#first redraw ever normally i dont look back
kkas-art · 3 years
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Let's get married at the (budget) space station... again 🚀🎠
Redraw for my fave piece I did for saeyoungweek 2018 (does anyone remember haha)
Mr. and Mrs. Choi excuse me but my nostalgia is acting up 🥺
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tigerunknown2468 · 4 years
Hey! I’ve always wanted to draw the pnf and MML characters, but have no idea where to start. Can you give me some tips?
Since I mainly draw Cavendish and Dakota, I can give you tips on how to draw them! I’ve never really taught anyone how to draw anything, so I’ll give you tips that I wish I knew when I first started drawing them. First things first, whenever you want to draw a character from a show, you should have some references. It makes it easier to know what they look like. Because sometimes if you try to draw them from memory, you might make some mistakes. It’s good to have more than one because sometimes even a reference can have mistakes in them. I’ve gathered a hand full for myself to look at to remind me how they look like. But don’t rely on them too much! You want to draw something original, you don’t want to redraw it (only do that for practice). Use references to remind yourself what they look like.
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Cavendish’s hat is probably the hardest thing to draw from him. And it’s hard to explain. The base of the band on his hat connects with how it sits on his head. The edges of the hat dips down at the front and back, the sides springs up. The goggle lends that is closer to the center of the hat, usually faces more towards the view than the one next to it. It faces slightly away.
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Another hard thing for me was Dakota’s hair. His hair is a bit more messy in the show than how I normally draw him, but one thing is for sure, he has 9 lumps of hair on his head, then a swoosh, then too more lumps. For his forehead, sometimes it’s 5 or 6 lumps. And a lot of the times in the show, you don’t even get to see Dakota’s eyebrows. But I like to draw them because I think he looks better with eyebrows.
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Cavendish’s nose goes out and in and covers a bit of his eye. AND, his mustache always covers part of his mouth. When he’s smiling in this drawing, only his bottom lip is showing and the end of his smile. The rest is covered by his mustache. You dont get to see the top of his mouth because of the mustache.
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Sometimes it can be hard to draw a pose. YOU ARE YOUR BEST REFERENCE! Whip out a camera and take a picture of yourself doing the pose. I have so many stupid pictures of me on my phone, doing weird poses. If you don’t have a camera, try to convince or threaten a friend or family member to do the pose so you know how it looks like. If you’re bad at drawing hands, take pictures of your hands! I also have a whole bunch of pictures of my hands.
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FLIP YOUR IMAGE! This one is a tip that I love! I use it all the time. It’s one of the best tips I’ve ever heard. Sometimes your image looks good, but when you flip/mirror the image, then it helps you see what’s wrong with it. In this quick sketch, after I flipped it, I can see that Cavendish’s head is leaning too much to the left. Now that I can see the mistake, I can fix it. The reason why this happens is because sometimes we draw things leaning towards one direction without realizing it, when you flip an image, it gives you an instant new point of view of the image. If you don’t draw on your computer, you can hold the piece of paper with the drawing on it facing towards a light source. Then, looking at the other side of the paper, it gives you a flip/mirror effect. And last, but it’s the most important tip I can give you, is... Your drawings don’t have to be perfect. Especially when you start to draw. I have so many sketches and drawings that I’ve never posted online. If you draw something and you don’t like it, that’s okay. Practice is truly the best way to get better at drawing. It takes a really long time to get good at drawing. I’ve been drawing for around 4 years now and I still feel like I’m not good enough at drawing.
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childhoodgrave · 4 years
whats dtl about ifff ud like 2 talk abt it i see cute sprites & decide i wanna know things.. hehe the top hat n cape guy gif is in sync w my music hehe
IM SO GLAD U ASKED this game is probsbly my favorite game ever its been a special interest if mine since i was 7 and i dont think its a GOOD game per se bt i love it a lot and it impacted me a lot as a little kid w a mild interest in art :)
so basically the game is a little 2d adventure platformer where u get to draw and design the character u play as. its p clunky and the way ur character moves looks rlly silly bt again this game was released in like 2010 on the ds so its ok .. the game also gave u templates to go off of and use too just in case u didnt want to design a character from scratch
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the story of the first game is abt this world that was drawn into existence by “the creator” in the book of life. u hav this little sequence where u get to draw the world, and the forrests and the creatures tht wld inhabit it. the creatures tht inhabit the world are callec raposa and they r little fox creature w funny ears :)
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like this guy (his name is zsasha and hes a thief but hes like a bad one who ends up returning all of the stuff he steals and also watching over a little orphan girl who he basically adopts LOL)
in the universe if the game the “creator” eventually went silent and the raposa lost hope in them ever returning. the world was slowly shrouded in darkness and gradually all of the raposa inhabiting this little village were either lost or left on purpose bc it was slowly falling apart. the game starts when one of the remaining raposa, mari, prays to u, the creator, to come back and help restore her village, saying that everyone else has lost hope but she still believes you can return to her. u can answer, and either say that u will help or you wont, but either way u end up agreeing to help her and she goes to tell her dad, the mayor, abt it. you create a “hero” to be the vessel you will speak thru, and thats the character u end up designing and playing as. the game is abt going to various areas from the village and rescuing all of the raposa that are lost there, as well as restoring the village to what it used to be and drawing in bits of the landscape, like the sun and plants and stuff.
the villain of the story is a guy named wilfre, who was another villager in the town who ended up drawing in the book of life bc he wanted to create things the way the creator had. he ended up making these big inky monsters and got consumed by them, and when u meet him at the beginning of the game he tears up a bunch of pages in the book of life which get scattered across the land and you have to collect them in order to restore the village.
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so u basically just go around saving villagers, collecting pages of the book of life, and redrawing bits of the town that were lost to wilfres shadows. eventually wilfre ends up like, killing maris dad (the mayor) and then after youve restored a majority of the village you enter his realm and kill him!! yay :)
throughout the game you also meet these two weird npcs called heather and mike. heather is a little raposa girl who has half of her face covered in shadows, and shes mostly mute. shes found early on in the game and is taken care of by another one of the main characters named jowee
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mike is a character u end up rescuing later on in the game, hes p confused and doesnt know how he got where he is, and hes also different from the other raposa bc he doesnt have ears like they do and kind of just looks like a normal human (even tho none of the raposa know what that is and they just think he looks rlly weird)
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in the first game heather is shown to take a liking to mike but it isnt explained why and she doesnt talk to its left unexplained
so yah the first game ends with you, the hero, defeating wilfre. mari takes on the role of her father and becomes mayor of the town, and all of the raposa (+ mike) live happily in the town youve restored. the hero goes dormant because theyre no longer needed and u get a scene at the end of the game w them sitting by the ghost of maris father.
the SECOND game takes place a while after the first game, in which wilfre returns and captures heather at the beginning of the game. he also kidnaps a bunch of the other villagers and transports them somewhere else, and he drains the color out of the village the raposa were in. they end up fleeing on a giant turtle with an abandoned town on its back that appears while the color is draining from the village. inside mari and jowee find another mannequin similar to the one the creator had drawn the hero on in the first game. they pray to the creator for help and thats when u draw the hero u get to play as for that game!! the hero doesnt seem to remember mari and jowee or any of the events of the first game, but they agree to help them rescue heather and all of the villagers wilfre stole.
jowee also has like, this magic pendant that belonged to heather that he found after wilfre took her, which seems to be leading them to where heather is. they use that to navigate the turtle thru the ocean to a bunch of other islands on the world. the second game is basically about traveling to different islands and helping them restore the color thats been drained out of them by wilfre. you also meet these two characters, salem
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who is a villain in the first island u travel to, and sock
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who is a villager on the first island u visit who ends up befriending jowee and traveling with them while they try to save heather.
so ur doing all of that but THEN, halfway thru the game mari is shown to be talking to wilfre, and then she dissapears. jowee assumes wilfre has captured her too, but shes later seen on the turtle again, and rips out a bunch of pages in the book of life the way wilfre did in the first game, and then wilfre appears to take her away and says that shes working with him now. jowee is heartbroken but resolves to get her back as well as heather
THEN, sock, jowees friend from the first island whos been tagging along and helping out, is ALSO revealed to be wilfre in disguise and he betrays jowee and steals heathers pendent, leaving jowee with basically no means of finding heather and wikfre and mari by extension.
so eventually they do end up finding where wilfre is and mari is like “jowee you dont understand wilfre has shown me the truth of our world and who the creator is and thats why im helping him” and jowee is like “i cant believe yoy are helping him how could you i cant believe you bla bla bla” and so wilfre is like “FINE ill show you the TRUTH of this world” and takes jowee and then the hero is kind of left ln their own for a bit to like wander around the world and try to keep rescuing ppl and such. and eventually jowee comes back and is like shaken up but kind of vague abt what wilfre showed him, but he still decides to side with the hero and the creator and eventually mari is convinced by him to join them again as well
so u fight wilfre again and EVENTUALLY wilfre reveals that if you defeat him basically the entire world will dissapear and thats what hes been trying to avoid by fucking w things and messing with the book of life. so all of the raposa have a bunch existential crisis abt them ceasing to exist if they go thru with this but then they decide to to it anyway bc the alternative is just as bad blah blah and u go and kill wilfre and he does this when he dies which is cool
[the gif was fuckjng broken im sorry but like look up his sprites and youll fjnd it 💔]
and now heather is back!! and her and mari and jowee are all talking about mike and how important he is and meanwhile mike has no clue whats going on and is kind of freaked out by all of this, but theyre all like “mike you need to wake up” as theyre all fading out of existence and shit around him and eventually him and heather are the only ones left and they dissapear too
and THATS when you get the ending and find out it was all like a dream mike was having while he was in a coma after a car crash anx this plays while the credits role lol https://youtu.be/Kur0qaYM1jM
^ they ended up releasing different versions oft he game w a less dark (but still w the whole ‘it was all a dream twist’) and thats it!!
there was also another game released for the wii that like gave wilfre a girlfriend kind of but i never played it to completion bc it used the wii remotes motion controls to like draw and shit and it was rly janky and hard so i never finished it and most ppl did the same. i kind of rlly want to try playing it again tho bc it was a p cute looking game even if the controls were fucked up
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AND YEA thats drawn to life its a weird silly little series tht i was obsessed w when i was a kid and it still holds a special place in my heart :) i basicaly just spoiled the entire series i guess but if u have a ds or a 3ds (bc the game is backwards complatible ! ) id still suggest like getting a cartidge off ebay or something and playing it bc its honestly a rlly sweet and beautiful looking game and i think a lot of it still homds up even if the controls r rlly janky now
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ladybugkisses · 5 years
hii ari,,, youre one of my favorite artists ever and um. i just turned 15, ive never drawn before, i just got a wacom tablet and ive been trying to practice but,,,its SO bad, and i know i just have to keep practicing but finding the patience is hard...i cant draw hair or eyes or mouths or ANYTHING do u have any tips on how to make myself keep trying and improve? ;_;
OOF Okay.. … this is probably gonna be really hard for me to help with because. i’ve been drawing my whole life, i dont even have the memory of Starting it anymore so sorry in advance if i’m no help because i can’t 100% relate
i understand your frustration for sure tho— i remember when i was trying to shift from drawing sonic OCs all the time to drawing humans and feeling Angry that they didn’t look good, and that’s when i picked up a “how to draw manga” book (in case anyone was wondering why my style looks at the very least anime-influenced THERE IT IS)
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so the following is gonna be Based Around What I Did At The Time, and would advise to go about differently if possible
🌼 it’s super obvious especially considering you already mentioned it but. keep practicing . you Will get better, it’s just a process. a really frustrating process, and maybe you don’t notice at first glance but you will keep improving if you keep at it; i didn’t realize my art has changed in a year until i made a redraw, for example
🌼 not being good at something the first time, or first timeS you do it, is completely normal; you need to understand this and allow yourself to be bad at first if you want to get good later
🌼 do it for the fun of it. i get that if you’re not happy with how it looks at the moment it feels Pretty Discouraging, but you should never let it become a chore
🌼 pleeeEEASE Don’t compare yourself to already experienced artists, that’s one way to get even more discouraged. i’m not going to call myself experienced, but since you mentioned me: i didn’t get to draw the way i do at the moment without years of practice and patience !! ! trust me when i say all artists get frustrated about their art no matter how good you think it is, even if we’ve been doing it for many many years
🌼 so look up tutorials ! not “how to draw manga” books though. you can enjoy anime but those are usually… …. .. . hmmm bad advice. also— maybe go about it in bits. like, one day you practice eyes, the other you practice mouths, the next you practice hair, etc etc
🌼 this ties in with the last point kinda but: experimenttttt ! !! like if you’re not happy with how the eye you made looks, try a different method ! i tried lots of different things— and still do tbh— back when i was really trying to figure stuff out, especially with coloring
🌼 going back to the 3rd point sorta: you need. to have fun with it. so don’t force yourself to draw when you’re feeling like you dont have the patience
aaand that’s about everything i can think of?? ? AGAIN Sorry if it doesn’t help you much but i hope it’s at least a bit encouraging :’^|
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