#fizridge flimflam
brotherhoodofvalor · 4 years
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First Night was a blast! Tonight is Day 2 of the Carnival! Starting at 5:00pm WRA. Here is what you can come and see!
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All the same vendors but with 2 new changes! Get readings from Caythaes Mekandawn at Booth 8! And get a Caricatures of your toons from Kieran at booth 7! They are doing a Raffle giveaway of character art! You can win a shiny like so!
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Market is open from 5:00pm - 7:15pm (vendors have the option to stay open the entire evening if they so desire) Carnival is open from 5:00pm - 7:00pm
MAKE SURE TO COME TO THE PRIZE BOOTH WITH YOU TICKETS! You get an actual prize with your tickets. We have loads of Battle pets that we are using as Plushies! Visit Lilcookie-WRA (Dyllie) if you Alliance // Keja and Tassos if your Horde!  ( Moonguardians you will need to give us a WRA character we can mail your prize too )
Performances start at 7:15pm (Here is your schedule for today!)
7:15pm - Fizridge Flimflam (MG Alliance) 7:30pm - Senegio (WRA Horde) 7:45pm - GOOD APPLES 8:00pm - GOOD APPLES 8:15pm -  GOOD APPLES
Raffles for the evening announced at 8:30pm (raffle links will be yelled out at the event) Today you can win a Chibi drawing for KelariCuddles
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Carnival Games and Booths for the Evening Kissing Booth - Grab a smooch from Alossard the King of Summer! Dressi and the Members of the Succulent Tarts: Phe, Jiro and Dice. ( Give rp gold donations to the Kissing Booth, the donations go towards The Arts!, program that teaches art education to children in Azeroth.   The bigger the donation the better the kiss!)   (you can tip the volunteers from this booth if you wish with real in game gold but its not required)
Crayon Artist Jam will be here! He has some new crayons and is ready to draw you some Crayon Art!
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Samples of this amazing feat of the lil Vulpera is below! Look at his amazing art of Darnu!
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Games Dunk Booth Whack a Murloc
At 9:00pm Starts the Hyjal Rave!
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Get all your maps here!
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gnomeskillet · 4 years
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You know him, you love him! It’s the man, the myth, the legend! The Darkmoon Devil himself; the one, the only FIZRIDGE FLIMFLAM!!
This here fine foxy fellow is @songsandsorcery ‘s Art Raffle Prize commission, and boy, was he fun to work on. The character himself is an utter delight to watch, and as a gnome fan, his design just hits all the right buttons. Fun, fabulous, and full of unique features that make him interesting to draw.
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songsandsorcery · 4 years
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We love a coordinated power couple. 😳🥺
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songsandsorcery · 4 years
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Is it REALLY a ship until you draw them in awful matching t-shirts? They probably got these on clearance from the Darkmoon ticket redemption counter or something. ( Hey, when you're about three feet tall you learn not to be picky with couple's wardrobes options. )
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songsandsorcery · 4 years
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You know him, you love him! The one and only Darkmoon Devil will be livin’ it up on the sunny shores of Stranglethorn next month in some sharp threads inspired by the noisy and colorful macaws that make their homes atop the jungle canopy. Call it a case of kindred spirits!
SUPER STOKED to participate in my very first STVBB Art Fight! I flip-flopped for a good bit before settling on a team ... but I know deep in my heart that Fiz’s place is in the sky. Come fight me! >:)
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songsandsorcery · 4 years
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How the boys spent their Beach Bash ...
🍨 Ziti made some friends on the waterside by conjuring them some frosty treats!
🍹 Intamin and Luminess minded their business 💅
🔥 Fizridge took thotty selfies to send to his boyfriend ... and to cope with his last break up.
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songsandsorcery · 4 years
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Who'da thunk a mild-mannered man in armor would totally be Fiz's type? Sig doesn't wear it half-bad. 😳
A gift for my dear friend and RP partner! I love this pose so much and feel it really highlights their height difference ...  I've been meaning to draw Siggy all kitted up for awhile now! The contrast in their designs and demeanor always makes me feel ... 🥺
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songsandsorcery · 4 years
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Previously ...
I told myself I’d make at least one comic page this year and my RP partners deliver inspiration in spades. Here’s Siggy & Fizridge sharing a tender moment during a night spent stargazing in Seradane. I feel like Sig’s voice really shone through in these pieces of dialogue but honestly everything his mun writes is worthy of a visual. I love them so much. 🥺
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songsandsorcery · 4 years
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❝ I’ve gotten drunk and shot the breeze with kings of far off lands They showed me wealth as far as I could see But their kingdoms seemed all shrively, and they cried with jealousy When I leaned in and told them about you. ❞
Patreon award from the ever-amazing Anzka, who never ceases to blow me away with her monthly sketchbooks. She did a stupendous job as per usual with breathing life into my request. Everything about this is positively electric and I adore it. 🥺
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songsandsorcery · 5 years
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Yska beams up to Fizridge like a little sun as he looks over her gift, the vulpera's tail swishing to-and-fro whilst his eyes scan the parchment. On the front of the folded piece of paper someone had written "THE DARKMOON DEVIL" in an elaborate, scrolling marquee script.
Fizridge boggles by some margin, taken aback by the exquisite handiwork. A pair of pale eyes flick up to Yska, unsure, the ensuing words careful. "Did ... did'ja make this?" He inquires, nose scrunched and eyes narrowed in a squint. "I mean, I've gotten fanmail before, but ..."
Fizridge pauses. A rare display of confusion. "Do I ... open it?"
“Yes! And ... yes!” Yska throws her head back with a chirp, her voice positively gleeful. "I spent a lot of time writing things! So I practice. I tried to make it like your signs!" Thyme is practically vibrating beside her, his tongue lolling as he looks to the pair with wide puppy-eyes.
Fizridge looks back down to the card, uncreasing the spine with gentle fingers and lowering his head to peer against the encroaching gloom. He can spy a neatly penned message upon the page: "THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! Your biggest fan, Yska." A massive list of names spiral out from the center in a winding, handwritten scrawl, snaking across the paper and seeming just about ready to spill off the page. 
The names of his carnies. His pride and joy. His family.
"You said you said you really had just a A Real Day yesterday, so -- I thought this would help! Sage Thyme helped me!"
The gnoll holds up a paw, his tail wagging with unfettered mirth. "Thyme signed with his paw!"
"He did!"
The ringleader gawks at the page, his face alight with rapt, starstruck awe ... time seems to slow, his heartbeat a vicious and loud thing within his ears, before the facade comes crashing down with an ecstatic, elated, LOUD laugh! Soon enough Fizridge is throwing his head back, cackling wildly in such a way that the cacophonous noise carries across the market square.
With no warning the gnome reaches to snare Yska and Thyme into a warm hug, sandwiching himself between his beloved friends and burying his face into the gnoll's neck. His shoulders shake with each successive laugh before they plateau, soft and genuine as he murmurs his thanks.
"It's fuckin' perfect."
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songsandsorcery · 4 years
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Miz and Fizridge had a heart to heart while running a game of Drunken Dragon during this past Faire Week ... He didn't take his advice.
( Upper left image in the last panel was drawn by HearTheHowling! )
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songsandsorcery · 5 years
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A portrait of Fizridge Flimflam and his Darkmoon Eye done during World’s Faire Carnival by Calria Dawnbrook. Ever the muse! Absolutely rendered for the possession of his admirers, but you don’t need to know that.
World’s Faire Carnival for St. Jude’s Hospital
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songsandsorcery · 5 years
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A devilishly dashing gnome of Darkmoon design, Fizridge Flimflam is a fine specimen of carnival showmanship wrapped up in one punty package. This bawdy bard has sown a path of spurned suitors a mile wide, owing much of his success to his fetching demeanor and arguably good looks … so far as gnomes are concerned, anyways.
I will forever mourn how much Fiz doesn’t look like his in-game model, but, hey, it gives me an excuse to jump on the model editing bandwagon! 😏
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songsandsorcery · 4 years
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What are you looking at? This is just a normal pandaren. No arcane trickery here. No siree. Move along now.
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songsandsorcery · 4 years
What's the story behind Fiz and the polite-looking little fellow with the glasses? (sorry for dropping in out of the blue, I hope that's okay, it's just... they seem cute... I enjoy seeing the green bard boy pop up on my dash and want good things for him)
Uh oh. You’ve done it now. You’ve unlocked ... THE BACKSTORY. Exposition ahead!
A true story of opposites attract, Fizridge and Siggy entertain an unlikely romance that's no less genuine in its warmth despite the sheer incongruity of their personalities.
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Fresh off the heels of love lost, Fizridge met Siggy much by chance while wandering the Mage Quarter during the month of Love is in the Air. The bard had found himself entrenched in a particularly volatile conversation with a mechagnome noble, arguing against the incensed politics regarding mechanical upgrades and the loss of bodily autonomy prevalent under King Mechagon's regime.
Siggy Mindticker, a neurologist and author currently pioneering a study on body dysphoria in mechagnomes, couldn't help but overhear the conversation and step in as a mediator. He insisted that differences would be best discussed over a drink and good company, leading the trio to retire to The Blue Recluse for a night of revelry ... and significantly less political discourse.
With tongues loosened over the comfort of a good drink, Siggy quickly discovered the source of Fizridge's cantankerous behavior. Love is in the Air had put him in a foul mood, compounded with a general feeling of being slighted by an old flame that'd pulled out of port only to never return. Sig took note of this and excused himself from the Recluse, returning within a few minutes with ... a rose?
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Fizridge had admittedly pegged Siggy for little more than a nosy bookworm looking to play hero, possessing somewhat of a bias against Gnomeregan natives due to his frequent inability to get along with them. ( Condescension and haughty attitudes chief among the reasons why. ) For the plucky doctor to fly in the face of his assumption was definitely a deciding factor for him to pursue Siggy romantically, especially when Fizridge was so used to being the one that initiated flirting. The role-reversal was new ... and exciting. The nerdy little dude was maybe the tiniest bit handsome too, okay?
The two struck up an easy camaraderie, ending that night above the Stormwind Harbor overlook as they gazed at the stars. Sig proved to be a calming presence, working past those walls with little effort and encouraging conversation before the night came to a close. Fizridge extended the invitation to see each other again, discovering that the man was a Stormwind local and setting one of his many worries at ease; his last partner had been an adventurer that frequently left him on standby. Siggy offered stability. Uh oh.
In the course of a night Fizridge definitely started pining after this dude, but in a way entirely foreign to him. Gone was the smarm and wheedling flirts, no foot shoved in a potential opening as the bard did nothing to push their time past bedroom doors. At the end of the night, Fiz and Sig went their separate ways with little more than a promise to see each other again. Why did that make him feel weird?
Fizridge and Sig next met up at the Stormwind Market, allowing the doctor a chance to see Darkmoon’s Finest in action as he was treated to a game of Drunken Dragon. Following the market Sig was invited to play a round of Lucky Sevens amongst the carnival troupe ... with the ever-so-high stakes of Truth or Dare! Sig walked away with a cool three wins, leading the Finest to accuse Fizridge of loading his dice ... something he eagerly refuted by propositioning Siggy regardless of his win: Truth or Dare?
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Fizridge limped away from the entanglement with more than a bruised ego, his mind swirling with a fair amount of confusion and anger. Why did something as simple as a stupid prank upset him so much? Why did Sig’s forwardness catch him so off-guard? ... Why did he want his first kiss with him to be different? He didn’t have a problem making out with strangers before. Taking things slow isn’t Fizridge’s style, so what gives?
Sig later apologized through a letter and the two agreed to meet up again. They reconciled over some tea and, hey, even made up for that kiss. A peck and nothing more. So not his style, but he’s found that he likes this guy. Likes him enough to, uh, maybe ease up the flirting with strangers just a bit. Oh no.
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In the weeks that followed the two men found that they enjoyed one another’s company past tea and idle chit-chat. Siggy offered Fizridge a space to let his walls down and be vulnerable. Fizridge encouraged Siggy to get out of his shell and start pursuing his passions again. The bard found he adored the man’s stupid jokes, or the way his eyes lit up when he enthused him about the inner workings of the Gnomish brain ... everything so ridiculously, properly gnomish seemed to, against all odds, be a draw. Which made it all the more exciting when the doctor subverted his expectations and brought a more devious side out to play in private.
Siggy had Fizridge pinned as polyamorous from day one and broached the topic eloquently, initiating an admittedly painful conversation wherein Fizridge agreed to give monogamy a shot, just for him. The flirting would remain a staple of his show persona, but once the spotlights dimmed and the curtains fell, he’d go home to Siggy. No one else.
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This ... admittedly brought with it some difficulties. Do remember the heartbreak that Fizridge had been nursing his heart over when he and Sig initially met. Vaskel, a Blackwater Raider who Fizridge had an on-and-off relationship with, reared his head when the bard was already well into his relationship with Sig. Facing an impending relocation to Kalimdor, the pirate returned to bid farewell one last time ... and proposition Fizridge to run away with him.
He said no.
Despite still loving Vaskel deeply and sorely wishing things had ended up different, Fizridge knew it was extremely unfair to Sig to even consider the idea. For him to turn him down spoke volumes about the depth of his loyalty in regards to Siggy, particularly because of Fizridge’s still-present feelings for Vaskel.
Their relationship has followed a pattern of push and pull, a never-ending game of discovering one another’s weaknesses and accounting for them. Fizridge finds it difficult to slow down, but finds Siggy’s companionship worth the effort. There’s still that omnipresent fear: what if he moves too fast? Comes on too strongly? What if he messes things up? He always does, after all. That’s why Posy left. That’s why things with Ziti never worked out. That’s why Sparksie won’t talk to him. How can the hands of a thief ever hold him like he deserves?
Part of him wonders if those fears will ever abate, but for now, Sig is there to help him every step of the way, and Fizridge thinks himself the luckiest gnome in the world for it.
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Presently Fizridge and Siggy are in a committed monogamous relationship, though most of the carnival circuit isn't aware of such. Fizridge has proven to be rather secretive of the whole affair, though not purposefully so. A womanizing stage persona acts as quite the red-herring. Who could be the mysterious mainland paramour that’s snared the heart of none other than the Darkmoon Devil himself?
The fact of the matter is: Siggy is probably the closest thing Fizridge has ever had to a good, stable partner he has a real future with. He's fiercely protective of this part of his life and, as it stands? He's more than satisfied with their private affairs to feel like the whole world needs to know. ( He'll still eagerly regale you with anecdotes should you ask politely, and never fails to bring Sig up when speaking of things that remind him of the doctor. )
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songsandsorcery · 4 years
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❝ They tell me they're below me, I act like I'm above. The people blend together, but I would be lost without their love. ❞
✨ Pin-up featuring Fizridge back in his headlining days, following a moment's respite after a night spent on stage.  🔥
🔞 Adult variants can be found on my NSFW twitter!
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