#Jiang Yang x reader
drama--universe · 2 years
Best Friend's Ex
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Requested by anonymous: Hi, I've read your Falling Into your smile post, they are wonderful, I was wondering if you can make one about Yang, Tong Yao's ex. Can Tong Yao friend come to the arena and watch tong yao play against yang's team and somewhere in the break before they start the next round Yang and Tong Yao friend meet and they start falling for each other
Pairing: Jian Yang x gn!reader
Word Count: 1.6k words
Warning: none
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The people around you were raging, loud and shouting so loud that you felt like your eardrums would burst. Nonetheless, you actually enjoyed sitting in the crowd. You didn't know much of the game that was being played, but Tong Yao asked for support and thus you were here. You'd cheer and clap, even when knowing nothing. Your eyes were mostly on Tong Yao, watching the girl's face morph to a different expression every five seconds. The screen was a bit too busy for your liking, but you could read that ZGDX was winning by three points. The man next to you had been kind enough to explain that they needed one more point to win and it was quickly after the explanation that the victory screen took over, revealing that ZGDX had won and you looked at Tong Yao. She was a few seconds late with her reaction, but her face lit up like a Christmas tree as she lunged at her nearest teammate. That happened to be K, who only frowned as he tried to pry the girl off.
The break was loudly announced throughout the stadium, the normal lights illuminating the room and you were quick to leave the stadium. You roamed through the hall, trying to find a vending machine for some drinks and maybe even some food. Finally finding one, you staggered as you noticed someone else stand in front of it as well.
Jian Yang.
You made your way to the vending machine, awkwardly standing next to him as you looked at all the food before punching in the numbers and paying. The food fell and you bent down to pick it up before standing up, flinching when a drink was shoved right in front of you.
"Didn't know you liked video games." Jian Yang spoke and you sighed softly, turning to face him. "I'm here to support Tong Yao." You responded before leaning against the vending machine. You opened the can, taking a sip before sighing.
"Your team is losing quite badly, shouldn't you be giving them a pep-talk or scold them?" You asked and he gave you an annoyed look before leaning against the vending machine next to you.
"It's not that of an important match anyway, it's mostly practice..." He said and you couldn't help but snort at him, making him roll his eyes at you.
"So, you still obsessed with Tong Yao or have you moved on?" "She's dating Si-Cheng, I think that says enough about my chances." He said and you frowned. "So, yes. I'm not chasing after her anymore." He continued and you nodded at him, giving him a thumbs up.
"Good on you, you deserve to be happy as well." You gave him a smile before flinching when the siren went off. "Well, off you go. Win this time, huh?" You waved before walking back to the arena, finding your spot and sitting down with a sigh.
The matches continued for another hour, the screaming had now made you nearly deaf and your throat was sore from the cheering. You felt happy though, seeing Tong Yao's smile as she realized she won was enough to make you just as happy. Jian Yang also catched your attention, still sitting in his chair and looking like a sad puppy. You almost wanted to comfort him... Almost.
The room grew empty as everyone moved out, hoping to catch the players on their way to their busses. You waited for awhile, not wanting to be caught in the hoard and only stood up once you noticed that the arena was starting to get cleaned. You left the arena, glad that the halls were almost completely empty as you walked to the exit. The sounds of fans grew louder as you neared the exit and you could spot Si-Cheng, so you assumed Tong Yao was near him even though you didn't see her. You made your way over to them, slipping by the crowd and made your way to the bus. You entered and just sat in the back, pulling up your phone and scrolling through some social media's.
You didn't expect a text from Jian Yang a few days later nor did you expect him to ask for a meet-up. You just agreed, not really thinking further about it until you had already met with him 5 times and each time you felt closer to him. Soon enough, you fell for him and you couldn't even stop it. It was the small things, like when he gave you his jacket or when he bought you food. And when you realized this, you couldn't help but feel a bit guilty about it. He was still Tong Yao's ex and she was your best friend. Of course, being your best friend she noticed how weird you were acting and approached you and asked what was wrong with you.
"I think I like Jian Yang..." You admitted and you saw her think before she laughed. "What's wrong with that?" She asked and you frowned, pointing at her while explaining that she was his ex and it would be awkward.
"It might be a bit weird, but I have Si-Cheng now and you like Jain Yang so I'd be fine with it. You can be happy, but I'll kill him if he does something to you." She said with a smile and you smiled back, chuckling at her statement before quickly hugging her.
"Come on!" She suddenly said before pulling you up and out of the door, making you yelp as you tried to pull your shoes on quickly while also trying to follow Tong Yao. You didn't go far, just to team CK's dorm. Once you reached it, Tong Yao rang the bell before booking it. It opened, revealing one of the members. He looked a bit confused to see Tong Yao running (and crashing halfway back), but moved on as he looked back at you.
"You need something?" "Is Jian Yang here?" You asked and the guy shook his head, smiling as he came closer.
"He's on a date!" He whispered loudly and your eyes widened slightly in surprise as the man continued ranting, holding up his phone with a picture of a girl. She was pretty, long black hair and big deer-like eyes, and of course a really pretty smile.
"She's been coming over since forever, but he always rejected her until last week. They've gone on three or four dates now, I think..." He continued and you nodded at him, giving him a smile and telling him you'd just send Jian Yan a text instead. With that you started walking back to the ZGDX dorms until you were stopped by someone. Of course, Jian Yang. You felt like you were experiencing a book or movie scene...
"Why were you at my dorm?" "I was looking for you, that's all. However, I learned you apparently have a girlfriend now?" You teased him, ignoring the pain in your heart as you said that, and he frowned.
"Girlfriend?" "Yeah, the pretty one. Long black hair, extremely pretty?" You asked and he seemed to think about it before realizing.
"Ah, you mean Krystal? I'm just helping her out for awhile. Her boyfriend was into games and she wanted to buy him something, but she doesn't know anything about it. That's all... Why do you care though?" He asked and you shrugged at him, looking away as you tried to hide your smile. He caught it, however, and was quick to start teasing you again.
"Were you jealous? Think I'd leave you for my girlfriend?" He asked and you gave him a side eyes before gently pushing his side.
"I like you, stupid." You admitted, the heat on your face only worsening as his own façade fell, staring at you with clear confusion. When he finally processed what you said, he pointed at himself.
"Me?" He asked and you rolled your eyes at him.
"No, I'm talking to the ghost behind you." He turned his head and you groaned at him. "Yes, you!" You exclaimed, making him flinch slightly. The blush appeared on his face, a shy smile taking over his previous frown.
"Are you going to say anything or should I just leave..?" You asked and he quickly looked up, shaking his head as he took ahold of your hands. A confession started pouring from his lips, but you couldn't understand anything as his words started to slur together. So you lifted your hand and covered his mouth, making him stare at you.
"You're going to fast, slow down." You said and he nodded before waiting for you to remove your hand, which you did seconds later. Then he took the opportunity.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, which made it your turn to get embarrassed as you nodded without even realizing. Seconds later, his lips were on yours and his hands held your waist to pull you a bit closer. It took you awhile to react and yet when you wanted to return the kiss properly, he pulled back. You stared at him before grabbing his collar and pulled back into a second kiss. This time it was shorter, it was more like a peck than a kiss, and you couldn't help but smile when you pulled back.
"Woooooooooooh!" You flinched away from Jian Yang as you heard the shout, turning your head to see Tong Yao. She smiled brightly before giving a big thumbs up, marching back into the dorms.
"Everyone's gonna know now..." You mumbled as you dropped your arms with a sigh, staring at where Tong Yao stood before turning back to the man in front of you.
"I'm going to go back and make sure she shuts up... I'll text you?" You asked and he smiled, nodding.
"I'll wait for it."
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realitydisociation · 2 years
I’ve been living with an empty space in my heart after finishing The Untamed and Word of Honor, coming here to read some good fics and finding none for WoH and only a few for MDZS (which I already have read all)
Like there are a lot of beautiful and fic-able(? characters in both shows ????
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eyesforahead · 1 year
Please, feel free to check my previous scenario's the bsd one has 2 hour's left for the option to vote :>
Rule's to help you:
Read everything before choosing
Know what you're getting into by choosing your choice
Follow for more :]
Read to the bottom first
You have died and have been Isekai 'd into mdzs! You have the option to take choose a role.
These are your options. Think carefully.
Think wisely on the character's fate. Remember it is known if you share the last name of someoned deemed as evil automatically everyone will assume you are as well!
So my dear, what's your choice? Tell me in the comments I'm curious.
I apologize if this doesn't make sense. I'll answer any question you may have. Recommendations on next scenario are welcome!
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Another pro-reader tip for mxtx novels: they are all stories with clear-cut good guys and bad guys and a strong moral message, BUT you have to actually read what the story has to say about characters without taking anything at face value, relying on genre tropes, or using identities and statuses as shorthand to your understanding of the moral system and themes of the story. So no, most characters in her stories are not morally gray (though some are, most can be definitively categorized as either morally good or bad, and ALL of her main characters are definitively morally good), and no she does not write morally gray plots where “morality is just subjective!” If anything, the term I think people are looking for is “morally neutral” (meaning that the thing is not assigned a morality in and of itself) in many cases.
An mxtx character is never designated as good or bad based off their backgrounds or class: Wei Wuxian, Jin Guangyao, Shen Jiu, and Mu Qing all grow up outside of the elite class, but Mu Qing (eventually) and Wei Wuxian are unquestionably good guys while Jin Guangyao and Shen Jiu are unquestionable villains. Shen Yuan, Lan Wangji, and Xie Lian all grow up within the gentry class but are all good guys while Jiang Cheng, Jun Wu, and The Old Palace Master are bad. Likewise, life circumstances or tools don’t determine morality. In mdzs, the sword path (which is the orthodox one) is used to commit genocide by the general cultivation world just as easily as Lan Wangji wields it to protect the forsaken commoners. Wei Wuxian’s ghost path was created to protect himself before being used to protect others, but Xue Yang and the Jin Clan pervert it to cause mass destruction for their own wishes. In tgcf, Xie Lian uses his god powers to attempt to help the Yong’an people while the other gods simply collect worshippers to increase their power and oppress lesser gods. Every character I’ve listed minus the Old Palace Master has experienced intense trauma that has informed their lives and colors their morality, but it does not define why they have chosen to take on certain moral stances.
(This is not to say that mxtx doesn’t have certain tropes she dislikes, as she clearly hates the “dedicate their whole existence completely to another person” trope. Su She, a villain dedicated to Jin Guangyao, dies. Zhuzhi-lang, a sympathetic antagonist dedicated to Tianlang-jun, dies. Hua Cheng, A WHOLE LOVE INTEREST dedicated to the literal main character, dies a whopping three (3) times before he learns his lesson.)
Mxtx does not condemn those who stray from orthodoxy. In fact, every story she’s (currently) written is about the dangers of entrenched and unquestioned hierarchy and status quo giving way to corruption every time. She wants you to question the dominant narrative of the benevolent group who descend from on high to “save the ignorant masses.” She wants you to question the idea that the only people with the right of choice are those at the top of the hierarchy. She wants you to question the idea that even the smallest decision of “powerless” people does not matter in “the grand scheme of things.” She wants you to actually think about the story conventions that you accept as infallible and question whether or not it would make for good shorthand by which to understand well-written characters and story arcs (and also, hopefully, how society is structured at large). So if you find yourself reading an mxtx novel and siding with the mob characters or lamenting how x character was locked into making certain choices “against their will” or being unable to reconcile how a recognized trope led to an unexpected conclusion because “that’s not how it’s supposed to go,” then it may do you some good to stop and ask yourself “was this idea supported by the narrative that I read in the book, or is this an idea I’ve come to entirely from my own preconceived notions of how I wanted the story to turn out based on how other, similar stories have panned out?”
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hami-gua · 9 months
If it Means to Remain by Your Side
From the list I posted yesterday, I'm gonna start with the Dan Heng x Reader MDZS inpsired fic first.
Characters and plot won’t be as accurate to the inspired plot. Especially for this story which involves a lot of adults and teens an not much children.  So many characters are left out simply due to the fact that a lot of npcs either didn’t fit the role, or were far too young for my standards.
I also ended up having to lean more onto the live action version than the novel/manhua version. Not all characters casted are exactly accurate too, as there are more traumatized than non-traumatized.
Dan Heng  - Lan zhan/Lan Wangji
Reader - Wei Ying/Wei Wuxian
Jing Yuan - Lan Xichen
Blade/Yingxing - Song Lan
March - Lan Jingyi
Yukong - Jian Yanli
Tingyun - Jin Guangyao
Jingliu - Xue Yang
Baiheng - Xiao Xingchen
Yanqing - Jin Ling
Ruan Mei _ Baoshan Sanren
Luocha - Jin Zixuan (Ik Yukong and him aren’t a ship, but it'll have to do as Honkai doesn’t really have a F and M implied relations. I mean the only ones that do are in a love triangle.)
Xueyi - Wen Ning
Hanya - Wen Qing
Qingque - Nie Huaisang
Diting - Fairy
Fu Xuan - Jiang Cheng
Guinaifen - Lan Sizhui/Lan Yuan (Again, not a ship as Yanqing is too fight frenzy of a kid to actually have a crush. I just think these two would pair well as friends)
Sushang - A-Qing
Luofu -- Gusu Lan
Dan Heng
Jing Yuan
Guinaifen (later half)
Yaoqing -- Qinghe Nie
Zhuming -- Qishan Wen
Guinaifen (first half
Yuque -- Lanling Jin
Yanqing & Fairy
Fanghu -- Yunmeng Jiang
Ruan Mei
Xuling -- Burial Mounds
Reader (Mid-way)
Hanya (Mid-way)
Xueyi (Mid-way)
Guinafen (Mid-way)
I literally looked up all the different alliance of Xianzhou just to see which would be Wen sect. So here’s the reasoning.
Luofu: They don’t really have a specialty. Their main goal is to take out abundance cult.
Yaoqing: Much like Luofu, don’t really have a specialty. Aggressive and good at martial arts.
Zhuming: Their main export specialty is porcelain. According to Fandom wiki, the people here love playing with fire.
Yuque: They export jade abaci, thus making me think they’ll be wealthy due to it and technologically advanced/smart.
Fanghu: Exports a lot of marine things. Though it would make since to have Dan Heng come from here, but it would not make sense for other characters like March and Jing Yuan to have been born here. And it’s the closest in description to Yunmeng.
Xuling: Not much is really stated about this place on Fandom Wiki, but it looks like a place of law. But piggybacking off of the fact that not much is written about this area, Imma just gonna liken this area to Burial Mounds.
Idk why I stressed so much trying to make it 100% accurate 💀
My main source for these infos are from MDZS and Star Rail fandom wiki, so if inaccuracies occur, I apologize in advance for it.
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lesbianerxi · 1 year
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Time for the tournament!!! We are here to find the worst possible mxtx pairing. The instructions were to have fun and be creative and Boy Did You Do that. Round 1 will start tonight, let's do this! May the worst possible combination of characters win!
Round 1: complete!
Left side
Nie Mingjue x Shen Jiu VS Wang Lingjiao x Sha Hualing Yiling Laozu Wei Wuxian x Bai Wuxiang VS Qi Rong x Xue Yang Wen Chao x Ning Yingying VS Jin Guangshan x Old Palace Master Lan Wangji x Hua Cheng VS Madam Yu x Qi Rong
Right side
Shen Jiu x Jin Guangyao VS Ling Wen x Shang Qinghua Jiang Cheng x Liu Qingge VS Qi Rong x Shen Jiu Feng Xin x Sha Hualing VS Wei Wuxian x Luo Binghe Little Palace Mistress x Yushi Huang VS Jun Wu x Reader
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INSANITY (Hellaverse x isekai male reader)
Winners (Part 3):
•Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew)
•Nick Sturniolo (Youtuber/Sturniolo triplets)
•Chris Sturniolo (Youtuber/Sturniolo triplets)
•Matt Sturniolo (Youtuber/Sturniolo triplets)
•Italy (Hetalia)
•Harrier "Harry" Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
•Ian Hecox (Smosh/Youtuber)
•Anthony Padilla (Smosh/Youtuber)
•Jung kook (Bts)
•V (Bts)
•Jimin (Bts)
•Suga (Bts)
•RM (Bts)
•Jin (Bts)
•J-Hope (Bts)
•Paige Bueckers (Paige Bueckers)
•Megan Thee Stallion (vmas)
•Chappell Roan (vmas)
•All the Venezuela's people who died and suffered because of Maduro's tyranny
•The monk (rain world)
•The survivor (rain world)
•The hunter (rain world)
•The watcher (rain world)
•The Gourmand (rain world)
•The Artificer (rain world)
•The Rivulet (rain world)
•The spearmaster (rain world)
•The saint (rain world)
•??? (rain world)
•Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
•Marcelyn (Adventure Time)
•Jeremy Heere (Be more chill)
•Alice Dyer (Magnus protocol)
•Phoenix Wright (Ace attorney)
•Mia Fey (Ace attorney)
•Miles Edgeworth (Ace attorney)
•Eddie Brock (Venom/Venom the last dance)
•Chell (Portal)
���Jake Seresin (Glen Powell)
•Lewis Hamilton (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Charles Leclerc (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Franco Colapinto (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Carlos Sainz Jr (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Yuki Tsunoda (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Daniel Ricciardo (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Mclaren (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Charles-Haden Savage (Only murders in the building)
•Oliver Putnam (Only murders in the building)
•Mabel Mora (Only murders in the building)
•Madoka Kaname (Madoka Magica)
•Wei Wuxian (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Wangji (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Wei Changze (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Cangse Sanren (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jiang Fengmian (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jiang Cheng (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jiang Yanli (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jin Ling (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Sizhui (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Xichen (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Qiren (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Twilight Sparkle (my little pony)
•Applejack (my little pony)
•Pinkie Pie (my little pony)
•Fluttershy (my little pony)
•Rarity (my little pony)
•Rainbow Dash (my little pony)
•Hua Cheng (tgcf/Heaven official's Blessing/ghosts)
•The Knight (Hollow Knight)
•Flandre Scarlet (touhou)
•Remilia Scarlet (touhou)
•Sakuya Izayoi (touhou)
•Ruby Rose (rwby)
•Yang Xia Long (rwby)
•Weiss Schnee (rwby)
•Blake Belldonna (rwby)
•Jaune Arc (rwby)
•Pyrrha Nikos (rwby)
•Nora Valkyrie (rwby)
•Lie Ren (rwby)
•Yami Yugi (Yugioh)
•Sonic (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog)
•Tails (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog)
•Knuckles (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog)
•Link (Legend of Zelda/Botw)
•Zelda (Legend of Zelda/Botw)
•Eddie Munson (Joseph Quinn/Stranger things)
•Wynonna Earp (Wynonna Earp)
•Harry Potter (Harry potter)
•Hermione Granger (Harry potter)
•Ron Weasley (Harry potter)
•Rock Lock (Black tumblr/bnha)
•Shuri (Black tumblr/Black girl magic)
•All Might (bnha/My hero academia)
•Deku (bnha/My hero academia)
•Tahliah Debrett (Fka Twigs)
•Shen Qingqiu (svsss)
•Luo Binghe (svsss)
•Osamu Dazai (bsd/bungou stray dogs)
•Atsushi Nakajima (bsd/bungou stray dogs)
•Chuya Nakahara (bsd/bungou stray dogs)
•Princess peach (Super Mario)
•Pricess Rosalina (Super Mario)
•Princess Daisy (Super Mario)
•Siffrin (In stars and time)
•Odile (In stars and time)
•Homer (The odyssey/Poets on tumblr)
•Arsenal's crew (arsenal/arsenal fc/arsenal wfc/woso)
•ThunderClan (Warrior cats)
•WindClan (Warrior cats)
•ShadowClan (Warrior cats)
•RiverClan (Warrior cats)
•SkyClan (Warrior cats)
•Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Mikey Way (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Frank Iero (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Ray Toro (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Bob Bryar (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Matt Pelissier (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Jarrod Alexander (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Pete Parada (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•James Dewees (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Jamie Muhoberac (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Rhea Ripley (wwe)
•Gordon Freeman (Hlvrai)
•Azi (Scavengers reign)
•Spock (Star Trek)
•Michael Huang (tpot)
•Cary Huang (tpot)
•Satomi Hinatsu (tpot)
•Bae Seok-Ryu (Love next door)
•Kris (Deltarune)
•Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton)
•Joy (Pixar)
•Anger (Pixar)
•Sadness (Pixar)
•Fear (Pixar)
•Disgust (Pixar)
•Envy (Pixar)
•Anxiety (Pixar)
•Embarassment (Pixar)
•Ennui (Pixar)
•Miriam (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Roland (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Qwydion (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Lacklon (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Neb (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Ralph (Wreck it Ralph)
•Felix (Wreck it Ralph)
•All the Ukraine's people who died and sufffered beacause of the war
•Sayori (ddlc)
•Yuri (ddlc)
•Natsuki (ddlc)
•Lottie (Yellowjackets)
•Abraham Van Helsing (Dracula daily)
•Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh Penguins)
•April Ludgate (Aubrey Plaza)
•Commander Shepard (Mass effect)
•Maia (Roblox)
•Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug)
•Adrian (Miraculous Ladybug)
•Sakura (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
•Alex Hirsch (Gravity falls/The book of Bill)
•Niall Horan (One direction)
•J.Martin (Motogp)
•Earth Wind and Fire's crew (Earth Wind and Fire/21st of September)
•Tamsyn Muir (Gideon the Ninth)
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for the fanfic end of the year asks, #7-16?
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year
Probably my fic S.C.I. 谜案集. However, it's a fic that carried over from last year, but I think it still counts. I completed it with 227,913 words. Longest fic that I wrote (or rewrote) this year would be In Too Deep with 62,178 words. Second longest completed fic that I wrote this year would be The Demon and the Angel with 53,869 words
8. shortest completed fic you wrote this year
Okay, my definition of short is like...not like others. But my short fic completed this year was Welcome Home with 1,210 words
9. longest wip of the year
My baby, 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer. It's the Killer and Healer drama rewrite and so far we're at 172,474 words and 96 chapters
10. shortest wip of the year
None of my wips are short, anon...I don't really do short. So far, my other wips, 灵魂档案 | The Spirit Files and SPY x FAMILY are both about 36-37K (37,502 for The Spirit Files and 36,927 for SPY X FAMILY). The Spirit Files has 23 chapters so far and SPY X FAMILY has 18 chapters.
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year
I always, always, always enjoy writing for the Killer and Healer fandom (I currently have the most fics written for said fandom and there will be more once I answer these prompts in my ask box). But I found that I also enjoyed writing for the Under the Skin fandom. The dynamic of the two leads is very similar to Killer and Healer and I think that's why I enjoyed writing for it as much as I did
12. favorite character to write about this year
I always enjoy writing about Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi (for me, they're kind of like a packaged deal)
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
That's really hard to pick...I can write to pretty much whatever, so I don't have a specific song that I listen to when I write
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
Can't Lose You for the Devil Judge fandom. I stopped writing for them mainly because I got overwhelmed with the amount of prompts that were coming in (I think I had like 80 asks in my ask box at one point and majority of them were TDJ prompts) but I had gotten a very nice anon requesting for the fic and because they were so nice about it/worded it so politely, I decided to write it.
15. something you learned this year
Something I learned this year is that I have no idea what my readers will like/will gravitate towards. Some fics I put a lot of time and effort into don't get that many kudos and another fic that was also good but not something that I spent like hours outlining and writing gets more kudos and bookmarks. It's very odd, but I don't blame my readers. I just think it's interesting
16. fic(s) you completed this year
Oh, this is gonna get long (because I wrote a lot), so I'm gonna just pop a "keep reading" here. But we'll be going by fandom for this. (Also, if you see a fic repeated in two different fandoms, that's because it's a crossover/has two fandoms in it)
Chimera (Korea TV)
I Missed You (4,220 words)
S.C.I.谜案集 | S.C.I. Mystery (TV)
Hypnotize Me (3,799 words)
Manhunter (13,726 words)
Cross Jurisdiction (8,194 words)
Happy Birthday, Cat (2,283 words)
"Z" for Zhan (9,431 words)
Burn the World to the Ground for You (4,274 words)
Release the Beast (3,971 words)
Yin and Yang (3,161 words)
双面神探 | Master Wait A Moment (TV)
Can't Lose You (2,892 words)
心宅猎人 | Psych-Hunter (TV)
Drunken Mistake (Sort Of) (1,872 words)
恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer (TV)
S.C.I. 谜案集 (227,913 words)
In Too Deep (62,178 words)
路人甲 | Passerby (50,954 words)
The Demon and the Angel (53,869 words)
Into the Woods (43,614 words)
圣痕 | Stigmata (24,479 words)
Beast & Feast (16,974 words)
The Detective and the Assassin (23,598 words)
Undercover (6,984 words)
Fever (5,071 words)
Safe and Sound (13,008 words)
Chen Yuzhi is MINE (6,360 words)
Cross Jurisdiction (8,194 words)
Miscommunication, My Beloved (3,800 words)
Burn the World to the Ground for You (4,274 words)
Don't Touch Jiang Yuelou's Doctor (5,798 words)
新年快乐 | Happy New Year (5,212 words)
The Demon of Jing City (14,095 words)
Sunshine and Pomegranates (10,438 words)
The Doctor's Bodyguard (11,509 words)
Ready for War (8,479 words)
Red Lipstick (2,645 words)
The Doctor and the Demon (9,409 words)
Pandora's Box (2,803 words)
Fate Led Me to You (6,078 words)
My Everything (3,995 words)
Sing For Me (7,326 words)
You're Safe Now (8,574 words)
Pretty Eyes, Pretty Knives (11,770 words)
A Beautiful Day with the Man I Love (3,225 words)
You're a Good Father, Jiang Yuelou (7,464 words)
Prettiest Flower in Town (5,902 words)
Asking Permission (2,998 words)
Hand in Bloody Hand (17,323 words)
Stake Me Through the Heart (7,292 words)
Two Heads are Better than One (2,897 words)
So This Is What Love Feels Like (1,833 words)
Chocolate-Covered Strawberries and Roses (3,213 words)
Good Kitty (2,487 words)
Sleep Well (1,678 words)
My Pirate, My Prince (8,144 words)
托斯卡的狗 | Dogs of Tosca (14,929 words)
心弦 | Heart Strings (12,194 words)
The Revolution (11,353 words)
死神 | The Grim Reapers (8,319 words)
Villain and Healer (7,720 words)
Tattoo on My Arm and In My Heart (2,355 words)
成化十四年 | The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty (TV)
Don't Touch My Family (2,835 words)
Two Heads are Better than One (2,897 words)
Welcome Home (1,210 words)
猎罪图鉴 | Under the Skin (TV 2022)
Always Be There For You (4,514 words)
Walk You Home (4,505 words)
Golden Retriever, Black Cat (2,887 words)
Manhunter (13,726 words)
You're Not Alone (2,090 words)
Sink or Swim (1,863 words)
阴阳师 | Yīn Yáng Shī | The Yin-yang Master (Movies - Guo Jingming)
Bathed in Blood (3,787 words)
악마판사 | The Devil Judge (TV)
Family Surrounding Me (6,154 words)
My Judge (1,830 words)
Sweet Dreams (1,321 words)
Through the Eyes of Another (1,541 words)
Kang Yohan's Bodyguard (And Sugar Baby) (3,227 words)
Lullaby (2,151 words)
Bubble Tea and Guns (4,110 words)
Good Boy (4,767 words)
Oh Jinjoo's Keen Observation (2,797 words)
I'll Watch Over You (4,297 words)
Take a Bullet for You (4,610 words)
Indebted to You (5,325 words)
Can't Lose You (3,485 words)
Welcome Home (2,267 words)
fanfic end of the year asks | send me asks
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tangledinmdzs · 3 years
unmistakable - mdzs character hcs
mdzs characters reacting to when you change your perfume
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Jiang Cheng
you are standing alone, watching the boats along the riverside pier,
when arms come up to wrap around you,
and you feel someone’s chin land on your shoulder,
before you can even share a word, 
there is a firm kiss pressed against the bottom of your neck,
“Jiang Cheng,” you breathe, surprise and happiness mixing together in a blissful utterance
there is a soft pause where only the wind responds with a caress of your cheek
and then you feel Jiang Cheng’s lips against the bottom of your neck, slowly making its way up,
“Jiang Cheng,” you can’t help but scold slightly, note the public setting that you both are in,
at your second call of his name, the Sect Leader spins you around to face him, 
brackets you against the wooden rail of the pier
“your fault,” Jiang Cheng tells you and you can’t help but smile at his childish words,
can’t stop him when he leans in to pull you in a deep hug, nosing at the juncture of your neck
“you smell nice,” his lips murmur against your skin
and you hug him tighter, 
glad that he loved the new scent of lotuses and lavendar etched onto your skin
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Xue Yang
familiar scents, sentimentality would surprisingly be something that Xue Yang was attentive to
so when he comes to meet you at the inn hall that you both always meet at,
he is surprised 
he’d become used to the natural scent that he had connected to you, earthy and herbal from your work at your father’s medicine shop
but today,
when Xue Yang gets a whiff of something sweet, floral, and looks up to see you approaching
his eyes widen along with an interesting smirk,
“this is new,” Xue Yang comments when you both sit down at the shared table
and you give him a questioning look,
“cherry blossoms,” he notes, and you watch him take an exaggerated breath of the air around you,
“cherry blossom...” Xue Yang says 
and your eyes widen at his attention,
you had just tried a new perfume of cherry blossoms and ylang ylang
and you didn’t that it would make much of a difference
or mask the scents of all the herbs that you brewed in the medicine shop
but surprisingly to Xue Yang
somehow it had
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Nie Mingjue
Mingjue sits on the bed, watching you by your vanity
the night routines that he shares with you are the most relaxing moments of his day,
he can name practically all the steps that you take by heart
which is why when you return to bed with him,
he can immediately tell that something is different
“y/n, you smell like jasmine,” Mingjue comments right away as you lay in his arms
“yes, i finished the perfume you bought me a few days earlier, we can go back to buy it again,” you tell him, 
but your surpised by Mingjue’s strong hold around you, and the gentle kiss that he presses to the crown of your head
“i like this scent, soothing,” Mingjue tells you and you smile, leaning on his chest,
“mhm,” you hum,
happy to provide this bit of care and love
to your hard working husband
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When Someone Flirts With You!
Hello! Little disclaimer: This is the same format used on two different blogs, they’re both mine (if you’ve seen them). This is just a really fun thing to do, so I always try to do them for new fandoms I join and whatnot. I hope you like it! 
Sidenote: Normally, I have banners just cuz they look nice but I’m not sure if I wanna make em for this blog, yet.
Includes: Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Wen Ning, Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng, Xiao Xingchen, Song Lan, and Xue Yang.
Come one, come all! See what happens when someone flirts with you in front of your mans!
Wei Wuxian:
One day, you were at a tavern waiting for your boyfriend to get back. He had left for only ten minutes and someone had already swooped in to bother you. No matter what you said or did, they just wouldn’t back off.
Like people don’t know who he is-
Normally, he won’t jump in immediately. He’ll stay back and just let you handle it if you can. If you can’t handle it, just look at him. He’ll know the second you make eye contact.
He prefers to stand next to the person and joins them. Of course, they’re uncomfortable and ask what he’s trying to do and he’ll respond with something like “flirting with my partner, they’re cute, aren’t they?”
Yeah, that usually doesn’t work. Unless people KNOW him and are scared of him, they would just brush him off.
He doesn’t like that. Not one bit, especially when you’re getting more uncomfortable by the minute.
He’ll try to do the same thing again, but the SECOND someone tries to touch you, he slaps them with his flute. No, he ain’t playing it, he’s swinging it. In one whole second, he’s in front of you and the person is most likely on the floor. 10/10 would recommend.
“Don’t ever touch my (y/n) ever again, ok?”
Lan Wangji:
You followed Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji on their adventures often and always tried to stay close to the duo. The ONE TIME you decided to go off on your own, you found yourself cornered. Thankfully, both Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were just around the corner.
Oh dear.
He glares. He just idles at glaring at everyone. So even before you ask for help, he’ll just glare at the person. But if you need help, feel free to call him.
He’ll immediately stand between you and the offender. He’s not scared, he’s not arguing, just glaring silently.
50/50, he’s actually pretty scary so most people are freaked out.
In the unlikely event it doesn’t work out and they continue to push you, he’s fighting. But it’s Lan Wangji, he doesn’t have to try. It’s just… smack and they’re down. 10/10 would recommend.
Wen Ning:
During his adventures with Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, Wen Ning often tends to go off by himself. You always followed him, trying to keep as close as you could. There was one day where you were hungry, so you went to buy some snacks. Wen Ning didn’t come with you and you definitely regretted not asking him to join you. Someone had cornered you and they just wouldn’t let you leave so you had to call out to your boyfriend.
Even as fierce corpse, he’s pretty hesitant at times. So normally, he’d just wait it out to see what you do, mainly because he doesn’t want to be THAT boyfriend... you know the one who just does too much.
If you need help, just call him or look at him. He’ll be in front of you in a second, hiding you behind his form. He’ll at first just ask someone to leave you alone.
0/10. Never works, he just LOOKS nervous. So people will either try to push him out of the way or just roll their eyes and ignore him, while still trying to talk to you.
Wen Ning doesn’t care if people ignore him, it’s not the first time. What does really bother him though is when people can’t take a hint. He hates when you’re uncomfortable, so if someone is making you feel like that ON PURPOSE, he hates it.
The thing is, they can’t shove Wen Ning out of the way. He’s actually pretty strong and so the second they try to (especially after they ignore him), he just grabs their arm and twists it, holding them in place until they apologize to you.
8/10, usually very effective but if it still doesn’t work, he’ll just throw them out of the establishment. He warned them TWICE, he ain’t doing it again.
“Are you ok? I’m glad... I was worried I was too late.”
Lan Xichen:
He had invited you to an event with him, one where you did your best to stay close to him. You’d already seen some weird stares, ones that made you very uncomfortable. Unfortunately, Lan Xichen was called away for one second, but that’s all it took for someone to immediately come bother you.
He’s very observant, so he’s always got his eye on you. He worries more than he likes to admit, only because he doesn’t want to overdo it. You’re an adult, who can handle themselves.
However, if you do need help, just call for him. He’s on his way. He’ll immediately stop them by grabbing their arm and pulling them away, claiming they’re making you uncomfortable.
50/50 and it depends on whether they know him. Most don’t so they’ll kinda brush him off, which he doesn’t appreciate.
He’ll try again, not wanting to resort to violence. There are times where people just quit, finding him bothersome, but there’s always ONE person who wants to try again.
One person even tried to touch you once, roughly grabbing your arm and yanking you away from Lan Xichen.
Oh boy, he had his sword out faster than you’d ever seen. The person immediately let you go and you hid behind your boyfriend.
“Do not touch people without their permission.”
Jiang Cheng:
You were with Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, and Jiang Cheng on one of their numerous adventures. They had left for maybe thirty minutes and you were keeping busy doing your own thing, when you felt a hand grab you. You thought it was Jiang Cheng, but boy were you wrong. However, your boyfriend wasn’t too far away.
The last thing he wants to see on your face is discomfort, especially when it’s caused by some creep.
He’s in front of you in a second and he’s usually pretty aggressive. The last thing you want to see is him fight, so you often just grab his arm and hide behind him.
Just that alone, usually makes people back off. It’s kinda obvious you’re already his. BUT. There’s that one fool…
They often move closer to you, ignoring Jiang Cheg, and ask if you’d like to “upgrade” to someone better. Before you can even answer, they’re on the floor.
“Yeah, like you’re any better. Come on, (y/n).”
Xiao Xingchen:
Normally, you’re glued to the hip with Xiao Xingchen, since you two were so close. There was one occasion where you stepped away from him to gather some flowers. He wanted to talk to someone about something, nothing you often concerned yourself with. That’s when someone took their chance and swooped in.
So he can’t see you, but he can hear you. All you gotta do is call for him and he’ll be at your side faster than the speed of light. He’s not immediately jumping to fight and often prefers to talk things out, instead.
0/10. It never works. Not one time has that ever worked. People just don’t back down, especially those who tend to bother you.
They usually just shove Xiao Xingchen aside, thinking he’s just a blind man who can’t do anything.
This is one of those things that just… bothers him. Xiao Xingchen can’t understand why, but when someone bothers you, it really makes him upset.
He’ll once again try to stop the offender through a more pacifistic way, but there was one time when someone roughly grabbed your hand and yanked you away from Xiao Xingchen. The squeal that left your mouth was something that just made him draw his sword.
It really was an accident. No one was hurt, but the person was scared away. 69/10 would recommend.
“Are you alright? Good, I’m sorry they hurt you.”
Song Lan:
You had often followed him and Xiao Xingchen on their adventures, doing your best to stick close to them both. One day you saw a flower that intrigued you more than it should have. So you walked over to it and you were gone for maybe ten seconds, but when you turned around, you couldn’t see Song Lan or Xiao Xingchen, but you did see another person blocking your path. He found you pretty quickly.
He’s usually always on high alert. He’s extremely protective of you, sometimes surprising himself.
He’ll usually step him, keeping you hidden behind himself so the other person can’t see you. If someone is holding your wrist, he’ll use his sheathed sword to separate you two. He mentions you’re uncomfortable and tells the person to leave.
2/10, it’ll work sometimes but rarely. Usually offenders shrug him off and just pretend as if he’s not there. Even if you hide behind him, they’ll walk around and try to get at you that way. If they touch you, it’s almost as if they touched Song Lan and he really doesn’t like that.
The second they try to grab you, they’re on the floor unconscious. They don’t stand a chance.
10/10 works every time. They’re not unconscious EVERY SINGLE TIME it’d about 90% of the time.
“Let’s go. No they’re fine, don’t worry about them.”
Xue Yang:
Xue Yang is obviously protective and he doesn’t like it when people touch/bother you. You belong to him, nobody else. There was one day you strayed too far and got in some trouble with 4 people.
Xue Yang usually laughs when he steps in, telling everyone they should leave before he kills them.
Of course people don’t listen. Usually, they just brush him aside and go back to “impressing” you.
Xue Yang warns people ONCE. One warning and that’s IT. If they don’t listen, their funeral. Literally.
The worst occasion was when someone shoved Xue Yang away and pushed you against the wall. You screamed and felt something touching your chest. When you looked down, it was Xue Yang sword poking you which had been stabbed through the offender’s chest.
10/10 they’re literally dead?
“I warned you about touching what belongs to me.”
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Mo Dao Zhu Shi/ MDZS Masterlist:
Main Masterlist - Pinned Post
MDZS X Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
Reaction/HC/shenanigans in script form with each other:
Gaston [Crack in script form] — (Mdzs, Magi, Obey me, IkeSen, Ikepri, Ikevamp, IkeRev, twst)
Love Headcanon/ mdzs x reader:
How they fell in love HC [Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue, Nie Huasiang, Jiang Cheng, Wen Ning]
Lan Xichen w/ Chubby F!Reader [HC]
Xue Yang w/ shy F!reader [Hc]
LXC, NMJ, JC as parents [HC + Anon Ask]
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drama--universe · 6 months
Meeting an elf
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Requested by anonymous: Hello! Requests are open so I'll take advantage! How would Xichen, Cheng, Guangyao, Xingchen and Yang react to a reader who is an elf? What would they think of her different face shape, different eye color, different ear shape, different fighting style and different language she speaks? (she might speak their language, but in her homeland she would speak her Elvish language) THX!!!
Pairing: Untamed boys x reader
A/N Looked up the Lan rules for this, did not know that the existence of Wei Wuxian added about 500 to 1000 extra rules to the original 3000. Definitely not surprised though, if anything I'm impressed.
Lan Xichen:
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Rule number (enter random number)
'Do not bully the weak, or make fun of others'
which Xichen takes very seriously
so meeting you does shock him, but he does not judge
(in all fairness, elves don't look that different from visuals seen in the show)
there is one thing that fascinates him most, which is the glow surrounding you
it confuses him, because he does not understand why it is happening at all
he is fairly quick in getting to know you
is a bit surprised that you are so happy to speak to him
gladly learns your culture and even tries to learn your language
the culture is fine, the language is actually impossible for him
even with how much he loves to learn, he is fairly quick to give up
well, quick is a loose term
give or take 3 months
for Lan's, this is quick to giving up
but loves to listen to you talk to him in your language
loves hearing you sing in your language as well or when you play music
that he does learn
harps are not that different from guzhengs in a way
so he matches his style to yours, and it honestly doesn't sound to bad
besides, it's a way to spend time with you
so overall, he's great
Jiang Cheng:
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now honestly, don't hate me for this
but I think he might be a bit off putting
he's not mean, just very judgmental
and he doesn't really hide that
he thinks you look weird at first
the pointy ears look weird and your eyes make him uncomfortable
not really, he just says that
because it actually fascinates him so much
he saw you once, sparring against Wuxian
his mother had disapproved, so he followed
yet he could not tear his eyes from your form
your style, unlike the rougher one he was taught, was elegant
to the point that you seemed weightless
you caught him staring multiple times, yet are confused as to why he remains so on guard and mean
one comment is the last drop and you lash out
it is necessary, really is
and it does also change everything
he actually talks to you
because you force him to sit down and talk to you
which finally reveals his true nature and train of thoughts
overall, he is interested
very focused when you reminiscence about your home
but he just needed a little push in the right direction
Jin Guangyao:
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you know the drift on this one
cause I don't sugar coat him
now, what your use is to him depends on when you meet him
before everything, he kind of just needs you as some kind of support (like Xichen is)
if it's after everything, it's more like the use of Xue Yang
which soon enough will also happen even when you meet him before everything
will first try to gain your trust, of course
acts innocent and sweet, compliments you and uses the fact that you're both outcasts
and it kind of works..?
eventually, when you're friends, he starts being more himself
small comments to others and how he wished that they fell from grace
and soon enough, he'll comment about wishing for their deaths
now you saw how they treated him, so you didn't really see wrong in those statements
once he notices that you're comfortable with such things, he starts suggesting
knowing full well that your fighting skills would make you unnoticeable and fast
you're appalled at first
which makes him orchestrate a scenario
someone tries to "attack" him and maybe even "kill" him
and you defend him, which end up in the other's demise
you kind of become an overprotective friend, in a way
Guangyao is sure to tell you who is a threat to him and who isn't
is not shy of lying to you
but all that aside, he is also interested in you as a person
or your kind, if anything
because having you on his side, has them on his side
will turn into an isolation friendship at that point
maybe not the best person to befriend
Xiao Xingchen:
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Let's say you meet before he goes blind
I don't think he cares in the slightest
he travels a lot with Song Lan and thus sees quite a lot of things
it is definitely not the most surprising thing to see for him
what is surprising is that you're not an evil being
unlike most different "species"
he's still wary of you of course
because you act different like people normally do, whether it being because of culture or just your personality
but he is still fascinated nonetheless
because he likes to know everything
in a good way
so he will ask you stuff
and be prepared, cause it will be a list to go through
his biggest fascination is your eyes
yes, ironic, I know
because it's not a feature that he often sees
if ever
you're ears, as pointy as they are, don't seem weird
he's seen other people with pointy ears before, just not like yours
if you have blond or red hair, he would also be completely enthralled with it
is kind of glad when you ask to join him and Song Lan
consults Song Lan, but it ultimately it ends up being yes
Xiao Yang:
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you meet before he gets involved with Guangyao
give or take, he's 16 years old (He's probably around 17 or 18 when the series takes place, just speculation though)
he's roaming the streets, looking for good victims to pickpocket
he sees you
you looked innocent enough, an easy target
so he creeps closer, hand reaching to your bag
he feels the material of a money pouch and slowly wraps his hand around it
then he's staring up at the sky
and his arm is awkwardly twisted in a position that was paralyzing the rest of his body completely
"You breath too loudly"
the tone is mocking him and he does not appreciate it in the slightest
but the slightest movement made pain shoot up through his body, so he just laid their
the sun created a halo around your head and your eyes were practically glowing thanks to their bright color
he's left in awe for a few seconds before he starts to trash in your grasp
you're kind enough to let him go, watching with glee as he jumped up
he was glaring at you before he walked off
when he sees you the next time, the day after, he wants to retry
so he takes a deep breath before holding it and approaching you once more
his hand grazes the money pouch once more before he is pushed backwards, falling to the ground with a loud thud
you just smirk at him
he tries a third and even a fourth time, but fails every time
yet you always show him that stupid smirk that never fails to send a shiver up his spine
he doesn't understand how you hear him coming, he's never had trouble before
it's the fifth time that he tries that he succeeds
so he runs off, he never runs
only to discover the pouch to be completely empty
he will run back immediately
does not say anything except for 'teach me'
he wants to get better at pickpocketing and your fighting style intrigue him
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architectnews · 4 years
Beijing Zhongshuge Lafayette store
Beijing Zhongshuge Lafayette store interior, X+LIVING Chinese Architecture Images
Beijing Zhongshuge Lafayette store design
30 Oct 2020
Beijing Zhongshuge Lafayette bookstore interior
Architects: X+LIVING
Location: Beijing, Northern China
Photos by Wu Qingshan
Beijing Zhongshuge Lafayette store interior
It’s the second time for Zhongshuge bookstore to land in Beijing. This time it joins Lafayette department store, where the classical gardens and the reading space collided from three different perspectives in the fashionable commercial area. With reference to the expression techniques of Chinese classical gardens, the designer connects various functional areas with different formats of space layout, and sketched the flowing path for consumers to explore.
The bookshelves are both a canvas and a wall, making the door porch like a painting unfolding gradually. In the doorway, it is faintly visible the depth of the space, which makes people can’t help but walking into the bookshop for exploration.
In the conceptual area, the designer creates an elevation difference transformation by using the ladders to make the space pattern fluctuate and even the wandering walk will present a rhyme. Using perspective relations to create a visual illusion experience, the arches are nested and intersecting, and all of the beautiful sceneries are within eyesight. The charm of the changing scenery in the classical garden not only appears everywhere, but the refraction of the mirror surface also gives this phantom realm a kind of surreal sensory impact.
Evolved from the form of classic “Moon Gate”, various circular holes were spread in the space. Apart from acting as a traffic corridor connects spaces, some of them even function as frames displaying exquisite view in them. With the traditional decorative usage of classic “Moon Gate” been abandoned and the application range expanded, it has become a symbol, a link and thus presented more possibilities in space. Making use of the arched shape, the designer has also built several resting couches, so that the symbolized arched door has the dual meaning of function and aesthetics.
The cashier constructed by terrazzo material are the same with those in the cafe. The arrangement of tables and chairs in the cafe is distributed casually but in great order, simulating a gathering of ancient people in a famous Chinese painting called “Qu Shui Liu Shang”. The shared tables and chairs enable the crowd to sit next to different social needs and constitute the elegant and interesting scene together.
Behind the door where you find a bamboo forest is the cultural and creative area. The extremely simplified wood branches, through the skillful arrangement, have completed the turn from microscopic image to macroscopic view. A line has been drawn between two wooden branches, and a special poster or book display booth is formed, which fully satisfies the owners’ diversified operation needs. The straight-line action path of readers is decomposed, and the ease of walking in bamboo groves is a delicate mood experience that designers present to readers.
Through the bamboo grove and walking into the study hall, the designer created a ceremonial and secluded elegant atmosphere by using the central symmetrical layout of traditional architecture. The bookshelf is inspired from screen art, on the back of which is the lamp box acting as a light source. The warm glow from the paper pane fell on the face of the reader, creating an antique flavour.
The children’s library is a unique world built for kids. The designer used simplified lines and figures to create a cartoon city. Wavy streamlines is for river and sphere for cornices. The strokes imitating those by children have painted a vivid picture of ancient buildings.
Located in the fashion community, Zhongshuge Beijing Lafayette store is a dialogue window between classical art and contemporary fashion. Between the new and the old, the psychological impact of space rotation brings the readers who enter the bookstore into the cave of the Peach Garden and to experience a terrific journey like a dream.
Beijing Zhongshuge Lafayette store, China – Building Information
Project name: Beijing Zhongshuge Lafayette store Location: Beijing, China Project area: 1110㎡ Completion time: 2020.4 Design Company: X+LIVING Creative Designer: LI XIANG Project Director: Ren Lijiao, Wu Feng Participating Designers: Luo Ziyan, Zhang Xiaosong, Jiang Xueping, Yang Qiaoliu
Photographer: Wu Qingshan
Beijing Zhongshuge Lafayette store images / information from X+LIVING
Location: Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Architecture in Beijing
Beijing Architecture Designs – chronological list
Beijing Architecture Walking Tours
Another Chinese interior design by X+LIVING on e-architect:
Meland Club Shenzhen flagship store
Beijing Architecture News
Apple Sanlitun, Chaoyang District Architects: Foster + Partners image courtesy of architects Apple Sanlitun Store
Leeza SOHO, Lize Financial Business District Design: Zaha Hadid Architects photo : Hufton+Crow Leeza SOHO Beijing Building
MS-II Restaurant Architects: WAY Studio photographer : Zeng Hao, Fernie Lai MS-II Restaurant in Beijing
Hualong Private Terminal Space, Capital Airport Design: Shishang Architecture photographer : An Li Hualong Private Terminal Space
Comments / photos for the Beijing Zhongshuge Lafayette store design by X+LIVING China page welcome
Website: Beijing
The post Beijing Zhongshuge Lafayette store appeared first on e-architect.
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drama--universe · 2 years
Untamed Reactions (Part 1)
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Requested by @lelewright1234: Hello my friend! Well, I’m a huge fan of the Untamed series! I wanted to see if you could do a long headcanon of "The Untamed" series characters with an African-American/black! Reader (Can you add Poly!Wangxian and the boys of MDZS) who as their girlfriend/wife with skin as dark as the night, long thick braided hair, a skinny long yet short curvy body, and brownish-black eyes. (Remember Black Lives Matter and Happy Black History Month!!!) Oh also can you add parts where they have children as well? (You can decide how many each of them have!)
Pairing: Untamed characters x female!African-American!reader
Warnings: none
A/N I made this more of a bullet list story then a written image, but I'd love to make a one-shot based on this story board if anyone wants it, also divided it into parts, this one and for the next I'll do Lan Xichen, Guangyao, Xue Yang, Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen
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You meet them in Cloud Recesses as adult (20-ish)
you come from a clan that usually hides away from others, due to a fight between your clan leader and the others (like Lanling Jin clan leader)
so when you first get introduced, most people are very curious
you look different, so that also gains you a lot of attention
Wuxian is the first to greet you
he's very interested in you
he also thinks you're very pretty
asks a lot of weird questions at first
loves your hair
but like alot
constantly asks if he can braid your hair sometimes, saying he learned how from Yanli
you then have to explain that it isn't like normal braiding per se
que him wanting to learn how to properly braid your hair, which you gladly want teach him
so when he comes by and your hair is loose
and he's confused
because it's suddenly fluffier
he also dragged Wangji along, you still don't know why
so Wangji is sitting in front of you as you drink tea
while you try to explain to Wuxian how to braid
he definitely does his best, but the first braid are kindly said terrible
but he gets it after awhile
the braids still aren't that good, but the thought counted
you re-did your hair afterwards though
but Wuxian got sulky when you removed his braids
so you kept one
Wuxian also noticed the little trinkets and beads for your hair
you quickly explained that it was a sort of tradition and that they had different kinds of meanings
this gains you Wangji's attention as you start explaining while putting the beads back into your hair
they are both very interested in your culture
they often ask you questions throughout your stay at Cloud Recesses, trying to learn more and more
Wangji has absolutely talked back when someone, even when indirectly, insults or berates your culture and looks
Wangji is kind about it
Wuxian is not
he almost attacked someone when they made a mean comment about your hair
and Wangji lets him
Wuxian is the one to ask if you wanted to join there relationship
and he was quite surprised when you accepted
you then start to wear two beads on Wuxian's braid
Wuxian loves this the most, Wangji is just grateful about it
you spend equal time with both of them
with Wangji you're usually in the library, both reading
with Wuxian you're usually in the city, trying all kinds of food
or you're pranking Jiang Cheng
usually the latter
some people laugh at your relationship
but not in a bad way
they just joke that Wuxian needs two people to calm him down
and it's true
he only calms down when both of you tell him to hush
but he demands cuddles after
which he gets
otherwise he gets sulky
and you don't like being ignored
you somehow are able to make Wangji less "stuck up"
he feels and looks much more relaxed when he's alone with you and Wuxian
loves when you comb his hair or hug him
surprisingly, he's much more affectionate then you'd think
not as much as Wuxian
but still a lot
not in public though
only Wuxian likes being affectionate in public
people often think Wuxian likes you more since he hugs you more
but it's only because Wangji doesn't like it
he doesn't get upset easily, but such rumors do affect him
and you are a lot more affectionate in private
you do really love them equally and showing this is very important for you
your marriage is very small, only family (this includes the Wens)
you have two ceremonies, one for their culture and one for yours
you have three kids after marriage
they're a mix between all three of you
your firstborn is a mix between you and Wangji in appearance
she has a light brown skin-tone and her hair is like yours, but her face/height is more like Wangji
but her character is like Wuxian's, loves pranking you
your second born looks a lot more like Wuxian
a fair skin, but your hair
he is more like Wangji, focused on studying and such
the third (and last) is a copy of you, but with hair like Wangji and Wuxian
is a mix of pranking and studying, so a bit like you
parenting is a bit difficult
your youngest is usually upset that her hair is different from her siblings
she doesn't like it when you don't braid her hair like her siblings, so you explain that it might not be so good for her hair
Wuxian braids it in a Chinese style instead to cheer her up
Wuxian plays with the kids the most
Wangji focusses more on their teaching
but overall you're a very happy family
Jiang Cheng:
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You meet him at Lotus Pier
your family was invited by his father
you were 14 back then and he was 15
he doesn't care what you look like, but is a bit fascinated
he does like you
because Wuxian leaves him alone now
until he's forced to join you and Wuxian by his father
grows more fascinated by you over time
is that person who changes his actions towards you, but pretends not to
for example when you said that it would be disrespectful in your culture to just ignore someone's greeting, he made sure to always greet you back when you said hello (even when it was just a nod)
cares a lot more than he let's on
you don't see him again until he's sect leader
you greeted him happily and he greeted back instinctively
starstruck when he sees how much you had changed physically
thinks you're even more beautiful than before
you're the first person to ask how he is feeling
not as sect leader, but just as Jiang Cheng
you talked to him like you would to an old friend, not caring about his status
something not a lot of people had done or would do (even Wuxian was more respectful than before)
he definitely changes his character around that period
much more open and more smiles
you confess to him (which he still gets teased for years later)
your courting process isn't that long
he learns a lot
like how to braid your hair
makes the time styling your hair much shorter
and he's actually really good
often listens to you as you explain stuff to him
gets really happy when he learns that you only let people close to you touch your hair
doesn't show it though
you marry after 4 months later
do to his position, your wedding is filled with at least two thousand people (disciplines and leaders from all clans came)
and it's a Chinese wedding
Jiang Cheng is actually a bit upset by this
so decides to redo it with only you two to show that he cares
you have 2 kids after marriage
they look more like you, but they have his eyes, which always make it funny
when they're annoyed, they look exactly like him
kids are a bit scared of them
but they're the sweetest once you know them
their hair is like his, but with light curls in them
but same thickness of your hair
so he styles their hair as well
sometimes in a more Chinese like style
you and Jiang Cheng decide to raise them in two cultures
you teach them yours and he teaches his
kids love it
he sometimes follows your lessons to learn more himself
Jin Ling is your third unofficial child (along with the rest of the juniors as well)
you took him in after the whole fiasco of Guanyin Temple (also helping him in becoming leader of the Lanling Jin Clan)
you also have three other babies
Jiang Cheng named them (in the most cliché way, of course)
Angel (2), Queen (3) and Prince (1)
he loves them so much
plays with them constantly
and looks soo cute when he does, all smiles
Jiang Chang wants a third child
because he wants every kid to have a dog that protects them
so..... you might have a third child
unless he adopts another dog, then you might have more
it's 50/50 chance to what happens first
but happy family nonetheless
Nie Huaisang:
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You meet him at the very young age of 12
Nie Mingjue had just become clan leader
and he had started to force Huaisang into sword training
so Huaisang ran off
he met you in the forest
your family was traveling and you had stumbled off during break
and you found each other by the river
each on one side
and then he saw you and fell in love
he thought you were some sort of angel
dressed in a beautiful white dress and colorful beads woven into your hair
you only noticed him when you heard a loud splash
you couldn't help but laugh as you saw him sitting in the river
you spent quite some time with him after
you also gave him some dry clothes because it was freezing outside
even more reasons for him to think you're an angel
but then you leave again
you only give each other your names
but years later, you're both 17 at this point, you meet again
he doesn't recognize him at first
until he spotted the pattern on your dress
exactly like the painting he had given you
but you changed a lot compared to then
so did he of course
but you changed everything
your hair was much longer, long braid(s) that reached past your waist and your body had grown much more mature
he approaches you first
introduces himself and is so happy when you remember him
you talk a lot
he doesn't hold back on complementing you
on literally everything
it was supposed to be a party for clan leaders and such
but you two had spent most time talking to each other instead of talking to others
well into the night
the stars had appeared to light your way
you only left when the moon was at its highest
but you met again, two days later
just to talk again
Huaisang felt so secure around you
freely talking about his love for art
showing his collection of self-painted fans
you spend some time together while painting
you often wear vibrant clothes
he loves them, because they look like art as well
but he even loves the simple beads that you sometimes wore in your hair
he even jokes that you yourself are a work of art
calls you his muse after awhile
you always return the name, which often causes him to flush red
he asks you to marry him 2 months into your friendship
he refuses to do a wedding in front of the whole clan (or other clans)
your family is there and all his friends (including Xichen and Guangyao)
includes both your cultures as much as he can
wants to learn how to braid
doesn't do well
you haven't let him braid your hair afterwards
it took you 3 hours to take his first braid out
he's sulky, but understands
continues to learn on his own
gains much respect after he finished his 3th braid (because doing your own braids hurts after awhile)
stops trying to braid after that
about a year into your marriage, your first child is born
a girl
she's dark skinned, but has her father's looks
as she grows older, she grows to look more like him
when she's 5, her little brother is born
he looks more like him
except for his hair, a full head of curly thick hair
Huaisang is very busy as clan leader
but he makes it work
even if it means brushing aside his duties
has at least one day every month just for you guys
you'd walk around in the city
if your children would even look at something for more than a second, Huaisang would try to buy it
you have to stop him
people always laugh when they see their leader being dragged by the ear by his wife
with two happy children running behind you two
he teaches his kids all about history of his clan as well as other clans
as they get older, they learn his mischief
unfortunately, they're also great liars like him
he knows, you don't
which causes them to always come your way
only for him to hear and step in
he loves them too much sometimes though
but he's always scared
scared that war would return
or someone was scheming behind his back, planning his death
yet when he sleeps in your arms every evening, kids huddled around you as well
he feels comforted
like he can protect you at all times
that's all the will he needs to live and protect you
Wen Ning:
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you meet him at cloud recesses at age 15
you were dragged by Wuxian towards Wen Ning's practice spot
Wen Ning was trying to aim when he spotted the two of you
the poor boy almost had a heart attack when he saw a new person with Wuxian
this causes his arrow to shift, flying your way before hitting the tree next to your head
you, however, didn't even flinch
which surprises both boys
you're like Wuxian, very talkative
you talk to Wen Ning afterwards as well
he likes listening to you
opens up to you and you fall in love
he gets extremely excited and if he had a tail, it would be wagging from side to side
you become great friends
and his sister approves, which makes Wen Ning even happier
he invites you over for tea or food
and you just chat with each other about you day or about your past
loves to hear what your home was like
you miss him a lot when he leaves to return to the Wen clan
and then all of a sudden
he's gone
just gone, no explanation
and you don't see him again until he's already the ghost general
he doesn't remember you fully until some memory pushes forward
you baby him immediatley
and scold Wuxian, because Wen Ning looks too pale to your liking and you hate the chains he drags along with him
he takes them off eventually (except for the one around his torso)
you're both very busy
he with Wuxian and you with your clan
but once everything is over
you meet again
you even join him while he goes on the adventure with Sizhui (spin-off movie: The living dead)
you get injured and he becomes so worried
until Sizhui tells him that you're fine
but even then
because what if you die from infection????
you joke at one point that you'd become like him
the joke flies over his head at that point
but he starts to blur out strange things
one of which is that he can't loose you
because he loves you
you just watch until he realizes what he said
and his face just starts turning pink
something you didn't think was possible
but you return the confession by kissing his forehead softly
(you forgot about Sizhui, who was in the same room)
(awkward bean is just smiling)
after the confession, it's still a bit awkward
Neither of you really know what to do in the relationship
but you figure it out after awhile
not that either of you minded hugging each other awkwardly
you marry pretty late, a year after you started dating
it's not really a wedding
more of a gathering
you just gave vows in front of friends/family
what you didn't know is that Wen Ning asked your family first
when you do find out, you go to Wen Qing's grave (not really a grave but rather a memorial) and ask for permission as well
After the wedding, he suddenly asks to braid your hair
and he's really good
learned from his sister
he likes brushing and braiding your hair a lot
it helps him relax his mind
and it takes your arm pains away, so you like it as well
two years into your marriage, you decide you want kids
but you don't have biological kids with Wen Ning
but you did adopt a few kids
mostly kids who were orphaned because of the "war" or other stuff
you have 3
but Wen Ning comes home with a fourth
you just accept it
he's a great father
always playing with the kids happily
and spoiling them
he can't say no...
which leads to hilarious situations
like finding his hair in various braids =knots
it takes you hours to take all of them out once the kids are asleep
comes to the point that you just teach them how to braid
now they braid his and your hair
even with the large braid you already had, you could see several smaller braids that they made (they were very visible)
and then the larger one from Wen Ning
with a red thread woven through per your request
you make sure that its always visible, proud to have it
he cares a lot about his family and he'll protect you at all cost
and you'd do the same
Jin Zixuan:
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you meet at cloud recesses
he's not particularly nice to you
he's made fun of your different appearance
but you can see him looking as his group walks off snickering
the lingering gaze
and his eyes clearly show doubt
so you don't take it fully to heart
but it still hurts
because even if he doesn't mean it, others agree and laugh
he notices and the comments lessen from his side
but then the others find out
Wuxian is the one to take action (of course)
you had never heard so many creative curse words
and all were slung Zixuan's way
afterwards you approach Zixuan
tell him to ignore Wuxian's antics
but to your surprise, he bows a full 90 degrees
and apologizes
when you don't answer, he looks up to see your panicked expression
and he gets on his knees instead (?!)
you are quick to pull him up onto his feet
he's a future clan leader, no way he had to be seen on his knees in front of you
you tell him he doesn't have to apologize anymore, the first was enough
his clan members don't stop though
if anything it got worse
but they do it behind his back
only finds out when Wuxian yells at him again
never had he been so angry
he doesn't talk to his clan members about it yet
feels like the glare was enough
then he apologizes to you again
to which you pull him up again and smile
telling him that he has nothing to worry about
but he knows it's a lie
because Wuxian had screamed at him earlier
and didn't forget to mention that you cried because if the comments
but he doesn't say anything
until he sees you alone
and you were sadly looking at the stream in front of you while chucking stones in ever so often
he approaches you slowly, but you hear anyway
he doesn't know why you smile so brightly when you see him
it confuses him a bit, but he didn't think too much as he joins you
neither of you say anything
it's just silent
you don't talk about that moment the next day
but surprisingly, you meet every night
to just sit with each other in silence
until the 5th day
he finally speaks up
tells you to not listen to his clan members
because they're wrong
when you ask what he means
he just tells you that you're beautiful and unique (in a good way)
the rest of the night is silent again, but you sit closer to each other
and it isn't awkward anymore
you talk a bit more at night
you confide in him now
telling him what others say
and he'll be quick to debunk it
your marriage is announced later that week
in public by some Lanling Jin member
neither you nor Zixuan knew about it
but neither of you mind it that much
his "friends" have a lot to say about it though
and there not positive things (again)
it's in public as well, in the middle of the courtyard where everyone could hear
they probably thought that you would be embarrassed once Zixuan agrees with them
he doesn't
instead he argues back
and defends you whole heartily
which surprises everyone but you
your marriage only takes place when you're of age
it is a giant wedding, thousands of people attend the wedding
once dressed fully, you found yourself beautiful
and Zixuan definitely agreed
your hair was still down in the large braid with ornamental pieces in it
you also wore a heavy head piece (which looks a bit like a crown)
the red dress was also heavy, but it was beautiful nonetheless
you felt like a princess
but you couldn't ignore the whispers around you
your first night together is Zixuan trying to cheer you up
you actually cried at one point
but Zixuan is quick to lessen the thought
telling you every little thing he loves about you
which is everything
he spends the whole night telling you this
(in more than one way)
you only get your first child at age 23, 5 years into your marriage
a boy
looks like him, but has your hair
acts as a mix between you and Zixuan
is kind and patient, but a bit arrogant like Zixuan
not in a bad way though
just know his worth and is not afraid to use it to his advantage
a girl is born 2 years later
she looks more like you, almost exactly the same
but she acts like her father
quite a short temper
takes no sh*t
surprisingly, the two kids get along very well
especially if it comes to getting in trouble
(definitely not from your side)
someone talks bad about the family?
two little demons are watching
but they're very loved, even with some of the troubles they create
Zixuan learns to braid from you just so he can do his sons hair sometimes
even when your son prefers to wear it in a giant bun
so he braids your daughters hair instead
son eventually got jealous of it
so Zixuan makes a few braids to weave into the bun
now everyone was happy
Zixuan is a strict father
but your kids found a way
puppy eyes
courtesy of Wuxian
and there's no way he'll say no to that
you can
so he just comes to you while sulking
and you say no for him
he insists that the kids sleep in the same room for now
he's just worried for assassination
which is not that uncommon
kids usually end up in your bed though
huddled in between the two of you
and they're out by the time the sun is up
which gives you and Zixuan the opportunity to just cuddle
for like 5 minutes
then he has to start his duties
and you would start yours
that's how you live your lives
and neither of you would change it
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tangledinmdzs · 3 years
hands to hold - mdzs characters hcs
these mdzs characters wake up from a bad dream, and the first person they want to see is you 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Lan Xichen
it is always the same sight,
the same blood on his hands,
the same cold hilt of the sword,
the same force of a push that sends him back, far away, falling into an abyss of darkness
it is the same image that resides in his eyes, every single time he wakes up
when Lan Xichen blinks himself awake, he can’t ignore the tears that are already rolling down his face, the lump in throat that he tries to choke down
but it still makes his breath hitch with the effort, 
as his eyes adjust to the dark, because he is now wide awake,
he feels the warmth of a small hand on his chest, 
Xichen turns slowly, eyes landing and making out the picture of your still sleeping face
Xichen’s hand finds yours, interlocks your fingers together 
your hand in his grounds him, even in your sleep
Xichen turns fully to face you, his free arm reaching out to you
he brings you to rest in his arms, comforting himself with your closeness, 
you fit into his arms perfectly,
face nuzzling into his inner robes,
Xichen leans his head against the top of your head, takes in the soft scent of you beside him, around him, always with him
with the lingering scent of the Hanshi intermixed with you, Xichen finds sleep again
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Jiang Cheng
it is a sad thought to realize,
but Jiang Cheng doesn’t remember the time before the night terrors occurred
they are not always the same sights, or fears
but they are always terrifying, unresolved,
always angry 
hateful to him
perhaps it is a mirror of his subconsciousness 
Jiang Cheng wakes up painfully,
he sits up quickly in bed,
sweat dotting his brow,
a shaking in his hands that he can’t stop,
a heart beat so erratic that he would have thought that his organs were giving up on him,
the sound of your voice feels distant even though you both share the same bed,
he feels the blankets rustle, he’s scared that you are leaving him, just as everyone had
just as everyone else already did
before you know it, Jiang Cheng reaches out, grabs onto your arm,
you’re pulled roughly into a tight hug,
one where Jiang Cheng locks his tense arms so tightly around you you’re nearly suffocating,
one where he buries his face into your neck
one where you feel his warm tears, drip drip drip against your skin
“you have me, i’m right here, A-Cheng
“i’m right here,”
it takes a moment, a long quiet moment
but you always patient for him, and slowly his arms around you loosen to a breathable strength, 
one that frees your arms so that they can hug him and run your hand up and down his back,
you place a featherlight kiss upon the top of his head,
hold him even as his body shakes with the silent tears that leak out of his eyes
you hold him even when dawn breaks across the horizon
you would hold him forever
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Xue Yang
he rarely feels guilty 
but Xue Yang still has a conscience
 so all the blood,
splattered, puddled, pooled into things that had to be done,
usually tucked safely away
sometimes make their appearance after a particularly hard day,
when all his energy is drained,
where Xue Yang feels the most vulnerable,
sleep passes by in a wink, if he even managed to sleep at all
which is why when he closes his eyes, 
the nightmare comes back after a long time
feels the pain rupture from his fingers all the way down his arm like the very first time,
feels the angry, the sadness churn and take him whole
Xue Yang had always been too rational to believe in spirits, but they come to him now,
all the people that he’d killed merciless
he’s begging for mercy
“Xue Yang,”
he should know better than anyone, that the dead don’t stay dead
“Xue Yang-”
you let out a startled breath when Xue Yang’s holds a knife up in defense before his eyes are even fully open
at the sight of you, Xue Yang’s own teary eyes meet your surprised stare,
he’s frozen at the sight of his blade pointed at you
but you are calm, undeterred,
gentle as you lower his hand, remove the weapon and place it to the side
your actions are slow, deliberate, even the hand that lands softly on his face
at your warm palm on his face, Xue Yang deflates against the headboard, hands coming up to over lap and hold your
little does he know that he doesn’t have to hold to you,
when you would never leave him anyways
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tangledinmdzs · 3 years
Hey, I have no idea if I'm doing this correctly but can you please write how XY, JGY, JC and XXC would behave with a really close friend or even a s/o who is extremely caring?
you can skip this if you feel uncomfortable writing abt this subject, please take care of yourself!
this is cute! i’ve actually written a very similar request for meng yao that you can find here
i’ll be adding on the other characters now!
+*:ꔫ:*﹤  ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
Xue Yang
Xue Yang remembers everything that happens to him for the first time
and right now, 
sat under a naked tree on a hot, sweltering afternoon
with you’re leaned in front of him, 
dabbing the sweat from his brow
Xue Yang remembers
he watches you,
the funny concentration that you have on your face,
the way you have your sleeve wrapped up with the inside out, the softer material showing
how you use it to dab, almost feather light at his brow
Xue Yang blinks languidly, as your robe sleeve travels down his face, right under his chin to catch another drop of perspiration
when you share your water with him soon after,
Xue Yang has already engrained the scent of you
where your robe sleeves had lingered against his face
Jiang Cheng
it is just a graze, nothing that could have caused him immediate danger
but perhaps, because there was such a large stain of blood on his side, from carrying an inner disciple home
and the hems of his purple robes were splattered with mud and dirt
that you had acted the way that you did,
it is just a graze on his shoulder, 
where the bird demon had swooped in for a kill that it didn’t finish
it was nothing serious
but you look close to crying as you open the ointment to apply on his wound 
“i can do it myself,” Jiang Cheng begins but you simply ignore him, as you’ve gotten very good at 
you’re just his assistant, his personal assistant, but nonetheless still
perhaps he’d been too soft with you
“you can’t reach this anyhow,” you tell him softly, going to sit behind him 
he feels you lower the top of his robes,
just enough 
and then the coolness of the balm, and the delicate way that your fingers spread it against the burning wound
it is just a graze, 
but with the care and gentleness that he receives from you
he already feels better tenfold
Xiao Xingchen
Xingchen had always done everything by himself,
as a rogue cultivator, that was his lifestyle
as of recently becoming blind,
he only had his other senses to rely on 
Xingchen has not been cared for in a long time
because he could take care of himself just fine
yet when you stumble into his life,
a rogue cultivator injured, picked up on the way
and somehow simply chose to stay
Xingchen finds someone to rely on for the first time
and ever since he’s been blind, Xingchen had always changed the wrapping of his wounds himself
but on a foggy morning, 
where the sky is grey and little light peaks through
Xingchen beckons your help
and though he should feel vulnerable as you untie the white wrapping around his eyes and see his scars, his hurt
he doesn’t
just feels warm at the gentleness that you use as you change the wrapping,
the softness of your skin as your fingers brush against his cheek
and begins to get used to how your hand lingers at the back of his head
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