#fishing pole holder
fearless-franklin · 4 months
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Got bored 😑 made a tool rack and a fishing pole holder. lol
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malooracks · 28 days
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How to Maximize Your fish pole rack with Malo'o Racks
Revolutionize your fishing experience with Malo'o Racks! Our fish pole rack are designed to maximize storage space, keeping your gear organized and easily accessible. Say goodbye to tangled lines and damaged poles - invest in a Malo'o Rack today and take your fishing game to the next level!
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You know what would make the Lucky Charm more balanced? Make it so that there are times where other characters figure it out, not just Ladybug. That way, it doesn't make Ladybug hypercompent and makes it possible for other people to save the day.
I don't mind Ladybug being the one best suited to Lucky Charm. I don't think it makes her hyper competent because you don't need a Lucky Charm to save the day. It's just the way that she saves the day. The other characters should have their own unique talents that let them win fights. Generally speaking, that's how strong teams work.
For a random example, let's talk about the teenage mutant ninja turtles simply because I think most people know something about that franchise. The character Donatello (aka Donnie) is the team's tech guy. He makes all kinds of inventions that help them save the day. The show would not be improved if all four of the turtles were able to take on this inventor role. I'd argue that it would actually be lessened because the characters would become interchangeable. This is something that the franchise seems to agree with as each version of the show gives each turtle unique skills and personality traits that makes each of them indispensable in their own way, which is what I think Miraculous should have done with the temp heroes.
That being said, I do think that there's a way to make your idea work. I'd just go a slightly different, more lore balancing route since Lucky Charm is technically bad lore and you all know how I feel about bad lore. So let's talk about giving it a minor tweak and how I think that would actually improve things.
Tikki is supposed to be Creation, not Luck, so the Lucky Charm shouldn't have anything to do with Luck. It should just be pure Creation where the holder comes up with a thing they want and that thing then pops up. It could also have a give and take element where the holder gets what they asked for if they want something specific, but they could also just call the power as a hail Mary and Tikki would come up with something on the fly, leading to the occasional puzzle.
This leads me to my proposed changed.
I personally think it would be hilarious and honestly more fun for Marinette's character if she could summon anything she wanted, but the Lucky Charms stay exactly the same because that's just how her mind works. Even when Tikki is helping, it's still all wacky items because Tikki knows how Marinette is and just goes with it.
For example, in Copy Cat, Ladybug turns a spoon into a hook for a cobbled together fishing pole. Wouldn't it be even funnier if Marinette summoned a spoon on purpose because she was thinking of the makeshift thing she cobbled together in order to fish up something she dropped from her balcony? Then, post fight, Chat Noir praises her like always, only to then ask, "So why a spoon and not a fishing hook?" And Ladybug just stares at him because oh, right, those are things they make. She could have done that. Ooops.
And in Malediktator where she summons a sniper rifle to get a laser pointer? Well, she was thinking about this silly comic about a cat assassin! She totally spaced on the fact that you could just get a laser pointer by itself.
Eventually, her team learns to just go with it and not ask questions. Meanwhile, the general public thinks that the Lucky Charm is some random item that Ladybug has to figure out and no one bothers to correct this misunderstanding. You can even have a running gag of new team members learning the truth and going through the acceptance process of, "Hey, you try thinking up how to set a trap while a 5 meter tall lollipop is trying to crush you! Your mind goes to what it knows, not to the ideal solution, okay???"
If we go with this setup, then other people can wield the Ladybug and use Lucky Charm effectively, they'll just use it in a very different way from the way Marinette uses it. There will also be people who are just not suited to the Ladybug since that was initially how the powers were supposed to work and it made perfect sense. Kwamis should have ideal holders along with okay backups and terrible backups. I personally think Alya would be an okay backup since she's creative, but not creative in the same way Marinette is, leading her to be a lesser Ladybug. Adrien, on the other hand, should generally suck at the Ladybug as he simply doesn't have that style of creative thinking. Which is fine. Better than fine, even! You don't want your characters to be interchangeable! They should all have strengths and weaknesses!
This is one of the show's big flaws. Since everything is on Marinette's shoulders, the other characters rarely get a chance to shine and so they feel interchangeable. For example, if gift always shows the target what THEY want, then why does Rose need to be the one to wield it? Juleka could wield it just as easily. And if Ladybug is generally the one telling Marc and Nathaniel what to summon with their powers, then their creativity is not needed. Anyone could wield the rooster and the goat! The show has completely failed to understand what makes teams memorable and so we have a bloated, boring team whose presence I'm dreading because they had five seasons to set these guys up and yet here we are.
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dsireland86 · 7 months
The Things We Could Never Change
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Chapter 2 Part 1
****warnings: sexual content and language
If you want to be tagged in the next chapter, let me know :)
tags: @lma1986 @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @missduffsblog @bngurngheart @thatamazingvampirestory @myownthoughts12
"I don't think this is the way I'm supposed to bait this hook, Nick! Can you help me, please before I chuck this stupid thing in the water?"
I turned around and couldn't resist laughing. Sophie had the line tangled around the pole with only a few inches of room for the hook and the most distraught look on her face. There was no way teaching her anything today was going to work.
"Here, give it to me," I chuckled, setting my bottle of water down, and taking the pole.
"First," I said, glancing over at her. She was watching my hands, but I could tell she wasn't feeling any of this. I began untangling the line that was tightly secured around my favorite fishing pole, wondering how in the hell she managed to do this. "We're not baiting any hook. They're trout; not bass." I grinned at her, but she just rolled her eyes. 
"Secondly, all of this just takes a little patience, Soph. If you have it, then things will go smoothly. If you don't well, this happens," lifting the pole and shaking my head.
"I'm sorry," she apologized, her countenance falling.
"Hey, don't apologize. I'm just happy you want to spend time with me and at least try to learn." I felt my face redden a little
"You know I love spending time with you, Folio. You're one of my favorite people," she admitted with a shy smile. I felt a pang of jealousy hit my heart.
"I don't freaking know what happened though," shrugging her shoulders. "I was just trying to put a stupid worm on a stupid hook and the stupid pole didn't want to work with me." I looked over and saw how upset she was.
"Wow! Easy killer. It's no biggie. Fixable, see?" I held up the pole in the same condition I had brought it in; perfect. 
Sophie gave a half smile, kissing my cheek before walking away and throwing herself in a camping chair. 
"I have a feeling this isn't just about a fishing pole and bait."
"No," she answered flatly.
"Right, well, I think this calls for something a little stronger," I announced, opening the cooler next to me and retrieving two beers. I cracked one open and handed it to her. She accepted it gratefully, taking a long sip before I even had the chance to open mine.
"Soph, what's going on? You look stressed and exhausted. Is the new medicine not working?"
I brought over another camping chair and sat in front of her, making a statement I was ready for details. She sat back and took another long sip of her beer before placing it in the chair holder.
"I don't think so," shaking her head and fiddling with her thumbs. "I told my doctor, but he said I just needed to give it time. I feel like by the time it does start working I might be past the point of exhaustion and having sleep for dinner instead of food."
"Hey, that's my line."
She grinned at me before rolling her eyes again, propping her legs up on my lap.
"Seriously, though what's wrong?"
She hesitated before speaking.
"Do you know a girl by the name of Sarah?"
Holy fuck. Where did that come from?
Hanging my head, I adjusted my black Harley Davidson hat, trying to think of a way out of this conversation, but failed.
"Um, yeah the name sounds familiar," admitting, knowing I knew a whole lot more than I was letting on.
Here, Sophie leaned forward, resting her arms on her knees. 
"Folio, why didn't you ever tell me Noah had a fiance?"
And there it was; the very thing I was trying to avoid.
"It wasn't my place I guess. You should know by now how private Noah is. He would have killed me if I told you." 
I may have been exaggerating a little, but if I had said anything to Sophie before Noah did, shit would have hit the fan.
"Nick, tell me honestly; should I be worried? Because Noah seemed pretty worked up when he found out."
I took my hat off and ran my hands through my hair, only to put it back on.
"How did Noah find out?" 
As I drank more of my beer, I listened to Sophie explain what happened the other day when Matt called Noah. 
"Who in their right fucking mind would hire her," I yelled, tossing mine and Sophie's empty bottles back in the cooler.
"That's exactly what Noah said. He and Matt are trying to figure it out. They think it might have something to do with the label and someone who works there who knows her."
"Yeah, that sounds like something Sarah would do."
"She's that bad?"
I looked over at Sophie, noticing the worry on her face. 
"If Sarah was still the same as I remember, then yeah, she's that bad if not worse. Did Noah go into any detail about what happened between them?"
Sophie shook her head. 
I went over to her, taking her hands and pulling her up. She was the prettiest thing I'd ever seen and smelled like a summer flower. Noah was a lucky guy and if he did anything to fuck up what he had going with Sophie, I promised myself I would beat the shit out of him. 
I was thankful to have Sophie's friendship at least; most of the time it was enough for me. But deep down, I kept my true feelings for her hidden, knowing how much it would wreck if anyone found out.
"I'm sure he'll tell you when he's ready, Sophie, don't worry," pulling her in for a big hug. "What happened between them was a long time ago. Noah's had plenty of time to heal and move on from Sarah. It'll all be fine."
"And if it's not?", she asked, her head laying against my chest. 
I paused to think about this for a minute. What would happen?
"Then I'll be here to protect you," I answered, full of reassurance. 
Sophie looked up at me that sweet smile but the clouds of distraught were still there. She wasn't convinced by my words and to be honest neither was I.
"This is fucking bullshit and you know it," I yelled into the phone at the stupid idiot on the other end. I was beyond pissed by now, having been on the phone most of the day trying to sort out the deliberately fucked up situation that was straining my nerves to their very ends. "I don't fucking care about contracts. Your girl did something wrong, something illegal, and it's going to affect our band in a very bad way. I want it fixed!" I slammed the front door shut, ignoring all the faces turning to look at me as I marched up the steps to my studio, slamming the door closed behind me. "So what you're telling me is that this chick on your end, the label's end, managed to have a contract written up for her friend that would guarantee her a job working with band crew, and it just so fucking happens it's my band she gets sent to? That's not a coincidence and you know it." I pinched the bridge of my nose to alleviate some of the pressure in my head but to no avail. I glanced down at my desk, setting sights on a recent photo of me and Sophie together and a sudden ache of guilt slammed into my heart. I was trying to avoid having to drag her into this fucked up drama with my ex, but was failing miserably. 
"Look, I can't work with this woman. She's a toxic person that I have a horrible history with and having her work with the Bad Omens crew is going to be the worst mistake ever." I paused, giving the asshat on the other end a chance to speak, but all he said was the same thing as before. "My hands are tied Noah, I'm sorry," hanging up the phone and leaving me hanging.  
"Argh, motherfucker," I screamed, rage pulsating through me, almost throwing my phone against the wall. I was fuming with so much anger, that the vein in my neck was bulging, and my jaw was hurting from how hard I'd been grinding my teeth together. 
This was a fucking nightmare; a mess I never asked for. I felt trapped, suffocating as thoughts of my past reared their ugly faces once again, threatening to destroy everything that Sophie and I were building, and suddenly I found myself on my way down of feeling low, losing grip on my mind. I never wanted Sophie to see this side of me; the side that made me feel like a letdown to everyone. I had to tell her; to be honest with her about what we were up against. Sarah was a force to be reckoned with. A fucked up, delusional, human being who knew all too well how to manipulate the right people to get what she wanted. Running my hands through my hair, I took a long, deep breath, realizing I needed a release from the tension that had built up inside me; a strong, decadent release from the emotions and thoughts warring within my mind. A soft knock suddenly came from the other side of the door along with Sophie's sweet voice calling my name, answering my silent plea.
I was almost asleep on Jolly's shoulder when the booming sound of Noah's voice followed by the harsh slamming of the front door, startled me, jerking my eyes wide open. Noah was yelling at someone about a girl, the label, and other inaudible words as he climbed the steps two at a time disappearing into his studio upstairs; the second slamming of a door echoing through the house.
"Holy fuck, what's his deal," Folio bellowed, appearing to be almost asleep himself. 
"One guess," Nick stated without looking up from his book.
"What?" I sat up, wiping the sleep from my eyes.
"What? Noah's been on the phone most of the day with the label, trying to get them to fix the whole mess with Sarah being hired on as crew. I haven't seen him this pissed since,"
"Stop," Jolly interrupted, glaring a Nick with a raised eyebrow,
"I wasn't going there, Jolly. Calm down," Nicholas laughed lightly.
My hands rested on my lap nervously, as I thought about the whole situation with this Sarah person and what I was in the dark about. I hadn't even met her, yet I hated her, and watching Noah struggle the way he was with all of it was painful. He still hadn't told me their history, but I was hopeful he would soon.
"I should probably go check on him," I asserted. Jolly removed his arm from around me, making me already miss the comfort of his warmth, as I made my way upstairs to see what was wrong with Noah.
"Look, I can't work with this woman. She's a toxic person that I have a horrible history with and having her work with the Bad Omens crew is going to be the worst mistake ever." 
The regret I could hear in Noah's voice was crushing. Whatever happened in his past must have been not only devastating but detrimental too. Noah screamed, in the same manner, he would when he was on stage except this time with actual frustration. 
"Noah," I called, quietly knocking on the door. I was surprised by how fast the door opened and was instantly pulled into the room with the door closing behind me. Noah locked it and turned to me. 
His face was clouded with a perplexed look, but the magnetic appeal in his eyes held a sort of desirable darkness I was familiar with.
"Do you remember when you told me you were ready for me to have all of you?"
Closing the gap between us, Noah towered over me as he slid his hands around my waist and under my shirt, pulling me into him. My heart fluttered, immediately beating fast the moment his skin touched mine. "Yeah, I remember, and I meant it," I said, gently taking his face between my hands and tracing his bottom lip with my thumb.
He placed a moist kiss on the inside of my palm, leaving a dampness on my skin. The way he stared at me, dark eyebrow arched as he dragged his lust-filled eyes up and down my body, made me shiver. His breath was shaky either from the anger he was battling or that his self-control was wavering despite how hard he was resisting. 
"You can talk to me, you know. Whatever you have to say, I won't judge you or do anything that will hurt you, Noah. I just want to listen like you've always listened to me." 
He took my lips in his, kissing me softly, but I could feel his muscles flexing and grip tightening around me as he fought the urges his body was going through. He was tense and the breath he took when he kissed me was quick and loud. I needed to finally give this man the one thing he desperately needed from me; the one thing he'd been most respectful of.
"I don't fucking deserve you, Sophie," he confessed, laying his forehead on mine and closing his eyes. My hands wandered to his back, aching to feel his skin beneath them. I wanted his shirt off and tugged on it so he'd get the idea. After tossing it to the floor, Noah gathered me back up into his arms as I ran my hands up his chest, wrapping them behind his neck.
I laughed silently to myself, knowing how crazy he sounded. If anyone didn't deserve anyone, it was the other way around. I owed Noah the world after everything he'd done for me in the past year. In so many ways, he saved me.
"Yes, you do," kissing his cheek and brushing his hair back out of his face. I was eye-level with his chest, the dull colors of his tattoos so close I could see every detail. The word "desolate" stared me right in the face. It hurt to think that at some point in his life, Noah felt that way; empty, desolate. I prayed he still didn't. 
He shook his head, disagreeing with me. 
"Noah, look at me." He opened his eyes, no longer hiding the tears that lurked in their corners.
"You can't keep acting like if you let your guard down the world is going to end. Why don't you trust me enough to let me in?" 
He shrugged, quickly wiping away the one tear that escaped. I pulled him down and kissed his face. "I don't know why you seem to think you have to hide your pain from me; you don't." 
Noah clenched his jaw, hands moving up my body until they reached my shoulders and he pulled my shirt off, throwing it to the floor next to his. He pulled me in close, our chests pressed firmly together, and his hardness, which said he was hungry for me, pushed tight against my belly. His long fingers danced over the skin on my shoulders and back sending all kinds of signals between my thighs, making my muscles tighten like never before. I wanted him now more than ever and if I didn't get him soon I was going to internally combust. 
"You warm my soul, Sophie," he whispered in my ear, taking it in his mouth and sucking it lightly. A soft moan escaped me as I felt myself crumpling in his hands. 
"Whenever I'm around you, I feel alive," he continued, sliding his large hands under my bra and pulling it up, over my head, exposing my bare breasts to his hungry eyes. "And for a while, I can forget about my demons."
Noah's lips found mine again. They were desperate and needy and full of longing.
His hands found my breasts, their size completely engulfing them as he massaged and played with my nipples which immediately hardened at his touch. I couldn't hold back the sounds escaping me, but Noah didn't seem to mind.  
"I wanna fuck you, Sophie. I need to. Is that okay?" 
Noah's bluntness shocked me but didn't surprise me. I understood what he was feeling because I was feeling it too. I knew it was time to let him have my body as he had my heart.
I nodded my head, but he wouldn't accept that. "I need your words, Baby," he demanded in a tone I never heard before. I swallowed, hard. "Yes."
Like a switch that went off, Noah's face went from sweet to feral in a matter of seconds. He seized my hips, clamping down on them so hard I was sure there'd be bruises later, slamming his lips to mine and his tongue in my mouth. I knew at this point that he was in complete control and I was all too willingly surrendering.
"I want to cum inside you," he said bluntly, yanking my leggings down, forcefully until they were off and in the same pile as our shirts. "You're still on birth control, right?" pushing me against the desk, indicating me to sit. I nodded, too overwhelmed with what was going on to speak, sliding my bottom on top of the cold hardness of the desk like I was told. 
Noah paused for a moment, looking me over as I sat in only my panties on the top of his desk, waiting for him.
"You have no idea how long I've dreamed of fucking you like this," he said, sliding his joggers off. His hard cock was clearly visible through his black briefs, the length, and size of it making my eyes widen. Noah smiled, chuckling softly. 
"Do you think I won't fit?" My cheeks grew warm, snitching on my insecurities. Spreading my legs, Noah planted himself in between them, reaching for the tops of my panties, pulling them off, and placing them in the right side drawer. 
"Those are mine," he stated firmly. 
I didn't argue.  
"Don't worry, Baby. It'll fit perfectly inside your sweet little pussy; like a glove." Noah winked. I whimpered over the feeling that hit me as I watched Noah remove his briefs and yank me closer to him. He pumped himself a few times spreading the precum over the tip, preparing to slip it inside me. My breath caught in my throat over knowing this man before me and everything that came with him was mine, and the emotions that hit me were a lot. I couldn't think straight and didn't even notice when Noah reached behind my head and grabbed me with his free hand until I felt his kiss.
"You are fucking lethal to my self-control, you know that," I expressed, just as he slid two fingers inside my wet pussy, making me cry out. I threw my hand over my mouth to keep quiet, but he quickly pulled it away.
"Don't cover your mouth, I want to hear you." 
"But everyone downstairs," I whined, his fingers hitting the very spot inside me that felt heavenly, pulling another loud cry from me. With my hands behind me, palms flat on the desk, I tried to contain the sounds that were escaping but was failing miserably. 
"I don't give a fuck if they can hear us. I want to hear you scream for me, Princess." He gave me that smile that sent the butterflies in my stomach flying while pushing his strong fingers in and out of my sex harder and faster than ever before, never taking his eyes off me, making my moans grow louder. Our lips found each other as the version of me that once suggested we were meant for anything but this, melted away. 
"Noah," calling to him from the blissful part of my heart. 
"What is it, Baby?"
I was letting my emotions get the best of me, but he needed to hear how I really felt about him. 
"Noah, for the longest time, I believed love was a myth, something I didn't deserve because the only thing I had to compare it to was the life I had with Perry. But then you came along and proved to me that myths can sometimes be real too. Noah," I paused, licking my lips knowing I was about to take a huge risk, "Noah, I'm in love with you and I can't deny it anymore; I don't want to." 
I couldn't hold back the tears anymore as they slowly rolled down my cheeks. I was laid open like a book for Noah, exposing every vulnerable part of me. Noah stayed silent, reading me with his lustful eyes. His face was void of emotion, making it hard to know what line I'd just crossed. 
"Say something," I said, searching his eyes for some kind of response. He smiled, running his tongue over his bottom lip.
"Fuck this foreplay shit. You deserve the real thing," pulling his fingers out of me. Noah slid his fingers which were covered in my juices over his cock, pumping it a few times before lining it up to my pussy's entrance, plunging inside me with no warning, making me scream out his name in a lustful moan.  
"There it is," he said, grabbing my leg and holding it to his hip while wrapping his hand around my neck, lips finding mine as he began to thrust long and deep inside my wetness that was just for him. It took me a moment to adjust to him. It had been a while since, well since I was intimate, and to be perfectly honest, Perry was no match for Noah. The way Noah filled me was complete and I wasn't left wanting for anything more; just him, and at the moment I couldn't get him deep enough in me. My walls tightened around him with every thrust and pull he made, earning him a moan or a cry that I had no control over. 
"Goddamn, Sophie you're so fucking wet and tight, I can't," but he cut his words off, pushing his cock further into me. A low savage growl came from deep inside him. 
He leaned further into me, his hot breath covering my neck and head almost against my chest, as he savagely gathered me into him so that I could finally wrap my arms around him. 
I ran my nails across his shoulders, feeling the sweat that was already building on his skin, holding him to me in hopes that for a brief moment, I could make him feel safe, and from the way he clung to me, he did. Eventually, our steady speed turned into an unrelenting tempo and I couldn't hear anything but his grunts, my moans, and the sound of our skin slapping together.  
"I can't believe this is real; that you're real. I've been aching to be inside you," he breathed between each hard thrust. "I've needed this for too long, Sophie, and not just the sex, but sex with you." I managed to peer down and watch as his thick cock disappeared into my body, bringing my eyes up to meet his and see the enigmatic look on his face.
Noah was relentless against my pussy that was craving everything he was doing to it and I couldn't get enough of him inside me. "Sophie," he said softly, finally slowing his pace for a moment and letting me catch my breath. He took my face between his hands, pulling me to him, and dragging his lips across the skin of my neck and throat, sucking one specific spot until I could feel it bruising. He let go, bringing his eyes up to meet mine.
"God, why are you so fucking beautiful," kissing my lips violently. I couldn't resist the urge to smile. 
"This is going to sound corny as hell."
"Just say it."
"It wasn't until I met you that I understood I'd never been in love before." He brushed the strands of free hair out of my face. "I'm in love with you too, Sophie, and I want to spend every day proving it to you." 
I grinned, moving my hips around to feel his thickness inside me. I watched his eyes close and that satisfying look fall over his face again. 
"You like how that feels, my love," I cooed.
Noah nodded sluggishly. I sat up with him still inside me, latching on to his tight bottom and pushing further into me. His low grunts triggered another round of endorphins that made my pussy wetter.
"I don't need you to spend every day proving it, Noah. I already know. You've done things for me, and to me," I snickered, "that I've never experienced before." I ran my hands up his sides, relishing the feeling of his soft, tight skin beneath my fingertips. 
My body squirmed, begging Noah to continue what he started, and whimpered as his hand found my neck again. With his lips on mine, he whispered in my ear, "You are mine and only mine. You are my girl. Understand?" His fingers tightened around me, squeezing lightly until I was feeling a sort of high. 
"As long as you know you're mine and I'm not the kind of girl that shares. I will fight her for you Noah, and I'll win." 
Noah chuckled tightening his grip on my neck. My airwave was constricted, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing how fucking good it felt as he started his thrusting pace back up, massaging my inner walls even harder than before. "Your jealousy is already too fucking hot. She'd be a fool to cross your path." 
By this time I was pushing so hard against his thrust, craving the feeling of his cock inside me, that I was a writhing mess in his hands. My body was dying to reach its climax and was willing to do anything at this point to reach it. I braced myself against the bottom of the desk again, allowing Noah to use me as he needed to reach his release. My body was shivering and the built-up pressure in my stomach told me only one thing; I was almost there. 
Just thinking about this made my back arch and cries fell mercilessly from my mouth like rain. Noah quickened his pace, grabbing both my legs and locking them firmly around him. I felt completely surrounded by him, safe inside the dome of protection he created around us. Slowly, the fire in my body concentrated on the fire building in my core. My body started to shake and I was growing light-headed.
"Noah, fuck, baby, I'm almost there," I said gasping, taking a handful of his hair and tugging it. 
"That's it, my Princess. Fucking cum on me. I want to feel you. I need to feel you," he begged, taking his thumb and pushing it lightly on my clit. The circular motions he began made me moan louder.
"I love seeing you like this Sophie; so spread open and vulnerable in my hands. You don't know what you do to me, how fucking crazy you make me. I love you, Sophie." 
It was the first time either one of us said those exact three-letter words and the way it made me feel was unexplainable. I cried out harder than before, feeling like my entire body was on fire and about to explode. "Harder, Noah. Please, harder," I panted, almost reaching my climax. I knew I was being too loud, but I couldn't stop myself. "You look beautiful, Princess. I'm so fucking in love with you," he laughed. Finding his eyes, I saw the adoration for me in them and it was enough to pull one last cry from me before my walls collapsed around him, flooding me with such a beautiful release that my eyes welled up with tears. My orgasm hit me like a massive tidal wave, crashing into me without mercy, and I could feel myself cumming. "Fucking hell, Noah," I cried, grabbing his arms and digging my nails deep into his skin. He growled, hissing through his teeth as continued to lightly fuck me, pulling every last drop of my climax out of me.  
"You sound so damn beautiful, baby," Noah praised me, leaning over and latching his lips to one of my nipples. He sucked the hard peak first, lapping the tip before nipping the end, and then worked his tongue to the outside area, circling the skin and dragging his teeth over it. Switching to my other breast, Noah repeated his work as his hands roamed my body as if trying to memorize it. 
"Noah," I stammered, trying to speak the words that formed in my head but were impossible to say as he worked my body, trying to pull a second orgasm from me. My hands found his hair and I ran my fingers through its softness, sighing at the feeling 
"You think you have another one in you?" he asked, pulling me up and lifting me off the desk. "No. I'm drained," confessing as I wrapped my body around him, placing small kisses on his face and neck. He set me down carefully on the gray couch and a huge smile appeared on my face at the memory this couch held. "That look says otherwise," he said with a smirk, kneeling in front of me. 
"Noah, what are you doing?" His tattooed hands slid up my thighs, the darkness of them bringing out the paleness of my skin, and parted them, exposing my swollen sex to him. His nostrils flared and his jaw clenched as his deep dark eyes took in the sight of me.  
"You know, I thought that your pussy looked delicious before, but now that I've properly fucked it, it looks so mouthwatering, a could almost cum without even tasting you." Noah licked his lips before wrapping his arms around my legs, tugging me down toward his face, and plunging deep inside me with his mouth that I just about saw stars from the intense rush it gave me. I forced my hand over my mouth, this time covering it to save myself even more embarrassment. I moaned against my skin, biting any flesh my teeth could find. Noah let up, taking my leg and draping it over his shoulder to get a better angle. "I thought I told you not to do that," he scolded, pulling my hand away from my mouth. "I want to hear your sweet moans." "Yeah, but I'm so embarrassed. The others are downstairs and I'm sure they don't want to hear us." 
The look on his face was priceless and it made me giggle. "It's impossible for you to not overthink anything isn't it," he chuckled bringing his wet lips to mine, and kissing me until I could taste myself on him. "I said I don't give a fuck if they hear. They'd better get used to it because they're going to hear it a lot more than just tonight." He rubbed our noses together and tickled my side, making me laugh and squirm beneath him. We stared at each other for a moment, drinking one another in and trying to memorize every detail. I felt his cock, which was still fully hard, rub against my center, stirring the arousal inside me, and suddenly I wanted his mouth on me again. "Make me cum again, Noah," I whispered, pushing against him as I wiggled my hips and watched his lips curl into his precious smile. 
"Yes ma'am." Kissing my thighs and biting them, I jerked, the feeling intense, but welcoming. At first, his fingers parted my folds, and he slipped a finger inside me, but when he applied his mouth and worked my core so gently, a rush swept over me. I clawed at the fabric of the cushion, bucking my hips at every flick and circle his tongue made. He lapped up my wetness, sucking as much of it as he could before swallowing. "I'll never get enough of the way you taste," he muttered against my tightly clenched pussy, which was almost on the verge of cumming again. I just needed one more thing.
"I'm almost there, Baby. Use your fingers," I moaned, panting so heavily at the feeling of my second orgasm. As soon as Noah did what I asked, it only took a few pumps of his fingers to draw it out, and soon I was a shivering, shuttering mess in his hands again. Noah didn't even give me time to recover as he pulled me to the floor and slid himself gracefully between my legs, filling me with himself once more. This time I was able to properly hold onto him and allow him to take what he needed to find his own release. "God, you feel so fucking amazing wrapped around me, Sophie. I want this forever." "Forever?" I asked, surprised. His eyes met mine and he grinned, pecking my lips quickly. "You're making me cum, baby, I'm almost," he grunted, yelled, and then spilled himself inside me, coating my entire insides with his release. 
"Holy, fuck," collapsing into me so I could wrap him up in my arms. He was sweaty and sticky, and completely out of breath, but I loved every part of it. I didn't mind the pressure of his body against mine; I was just happy to have him. All of him.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this point, Noah," I confessed, running my hands up and down his back. "I'm sorry if you ever felt I didn't trust you enough." 
"No, don't do that," he mumbled into my neck, planting soft kisses. "Don't apologize. You were healing. I understand that." He pushed himself up, holding his weight off me by the strength of his arms. His silver chain dangled down, and I couldn't resist the urge to play with it. "Sophie, you never have to apologize for guarding yourself because of what that piece of shit did to you." Standing up and slipping his briefs on, Noah grabbed a blanket and a pillow from the couch along with his shirt and laid back down next to me. He cleaned me up the best he could considering where we were with no access to a bathroom, and when we were finally settled, I snuggled into the crook of his arm, throwing my arm over him and hugging him tight. It was so warm and soft next to him, reminding me of the perfect spot you'd find in your bed, surrounded by a bunch of pillows. Bringing his arm around me, Noah began to caress my shoulder, letting his fingers slide across my skin lazily as we both began to grow tired. 
Even though we both knew where each other stood now, confessing our love and refusing other people at this point, there was a deeply hidden fear that began to latch itself in me. It was the kind of fear that was just about as terrifying as the thought of Perry; paralyzing. 
"Noah, can I ask you something?" 
"You know you can," he replied, sleepily. 
"Are you ever going to tell me what happened with you and Sarah?"
I felt his body go rigid and his hand squeeze my shoulder. I was suddenly worried I'd crossed a horrible line the second he pulled his arm out from under me and sat up. I was afraid to look at his face, fearing I had made him angry. 
"You deserve to know," Noah agreed with a sigh. "I can't avoid it, can I? We share everything now at this point," reaching over and taking my hand. I gave him my best half-smile, earning me a sweet caress of his fingers across my cheek. Pulling the blanket with me, I nestled myself in between his legs like he asked me to and leaned back against his body as he began telling me the story of his relationship with Sarah and how it all went wrong. My heart wasn't prepared for what I heard and I now understood why Noah was the man he was today. She broke his heart.  
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
These last volumes have so many chapters. But they're relatively short.
It's hard to think there's only two weeks left.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 13, Chapters 1-3 below.
Volume 13 Covers
Ugh, Vash is in too much shadows here. But look at Livio! He looks happy! Is it because he's losing part of his shirt again? I don't think this boy likes shirts.
Aaand everyone's plans have bee thwarted by a friendly octopus. He has that many arms so he can give more hugs!
Shout out to pirate Livio's new and improved fish gun.
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Everyone on the back cover's got weird eyes for some reason.
I like how only Elendira gets to keep her shape on the back cover. She's ready to be a dashing pirate.
Why is one of the chapters called "Black"? WHY IS ONE OF THE CHAPTERS CALLED BLACK?!?!
Chapter 1: False Mirror
Oooh, fancy Legato vs. Vash page. I like it.
Ey, it's naked, long-haired Knives again. Been a while since we've seen him.
Definitely Legato thoughts. I guess that day made a bit of an impression on him. Can't imagine why.
Man, this is why Legato wears them big-ass shoulder pads. If I had his history, I'd obscure my actual figure, too.
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It sure is in character for Knives not to realize the value of the humans around him.
Gods, Vash looks both desperate and exhausted.
Aaaand Legato's fucking with him.
Holy crap, Legato actually asked Knives about killing Vash to his face??
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Gods, Knives is absolutely yawning here for show. He's putting work into trying to make Legato feel like he means nothing to him.
Oh, Legato... baby boy.... You were never going to win Knives' affection by proving you could beat Vash in a fight.
Oof, he sees himself in Vash. I don't even think he's wrong. Vash feels like he's lost everything, that even what still remains, he's doomed to lose if only by the slow march of time.
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I make a lot of comments about Legato's unhinged smiles, but I really like his pensive looks, too. I think he's one of the more expressive characters in the series.
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I mean, if you want to get technical, he didn't kill so many of them so much as he happened to be more or less present at their death.
I'm curious how this coin holder is tied to a "prize" or a "gift" of some sort.
So... this isn't really a game to Legato. It's not even a test for Vash. It's a test for himself. He just can't shake the idea that if he can utterly crush Vash, he'll take Vash's spot before Knives. Gods, this little yandere.... The world doesn't work like that. Knives doesn't work like that.
All the Gung-Ho Guns he went through, and again, we have the mask side of Livio and a suspicious lack of Wolfwood. Even Chapel doesn't appear this time.
Chapter 2: Double Duel
I'm not quite sure what Vash is getting worked up about here. Perhaps he thinks Legato is making too much light of all the deaths of the Gung-Ho Guns?
Legato is not impressed by Vash's threat. He wants him to follow through or not bother.
I'm continually impressed by people's ability to apparently clearly talk around having the barrel of a gun in their mouth.
I'm honestly not sure what all is happening here. How did Vash get on the ground? What's happening with Legato's right arm? What's up with the pole on a chain? I guess Legato is moving the pole on a chain? It's too big to be reflected by the box he gave Vash, so maybe that's where he's putting his effort?
Well, he spat out the gun. Now he has pole.
Ah I thought I remembered it being attached to the weird boobed spiky ball thing. There's a name for this kind of weapon but I have a headache so I'm not looking it up right now. Generally, it doesn't have a humanoid attachment. It's just a spiky ball on a chain.
Heh, this is them getting their own back-to-back.
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Yeah, Livio is hard to kill, thankfully.
Clearly, that's not gonna stop her from trying.
Ahhhhh!! It's good to see Livio comfortable with himself. It's easy to mistake him for a brute, but he has enough talent that, while Chapel didn't expect him to win, he did expect L/R to give Wolfwood a hard time.
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Ahahahahaha, he's so cute here.
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Chapter 3: Corpse Fire
It's ok, these people don't really have a concept of interstellar travel, so it's not like they have a formalized system for space ships landing.
I think Chronica's a bit desperate. And hurt. She definitely didn't take the loss of Domina lightly.
Legato, my boy, now you're just being dramatic. I mean, I know that's how you are... but Vash has never been keen on theatrics in the name of violence.
I don't think Vash believes in things like "dying in a blaze of glory." I think he sees death as death, and that's kinda it.
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LEGATO!!! This is NOT about who is "best!" KNIVES. DOES NOT. CARE.
Oh, honey. If it weren't for Vash, humanity probably wouldn't have lasted long enough for you to be born. I realize you probably wouldn't see that as a bad thing, so let me further note that if you had, he wouldn't have accepted you any more. He might have discarded you already because he wouldn't need your help wearing Vash down.
What the eff is this thing?! Now it's full of machine guns?!?
Hahahaha, Livio's trying to call a time out in the middle of the fight.
Ok, that's some impressive dodging.
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I like how Livio is more annoyed at Elendira than he is mad that she's still shooting at him after he called for a time out.
Livio <3 Love how annoyed Elendira looks that she's been had, too.
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Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8 || Vol. 11: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 12: Covers + 1-3, 4-6, 7-9
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel) || Vol. 11: New Hair, New Outlook
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americangrove · 1 year
I did not see a parakeet. Nor did I expect to because the last time anyone saw the kind I could have seen was one hundred years ago. But had I seen one, it would have had a green body, a yellow neck, and a red crown, like a granny smith apple, turning into a golden delicious, ending with a fuji flourish. Unlike apples though, this parakeet would have been indigenous. Back in his day, Audubon fixed four of them, all on a branch of matured cocklebur, their name swirling below–Carolina Parrot or Parakeet—just as live ones would have swirled above and outside his page, until they all passed (a century later) into life only re-presented (drawings, pictures, reminiscence, taxidermy).[1] So, I did not see a parakeet.
But I did see cane, as I was in a canebrake. Switchcane, rivercane and hill cane, the genus Arundinaria trio, bamboos native to North America. I am not sure which species of cane I was in, though my guess is switchcane (A. tecta), as rivercane (A. gigantea) also has the name of giant cane for its remarkable height—at maturity it is taller than a grown man on a grown horse; and hill cane (A. appalachiana) has a topographic preference that did not describe the place where I stood. 
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Nevertheless, they all look similar, more like plants in diagram rather than plants in dirt, their linear stems appear pencil drawn, their lance like leaves seem generated by straight edge. Enmassed, canebrakes look like early computer-generated greenery before sinuosity was possible. In a way, they are an early plant—a fire rolls through, clears the understory, perhaps takes a tree or two down with it; the flames cease and cane is among the first to resurface, and resurface quickly for it is not as dependent on reseeding as it is on its rhizome.[2] Like the longleaf pines which it once accompanied over the land, it looked forward to the fire next time. Out of the flames came thickets, which though they may have barred other plants, they were quite welcoming to Carolina parakeets, warblers, “cougars, bobcats and wolves” canebrake rattlesnakes, creole pearly eye butterfly and untold others.[3] Walls of cane were a kind of mass housing for the many migrant, squatter and settling organisms of the southeast. They (particularly river cane) also provided materials of home and place making for humans, as their straight stems were (and still are) gathered by Native American communities especially the Cherokee.[4] Once hollowed out, canes can become basket or blowgun, mat or flute, or—as has become a rustic object— fishing poles.  There are not many significant canebrakes today. Cattle ate them, draining and development cleared them, fire suppression stymies their return; the scattered groupings I see along the road are remnants of a lost empire, holding out amidst a concrete ground that stifles them, a dense forest that smothers them, and farmland that suppresses them. But unlike the parakeet they remain. Though, like the parakeet, I was not in the canebrake to see the cane—it fortunately just happened to be there.
I only saw the canebrake, because I was in a conversation easement, which I only noticed because of a small, yellow, all caps sign—"NORTH CAROLINA SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY”. “Easement” is one of those legal terms that I knew more by general use than specific meaning.  Modified by the word “conservation” easement suggested the land was protected, but why, by who and to what extent was unclear until I looked it up later. The NC Department of Environmental Quality defines conservation easements as: “voluntary legal agreements designed to ensure the long-term viability and protection of the natural resources within a surveyed and recorded boundary. The easement planning process establishes allowances and restrictions that are beneficial to the landowner, the easement holder, and the environment.”[5] The conservation easement then is not foremost a means of protection, but (much more interesting I think), it is a way of organizing layers of rights and access upon a property.  Someone owns the lands, but the easement gives some else a right to use it (or not use it, in a way, when conservation is the right being exercised) which in turn inflects the rights and possibilities of both the one who possess the land and others (like myself) who neither own the land, nor hold an easement, but still gain some benefit from the easement’s existence (i.e. enjoying a now rare landscape feature).[6] The yellow sign that alerted me to presence of the easement was nailed into a sweet gum tree. In the FAQ for conservation easements one of the questions asks: “Are there way to precisely identify the boundaries of a conservation easement?”  
The answer:
As part of the restoration project, all easement corners were surveyed and monumented in the ground with metal rods. Most of these rods are also topped with 2” diameter aluminum caps. DEQ also uses a variety of methods to post easement boundaries including signage, metal posts, and tree blaze. These may be a witness post or witness tree, located near the line but not the exact location of the boundary.[7]
In some ways, my studies right now could be described as figuring out the extra-legal work of these “witness trees” and their “artefacted” forms into “witness posts” (and columns and panels and all sorts of other wooden things that “witness” human contracts and contact).[8] It gave me pause then, after reading the FAQ to realize that I had witnessed a witness tree that still witnesses (instead of being one in a historical document or text), but that in the moment the sweet gum’s legal function had not even registered to me. I was much more taken by the train of ants along its trunk likely extracting honeydew from aphids up in the canopy, and by the trail of Virginia creeper going up further than the ants, in search of its own luminous food. From the tree’s perspective, witnessing a survey has been only one frame in a very long film still being made around, and around and around it.
In truth, I did even see the easement sign until I was near the tree. And the reason I was near the tree is because a few feet away from it, along the road was the initial object of my attention—a set of black and yellow object marker signs denoting some feature adjacent to the road, a feature which is this case was a culvert underneath the road. Culverts, in their projecting pipe form look like engineering/infrastructural litter, debris left over from a drainage project. In addition to being the ugliest kind they are also the cheapest and least efficient—they do little to channel a flow directly into their opening, which limits how much comes out their exit, potentially leading to the water overflowing the road. Luckily, the culvert I came to see is the recessed box kind with wings extending on its side to welcome water into its inlet, guiding it towards its outlet.[9] Embedded in the earth, moss covered, and a bit worn, there is a minimalist beauty to this kind culvert that does not readily betray the complexity of its task at once to convey ground traffic above and the traffic of water underneath. On the outlet side, some of the water pooled, its clear bottom supported small fish and tadpoles, while its silty edge moistened mosses and grasses and a bit further up also the canes. The water this culvert channels comes from the Indian Branch River, which drains into Deep Creek River, which drains into the Tar River, which drains into the Pamlico Sound, which joins the Atlantic Ocean. Follow these larger waters and you’ll find the larger history of the canes and the Cherokees, the parakeets and the many trees which have witnesses the work of so many kinds of settling, the human version being the most recent, but likely not the last. Though we often like to think otherwise, our homes and other feats of building are ultimately done under a kind of “natural easement”, the land allows us access for a while, but as all the other prior communities of plants or persons show, no claim of possession is final, no root is long and deep enough to always remain (though many can be long remnant). Maybe I will be able to spend a good deal of my life following these state and nation spanning roots, weavings, waters and rhizomes.  
But it is not yet time to go so far out. Afterall, the only reason I saw the signs for the culvert, which put me in range to see the blaze on the tree, which brought me close enough to see a canebrake, which led me to imagine what it would be like to still be able to see parakeets, was because I pass the culvert nearly every day when I am home. Fifteen hundred feet from the front door, I have crossed this place many times running, enjoying the brief respite of shade provided by the gums before the land opens again for the farms; and I have driven by it many more times on the way to town, the car bouncing lightly over the culvert.  So, I have noticed this spot for nearly thirty years, but this is first time I have “witnessed” the three hundred years of history flowing and growing in it. Either part separately is valuable—to live in a place and feel its features or to come to a place and learn its features, nesting sensations (the shade of the trees, the bump of the road…) or nesting histories (extinction, settlement…). But to bring them together, may, for a moment sustain that special sense which is just able to catch an apple-colored dart zipping across the far end of the eye.
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[1] The Carolina Parakeet, once common from New York down to the Gulf of Mexico, seems to have gone in the first half of the 20th century. The last documented one, named Incas, died in captivity in 1918. It is unclear exactly why it went extinct though habitation destruction seems part of the problem. See: https://johnjames.audubon.org/last-carolina-parakeet and https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-carolina-parakeet-go-extinct-180968740/
[2] There is strong interest in canes and restoring canebrakes. For a general overview see: Barret, Richard; Grabowski, Janet; Williams, M.J. "Giant Cane and Other Native Bamboos: Establishment and Use for Conservation of Natural Resources in the Southeast" U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2021. For a 18th account of cane use in North Carolina see: Lawson, John.  A New Voyage to North Carolina. London: 1709. Digitized at https://docsouth.unc.edu/nc/lawson/menu.html.  Lawson recorded  many ways that cane was used by the Cherokee.
[3] See: Platt, Steven G., Christopher G. Brantley, and Thomas R. Rainwater. “Canebrake Fauna: Wildlife Diversity In A Critically Endangered Ecosystem.” Journal of The Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 117, No. 1 (2001): 1–19.
[4] For contemporary work to maintain these traditions see: https://theonefeather.com/2012/05/22/river-cane-important-cherokee-cultural-staple/
[5] See: https://www.deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/deq-administrative-divisions/north-carolina-stewardship-program/living-your-conservation-easement#Aretherewaystopreciselyidentifytheboundariesofaconservationeasement-8672
[6] Though my enjoyment in this case was not a right because this easement is not public (i.e., I was trespassing).
[7] See link on note 4.
[8] Other have already done some of this work. See for example: Miller, Daegan. This Radical Land. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2018.
[9] Here is a wonderfully informative video on culverts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15XJDmawbYU
Carolina Parrot or Parakeet” in The Birds of America: From Drawings Made in the United States and Their Territories Volume 4. John James Audubon. New York: J.B. Chevalier, 1842. p.306.
Image 3208 (Canebrake in Northeast Louisiana early 1900’s). USDA Bureau of Plant Introduction. See note 2 for source.
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somecreativecc · 2 years
ACNH Recreation Stuff
Board Games
Fishing Pole Holder
Remastered Pantry Items
Purse Shelf
Cottage Core Pantry Shelves and Food
Plastic Drawers
Turtle Sandbox
Tiny Library
Cactus Neon Light
Oval Table
Lay-Z Head Recliner
Llama Planter
Mirror Shelf
Curtain Counter
Small Basket with Sheep
Metal Simlish Sign
Nightlight Mini Set
Stacked Suitcase Side Table
Pergola without flowers
Rounded Shelf
Small Bookshelves
Stacking toy and Stuffed animal!
HSY Bed Update
Carpet Squares
Fillable Nursery Bookshelf
Toiletries Bag and Bar Soap
Hook Set
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frozenrose13 · 1 year
3d Printing and Mobility Aids
- understand 3d printing is very not accessible for large part of disability community > frequently bigger libraries have "maker spaces" that sometimes include 3d printers (usually fdm) but still requires frequently some payment and also ability to use the printer - we hope there is a community that able do these mods at reasonable costs/trades/etc but do not have knowledge about that
- ferrules
- handles
- clips, by this mean clips to put cane somewhere
- its possible to convert a single foot cane into a quad cane with printing but don't recommend if new to disability aid modifications
- is also possible to print white canes with different end attachments
- lateral support
- unsure what they’re properly called, but the rollators with upright arm bars to walk with more upright posture/less strain on arms
- clips > for cane or bags or iv poles etc
- have *seen* wheels printed fdm out of tpu but have not tried ourself, milage may vary on this one
*disclaimer, currently am full time power wheelchair user but have done these things on a manual wheelchair as well
Lots of these also apply to other mobility aids!
- levers! Most common seen for 3d printed wheelchair mods. Makes so that use rowing action to move manual wheelchair instead of pushing rolling actions. Have *not* done this ourself as start need using powerchair before was engaging in 3d printing.
- clips. By this, meaning both things like bag clips or cane/crutch/iv pole clips but *also* can make clips to attach pretty much anything to a wheelchair (commonly see umbrella clips, have even seen clips for fishing poles)
- holders; by this mean phone/cup/aac/oxygen tank etc. Some are like clips and clip onto the wheelchair somewhere, some use zipties, some screw directly into hardware on the wheelchair. 
- handlebars. Unsure how works/how possible with wheelchairs that don't already come with handles but fdm printing good for replacements or extensions
- footplates, have even seen ones with LEDs set in them!
- headrests/armrests/lateral support. Can either clip onto wheelchair frame or screw directly into frame
- joysticks! Lots different kinds for different abilities, generally fits over existing joystick
- clothing guards, generally screws into frame of wheelchair, lots customization options
- skis for front casters, usually pressure fit over the casters
- brake handle extenders
- loc line switches
- don’t know a lot about adaptive movement modifications but there’s lots options for things like sip + puff movement, etc.
Disclaimer that don’t recommend printing own braces without input from people experienced with how body + braces are supposed to work because potential for body damage is High, but everything from finger splits to temporary braces to AFOs can be printed!
Special mention to all the many things that can be printed with braille! Keyboards, dice, rubix cubes, some medical modifications, etc.
To be completely honest 3d printing is one of those Things where if you need it/can think of it, there's probably way to make it work!
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sunny-jade · 2 years
Fair warning, slightly spicy, brief sexual mentions
Sitting beside her tiny wife, Lett watches her lift the long stemmed pipe to her lips.  Thick, full lips gently puckered around the small stem, an automatic reflex as Shio’s attention seemed to be stuck on the sunrise over the Ruby Sea as they relaxed together in their favourite hidden alcove.  A pair of fishing poles set up on holders with little bells in case of movement sat not far away, a comfortable cushion under them and a lovely spread of tea and simple bits of food beside them.
Shio’s blue dye had faded to her natural white after some time being too busy to do much more than breathe, making Lett realize that she needed to drag her wife away for some rest and relaxation…whether the Scions liked it or not.
So they were hidden away, no link pearls, no way to be found or tracked, since Lett had also spoken to Bunchin about keeping people away from them entirely if anyone came looking.
After a little while of watching the stress fall off of her Perle with each breath of the salty, tangy air, Lett smirks to herself and leans over, twisting herself around so she faces Shio, looming over her.  She rests on her hand, caging the littlest kojin with her body, using her other hand to wrap around the pipe gently.  Leaving it in the small, scaled hand, she pulls it towards her mouth, watching with a sexy grin as Shio’s eyes snap to her own thick lips as they wrap around the stem and suck lightly.
Releasing Shio’s hand, she cups her chin, lifting her wife’s face to hers and leans in, mouth lightly smoking as she holds the breath in her lungs.  Shio moans against Lett’s mouth when the viis scrapes her teeth along the smaller woman’s.  Diving in, the viis gives her wife a long, smokey kiss, tongues tangling, one hand around Shio’s throat.  Wisps of vapour escape between their lips as Lett prolongs it as long as she can before leaning back, studying the face before her.
Eyes still closed, lips plush and quivering, Lett is pleased to note that Shio now seems much more relaxed than she had been even a few minutes prior.  Giving Shio’s throat another squeeze makes the smaller woman moan before she lets go, gliding her hand down to squeeze the now aching cock through the fabric of her wife’s baggy pants.
Leaning in one more time, she sinks her teeth into the kissable lips before shifting back to sitting beside Shio, tucking the smaller woman into her side as she watches the sunrise.
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malooracks · 1 month
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Reeling in the Best: A Review of Malo'o Racks Fishing Rod Holders
Elevate your fishing experience with Malo'o Racks Fishing Rod Holders - the ultimate solution for organizing and protecting your valuable gear. From sturdy construction to innovative design, Malo'o Racks sets the standard for quality and functionality in fishing rod storage. Upgrade your fishing game today with Malo'o Racks and reel in your best catch yet!
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danihost-blog · 5 months
Choosing a Fishing Pole Holder
A fishing pole holder is a simple device that helps anglers keep their rods in place and away from harm, freeing them to focus on baiting lines or snagging that next big fish. It also prevents painful wrist strain from holding the rod for long periods of time. The type of fishing rod holder you choose depends on where and how you fish, the rods you use and your style of angling. Flush mount,…
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neoshopdeals · 6 months
Fishing Rod Belt Bracket Fishing Waist Hanging Insertion Pole Barrel Holder Fishing Gear Hanging Buckle
Product information: Material: highly elastic rubber band Specifications: 28189-B (black),28189-ca (khaki),28189-GR (Army Green) Size: Packing list: Fishing rod belt holder*1pc Product Image:
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knownowlive · 1 year
10 Best Fishing Rod Holders 2023: Find the Perfect Holder
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The best fishing rod holders provide secure and convenient storage for your fishing rods. Fishing rod holders are essential accessories for any angler, allowing you to keep your rods organized and easily accessible while out on the water. With a range of options available, from boat-mounted holders to wall-mounted racks, you can find the perfect rod holder to suit your needs. Whether you're a seasoned angler or just starting out, having a reliable fishing rod holder will ensure that your rods are protected and ready for action whenever you cast your line. So, let's explore some of the top fishing rod holders on the market and find the perfect one for you. 1
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Top PickRush Creek Creations Fishing Rod Holders for Garage, Fishing Pole ... Check Latest Price2
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Best QualityRush Creek Creations 12-Rod Rolling Fishing Gear Tackle Cart, Fishing ... Check Latest Price3
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RecommendedPLUSINNO Vertical Fishing Rod Holder for Garage, Wall Mounted Rack, ... Check Latest Price4
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Scotty #282-BK Baitcaster Rod Holder w/Gearhead & Track (Black) Check Latest Price5
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Rush Creek Creations 14 Fishing Rod Rack with 4 Utility ... Check Latest Price6
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Monster Rod Holders - 33/45 Degree Fishing Rod Holders Right-Hand-Threaded, ... Check Latest Price8
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Rush Creek Creations 11-Rod Wall or Ceiling Fishing Rod Storage ... Check Latest Price9
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Rush Creek Creations 10-Rod Wall or Ceiling Fishing Rod Storage ... Check Latest Price10
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Old Cedar Outfitters Round Floor Rack for Fishing Rod Storage, ... Check Latest Price Top Pick
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1. Rush Creek Creations Fishing Rod Holders for Garage, Fishing Pole Rack, Floor Stand Holds up to 16 Rods, Fishing Gear Equipment Storage Organizer, Fishing Gifts for Men
- Brand: Rush Creek Creations - Manufacturer: Rush Creek Creations - Color: Light Wood Grain - Dimensions: Height: 30.0 inches Width: 13.5 inches Length: 13.5 inches Weight: 4.1 Pounds ` Discover the perfect storage solution for your fishing gear with Rush Creek Creations Fishing Rod Holders for Garage. This floor stand can hold up to 16 rods, keeping them organized and ready for your next fishing adventure. The sturdy design ensures stability and durability, while the sleek finish adds a touch of elegance to your garage. This fishing pole rack is not only functional but also makes a great gift for any fishing enthusiast. Say goodbye to tangled rods and hello to a well-organized space with this fishing gear equipment storage organizer. Advantages - Advantages of Rush Creek Creations Fishing Rod Holders for Garage: - Efficient space utilization: This floor stand holds up to 16 rods, ensuring organized storage for fishing gear, and maximizing your garage space. - Durable and sturdy design: Made with high-quality materials, these rod holders are built to withstand heavy usage and resist wear and tear, providing long-lasting and reliable storage. - Easy accessibility: With this fishing pole rack, you can effortlessly access your rods whenever you need them. No more tangled lines or disorganized piles of equipment. - Versatile organization: Not only does this organizer keep your fishing rods in order, but it also provides additional storage for other gear like reels, tackle boxes, and nets, keeping everything within reach. - Perfect gift for fishing enthusiasts: Designed with practicality and functionality in mind, these fishing rod holders make an excellent gift for men who love fishing. Show them you care about their hobby and help them keep their gear tidy. Our Recommendations I recently purchased the Rush Creek Creations Fishing Rod Holders for my garage and I couldn't be happier. It's a perfect fishing pole rack that holds up to 16 rods, keeping my gear organized and easily accessible. The floor stand design is sturdy and reliable, ensuring that my fishing equipment is secure. This fishing gear storage organizer is not only functional but also adds a stylish touch to my garage. It's a great fishing gift for men who love fishing as much as I do. I highly recommend Rush Creek Creations Fishing Rod Holders for anyone looking for an excellent storage solution for their fishing equipment. Check Latest Price Best Quality
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2. Rush Creek Creations 12-Rod Rolling Fishing Gear Tackle Cart, Fishing Rod Tackle Storage Cart with 12 Freshwater Rod Clips, Black
- Brand: Rush Creek Creations - Manufacturer: Rush Creek Creations -- Dropship - Color: Black - Dimensions: Height: 32.0 inches Width: 24.0 inches Length: 16.0 inches Weight: 16.5 Pounds ` Introducing the Rush Creek Creations 12-Rod Rolling Fishing Gear Tackle Cart, a must-have for any fishing enthusiast. This sleek black cart offers convenient storage for up to 12 freshwater rods, allowing you to keep your gear organized and easily accessible. With its durable construction and smooth rolling wheels, this cart is perfect for transporting your fishing equipment to your favorite fishing spot. Designed with practicality in mind, this tackle cart ensures that you have everything you need for a successful fishing trip. Upgrade your fishing experience with the Rush Creek Creations 12-Rod Rolling Fishing Gear Tackle Cart. Advantages - Advantages and Benefits of Rush Creek Creations 12-Rod Rolling Fishing Gear Tackle Cart, Black: - Convenient storage solution for fishing enthusiasts, accommodating up to 12 freshwater rods. - Easy accessibility with rolling design, allowing quick access to your fishing gear on the go. - Efficient organization with 12 rod clips, preventing tangles and damage to your valuable rods. - Durable construction ensures longevity, providing a reliable and sturdy cart for all your fishing excursions. - Versatile functionality as a tackle cart, keeping all your fishing essentials organized and within reach. Our Recommendations I recently purchased the Rush Creek Creations 12-Rod Rolling Fishing Gear Tackle Cart and I am extremely satisfied with its performance. This storage cart not only holds my freshwater fishing rods securely with its 12 rod clips but also provides easy accessibility. The black color adds a sleek touch to the design, making it visually appealing. With its smooth rolling wheels, I can effortlessly transport all my fishing gear to my desired location. I highly recommend this tackle cart for any fishing enthusiast looking for an organized and convenient storage solution. Check Latest Price Recommended
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3. PLUSINNO Vertical Fishing Rod Holder for Garage, Wall Mounted Rack, Fishing Pole Holder Holds Up to 9 Rods or Combos, Fits Most Rods of Diameter 3-19mm
- Brand: PLUSINNO - Manufacturer: PLUSINNO - Color: Blue 1-pack - Dimensions: Weight: 0.70625 pounds ` Introducing the PLUSINNO Vertical Fishing Rod Holder, a game-changer for organizing your fishing gear. This wall-mounted rack can hold up to 9 rods or combos, providing safe storage and easy access. Designed to accommodate most rods with a diameter of 3-19mm, it is versatile and user-friendly. Made with high-quality materials, this rod holder is durable and built to last. Say goodbye to tangled lines and damaged rods - the PLUSINNO Vertical Fishing Rod Holder is a must-have for any fishing enthusiast. Experience the convenience and efficiency it offers today. Advantages - Advantages and Benefits: - Efficient Storage: The PLUSINNO Vertical Fishing Rod Holder maximizes space by wall mounting, allowing for neat and organized storage of up to 9 fishing rods or combos. - Versatile Compatibility: Designed to accommodate rods or combos with diameters ranging from 3 to 19mm, this holder fits most fishing rods on the market, catering to a wide range of angler needs. - Sturdy and Durable: Constructed with high-quality materials, this fishing rod holder ensures long-lasting performance and durability, providing a secure and reliable storage solution for your valuable fishing gear. - Easy Access and Retrieval: With the vertical design, this rack allows for easy access to your fishing rods or combos, enabling quick retrieval whenever you are ready to hit the water. - Space Optimization: By utilizing your garage or wall space, the PLUSINNO Rod Holder helps declutter your fishing area, creating a more organized environment and freeing up space for other equipment or activities. Our Recommendations I recently purchased the PLUSINNO Vertical Fishing Rod Holder for my garage, and it has exceeded my expectations. This wall-mounted rack is sturdy and can hold up to 9 rods or combos. It fits most rods with a diameter of 3-19mm, making it incredibly versatile. The installation process was quick and easy, and it securely holds my fishing gear, keeping it organized and accessible. This rod holder is a game-changer for any fishing enthusiast, and I highly recommend it for its quality and functionality. Say goodbye to tangled rods and hello to a well-organized garage! Check Latest Price
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4. Scotty #282-BK Baitcaster Rod Holder w/Gearhead & Track (Black)
- Brand: Scotty - Manufacturer: Scotty - Color: Black - Dimensions: Height: 3.0 Inches Width: 7.0 Inches Length: 12.0 Inches Weight: 0.9 pounds ` The Scotty #282-BK Baitcaster Rod Holder with Gearhead & Track in black is a must-have accessory for fishing enthusiasts. This rod holder is designed to securely hold your baitcaster rod, providing a hands-free fishing experience. Its versatile gearhead and track allow for precise positioning and easy adjustment, ensuring optimal angling convenience. The sleek black color adds a touch of style to your fishing gear. With the Scotty #282-BK Baitcaster Rod Holder, you can enjoy a worry-free fishing expedition while keeping your rod safe and secure. Advantages - Advantages and Benefits of the Scotty #282-BK Baitcaster Rod Holder w/Gearhead & Track (Black): - Improved Fishing Experience: Enhance your fishing skills with this durable and versatile rod holder, ensuring better control over your baitcaster rod. - Convenient and Easy to Use: The Gearhead feature offers effortless adjustments, allowing you to position your rod at the ideal angle for maximum comfort and efficiency. - Versatile Mounting Options: The included track system enables you to easily attach and detach the rod holder from various locations on your boat, kayak, or canoe. - Secure and Reliable: Designed with a sturdy construction, this black rod holder provides a reliable grip on your rod, ensuring it stays in place even during intense fishing sessions. Read the full article
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fred-reyes · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Fishing Pole Holder
Fishing is one of the most enjoyable and relaxing outdoor activities that you can indulge in. However, if you are a seasoned angler, you will know that managing your fishing gear efficiently can make all the difference between a successful and unsuccessful trip. One of the most essential tools in every angler’s kit is a fishing pole holder. It is one of the simplest but most effective ways to keep your fishing pole in place and ready to go. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about choosing the right fishing pole holder.
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Types of Fishing Pole Holders
There are several types of fishing pole holders available on the market today. Here are the most popular ones:
Bank Fishing Rod Holder: A simple device that you can stick in the ground, it is perfect for shore fishing.
Rod Holder with Clamp: This type of holder attaches to your boat’s railings or gunwales with a clamp. It is easy to install and remove.
Flush-Mount Rod Holder: This fishing pole holder type is permanently fixed to your boat’s gunwale.
Portable Rod Holder: This holder is perfect for when you are on the move. It can be easily attached to your backpack or fishing vest.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Fishing Pole Holder
Choosing the right fishing pole holder depends on various factors, including:
Fishing Environment: Consider the type of water you will be fishing in- the holder you need on a boat might differ from the one you will need when bank fishing.
Fishing Technique: The holder you choose should allow you to fish comfortably, with minimal adjustments or strain on your arms.
Number of Fishing Rods: Consider whether you will be fishing with multiple rods or just one. You may need multiple holders if you plan to fish with multiple rods.
Brand: Choose a reputable brand that is known for producing high-quality fishing gear.
Top Brands of Fishing Pole Holders
There are several fishing gear brands on the market today that produce high-quality pole holders. Here are a few:
Scotty: Scotty Rod Holders is a trusted brand that has been producing top-of-the-line fishing gear for over 60 years. Their products are known for being durable and versatile.
Berkley: Berkley is another reputable brand that offers a wide range of fishing gear, including pole holders. Their products are known for being efficient and affordable.
Cannon: Cannon offers a variety of rod holders for both fresh and saltwater fishing. Their products are known for being sturdy and easy to install.
In Conclusion
There you have it, everything you need to know about choosing the right fishing pole holder. Remember to consider the type of fishing you will be doing, your fishing technique, the number of rods you will be using, and the brand you choose. By taking these factors into consideration, you can find a fishing pole holder that is perfect for your needs.
fishing pole holder
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gearproguide · 1 year
Riding the Wave: The Rise of SUP Fishing
Stand Up Paddleboards (SUPs) have emerged as the go-to fishing vessel for shallow water enthusiasts worldwide. Thanks to the surge in inflatable paddleboards, anglers now have an incredibly convenient way to store and transport their fishing gear. Even compared to more modest watercraft like kayaks and canoes, SUPs offer unparalleled benefits, including a shallow draft and ease of use. In this article, we'll explore the reasons to consider a paddleboard for fishing, key factors when choosing one, and the essential equipment you'll need. We'll also share valuable tips and tricks to enhance your paddleboard fishing experience.
Why Choose a Paddleboard for Fishing
Stand Up Paddleboards offer numerous advantages that make them an excellent choice for anglers. First and foremost, they are lightweight and highly portable, a crucial factor for those without dedicated storage space or easy access to the water. Inflatable SUPs, such as those from iROCKER, BOTE, or GILI, take this convenience a step further, requiring even less storage space. While inflatable kayaks are a worthy competitor, paddleboards often outshine them in terms of setup speed.
Another standout feature of paddleboards is their vantage point. Paddleboards are designed to provide stability, allowing you to stand on them comfortably. While some may use them for yoga, anglers can appreciate the advantage of standing to spot schooling fish on the flats, a perspective that trumps sitting low to the water in a kayak.
Moreover, SUPs draw very little water, enabling you to glide over sandbars and grass beds without worrying about running aground. This freedom to navigate shallow waters allows anglers to explore secluded fishing spots that larger boats and even wading anglers cannot reach.
What to Look for in a Fishing Paddleboard
Having decided on a paddleboard for fishing, it's essential to consider the specific features your fishing paddleboard should possess. Regardless of whether you choose a solid or inflatable board, ensure it can accommodate a seat. Seats offer comfort and the advantage of faster propulsion, which can be crucial when chasing fast-moving schools of fish.
Rod holders are another essential feature to make your fishing experience more manageable. Brands like BOTE offer rod holders that fit seamlessly into integrated attachment points, saving you the trouble of figuring out how to attach aftermarket rod holders.
Pay attention to the weight limits of your paddleboard, especially if you plan to carry gear, additional attachments, and a loaded cooler. Your board should comfortably handle the combined weight.
Must-Have Equipment for SUP Fishing
Enhancing your fishing vessel with the right gear can elevate your experience:
Seat: A seat allows you to sit, reducing fatigue and enabling faster paddling.
KAYAK SEAT FROM iROCKER: Designed to attach to your iROCKER board, this lightweight kayak seat offers lumbar support and comfort.
KULA BUCKET COOLER FROM BOTE: This versatile cooler doubles as a drink dispenser, watertight storage, and a seat when paired with BOTE's accessory racks.
Rod Holder: Essential for keeping your rods accessible for various fishing techniques.
FISHING ROD HOLDER BY iROCKER: Adjustable rod holders that attach to action point mounts on your board, suitable for trolling.
TRIPLE ROD HOLDER BY SCOTTY: Efficiently mounts on hard paddleboards, providing three independent rod holders for trolling.
TACKLE RAC BY BOTE: This rack not only holds rods but also acts as a backrest for your seat, enhancing your fishing experience.
Anchor: Keep your SUP anchored in place for fishing convenience.
SUP ANCHOR BY iROCKER: A collapsible anchor with arms that securely dig into the sand or hard bottom, ensuring you stay in place.
SAND SPIKE: Ideal for shallow water anchoring, this fiberglass pole is easy to set and disengage.
YAKSTICK FLOATING STAKE-OUT STICK BY YAKGEAR: A six-foot pole that doubles as a push pole for shallow water maneuvering, weighing under two pounds.
SAND SPEAR BY iROCKER: This combo includes an anchor point to keep your SUP steady and attaches to your paddle for convenient storage.
Reeling It In: Practice Before the Season
If possible, practice using your SUP all year round to get comfortable with it. Balance and maneuverability are essential skills. It's advisable to get accustomed to your board without all your fishing gear, so you're prepared for any challenges, including the occasional spill.
BUY GEAR HOLDERS: Invest in vertical rod holders to keep your gear secure and prevent it from rolling into the water.
WEAR A PFD: Always wear a life vest for safety, even though your board floats. Ensure it fits well and is in good condition.
KEEP IT SIMPLE: Avoid overloading your board with excessive gear, as it can slow you down and diminish your overall experience. Paddleboard fishing is about simplicity and enjoying the journey.
CHECK THE WEATHER: Keep a close eye on weather conditions for safety and plan your fishing spots accordingly to leverage wind and tide to your advantage.
Stand Up Paddleboards offer a remarkable way to elevate your fishing experience. With their stealth, ease of use, and storage advantages, it's no wonder they've become a popular choice for anglers exploring shallow waters. Armed with our tips and gear recommendations, you'll be well on your way to creating the perfect fishing platform on your paddleboard.
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debra-horka · 1 year
Keep Your Hands Free: The Best Fishing Pole Holders for Boats
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fishing pole holder for boat
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