lanternsandtulips · 2 years
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our final five solae friday before reformation day is ‘sola scriptura’, which means ‘scripture alone’. • sola scriptura; scripture alone ‘i applied all these things to myself and apollos for your benefit, brothers, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another.’ - i corinthians 4:6 - ‘the Reformation principle of sola Scriptura has to do with the sufficiency of Scripture as our supreme authority in all spiritual matters. sola Scriptura simply means that all truth necessary for our salvation and spiritual life is taught either explicitly or implicitly in Scripture. it is not a claim that all truth of every kind is found in Scripture.’ - john macarthur (‘what does sola scriptura mean?’) - scripture alone is the final authority on all matters of doctrine and the christian life. there is, simply, no other source that may be placed alongside it. men are fallible, leaders are fallible, but the word of God is perfect. let us not go ‘beyond what it written’, not when God has given us His words by which we may live our lives. we have no need to do so, and it would be a travesty, should we trade God-breathed scriptures for - source originating from man. • #sola scriptura #scripturealone #scripture #fivesolas #fivesolae #reformed #reformedtheology #reformation #martinluther #johncalvin #theologymatters #theology #christianlettering #handlettering #semperreformanda #solideogloria #stayreformingkids https://www.instagram.com/p/CkRp69oPIJu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yoga--faith · 1 year
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Since the beginning of time, God has been working out his plan of redemption in ways the human eye couldn’t always see. Even creation testifies to his greatness and glory. Throughout Scripture, the dawn is used metaphorically as an arrow pointing to the hope that would come through Jesus Christ. ⁠ ⁠ Jesus is the dawn of grace, the true Light of the World. His birth—and every event leading up to it in history—is another reminder that every second matters in God’s plan of redemption. His grace is the redeeming thread that ties Genesis to Revelation together in one glorious book. ⁠ ⁠ Advent begins with anticipation and expectation and ends with celebration—a celebration that has no end and fills our hearts with exceeding joy. This Advent season, we celebrate the good news that the Light of the World has come. Hope has dawned on our hearts. And now we live in the everlasting light of God’s infinite grace. ⁠ ⁠ Pause for a heart check: How is your walk with Jesus? Knowing where you are in your walk with God and knowing the state of your heart will better prepare you to walk through the Christmas season with your eyes on Jesus. Take time today to pray honestly before the Lord, confessing where you're weary and asking for strength where you're struggling. Believe that he will be faithful to meet with you as you draw near to him this Advent season. -Gretchen (@gretchensaffles), Founder ⁠ ⁠ #wellwateredwomen #thedawnofgrace #wwwadvent #solagratia #bygracealone #fivesolas⁠ 📷 @wellwateredco #faith #yogafaith (at YOGA FAITH) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl9OR2yPsb_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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roseofjedi · 3 years
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xgenesisrei · 3 years
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For the Anabaptists, the Reformers failed to touch on the very thing that made for much of the corruption in Christianity since Constantine -its marriage with the Empires/Kingdoms/State and the temporal power that comes with it, i.e., state-sanctioned churches or simply the idea of official religion.
The radicals rightly understood that as long as the Word of God comes to people under the threat of a sword, the Gospel is not free even if defined by the so called Five Solas. This they experienced themselves as they were outlawed, executed, and thrown off to drown at the bottom of the rivers and lakes of Europe, by Protestants and Catholics alike.
The Reformers sought to fix what is wrong with the church but decided to leave it as it were for the most part, e.g., as per Luther: if the Bible does not explicitly forbid it, then go on and continue with it (cf., this resulted to him parting ways with his former professor, Andreas Karlstadt).
The Anabaptists, on the other hand, sought a more radical path to purify the church of it distortions -restore the simplicity of New Testament Christianity. In other words, to borrow a more contemporary metaphor, the Reformers thought of a much necessary disk cleanup. The Anabaptists opted for a full reboot and restore things to factory settings.
Should we then be celebrating mere ‘reformation’ or lamenting about the resistance towards #Restoration?
But to push the envelope even further, here's what Dr. Emo Yango has to add:
"Wag naman sanang restoration pa. [Don't settle even for restoration]. The words of Jesus is 'metanoia' (Mk 1:15). Do something different. Go beyond the traditions and conventions of our times. Change the system. Metamorphosize (Rom 12:1-2) to the point while we affirm the image and likeness of God in us, the present is always different from the past and future is always different from the present. The reign of God is the ushering of a new system. Damn the old. Resist and reject restoration of the reformation. Or for that matter, build more towers of Babel. Metanoia and metamorphosis is all about living in the moment of (embodying) and exemplifying (practical demonstration of) the reign of God."
-Rei Lemuel Crizaldo, rants for this year’s Reformation Month
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mslaniebells · 3 years
Owen writes, “Do not resolve not to eat thy meat until thou art strong, when thou hast no means of being strong but by eating” (603). When we wait to focus our gaze on Christ’s promises until we are holy enough, we are like a man waiting to eat until he becomes strong, or waiting to sleep until he feels energized, or waiting to study until he grows wise. Sinclair Ferguson, a modern-day pupil of Owen, puts it this way: Believing [gives] rise to obedience, not obedience . . . to assurance irrespective of believing. Such faith cannot be forced into us by our efforts to be obedient; it arises only from larger and clearer views of Christ. (The Whole Christ, 204)
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christianandnerdy · 6 years
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Guard: it's a copy of the holy Bible and the Westminster confession of faith but what does it mean? Calvinist girl: hope #calvinism #calvinist #calvinistgirlcomics #calvinistgirl #calvinistgirls #christiangirl #starwars #rougeone #christiancomic #reformedtheology #westminsterconfessionoffaith #presbyterian #presbyteriangirl #princessleia #solafide #solascriptura #reformgirl #fivesolas https://www.instagram.com/p/BqBtkQcFkkJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=113o2yx47ibee
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jmansfie42 · 6 years
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Bronze bust of the legend himself, Mr. John Calvin. Now available on my site. Link in bio. @johncalvinco @john_calvin_the_calvinist @reformedheroes @reformed_goods @missionalwear @reformedthuglife @refbiblecollege #sculpture #artist #johncalvin #reformation #reformedtheology #fivesolas #tulip (at Spring Hill, Florida)
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flandersfamily · 4 years
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Happy Reformation Day, friends! Here’s a 5 Solas coloring page to help you celebrate the salvation that God freely offers... ✅ by grace alone ✅ through faith alone ✅ in Christ alone ✅ according to Scripture alone ✅for the glory of God alone. All praise and honor be given unto Him! #reformationday #fivesolas #freeprintable #coloringpages https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAnkabFBT0/?igshid=1p6gd9z9sr5nk
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pilgrimbenham · 5 years
Solus Christus (Christ Alone)
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The Gospel isn’t really about you.
If that comes as a surprise, let me explain.
(This is post 3 of six blog posts on the Five Solas of the Protestant Reformation. Click here to check out the archive--and more of my writing.)
R. Scott Clark actually said it better than I can:
“The heart of the gospel is not about us. The heart of the gospel is Christ for us (Christus pro nobis). This was the essence of Paul’s message: that Christ came for us, to do for us what we could not and would not do. He obeyed. He was crucified. He was raised. He is ascended. He is returning.  The medieval church turned the gospel into a message about what Christ is doing in us, by grace, in sanctification, and about what we must do to do our part in order to benefit: cooperate with grace. The good news is...We’re recipients. We’re beggars; we’re not contributors to the story."
In 1 Corinthians 15:1-3, Paul tells the confused Corinthians that we must be reminded of the Gospel—that the Gospel must be both preached and received, that it must be our foundation, that it is how we are saved, and that it is of first importance.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 “Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, 2 and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures...”
In verse 3 Paul explains the Gospel:
Christ died for our sins according to the whole of the OT
Jesus was buried and raised according to the complete testimony of the law and prophets
Jesus then appeared to the disciples and many more, and finally to Paul
Martin Luther said, “I must listen to the gospel. It tells me not what I must do, but what Jesus Christ the Son of God has done for me."
The Gospel is good news precisely because it doesn't include us. It is not about us, it is about Jesus.
Sufficient To Save
Now this seems pretty straightforward, and someone may be tempted to think, "No Christian actually thinks the Gospel of salvation is possible apart from Christ!”
Really? Are you sure?
The Reformation concept of “Solus Christus”(Christ Alone) emphasizes that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is not only necessary for salvation but sufficient to save to the uttermost. That no amount of human works or merit can contribute to Christ's finished priestly work. Christ’s all-sufficiency means, by implication, that we are insufficient of ourselves. We can do nothing to save ourselves. That means we need a Mediator.
1 Timothy 2:5-7 tells us:
5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,6 who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.7 For this I was appointed a preacher and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.
The Catholic Church defined the priest or the church as the means of grace. Here’s how it would go down...Follow this logic: 1. You are a sinner (if you don’t believe this, go have a baby and wait until they are two years old!). 2. Sinners need grace. 3. You can’t get grace without someone offering you grace (by definition grace is getting what we don’t deserve). 4. God offers grace. 5. You can’t get God’s grace without His representatives offering you grace. 6. Unless you are aligned with the church (God’s representatives), you can’t get grace. 7. If you sin, you must do something to realign with the church, where you obtain the grace of God. 8. If you don’t do something to relign with the church, you won’t receive grace. 9. You/the church become the functional Savior. 10. The logical conclusion is that you receive grace when you do something.
The Reformers said “NO! You've completely missed the understanding of God’s grace!”
The Cambridge Declaration states: We reaffirm that our salvation is accomplished by the mediatorial work of the historical Christ alone. His sinless life and substitutionary atonement alone are sufficient for our justification and reconciliation to the Father. We deny that the gospel is preached if Christ's substitutionary work is not declared and faith in Christ and his work is not solicited.
The idea behind “Solus Christus” is that Christ alone is the mediator, the go-between, the middle-man. We are the priesthood of believers, we all are connected to Jesus without an intermediary. We can obtain grace because Christ alone has paid the price and offers us grace today.
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One Mediator
Now this thought was not popular in the Catholic Church, and the doctrine was thought to be in contradistinction to several teachings of the Roman Catholic Church: the Pope as Christ's representative head of the Church on earth, the concept of meritorious works, and the idea of a treasury of the merits of saints.
But the Reformers said, No! There is only one mediator, I don’t need a priest or a Pope as my means of grace, I just need Jesus. Give me Jesus!
Now in context, Paul exhorts Timothy to have men pray. And the subject of their prayers should include all people, kings and presidents and mayors and people in authority so that we can live a peaceful quiet life. And this good type of prayer pleases our Saving God who wants to save people and bring them into a knowledge of His truth.
Now note the theological reasons for God’s inclusive salvation:
1. There is only one God.
So if there were other gods, there would be other saviors. As it stands, there is ONE God, MONOTHEISM, and Christianity attests to the plurality (the unity-in-oneness) of the Trinitarian God. God exists in loving relational community as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We don’t believe in 3 Gods, but One God in three persons.
2. There is only one way to God through the Messiah
The mediator/middle-man/go-between according to Paul is Jesus. You go to a mediator when you need something agreed upon. And who else could mediate between sinful humans than God who put on human flesh? Who else could appropriate divine grace other than one who was perfect divinity Himself?
There is ‘one mediator.’ A mediator is a person who brings two people or groups together by identifying with both sides and establishing a relationship between them that would not otherwise exist.
3. There is only one means of salvation, the finished sacrificial offering of the sinless Lamb of God, Jesus.
Isn't Christianity just another religion that tells people how to be saved? Don't all religions do that? No! Religions, whether eastern or western, all speak about plight. And the religion is based on what you do to escape the plight. You meditate, or you obey the rules, or you follow the eight-fold path, or you die in jihad, or you abstain from desires, or you preserve the environment. All religions say to escape the plight you do something. You become the savior. But Christianity stands out by saying, “You cannot save yourself from the plight. You need someone else to save you.”
I read recently about a guy named Walter, Wyatt Jr. He was flying from the Bahamas to Miami, and had flown that many times. It was only about an hour long flight. But unfortunately, one afternoon he decided to still fly back to the states after looters had stolen some of his navigational equipment. He only had a compass and a hand-held radio and still flew.
Then a storm came, and he realized he was lost. He put out a mayday call, and a Coast Guard falcon search plane came to find him. Then his right engine died. The fuel tank ran out. At 8pm he glided the plane into the water. He survived, but the plane sank. His head was bloody, and within minutes, he felt a hard bump against his back. A shark had found him. For the next ten hours he stayed afloat, but in the morning, three bull sharks were surrounding him. He began kicking them, but was nearing exhaustion. Then he saw a plane in the sky who radioed nearby and said, "get moving...there's a shark targeting this guy!" The rescue boat dropped a ladder and Wyatt fell on his knees and kissed the deck. He was saved. He had no way to save himself. He didn't need someone to give him four steps to floating safely. 
He didn't need encouragement or better techniques. Nothing less than outside intervention could have rescued him from sure death. That's what Jesus has done for sinners. He is our Mediator.
Jesus was able to bring us back to God because he became ‘the man Christ Jesus’ (v. 5) and gave himself as ‘a ransom for all’ (v. 6). ‘Ransom’ was a word used to describe the price paid to secure a slave’s freedom. This is a powerful picture of the way that Jesus has brought about salvation. Men and women are like slaves, captive to sin and helpless to do anything to save themselves. A price had to be paid because God has to punish sin, otherwise he would be neither holy nor consistent with His nature. So Jesus took the punishment upon himself, bringing forgiveness for sin and freedom from its power.
Christ Alone
Neither salvation (becoming right with God) nor sanctification (becoming like God) can be achieved by any other means. It is through Christ alone.
Galatians 2:21 points this out vividly, “I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.”
Thanks to the Reformers, we understand now that we obtain grace solely through our Lord Jesus Christ. That means as you are reading this today, you don’t have to go to a priest or a particular church, or jump through hoops, or do penance or any spiritual calisthenics. Christ stands today to freely mediate grace on your behalf. Will you receive it?
B.B. Warfield reminds us:
There is nothing in us or done by us, at any stage of our earthly development, because of which we are acceptable to God. We must always be accepted for Christ’s sake, or we cannot ever be accepted at all. This is not true of us only when we believe. It is just as true after we have believed. It will continue to be trust as long as we live. Our need of Christ does not cease with our believing; nor does the nature of our relation to Him or to God through Him ever alter, no matter what our attainments in Christian graces or our achievements in behavior may be. It is always on His blood and righteousness alone that we can rest.
The church today needs to return to the power of “Solus Christus” in our sermons, in how we present the Gospel, and how our churches are planted and led. Learn more on November 2nd as we celebrate the Five Solas at our “Night of Reformation”. Click here for more info and to RSVP.
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theadventtruth · 7 years
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RepostBy @three.angels.message: "On October 31st 1517, exactly 500 years ago, Martin Luther saw that the Catholic Church was straying away from Scripture & the Gospel, and began the Protestant Reformation that has shaped true Christianity today. 〰 The 5 main points of his message were: • Sola Scriptura (“Scripture alone”): The Bible alone is our highest authority. • Sola Fide (“faith alone”): We are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ. • Sola Gratia (“grace alone”): We are saved by the grace of God alone. • Solus Christus (“Christ alone”): Jesus Christ alone is our Lord, Savior, and King. • Soli Deo Gloria (“to the glory of God alone”): We live for the glory of God alone. 🌻 Q: What was the Protestant Reformation? A: The Protestant Reformation was a widespread revolt in Europe against the abuses of the Roman Catholic Church. Reformers such as Martin Luther in Germany, Ulrich Zwingli in Switzerland, and John Calvin in France protested various unbiblical practices of the Catholic Church and promoted a return to sound biblical doctrine. It all started with Luther’s posting of his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Church on October 31, 1517. ❤️ #Protestant #5solas #95theses #theprotestisnotover #Reformation500 #MartinLuther #foreverprotestant #fivesolas #threeangelsmessage" )
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lanternsandtulips · 2 years
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another five solae friday!!! today’s sola is ‘Christ alone’. • solus Christus; Christ alone ‘this Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. and there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.’ -acts 4:11-12 ‘salvation is only in Jesus Christ because there are two conditions that, no matter how hard we try, we can never meet. yet, they must be done if we are to be saved. the first is to satisfy the justice of God through obedience to the law. the second is to pay the price of our sins. we cannot do either, but Christ did both perfectly.’ - joel beeke (‘Christ alone’) Jesus is the only way, truth and life, and besides Him there is no way to the Father. the word of God is eminently clear that Christ alone can bring us salvation, Christ alone could and has paid the penalty for our sins, Christ alone lived the life we should have lived, Christ alone is the gate by which we must come. He is the only Mediator between God and man. there is no other way of salvation apart from union with Christ, no other name by which we must be saved. • #soluschristus #christalone #inchristalone #fivesolas #fivesolae #reformed #reformedtheology #reformation #martinluther #johncalvin #theologymatters #theology #christianlettering #handlettering #semperreformanda #solideogloria #stayreformingkids https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj--4Q8p6DP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trollpecador · 7 years
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repost via @mariammasha It's been a while, but this is very funny. Couldn't help but posting!!! #reformedgirl #reformedtheology #jesus #god #bible #faith #salvation #calvinism #fivesolas #sonofgod #standards #tulip 
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pastorerickmiller · 3 years
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Coming to my podcast, InstagramTV, YouTube and all the podcast platforms out there. We debunk the false narrative weaved by a top false teacher Sinclair Ferguson. This will a video clip from Galatians 4:3. Watch the narrative spin. Little but if truth but sure does gloss over a very important point. Which is in the very title of this question. What is the elementary principles of this world? Oh Sinclair. Reformed teacher. You will hear him “interpret” then you will hear God speak what is really going on. Since he failed to answer, God didn’t. Tonight! Love you #theologymatters #reformed #reformedbaptist #youinhd #bible #worldview #christian #faith #spurgeon #voddiebaucham #sinclairferguson #rcsproul #dustinbenge #johncalvin #fivesolas #reformation #burkeparsons #biblestudy https://www.instagram.com/p/CQConW_lG80/?utm_medium=tumblr
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xgenesisrei · 4 years
Deformed and Always Deforming
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Let’s imagine for a moment how the popular five ‘solas’ of the Protestant Reformation can be reformulated if it is to spark fresh theological reflections on issues that afflict not a few churches today.
1. The Bible is not alone: Live with the serving authority of the LIVING WORD, not just the written Word. So, be careful of accepting the Bible as your Lord and Savior.* Especially, the one printed in 1611 by a king named James.
2. Grace is not alone: Live out the good WORKS that God has designed you for from eternity past and be sustained by the power of His grace as you do so (Ephesians 2:10). You are saved 'for' doing good.
3. Christ is not alone: Live with the love of the heavenly FATHER, shown through the example of Christ, and in accompanying presence of the HOLY SPIRIT. Singing the doxology regularly will remind you of this.
4. Faith is not alone: Paul himself said that in the end, three things remain in life. Faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of 'em is not faith. It is LOVE that shall win!
5. God's glory is not alone: Remember what Irenaeus of Lyeons said, “the glory of God is man fully alive." The story of the Bible is about a God who is not a self-seeking and not glory-hungry deity like the others.
Now, some would be adamnant that a cherished set of dogmas are to be subjected to further reformations, i.e., five solas. They may have been led to believe that these theological constructions are absolute and infallible therefore without a need for further rethinking. So much for the other famous battle cry of the Reformation: “semper reformanda” (always reforming). Here's the thing: a theological dogma that feels no need for further 'reformation' is the one in most need of a reform. Theological constructions are not inerrant and are in no way universal. 
Theologies are not like condoms. One size does not fit all. Ergo, the need for contextual and decolonized theologies. Recognizing this reality, the Asia Theological Association (the accrediting agency of more than 300 evangelical seminaries all over Asia) has actually published the first Asian evangelical theology textbook last year. A textbook written by Asian theologians to address Asian theological concerns of the Asian churches.
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Unfortunately, there seems to be a popular belief in many circles in the Philippines that there is only one legit theological framework in Christianity, i.e., framework constructed during the Protestant Reformation of 1517. This a gross distortion if not at all a lamentable lack of grasp of the discipline of historical theology. Perhaps, this can be attributed to an over-emphasis on 'systematic theology' as a way of theologizing in the Philippines. Often times, the disciplines of biblical theology and historical theology are only properly introduced at the graduate level. The consequences can be tragic. Much work has to be done then to balance this overtly myopic approach to reading and studying the Bible. Let's call this as #CyclopsTheologizing. Very powerful but also very destructive.
Of course, it is perfectly understandable if a theology student will choose to confine himself to the study of what is called as ‘confessional theology.’ But a good student should know or at least be aware that there is more to the discipline of theology than the confines of his or her own beloved theological confession. Better students will have respect for the equally important study of 'constructive theology’ which requires of course a measure of deconstruction and reconstruction.
For starters, this journal article from Themelios identifies the inherent danger of knowing only a single theological method. The author remarked,
"Be aware of our theological framework. It should not be regarded as a given in the same way that God’s revealed Word is a given. Each framework takes a part of the message and makes it the interpreting key for the whole message. Depending on what key is chosen, parts of the message are distorted or even ignored. And those of us who would like to ‘accurately handle the word of truth’ (2 Tim. 2:15) need to realize that there is more scope to that Word of truth than our theological framework may allow.
We need to strive to be biblical theologians. Let us not be put into a straitjacket by our theological framework, but be free to see biblical insights that our framework overlooks. One way to do this is to let the Scriptures show us their own points of emphasis, rather than to read all Scripture through the sieve of a predetermined central point."
Indeed. A wise professor once told me, "a person with only one theory is a lost man.”
-Rei Lemuel Crizaldo
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pastorjoshla-blog · 6 years
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🤓⚓️📖 Happy Reformation Day! 🔨📜▪️#bibleNerd ▪️ ▪️It’s the 501 year anniversary of the reformation and we should never forget the time when a world wide religion was taking advantage of people because they couldn’t read the Bible in their own language. The religious leaders were making people pay money for salvation. They were manipulating the masses with religion. Praise God for people like Martin Luther (a German monk) who exposed false teaching and manipulation in the church. People are still doing these things today and this is how you identify a false church, religion or cult; apply these five criteria’s or Sola’s to there teachings (BELOW). Praise God you can Read the Bible for yourself and no one can trick you into believing things God never said. ▪️ Sola Scriptura (“Scripture alone”): The Bible alone is our highest authority. Not the traditions or made up teachings of man. ___ Sola Fide (“faith alone”): We are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ, not by any good works or deeds. ___ Sola Gratia (“grace alone”): We are saved by the grace of God alone, it is completely undeserved but given from God just because he loves us. ___ Solus Christus (“Christ alone”): Jesus Christ alone is our Lord, Savior, and King, not the Pope, not a Prophet or religious guru, priest or pastor. ___ Soli Deo Gloria (“to the glory of God alone”): We live for the glory of God alone, not for our own fame or glory. #HappyReformationDay #martinluther #happyhalloween #halloween #bible #fivesolas #reformation #reformationday (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpm8Z2mB9q1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3ajkte4dfuzc
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