that the seal could indeed be broken, and if the person’s gift is too showy or powerful, it would make them incredibly uncomfortable. Any gifted person with a seal on would usually feel as though a part of them was...missing, to say the least. The younger the seal is placed on, the harder it is to come off and easier for the gifted person to feel complete and comfortable with it.
The city, on the other hand, was pretty prosperous and developed into a Medieval-ish state. Obviously this is not entirely just the Medieval times because I am no History expert but the technological advancements in that city are about the same as the Medieval times, and the city is way larger than the village in canon <3 They’ve got their own farms and political system.
The city is ruled by “The King” currently, or the “Holy King”. He’s not a bad leader, but the way he’s brought up? He’s a little full of himself. If I have to put it that way. He’s used to ordering people around and just getting whatever he wants. He tries to be kind and a good leader, and mostly succeeds. Anyhoo, the entire city is pretty well-run, definitely prosperous and rich. More details would be there once/if I get my hands to start the fic SHFhd
Bruno still leaves in this AU. He left one night, before Mirabel and Camilo were born, leaving a note to the family. He wanted to go into the city, maybe work himself up the ranks in the castle/royal staff, change the lives of the Madrigals. He wanted a chance to fight. This opened Alma’s eyes to new possibilities, and she started to consider sending away young Madrigals to live with adoptive families in the city. There are many chances that they could do way better, have more opportunities, and maybe, in the end, bring the family back to where they rightfully belong. Mirabel and Camilo were soon born.
Mirabel, like canon, has no gift. The family was rather suspicious, thinking it may just be buried deep inside her, but in the end, it was rather clear that she really has no gift at all. Most of them were rather relieved at the fact, and Mirabel is pretty loved and pampered in this AU haha-
Camilo, on the other hand, showed signs of magic early-on. Alma discussed with Pepa and Félix, and later most of the family, and with a lot of rain, they put a seal on Camilo as a baby and sent him out into the city to a family they’d observed to be kind and generous. Camilo Madrigal became Camilo López, and grew up pretty happily and normally. He is now a messenger-apprentice at the castle, and with indicator of his status, he has access to the Holy Library, the Map Vault, the post office staff rooms, etc. Señor López, Camilo’s adoptive father, is a higher-up in the castle staff, even higher than Camilo’s boss. Camilo, on various occasions, tried to convince his dad to scold his boss. His attempts were in vain.
I’m also trying to decide whether to include Transmilo or not LMAO. On one point idk if I can do transmilo justice, on the other hand....Transmilo. haha transmilo or not I’m pretty sure Marcmilo’s gonna be part of the story. but Isa’s definitely gonna have a gf bc I SAID SO <3 Bruno also has a bf (bc i said so) 😩
obv I’m not the best artist but I’ve like doodled something (Tumblr prolly ruined the quality but) (also fun fact! Mira’s current design is inspired by one of her concept designs, like the grey and white and black colour schemed one bc urkk it’s so pretty <33) (also tooth gap Mirabel!!!!)
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UHH I’m sure I’ve thought of more but ask me about it. I don’t think I can just think of everything 😭
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fireroll · 2 years
HELLO I have come to announce that there has been rare sighting of We Don’t Talk About Julieta (WDTAJ) update 💀 I’m such a slow updater istg PAHAH
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fireroll · 2 years
Rules: Write the latest line from your WIP (or post where you last left off on in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
Thanks for tagging me, @empty-cryptid
From "We Don’t Talk About Julieta” (Chapter 4)
“It’s BIGGER on the INSIDE?!” Alejandra flung her arms down to her sides dramatically.
HELPP I DUNNO WHO TO TAG TBH 😭😭 so like….no pressure tags? 💕 (I hope you all don’t mind!)
@sokkas-first-fangirl @cloudy-encanto (i ran out of tags that i remember by memory 💀 Maybe I’ll reblog later with the actual correct amount)
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