medinaquirin · 6 years
flameysaur replied to your post “If anybody wants to buy me a rootbeer and some french fries I will...”
How can I do that?
From several states away, it might take a miracle.  But like, ilu anyway <3
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skiptomy · 7 years
I'm listening to No Dice. It's really fun. I'm so happy it's on google play. Other podcasting apps don't always work well with my phone and I don't have an iPhone so I'm happy this is easy to listen to. Great job on the first episode. Nana is so much fun. I can't wait to hear more adventures.
We’ve got the next two adventures recorded and oh man, this game has been so fun so far. Just wait till episode two, there’s some bIIGG things that happen 
V u O
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Tabris twins!
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
The ever lovely and adorable Tabris twins not murder you
at least
not to your face
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qeeko · 7 years
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Farmers of the Valley, Thomas and Effie. I've been super bogged down with work and with commissions so I've not done a lot of personal art in a while. However this piece is one I worked on a little bit by little bit in the background of my other jobs, something cute for stress relief and really took my time on it. By now a lot of you have seen Thomas around my blog, I love drawing him so. He's a big fella and rather a sweetheart, and I really wanted to illustrate him being playful. The cutie he's giving surprise hugs to is Effie, @flameysaur 's adorable little farmer who is going to begin featuring in future Stardew Valley moments, where we hope you'll enjoy getting to know her for her fishing expertise and adventures with the forest spirits.
It was also amusing to me and flameysaur that we both chose a black top with a blue neck accessory and blue pants for our farmers' sprites, so I've attempted to make their outfits differ between tones and design. It all comes down to interpretation ^^ I'm nearly done with my next couple of commissions so hopefully the art dry spell won't be so long.
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thedosianexplorer · 7 years
I seriously only have one instance of the word “stop” in a WIP: No Marcher soldiers will stop us. Even if Ostwick sends soldiers too.It’s from the lead-in to Protect Clan Lavellan, narrated by Inquisition Scout Clare Trevelyan. 
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fawx-fire · 3 years
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Commission - FRIEND This one took me a while for a few reasons, not the least of which being I really wanted to do justice to the character concept. Meet Friend, a spider shifter who just wants to have a good time and for no one to see his face, ever. He's a rooty-tooty gun shooty guy that does a whole lot of murder and we love him for it. For my dear friend @flameysaur, who is patient and lovely <3 Check out my commission post HERE for one of your own!
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sfiddy · 4 years
Female Character meme
Rules: name your top 10 favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people
Thanks to @rienerose​ for the tag!
1.  Ellie Arroway from Contact (book and movie, Carl Sagan)
She’s an explorer and a scientist and this, specifically:
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Yeah, I may identify strongly with this character.
2.  Jane Foster from MCU
Similar.  I wish there was more celebration for the loving way Natalie Portman showed Jane’s utter delight at the first part of Dark World.
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3. Elizabeth Bennet:
She who needs no introduction.  Razor sharp commentary and a blind spot a mile wide you can chuck an entire estate through.
4.  Darcy Lewis, MCU
We don’t deserve this brilliance.
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5.  The ladies of The Mandalorian
Special shout out to these bosses who low-key took charge without needing a line-up pan shot to show us LOOK THEY HAVE BOOBS AND THEY’RE ON CAMERA LOVE OUR FRANCHISE PLEEEESE.  It just was.  Massive props to Favreau and his team on this.  
6.  Leslie Knope, Parks and Rec
God, she’s so hard working and sweet and weird and WHOLE.  She’s a whole-ass character, without being nasty, mean, or serial killer.  She loves waffles, her lady friends, and public service.  Also a hot dork named Ben.  
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7.  Katara, Avatar the Last Airbender
Self-taught warrior.  A dozen chances to give up.  A teen/young woman with the will to save the world is always going to rank high in my book.  The world loves to crap all over idealism and hope.  The world can fuck itself-- we’re going to save it in spite of itself.
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8.  Christine Daae
She’s worked hard, overcome a lifetime of challenges.  And now these bastards.  My favorite fictional stage artist with a mighty fine love triangle.
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9. Belle/Beauty, Beauty and the Beast (various)
There’s hundreds of variations, but they all center on some common themes.  When those themes coincide with ‘the boy stops being a douchecanoe and acts like a member of society’ it is my fave.
10.  Sarah Conner, Terminator series
Badass.  Mic drop.
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I’m gonna tag @mtr-amg​ , @vampyrekat​, @mariequitecontrarie​, @another-chorus-girl​, @nerdfishgirl​, @crankynerdgirl​, @flameysaur​, @likeadove​, @spottytonguedog​, @thestraggletag​, @when-it-rains-it-snows​ as an invitation!
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jensencart · 6 years
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This just in, a sparkly Bardbarian and her two goth murder elves are off on a whirlwind adventure. Dragon kin will be either adopted or seduced, paladins will be pranked, and character development will happen whether they want it to or not
Giselle belongs to @fawxdraws
Colt belongs to me
Nisa belongs to @flameysaur
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audreyii-fic · 6 years
reylo: fake relationship au
requested by @flameysaur and @gosavebensolo
600 word drabble courtesy of this prompt post. Embrace ALL the tropes!
“What are you doing?”
“What do you think I’m doing?”
Kylo was going to kill her. (Not literally – though he’d done that for the First Order, he’d sold his soul for the First Order.) “I think,” he growled, taking Rey’s arm and steering her towards a quiet hallway, “that you are trying my generosity.”
“Wrong. I’m doing my job.”
Her job. Rey Johnson, newest member of FBI Director Organa’s organized crime task force, whose youthful face masked a vicious tenacity, had devoted herself to the task of Taking Down Snoke’s First Order. The fact that this was impossible didn’t seem to occur to her.
Kylo should have outed her the first time he caught her infiltrating one of Snoke’s clubs. He really should have.
Instead, he tried to turn her as a double agent.
But rather than taking an obscene amount of money and a chance of living to retirement age, Agent Johnson seemed to think she could turn him.
Foolish girl. Foolish, enthralling girl.
Now they were at stalemate. The kind where they thwarted each other’s plans, made each other’s lives stupidly difficult, and, once in awhile, wound up pretending they weren’t on opposite sides of a war.
This was not one of those times.
Kylo crowded her against the wall, caging her in with his body. “Are you wired?” he asked. Rey was certainly reckless enough to be wearing a mic in one of the First Order’s money-laundering casinos.
“Planting a bug?”
He groaned. “I should turn you over to Snoke.”
“You say that every time.”
“And it’s true every time.” She was wearing the littlest slip of a dress. Kylo tried not to notice how it dipped low on her breastbone. “If you leave now,” he made himself say, “I’ll forget you were–”
“I’m your girlfriend.”
Wait. “What?”
Rey’s gaze flicked over his shoulder, then her hands grabbed his shirt and–
Her mouth was even softer than he’d imagined.
“Excuse me.” A pointed cough. “Ren, if you’re not too busy, Snoke wants to see us.”
Kylo pulled away from Rey’s embrace. Somehow her arms had made their way around his neck, and her face had wound up cradled between his hands. “All right,” he said. “I’ll be there in a moment.”
Hux smirked. (This was his only talent of note, near as Kylo could tell.) Nodding towards Rey, he said: “And this is?”
Please. Agent Johnson’s desperate eyes fixed on his. Kylo could almost hear her voice in his head. Please, Ben.
(She always used his old name, as though it might make a difference. He told her it never would, but… on her tongue, he didn’t hate it.)
“She’s my girlfriend,” Kylo said to Hux.
This farce would almost certainly get him killed, but it was nearly worth it to see the look on Hux’s face. “You have a girlfriend,” he said. “Since when?”
“Since none-of-your-business.” Just to keep up the act, Kylo planted another lingering kiss on Rey’s mouth. “Tell Snoke I’ll be right up.”
Once Hux had retreated, Rey leaned her forehead against Kylo’s chest. He could feel her heart beating fast as a hummingbird. “Thank you,” she murmured.
“They’ll find our bodies in the river if you keep this up,” he told her, deadly serious. “Leia Organa isn’t all powerful, and she won’t be able to save either of us if Snoke–”
“You’re a good kisser.”
Rey slipped out from under his arms and vanished into the crowd.
And if Kylo smiled a little during his meeting with Snoke, well, that was just the way it was.
[more prompt fills on ao3]
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skiptomy · 7 years
Wow the dnd campaign looks so cool. Are we going to be able to watch/listen or anything? (I just want to know what happens to this beautiful group of kids!)
If not with those kids, then definitely with another group in the same area. 
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woodelf68 · 7 years
Comforting Fics to Read When You Have Just Watched Neal Cassidy Die
Some canon-based ‘Neal Lives’ fic recs for @wierdogal, who is Indoctrinating a Newbie. :)  Some diverge from Quiet Minds, some earlier so that timeline never happens. (Still cannot believe that I apparently did not reblog that Swanfire rec list with any tags so I could find it again, because I have searched everything that I can think of and it’s like it disappeared.  >.>)  
To Rise Again by @woodelf68  (Rumbelle manage to escape Zelena and save Neal after he opened the Dark Vault. (Can be considered a stand-alone fic or part of the Floofy!verse, which are season 3 divergent fics in which Neal never died and is reforging a relationship with Emma, Rumbelle are happily married, and Rumple is the best Grandpa ever. Links here.)
There But For The Grace of God by @shepherdinthevalleyofdeath -- Season 3B AU
Burning Bright by @rufeepeach -- season 5 AU, where Neal survived Quiet Minds and Hook died instead.
As the Day He Was (Re)Born by @worryinglyinnocent -- Zelena was the one to open the Dark Vault, not Neal. Boo-hoo. So sad. :D
Not Beyond Repair by @worryinglyinnocent -- ( After Zelena’s defeat, Belle and Neal set about putting a very broken Rumpel back together again.)
That Explains It  and Saving Baelfire by Ellynne (The first is a cracky fix-it for Mother's Little Helper, the second a gorgeous magical fairy tale fix for Quiet Minds., also Londyn Bridge (Rumple went with Bae to 19th century ‘Londyn’, where they meet Wendy Darling and her mad uncle.)
Selfless, Brave and True by @justanoutlaw -- Blue can’t save adult Neal, but she can bring back young Bae. 
Second Chances by thedoobly_doo - Season 6 AU, WIP.  (Zeus sends Neal back instead of Hook.)
The Lynchpin Universe by Catspook – (An ongoing rewrite of the entire series based on the premise ‘what if the Dark Curse had swept up teenaged Bae from Neverland and brought him to SB?’)
Courage of the Stars by @takadasaiko  - Quiet Minds AU
Yes, Baelfire, There Is A Santa Claus by @afterbaedeker. -- (Rumple finds Bae in NL, and together they find Belle and bring her back home)  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
An Old Dragon by @flameysaur - (What if Rumple and Bae had stayed in the EF?)
After the Nightmare by @lotus0kid  (Everything after NL was a nightmare while Rumple was trapped in Pandora’s Box) and An Unknown Road (In the LWM, Neal gets a shock when his co-worker Belle describes her childhood friend in the mirror, Rumplestiltskin. One of the best ideas I’ve ever read, quite frankly.)
The Final Rose by @standbyyourmantis, PART ONE ,PART TWO -- The Blue Fairy tells Bae that True Love’s Kiss could break his father’s curse. Bae makes it his mission to find the right woman, even if it means centuries of growing up and then reverting back to childhood, again and again and again.
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qeeko · 7 years
20 thangs
Woah! Got tagged in a thing by @j-m-p-16​ so here we go!.
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing folks you would like to get to know better (this’ll be hard, bear with me)
Name: Qeeko
Nickname(s): Q, Qeeks, Qeeko The Sinner
Height: 5'1"/156cm
Ethnicity: Chinese/White Australian.
Favorite fruit: Split between bananas and blueberries.
Favorite season: Summer. I prefer the heat, and I long for the beach.
Favorite book series: The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind.
Favorite flower: Red Carnation.
Favorite scent: Chicken and wombok boiled in a marinade of soy, sesame oil, garlic and oyster sauce. I have a poor sense of smell and this is a homely, strong smelling dish that reminds me of my mother’s cooking. 
Favorite color: Red.
Favorite animals: Cats, turtles and owls.
Coffee/tea/cocoa: Milo. Coffee.
Average sleep hours: Roughly 5 hours a night, otherwise known as Not Nearly Enough™.
Cat or dog person: CAAAAAAAAATTT.
Favorite fictional characters: Hrrrhg. Too many... 004/Albert Heinrich from Cyborg 009, The Flash/Barry Allen from pre-New52 DC Comics, Spike from Buffy, Link from LoZ, Vincent Valentine from FF7, Homura from Senran Kagura, Sig from Puyo Puyo, Duane from Unsounded- TOO MANY
Number of blankets: Just the two usually.
Dream trip: I’d love to visit the castles/ruins and countryside of the UK and Scotland but I’d also really like to do a serious and long roadtrip of the US, maybe meet some swell folks over there that I’ve befriended/follow.
Blog created: I don’t rightly remember, but I had the thing for over a year before I started really posting to it. I think I made the blog out of curiosity of an image driven social network that’s less irritating than Pinterest.
Number of followers: 503.
Get on that!
@flameysaur @zabysmind @totalbean @catgrump @metamorphiacreations @kittygems @asagaotogi @astorae @rosequeen4ever @crunchyshep @partlyanimated @baevincreel @apricot-cobbler @dappio @oweeos @thatgreenlookingshark @fairfacadecyndrome @dusty-armstrong
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thedosianexplorer · 7 years
flameysaur replied to your post: Jhera Mahariel and Ladwyn Lavellan
WHAT EXCELLENT FACE CLAIMS. I love them to pieces. I’ve never thought about what got my Lavellan their marks, but I absolutely should. Ashra actually has the first Elgnar'nan marking herself. She’s a rogue and full of anger and spite. So she took that mark to denote she will turn those possible negative emotions towards good for the clan. I also love that idea of the spirit of command being where Ladwyn’s spirit blade comes from. That’s so interesting.
Yay, vallaslin twins! For Ladwyn, it wasn’t merely the act of killing, but the fact that she used Firestorm to do it, and smiting people with fire is literally Elgar’nan’s schtick. 
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medinaquirin · 7 years
@flameysaur tagged me for a wip meme: post the first line of your current WIP then tag as many people as there are words.  Your timing is impeccable, mumsy, I’ve actually got one for the first time in feckin ages. 
The stones beneath her are cold.
Tagging, uhh.... @romanticzomedy @nikkidee @gwendolynnby @thescholarlystrumpet @biomechanicaltomato @rowofstars
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sfiddy · 4 years
I was tagged by the gorgeous @rienerose​... Thank you dear, I think we all need this!
1. how has your day been?  Very chill- slept in, drank coffee, housework... :)
2. what is the last thing that made you smile?  Besides getting tagged?  Hearing my sons crack each other up today.  My eight year old laughed so hard he fell down.
3. what's keeping you entertained these days?  Cooking, fic, WFH, rewatching my fave shows, tea and alcohol.
4. if you are in some kind of quarantine/self isolation: is there anything you'd like to achieve in this time?  I want to post one or two chapters to my Lokane fic, maybe work on a mini quilt I’ve had in a rack for a decade!
5. post a selfie! (if you're comfortable with that) Naw, but have this.  I made it while watching some electron returns and this guy was super excitable and reminded me of Winnie the Pooh.  So, obviously... manip time.
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6. last but not least: send this to some mutuals to keep the game going 🥰
@mtr-amg​, @timelordthirteen​, @wheel-of-fics​, @anonymousnerdgirl​, @charlotteashmore13​, @flameysaur​
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audreyii-fic · 6 years
reylo: getting one off drugs au
flameysaur said: Getting one off drugs au.
eh, close enough. 300 word drabble courtesy of this prompt post. Embrace ALL the tropes!
"The thing is, I'm trying."
She shouldn't be here.
"I read the books, like I'm supposed to. I listen to the stories--"
And if she's going to be here, it definitely shouldn't be with him.
"--but it doesn't work. I've never felt so alone."
"You're not alone."
Rey looks up from her plate of half-eaten scrambled eggs. It's two AM and Ben Solo is on his fourth cup of coffee. She's sticking with orange juice and wishing like hell it was vodka; the three month sobriety token she twists in her fingers feels like a lie.
"You feel like you're faking it," Ben says. "That's pretty normal. It never really goes away."
She doesn't know why she called him. That's what her sponsor is for, these crises where she stands outside a liquor store until the owner tells her to just buy something already. But Luke's been sober for ten years, and... it's not the same.
While Ben's fallen off the wagon more times than even he knows.
"Does it get easier?" she asks, fearing the answer.
"No." Ben's response is short and blunt. "But middle-of-the-night drink-craving hashbrowns are the best, so... there's perks." He pushes his plate in her direction -- there's still several pieces of bacon -- and sets to work on her eggs.
"Is that how you deal with it? Greasy food?"
"No, this is fuel for how I actually deal. There's a twenty-four hour gym down the street. The ring will be empty by now."
"I'm not sure boxing is what I need."
"Look, if you want to 'pray to a higher power', call Luke. I hit things." Ben stands and gulps one last swallow of coffee. "Come on. I can teach you."
It can't hurt.
And his smile when she takes his hand doesn't hurt, either.
[more prompt fills on ao3]
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