are they a light or a heavy sleeper? (please take care <3)
Depends. After spending so much time in a field of work where unanticipated recharge interruptions are a way of life, Heatwave can recharge through a lot of everyday noises, but the second that alarm goes off, he's up and ready.
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@flicker-bot started following you
Volume is just. Gonna lay here for a while. It's a nice spot, lots of green grass, a few clouds overhead. Possibly near civilization, his sensors can detect the occasional distant sound of a car, but if no one bothers him then he's not moving any time soon.
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viviskull · 1 year
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@flicker-bot​ | Accepting
HONESTY– What kinds of small lies do they tell others? What lies do they tell themselves? What is the biggest lie they’ve told? (main three!)
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1) A little lie she tells others?  She says she’s getting help for her own emotional baggage, but really she isn’t.  The most she’s done is ignore her problems, stuffing them so far into her head that it’s just weighing down on her shoulder, and she works to try and muffle it out as far as she’s considered.  She hadn’t gone to someone to more deal with them like through therapy, and she’d rather not deal with her own issues if she can help it.
2) Lies they tell themselves?  The pain is only temporary.
3) Biggest lie they told?  “Where do you go when you’re gone?”  “Home.”
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1) A little lie for others?  Yeah, he’s doing okay.  Being a ghost doesn’t really bother him too much, but there are times where he yearns for the previous life he never got to fully live; like living it with his friends, getting married, and having kids.  Alive as a father.  He resents his death majorly, but he keeps that pain away from the others since he doesn’t like dealing with it himself.
2) Lies they tell themselves?  He can do this.
3) Biggest lie they told?  “It’ll only hurt a little?”
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1) A little lie for others?  “I.. made this arm after I lost my real one in a car crash.”   He doesn’t like to get into the details of how he actually lost his arm, much less does he know how he fully lost it himself; even when the reminder of dread lingers with his metal prosthetic.  He doesn’t like to think about it anyways, besides it being a reminder of Lewis dying somehow.
2) Lies they tell themselves?  “I’m good enough.”
3) Biggest lie they told?  ".. Yeah, I’m alright with it.”
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followingprotocol · 1 year
Affection time! As soon as Chase arrives home from a rainy patrol, Flicker appears holding out a mug of warmed-up energon.
Chase stepped off the drying pad with a slight shiver. The heating unit was acting up again and the air blowing over his frame was too chilly for comfort.
Spotting Flicker exiting the lift with a familiar blue mug steaming between his servos made the policebot smile. He gratefully took the mug in one servo and lifted his son in his free arm, nuzzling his cheek against the smaller mech's faceplate.
"Thank you, Brightspark. How was your day?"
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@flicker-bot started following you
Sierra blinks. "Oh, wow. You're a pretty small 'Bot, huh?" After a brief pause she winces. "Sorry, I didn't- I'm not trying to be mean, or anything."
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autobotmedic · 2 years
Flicker had been busy with a thing or two, and as a result he hadn’t seen Ratchet all day. When he’d finally had a free moment, Ratchet had been nowhere to be seen.
After checking all the other plausible locations and growing exceedingly worried, Flicker had stumbled upon a door that was usually locked. Without a second thought, the young bot had entered and, much to his relief, found Ratchet. However, the medic’s sudden reaction caught him by surprise.
Flicker actually startled a little when Ratchet crouched to scoop him up without a prior warning, something he’d never done before. However, he soon realized that he wasn’t supposed to be here, and a guilty look spread on his faceplate.
“Oh! I-I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I didn’t realize… I, um, I-I didn’t meant t-to be nosy o-or touch anything,” he proceeded to explain quickly, then paused to hesitate.
Finally he muttered: “I just… I… I was just worrying- I was wondering where you were.”
    Ratchet continued to hold him, blinking at the unnecessary apologies when he knew perfectly well Flicker had not had the chance to tamper. Perhaps the sudden pickup was... a bit of an overreaction, on his part. He was going to assure it was alright, Flicker had not done anything wrong, but the last of his comments halted that intention. Ratchet’s train of thought was distracted by the knowledge that he had, unintentionally, caused an already nervous-natured little one to worry about him.
    “I’m not sure whether that means you missed me or you needed me, but I am here,” Ratchet replied in a quieter tone, “You could have sent a message, I would’ve answered.” And then there would have been no reason to worry.
    “... Did you need me?” If so, that was of greater importance than a private period of unbeneficial activity.
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malika-carnelian · 2 years
☮ either for Flicker (flicker-bot) or Katana (katana-the-autobot) ?
// ahbhdghdbb I can do even both tbh, let me just check their infos and I'll make a starter right away for you! B) just know that lately I'm slow due to my work, but I'll keep going on ofc!
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hangryshawn · 1 month
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charmed + disarmed
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beastieblooddd · 2 months
Hiii are art requests still open? I would love to see you draw my OC Flicker with Chase (who he considers his adoptive father)! However no pressure!!
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Hi sorry this took quite a bit!!!
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kawamaru · 3 months
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Leevin Laulu - Part 2
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faultfindingfirebot · 2 years
"Happy Birthday!" Flicker offered a tray of birthday cupcakes he'd made as a surprise, and a birthday gift. Wrapped in red paper was a framed, playful photo of Heatwave carrying Flicker while they'd been playing Rescue Ball - Flicker had gotten the ball so Heatwave had stopped him by picking him up. Along with photo, the gift included a paper where Flicker had made a simple drawing of the two of them and written: "May I call you Uncle Wave?" Now the young bot was visibly nervous when he offered these to Heatwave.
"Thanks, Flicker."
Heatwave took a bite out of one of the cupcakes, careful not to get frosting on his present as he unwrapped it.
"Yum, these are great! Oh hey, I remember that move. Kade tried to tell me it was a foul, like he would know....."
The firebot trailed off as he picked up the picture Flicker had drawn and read what he'd written on it.
".... Really?... Flicker, I'd... I'd be honored to be your Uncle Wave." He dropped to one knee and held out his arms.
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fleshandwires · 3 months
shockwave holding bee's spark as it flickers and fades slowly
(cw added for the tags)
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viviskull · 2 years
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@flicker-bot​​​ | Accepting 
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily? (main three)
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((Arthur - If you have seen this man?  Please find him because he keeps running off every time he gets spooky by a low tier ghost.  This mechanic in normal circumstances doesn’t cry TOO easily, but the tear ducts do tend to spill whenever he finds himself in any wack ass danger.  He’s a scared crier, and when he isn’t screaming, that tends to get the wits scared out of him whenever the unexpected paranormal wants to hurt him for the millionth time.  Surprisingly though, whenever a horror or sappy movie is on the tv, he makes fun of them more to make up for the fact he isn’t a tear jerker for that type of media.
Lewis - Out of all three of the main trio combined, he’s the most emotional one whenever he’s compared to his best pals.  Dude’s got such a soft heart that carries out into his death, that I’m surprised his heart locket HASN’T crumbled to pieces the moment he’d accidentally smacked it hard against a wooden surface.  Lewis cries super easy whenever he hears some damn sappy music plays and he’s the one that cries the most whenever the dog in a movie suddenly dies brutally on screen.  He might look stoic to those that barely know him, but he often keeps his stern hard looks as a persona out of habit due to being the epic shy guy of the group.  That or it’s the autism, who knows lmao.
Vivi - Def does cry if she feels the emotion intensely, but often represses it if she can whenever she gets the chance.  Vivi’s often the one that everyone turns their head to whenever things get tough, and she’s made an extreme habit of keeping her emotions under wraps by bottling them up or ignoring them all together when she knows she has people depending on her for their survival; which that kinda spawned out of her trauma of not keeping one of her own safe during a critical mission that got them hurt.  It’s not healthy, but what can you do when ya got weird paranormal ghosts chasing you down a long hallway to your death?  Someone’s gotta keep a level head somehow.
But during movie time whenever a sappy movie comes on, whenever her guard IS most down, she might join Lewis in being the most ugliest crier if she can help it.  It entirely depends if she is invested in the movie emotional, but she isn’t a cold stone statue like some might think.))
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followingprotocol · 2 years
Anticipating that Chase was about to wake up, Flicker entered his room, carrying carefully the mini-energoncake he'd made earlier that morning in one servo and a gift in another one. Inside the blue wrapping waited a mug Flicker had painted by himself - it was decorated with different shapes such as dinosaurs and cars, and on one side read "World's Best Dad".
“Good morning Flicker.”
Chase was already awake, but he hadn’t gotten out of berth yet. After Flicker set down the cake, the policebot gave him a warm hug and a kiss on the forehelm.
“Thank you, that looks delicious.”
He stretched and took the proffered wrapped present.
“Oh Flicker this is perfect, I love it! Did you paint it yourself?”
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its-cartooncrazy · 5 months
*lights flicker* Redd's heart brims with an unspoken love.
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autobotmedic · 2 years
∗ 34﹕ sender  is  found  by  receiver  somewhere  they  shouldn’t  be .
(this sounds so funny to me but if you can't come up with any ideas please don't worry about replying!)
    Although the Autobots all had respective quarters for recharge and personal items, Ratchet was rarely in his own, and it was rarely unlocked or accessible as a result. But the light had been on for an hour or so today, as the medic was in fact inside, and the entry was unlocked. Containers holding multiple stages of developing crystal formations rested on shelves and a table (both of which he had built), various hues reflecting against their transparent casings. A few held several crystal shapes and colors (rather than a single type), one of which Ratchet was holding as he placed new formations within.
    When his proximity sensors detected another presence, he stiffened, before turning, optics fully visible, surprised to learn he was not alone. He almost looked at though he had been caught (... caught not working?).
    “Flicker, I do not allow most in here,” even as he spoke, Ratchet was moving to scoop the little one, although he did not immediately put him out as he may have if it had been Miko.
    “It is... private,” he murmured, “I do not want anything moved or damaged, accidents are common for certain individuals, and some things are just too tempting for children to want to touch...” Sparkly things, specifically, tended to have that effect.
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