triplestitch · 6 years
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happy father’s day to all the fathers and soon-to-be father’s out there~ 
Flash coming home only to receive news that he too will become a father is so joyful to him!~
hope everyone had a good day with your father’s or other parental figures in your life~~
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lerainbowtaco · 7 years
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#Inktober day 10! Coco made the clothes, it was actually Flash's idea to be naruto and hinata! ((I might draw some more to make up for past days missed, but I'll see how i I'm feeling! Mod is sick rn ;-;))
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triplestitch · 6 years
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Lightning Dust: “CC, you’ve been in there for like ten minutes already, are you sure you’re okay?”
ohohoho >:3
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triplestitch · 7 years
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|| A Christmas Wedding  ღ (ㆁᴗㆁ✿) 
A Super Late post meant to be posted around Christmas time!....
So here’s the story behind this:
Flash and Coco visit Sciset during Christmas, every thing is all good and jolly, When Shining comes as Santa Claus and Twilight realizes it’s Shining, they go out to have a talk.. DURING that time, Flash and Coco are caught under the Mistletoe(forgot to draw it smh) and instead of a kiss, Flash does a Promise Proposal (unofficially engaged since they’re in Equestria and it is to supposed be more of a “promise” rather than proposal) and they were convinced by everyone around them to “Hey why not just get married here in equestria before you marry back at home” kinda deal. So with Celestia’s help they are offically married in Pony Equestria! BUT they are NOT married back at home in the Human World. 
hopefully that makes sense XD so basically, they got married within 15minutes of when Twilight and Shining were having their talk. lmao Time to post the rest of my stuff~
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triplestitch · 7 years
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“I...I don’t really have any stories about my siblings while growing up. I- kinda don’t really wanna talk about it just yet...”
Short Text post because it’s freezing where I live and my hands are cold :) I’m so sorry I haven’t been as active on here, but I am back and have some stuff in store for everyone!! 
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triplestitch · 7 years
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Flash please put the new mother horse down she’s fragile. (Twilight is fine though, she can handle it)
The couple were running everywhere trying to get back to the hospital, Coco was the only one calm in this situation. 
Flash probably crashed into a lot of stuff trying to fly when telling the princesses that SciTwi was having her baby already... Maybe this is why Flash and Sunset are really good friends.
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triplestitch · 7 years
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“The time has come to leave Equestria and go back home, So glad to have come and make new memories and have a really interesting expierence here. Now, I can’t wait to start my new adventure back at home” - Flash
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triplestitch · 7 years
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Flash and Coco: “Kids?!”.....
Coco: “Well, maybe not in the sense you may think but...”
Flash: “there’s a little secret between us..we can’t tell them yet.”
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triplestitch · 7 years
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After Leaving Equestria to come back home, Flash knew who was waiting for him and couldn’t help but give out his emotions.
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triplestitch · 7 years
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#Inktober day 11! (oh god, I'm so behind) This time Coco chose the anime to cosplay! They both had a lot of fun, oh and it's also featuring little chibiusa, @honeycrisp-tales! She loves sailor moon, she most likely bonded with coco watching the Series together when they can!
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triplestitch · 7 years
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Halloween Costumes!
- a few days late, but here are the costumes that Flash and Coco wore for Halloween! This is an anime they both grew up watching. :D
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triplestitch · 7 years
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Flash: “ Well, I decided on not leaving yet until after I finish some important stuff here, like with my siblings and my aunts. I just barely reunited with my family a few years ago so I want to stay with them a little while longer until I leave. I’ll be back though just in time, I know that for sure!
Most likely with the new year coming in. So around January?”
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triplestitch · 7 years
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“Well Rarity and I made a deal about who gets to make what, and although she was chosen from our game of rock paper scissors to make the baby pony clothes, I felt like I should still make some too.”
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triplestitch · 7 years
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P 3
Flash Takes Coco out for a little picnic in a park they used to go to when they were younger, hopefully his plan can cheer her up from her homesickness.
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triplestitch · 7 years
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*P 2*
Flash is really concerned for Coco, he knows she misses her family,
so Flash planned a little surprise for her to make her feel better~
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triplestitch · 7 years
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((I know about the Navy/Marines guys, I changed the wording last minute but didn’t fix it))
Flash notices that Coco has been getting a little more emotional lately… Although they just started living together, the fact that she has to live without him again makes it a big deal for her.
He’s leaving too soon.
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