#fiys Jian Yang
drama--universe · 2 years
Best Friend's Ex
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Requested by anonymous: Hi, I've read your Falling Into your smile post, they are wonderful, I was wondering if you can make one about Yang, Tong Yao's ex. Can Tong Yao friend come to the arena and watch tong yao play against yang's team and somewhere in the break before they start the next round Yang and Tong Yao friend meet and they start falling for each other
Pairing: Jian Yang x gn!reader
Word Count: 1.6k words
Warning: none
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The people around you were raging, loud and shouting so loud that you felt like your eardrums would burst. Nonetheless, you actually enjoyed sitting in the crowd. You didn't know much of the game that was being played, but Tong Yao asked for support and thus you were here. You'd cheer and clap, even when knowing nothing. Your eyes were mostly on Tong Yao, watching the girl's face morph to a different expression every five seconds. The screen was a bit too busy for your liking, but you could read that ZGDX was winning by three points. The man next to you had been kind enough to explain that they needed one more point to win and it was quickly after the explanation that the victory screen took over, revealing that ZGDX had won and you looked at Tong Yao. She was a few seconds late with her reaction, but her face lit up like a Christmas tree as she lunged at her nearest teammate. That happened to be K, who only frowned as he tried to pry the girl off.
The break was loudly announced throughout the stadium, the normal lights illuminating the room and you were quick to leave the stadium. You roamed through the hall, trying to find a vending machine for some drinks and maybe even some food. Finally finding one, you staggered as you noticed someone else stand in front of it as well.
Jian Yang.
You made your way to the vending machine, awkwardly standing next to him as you looked at all the food before punching in the numbers and paying. The food fell and you bent down to pick it up before standing up, flinching when a drink was shoved right in front of you.
"Didn't know you liked video games." Jian Yang spoke and you sighed softly, turning to face him. "I'm here to support Tong Yao." You responded before leaning against the vending machine. You opened the can, taking a sip before sighing.
"Your team is losing quite badly, shouldn't you be giving them a pep-talk or scold them?" You asked and he gave you an annoyed look before leaning against the vending machine next to you.
"It's not that of an important match anyway, it's mostly practice..." He said and you couldn't help but snort at him, making him roll his eyes at you.
"So, you still obsessed with Tong Yao or have you moved on?" "She's dating Si-Cheng, I think that says enough about my chances." He said and you frowned. "So, yes. I'm not chasing after her anymore." He continued and you nodded at him, giving him a thumbs up.
"Good on you, you deserve to be happy as well." You gave him a smile before flinching when the siren went off. "Well, off you go. Win this time, huh?" You waved before walking back to the arena, finding your spot and sitting down with a sigh.
The matches continued for another hour, the screaming had now made you nearly deaf and your throat was sore from the cheering. You felt happy though, seeing Tong Yao's smile as she realized she won was enough to make you just as happy. Jian Yang also catched your attention, still sitting in his chair and looking like a sad puppy. You almost wanted to comfort him... Almost.
The room grew empty as everyone moved out, hoping to catch the players on their way to their busses. You waited for awhile, not wanting to be caught in the hoard and only stood up once you noticed that the arena was starting to get cleaned. You left the arena, glad that the halls were almost completely empty as you walked to the exit. The sounds of fans grew louder as you neared the exit and you could spot Si-Cheng, so you assumed Tong Yao was near him even though you didn't see her. You made your way over to them, slipping by the crowd and made your way to the bus. You entered and just sat in the back, pulling up your phone and scrolling through some social media's.
You didn't expect a text from Jian Yang a few days later nor did you expect him to ask for a meet-up. You just agreed, not really thinking further about it until you had already met with him 5 times and each time you felt closer to him. Soon enough, you fell for him and you couldn't even stop it. It was the small things, like when he gave you his jacket or when he bought you food. And when you realized this, you couldn't help but feel a bit guilty about it. He was still Tong Yao's ex and she was your best friend. Of course, being your best friend she noticed how weird you were acting and approached you and asked what was wrong with you.
"I think I like Jian Yang..." You admitted and you saw her think before she laughed. "What's wrong with that?" She asked and you frowned, pointing at her while explaining that she was his ex and it would be awkward.
"It might be a bit weird, but I have Si-Cheng now and you like Jain Yang so I'd be fine with it. You can be happy, but I'll kill him if he does something to you." She said with a smile and you smiled back, chuckling at her statement before quickly hugging her.
"Come on!" She suddenly said before pulling you up and out of the door, making you yelp as you tried to pull your shoes on quickly while also trying to follow Tong Yao. You didn't go far, just to team CK's dorm. Once you reached it, Tong Yao rang the bell before booking it. It opened, revealing one of the members. He looked a bit confused to see Tong Yao running (and crashing halfway back), but moved on as he looked back at you.
"You need something?" "Is Jian Yang here?" You asked and the guy shook his head, smiling as he came closer.
"He's on a date!" He whispered loudly and your eyes widened slightly in surprise as the man continued ranting, holding up his phone with a picture of a girl. She was pretty, long black hair and big deer-like eyes, and of course a really pretty smile.
"She's been coming over since forever, but he always rejected her until last week. They've gone on three or four dates now, I think..." He continued and you nodded at him, giving him a smile and telling him you'd just send Jian Yan a text instead. With that you started walking back to the ZGDX dorms until you were stopped by someone. Of course, Jian Yang. You felt like you were experiencing a book or movie scene...
"Why were you at my dorm?" "I was looking for you, that's all. However, I learned you apparently have a girlfriend now?" You teased him, ignoring the pain in your heart as you said that, and he frowned.
"Girlfriend?" "Yeah, the pretty one. Long black hair, extremely pretty?" You asked and he seemed to think about it before realizing.
"Ah, you mean Krystal? I'm just helping her out for awhile. Her boyfriend was into games and she wanted to buy him something, but she doesn't know anything about it. That's all... Why do you care though?" He asked and you shrugged at him, looking away as you tried to hide your smile. He caught it, however, and was quick to start teasing you again.
"Were you jealous? Think I'd leave you for my girlfriend?" He asked and you gave him a side eyes before gently pushing his side.
"I like you, stupid." You admitted, the heat on your face only worsening as his own façade fell, staring at you with clear confusion. When he finally processed what you said, he pointed at himself.
"Me?" He asked and you rolled your eyes at him.
"No, I'm talking to the ghost behind you." He turned his head and you groaned at him. "Yes, you!" You exclaimed, making him flinch slightly. The blush appeared on his face, a shy smile taking over his previous frown.
"Are you going to say anything or should I just leave..?" You asked and he quickly looked up, shaking his head as he took ahold of your hands. A confession started pouring from his lips, but you couldn't understand anything as his words started to slur together. So you lifted your hand and covered his mouth, making him stare at you.
"You're going to fast, slow down." You said and he nodded before waiting for you to remove your hand, which you did seconds later. Then he took the opportunity.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, which made it your turn to get embarrassed as you nodded without even realizing. Seconds later, his lips were on yours and his hands held your waist to pull you a bit closer. It took you awhile to react and yet when you wanted to return the kiss properly, he pulled back. You stared at him before grabbing his collar and pulled back into a second kiss. This time it was shorter, it was more like a peck than a kiss, and you couldn't help but smile when you pulled back.
"Woooooooooooh!" You flinched away from Jian Yang as you heard the shout, turning your head to see Tong Yao. She smiled brightly before giving a big thumbs up, marching back into the dorms.
"Everyone's gonna know now..." You mumbled as you dropped your arms with a sigh, staring at where Tong Yao stood before turning back to the man in front of you.
"I'm going to go back and make sure she shuts up... I'll text you?" You asked and he smiled, nodding.
"I'll wait for it."
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park-seobang · 2 years
Just finished rewatching FIYS and might rewatch Sweet Teeth(?) to get some retribution for Jian Yang lmao
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drama--universe · 1 year
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Requested by @justkpopfandom: Welcome back! Hope you been well! Can I request for fiys? Can the reader be Tong Yao's sister that comes visit after her trip to the states. And she finds Lao K to be her liking, and the others know about it and teases Tong Yao's sister and Lao K catches on and ends up falling for her. Thank you ❤️
Pairing: Lao K x reader
Word Count: 1.3k words
A/N Hello, hope you enjoy the request! I apologize thought, because I accidently deleted your ask, so there won't be an answer to that except for this. :/
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The morning air was cold, winter had taken over no too long ago and as a result it had turned the whole area white with snow. Tong Yao didn't care much for the cold, not now. She was waiting for you, waiting for your car to arrive at the dorm in a few minutes time. The shawl around her neck kept her warm, but her thin clothes did not and she was sure that she'd be scolded by you the second you arrived. Her prediction came through as your car drove in through the gate, stopping in front of her before you stormed out.
"Why are you outside!" You exclaimed, rushing to her before gently pushing her inside. Normally, you would calmy greet everyone since you had never met any of them before, but after seeing your sister outside alone without decent clothes made that habit dissapear.
"Why would you let her stand out there?" You asked and on cue, all of them looked up from there computers with confused looks.
"You try forcing her inside without losing a finger." One commented and even when you wanted to refute his claim, you couldn't really. Not when you knew his statement to be true, because your sister didn't like to be forced to something she didn't want. You sighed before removing your jacket and draping it over your sister, scolding her softly while she just smiled. She was just happy that you were back, the scolding didn't matter much to her as she expected it anyway.
"I'll make you something warm." A man passed by, kissing Tong Yao's head before walking to the kitchen to, presumably, make some tea. You stared at his back before turning to Tong Yao with a raised eyebrow, making the girl go red.
"Since when are you dating again? I thought you swore boys off after Jian Yang?" You asked, but the teasing tone in your voice was clear enough as Tong Yao pushed you softly before hiding her face in her hands. You chuckled, leaning back against the back of the couch before throwing your arm over her shoulders. Then you leaned closer to her, close enough to whisper in her ear.
"You picked a looker." Then you got up from your seat as you grabbed your keys again, telling Tong Yao that you were going to park your car first before you'd return.
"So... Nobody is going to comment on that?" Lao Mao commented as he pointed at the door, but no one answered him. He turned to K, staring at him until he looked up from his monitor. He raised an eyebrow at Lao Mao, a bit confused why he was being stared at.
"What do you want me to say?" "Don't you think she's pretty?" Lao Mao asked and K sighed, turning back to his monitor with a roll of the eyes.
"Sure, she is. Why is that a big deal? Objectively, Tong Yao is pretty too and yet you never say something about her." K spoke and his friend huffed before turning away.
"It's different." Cue the shoe thrown his way from Tong Yao herself while the front door opened again. You watched as a shoe flew through the room and landed on one of the gamers' heads.
"Don't scold her, he deserved it." Another commented again and you nodded carefully before getting closer to Tong Yao again, sitting down with a soft sigh.
"What's the snarky one's name?" "Ah, that's Lao K. The one I hit with a shoe is Lao Mao, my boyfriend is Lu Si-Cheng and that one over there is Lu Yue. Xiao Pang is still upstairs, and Xiao Rui and Yu Ming are at a meeting." The introductions were quick, a bit too quick to process well enough and yet you could.
"Well, the snarky one is definitely my type." You commented, but when everyone looked your way you realized that it was louder than you wanted it to be. Lao Mao was the first to speak up, but it wasn't really a spoken word and rather a teasing 'oooh~' to Lao K. The annoyed sigh from Lao K followed as he focused on the game he was playing before he raised his hand to his webcam.
"I'm going live, so shut it." He spoke before clicking it on and greeting the people that entered his livestream.
"Don't be rude, sister-in-law should only see your nice side." Lao Mao spoke again, loud enough for you to hear and probably also for the viewers of K's livestream. Lao Mao grinned before getting up, walking to you before letting himself fall down on the couch beside you.
"So, what charm of his drew you in?" He asked and you looked at him, grinning as you pretended to think about it. Then you shrugged, which made Lao Mao grin even more.
"Show him your nice side too then." Lao Mao spoke before getting up again and leaving. You just rolled your eyes, but they quickly moved back to Lao K. He was focused on his screen, not even blinking as he chattered with his viewers. You had to admit, he definitely looked good.
"Stop saying your thoughts out loud."
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The room was empty and you frowned, confused as to why no one was there. Tong Yao had invited you over, yet she was not here at all. The only person there was Lao K, sitting on the couch with his legs thrown over the arm of the couch while scrolling through his phone.
"They went out to the mall, don't ask me why." He spoke, not looking up from his phone and you sighed. Moving to the couch, you lifted his legs and sat down. K pulled his legs closer to himself, glancing at you as you sighed loudly. You looked a bit tired, he noticed the bags beneath your eyes.
"Did you sleep?" "No, why?" You turned to him and he shrugged, looking back at his phone again. You didn't know whether to thank him or to be offended that he saw that easily. Instead, you glanced at him again before turning around and laying against his shins.
"What are you doing?" K seemed shocked at your action, opening his legs to see what you were doing and causing you to topple backwards. You fell on his chest, looking up at him from below with grinning at him.
"Hello~" You greeted him, waving at him before jumping off when he pushed you. You pouted at him, leaning back against the back of the couch. Silence returned, only the soft sound from K's phone was heard as you drifted off.
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"I doubt that something happened." Lu Yue commented as he entered the house while everyone else followed in. Xiao Pang was quick to move to the kitchen, but paused as he entered the living room.
"I think they get along quite well..." He said and everyone quickly gathered before freezing. There on the couch laid you and K. K was still casually scrolling on his phone while you laid on his chest, a bit too casual like you had know each other for years. Due to the sudden silence again, K looked up from his phone before raising his eyebrow at them.
"What?" "I didn't know you let others sleep on you..." Tong Yao commented and K rolled his eyes.
"She kept waking up otherwise, don't overthink it." He answered before focusing back at his phone screen, ignoring the fact that you were suddenly hugging him tighter. Soon enough, everyone moved on from their spots and moved on. Lu Yue, like always, was quick to take a picture of the scene while the others just glanced over every few seconds. They watched close enough to notice the fact that K was kind enough to pat your head everytime you twitched, making you smile softly in your sleep before laying still again.
It was something simple and yet it meant the beginning of something great.
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