triplestitch · 7 years
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“I...I don’t really have any stories about my siblings while growing up. I- kinda don’t really wanna talk about it just yet...”
Short Text post because it’s freezing where I live and my hands are cold :) I’m so sorry I haven’t been as active on here, but I am back and have some stuff in store for everyone!! 
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lerainbowtaco · 7 years
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#Inktober day 10! Coco made the clothes, it was actually Flash's idea to be naruto and hinata! ((I might draw some more to make up for past days missed, but I'll see how i I'm feeling! Mod is sick rn ;-;))
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triplestitch · 7 years
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“The time has come to leave Equestria and go back home, So glad to have come and make new memories and have a really interesting expierence here. Now, I can’t wait to start my new adventure back at home” - Flash
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triplestitch · 7 years
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#Inktober day whatever I lost count lol (12 I guess) Flash and Coco make a surprise visit to the girls! They'll be staying in equestria for a bit as a little vacay to get away from all the work stress and such. Flash has visited before back in highschool and such so he's a little more used to being a pony, this is coco's first time here so she has to get used to all this haha
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triplestitch · 7 years
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Flash and Coco: “Kids?!”.....
Coco: “Well, maybe not in the sense you may think but...”
Flash: “there’s a little secret between us..we can’t tell them yet.”
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triplestitch · 7 years
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After Leaving Equestria to come back home, Flash knew who was waiting for him and couldn’t help but give out his emotions.
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triplestitch · 7 years
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“It was really something going through the portal and having to walk on all fours. It’s not the worst thing I’ve experienced though, a lot of ponies call me ‘general’ here which I believe they’re referring to this Equestria's Flash.”
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triplestitch · 7 years
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Flash: “ Well, I decided on not leaving yet until after I finish some important stuff here, like with my siblings and my aunts. I just barely reunited with my family a few years ago so I want to stay with them a little while longer until I leave. I’ll be back though just in time, I know that for sure!
Most likely with the new year coming in. So around January?”
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triplestitch · 7 years
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They are so pure.
answering @xmaster3000′s question!
(I fixed the ask box, so now everyone can send ask! Please ask away!)
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triplestitch · 7 years
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Flash: But, I did hangout with Twilight’s brother for a while. He’s the one who helped me decide that I wanted to be in the military!
Coco: I didn’t know Sunset too well, but I did know Twilight a bit. We went to the same Highschool, and I’ve seen her around. I only started talking to the two after hanging out with Flash more.
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