#five the umbrella academy s2
supermentaleyeliner · 23 days
kinda miss diego "five you sick son of a bitch where the hell have you been" and five "imagine batman... then aim lower" hargreeves rn
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brellygifs · 3 months
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THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2x10 | Season 4 Trailer
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tothosewholisten · 4 months
Forever Healed | TUA insert
available across wattpad, tumblr, quotev and ao3.
"He was never a father really, more like a mean old state-national basketball coach."
- Y/n Hargeeves, Number 00, The Gifted
Being the adopted super powered kid of Sir Reginald Hargeeves was never a simple task. You always could've been better for him. But happens when he dies and the world ends in a few days?
You are Number Zero, here's your story..
Pintrest board
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ollierachnid · 3 months
doomed weird old guy friendship if you even care
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 2 months
so five and lila being a thing is going right next to allison literally sexually assaulting luther in the box of things we are absolutely under no circumstances accepting as part of canon right
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nixotene · 4 days
“Even the janitors are complaining!” Loving the fact that Diego couldn’t sit through more than 5 minutes of orientation yet still took the time to listen to the workers, even the custodial staff
He truly is a man of the people
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1-jar-of-stars · 1 month
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The Stages of the Umbrella Academy.
homer, the iliad / Road to Hell, Hadestown Original Broadway Cast / Alan Moore, Watchmen / Disco Elysium / Matthew Stover, Star Wars Revenge of the Sith
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the-krakens-bitch · 1 month
One of the aspects of season 1 and 2 that made them my favourite were the portrayal of the dynamics of the characters with each and themselves in their adult life.
Give me Klaus having a breakdown cause he’s starting to forget what Dave looks like and the sound of his voice. Show me him begging Five to just go back and save him, as he’s just one person, it won’t matter. But it will. Klaus knows that. He just doesn’t want to believe that.
Show me how Allison sees her daughter refusal to going to bed as something alike herself. Show me the doubt and fear that might come from her seeing herself in Claire.
Show me Luther trying to socialise with other people without it sounding like a formal report.
Show me Five having a hard time opening up entirely with anyone, especially his family. Show me Victor and him both relating that they feel like outsiders with their siblings, that no matter how good they are now, they will never know how it feels to be completely comfortable and secure with them. That deep down, they will always be alone.
Give me the honesty between Diego and Luther, the outraged desperation of Diego wanting to be the leader, to be seen as an equal to Luther, and Luther telling him that he always knew how that affected him. And deep down Luther enjoyed that his leadership was able to ignite some sort of emotion, even if it was disdain, just something to prove to him that what he was doing was worth a reaction.
Show me victor not being used of people calling on him to make the shots.
Show me Allison and Diego bonding over how it feels to lose their voice, to feel weak and defenceless in a world that is so quick to take away their power and anatomy
Show me Luther and Lila undermining anyone older who gives them guidance or are authoritative in fear of becoming susceptible in becoming mindless obedient soldiers again.
Show me Victors tedious relationship with the violin. How he wants to entirely forget how to play the violin, but hating himself by how easily it is to regain that skill. It feels like Reginald’s hand will always be holding his shoulder every time he holds that god forsaken thing.
Show me how Allison is able to conceal her insecurities and guilt with her award wining smile, on and off set.
Show me a quiet bonding moment between Diego and Victor showing each other’s littered scars on their hands, either by failed knife tricks and tightening strings. Both brought upon by an absent father that each other will never quite understand the others perspective
Show me Lila first thought fleeing anytime her and Diego get into a fight, thinking that it’ll be easier to ran away then to face him.
Give me Diego trying so hard trying to be badass but failing, because intrinsically he isn’t a whiskey shooting cold blooded ‘lone wolf’, he’s just someone who loves his family and wants to be truly close to someone
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chofisaquino · 1 month
Five all the time in all seasons...
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jkriordanverse · 1 month
Look. OKay. I get that the ending is bad. But yk waht pisses me off the most? How they treated th characters. like obviously ik the way the ended the show was unfair to us (the viewers) but also to the characters. Like they showrunners/makers just threw away the lore and trauma and character for every single person on the show to make whatever tu s4 was.
Why was Klaus not freaking out when he was locked in the coffin??? Hello Klaus trauma??? (*trauma has exited the chat moment fr*) Why was Allison forgiven so easily??? Why was Luthor's reaction to Sloan (aka the love of his life at the moment) was basically okay and? Why did Viktor emit so much control over his powers suddenly??? Like the last season was bascially him loosing and control and stuff but now?? And wtf was even Jennifer for? It's like they needed a reason to end the world? Why was she in the squid? Why did Five want to leave their family in the apocalyspe (so un-Five) like dude the least you could do was give US AN EXPLANATION.
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laurrelise · 2 months
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i did a little doodle
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eternalnat · 1 month
I rarely make tumblr posts, but I am so infuriated by this situation I need to say something about it.
Five Hargreeves, who spent 45 years alone in a post-apocalyptic world, and every single moment of his life since was spent trying to get back to his family. The Five who ran himself dry for 2 weeks straight trying to stop the end of the world, and reunite his family. The Five who slaughtered an entire board of directors just to ensure him family's safety. Who turned back time himself, while bleeding out on the floor, just to save his siblings. You're telling me, that the Five whose entire motivation for living was once saving his family, is the same Five, who in s4 has entirely given up, and in the Subway is the one trying to convince Lila to stop looking after 6 and a half years? The Five who never once stopped trying to return to his family in all 45 years of surviving alone, decides to settle down in a greenhouse and live out a cottagecore life?
Furthermore, the same Five who told Lila that Diego loved her, who reassured his brother that his wife wasn't cheating on him and loved him dearly, the same Five who got on with Lila only due to the fact that they both cared for and loved Diego, the person they had in common, is the same Five who stole his brother's wife, whom he had three children with, just because the writers were excited that Aidan Gallagher was finally legal?
Five who hated authority, who despised when people gave him commands, who wanted nothing more than to retire in s3, is now working for the CIA and willingly calling his boss, 'sir'?
Five who used to be so paranoid and suspicious of everyone and everything, who used to solve problems alone and came to epiphanies that saved the world, who didn't even trust a past version of himself, also didn't realise that his boss of many years had an umbrella tattooed on his wrist?
Everything that once stood out about his character is now gone, as if the writers themselves entirely forgot about his existence until the last moment, and added him in as an afterthought, without thinking of the effect he would have on the story.
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vtory-art · 17 days
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manifesting me rendering and finishing this wip 🙏🙏🙏
blood TW???? how should i properly put warnings on this app, idk🚬 sorry guys im disconnected from reality at all times
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sprucebluw · 1 month
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Five from umbrella academy. So sad this show only had three seasons 😔
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iguessiwritenow · 4 days
I know for a fact that umbrella Ben would be pissed to know that Klaus could float all along
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tothosewholisten · 4 months
Forever Healed | TUA insert
Chapter: 01
<<previous chapter | next chapter>>
The next morning I woke up in disbelief of what I saw the previous night. I always thought Reginald’s grip on me was too tight for him to let go. I believed that he would live forever, that he would lecture me in his overpriced mansion when I failed at becoming my own person.
I didn’t know if I should feel sad or not, after all, it’s not like he would feel the same if it was me who died that man had the emotional intelligence of a zoo animal. At least that's what I tried to tell myself. But I did want to go back to my old home, just to see if this was a huge prank played on me and he would be there to finally give me what I wanted for years now.
No, this was reality and I knew that because at my front door was a letter, it was addressed from Pogo. The “man” who practically raised me instead of the parent I was supposed to have. How he knows where I live, I had no idea, but it felt good to hear from him after all this time. He told me to come back to the house for the service and I couldn’t just ignore him.
Since this was a funeral I should wear black or maybe some bright neon-colored outfit for the last F you to the big man. But after looking in my closet I realize I only own sad mundane clothes.
“Black it is..” I whisper to myself.
The taxi ride was silent, after telling the driver where I wanted to go I think she knew exactly who I was. I fixed my hair several times and thought about the other adopted children who also experienced hell living there. From time to time I do like to check up on how they're doing, never face to face though.
Like Allison and her latest celeb drama, or Diego still acting like a superhero only now he’s almost 30 and lives in someone else’s storage closet. I'm not sure that adult life has been kind to any of my siblings but I wish the ones who weren't here could’ve still experienced it.
We had come to a stop and I could see the house in all its glory, it gave me shivers that crawled down my spine. I stepped out of the taxi and just stared up at the tall building, If I was about to go in I needed to majorly hype myself up.
After standing there shaking, my shaky hand had finally started to open the intricate umbrella engraved glass doors. This reminded me of the first time I showed up to this place just as terrified of the unknown, but this time instead of crying on the doorstep the unknown opened the door for me. If the unknown was a small monkey man with glasses and a wooden walking stick named Pogo.
“Miss Y/n, please do come in.” Pogo expressed with a warm smile on his monkey face. “I believe you are one of the first to arrive, just right after Master Luther and Klaus. Luther is in your father's room and Klaus is in his study if you’d like to visit them.”
I wasn't paying attention to Pogo’s words, instead I was taking a look around. It took me a while to come up with the right words, it’s like I forgot how to speak. The inside of this place looked like it hadn't changed since I moved out, not one piece out of place.
“Maybe later.” I croaked out, “I'd like to take a look around for a bit.” We walked into the main lounge of the home. I forgot how much there was to see, the space was decorated very well in my opinion.
“As you wish Miss Y/n, let me know if you need anything else.” He called out as he started to walk in the opposite direction. I called back out to him in a small panic.
“Pogo wait,” I said and he turned back around to look at me.
“Yes-“ It only took me a few steps to reach him as I opened up my arms for a hug and he caught on. I embraced the smaller “man”, it felt so familiar, so comforting it almost made me feel good to be back. We stood like that for what could’ve been all my life and I wouldn't care before I pulled back thinking it was too much. “It’s so good to see you, my girl. Welcome home.” I immediately felt back at ease when he spoke those words.
Pogo was a prominent figure in my adolescence to the point where I didn't even question how a monkey could talk. I'd like to think of him as one of my saving graces for getting past the years that I could never forget.
“It feels strange to be back,” I said walking back over to the lounge area. On the wall, I could see a bunch of familiar items like our Umbrella Academy comics, some of our news articles and-
“How long has it been since Five disappeared?” A voice cut in, my eyes searched the room looking for that voice. I set my sights on a small scrawny woman with brown hair pulled into a bun.
It was Vanya, she’s changed since I last saw her but that comes with age I guess, she still shares the same mannerisms as her younger self.
“Miss Vanya! I'm glad to see you as well.” Pogo exclaimed, turning to her but then went back to the portrait of Five on the wall. Made just before he ran away but hung up after as a sign to remember him by our father. I don't think it was out of love for his son but more of a warning for us to not end up like him. “But to answer your question, it's been sixteen years, four months, and fourteen days. Your father insisted I keep track.”
I gave Vanya a little smile and she spoke again. “You wanna know something stupid? I always used to leave the lights on for him.” Pogo and I looked at her sympathetically. “I was scared that he would come back, it would be late, and the house would be dark and he wouldn't be able to find us, so he’d leave again.”
I don’t know if it was childish or hopeful for her to think he would just one day return to us and all would be forgiven but it was true that she never lost hope.
“So, every night I'd make a little snack and make sure all the lights were on.” She finished.
Pogo sighed at her words. “Oh, I remember your snacks. I'm pretty sure I stepped in half those peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches.” Yes, it was a sad memory but I think all three of us took comfort in the fact that they had these little things they did. To cope with the fact that a part of us was lost the day he left.”Your father always believed that Number Fiver was still out there somewhere. He never lost hope.” He continued.
Vanya frowned, “And look where that got him.”
Alison and Luther made their way to us in the lounge room along with Diego and Klaus following soon behind them, but I had already sat on a couch next to Vanya.
This was an odd event since everyone was so quiet and sticking to themselves or their drinks. And Pogo had left a few minutes ago so any conversations that he sparked no longer existed and it was back to complete silence.
I twiddled with a loose string on my cardigan, trying to shake at least some of the anxiety that brewed from the room. You’d think because we were together almost for half of our lives we would know how to ask each other how life’s been but I guess not. I'd have to talk to Alison sometime soon and also Klaus, out of everyone I've been the most excited to talk to him.
Luther stood up from one of the large couches and cleared his throat. “Uhm, I guess we should get this started. So, I figured we could have some sort of memorial service. In the courtyard at sundown.” He paused. “Say a few words, just at Dad’s favorite spot.”
“Dad had a favorite spot?” Alison questioned.
Luther replied, “You know, under the oak tree.” And I honestly doubt anyone knew or cared but him. He was always more attached to Dad anyway.
“We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?” Of course not...
Klaus chimed in walking over to the group, a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. “Will there be refreshments? Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner.”
“What? No. And put that out. You know Dad didn't allow smoking in here.” Luther argued.
“Well he is dead so does it matter” I said while rubbing my forehead. I'm already getting a headache from Luther and it's been five seconds. He throws me a look and I just shut up. Arguing with him also reminds me of a zoo animal and it's not just his new physique..
Alison points to Klaus’s interesting new outfit and says. “Is that my skirt?” And I'm reminded of our teenage years all over again.
“What? Oh! Yeah, this. I found it in your room.” Klaus says. “It’s a little dated, I know, but it's very breathy on the bits-“
Luther cuts in with a stern voice. “Listen up. Still, some important things that we need to discuss, all right?”
“Like what?” Diego asks and finally looks up at us.
“Like the way he died.”
“And here we go..” Diego remarks.
Vanya stares at Luther confused. “I don’t understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack?”
“Yeah, according to the coroner..”
“Well, wouldn't they know” I say?
“Theoretically?” Alison raises a brow at Luther's strange words.
“I'm just saying, at the very least, something happened. The last time I talked to Dad, he sounded strange.” He adds on.
Klaus starts gurgling his alcohol and with a strange noise, he says. “Oh, quelle surprise!” Whatever that means..
“Strange how?” I try to continue.
“He sounded on edge. Told me I should be careful who to trust.”
“I don’t think that’s anything out of the ordinary, like at all.” I shrug.
Diego stands from his chair. “Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles.”
“No. He must have known something was gonna happen.” I roll my eyes at Luther's statement. “Look, I know you don’t like to do it, but I need you to talk to Dad.” He finishes by looking at Klaus. The only one of us with those capabilities, Klaus looked panicked by his words.
“I can’t just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, Dad could you just.. stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take this quick call” Klaus states exaggerating the words with hand movements.
“Since when? That’s your thing.”
“I'm not in the right.. frame of mind.”
“You’re high?” Alison turns to look at Klaus.
“Yeah!” he chuckles, still holding his drink and cigarette while sitting “Yeah! I mean how are you not listening to this nonsense?”
“Well sober up, this is important,” says Luther and Klaus groans.”Then there’s the issue of the missing monocle.”
“Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?” Diego cuts in, which I would have to agree with.
“Exactly, it's worthless. So whoever took it, I think it was personal.” Everyone stares at Luther like he is delusional and at this point, me included. “Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge.”
“Where are you going with this? You lost me at Dad's favorite spot” I ask Luther directly.
Diego stares up at Luther and gets out of his chair to get closer to him. “Oh, isn’t it obvious, Y/n? He thinks one of us killed Dad.” I know everyone knew that was what he was saying but hearing it come from Diego’s mouth hit everyone.
“You do?” Says Klaus. “How could you think that?” Vanya added.
“Great job, Luther. Way to lead.” Diego walks out of the lounge room.
“That’s not what I'm saying,” Luther grunts.
Klaus gets up too not before saying this on his way out. “You’re crazy, man. You’re crazy. Crazy”
“I've not finished” Luther tries to tell us to sit back down.
“Sorry, I'm just gonna go murder, Mom. Be right back” I say with a smile.
“That’s not what I was saying. I didn't-“ Luther sighs as Vanya walks out too. Leaving Allison the last one in the room with a pleading Luther. “Alison. Jeez..” He says trying to call out to her. But unfortunately for him, she also walks away leaving him to mutter to himself alone. “That went well.”
“Hey,” I whispered to Vanya as she was sitting on the stairs deep in thought. “That was.. intense right?” Out of everyone she was the easiest to talk to, she always was there for me.
But I do have to admit I could’ve been there for her more and I'm not sure what she thinks about me after all these years. By her silence she confirmed what I thought, she hates me. After sitting for a second in the silence I wanted to run away and retreat to my room. But she raised her head and looked me in the eyes.
“Yeah it was, Luther was way off.” She says.
I could hug her right now, I'm so happy hearing her voice. I hummed in response but I couldn’t think of anything to say, we just ended up looking at each other waiting for the other to bring up our next topic. “Uhm you're still playing the violin, right? How’s that going.” I ask.
Vanya gives me an awkward smile “It's going pretty okay, I play for an orchestra near my apartment. I also give lessons to kids when I have the time.”
“That’s amazing Vanya.” I smile back. “What chair are you?” That is the extent of my orchestra knowledge, I always liked hearing her play but didn't have any knacks for instruments myself. And it's not like Dad would’ve given me any time to learn, always on to the next mission or session with him.
“Third” she frowns, “for the last couple of years now I guess.”
I wasn’t sure what to say to that. I didn't want her to think that was bad because I'm sure she is trying her best so we were back to silence again. As I stare off into the distance.
But then I look up to hear a loud muffled noise, like a song? It was coming from upstairs. I wasn't going crazy because Vanya heard it too. I remember listening to this song as a teenager and my only conclusion is that this was playing from Luther's record player. The song still played as I told her who I thought was playing this, and we both started laughing before Vanya stood up and held her hand out to me and pulled me up too.
I kept laughing as she started to sway back and forth to the music, she looked so carefree so I joined her. I'm no star dancer myself but being with her made me feel like I could do anything and that's what I did. We bounced around as the chorus started, grabbing each other's hands and mouthing the lyrics.
“I think we’re alone now,” I started.
“Doesn’t seem to be anyone around” Vanya continues.
“I think we're alone now”
“The beating of our hearts is the only sound” This was an out-of-character moment for both of us but we didn't care, we were simply enjoying ourselves and I wondered if anyone else was dancing too.
The music skips as thunder cuts the song off and we stop. The whole house starts to rumble and Vanya grabs on to me as we look around at all the flying items that are coming off shelves and tables.
I was confused, nowhere did the forecast mention thunder and lighting at all and looking outside I didn't see anything, only a blue glowing ball forming in the sky near the back of the house.
Luther and Alison run from upstairs towards us and they tell us we need to go outside, where we run into Diego. He must have seen the glowing too.
“Oh shit“ I plug my ears, the lighting whips and thunder got louder as we reached the door. Diego was the first of us out there, and then we all followed. We were horrified at the sight ahead of us. No longer was this a blue ball but more like a large translucent blue ripple in the sky.
“What is it?” Vanya yells out.
Alison pushes Luther slightly back with her hand “Don’t get too close” she says.
“Yeah, no shit” Diego interjects.
Luther points it out. “Looks like some sort of temporal anomaly. Either that or a miniature black hole. One of the two.” For a moment I forgot that he spent all that time and space, he was more knowledgeable than us.
“Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan!” Diego exclaims. Hearing all of their voices I slowly realized who was missing..
“Out of the way!” Klaus yells from inside.
He starts to run up to us with something in his hand “What are you doing?!” I called out. He then runs up to the “black hole” and throws a fire extinguisher into it? I'm worried for Klaus if his response to strange situations is to throw something at it.
Alison gave him a puzzled look “What is that going to do?” She said,
“I don’t know, do you have a better idea?” He replies with exasperation. His frustration seemed to somewhat affect the glowing thing because it suddenly got bigger, and flashed strong blue light at him. Klaus lets out a shriek and runs behind me.
“Woah woah get behind me,” Luther says addressing us. Diego decides to chime in, of course, to upstage him and says that we should get behind him instead.
“I vote for running c’mon!” Klaus tries to grab my arm but I stay still, if I was scared of anything anymore I would've run but I was dying to see how this played out.
All of us just kind of stood there, some probably accepted their fate that this blob of color was gonna swallow them whole. I look down to see Alison and Luther hand and hand.
But that's not the only thing I see, because something was coming out of the light. A man? A boy? I was so confused. He lets out a terrible screech, like coming through that “portal” was ripping him apart.
All of us take a closer look at the now clearer image because whatever was in the portal dropped down onto the mud-covered floor. And the blue light disappears above him.
“Oh my god,” I said, I finally recognized what was standing right in front of me. All of us took a couple of steps closer to him.
“Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?” Klaus asked.
Five looks down at himself and for the first time in close to 17 years I hear him speak.
Aug 14 update:
If you'd like to be added to the tag list for rest of the series (starts at chapter 10) say taglist in the comments!
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