#she lured me in to kiss me đŸ«”đŸœ
fizzytoo · 1 year
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kissing in the dark room <333
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lagncx · 4 months
Ch:2 (poetic titleđŸ«”đŸœ)
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Karlach tied you up against a tree not too far from camp, Astarion stood by her and watched “Karlach, darling not too tight.” he said it came out more as a plea than a suggestion “Listen Astarion, they're fine and secured. Why do you even care?” Astarion opened his mouth but was interrupted “No wrong question, how do you know them?” He stayed silent. “You got some talking to do star.” Karlach walked towards the camp to where Gale was being tended to by Shadowheart. The others were all around the fire and eyes went on Astarion as he sat in between Wyll and Tav. It was only a few minutes till Karlach and the others joined.
  It was a long silence till Halsin leaned forward “Before we ask anything we must know what our next course of action will be if they attack again. The day we’re safe but at night we’re sitting ducks.” Halsin looked around Gale sighed “Well
” he rubbed his face in exhaustion “we could use daylight to enchant our torches and put them around and maybe some mines in the more dense shadow area” Tav nodded “Now that we have well what seemed like their leader maybe they won’t be so brave.” Tav pushed their shoe into the dirt watching the dirt push forward with the force. Wyll cut the planning short “Astarion.” He said sternly “I pulled this off our new guest” he put a ring in astarions hand which made him scoff “What a nice gift Wyll I adore shiny things.” Astarion went to put it on but the pad of his pinky felt cuts in the metal like it was engraved with something “You feel it don’t you?” Wyll said everyone watched Astarion blinked and looked at the ring reading it Wyll spoke as he read “That ring is made from the purest materials and dedicated to the phoenix family, an unstoppable family of monk soldiers in Baldurs gate.” Gale raised his hand “Didn't they die out a century ago? My mother used to tell us tales about the family, saying that if we were to meet one and pray to them we would get special guardians.” Wyll nodded “Exactly so if they were all confirmed to be wiped out. Why would one of them still be here and be a spawn to Cazador?” Though Wyll knew the answer Karlach looked at everyone “Astarion knows them. So, Astarion?” Astarion just glared at the campfire. Tav rubbed his shoulder “We just wanna know how you know them
I won’t force you but we need to be together on this. Remember
friends?” Astarion looked at Tav nodding 
  “I just thought Cazador was being cocky
why would he make me hunt down some big-time Royal
    Another body grab for Cazador was simple; of course, he sent his most trusted spawn, Astarion. Cazador decided to give him a challenge. Lure and seduce the owner of this home which in his favor was accessible since there was a huge party.
  The manor was huge and filled with a crowd. People were dancing and colors of clothes mixed in an ocean into a current and he smiled enjoying this moment. He hummed sitting himself in between a gossiping pair and a couple who were kissing loudly to his left he relaxed listening to the gossip 
  “I heard the person who earns this place is very handsome!” His ears twitched and he smiled in his cup, handsome? 
    He’d have to see This charmer. Astarion with his honey-sweet voice looked at the woman who was giggling with her friend “Sorry for my eavesdropping pretty one but, will the owner be making an appearance tonight?” He hummed in curiosity and the girl blushed “Well, we were told he would be but it’s impossible to know!” she smiled kindly at him and he returned and sat back in his seat keeping an eye out for someone who looked important. It didn't take long before people started to part ways for a certain someone to come through, you.  Your smile was wide all teeth shining, perfect. You must've been the one Cazador sent Astarion into the dead of night to snatch up. Astarion saw how you shook everyone's hand and showed genuine concern when people would vent or complain practically biting your ear off. Astarion started to sail through the crowd, almost losing sight of you several times until he clumsily bumped into your side. “Are you alright?” he looked up and saw you feeling your hand holding him stable against the bustling of people around the both of you. Feeling the uncomfiness radiating off you he placed his hand over yours that held his shoulder “Just dizzy oh my
 can we go get some fresh air if you’d like?” He smiled and you just nodded your face soft, trusting. Perfect.
  You lead the way knowing this home, of course, you open doors leading you both to the balcony stars in the sky and music in the distance are very very faded leaving a calming balance of nature and music when you both lean against the balcony “God, sometimes people can suck the life out of you huh?” you chuckled and Astarion looked at you smiling. However, his thoughts were plagued with how you'd be in for a surprise and how he would proceed before your voice probed his thoughts. “I almost forgot how to just enjoy this.” You smiled at him
    “Enjoy what?” he tilted his head looking at how you turned your head to the grass and the overview of the city and the stars, the outside, the world. 
     “That” Astarion looked out the same way he saw a prison a place that he once loved turned against his will to a hunting ground returning his find to the king that would punish him if he didn't or even just for fun. “It's the sounds I guess, the way the lights of homes flicker and reflect the stars in the sky the sound of leaves rustling just to be away from the loudness.” He watched as you turned to him and the way you laughed shyly “Sorry I sound like an idiot.” you apologized and Astarion snaked a hand into your open one “No it's okay, I like the poetic ones.” he purred “Excuse me?” He saw the way your throat moved as you swallowed the spit in your mouth taken aback. “Well all I'm saying is I bumped into you and, You look alone and maybe I can fix that” Astarion truly hated being alone but he's got no choice how could he trust anyone, not even his judgment, his brain fighting itself to pursue this sabotage of you cause he was getting butterflies like a small boy no he has to do this or it’ll be his head. The sooner he got you vulnerable and fast asleep the sooner Astarion could get back to his so-called home and not suffer any of Cazadors sadistic punishment maybe. Maybe he'll be too busy with you. “Well-
I'm not so sure'' your tongue fought with your teeth that held it down “Please, I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to.” Astarion slipped his hand past your arm resting on your waist as his ruby eyes cursed you—hook line sinker. 
  You opened the door to your room the bed stood a dark mahogany wood color and the bed had soft and silk-like sheets As Star ran his hand over the fabric before falling onto the bed “Gods
this is amazing. Oh you must have fun, all of this” he waved around the room with its extravagant decor and design he felt like this was a blessing, a comfy room that in a way matched him but it didn’t match you. You just smiled while taking off your shoes before sitting on the bed. “Yes, it has its perks but don’t get ahead of yourself, I'm not fortunate enough to sleep in my comfort zone all day.” Astarion hummed wanting you to continue “Always on the move, learning how to run this city..not this city but my father's community, being the Phoenix royalty it's all up to me to defend everyone. I'm a weapon and a protector.” you laid your head back staring at the ceiling, the candles illuminating the room mildly. Astarion rubbed his fingers through your hair, feeling how your body tensed from his nails scraping your scalp as his chest pressed against you. “It must be so hard. All that stress” he pushed his fingers into your shoulder working the knots and hearing your sigh of relaxation he smiled. Astarion rubbed his mouth on your shoulder before pecking it softly..one then two then waited. One then two pecks then wait..
  You got up when his hand traveled to your pants' waistband. “Did
did I do something wrong?” He sat there looking up at you. “No it’s just
I. I’m not a stranger to sex but I’ve never really
you know” You mumbled, Astarion smiled “That’s just fine darling
I can teach you.” Astarion lifted his shirt revealing his toned stomach and soft skin “Come here.” He smiled laying back as he pulled you in by hand. Astarion felt sick thinking of all the other people he let use him all for Cazador..his body wasn’t his anymore just a vessel. When you climbed on top of him your hips were between his legs. Astarion held whatever could support him and he closed his eyes
waiting for it, anything revealing your true colors like others before you, a kiss of rough desire, an order, the ripping of his clothes, memories flooded of all the cruelty his body has faced mind flashing to Cazadors long and torturous carving on his back.
   But you just kissed his forehead. Astarions eyes snapped open and he looked at you. Your face was covered with your hair and the light worked against your face since it was dressed in shadow. “Let’s just not
 Please? let's Enjoy each other’s company” You lifted yourself off of him walking away.      
   Astarion laid there a sense of relief, a sense of fear. Cazador wanted you tonight. As vulnerable as possible he said it was urgent. Astarion got up pulling on his shirt. “I would love to stay with you but I'm going to be missed by my people at home darling. Maybe I’ll return.” You turned to him sitting at a writing desk book in hand with a somewhat sad look on your face “Oh alright
are you walking?” You asked, “Hm, yes I am.” Astarion started and heard you get up “But! I can handle myself.” He smiled, but what was he thinking he needed you to follow him “I know you can but it’s still courteous to walk you, it’s just a Royal thing to do” you joked. Astarion looked at you as you grabbed a dagger. “Just in case someone tries to hurt you, Pearl.” You smiled, attaching it to your side.
    Astarion and you walked the night streets, people stopping to admire you. They knew who you were and your power; it was a rising myth that if people saw you it meant protection for generations. So people started to pray to you and your family. Astarion looked at you as you greeted everyone who crossed your path. “You seem social for someone so cut off.” Astarion observed “Of course, I love the people. They all believe in me.” You smiled “They believe in some myth all they want is something from you.” Astarion sighed, so naive he thought. “Oh yeah and how do you know it’s a myth?” You laughed. Astarions face twisted “I refuse to believe you can watch over generations of people. It’s ridiculous. A children’s tale.” Astarion stopped a bit of way from cazadors home. “This is as far as you go.”
    Astarion swallowed a bit of spit. He knew what was coming. “Well
maybe a goodbye kiss?” Your fingers slipped into his hand and you looked at it “Are you cold or something?” You raised a brow “Oh sweetheart he’s always freezing” a voice that made Astarion’s ears twitch and his hair stand on his neck, Cazador. You turned around facing the man. “My my
 you're a sight to see in person. Taller than expected” Cazadors hands touched your face, your brows lowered, you turned to Astarion your face turned to a look of disgust. You smelled it out as soon as Cazador touched you..betrayal. “Astarion, my loyal servant, brought you to me just as ordered
a duck stranded from her mother.” You sighed “Sorry but you don’t know who the fuck you're messing with. I don’t need my father to hover over me. Darkness follows me everywhere and so does light.” With that, your hand flashed bright the power of the heat of the sun as you grabbed Cazador with his screams of pain filling the quiet night. Astarion stepped back hesitant, almost enjoying seeing his tormentor being roasted, but between running away or pushing you off if he ran, what If Cazador found him
took him. Who would he have if he ran? What did he owe you? Nothing, not a dime. So he took his dagger from his hip and stabbed you in the shoulder. You screamed letting go of Cazador who was ten seconds away from bursting into flames. You looked at the dagger fingers wrapping around the handle pulling it out of your flesh, the rigged beat-up edge pulling at the muscle as you pulled it out, you were something though. Your hands glowed a soft green and you sustained yourself ignoring the pain. The dagger was out and your eyes snapped to Astarion, your nose twitched and you felt your body go numb the dagger fell out of your hands, something was wrong with the dagger..laced with poison your eyes felt heavy and you fell on the hard stone street as you fell asleep and the sick laughter was all that filled your ears your eyes only focused on one thing. Astarion, the pretty ones are always trouble huh?

   Your body jolted awake your mouth was dry air hitting it with your panicked breaths, a metal bar holding it open, and your teeth ached, you felt woozy the need to scratch your back was all that could fill your mind but your hands
where were they? Well, you weren't missing them but they felt frozen solid from the lack of blood that flowed to them. Your arms were chained, you could feel your skin peeling from the rusty chains and your stomach growled. How long were you out for? Days? Weeks? It didn't matter what did matter was getting out of these damn chains. You closed your eyes channeling every ounce of power and strength and pulled pushing yourself forward you heard the whines from the old metal that pulled against you; you just growled at their wails pulling more and more. “Please little one, do not struggle. It will be for nothing” you snapped to the figure whose eyes bore into you like rays from the sun, oh what you'd give to see the sun and pray to it. “You know little one, you're very fortunate” He took a brush to your hair “My other spawn even that little beauty that caught you for me” You lunged at him the memories flooding back, this cocky son of a bitch had the nerve to touch you, That cunning tongue, fucking snake had the nerve, to stab you! Speak to you and warm you up. Just what you get, protector of the people! You’ll kill him, Crush that pretty throat in your own hands and this hideous man in front of you. “Now now, I understand your anger darling I do. But he was doing exactly what I asked of him, But back to what I was saying. I know what you're thinking ‘Oh you think you're big? Kidnapping me, part of a Royal family. Known to be protectors of Baldurs gate and half of faerun.’ Well, I did my homework.” Your eyes focused behind the figure of the ranting man. A cell
with other people in it both men and women, they watched you from afar. They had sad empty eyes; they didn’t glow as red as the one in front of you. It didn’t take long for him to notice your gaze. He took your chin forcing your eyes to look up at him “Pay attention!” He let go before brushing your hair again “So much dirt and blood
I’ll have you cleaned soon
” he sighed, nails combing through your hair “You see, I need you. You’ve been trained to track and kill almost everything. You’re the youngest out of your two siblings and you were the best choice cause you were lonely and naive.” You yanked your chains in disagreement “Struggle against it all you want but it’s the truth little one. You were so alone, in that big house training day after day while your father came to my masked parties during the night to look at all the grotesquely dressed women and indulge in his alcoholic tendencies.” He chuckled, “Such a fun man to be around.” Your father? Now you know this guy, he used to invite your father to these get-togethers all the time leaving you alone at home while your brothers ran off with only the guards and maidens to keep you company. The letters you would pick from the main hall's table would always be written in red ink ending in a splotch.
“I know what good your family has done for this city
but I know all the atrocities you could commit.” You struggled to talk the bar tight in your mouth. “Right now
you’re not broken yet. But like all the most fierce of beasts, you will break.” You felt a hand on your chest, your heart beating faster “Your family was blessed, blessed by the sun where no heat could melt your spirits, that the dark would bow to you and witness all your light. The power to watch over every living thing just as the sun does. It took me a long time to figure out why you called yourselves the Phoenix royals but now I know, because you live forever the sun has molded your heart with its soul. You'll forever burn bright.” You felt his hand claw into your chest, your eyes poured out tears and your nose ran with snot. The pain was unbearable. You screamed in pain, spit, and tears dripped down your chin. The hand removed itself and it left you more empty than before. Your breaths were shallow your eyes landed on the bloody hands of Cazador his smile was wide tears of his dropping “It's beautiful'' you sobbed in defeat your heart beating in front of your face it glowed a bright orange it was young and healthy but all it took was one crush and you'd be ash, onto another life. Cazador held it close to his own heart, mumbling sweet things under his breath. He opened a velvet chest with gold locks putting your heart on a cushion, closing it he locked it he looked up at you his eyes red.
   “Now, you belong to me.” 
—————— yea I made up a Royal monk family sorry if you no like it. But erm yah!
-SZA pretty little bird-
‘You are but a phoenix among feathers You're broken by the waves among the sea, They'll let you die, they'll let you wash away, But you swim as well as you fly, Pretty little bird, pretty little bird’
@beepersteeper @chaoticgoodstuff
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