#first gif doesn't match in terms of quality but that's how the video was
aerisosweet · 1 year
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suyeol in "wait"
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aceofwhump · 10 months
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Hello @crispyliza !! So I'm replying in a separate post because this is too long for a reply on the post. Hope you don't mind. I also think it might benefit others who have asked me in the past and those wishing to start gif making. Especially with whumptober just around the corner.
So here's a full look at how I make my gifs. This got very long so I put it under a read more
A quick thing before I start: I use windows and google chrome. If you're a mac or firefox user I'm not sure of this will work for you in terms of programs. The techniques I use in photoshop should though.
Okay for this demonstration I'm going to show you how I made the gifs for this gifset
To start we need a video. I don't torrent because my internet connection will cut out a random which makes using vpns rather pointless. I've tried. My internet would cut out halfway through a torrent download and then my internet provider was notified to what I was doing. It was just not great. So I found a new way to download videos off the internet! You can use torrents though. If you've got a vpn, go for it.
There are several streaming sites that I go to to get my videos. 1movies, and bstsrs are my go to right now since soap2day is gone (rip i miss you).
Now there are three ways I can get a video depending on what website I'm using. Bstsrs is the easiest because they have a whole bunch of links available. I always go with mixdrop because it has an easy to use built in download button. Unfortunately this site doesn't have movies. Just tv shows and sometimes it's not the best quality or there aren't links available. That's when I go to 1movies. Once you've found your video I use the chrome extension Cococut to download it. Click the extension button to open, then the download button. Then you just have to wait until the video is rendered. Click save. Wait until its downloaded.
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Okay we now have our video! The next step is to turn the scene you want to gif into frames. For this we're gonna need KMPlayer. This video player makes it really easy to turn scenes into frames/screencaps. Open your video. Find the the scene you want and pause the video. Type control-g to open this screen:
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Here you choose the destination you want your frames to be saved. Decide what to name your frames and match up your settings with mine. You want to continuously extract frames, original size, and I stick with every 2 frames. Then, and this is important, choose video images only.
Now click start then start playing your video until the scene you want to gif is done. When you've got everything you wanted, pause the video. Hit ctrl-g again to reopen that screen and click stop. You now have all the frames you need so go ahead and exit out of KMPlayer. You don't need it again unless you need to redo frames or get the dialogue or something.
Next up we are gonna open Photoshop. I use Photoshop CC 2014.
Click on File -> Scripts -> Load files into stack -> Browse.
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Go wherever you saved your frames and select the ones you need. Click okay and let the frames load completely before doing any thing else. Depending on how many you've selected this could take a while.
Once all of your frames are loaded, click "Create Frame Animation". Next click the little arrow button on right followed by "Make Frames From Layers" so we have all of our frames laid out. Now we need to reverse the frames because they're backwards so click that little button again and then click "Reverse Frames"
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Okay you've got your frames loaded and all set to go. Time for all the cropping, resizing, setting the speed, and editing.
First thing I do is set the speed because otherwise I forget and it's important to do and a pain in the ass to do after all the editing is done. So do it first and get it out of the way. Select all of your frames. Click the little button beneath a frame where it says 0.0 and pick your time. I usually go for .1 seconds but .05 is also a popular speed. Just test one out and see which one you like best for your gif. You can hit the play button at any time to test your gif.
To set speed:
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After this I do one of two things. Either I go into cropping and resizing or I separate frames. Depends on how many frames I uploaded. If I uploaded all the frames needed for an entire gifset this is the part where I separate them out onto individual gifs. So let's do that.
Originally I was just gonna do one gif but I have 115 frames uploaded which is waaaay too many for just one gif. I like to keep my gifs between 30 and 80 frames. So I'm going to split this into 3 gifs I think. It'll make a nice balanced gifset.
Select the frames you want for the first gif and copy them using the copy frames option in the same menu as the make frames from layers menu. Open a new document with the same dimensions as your current document. Click "Create Frame Animation" and paste the frames over the selected frame. Make sure that first frame is the same speed as all the other frames. Repeat until you have your desired gifs.
Next up I crop and resize. For this gif I'm going to first crop out the black bars above and below the image because we don't want that in the gif. Use the select tool to pick what you want to keep then "Image" then "Crop".
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Now I could leave it as it but I think for this gifset I'm gonna focus more on Geralt so I'm going to crop it in a bit more.
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Once cropping is all set i'm going to resize the gif to tumblr dimensions. Click "Image" then "Image Size" and change the width to 540px. The height can be anything and best not to mess with it so your gif keeps it's proportions. 540px is the width of a tumblr post and I plan on making these gifs stacked one on one.
Okay the gifs are all cropped and sized. Now it's time to do some editing. Go back to your first gif. We'll do all the work on this first gif and apply the same things to the other ones later because the scenes are the same. If they were different each gif would be colored and edited individually. First thing to do is turn it from frame animation to timeline. Timeline mode makes applying things like sharpening and brightness much easier and smoother.
So just click this button in the bottom left corner to go into timeline mode. Next up select all your layers. They're on the right side. Make sure you've selected ALL of them. Then click on "Filter" -> "Convert for Smart Filters" THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STEP! We can't edit until this is done.
This button to switch from frames to timeline:
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First thing I do is sharpen. You can use one of the presets or try to do manually do it with smart sharpen. I use the preset labelled "sharpen" because I'm lazy and this one does a fine job for my gifs. I also add a layer of surface blur to smooth things out. Just a small touch. Like barely any blur but I think it smooths noise a bit and makes it look better.
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Next up: Editing!! This step is going to be different for each and every gif you make. It all depends on the colors in the scene your giffing so you're gonna have to do a lot of experimenting to get the right look you want. Personally that's what I like about it. Makes it fun.
All your adjustments can be found found on the right side of the screen:
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I almost always start with the "Levels" layer to brighten up the image because as we all know, every freaking whump scene is sooo dark. So with levels you just slide the little arrows around until you get a look you like.
Then I add a layer of "Curves". I love curves. With curves you can select the whitest white and the darkest black and the middle tone to change the brightness and colors of your gif. Or you can use this part and just brighten or darken a specific part. It's really versatile and i love it. It does take some practice and experimenting though.
Now a layer of "Contrast" and a layer of "Vibrance".
After this it's all about the selective colors, photo filters, and color balance to work on the colors and brightness. For this gif I'm only doing a tiny bit of editing cause I like the coloring but sometimes I'll have multiple layers of these to create a good coloring.
Once you're satisfied with how your gif looks it's time to save it!
Click "File" -> "Save for Web" and wait until it's all loaded. Important thing too look at here is the size of the gif. You can't upload any gif that is larger than 10mbs so make sure it's under that. Sometimes even 9.8 is too big because tumblr is a butt. I go for anything below 9.8. If your gif is too big try resizing it or removing a few frames. Make sure you gif is set to loop forever. Otherwise it'll just stop after a little bit. Don't forget to change this!
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Here are the rest of my settings:
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After that you can click save.
And that's it! You've made a gif! Congrats! If you have any questions or want clarification feel free to message me :)
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eternalwritess · 3 months
Hey, I'm that anon that was matched with Charlie a while back (the one with the soy sauce packets). I was wondering if you could match me with one of the Helluva Boss characters?
It's the same info as before \/
I'm a bisexual aroace (If you've heard of "demiromantic"; that's how I experience romantic attraction). I use he/it/they pronouns.
I'm an INFP, though I have gotten ISTP sometimes. I usually keep to myself around strangers, and my first words to people that I'm not introduced by friends are usually just work-related with a bit of small talk (even in fandom spaces, surprisingly). Once I get comfortable around people, I tend to let my childish nature and antics shine through, and once I consider you a friend, it's hard to ever fully shake me off. My friends sometimes call me an "old grandpa", with the way I know a lot of random psychology and biology facts, and the way I fumble with new technology, slang, and texting acronyms. My love of non-fiction and my adherence to grammar rules certainly doesn't help. Simultaneously, they (lovingly) call a 12-year-old boy, with the way I don't hesitate to pull out a "your mom" or "that's what she said" to the conversation and with the way that I almost exclusively watch animated movies and shows over live action ones. I carry with me 15 packets of soy sauce in fish-shaped sachets in my (several) pockets. Why? Because I think it's funny, and the confusion I bring to those around me with my soy collection gives me a sense of joy. (I do other things of a similar calibre, but I wanted to name an example) Despite all of this, I tend to gravitate towards the "Mom Friend" archetype. I carry with me a lot of people pleasing tendencies (I get a lot of anxiety around not upsetting others), and that translates to making sure that the people around me are happy. I also tend to fill a "Therapist Friend" role because of this fact, my psychology facts, and how intuitive I can be at times. I tend to isolate myself, whether by physically or mentally leaving the room, when I feel upset, and I don't really like talking about negative experiences I have unless those experiences have been resolved.
On a brighter note, I consider myself quite the creative person. I draw a lot, though I usually only draw other characters instead of my own OCs. I have a discord server that I use to jot down either: a) my opinion of a certain media b) images/reactions I find funny/relatable c) infodumps about AUs or crossovers that I've made I don't really write, so I consider "c)" to be the next best thing. I also love music. I listen to mostly indie music, with a couple of generic queer bands thrown in there and a couple of musicals' and video games' OSTs. I play the violin and the trombone, so I may be biased in saying that I love jazz (really doesn't help the "old man" allegations, but who cares). In terms of non-creative hobbies, I love reading. Although I find myself drawn to the odd science non-fiction book, my heart lies in fantasy and mystery novels (this does include webtoons, manga, and webnovels, though I don't read those as much). On the same vein, I love video games (where else would I get those OSTs?). I tend to like story-rich games that are either turn-based (think Undertale) or no combat (think Slime Rancher), though if the mechanics aren't too overwhelming, metroidvanias are nice (think Hollow Knight). The last main hobby is food. If I didn't give you "mad scientist" vibes, let me tell you, I "Victor Frankenstein" my way through every meal, when time permits. I mostly mix and match what I'd think taste good together based on what I was craving at the time. I'd also say that, apart from Quality Time, I show affection best through giving foods that I've made. It works in reverse, too, where I get pleasantly happy when people I know well offer food to me. There was this one time I was bickering with some friends and one of them held a packet of chips to my face, and I tell you, the way I immediately shut up the second I saw it... I was almost embarrassed by how well that worked...
I'm really sensitive to a lot of textures, and the biggest ones are stickers (and anything sticky in that way) and wet things (think water fountains splashing water unexpectedly, fruit juices spraying on my face when I cut them too harshly, even stepping on wet floorboards without socks can set it off). Clothing/carpet with short hairs send literal shivers down my spine, but only when I touch them with my fingers/feet. I don't like kissing (at all.), so I normally stick with nuzzling. Hugs and spooning (both with people I'm comfortable around) are okay, however.
I don't really have any pet peeves, other than just blatant disrespect of basic boundaries as well as these boundaries in particular.
I hope you have a good and well-rested day :)
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
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Honestly the first person that came to mind for you is Moxxie
The way you two met is that he probably say you trying to mediate between an argument with a few others it started getting a little... dicey so he decided to step in before you got hurt
Yeah so those guys are now dead-
He made sure that you were okay immediately afterwards
"Are you okay? Some people in Hell are just so unreasonable,"
After that he offered to walk you somewhere safe (at first he offered to your house but then started stumbling seeing how weird it sounded since you both just met)
He tried getting you talk on the way asking you small questions here and there trying to get to know you more since he found the way you handled the situation between the two guys amazing
"So what do you like to do for fun?"
Once you let your guard down he really fell in love with you
He absolutely adored your more childish nature and it would push him out of his boundaries just a little more
You and him would absolutely bond over not understanding the internet. You would both try to learn it and Blitz (idk how to do the o thing) would try to 'help' you guys (just make fun of you)
He would randomly asking you questions loving your random psychology and biology facts. He admires your will to learn and finds it as one of the most attractive things about you
"Do you know what this is?"
Whenever you pull out a 'your mom' joke he finds it slightly immature and doesn't get it all of the time but Blitz likes it and will encourage you on it
Either way though he finds your sense of humor quite nice compared to Blitz's
He doesn't know why you have the soy sauce packets... its a mystery to him
"May I ask... why?"
You and him probably read series's of books together like honestly I wouldn't doubt it. Its one of the many things you do together
Whenever you get upset and leave the room he gets concerned and will try to give you space but might end up following you and trying to comfort you. But if he sees that you just really want to be alone he'll leave you and apologize
He'll then grab some of your favorite stuff for you and surprise you with it trying to make sure that you're alright
"I know you're having a bad time so... I grabbed a few things for you"
He encourages you to be creative all of the time constantly buying you drawing supplies and praising your work. He hangs it up everywhere... and makes sure that everyone knows that you did it and that its the best artwork in the seven rings
While you and him might not have the same music tastes he loves you anyways and will end up writing songs for you
"I made a little something for you..."
Whenever he hears you play the violin or trombone he swoons and will start hugging you and nuzzling you whenever you're done
Sometimes you both play duets together and afterwards he'll always praise you saying how well you did
Whenever he sees you mix and match food he gets confused and will give you the weirdest little look ever as if he's questioning his life decisions...
But besides that he'll just give you an awkward thumbs up
:Thumps up:
He gets you food... like all of the time. He loves gift giving if you can't tell by now-
Whenever there's a texture that you don't like and it comes into contact with you he'll help you get it off always
He always follows your boundaries no matter what <3
It took him a while to open up to you about his past and he didn't share all of it... but you comforted him through it
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I have recently discovered your blog and your writing. You are so talented and very diligent. I am sure you will become a successful writer in very soon. Please keep up the good work! 😇
In terms of my request, could you please match me with the killer(s) from Dead by Daylight? I would highly appreciate it if you could include something NSFW as well, but only if you are comfortable with writing it. 🙇‍♂️
Here is some general information about myself:
I am a gay man in my middle 20s. I am not coming out yet. I wish I could.
I am 5'8". I am originally Asian. I have black hair and brown eyes. I have quite an average build, warm with a yellow undertone skin color.
I am a slight nerd. I love playing video games and reading many types of books.
I am quite keen on studying. I am not a genius, but at least I did above average in school and university.
I have a slight problem when it comes to self-confidence, anger control, and depression. I am currently trying to improve myself and it would be nice to have someone to help.
On the romantic side, I might not be that good, but I wholeheartedly want to show PDA. I like to cuddle in bed as well. I can cook for my lover. It might not be a gourmet meal, but it is eatable at least. I like to surprise my lover with a small gift if I have a chance to. I can give my lover some personal space and time if they need it. I understand that they need to keep a distance sometimes to keep the relationship going. I love to take my partner to eat out. I believe that enjoying food and drink is a good way to spend our quality time together. Or perhaps, playing video games together can be great as well.
On the kinky side, I am secretly kinky and sexually active. I am quite submissive and enjoy being dominated by the right dom. Dirty talk is a huge turn on. I can give fellatio, or give any service that satisfies my loved one, as long as it is within my limits.
Only if it has been discussed beforehand would I consider a polygamous relationship.
I hate cheating and lying, and they will never be forgiven if they do it. Trust cannot be rebuilt.
I also hate unnecessary arguments. I hear my parents arguing and fighting very often, and it always disheartens me and makes me lose faith in love. I hate it if I have to fight with someone that I love in my life, unless it is a crucial issue.
I am willing to help and support my lover in every way possible. I'll be there if they need a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen. If they need assistance with any task, I will try to learn the required skill and see if I can help.
Overall, I am peaceful with my partner, willing to do anything that my lover wants, as long as they respect my needs as well.
I apologize if you feel overwhelmed with the information. Thank you very much again for your writing. I hope you have a very nice day. 💖
I'm so sorry for the late response, work has been killing me with lack of days off. 😅 I hope you enjoy! ^_^
I ship you with... Wraith/ Philip Ojomo
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With the life that Philip lived before entering the fog being chaotic, Philip never had the chance to experience a lot of the normal things that comes with growing up. All he knows is chaos and death- everyone he loves end up dying around him. When you entered the fog, he saw how scared and lost you were; it reminded him of his childhood.
Seeing how you're the peace keeper in every trial, it made Philip long for something he's never had: peace. Philip is the type of lover who once you earn his trust, he will give you the love and respect you deserve.
He's super supportive of you being into your studies. If you have any questions about what went on with his childhood, being an first hand witness to war, he will try his best to talk about it. But his childhood is a rather hard thing for him to talk about.
Just like you, Philip hates getting into unnecessary arguments with you because of the fact that he knows too well that life's fragile and doesn't want to lose the one good thing he has to look forward to in this hell hole of a realm.
Although Philip is quite unexperienced in sex, he's more than willing to try anything you may enjoy. Kinda like a service top/ dom. You might have to tell him your limits when it comes to some of the more kinkier sex. If you want him to tease the fuck out of you while he's cloaked, he's more than happy to comply. If you you want him to do a fear play kinda kink, he's down.
Philip's love language varies. He will gift you random tool boxes and medkits that he's found from his trials just so that you're safe. You bet your ass that he's a sucker for cuddling and being affectionate when it's the both of you. He's quite shy when it comes to public affection tho but it makes it fun to see him become bashful.
Other possibilities: Ji Woon Hak, Hillbilly, Evan MacMillan
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eternalwritess · 3 months
Hey, could I have a Hazbin Hotel matchup?
I'm a bisexual aroace (If you've heard of "demiromantic"; that's how I experience romantic attraction). I use he/it/they pronouns.
I'm an INFP, though I have gotten ISTP sometimes. I usually keep to myself around strangers, and my first words to people that I'm not introduced by friends are usually just work-related with a bit of small talk (even in fandom spaces, surprisingly). Once I get comfortable around people, I tend to let my childish nature and antics shine through, and once I consider you a friend, it's hard to ever fully shake me off. My friends sometimes call me an "old grandpa", with the way I know a lot of random psychology and biology facts, and the way I fumble with new technology, slang, and texting acronyms. My love of non-fiction and my adherence to grammar rules certainly doesn't help. Simultaneously, they (lovingly) call a 12-year-old boy, with the way I don't hesitate to pull out a "your mom" or "that's what she said" to the conversation and with the way that I almost exclusively watch animated movies and shows over live action ones. I carry with me 15 packets of soy sauce in fish-shaped sachets in my (several) pockets. Why? Because I think it's funny, and the confusion I bring to those around me with my soy collection gives me a sense of joy. (I do other things of a similar calibre, but I wanted to name an example) Despite all of this, I tend to gravitate towards the "Mom Friend" archetype. I carry with me a lot of people pleasing tendencies (I get a lot of anxiety around not upsetting others), and that translates to making sure that the people around me are happy. I also tend to fill a "Therapist Friend" role because of this fact, my psychology facts, and how intuitive I can be at times. I tend to isolate myself, whether by physically or mentally leaving the room, when I feel upset, and I don't really like talking about negative experiences I have unless those experiences have been resolved.
On a brighter note, I consider myself quite the creative person. I draw a lot, though I usually only draw other characters instead of my own OCs. I have a discord server that I use to jot down either: a) my opinion of a certain media b) images/reactions I find funny/relatable c) infodumps about AUs or crossovers that I've made I don't really write, so I consider "c)" to be the next best thing. I also love music. I listen to mostly indie music, with a couple of generic queer bands thrown in there and a couple of musicals' and video games' OSTs. I play the violin and the trombone, so I may be biased in saying that I love jazz (really doesn't help the "old man" allegations, but who cares). In terms of non-creative hobbies, I love reading. Although I find myself drawn to the odd science non-fiction book, my heart lies in fantasy and mystery novels (this does include webtoons, manga, and webnovels, though I don't read those as much). On the same vein, I love video games (where else would I get those OSTs?). I tend to like story-rich games that are either turn-based (think Undertale) or no combat (think Slime Rancher), though if the mechanics aren't too overwhelming, metroidvanias are nice (think Hollow Knight). The last main hobby is food. If I didn't give you "mad scientist" vibes, let me tell you, I "Victor Frankenstein" my way through every meal, when time permits. I mostly mix and match what I'd think taste good together based on what I was craving at the time. I'd also say that, apart from Quality Time, I show affection best through giving foods that I've made. It works in reverse, too, where I get pleasantly happy when people I know well offer food to me. There was this one time I was bickering with some friends and one of them held a packet of chips to my face, and I tell you, the way I immediately shut up the second I saw it... I was almost embarrassed by how well that worked...
I'm really sensitive to a lot of textures, and the biggest ones are stickers (and anything sticky in that way) and wet things (think water fountains splashing water unexpectedly, fruit juices spraying on my face when I cut them too harshly, even stepping on wet floorboards without socks can set it off). Clothing/carpet with short hairs send literal shivers down my spine, but only when I touch them with my fingers/feet. I don't like kissing (at all.), so I normally stick with nuzzling. Hugs and spooning (both with people I'm comfortable around) are okay, however.
I don't really have any pet peeves, other than just blatant disrespect of basic boundaries as well as these boundaries in particular.
Apologies if this is quite long, I can go on a tangent a lot. Double apologies if English isn't your first language. I hope you have a good day (or night, depending on when you read this).
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
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The way you met was most likely she found you after an extermination not wanting to find help for your wounds and instead took care of you since you might've been new to hell
You were quiet at first and she was fine with that slowly talking to you and trying to get you to open up about yourself
She would ask you questions here and there not minding if you answered or not
"So uh... first time in Hell huh? It's not as bad as it looks... I promise" :)
She would also make jokes until you got to open up
She doesn't mind it all at if you follow her around to talk to her. In fact she loves it and will most likely do the same since she has some clingy tendencies
She would also love to hear you spout random facts about psychology. Actually it partially is one of the reasons why she started the hotel.
She also fumbles with new slang so you'd have some fun there :)
When she first noticed the whole soy sauce packets thing she found it extremely confusing and then funny. (she has that type of humor)
So every now and then she'll ask you for a soy sauce packet when she's bored
"Can I have a packet please?"
With Charlie she's not very hard to please so I think that you won't get anxiety over that. In fact if you do anything for her she'll become overjoyed and do something for you
When you tend to isolate yourself (especially physically) she tries to help you and talk to you more to see what's going on
If you have any unresolved issues she'll try and ask you about them and see if you want to talk about them at all or see if she can help with anything
Although she totally understands if you say no as she has her own (*cough* daddy issues *cough*)
"Do you want to talk about it?..."
She loves watching you create things and seeing the things that you've created
She'll listen to music with you all the time dancing around the room and singing at the top of her lungs (whether you join her or not is completely optional)
She'll also go up to you and ask if you want to go to concerts with her or if you want to have a silly little karaoke night with her
You both also probably have started a book club where you read books together and discuss them. She's really interested in romance btw :)
"They just have to get together!!"
She also loves fantasy and will try mysteries from time to time but she's quite bad at them so she tends to avoid them
She'll also try to play video games with you from time to time but she's really bad at those and doesn't understand any of the controls so she just watches you instead probably giving commentary and praising you as you go on
When you mix and match food she'll try it with you as long as it doesn't look too out of her area
"That tasted amazing!!!"
Adding onto that she'll also get you food all of the time trying to find out your favorite one
She's gotten you tons of chips, sandwich, cookies, olives, anything you can think of
She also tends to bake for you every now and then just as a surprise
As for sensations she totally gets it and would probably have a few pet peeves with those too. So you'd probably both have a very specific covers and mattresses
She'll also always respect your boundaries and sometimes even try to go out of her way to respect them
She's perfectly fine with just nuzzling or cuddle every now and then <3
Overall you're both a very sweet and caring couple
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