#fitness gurls magazine
womenwwe · 2 years
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Fitness Gurls Magazine: December / January 2022 - Digitals
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irishforty · 1 year
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Hope Beel has an absolute stunning physique. Seriously - she is just flawless. This was from a photo set in Fitness Gurls magazine.
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definingdivas · 1 year
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Torrie Wilson from her 2016 Bikini Photoshoot for Fitness Gurls Magazine. She's nearly 50 and still has looks good as ever 😍
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health28 · 2 years
Alyssa Kai is Truly a Model to Watch – Fitness Gurls Magazine
Alyssa Kai is Truly a Model to Watch – Fitness Gurls Magazine
Alyssa Kai has been working hard and leveling up. The blonde beauty’s hypnotic gaze and mysterious sense of allure have garnered her much attention. From her killer workout regimen to her definition of success, Alyssa Kai dishes the deets.  Also, check out: Tennis Influencer Rachel Stuhlmann Welcome back to Fitness Gurls Magazine. We’re delighted to have you. What have you been up to since your…
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ultrameganicolaokay · 2 years
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Toni Storm photographed by J.R. Hutter for Fitness Gurls Magazine
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CgwyR5jL5As/
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undeadvinyls · 3 years
First of all just wanna say your outfits for ur ocs are literally so amazing it's unglaublich 😭😭❤❤😭😭❤❤
Now question for that, do any of your ocs get inspiration for their clothes?? Like an actor that's popular in that time or magazines??
wir haben uns schon lange nicht gesehen!!
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BSUBEBUEUBBAUBUS THANK YOU SO SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭this makes me so so happy, especially character design wise <33333
and honestly!!! it depends!
Lemme say all of them get inspos either from reading magazines or seeing what's popular on TV. some get family inspirations though!
Welder, for example, absolutely adores 20s, 30s and 40s fashion all because of her mama! She even has a few dresses given to her by Physician that stopped fitting her, she treasures them a lot.
Electrician and Neuro just found themselves comfortable in counter cultures, in their cases punk and goth. Electri has found herself like that all because of her risky "bad gurl" lifestyle, while Neuro's always had a soft spot for obscurity. Maybe it's because she was the curious child.
some of them also get their styles from their work places! Acrobat was never called a circus freak, and was a very respected and loved performer, so she absolutely loves eccentric clothes, because it reminds her of the circus times! Astronaut also takes a lot of elements from astrology too, because of her job, but she takes a lotta aspects from her culture too, she's always up to date with latest polish fashion trends.
Adventurer might look like he doesn't care what he's wearing, couldn't be more wrong! His trenchcoat is something he treasures, even if it's ripped on the right sleeve a lot. He feels comfortable in both greaser and mod fashion, he even likes to mix it up. Especially trenchcoats, they're his shit too.
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
Amber and orchard for the fall asks!
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
Hahaha this is like cracking open pandora’s box. I feel like I have too many. 
I think my primary one though is I absolutely despise capitalism’s affect on witchcraft. I DO NOT think it’s made it more accessible for people, I feel like the only very minor positive thing is that you can now tell people you are a witch and into tarot cards and they won’t find you as weird anymore. Otherwise people don’t realize how capitalism is a force that actually strips culture of it’s meaning in order to sell it for profit and it’s affects on this practice has left a lot of damage not just to some aspects that are sacred but towards the earth since it’s a practice that works really closely with nature. 
(added a read more to spare you poor scrolling souls from my rant lol)
Anyway what crapitalism does is it takes a culture and turns it into an easily consumable concept- almost like a brand, so that as long as you slap something ‘witchy’ seeming together then it qualifies as that brand. It boils everything down to an aesthetic. And no one has to actually believe in it anymore, or practice it or make any effort towards learning it or incorporating it into their lives. As long as they buy into the brand or embody the aesthetic then they count. Sometimes you can try to express that some traditions and materials and such do have meaning (I mean of course they do no one just sat around and made this shit up) people kind of have this nihilistic view that’s fed from this weird modern capitalist society that like: nothing truly has meaning anymore. But it’s like they are feeding this consumerist culture by repeating this mindset and gaslighting others when they appropriate magical practices or other cultures that are still very much alive and still tended to (often by indigenous people still being prosecuted) that are focused on working with the earth. 
Then you see this ripple effect on places like instagram or the big mainstream like magazines and shit and do not get me wrong cause there are a lot of cool and creative people that practice this that are on there but there is so much cashing into this field now and oversaturation that comes with seedy and shady background stories that show creators being completely disingenuous because they really just want to make money. And then going back to my point that this practice works closely with nature, capitalism exploited the fact that we like working with certain herbs, woods, crystals etc and is overharvesting and mining and tainting the very tools that we want to work with, with greed, pollution, child slavery etc. And it’s irritating cause you can make your own tools and don’t have to import anything and you can tell everyone how bad some industries are but they don’t listen cause they are buying into capitalism’s lie that they can sell you anything at a price, even if it’s sacred. Then if you try to defend your point they tell you that this is the only way it can be accessible to everyone, but it’s NOT accessible to everyone, it strips it away from people that could be working with these tools for generations and protecting the climates that these guides and resources for the tools grow in. It also disempowers people in their craft to begin with because witchcraft is about finding that connection to your own power and magic and the bridge with the universe’s power and magic and when you venture down into this practice you will find tools and guides local to you and find ways to make your own magical tools but capitalism disempowers us by telling us that we are not legit until we can put a price tag on it. So people don’t believe in their ability to find the sacred in themselves or nature, they just keep consuming whatever herb bundle or tool capitalism spits at them because it’s the only way to feel legit in this culture. 
And then since it’s seen more of a title or aesthetic and less of a way of life or set of ethics or practice, you have people interested in this spiritual or witchy community that don’t do any work or want to work on themselves that bring their shadow baggage into it. So you get racism seeping into it, homophobia, I also am so fucking confused how TRANSPHOBIA has made its way into here like transfolx are magical by just existing they are walking manifestations and works of alchemy like wtf; and like if you guys were friends with any queer people and hung out with them, they get the idea of magic, ritual and manifestation so well cause so much of their daily life already embodies some of that. But that’s a whole other topic. I vibed well with my queer friends on this and they were the only ones I could talk to about it before witchcraft became mainstream. 
 Then in general it’s seen as like radical if you tell people that are supposedly practicing witches that our energies should be focusing on restoring balance and we should put our energy towards healing nature or towards human rights (since humans are apart of nature) you will literally have witches being like: don’t tell me what to do!!! Like!! Gurl wtf lmaoo I don’t know how people claim to be empaths or into this but they don’t see that maybe if there was a so called “Great Awakening” to “Empower Ourselves” that’s probably what the fucking point was? Not to say that you need to spend every waking moment protesting (another contribution of capitalism- showing some kind of documented proof on social media that you stand for something instead of little daily actions embedded into your everyday life) but you can find ways to change your daily patterns to make space for the societal change that’s coming to bring in a more compassionate world and better community. But since we are so indoctrinated in this consumerist culture, so many people don’t know how to incorporate their values into their everyday lives anymore. It’s all about quantity and showing off on social media. And that negatively impacts witchcraft cause witchcraft is a daily practice you do little things for everyday that just gets embedded into your everyday life, but people get confused and think to be legit it’s something you gotta buy into or show off as proof with stylistic rituals and of course for many people that’s exhausting or financially inaccessible. 
And for the sake of clarity cause the internet hates using critical thinking sometimes, of COURSE you can have a fun and flashy craft I’m not saying you can’t, but there is a massive imbalance here I am pointing out with how people are developing insecurities because they cannot attain this aesthetic overnight without dropping a shit ton of money. Yes witchcraft is very aesthetic-heavy but that’s because it’s a really creative practice that people pour their creativity and energy into and capitalism saw a way to put a price tag on it and now it’s confusing everyone else that’s mistaking this as something else to consume in exchange for money. 
And then I hate that I feel often I cannot talk about this cause instead of people using their critical thinking braincells and realizing how bad capitalism is, they somehow turn this conversation into thinking that I just don’t like when a culture becomes mainstream cause not everyone should enjoy a culture or whatever and it’s like fucking hell of course I would LOVE more witches and to have more people into celebrating nature or finding their own magic and connecting to the universe and whatever, but capitalism isn’t helping at all. It’s separating us from it’s connection and the meaning behind it’s practice. (Also one day I dream of living in a witchy town or community so yeah, the more the merrier, but right now with capitalism, this method is not the way to get into this practice lol). 
You really see the negative effects of capitalism marketing witchcraft because people now treat it as like this commodity they can jump into without finding a way to genuinely connect with it cause it’s all just a gimmick until the next zeitgeist. This either manifests in two ways where they think they can just buy a book or read some posts and not do any work on themselves or thinking on stuff like cultural appropriation so when they start experimenting they might bring harm to themselves by evoking spirits that do not want to work with them, or taking in some sacred herb or substance that can fuck them up leaving deep psychological damage or death- or they can harm others in a myriad of ways. 
Then the other way it manifests are people feeling like witchcraft is suddenly inaccessible because you need money to practice it because capitalism put that veil over their eyes. It’s now another thing gatekept by money. So they try to reclaim it by being like: it’s just a title you can slap on yourself; but they give capitalism more power because that’s what capitalism was doing all along by stripping the meaning. Stripping it down to a concept that only matters as a label that evokes a brand or idea but not an actual practice. In a way it’s very counter culture to not buy into the aesthetic or put in effort anymore. Even if you want to put in effort you feel like you are not good enough cause you will never fit capitalism’s standards of quantity and money to spend to showcase it on the internet to feel legit. So people develop this no-effort approach to it. And ONCE AGAIN for clarity for the internet’s lack of critical thinking and jumping to conclusions I am NOT referring to anything like spoony witchcraft or energy based witchcraft (I am an energy witch primarily thank you very much) I am talking about people calling themselves witches but then when you want to sit down and chat about the craft they have a blank stare cause they were never serious and sometimes judge you for how much you cared about it cause they don’t really believe in it anyway. Not even cause it’s woowoo it’s cause capitalism doesn’t make you believe any anything anymore. The only thing it wants you to believe in is money and what you can consume with it.  
And then when people online try to talk about this and point out it’s a practice these guys get angry with you like you are gatekeeping but it’s like BITCH it’s a FREE FUCKING PRACTICE like GO TALK TO A TREE go COLLECT A ROCK YOU FOUND IN THE CLEAR STREAM OF A BABBLING BROOK and maybe you’d CALM THE FUCK DOWN. Capitalism making it seem like you gotta buy all this shit to be seen as legit is not what this practice is about and it makes me upset how there is like this massive group of people that want to access this culture but are so lethargic about actually doing anything because they are disenchanted and it’s really because they are mentally bogged down by capitalism’s grip on it making them feel like they aren’t shit cause they can’t afford all that bullshit that ain’t gonna help them anyway so they just call themselves witches to get them 2 drops of serotonin and feel included but never really go anywhere beyond that cause capitalism strips the fucking joy and meaning out of everything. The only reason why this bothers me is cause I could be staying in my lane drinking my herbs and shit and chilling but then people either judge me for the effort I put into my practice’s aesthetics thinking I am shallow and buying into this or they think I am being reckless and dangerous believing in something not real by practicing a craft that tbh has a lot of dangerous aspects to it so it’s not rated E for everyone. Like you can fit it to what you want it to be since it’s your journey but it’s always been a bit edgy in some ways and it’s annoying when you get people judging you now for your lifestyle or they wonder why you are so invested cause they don’t get it. 
Anyway that was a rant but you asked for it lol. 
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
Get some more weed 
Thanks for the asks lol. Kept the last one short haha but it’s true I have been trying to manifest for a while after my quarantine rations went out. Here are the autumnal asks if anyone else wants to ask or reblog them!
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aphmexico-hetalia · 6 years
So I like the whole defial of beauty standards going around with body positivity campaigns aimed at plus sized women but let’s not forget big nosed women have been treated equally unfairly by society and have been neglected by all these positivity movements.
Women with big noses have been called ugly our whole lives since forever. We get made fun of at school, boys play jokes on us, we’re the ugly girl who gets asked out as a bet. Women with big noses have to spend more time finding our “angle” and have to be really careful not to take too close up selfies that make the size of our noses more noticeable.
Women with big noses have to learn to love ourselves in a world that tells us to get a nose job all the time, a world where plastic surgery is being the no. 1 and specifically rhinoplasty. More money goes into nose jobs than removing tumours.
Women with big noses have to learn to develop either very funny or very smart and sexy personalities to make up for our “ugly faces”. We have to study ourselves and find what style of clothes fit us best, learn make up tricks to enhance our features, all while we see pretty girls with tiny upturned noses on the magazines and social media.
Women with big noses are never called pretty, instead having to settle for “unconventionally attractive”. We have to deal with people saying we’re ugly, intimidating and that no one would want to kiss us up to the point where we end up being the ones constantly comparing themselves to our “prettier” and “more charismatic” friends. We have to sit down watch them get treated a lot kinder by the world just because of their looks.
And let’s not forget that claiming there is only one type of beauty and excluding big nosed women from it is not just cruel and reductionist but also balantly racist and anti Semitic. Big nose is a common trait amongst people of Jewish, gypsy, Arab and Mediterranean descent. This madness is making women from beautiful, important cultures feel ashamed of their heritage.
So to claim the beauty and attractiveness of big noses here are some of the ladies who didn’t fit in the “pretty” standard and made it through rocking those noses. Feel free to add more.
Sarah Jessica “tv fashion icon” Parker (Jewish)
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Barbara “bitch I made big noses cool” Streisand (Jewish)
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Lea “I can hit the high notes like a goddess” Michelle (Jewish)
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Amal “I sued fucking ISIS for genicide at the UN” Clooney (Lebanese)
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Michelle “hottest witch” Gomez (Spanish descent)
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Sara “I make the catchiest songs in a perfect pitch” Bareilles (Italian and Portuguese descent)
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Meryl “I could play Batman and still be the right choice” Streep
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Mayim “I got a Ph.D in neuroscience, write and act” Bialik (Jewish)
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Penelope “I’m always the hot Spanish girl that makes the men melt” Cruz (Spanish)
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Idina “gurl I made Defying Gravity and Let it Go the top hits everyone is signing” Menzel (Jewish)
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womenwwe · 2 years
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Fitness Gurls Canada Magazine: February / March 2022 - Digitals
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khuantru · 3 years
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07/03/2022: 1st one for this Monday morning, had to fatten the lines up on this old drawing from 2016. Greetings from north London. 2016: for fans of MMA, for fans of Miesha 'cupcake' Tate - not sure if she still goes by that nick name in UFC, the cupcake part  - however the fight between her and Holly Holm for UFC 196 will be interesting. Wishing both fighters the best and may the best humble fighter win. Enjoy this fan illustration of Miesha for this Thursday night. Good night from North London, UK. Stay humble and keep drawing your pictures. Reference: UFC, Miesha Tate, Fitness Gurls magazine.
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health28 · 2 years
Five Reasons to Invest in High-Quality Home Fitness Equipment – Fitness Gurls Magazine
Five Reasons to Invest in High-Quality Home Fitness Equipment – Fitness Gurls Magazine
There are lots of good reasons why you should consider investing in high-quality home fitness equipment.  Here are just five.  Taking Out a Personal Loan to Buy Fitness Equipment Before we look at some of the top reasons why you should invest in home fitness equipment, it’s worth mentioning affordability. While you could purchase second-hand equipment to make the cost less expensive, you should…
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ultrameganicolaokay · 2 years
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Toni Storm photographed by J.R. Hutter for Fitness Gurls Magazine
Source: 1, 2
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biggoldbelt · 3 years
See Chelsea Green on the Cover of the Latest Fitness Gurls Magazine
See Chelsea Green on the Cover of the Latest Fitness Gurls Magazine
IMPACT Knockout Chelsea Green is on the cover of the latest edition of Fitness Gurls magazine! Get your copy today, available now in digital and print! Click here for more, including Fitness Gurls’ interview with the former Knockouts Champion. Just the beginning of my Digital Media Championship career, baby. https://t.co/a42OWVawqf — CHELSEA GREEN (@ImChelseaGreen) November 1, 2021 Article…
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felicityb-reviews · 7 years
Experimental SHINee - Feature Spotlight
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Hello babies, and welcome to the next Feature Spotlight in the SHINee Spotlight series!! My name is Jace (aka Felicity B), and today we're gonna be taking a slow drive through SHINee's more experimental era. This era in SHINee's career actually features my first SHINee comeback (Dream Girl, dahlings), so I am The Most Excited™ for this FSL!! It feels like Dream Girl dropped ten years ago, rather than just five, but I guess that's what K-Pop does to you.
And in case anyone is wondering why I'm going in reverse chronological order, it's because 1of1 and Misconceptions of Me are my favorite SHINee albums.
Era Spotlight
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So, I cheated. I really should have featured from DxDxD in this list instead of ones from FIVE, but I don't really like DxDxD!?!??! It's literally my least favorite SHINee album, sis. FIVE, to be frank with you all, fit more in line with the '90s 5HINee era, but it also fits in this experimental era pretty well.
The name of the game here is experimental, folks. SHINee must have gotten a little bored after they decided to go RnB again after LUCIFER. The bulk of the songs on this list were released in 2013, a year that SHINee really pushed the boundaries of who they were as a group, and I almost kind of miss it. Granted, I loved the maturity in sound they came back with on Odd and 1of1 (the former more than the latter, tbh), but this experimental phase was just a fun time to be a SHINee fan. This list includes songs from both Misconceptions albums, the Everybody mini album, and the previously mentioned Japanese album FIVE.
Spoiler (Misconceptions of You ~Dream Girl~)
Gurl... SHINee was not fuckin' around with us with Spoiler.
Spoiler is a song that Jonghyun wrote incorporating all the song titles from the Misconceptions series in the lyrics. And sis, I was like, "This is cute, or whatevahs!!" when he spoiled the tracklisting for Misconceptions of You, but when Misconceptions of Me dropped and we found out he spoiled that too?!?!?! My wig wasn't just lopsided, she was free floating in space.
SHINee really fucking Did That™ with Spoiler, sis.
Spoiler sounds like someone took Sherlock, and turned her into a vampire. Spoiler is Sherlock's darker and more seductive older sister. It's kind of interesting how they kicked off the Misconceptions series with Spoiler, a song that starts out like their previous title track, but with a dark twist. It's almost like they were making a statement, sis. This SHINee is New and Improved™ SHINee. This SHINee is Upgraded™ SHINee. SHINee 2.0, if you will. We snatched you with RnB/Funk, we snatched you with EDM, and now we're gonna snatch you with both. Enjoy!!
Symptoms (Everybody)
I imagine sex feels like what listening to this song feels like.
Symptoms is an eletro-RnB song that sounds like it was snatched right from the Billboard Top 40. Which doesn't surprise me, because it was produced by the Underdogs (who also produced EXO's Overdose, another song that's dripping in that Top 40 sound from the time). Symptoms is a song that starts out loud and proud; it gives you Drama™, and it gives zero fucks about it. She looks at you without a care in the world and says, "My name is Symptoms, what did you expect!?!?! A cutesy pop track?!?!?! Boi, if you don't get!!"
And mind you, that's what I love about ha.
I fucking love a SHINee song that gives us all the bells and whistles, because they really don't have to. Look at Odd Eye - she's as stripped back as it gets for RnB midtempos, but SHINee still Shine Bright Like A Diamond!! But here's the thing - these dramatic ass niggas love songs like these. You can't tell me these SHINee boys don't love a beat with all the bells and whistles; the way they always come correct on songs like these says it all.
Become Undone (FIVE)
Speaking of songs that lack bells and whistles, Become Undone is not one of them. You'd have to be a Fool™ to think a song titled Become Undone on a Japanese record could be a toned down track.
These types of songs are usually the most dramatic.
Become Undone is an angsty song. She's a song I can see playing during a scene where an anime protagonist has to make an extremely hard decision. Like, intentionally stepping into a trap to save your friends, or deciding between saving your loved ones or the world (don't look at me like that, you guys have seen Sailor Moon).
The main star of the show here is the chorus. That's true of most pop songs, but especially so for Become Undone. She features The SHINee Specialty™ (their ridiculous ability to blend their harmonies together like fuckin' buttah), the trap beats presented in the verse kicked up 10,000 for Maximum Drama™, and orchestral stabs that tie everything together. Become Undone has one of the most emotionally satisfying choruses I've heard in a pop song. Sis, I'm literally the INTENSIFIES meme listening to this song, it's just so good.
I'm really glad that groups like SHINee have had the pleasure of working with a Japanese team to release music in Japan, because it allows them to play with their sound in a way that they can't in Korea. And that's not to say that SHINee haven't played with their sound in Korea (this FSL is literally on the era they experimented with their sound the most), but there's certain sounds and textures that are specifically J-Pop in feel, and it's really cool to see a group like SHINee tap into that.
Orgel (Misconceptions of Me ~Why So Serious~)
Okay sis, now we're actually bringing it down a notch. Not for long, but I figured y'all could use a break, even if it's short lived.
Orgel is a song that's quite similar to Odd Eye in the fact that it's SHINee driving the song with their vocal performance, and the beat is going along for the ride. Orgel also features a melody that sounds like a something you'd hear in a music box, and while that motif is quite overused in pop music, it doesn't make Orgel feel played out. It's just a really pretty song from five really pretty boys.
Orgel is a really neat song, because even though SHINee are driving the song with their voice, they're really not doing a whole lot on the beat. Their vocal performance on Orgel is subtle in the same way the beat is (or rather, as subtle as these boys get), but they still stand out. It's an interesting experience, sis.
Queen of New York (Everybody)
Now this is A Song™, sis.
Queen of New York feels very lounge cafe, sis; she's very "let me sip my expensive coffee drink while I read the latest copy of Cosmo or OK! Magazine". Queen of New York is also very much something the drag queens are voguing to at the local gay club. Miss Queen of New York is a woman of many moods, okay?!?!?!
Queen of New York was a very fun surprise, because I don't think anyone was expecting a song quite like this on the Everbody mini album. She's very edgy, but in a way that you don't expect songs described as "edgy" to sound. Queen of New York has a very polished feel to her, but there's a dirtiness to her that you can't tame. She's a proper Upper Middle Side woman, but she's not afraid to take a walk on the wild side. She's not afraid to show you how to get down, and I just love that so much.
One Minute Back (Everybody)
This is also A Song™, babes.
One Minute Back is grungy, sis. She's not a proper Upper Middle Side woman, she's a punk rock/biker girl with a flair for the dramatic. Ain't nothin' polished here, ladies!! Well, SHINee's vocals are pretty polished, but that's a given. I've never heard a SHINee song where the vocals weren't produced to a T.
But despite that, Ms One Minute Back and Ms Queen of New York are happily married!!
One Minute Back, like Queen of New York, was a song I was pleasantly surprised to hear on Everybody. One Minute back has such grungy verses, but then the chorus and the bridge are so Funky and so SHINee. BUT THE TWO DIFFERENT VIBES BLEND TOGETHER LIKE IT'S NOTHING!! It's such an aurally pleasing experience, you guys!! The reason I compared One Minute Back to Queen of New Year is that they're both marry these two moods to amazing results. I mean, Queen of New York doesn't fully commit to the grunginess, but there's enough of it lying below the surface that it's worth mentioning.
Ms ABOAB is a Bad Bitch™. She's a Boss Bitch™. She has no time for your games, boo. Ms ABOAB is a brazen ElectroFunk number that makes no apologizes.
If SHINee wanted to make a record like Everybody for the Japanese market, ABOAB would have been the title track/lead single. Miss ABOAB is spicy. She's seductive. Miss ABOAB is full on club bounce, and I McFucking L O V E when SHINee do those kinds of songs. There's just something so sexy about them working that club vibe, sis. I lowkey wasn't ready for ABOAB, but she really didn't care. She mesmerizes with the way she flits between emphasizing her Funk and Electro elements.
And that damn drop with the horn line... BITCH!! My wig has been compromised.
Runaway (Misconceptions of You ~Dream Girl~)
Runaway is another ElectroFunk track, but brighter and poppier in a way that contrasts ABOAB quite nicely. It's no less fun and club ready, tho.
Runaway is mainly driven by a punchy synth stab and SHINee's very fun usage of their vocal harmonies. While Miss ABOAB would whip ha weave in ya face if you ever tried to talk to her, Miss Runaway would make silly faces at you and coax you into doing silly dances. I, always and forever, wanna see SHINee in concert, but I especially wanna see Runaway and ABOAB performed live, because they always do these types of club ready tracks Just Right™.
Hitchhiker (Misconceptions of You ~Dream Girl~)
Because God Knows^™ these boys can't not give us a track that channels the very essence of MJ and his weave.
If Spoiler was too gimmicky of a sequel to Sherlock for you, then Hitchhiker is your song. Hitchhiker, to me, sounds like the perfect representation of this era in SHINee's discography - let's take what we already do well and marry it to a whole new palette of song styles/textures, and see what sticks.
And lemme tell you somethin' - Hitchhiker sticks like fucking glue. Remember what I said about SHINee loving the bells and whistles that comes with doing over the top songs?!?!?! That's in full effect here, sis. Hitchhiker is anthemic as all fuck, and these boys ride that beat like they were made for it. And to be completely, I have no doubt in my mind that they were.
Nothing to Lose (FIVE)
So who else was expecting to get something hella grungy like Natalia Kills' Break You Hard or Seventeen's Clap with how hard that guitar was filtered?!?!?! I can't be the only one here.
Nothing to Lose bait and switches us with that dark n grungy guitar riff, because the majority of the song is rather bright n poppy. But I really can't be mad, because I rather liked the way they transitioned the darker sections into the brighter ones. And Nothing to Lose is pure octane fun. It's kind of a hard song to hate, because it gives zero fucks about how cutesy and cheesy it is.
There's also a rather nice helping of Funk thrown into the mix, but I'm gonna pretend that that had nothing to do with much I like this song. Even though it's what makes me like it the most.
Punch Drunk Love (Misconceptions of You ~Dream Girl~)
Punch Drunk Love channels Love Like Oxygen like SHINee's producers were in the studio intentionally trying to produce a sequel to the song. And if you know anything about me, you know that Love Like Oxygen is literal auditory C R A C K for my black ass. Punch Drunk Love also sounds like SHINee's writers held a seance and channeled MJ's spirit when they were writing the song for the boys.
And y'all already K N O W I'm here for that shit.
Punch Drunk Love is the SHINee Five™ on autopilot, sis. SHINee will never not know how to come correct with a Funk song, and it warms my heart. The attitude, the harmonies (THE BUMBACLOT HARMONIES), the overall feel of the song; SHINee gets it right. If you ever needed a pickmeup, then put on SHINee's Punch Drunk Love, and thank me later. This is another song that is unabashedly cheesy, but gives absolutely zero fucks about it.
Isn't it beautiful!?!?!?
Evil (Misconceptions of Me ~Why So Serious~)
Evil can be summed by in two words - Drama and Killer Harmonies.
That's technically three, but you know what the fuck I meant.
Evil is SHINee at their most dramatic. I remember Shawols losing their collective minds at the fancams from the concert performances where they wore blindfolds.
Yes, you read that correctly. These dramatic ass motherfuckers were performing on stage with blindfolds on. They were, more than likely, see through blindfolds, but never doubt SHINee's collective love of the Drama™. They absolutely would dance completely blindfolded.
Evil starts out slow, but I very much doubt that many of us thought the song was gonna stay that way; SHINee were just building the atmosphere (read - creating the perfect environment to torch our weaves). Evil has an almost musical theater vibe to it, except not nearly as cheesy. Evil is honestly a one of a kind experience that we all need in our lives at some point.
Especially because SHINee were on their harmonic A game the day they recorded Evil. When the drums drop out and it's just the orchestral stabs with their voices?!?!? Fuckin' magic, ladies.
Like A Fire (Misconceptions of Me ~Why So Serious~)
We all Know™ Like A Fire, because of that one performance where Jonghyun, Kibum, and Jinki were having a contest to see whom tf could be the most extra (to be honest, I'd say Kibum won, based purely on the fact that I didn't even know he could wail like that). But Like A Fire stands firm on her own by being a wickedly good Funk song.
(Sidenote - I'm about 90% this list has more Funk tracks than my '90s 5HINee FSL, and I want you all know that that was not on purpose. I wont be changing it, but I swear it wasn't done purposefully!!)
Like A Fire, like Punch Drunk Love, is SHINee on autopilot. I don't know what else to say about this song. It's just so Classic SHINee™, sis!! The verses have a more somber, minor tone to them, but the choruses transition (maybe that's a modulation, I'm not Musically Advanced™ enough to make that call) into a killer major groove that is just so beautiful to listen to. I don't know anyone who doesn't like this song. Liking Like A Fire is a requirement for being a Shawol (especially a Shawol of color). If you don't like Like A Fire, you're invalid.
I need to say something about these harmonies and ad libs, tho. Did the producer of Like A Fire tell the SHINee Boys™ to go HAM the day they were laying down tracks for Like A Fire?!?!?! Did they mean for the harmonies and ad libs to get this over the top!?!?! I'm not complaining, I just wanna know. Because the harmonies and ad libs, especially, are so ridiculous!! I love every second of it, but sometimes it K I L L S how extra this song is!!
Diamond Sky (FIVE)
The first time I ever listened to this song, I cackled like a banshee at how extra that intro was, because it's so SHINee. It's so dramatic, and it suits SHINee to a T. I was expecting the verses to be some Final Dragon type shit, or somethin'!!!
Diamond Sky is pretty standard fare for a J-Pop song, imo. It doesn't stop me from loving SHINee's take on it (and it shouldn't stop you), but it's worth mentioning; SHINee + J-Pop = Love. Like I mentioned above, I'm glad that SHINee were able to continue releasing music in Japan, because this is a style of music that suits them well, but would not do well in Korea at all.
Diamond Sky feels like the theme song for a magical girl anime. The twinkly pianos, complemented by the strings and electric guitar give it an air of grandiosity that would have made it a perfect theme or insert song for Sailor Moon. If they had added a modulation at the end for Maximum Drama™, I'd have lost my shit.
Close the Door (Everybody)
Firstly, if you haven't watched the SHINee World IV performance where Jinki tap dances to Close the Door, I'm judging you. Our sweet dubu leader did not bless us with such beauty and grace for you to ignore it!!
Secondly, Close the Door is the cheesiest love song I've ever encountered in K-Pop. It's got the romantic sounding keys, the strings, it's in 6/8 time (perfect for a waltz, babies), the lyrics are so sugary sweet, and the chord progressions utilize mostly major chords. And you know what, I absolutely fucking love it. I'm a cheesy Romantic Gay™, and I fucking love this cheesy ass love song. It's just so aurally pleasing, especially since these SHINee boys all have voices that blend together amazingly when they harmonize. Sue me.
Sleepless Night (Misconceptions of Me ~Why So Serious~)
SHINee ballads are a wonderful, amazing thing, you know?!?!? Especially when they don't give us the typical classical ballad, but go a little left field into something jazzy or RnB. Which is what they do with Sleepless Night.
This week's playlist features a lot of songs that are extremely over the top, sis. And I mean, we've discussed this; these SHINee boys love the drama of it all. But they also love lowkey songs like Sleepless Night. You'd be able to tell if they didn't with a song this stripped back and bare. Sleepless Night is literally the SHINee boys (and their amazing harmonies), a piano, and some strings. And it's fucking amazing. There are quite a few songs from SHINee that I want to experience live, but I think Sleepless Night tops the list. Well, that and Wish Upon A Star, but I'm sure I'd cry my fucking eyes out listening to that. I mean, I might cry my eyes out to Sleepless Night, but there's less of a chance there.
I've accepted that I'm a boring bitch who lives for a good ballad (the amount of ballads I've had to listen to for my RRUs has definitely proven this), but there's nothing quite like a good SHINee ballad, sis. There ain't never been a SHINee ballad that I didn't like.
And that's all for this week's list, loves!! Please tune in next week for the next era in my SHINee Spotlight series, Contemporary SHINee ver.2!! And don't forget to tune in Wednesday for my next Review Roundup, featuring songs released this week!!
Love you, guys!!
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womenwwe · 2 years
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Fitness Gurls Magazine: December / January 2022
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trendsdresscom · 4 years
Colombian Fitness Model Diana Maux Heats Up Instagram In Skimpy White Swimsuit
Diana Maux spiced up her Instagram feed on Thursday, April 2, teasing her 507,000 followers with a throwback that saw her in a skimpy swimsuit that showed off her incredible physique.
The photo showed Colombian fitness model leaning against a palm tree while the camera captured her from the left. Maux tilted her head forward as she looked to the left, sending a strong gaze at the onlooker. Her lips were parted in a seductive way, completing her sexy facial expression.
Maux wore a white one-piece bathing suit that made her deeply tanned complexion stand out. The suit featured thin straps that connected the front with the suit’s ultra low back. The swimwear also boasted very low-cut sides, which bared quite a lot of skin on the model’s sides, including a generous amount of sideboob. The suit featured a skimpy thong bottom that put Maux’s toned booty on display.
The front of the suit included ruched details that added texture and detailing to the garment. Maux didn’t reveal where her outfit was from. In her caption, she detailed that this was a throwback from a photo shoot she did with the photographer Lee LHGFX for Fitness Gurls Magazine. According to the geotag, the shoot was taken in Miami, Florida.
As of the time of this writing, the photo has attracted more than 3,600 likes and upwards of 210 comments, proving to be popular with her fans. Users of the social media app used the occasion to rave about Maux’s beauty and to express their admiration for her. As usual, most comments were written in Spanish and English, two languages she uses often in her posts and captions.
“Gorgeous,” one user wrote, following the comment with a heart-eyes emoji.
“So pretty mami,” another user replied, including a pink double heart and an emoji blowing a heart kiss at the end of the message.
“That’s a lucky tree,” a third fan chimed in, following the words with a string of fire emoji.
“Simply gorgeous,” another one added, including an orange heart and a sun emoji after the reply.
Maux uses her social media page to post a mix of snapshots of herself in skimpy outfits that showcase her insane body and other fitness-related content. More recently, the model shared a snap that captured her at the beach in an all-white ensemble that was soaking wet from the ocean. Maux sported a white T-shirt and matching bra that clung to her sexy figure. The model gleefully smiled at the camera for the spontaneous capture.
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The post Colombian Fitness Model Diana Maux Heats Up Instagram In Skimpy White Swimsuit appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/colombian-fitness-model-diana-maux-heats-up-instagram-in-skimpy-white-swimsuit/
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