#first one reminds me quite a bit of malachite. I wonder if I was subconsciously (or consciously I suppose) inspired by her while drawing
turtlemurmurs · 11 months
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Sharing some various original sketches I did last year-ish tehehe :]
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sammy-writes-stuff · 7 years
Traits, Trials and Truth, Ch 30
Chapter Thirty: Aftermath
Start.  Previous.
Thomas' finger hovered over the "enter button on his keyboard dramatically.
"Come on Thomas! Just one more click then hello success fame and fortune!" Roman practically danced from his corner of Thomas' living room. He no longer simply worse a plain white costume with red and gold additions: his whole outfit was now gold, still with his signature red sash, no white in sight.
After he had regained all his colour (and his hair), he had vowed to never be that colourness again.
"You have completed the project there is no use in delaying submission." sighed Logan, adjusting his glasses.
"I'm SO PROUD of you SON!" Patton squeezed, dancing on the spot.
"Not your son..." Thomas sang playfully.
"I dunno you guys..." Virgil sighed from the stairs. He recoiled a little under the gaze of the others. "Putting yourself out there like this...a lot could go wrong."
"That's true, Virgil." Thomas conceded. "Are you comfortable that we've assessed the possible risks and outcomes?" Logan asked.
Virgil swallowed. "Yes actually. You guys were very thorough." He paused for a bit.
"We understand Virgil." Patton said softly. "It was a hard process for everyone."
Several months had passed since Pitch had disintegrated. True to his word - he showed up every now and then. Never in human form, in the form of black sludge.
Logan now routinely strolled through the infospace, cleaning it up and disposing it. They would then have a casual talk about what may have caused it. There wasn't always something obvious, but they always enjoyed the chance to discuss things.
Roman kept an eye on the dreamscape - it being mostly back to normal. It took a while not to flinch at the sight of his subjects and he had completely remodeled the throne room, scrubbing any memory of what had happened there.
The meadow wasn't there. Roman guessed nothing would grow there even if he tried. Instead he left the barren patch of earth as a reminder.
It was humbling.
Patton kept an eye on the back of the mind.
Virgil would always double check the areas after the others had finished. They understood, and were grateful for it.
"Okay." Virgil mumbled. Roman punched his arm affectionately, but immediately regretted it.
"God, I'm so sorry Verge...I forgot - "
"Don't get your pantyhose in a twist Princey." Virgil smiled slightly. "It doesn't really hurt anymore."
Thomas smiled, then took a breath, and hit send.
With a whoosh his manuscript was sent out into the world of publishers.
"No matter what, it's my favourite book!" Patton said proudly, grinning and putting his hands theatrically on his hips.
"Well it is about us after all." Roman laughed. "Though I still think you should have left out the part about the hair and the glitter..."
"Gotta be honest Roman!" Thomas shrugged. Partly as a coping mechanism, and partly because writing it all down was an easier way for Thomas to communicate with his friends what exactly had happened to him over the past year...he had turned his story into a book. Maybe it could help someone else be a little more truthful with themselves.
His friends had rallied by his side, that day, and he would be forever grateful.
If they hadn't been there...
Virgil had nearly completely faded. Thomas had nearly set the house on fire even under supervision.
"Well done buddy." Virgil nodded.
Thomas' phone buzzed.
"Huh." He said, reading the text. "Leo wants to hang out."
"Sounds good...but maybe a movie night? Something quiet..." Virgil suggested nervously.
"You know, a movie night sounds wonderful." Thomas smiled, and Virgil relaxed.
The sides said good night, then sank into the mindscape kitchen.
"Alright, I'm taking orders." Virgil announced. All three hands went up. "Cool...four then."
"I would prefer a HOT chocolate rather than a COOL one if it's an option!" Patton spoke up, eliciting a groan from Virgil as he set about making them.
He'd made his now famous hot chocolates half a dozen times now, and reserved them for special occasions.
He set the steaming cups down in front of each of them, then went around and slowly applied whipped cream and grated chocolate to the tops - completing his masterpieces.
"You are a true marvel, Gordon Restlessly."
"Come on dude, you can do better than that." Virgil grunted as he sat down in his own chair.
"Paul Hollywood?"
"You did not attempt to wittily adapt that name at all." Logan frowned.
"Yeah because I didn't need to! Hollywood...because of his dramatic nature and his make-up."
"Wouldn't you be the Hollywood then?" Patton asked cheekily.
"Fine. I'll be Paul Hollywood..."
"Is this a role play now?" Logan raised his eyebrow. "If so I will be Jamie Oliver."
"NOOOOOOOO..." Roman groaned.
Virgil just smiled and raised his mug. The others followed suit and their glasses met in the middle, making a merry "chink!"
They each drank deeply, then pulled away with a salacious moan, mustaches plastered on their top lips, then dissolved into giggles.
When Virgil reached the bottom of his drink, he swirled the choclately dregs thoughtfully.
"Do you think we'll ever truly get rid of him?" Virgil almost subconsciously flexed his arm slightly.
Patton looked at Logan, then to Roman, then set his own mug down too.
"I don't know." The father figure said softly. "Maybe one day, well into the future. But for now...we keep doing what we are doing."
Logan set his own empty mug down. "Patton his quite correct. As an illness, Pitch is frightfully lawless - he doesn't need reason to sprout where he does. However, I can confidently say we will never give him solid power ever again."
Virgil nodded, still staring downwards.
"He was never meant to be a side, he had to force that and I think he made a mistake doing that." Roman nodded.
Virgil lifted his chin slightly. "I think Tristan...well the parts he took...held him back in places." He had been mulling over every exchange he had had with Pitch since he'd been beaten.
"Like Malachite!" Patton gasped.
Logan looked thoughtful. "That may make some sense actually...Pitch was a much more efficient villain before he bonded..."
"Trust you to admire his efficiency." Roman huffed, folding his arms.
"Puns." Virgil said suddenly, cutting off Logan's angry retort and eyes growing wide.
"Yes?" Patton asked, now extremely invested.
"Pitch started making really bad puns and dad-jokes."
"He was being unproductive!" Logan gasped. "Tristan was stalling where he could..."
"He's a bloody hero." Roman mused.
They lapsed again, all staring in their respective empty mugs.
"No matter what comes," Patton finally said. "We just have to take it day by day. Maybe Pitch will be gone for good, but for now: we be mindful. We be on-guard. But we function. Sure - we may have bad days, but even on my worst days I will never be unhappy to spend time with all of you."
Virgil smiled in spite of himself.
He was not one for change, but they had all gone through a big one. Things wouldn't be the same, at least not in a hurry.
But maybe Patton was right, and at least they can rely on the solidarity of each other.
Feeling warm inside, Virgil snuggled deep into his hoodie as Patton began to clear up.
Logan looked around, and found it hard to picture how alone he had felt in the thick of it all.
As Patton rejoined them, he grabbed Patton's hand and squeezed. Patton linked up with Roman, but both Roman and Logan paused - waiting for Virgil's permission.
"Are we really doing this?" Virgil groaned.
"Not if you don't want to." Logan assured.
Virgil paused for a moment, them grumbled moodily and completed the circle.
They were on a journey, but they were not alone.
There was a slight silver glow to the group that flashed as they connected.
No. Virgil smiled.
They definitely were not alone.
Authors Note: 
Wow! I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to those of you who commented, left kudos, and even just reading it. This process of writing and posting has honestly helped me so much! This is the first time I’ve published my writing in years and your interest, tips, and kind words have honestly just made my day every day.
My goal for this was to have some choice Virgil angst, but it kinda spiralled into angst for everyone! I never set out to make Logan the hero, it’s just how it happened but I’m happy that I gave Logan that role, he don’t get enough love!
To be honest, when I set out I had a vague plan but I let it go where I felt it went naturally.
Originally, Pitch was going to be the voice that Virgil hears the start, but I loved Tristan too much to make him a simple mask, and I like them as separate characters.
It was important to me that Pitch wasn’t a side. Personally, I have accepted my own anxiety (in part thanks to Thomas and his videos), but I’m not prepared to accept that my depression is anything more than a disease.
It was also important for me to try and not play down the severity that is depression, and that it’s not an easy fix. The ending isn’t a slam dunk win for the sides, but they are helping Thomas function with a mental illness, even if Pitch is much weaker at the end. And I owe a lot to my medication and other outside help, so I wanted that to be a big factor too in Thomas’ recovery.
I just love these guys so much! And I loved sharing this with you. Remember to be honest with yourself and your feelings. They are valid, if only for the reason that you are feeling them. There doesn’t have to be a reason to be sad, because often there isn’t.
So thank you, once again, for the love and support.
Kia Kaha,
Tag List: @callboxkat @potatogirl309 @thegreyacefromspace
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