#first three protags just chillin
shitpostingkats · 5 months
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There's a lot of old unfinished works on my phone, and it just occurred to me that I want them archived somewhere! Have two years of old sketches, designs, and paintings! Remember not to judge yourself just by the drawings you finish, your skill is also equally built on all those abandoned projects sitting in your gallery somewhere <3
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asteraws · 5 years
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Christmas in Wyndon!!!
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 4 years
Sumire and Ryuji from persona 5!
Hi volt! Sorry this took a while! Under a cut cause it’s gonna be a little long.
And for context for the rest of my followers, send me a character and I’ll talk about them!
Ryuji first! Because it’s the boy!
do I like them: Like him? Like him??? I adore the boy! That’s my boy! 
5 good qualities: 1) Okay I know a lot of people put it in the negative qualities, but his anger. It consistently comes from a place of compassion, of seeing people being treated less than they deserve! I love a good example of righteous fury and Ryuji has it in spades. Plus, for me at least, it’s relatable. 2) That said, even if it’s (in my humble onion) good anger, it can get ahead of him/out of hand, and he recognizes that. And when it goes too far, he apologizes! He knows, admittedly often in retrospect, when he’s gone too far and needs to make up for it. And then he does! 3) Loyal, kind of to a fault. He’s ride or die for the protag from day one to endgame, even if you take the options to be an asshole to him and throw him under the bus for the entire game. He’s still looking out for the track team even though they don’t want anything to do with him. He deserves better. 4) He loves his mama. 5) That smile. Enough said.
3 bad qualities: 1) Always putting himself down. He’s fantastic and needs his confidence back. No, honey, you do not deserve to be beat up by your ex-teammates from track. I’m gonna beat them up right back, and then the people who let you think this way, starting with Atlus. 2) Protag can’t romance him. It’s not his fault though. 3) Poor boy got slapped with the Token Perv designation. (There is a pattern here to his bad qualities that are more about Atlus than the character himself.)
favourite episode/etc: I love his awakening (granted, I love all the awakenings) but probably my favorite thing is when he just. Invites you to go fishing on his birthday? Without actually telling you that’s what day it is? He just decides that what he wants for his birthday is to spend the day with his best friend just chillin’??? But doesn’t wanna pressure you? He’s! A good! Boy!
otp: Akiryu, pegoryu, whatever you wanna call it. Skull and Joker are soulmates and that’s that on that.
brotp: Ryuji&Ann and Ryuji&Futaba are my favorites, but just in general he deserves all the friendships.
ot3 ot4: Ryuji/Akira/Makoto/Haru. I could go on at length about why I adore the potential dynamic here. But I won’t on this post. Feel free to ask me about it sometime though. Buuut it’ll probably take me a while to answer, fair warning.
notp: Honestly, as long as it isn’t something Overtly Gross (cause 16), I don’t really have a notp for him. He’s full of love that needs to be shared.
best quote: Listen, we all love the “bein’ free” and “my place is next to you” quotes, so those go without saying. Instead, consider: “My whole life I thought I was banned from watching R-rated movies because my mom told me it stands for no-Ryuji.”
head canon: Shit, normally I have a few dozen headcanons rattling around in my brain at a time, but today I got nothin’ that I can dredge up and put to paper (metaphorically) so instead, uh, this song always makes me think of him.
And Sumi!
do I like them: I really do, partly out of spite for the part of the fandom that doesn’t like her, mostly out of genuine enjoyment for the character.
5 good qualities: 1) I’ll say it flat out, I respect her saying that the Phantom Thieves aren’t a permanent solution to society’s problems and that while they’re doing good work for those with no other options, society as a whole would stagnate for relying on them and not facing their own problems head-on. Because she’s absolutely right (as seen in the 12/24 Bad Ending), regardless of the particular irony of her circumstances when she said it. 2) Her overall growth from depression and self-deprecation to unflinching determination is super admirable and tbh kinda resonated with me. 3) Again, respect for turning down the Phantom Thieves to focus on herself. I like an ally character who won’t immediately bend over backwards for a player character, it keeps things interesting. 4) Impressively sneaky. Very important for a Phantom Thief, even if she isn’t officially one until almost the end. Tailed them in Sae’s palace without tipping them off on the 18th, eavesdropped on the conversation with Lavenza and just turned up in Maruki’s palace like it was no big deal, she’s fuckin’ impressive. 5) Who doesn’t love a good cook?
3 bad qualities: 1) Not her fault, but the big gap in the story between maxing her confidant early on in the game and then not being really relevant at all until 3rd semester save for a couple of “hey remember she’s still around” cutscenes leaves her feeling really isolated from the rest of the game. It’s more an issue of the writing not making an effort to connect her to the rest of the group/story at large. (I have my issues with Persona 4 Golden, but the New Girl confidant was at least better linked to the rest of the team during her social link.) 2) Girl I get the depression aspect, but why did you think Kasumi wouldn’t have mourned your death beyond, “well now I’m gonna keep working at this goal for both of us”??? (I know, I know, she is grieving, but a lot less that we see her do as Sumire, and again, the depressive spiral that made her take off like that anyways, but still.) 3) Another complaint more at the writing team than at the character herself, but I do wish that the protag could have been a little more of a smartass to her like he can to the rest of the team. “Are you going to the park cleanup too?” “Nah, I’m wearing my school gym clothes for fun.” Y’know, harmless sass like that. She suffers from a little bit of “Here’s The New Waifu, Now Love Her” writing. 4) Atlus, please give me a Confidant item that gives me those sweet, sweet perks back in NG+.
favourite episode/etc: Her second/real awakening during the third semester. Partly because by the time we got to Makoto’s awakening, the tearing-off-the-mask moment was more of a “okay you’ve seen this part, on to The Reveal” and that was disappointing because I liked how visceral and cathartic the first three were, and boy did hers fuckin’ deliver on that. It was fantastic.
otp: I’m a sucker for Sumitaba. Although Harusumi snuck up on me recently.
brotp: Ann&Sumire and Yusuke&Sumire, but again just give her all the friends. And then a couple more just for good measure.
ot3: Sumire/Enough Food To Fuel The Growing Athlete/Writing That Doesn’t Food Shame Her
notp: Again, as long as it’s not an Overtly Nasty, You Need Jesus ship (saw one person ship her and maruki and just. Yikes.), I don’t really have a notp for her. That said, my first playthrough was more “that’s my little sister” than a character I wanted to romance, so shusumi took a little bit of a brain adjustment.
best quote: “I am myself! I’ll never forget that again!” Fuck yeah, girl, heal from that trauma!
head canon: Haru and the Yoshizawa twins were friends as very little kids in the same beginner ballet class.
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raguna-blade · 4 years
Bored, and reading a bit of persona wiki stuff bout Nyarkylumps and Phil. Been a spell since either of them made a major play in the series, in a direct overt sense, so it’s kind of weird that the big good and bads of the series kinda took a back seat.
So my thought, based on loose understandings of the the first three (P1,2IS and 2EP) is that the reason they haven’t really shown back up yet, is kinda two fold.
1, they totally have, just in relatively lesser forms. Nyar is supposed to be all the evils of mankind right? In basically every persona game since, that’s what you’ve been fighting. Or rather, a Singular Evil of mankind, some negative aspect of them pumped up to 11 that is still, rather understandably, completely apocalyptic still. Philemon in turn sends 1(One) single Wildcard user with velvet room after them, cause fairs fair, gotta stick to the rules and all.
2, loose understanding strikes again, but didn’t nyar get punted back into the collective unconscious full stop? Like coming back from that’s hard. Probably a good thing no kind of jail break attempts have occurred whatsoever since then right. This would also kinda explain why in universe at least the parties haven’t had a mass of wild card types anymore. That level of shenaniganery would probably by default have to call for some all the worlds evils given so far each given protag more or less can snap at least one or two lesser evils like a kit kat by the end. Though, now that i wonder about it, this makes the velvet room attendants even weirder. Like the general vibe i’m getting is that the velvet room is some kind of actualizer for the collective unconscious right? Take the hidden and make it seen and all that. Igor, Big Neutral that he is, (I mean he treads good sure, but by rights he’s also not gonna step in beyond what help he already gives. I’d be zero percent surprised if he ALSO helped out a quote unquote evil wild card type.) more or less seems to be like...Well, actually seems to straight up be the levers and guide to it all (and given the way it’s framed in games 3-5, straight up helps the hero’s get in touch with the good and bad of themselves) so he’s more or less taking up a guide role, see the ways you can be good or evil, can give in or succeed. But then what the hell are the attendants? They’re referred to those who govern power right? If i’m remembering. And they’re also, each and everyone of them, stupidly powerful. But not in the ways that the protagonists are? It’s a singular power kind of deal. Not to mention they rock the shadow eyes. I half wonder if they’re supposed to be like, a portion of the Protag’s shadow that get’s split off (which has some interesting implications given the trend so far is universally the opposite gender as their guest, along with some romantic feelings/crushes/deep affection going on there, pretty much always)
If their relationship with their guests are that direct (not necessarily a shadow but)..oh.
Are they supposed to be Anima/Animus? Doing a quick wiki walk, that actually makes a kind of sense. They’re supposed to be, effectively, active guides and forms of the unconscious. Which, basically is what they are. A kin of shadows basically, one that is rational and thinking and full and not just an uninhibited mass of thoughts. Getting in touch with your opposite gendered one (technically both are possessed, but for jungian theory apparently getting in touch with the one opposite is the key since they have aspects that the other gender wouldn’t have.) results in a fuller stronger you. Which aligns with their social links which involve making very specific persona’s with specific abilities, basically coming to a closer cleaner stronger understanding of your myriad selves that exist within you, to get a better view of the real you. Of course, if they’re related to the Protags like that, it raises weird questions of chronology given that Margaret is the oldest but of the 4 is the second one active, but then they also seem to canonically exist outside of time in some respects so if they are directly tied to their guests in that way, it wouldn’t really matter cause lol timenanigans. Though, it could simply be a case of literally waiting for the right person, which would track too. They existed in the C.U. just chillin and suddenly, BAM.
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