daddyclay · 7 years
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2017 -- The Year of Fit and 50!
In just about 3 months I hit the milestone, so this year is going to be a lot about fighting the ravages of time.
In 2016 I learned that fewer miles and races can still be fun, and help me to stay injury free. A huge goal. So no marathons in 2017. A few halves (3-4) and shorter races. And a smaller race or two so I can try out my new age group. Bringing home some bling in 2017, definitely an objective.
Putting equal emphasis on strength training helps us older guys avoid muscle mass loss (hence the gratuitous gun show), and I also thinks this helps with injury prevention. So I’ll be hitting the weights and a crossfit class or two.
I may finally leave Nike+ after logging over 10k miles because the system and training programs have been so buggy and annoying. And I’m also using bodybuilding.com to find weight training programs. Don’t be put off, this is a great free resource.
Hope you all have a happy, healthy 2017.
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