#firiel sews
firielll · 1 month
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Had such a great time at the Viking Market in Witten this weekend! I also finally got to wear my first Old Norse outfit that I have been working on for the past few weeks :)
This was a project with a lot of firsts. My first time making an apron dress and my first attempt at natural dyeing.
The apron dress I am really happy with, it turned out so pretty and comfy.
The dyeing... well, I was planning on having a red dress, but turns out when you don't read the instructions right and use less than a third of the madder root you're supposed to, you get a lovely shade of pink! I'm honestly just glad it's not white anymore.
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Dress: made & dyed by me
Apron dress: made by me, fabric from wooltrade.cz
Sjkoldehamn Hood from annefause on Instagram
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firielll · 8 months
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My first time at the SPIEL Essen this weekend was a blast!
It felt really good to wear Imogen again. I used the occasion to update her dress a bit, and I'm very happy with the result :)
The con was a lot of fun, I met so many nice people who recognised me and my friend (she went as Keyleth). Though the first hour was a little awkward cause there were barely any other cosplayers, I felt so embarrassed. But then we looked at lots of pretty dice and it got better :)
Character is Imogen Temult from Critical Role Campaign 3
Cosplay made by me
📷 by my mom <3
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