loljulie · 4 years
flicker; {010} finally free
(what do you mean i can’t update a fanfic that’s over a year old?? yeah, so, i wasn’t rlly planning on this, but i had the idea when i first wrote the original fic and somehow got an inspiration for it. also, the first part of this chapter is from a year ago, so hopefully you can see improvement as it progresses. anyway, i decided to still keep the taglist because,, idk, why not? and in case it wasn’t obvious, this is the official finale, and everything written here is original content so i had to make up a lot of stuff for post-uprising political stuffs. i hope y’all like it!) 
genre: detroit: become human
deviant!connor x reader
word count: 6300 (literally wtf??)
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You leaned back into your snug couch, your eyes closed as you let your muscles relax against the cushions. Spending the night in a hospital bed had made you miss the comfort of not just your soft couch, but everything else in your home, as well.
“Up,” Connor commanded, causing you to open your eyes. He was fluffing one of your throw pillows on the coffee table in front of your injured leg. Without question, you did as you were told and rested your leg on the pillow.
The two of you had just gotten dropped off by Hank, who made you and Connor promise to call if you needed anything. While Hank went back to the station to work, Connor had taken some time off to help you recover. 
“Whenever you’re resting, try to keep it elevated,” he said to you as he took a seat beside you. “Are you in any pain?”
You chuckled softly at his question. It was only the 5th time he had asked you since you woke up earlier that day. 
“No, Connor,” you reassured with a small smile. “The painkillers they gave me are really good.”
Suddenly, Connor blinked several times. “I placed an order for the prescription painkillers your doctor gave me. I’ll see if Hank can pick it up after work.”
“Would you like anything? Tea? Water?” Connor’s next question came so abruptly that you didn’t have time to comment on anything else. “Are you cold? Would you like a blanket?”
Instead of answering, you shifted your body toward him and placed your hands on his cheeks, forcing him to meet your gaze. You could see the concern and worry in his brown eyes and furrowed eyebrows. You pulled his face to yours and engulfed him in a kiss.
It was the first kiss you had shared with him since he left your apartment. That night - only a few days prior - seemed like ages ago, and this kiss was long overdue. Though he was hesitant at first, due to your injured state, Connor eventually wrapped his arms around you and moved closer to you. 
There was something raw in this kiss that was difficult to describe. The last kiss you had was filled with so much uncertainty and worry, and now all of those anxieties could finally be released. It was a catharsis that neither of you had ever experienced before, and one you desperately needed. 
When you pulled away, you rested your forehead against his, not wanting to break away from the intimate moment just yet. Connor closed his eyes at the gesture. You noticed his clenched jaw, and knew something was wrong with him.
“Connor,” you whispered, causing him to slowly open his eyes. “I know you want to help me, but I’m fine. I promise. All I want to do is rest. ”
He pulled his forehead away, but then gripped your hands in his lap tightly. 
“I understand. I’m sorry if I came on too strong,” he replied. You squeezed his hand, and felt him rub his thumb gently into the back of your hand.
“You can tell me if there’s anything wrong,” you said softly.
“It’s just - ,” Connor started, then stopped himself. He gripped your hand tighter, as if needing the comfort of your touch before being able to continue. “I was so worried when I heard what happened and I-I didn’t know what condition you were in and-”
“I...I kept thinking that the last time I saw you, I didn’t even tell you that I loved you.” You took a deep breath as you remembered the day you were shot. You just then realized that you had told him you loved him before he left for Jericho, but not the last time you saw him. “If something bad happened- if you had-”
Connor stopped, but in his silence you knew the word he couldn’t say. It was your turn to absentmindedly rub your thumb over the back of his hand, silently expressing comfort.
“It wouldn’t have been worth it,” Connor continued flatly. You raised an eyebrow, and he seemed to understand your confusion at what ‘it’ meant, and went on. “The uprising, the protesting. Nothing would’ve been worth it if you died. I’d deactivate myself.”
Your stomach tightened at his words, rousing you to speak up. “Connor, don’t-”
“It’s the truth,” he cut you off, his voice strained with sadness. He looked at you intently. “You’re the reason I deviated. I wouldn’t need - or want - anything to do with this life if you’re not in it.” 
Your eyes widened at his sentiment.
“So...  I’m sorry if I get lost in taking care of you during your recovery,” he went on, “I just… I can’t lose you, and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure I don’t.”
You let his statement process in your mind for a few moments. While you knew you would need some help for the first couple of weeks during the recovery, you were worried that you would take him away from the civic duties he’d undoubtedly been piled with ever since the uprising ended. As you looked at his concerned expression, however, you knew that for that moment, he wouldn’t take no for an answer.
So, as a gesture of approval, you leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek. His tense shoulders relaxed at your touch. 
“Okay, then the first thing you can do is help me to my bed so I can take a nap.”
Naps were what took up most of your time during the first two weeks of your recovery. If you weren’t at physical therapy, the painkillers you were prescribed in the early days were so strong that they kept you in a perpetual slumber.
Some days, Hank would stop by and eat dinner with you and Connor. You’d ask endlessly about what was going on in the station, and he’d in turn pester you about your health. Connor mediated occasionally, but for the most part he enjoyed seeing the two of you banter and converse. It felt normal again.
As time went on, your therapy appointments showed more progress and you began to regain more mobility of your leg. Soon enough, the pain became minimal and much of your energy had returned. Instead of following the at-home physical therapy routines, Connor would walk with you around the block. 
Occasionally, the two of you would go out for a couple of hours a day. Connor would insist they were for your leg, but you had a feeling he enjoyed having lunch out at a restaurant or walking around the park with you. Now that the two of you could be public with your relationship, you began to think of those day outs as dates. 
Eventually, months passed, and you were cleared to return back to work. As soon as you were essentially injury free, Connor practically immersed himself in legislative work at the capital. You saw less and less of each other - first, he’d spend weekends away at negotiations and meetings; then, he’d be gone for weeks at a time. 
You couldn’t fault him for it; he was working tirelessly to ensure civil liberties for all androids, and you knew he was passionate about fighting for them. It did, however, take a toll on you, and you noticed it the most when you’d sit in your empty apartment most nights. 
So, when you - and Hank, you later found out - received an ornate invitation to a gala in D.C., you jumped at the chance to accept, knowing that it meant finally being able to see Connor again after weeks of only video contact. He had been away for much longer this time, and while he couldn’t disclose all the details to you, he giddily hinted that it was one of the more major acts he was working on. 
The gala was to celebrate the anniversary of the uprising and the various legislations that have been passed since then. You knew of them all, of course; and you knew that this night was more of a pat-on-the-back the government was giving itself for their cooperation with androids.  
While the importance of the night wasn’t lost on you, the fact that the gala meant seeing Connor after weeks of separation weighed more heavily in your thoughts. 
“This damn tie is all messed up again,” Hank’s gruff voice interrupted your moment of reflection. You lifted your head from the window of the car and shifted to be closer to your backseat companion. 
“If you stopped fidgeting with it, it wouldn’t be messed up,” you quipped as your fingers adjusted the navy blue tie Hank wore. He grunted before responding.
“I’m not comfortable in these things,” he replied, gesturing to his black suit. “If it were up to me, I’d be here in jeans and a comfy shirt.” 
You chuckled at your partner. You’d endured his complaints and whines for the last week leading up to tonight. When you raided his home for suitable black-tie attire, and found none whatsoever, you had to all but drag him to the nearest clothing store to find an appropriate outfit for him. 
“It’s one night,” you reminded him, just as you had whenever his complaints met your ears. “And then you’ll be back to your gruffy jacket and decades-old jeans.”
“One night,” he repeated, glancing down at his now-fixed tie and nodding to you. 
Soon, the car pulled to a stop outside the civic center where the gala would take place. Night had already fallen on D.C., but it only served to make the exterior of the center seem all that much grander. The building itself was mostly grey concrete; but the large glass windows that made up most of its front was breathtaking to say the least. Lights adorned the walkway to the entrance, and from what you could see, they continued inside.
“Ready?” Hank asked you, holding his elbow out to you. With a nod, you slid your arm into his, and the two of you began walking toward the entrance. “The sooner we get to that open bar, the better.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, but said nothing. The open bar was on the list of reasons you gave to Hank to persuade him to attend with you, along with disappointing Connor by not showing up. 
Under your grey, long coat, your navy blue gown flowed around you as you continued to walk to the entrance. Hank was adamant that the only splash of color he’d wear would be the same as his tie, and you wanted to coordinate your outfits as best as you could. The sleeves of your dress were off-the-shoulder, and as you walked, the high slit on one side of your dress allowed one of your legs to show. 
You may have been showing off a little bit, but you couldn’t remember the last time you had an excuse to dress up so nicely for something. You also wanted to look as good as possible for your long-awaited reunion with Connor, and it wouldn’t hurt if he couldn’t take his eyes off of you for the whole night.
The room you entered was little more than a wide hallway. A counter nearby was in the midst of collecting larger coats. As it was the midst of November, many guests were taking advantage of the complimentary coat-check, shedding their warm layers to reveal expensive jewelry and designer wardrobes. It was clear just how high caliber this event was; you doubted anybody here, aside from invited guests, was anybody but a politician or high-ranking government official.
Hank shifted and you felt his hands around your shoulders, gently guiding your outer coat off. He had already removed his own black coat, and he draped both of them over one of his arms.
“I’ll go check these in. Don’t stray too far.”
You nodded your thanks to him, but kept your eyes scanning through the crowd of people. A large part of you knew Connor - one of the more important people in the gala tonight - would already be further inside the ballroom, mingling with guests. Still, it didn’t stop you from searching with bated breath and a quickened heart rate. 
You barely registered Hank until he was back at your side. Noticing your distraction, he nudged your shoulder with his own.
“He won’t be out here, ya know.”
You nodded, and wrapped your arm around his again. Without his outer coat on, his full suit was visible; black jacket, black pants, and of course, his navy blue tie, still in the immaculate position you had left it in. Under the more visible lighting of the hallway, you could more easily see the fruits of your labor when it came to his hair, as well. He wouldn’t let you do anything too “ridiculous” to it, but he allowed you to style it mostly back and out of his face with the most minimal amount of mousse. 
Your heels clacked along the polished floors while you glanced at every passing face in vain. All you were met with were various looks thrown your way, ranging from curiosity to thinly veiled disgust. It didn’t take much to realize you weren’t the typical crowd these guests were used to, but the occasional stranger managed to give you a smile or a friendly nod.
Hank must’ve noticed as well, for right as you entered the threshold into the ballroom, he leaned closer to you. “I already need a drink.”
The room you entered was massive, to say the least, and the crowd of people it currently housed managed to fill up most of the available space. Tables were spread across the space, though barely any guests made use of the free seating. Many were scattered throughout the room, coupled off in pairs or in larger group circles. Even with the added height your heels gave you, it was impossible to look over the crowd or even into it to continue your search.
You let Hank guide you to the bar, where some guests gathered around the standing circular tables with drinks in hand. Clearly, Hank wasn’t the only one with the idea to start the night off with a bit of a boost. You noticed workers carrying around platters of bite-sized foods maneuvered between groups, and made a mental note of which items looked the most appetizing for later.
“You need one, too; it’ll help with your nerves,” Hank remarked as he gave you one fleeting glance when you reached the bar. 
You let out a slight scoff while Hank ordered for the both of you. “I’m not nervous.”
“No, no, of course not,” Hank replied, his tone higher and carrying a playful hint to it, “Why would you be?”
“Exactly,” you agreed, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Except for, you know, the fact that you haven’t seen him in almost a month,” Hank paused to receive the two glasses from the bartender before continuing. “And, he clearly has some fancy friends now.”
Your arms dropped from your chest as you looked over to Hank. Your eyebrows furrowed just slightly, and the corner of your lips tugged downward. You had tried your best to keep those thoughts away, but you couldn’t deny that they twisted your insides when Hank spoke them aloud. 
“I can read you like a book,” Hank brought the extra drink forward to you. “And you have nothing to worry about. But, you still will, so here.”
You took the drink from his hand and took a deep sip. Once the dark liquid hit your tongue, you easily identified it as a mixture of alcohol and soda. It was a gentler taste than had it been a whiskey alone, which you spotted Hank drinking himself. 
After knowing Hank for so long, it didn’t surprise you that he could identify your thoughts before even you could. And, while the drink helped quell your nerves a bit, its effects were nothing compared to the reassurance from your long-time partner. 
“I should know better by now,” you quipped, holding your glass out to Hank. You both had already taken your own sips, but nevertheless, greeted your glasses together with a clink. “Cheers.”
You both took another sip each. Hank let out a sigh after giving his alcohol a chance to warm his throat. “Not bad; this whiskey is probably the only good thing I’ll enjoy here.” 
”Oh, really?,” you began sarcastically, and nodded your head to one of the waiters, “I was sure vegan finger foods were your absolute favorites.” 
When Hank chuckled at your obvious joke, you mirrored him briefly before taking another sip from your glass and letting your eyes wander the crowd for a split second. 
A split second was all you needed to spot him. 
It must’ve been the way the crowd had shifted at that moment; a waiter had just ducked between two larger groups, revealing just enough space for you to spot Connor in the middle of a big group himself. Well-dressed men and women alike were listening intently to something he was saying, nodding along with eagerness plastered on their faces. 
You thought you wouldn’t be able to get his attention before the crowd shifted again, but you were wrong. He broke eye contact with one of his group’s members and, in a passing glance, found your gaze. Your heart stopped for a brief moment when your eyes met - and it felt like you were seeing him for the first time all over again. 
There was something different about him. He wore a fitted black suit that clung to his body in a different way than his usual uniform did. Under his jacket was a plain white button up, and a silver tie. It wasn’t just his attire, though, it was something else, too. The way he held himself while he spoke to the others, the confidence he exuded, was palpable even from your distance.  
He continued to keep eye contact, and all you could think to do was quirk an eyebrow at him over your glass, still pressed to your lips. A shadow of a smile - no, a smirk? - crossed his lips, and you watched as his gaze flittered up and down your ensemble for just a moment. 
Oh, he had definitely noticed how well your gown looked. Especially when you were leaned against the bar, allowing the open slit in your dress to reveal your bare leg. 
He had been quiet for some time now, and you could tell someone near him started to speak in his lull. As he was brought back to his suddenly trifling conversation, you saw him wet his lips just slightly before meeting your eyes for one last moment. 
You’d only been gone from each other for a month, but it felt like more than that. Before this latest trip, your time together was sparse, too. What precious time you did have together was usually overshadowed by a phone call or text he had to respond to. Not to mention your own job at the station pulling you away from your home every chance you got. This last year was hard for both of you, and now that this gala was here to mark the various legislations passed, it meant Connor would finally have more free time on his hands. But you would be lying if you said you didn’t think about where that left the two of you; and if things would be the same. 
And now seeing the energy he radiates you realize that things have changed a bit - but for the better. There’s something different in how he holds himself, that’s for sure. It made you all the more intrigued and restless to talk to him; see how he is when there isn’t deadline after deadline on his plate and he’s able to relax as his new self. 
He clearly is, however, just as infatuated with you as before, if the look he gave you was any indication. It had been a while since any of that took place, and you silently thanked yourself for having the foresight to book you and Hank separate hotel rooms for the evening. 
Just as quickly as it happened before, a waiter passed by, some groups shifted, and Connor was lost in the sea of conversations. 
Luckily for you, one of the coordinators went on stage, and announced that the live band they had for the evening would begin their set. Guests were encouraged to dance, of course, which meant the floor where most were currently talking would become exclusive for those who would dance. 
As the crowd dispersed, the jazz band already set up on stage began to start their set. Slowly, pairs started to fill up the dance floor once again. 
You looked over to Hank. “Would you like to dance?”
“That’s funnier than the last one,” he replied, then took another sip of his drink. “Dancing was not why I agreed to come.” 
“One dance won’t kill you,” You had already set your drink back down on the bar, and leaned over to grab Hank’s drink from his hand. He gave you a disgruntled look, but did nothing to stop you as you placed his glass next to yours. 
You led him to the dance floor, and settled into a free space amongst the dancing pairs. The music was cheery and light, meaning you could adopt a more casual form with your partner. One of your arms wrapped loosely around his shoulder, while his came to rest on your back. Both of your free hands were clasped together as you swayed to the music. 
Hank was stiff and guarded in his moves at first; a byproduct of his forced attire and the company he was surrounded by for the night. Yet, as you led him through the motions, he seemed to ease up. 
It was an odd thing, really, to see Hank ever relax in your presence. Work at the station was always stressful, and even during the occasional meals you shared outside of work, there was a certain weight he carried on his shoulders that made you wonder if he ever relieved his tension aside from the obvious alcoholic solutions. Your concern for his health was always a constant stressor ever since you first got to know him, and his lack thereof frustrated you to no end.
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you; one that could only be shared between long-term friends who didn’t need words to express themselves. You knew Hank wasn’t truly relaxed, but you could tell from your grip around his shoulders that he was allowing himself to try. Even if it was just to appease you for the night, his actions brought a genuine smile to his face.
“I’m proud of you, you know.” His voice stopped your movements; instead of leading the both of you around the dancefloor, you paused and looked into his eyes. 
“For what?” You managed, the smile still on your lips, as if waiting for a punchline or quip.
“Everything. From your police work to risking your life to help Connor and the rest of the droids, and everything in between. You’ve done a lot, kid. And I’m proud of you for it.”
You shook your head lightly, an attempt to brush off his praise. “You’re selling yourself short, Hank. You helped me with a lot of that.”
“Maybe so,” he nodded, smiling briefly. “But you still did it yourself. And you’ve stuck around to help an old man like me for longer than you needed to, and for that, I have to thank you.” 
Your eyes began to sting with the threat of tears. Hank had expressed his thanks to you in his actions before; good performance reviews to your higher ups, free meals, and the occasional back-handed compliment, but he had never explicitly said such kind words to you. 
You would’ve made a clever comeback, but you found your throat was too tight to try to speak. So, instead, you dropped your hand from his and wrapped it around the other side of his shoulders, embracing Hank in a hug, the dance long forgotten. Tears still threatened to leave your eyes, so you held them back by closing them altogether and buried your face into Hank’s suit jacket.
You weren’t sure how long you had stood there, but when you heard the coordinated shuffling of couples going off the dance floor and new ones onto it, you realized the song had ended and Hank’s favor had been completed - even if it was a little less than one dance. 
Hank pulled away from you, but left a hand on your shoulder. You waited for him to say something, eyeing his face intently, but noticed his eyes focus on something behind you. Before you could get a chance to turn around, your partner finally spoke up. 
“Looks like we’ve got company,” He gave you a knowing smile, and nodded to the spot behind you. As you turned around, you heard a fleeting statement from your partner.  “I’ll be at the bar if you need me.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest when you saw him up close. He was just as breathtaking as he was when you spotted him across the room, but the fact that he was closer to you now made your knees weak and your stomach twist in excitement. Maybe a month apart wasn’t so long to some; it wasn’t really to you, either, but the distance between you two from his political work had lasted longer than a mere 4 weeks. This night marked a return to what you hoped was a normal life with Connor, but you wouldn’t let the time you were forced to spend apart go completely.
“Hello, stranger,” you spoke, accompanied with a light laugh that was music to Connor’s ears. 
“Hello,” he greeted, his mouth twisting into a smile at the sight of you. With your new proximity, he could fully appreciate the ensemble you had put together for this night, and he loved every inch of it. He decided to play along with your teasing sentiment; it may have been selfish, but there was something pleasing in the notion that, just for a moment, he could pretend to be a complete stranger to you, and still get picked in a room of a hundred others. “I’m Connor.” 
An eyebrow quirked on your amused face, already speaking the question before you did. “Just Connor?” 
You had heard his old introduction countless times and, naturally, it would make sense that he wouldn’t refer to himself like he used to anymore. He was different now; much different from the man who helped sparked the revolution all those months ago. Gradual changes you missed during the past year seemed to culminate into the man standing before you know; different in stature and poise but still the same person who deviated because of his love for you. 
A nod. “Just Connor. And you are?”
You gave him your first name, and he repeated it back to you slowly as if hearing it for the first time. The way his lips smiled around your name caused another flutter in your chest. 
“- would you like to dance?” His hand stretched out toward you. You gently placed your hand in his. 
“I’d love to.” 
Your position was similar to your dance with Hank, although Connor’s hand was placed lower on your back. Due to your brief conversation, the song had already started, though it was slower in nature than the previous one and therefore easier to settle into. 
“I didn’t know if I’d get a shot alone with you tonight,” you admitted while you swayed to the music. “You seemed quite popular earlier.” 
Connor chuckled. “I’d much rather be in your company than any of the other people in here.” 
You raised an eyebrow at him again. “Strong words for a woman you hardly know.”
“Maybe so,” Connor leaned in, his lips just inches from your ear. Your breath hitched. You couldn’t tell if your heart was beating faster or if it had stopped altogether. “But, after I saw you earlier, I couldn’t keep my mind off of you.”
He pulled away, and you could’ve sworn he was gauging your reaction as you did so. The shock must’ve been apparent on your face, because he continued without giving you a moment to form a response. 
“Although, I’m surprised someone as beautiful as yourself didn’t already have a date.” 
“I-I do,” you fumbled over your words and cursed yourself for it. How were you so nervous? “I mean, I came here with my work partner. As friends.” 
You knew Connor knew that already, so you weren’t sure why you suddenly had to express it. Something about Connor’s ability to pretend he had no clue who you were, but still charm you like he desperately wanted you, flustered you to no end. 
He was enjoying all of it; the chance to flirt with you, to win you all over again, as a new version of himself was an opportunity he’d regret not taking. Of course, seeing you so clearly affected by his advances was a bonus, and it was somehow all the more rewarding to know you were still his under it all. 
“A friend?” He hummed, taking an opportunity during your movements to pull you slightly closer to him. “Nothing I should be worried about?”
“No, no,” you shook your head, possibly too eagerly. “He’s like a father to me; he’s also grumpy, hates almost everything except alcohol, and my partner at work.” 
“Sounds like he’d be hard to get along with.” 
You chuckled at that, and saw Connor’s own smile peek through. Though he hadn’t seen your first interactions with Hank, he would be correct in guessing he wasn’t all too happy getting assigned to work with you in the early days, either. Babysitting was what he referred to it as, if you could recall correctly. It was similar to how Connor and almost every single person was treated by Hank. 
Sharing such a reference could break the illusion of unfamiliarity the two of you had just created, but somehow it added a new layer of enjoyment to the whole situation. Being able to find humor and recognition in a statement that, discussed between two strangers, could mean nothing but a passing comment was satisfying. It reiterated the simple fact that, despite whatever it was you were partaking in, you were still each other’s at the end of it all. 
You leaned in closer to Connor, nearly hugging him entirely. Your already leisurely-paced dance movements slowed even more with your new position. You rested the side of your face against his chest and closed your eyes as you breathed in his cologne. 
“I missed you,” a content sigh escaped your lips as you spoke. Connor’s grip around you tightened; a gesture to reassure you that he was here, now, and that he had missed you just as much as he had missed you. 
“You do look beautiful tonight,” he murmured in a voice only loud enough for the two of you to hear. You smiled then, a gesture he couldn’t see from how your head was rested on his chest. “I still can’t believe I’m lucky enough to call you mine.”
You wondered for a brief moment if “luck” was what you’d really call it. Was it luck that assigned his specific model to be Hank’s partner? Was it luck that you had taken an interest in the deviancy to begin with, giving you the perfect excuse for the two of you to meet outside of work? Was it luck that you even began working at that police station in the first place, all those years ago? Something told you that luck had little to do with it; that, somehow, your love story was one that was fated from the very beginning - that you were meant to be the flicker that sparked the deviancy in Connor, and in turn, helped the android uprising. 
Maybe that was wishful thinking; maybe, in reality, your love story was one of chance - of every single possibility in the universe bending and twisting in an impossible way to create the circumstances of your relationship. There was no higher power guiding you two to each other; rather, you had found each other in the organized chaos that was life - accidentally, but with purpose.
Maybe your relationship was unlikely to happen in the first place and it miraculously did against all odds, or maybe your fate was written and sealed in the stars themselves. You weren’t sure which you preferred; you only knew that you were thankful for whatever it was that brought you here, in this moment, embraced by the man that you’ve loved for over a year. 
You pulled away a bit, rousing yourself from your thoughts to instead look up at the man who so consumed them. From your periphery, however, you noticed a shock of blue hair to your right. Without even realizing it, you turned your head to get a better view of the familiar sight.
They looked different than they did on that rainy night outside of Eden Club when you last saw them. You could still differentiate between the two Traci models by their hair; one electric blue and the other a soft brown. The former was dressed in an elegant, slim silver dress while the latter wore a vibrant blue, flowy gown. 
The brown-haired Traci had her head pressed against her partner’s chest, eyes closed as the two of them drifted together to the tune of the music with soft smiles on their faces.You noticed some other guests glance their way often; but if the two noticed it at all, they paid no attention to it. After being on display for most of their entire existence, the looks they got tonight were trivial when they knew they were finally living the life they so desperately craved a year ago.
“I invited them,” Connor’s voice caused you to tear your gaze from the couple. You must’ve been watching for longer than you realized, if he had the time to notice and give an explanation. “They’re going to finalize their re-birth registration soon, and be given new names they choose.” 
The re-birth registration was the biggest project Connor spoke about to you. It had taken months to formulate, and even at its debut, there was a limited amount of androids that would be allowed to register. It essentially gave all androids the chance to create their “birth” registrations to be officially recognized as citizens. While all androids still have the emergency rights given to them from the uprising, this act was the first step in making those temporary powers more permanent.
You nodded slowly, and took one last look at the Traci’s. You’d most likely never see them again, and you wanted to remember the two androids - who taught you more about love than you realized - in the way they wanted to be remembered: together, in love, and happy. 
“And what about you?” You asked, looking back at Connor.  “Any thoughts on a new name?”
He gave a light laugh before answering. “I think I’ll stay with ‘Connor’.” 
If he’s being honest, he fell in love with the way you spoke his name and it didn’t make sense to change it. Maybe he should’ve admitted that to you, and maybe one day in the future he will, but instead he was content with your bright smile that he felt no explanation was needed.
“I do get to pick my birth date, though.” 
“Yeah?” You asked, your eyebrow arching to reflect your peaked curiosity. “What date did you have in mind?” 
Though it had been a year, you’d never forget that date. It was the day you first met Connor, and the night Connor had come by to your apartment, asked for your notes on the investigation, and left you confused and guilt-ridden from the kiss you shared. Your first ever kiss, and as accidental as it may have been, you couldn’t deny that it’s when everything started. 
You must’ve worn a shocked expression, for Connor continued with an explanation.
“I think that’s when I felt like I really started living instead of existing. Even if I tried to deny it afterwards - I know that’s when it all started to change for me… It seems right to make it my birth date.” 
You kissed him then. It was the first kiss you’d had in a month, and to be honest, you were surprised you could hold the urge back as long as you did. The feeling of his lips were soft on yours, yet held an underlying force that let you know he craved more of you than would be appropriate at a public function. His hands slowly drifted to your waist as the kiss lingered, while yours snaked their way around his neck. Both of you did your best to keep your longing kiss proper; but when he coyly nibbled at your bottom lip and caused a light moan to sound from your throat, you knew that task would be impossible. 
You pulled apart, nearly breathless. He looked at you, eyes alert and filled with a desire that made your knees weak. 
“Looks like I already missed your first birthday.” Your attempt at grounding your thoughts and bringing back some form of cohesive conversation fell short when he leaned closer to your ear. You already felt your composure crumble before he even spoke.
“It’s alright; you’ll make it up to me later.”
You most certainly did.
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Flicker: Fanfiction Script for the Roblox Murder Mystery Game - Part 1 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1165460797-flicker-fanfiction-script-for-the-roblox-murder?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=dablackestblackpearl&wp_originator=U%2BXCFXRtYCDLPdup9KflAstWifn4GT8RVpBEthLEX95auvP30MsorImHHshUdjF%2FOF5wqiwdVh1X2CAcfGHMlv6LoVrrfHdGuCw3L4kRyzi2xedAPooLtAghGx5oIAkT You may or may not have heard of the game Flicker, but this is a script for it I started writing in 6th grade. This (eventually) 5-part script is about a murder mystery game where when the lights go out, the murderer strikes. For these 11 teenagers, Flicker is more than a simple game. They ARE the game. But for them, the game is different. They don't know their roles right away, they don't know what they are doing there, the Narrator is ridiculous, and more. Which side will win? Good or Evil? 
Yeahhhhhh, I’ve been working on this for a while now
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loljulie · 6 years
flicker; {004} a reservoir in your eyes
(yay part 4! thank you to the couple of people who helped figure out some stuff about this fic last night! it really helped me decide on how to write some things for this! as always, thank you to anybody who reads, likes, replies, or reblogs any of my writing - i legit teared up last night because of some of the nice things people have to say about it. it truly means a lot to me to hear/read your comments/messages. enjoy this part loves~)
genre: detroit: become human
deviant!connor x reader
word count: 3398 (yikes!)
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓  d̯̱̝̠̘̙͙e̼̯̣̗͈͇̳v̥̗̭̹̫ia̘̝͔͙͙̜ͅn͈t͇͓̦̻s̙̗͉̜͕   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
“That’s all I have prepared,” Connor ended his conjecture and sat down at the glossy, dark oak table. You, him, and Hank had been sitting in a conference room at the police station, trying to figure out how to move forth with the investigation.
It had been two days since Eden Club, during which you and Connor had exchanged awkward stares and polite conversation as you tried to work together. After an extensive review of the crime scenes you had missed, Hank called all three of you into the room to discuss leads or ideas. Connor had just gone, stressing the importance of rA9. After he was seated, a moment of contemplative silence passed, before Hank nodded at you.
You stood up, mentally running through what you wanted to discuss. Truth be told, you had really not come up with much. The crime scenes had been different in their own ways, but ultimately the story was always the same.
“If I’m being honest,” you started out, resting your palms against the cold table. “All things considered… I think we’re shit out of luck.”
Hank arched an eyebrow at you, as if proud of your blunt comment. Connor watched you intently.
“I’ve reviewed the evidence, and what it tells me is the same thing: deviancy can’t be predicted or prevented,” you opened up a file on your tablet and clicked the account you were looking for. “‘All androids from Eden Club have their memories wiped every 2 hours, in the interest of privacy for our customers.’ Every. Two. Hours. And yet, those two Traci models… they loved each other. Something inside them kept them coming back to each other, and it wasn’t their memories. It was stronger than that.”
“Even if we wipe memories of androids who have deviant tendencies, it’s still clearly possible for them to break free.” you paused, placed your tablet down, and let out a breath of air. “It… it might even be inevitable.”
You noticed Hank’s expression first, a pensive look in his eyes as he reflected on your statements. Connor, you noticed, wasn’t watching you anymore. His gaze was turned downward, at his hands in his lap.
“That’s… that’s all I have.” You sat down at the table, letting what you had just said settle in the room for a moment. When you turned to look expectantly at Hank, he met your stare and stood up. You straightened a bit, ready to hear what he had to say.
“I’m starving. Lunch?” He asked casually. It took you a moment to reply, as you were expecting him to talk about the investigation a bit more. Noticing your hesitance, he continued. “There’s nothing I can say that you two already haven’t.”
Finding that to be a decent answer, you and Connor stood up and followed Hank as he exited the conference room. As the three of you made your way through the station, a voice called out your name.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” You turned to see Gavin approaching you. Out of the corner of your eye, you thought you saw Connor stiffen. “How’s about that lunch we talked about?”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you apologized with a friendly smile before nodding to Hank and Connor. “I’m going with them.”
Gavin eyed your partners, his demeanor suddenly turning less friendly than it had been when he approached you. “Right…” he started, his stare resting on Connor’s face in a borderline threatening way. “You’re working on the deviancy cases with them.”
“Yes... so maybe next time?” You offered. At the sound of your voice, Gavin focused back on you, his features softening.
“Alright, then. I’ll be waiting,” Gavin added. He gave Connor another look before he left.
“I never liked that guy,” Hank commented as you continued your walk out of the police station. You shrugged.
“He’s not that bad,” you imparted, earning a scoff from Hank.
“Maybe not to the pretty ones.”
Glass shattering caused you to shoot up in your bed. You stayed still for a moment, your ears listening for any sounds of movement. Every part of you wished that you had been mistaken in what you heard.
When you heard footsteps walk around the living room, your blood ran cold. Someone was in your apartment, and they must’ve broken in through the window near the fire escape. You quietly got out of bed, trying not to alert the intruder. The first thing you had to do was arm yourself, just in case whoever was out there had a weapon as well.
As you tried to cross your room to the closet, the floorboards creaked beneath you. Your face grimaced as you halted in your tracks, hoping the sound would go unnoticed. Your hopes were futile.
“I-I know you’re in there,” a female voice called out. Shit. “Come out right now. I-I have a knife.”
You closed your eyes and stopped your breathing, hoping that maybe you could convince the intruder that the noise was imagined.
“I-I mean it. I’ll go in there and get you myself,” it demanded after a moment.
“Okay, okay,” you announced, walking slowly to the door. “I’m going to open the door. I’m unarmed, okay?”
Without hearing a response, you turned your bedroom door knob and pulled your door open. To your surprise, it was an android wielding a knife at you. Her LED was bright red, a stark contrast to the blue blood leaking from her shoulder. You kept your hands raised to show you were unarmed and slowly walked out of the bedroom.
“I’ll do whatever you want me to do, I promise,” you tried to reason. You had gone through enough hostage training scenarios at the academy to know how best to respond. Based on the nervous nature of the android in front of you, it was easy to realize she was a deviant and would hopefully want to make an escape without anymore blood on her hands.
She watched you intently, her knife still in front of her. The tip of it was drenched in red blood, further affirming what you already guessed. Her hair, which must’ve usually been kept in a bun, was messy and out of place.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, watching each other for any movement. Suddenly, your phone’s loud ringtone ruptured the silence, causing the deviant to jump.
“It’s just my phone,” you explained, remembering its place on your nightstand. “I should answer it.”
“No, no. You’ll pull some trick.” Her erratic voice matched her visible nervousness.
“It’ll be worse if I don’t,” you tried to reason. “They might send someone to check on me.”
The deviant seemed to consider it for a moment. Your heart was pounding, knowing that this could be the difference between life and death. Finally, the deviant nodded.
“Okay, fine, but I’m going to watch you the whole time.”
You nodded and turned your back, a move that filled you with dread, on the deviant. You walked into your room, keenly aware of the footsteps behind you. When you grabbed the phone and swiped to accept the call, a small wave of relief crashed into you.
“(Y/N), we just got a call. Dead body near your apartment complex, and blue blood around the scene.” Hank’s gruff voice was music to your ears at that moment.
“No, I’m sorry Hank. I can’t take you tomorrow because my car is in the shop.” You tried to keep your voice as level as possible, as the deviant had her eyes trained on you.
Over the phone, you heard the sound of tires screeching. Hank had insisted the two of you come up with a code phrase for situations like this, and it finally had been put to use.
“Got it. Be there soon. Stay on the line if you can. Connor, record this now.”
You breathed deeply. “Okay, goodnight.” Instead of pressing the end call button, you placed the phone on your bed with the screen facing down and the microphone pointed to the living room.
“Back into the living room,” the deviant ordered. You nodded and walked to the middle of the room, your heart skipping as you passed the deviant and her weapon. She kept you standing a comfortable distance away from her.
“What’s your name?” You asked, hoping to get any identifying information from her. Getting personal could make her less likely to kill you.
The deviant’s LED flickered before she answered. “Nicole.”
“Okay, Nicole. I’m (Y/N),” you revealed. Your eyes landed on the wound in her shoulder. “You’re hurt. Did… did someone do that to you?”
“Yes,” her voice was thick with emotion. “I-I was just trying to get back home. He had me run some errands and - and this woman came up to me.”
You could tell the story was hard for her to recount. She seemed to be loosening her grip on her weapon, which was a good sign.
“She started harassing me. Telling me I was the reason she was laid off. I tried to keep walking but she- she pushed me against the wall,” she struggled to speak as tears began to stream down her face. “She kept calling me all these terrible things. When she pulled out a knife, I knew she was going to kill me. I-I didn’t want to die. She stabbed me a-and something snapped in me.”
“It’s-it’s not fair. I just wanted to go home. I-I don’t deserve to die for existing.”
Her story hit something within you. If you didn’t know any better, you’d have guessed that the person you were speaking to were just any human. It would’ve made you feel bad for the deviant, if there wasn’t a knife wielded at you.  
“Wh-when I realized what I was doing, it was too late. Someone on the street screamed, I-I don’t know who. I just ran, tried to get to the roof, but… the sirens were-were just down the street. I panicked, I had to get out of sight.”
“I understand, Nicole,” you kept your voice calm and reassuring. “You can leave right now if you wanted to.”
She shook her head. “The police are at the crime scene. They-they’ll be looking for me.”
The metal clanging of footsteps climbing the fire escape caused Nicole to be momentarily distracted. You took your chance to run at her and attempted to kick the knife from her hand. However, her reaction time was faster than yours and her grip was stronger than the force from your kick.
Instead of taking the chance to slash at you, she pulled you against her chest and kept the knife trained at your throat just in time for Connor to appear in the shattered window.
When he saw you trapped against the knife, he raised his hands for the deviant to see that he was unarmed.
“Okay, okay,” he spoke cautiously, his eyes glancing from yours, to the knife at your throat, to the deviant. “We don’t want anything bad to happen here.”
Nicole was silent, her grip around your shoulders iron tight. Feeling the cold, sticky surface of the knife caused your heart to beat even faster than before.
“If you kill her, it’ll be even worse for you,” Connor claimed. He slowly stepped into the room, his hands still raised. Nicole allowed this but stepped farther from him and pulled you with her. “If you let her go now, you can still escape.”
“You’ll arrest me somehow,” Nicole’s statement seemed more like it was an inquisition. Connor shook his head.
“They don’t know where you are. I’m the only one. I just want her safe.” He nodded to you, and that statement seemed to make Nicole loosen her grip on you slightly.
“There’s a back exit,” you spoke up, your voice uneven and weak. You hated how wobbly your knees felt. “If you leave the front door and go left, you’ll find it. You’ll be on the opposite street from the police.”
Nicole seemed to contemplate this, and for a few dreadful moments, you waited in silence to hear her next move. “You,” she finally spoke, her eyes locked on Connor’s. “Unlock this door and open it for me. And don’t try anything.”
You flinched slightly at the warning, knowing exactly what threat hid behind her words. Connor accepted the order, walking past you and Nicole to get to the front door. You and the deviant watched intently as Connor unlocked door and opened it widely.
“Now stand back over there,” Nicole demanded. When he was at a safe distance again, she slowly backed up into the doorframe, looked to the left, and spotted the exit you had mentioned.
The next moment, you were released from her grip and pushed toward Connor, who caught you before you collided with the floor. You felt hot tears of relief escape your eyes as he gripped onto you tightly, as if afraid to let you go. You buried your head in his chest, finding the low hum of his mechanical heart comforting, and cried out your tension.
Fast footsteps down the hallway caused you both to pull apart out of fear. When the source turned out to be Hank, you embraced him as well. He wrapped his arms around you, letting out a sigh of relief.
“You had me worried there, kid,” he remarked, squeezing you tightly before letting go. He looked at your tear-streaked face, his own eyes starting to water. “I can’t lose you.”
You brought your arm to your face and wiped the tears away, completely soaking your forearm. When you had calmed down a little bit more, you glanced between the both of them.
“Are we going to check the crime scene?” You asked. Hank raised an eyebrow at you.
“If you think I’m letting you work after that, you’re some kind of stupid,” he answered, clasping a hand on your shoulder. His expression was softer than usual as he noticed your puffy, red eyes. “We got a lot from the conversation you had with the deviant. Connor and I can go to the scene and see what else is there, but you’ve helped us figure out what happened already.”
“Actually, Lieutenant,” Connor interjected, “I think it may be best for me to stay here. With (Y/N).”
You and Hank simultaneously stared at Connor. He shifted on his feet before explaining further.
“It’s just that, we don’t know if the deviant will return, and I can stay up all night guarding if I need to. And, as you said, we already know what happened at the crime scene.” He reasoned, then hastily added, “It’s the safest option.”
You looked back at Hank, who was watching you intently. Something flashed in his eyes that you couldn’t describe, but it caused him to sigh. “We shouldn’t take any chances,” he decided. He nodded to Connor. “If anything happens, call me right away.”
“I’ll fill the report out for this one, (Y/N). Just rest up.”
And with that, Hank gave you one final hug before disappearing through your door frame. You closed the door behind him, and double checked to be sure you locked it.
You leaned your back against the door and tried to focus on your breathing. You closed your eyes and forced yourself to take deep breath after breath as your mind calmed down what you just experienced.
“Would you like to get some sleep?” Connor’s question caused you to open your eyes. You shook your head and pushed yourself off the door.
“I don’t think I’d even be able to,” you answered as your footsteps took you to your couch. The soft cushions were a relief to sit down on. You didn’t realize how badly your hands were shaking until they were idle in your lap.
Connor joined you not too long after. His rested his hands atop of yours, and the comfort of his touch stopped their shaking. He was watching you intently, though your gaze was empty and your mind was elsewhere.
The deviant was right, and you couldn’t stop replaying her words over and over again in your head. I don’t deserve to die for existing. It sent shivers down your spine as you realized how human she sounded, and how terrified she was.
Without you realizing it, your hands had gripped onto Connor’s as if they were craving his touch. When Connor spoke, rousing you from your thoughts, you noticed the way your hands melted together and your cheeks felt warm.
“Lieutenant (Y/L/N),” his voice was soft, as if to match the stillness of the room. “I… I wanted to apologize.”
You arched an eyebrow at his statement. “For what?”
“For causing you emotional distress,” he answered, and for some reason it seemed like what he was saying was hard for him. “I didn’t mean to… and, I don’t like there being discomfort between us.”
Your mind reflected on the last time you had talked like this with Connor at the Eden Club. You remembered how he looked, drenched with rainwater, as you explained why you were so upset. The look on his face now was almost akin to that night.
“There’s… something else that I’m having trouble with, too,” he went on. You nodded for him to keep going. “There have been moments where I… I do things, or react to things, in a way that I shouldn’t.”
You waited patiently for him to explain, though your heart began to race in your chest.
“That first night I came here, when I put your hand back on my cheek… I couldn’t explain why I did that. Everything that happened afterwards I couldn’t understand either. I tried to convince myself that it was a programmed reaction, but I knew that it wasn’t. I did those things because I wanted to, and I couldn’t face that.”
All the work you had done to steady your breathing earlier was thrown out the window as you listened to Connor speak.
“I self-diagnosis myself constantly, and I… I see things that aren’t right. These experiences, especially with you involved… they’re doing something to my software. Even… even just seeing Gavin talk to you or look at you… I’m not programmed to want to punch him for it, but I have to stop myself from going through with it.”
“Connor… I…” you were at a loss for words. What could you even say to all of that?
“And I don’t know why all I want to do, right now and every time I’m near you, is… kiss you.”
Your emotions spurred your haste, breathy answer. “Then do it.”
In a matter of seconds, Connor’s hands left yours and cupped your face as he closed the distance between your lips. Your hands gripped the collar of his jacket, pulling him as close to you as you could. The first kiss you shared with Connor had been slow, and searching. This one, by contrast, was desperate and urgent.
You slowly leaned back until your head rested on the couch armrest, Connor hovering over you while his hands traveled steadily from your face to your hips. You broke away from the kiss, only to leave a trail of them on his neck. Connor rested his face against the side of your cheek, one hand trailing over the waistband of your pajama shorts while he propped himself up with the other.
“(Y/N)...” his voice moaned out, stirring warmth inside of you at how attractive he sounded calling your name. “Can we take this… further?”
You pulled away from his neck as he lifted his head to look into your eyes. His LED, which was a yellow color, was the only source of light between you two. There was something in his eyes that you hadn’t seen from him before… a mixture of lust and hopefulness that made your breathing hitch. The implication in his words weren’t lost on you by any means. A logical part of you was worried about what it would mean to Connor, but ultimately your emotions and desire won over.
The same conflict had occurred in the android above you, but was resolved when you nodded your consent. Something inside of him, that definitely could not be explained by his programming, took over as the two of you reconnected and became entangled in each other.
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loljulie · 6 years
flicker; {002} it echoes a spark
(here’s the next part of my deviant!connor x reader fanfic. you can read part 1 here if you’ve missed it. things start to pick up here and will continue to do so in the next part! feedback is appreciated as always and i hope you guys enjoy! love you!)
genre: detroit: become human
deviant!connor x reader
word count: 1860
Empty boxes of Chinese takeout littered your coffee table as your eyes scanned through the article on your tablet. It was almost 10pm, and since you had gotten off work only an hour and a half earlier, the cheap dinner would have to do. Outside, a gentle rain poured against your apartment window, making you feel even drowsier than usual.
A sudden knocking at your apartment door broke the comfortable silence you were cloaked in. You slowly placed the tablet on the table in front of you and cautiously approached the door. There was nothing that sounded good about someone knocking on your door at 10 o’clock.
In the time you had taken to approach the door, the outsider knocked again, and spoke.
“Lieutenant (Y/L/N), it’s me, Connor,” the voice called. You let out a breath you had been holding, glad to find that it wasn’t some serial killer, and unlocked the door.
“Connor, what are you doing here?” You asked, the door cracked just enough for you to be able to make eye contact with the android.
“I came by to discuss the investigation. I know we discussed it days ago, but new developments made this meeting urgent and necessary.”
You had to suppress a groan. When Connor hadn’t showed up three days ago to discuss your personal notes on the deviants, you were full of relief. You were hoping that his own research and investigation would’ve been enough to work with.
“Alright, come in,” You opened the door to let him in and made sure to lock it behind him. “You can have a seat on the couch.”
You had to stop yourself from asking Connor if he wanted anything to drink as you watched him sit down on your worn couch. By the way his eyes moved across the room, you could tell he was piecing together tiny bits of information about you.
As you made your way to the couch, you suddenly realized the clothes you were in. The oversized shirt you usually threw on when you got home was stained with orange sauce and bits of rice, and your pajama shorts were too inappropriate for a colleague to see you in.
“Uh, just a moment,” you exclaimed hastily before disappearing into your bedroom. Drawers were flung open as you quickly pieced together a more appropriate, but still casual, outfit that consisted of a blank tee and black athletic pants. On your way out of your bedroom, you grabbed your journal from atop the desk.
When you joined Connor on the couch, you gave the both of you a comfortable distance from each other, and began to flick through the pages of your journal.
“You didn’t have to change, Lieutenant,” Connor remarked as you silently read your notes.
“Please, (Y/N) is fine. We aren’t at work,” you replied, your eyes still scanning your handwriting on the pages. “And I definitely had to. Human or not, impressions still matter.”
Connor didn’t argue and instead let you read. You furrowed your eyebrows as time ticked by, wishing you didn’t have to impart your hard work to Connor. While it may not be much to him, the journal had been your focus for 9 months. Most people don’t take their work home like you did, and it was unfair and frustrating to have to give it up.
“You know,” you finally spoke after a few more moments of silence, “these notes are kinda all over the place. If you want, I can work on a summary and give it to you tomorrow.”
“(Y/N), I don’t mind the state they’re in. Anything would help with this investigation,” Connor declared, matching your stare. He continued, his voice sounding lower and more desperate. “Another deviant escaped from me today. It was either chase after him or help Hank up, and I had to help Hank.”
Connor lowered his gaze, as if unable to look you in the eyes. Was he ashamed? “I just need any information you have that can help me. I can’t fail this mission.”
Your mouth was dry as you processed what he said. You didn’t know much about how androids worked, but you would’ve guessed that Connor would chase the deviant regardless. If Connor really was at a loss with the investigation, then maybe it was time for you to impart some of your knowledge onto him. Besides, he saved Hank, so you thought of it as a sort of  reward for the android.
A long  breath escaped your lungs before you spoke again.
“Before I tell you what I think, I have to be honest with you,” you claimed. Your fingers idly ran over the cover of the closed journal. “These… explanations I’ve been coming up with over the past few months have taken a lot of time and devotion.”
You paused, trying to find the right words to say. “I was hesitant to share any of this with you because, well, I don’t want it to be stolen from me. I was actually hoping this work would get me on the case with Hank, but, well…”
You shook your head, as if to empty it of the thought, and continued. “I’m going to tell you what I know, in all honesty, okay? I may be completely wrong about all of this, but there is a chance that I could be right about some things. If I am… I hope that it helps your investigation. For the public’s sake.”
Connor nodded, signalling you to proceed. You took a deep breath before you went on.
“Deviancy is… well, it’s hard to understand. To the world, it’s random and unpredictable, and that’s what scares the public. I personally don’t think it’s that difficult. Keep in mind, I could be entirely wrong about this, but I think deviancy isn’t random. It can happen to every single android out in the world.”
Connor raised an eyebrow at you, but stayed silent.
“You make a machine in the perfect image of a human, make it talk and act like a human, and let it live amongst humans. Eventually, they’ll feel like humans. I think sometimes it occurs in an instant, sort of like the android reaching a breaking point. In some cases with the deviant homicides, you usually find that there was a struggle initiated by the owner and the deviant defended itself.”
“But… other times, I think it’s gradual. Small moments here and there that shape an android’s experience with the world. They choose to do something they really shouldn’t do according to their programming, and little by little, they become independent from their code.”
You paused to let Connor process what you’ve poured out. His LED flashed yellow for a few moments before he spoke again.
“Androids can’t feel like humans, because they can’t feel anything, not even pain. Emotion is a human capability,” he finally commented.
“A lot of people think that emotions are a big thing that separate androids from humans, but I disagree. Emotions are largely physiological and really aren’t that complicated to stimulate. Just smiling can make a human feel happier, did you know that? I mean, androids are so complex and created to serve humans and essentially be a - a different version of humanity, that it doesn’t seem impossible for them to feel the same things humans do.”
Connor stayed silent, his LED flashing yellow. Taking a chance to hopefully demonstrate your point better, you reached out your hand and placed it on Connor’s cheek, causing him to stare into your eyes.
“You don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to, but think about what you’re feeling right now,” you articulated, your soft hand taking in the feel of his synthetic skin. You had never actually touched an android before, and the sensation was more pleasant than you assumed it would be.
“I feel your hand on my cheek. It’s warm.” Connor affirmed. You smiled.
“Yes, physically that is what you’re feeling. But is it unpleasant? Uncomfortable? Comforting? It doesn’t take a human to understand those emotions, lesser animals have experienced the same things.”
Connor didn’t say anything. Your smile softened as you let your hand slowly leave his face. Before it could drop, however, Connor’s own hand wrapped around your wrist and brought your hand back to its spot on his cheek.
You must’ve stayed like that for an eternity, the both of you staring into each other’s eyes as your hand cupped Connor’s cheek. The only sound that could be heard was the soft drops of rain hitting the glass windows. You didn’t know who moved first, but there was a part of you that believed your actions were synced as the distance between you and Connor lessened and lessened.
When his lips collided onto yours, your hand instinctively moved to the back of his neck. You felt a hand rest on your waist, keeping you both locked in the embrace. His lips were soft and felt real, and his actions perfectly matched yours. You almost forgot he wasn’t human. When you had to break apart to catch your breath, you instantly wished you were like him and didn’t have to.
Your chest rose and fell with the hurried puffs of air you were inhaling. When moments passed and the only sound was still your inhaling, you decided to speak. “I, uh… is it okay if we do that?”
Maybe it was a dumb question to ask, but you didn’t know if Connor could get in trouble for something he wasn’t programmed to do.
“As long as you want it, I can do whatever you wish.” He addressed.
“What?” You asked, the smile on your face slowly fading.
“I mean that I am designed to serve. If that is how I can serve you, then I am allowed to do it.”
Your heart stopped at that answer, and your blood ran cold. Connor’s voice was so matter-of-fact and devoid of any emotion that it stung. A moment ago, you could’ve sworn you had felt something entirely different in his actions. But now, he seemed even more guarded and distant. More… like a machine. You felt instantly embarrassed. Had you read the situation wrong? Did your own feelings project onto him?
Hot tears threatened to leave your eyes. “Connor, I think you should leave.”
“Are you sure? If there are still more notes you have regarding -”
“Just go. We can talk tomorrow, at work.” Your tone was cold and sharp, demanding that nothing else be said on the matter. As Connor stood and left your apartment, you kept your eyes trained on the thread lines of your couch.
The door closed, and with it, a new silence filled your living room. It was far different from the comfortable, warm one you had enjoyed before Connor came by. This silence was lonely, cold, and felt as if it was suffocating you. The more you stayed in it, the more it fed your guilt and shame. Its terrible void was deafening. Finally, unable to bear any more of it, you retreated into your bedroom and let sleep’s embrace save you.
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loljulie · 6 years
flicker; {001} think of the start
(so, here is the first part to my Deviant!Connor x Female!Reader mini-series. i can’t guarantee how many chapters there will be at this point, but i would say at least 3. because this game is so dependent on individual choices, and because the game literally takes place in like 3 days, this story is going to have some moments from the game and some made up in the interest of character development. this first part is setting up the reader’s character and her relationship to hank and people in the station, so it is a bit of filler unfortunately. i promise, the next chapter will be interesting ;) thank you if you do read, and i’d love some feedback!)
genre: detroit: become human
deviant!connor x reader
word count: 2212
The freezing air barely had any chance to nip at your exposed face as you rushed into the police station, hoping nobody would notice your second tardy of the week. You breathed a sigh of relief as your eyes found Captain Fowler in his glass office, fortunately preoccupied with Lieutenant Anderson and a new android you hadn’t seen before. Your hurried steps took you to your desk, across from Hank’s, as you hastened to remove your beanie and attempted to appear busy.
The computer screen had just started to boot up with email notifications and previously open browsers when you could hear muffled shouting from Fowler’s office. Your head swiveled just enough for you to see Hank and Fowler engaged in another screaming match while the dark-haired android idly stood by. A faint smile crossed your lips as you turned back to resume your work, knowing all too well the outcome of their argument.
Without fail, heavy footsteps sauntered over to the desk across from yours, and with a loud sigh, your coworker plopped onto his chair. From the corner of your eye, you could see his arms folded over his chest as the android attempted – and failed – to lighten the mood. After a few more uncomfortably awkward efforts from the android to make conversation, you stood up and crossed over to greet Hank.
“Hope I’m not interrupting anything,” you commented as you came to a halt before both of their computer screens. Instantly, you felt two gazes on you, one relieved and one scrutinizing.
“Believe me, it’s a welcome interruption,” Hank muttered. Your eyes flitted to the android to gauge his reaction, but as was usually the case with them, there was none to be had. You smiled softly to the android before reaching into the box of donuts on Hank’s desk and stealing one for yourself.
“I didn’t get to eat breakfast this morning,” you explained to Hank’s arched brow before taking a bite of the glazed donut.
“And you still showed up later than me?” He teased, a faint smile tugging at his lips. You shrugged.
“My alarm didn’t wake me up, and you of all people should understand technology troubles,” you shot back with a wink. Hank conceded and leaned back in his chair. Your relationship with Lieutenant Anderson was a mixture between mentor and friend. Despite the generational gap and your disapproval of his heavy drinking, Hank was one of the few people at the police station you worked well with.
“Are you going to introduce me to your new friend?” You asked tentatively, an eyebrow raised. Hank shot an exasperated glance up at you but didn’t speak.
“My name is Connor,” the android spoke. Your eyes shifted to meet his gaze. “I’m the android sent by Cyberlife to help Lieutenant Anderson with the deviants.”
Your eyebrows furrowed slightly while you glanced back to Hank. “I’m sorry, what? Fowler did what?”
“I don’t think it was entirely up to Fowler,” Hank replied in a cool tone, noticing your agitation. He turned to Connor for a moment. “Go get us some coffee.”
You waited for Connor to leave the desk before venting your frustration. “Ever since we had the first instance of deviancy 9 months ago, I’ve been dedicating my entire workload to analyzing every single clue. I have poured over the evidence for hours on end and you’re telling me it was for nothing? I should be on this case with you, Hank.”
“Believe me, I’d prefer you over that any day,” Hank grumbled, voicing the dissatisfaction you no doubt heard in Fowler’s office moments earlier. “But you just became a lieutenant, they’re going to throw you smaller cases to see what you can handle first. They did it to me, too.”
You let out a sigh of frustration.  “9 months of work, Hank.” You commented tersely, your arms crossed over your chest.
Hank gave you a fleeting look of genuine empathy before Connor returned, two paper cups in hand. He offered one to you, which you took with a forced smile. Frustration and all, you still were polite. Unlike the protestors you pass by in town squares, you looked upon androids favorably, even after the deviancy outbreaks.
“I didn’t know how you drank your coffee, so I just left it black.” He explained as you took the cup from him.  
“Cream and sugar until there’s no coffee left,” Hank answered with a sly smile. You rolled your eyes.
“While I do enjoy some cream and sugar, I still enjoy the taste of coffee, Hank,” you replied. You turned to Connor and lowered your voice slightly. “Hank thinks lattes are too fancy for his taste. He’s a simple man, but you probably already know that.”
“I heard that, you know.” Hank called out. “I may be old, but my hearing is still as good as it used to be.”
You let out a small chuckle and headed back to your desk. -
Not long after your interaction with Connor and Hank, they were called to investigate the suspected hideout of a deviant android. Up until then, you watched out of the corner of your eye as Connor analyzed files you had spent hours looking over in just a matter of seconds.
It was disheartening, to say the least. Seeing the spot you had been working to fill taken by a newcomer would upset anybody, especially when the job had forced you to miss family events and other engagements. When the pair across from you left, you had decided to voice your concerns to Fowler.
The glass walls allowed you to see that Fowler didn’t appear to be busy. You approached the glass door and tapped your finger knuckle on it three times. Fowler looked up from his computer screen and nodded. With a polite smile, you opened the door and stepped inside.
“What brings you to my office, Lieutenant (Y/L/N)?” He asked, his eyes refocused on his screen.
“I wanted to talk to you about the Android cases,” you declared with a confident tone. “And about how I think I deserve to be on them.”
Fowler looked up at you and sighed. “(Y/N), Lieutenant Anderson and his android are already on it. Your skills are better suited elsewhere.”
You had to stop yourself from scoffing. “On civil disputes?” You asked rhetorically. “Captain, I’m not asking you to remove either of them from the case. Just let me work with them. You know how much time I’ve spent on these cases already.”
Fowler met your gaze with a sympathetic look that told you more than his words could. “I know, and I’m sorry, but for now the cases are being handled by them two. There’s nothing either of us can do.”
You stared at Fowler for a moment more, desperately hoping there was anything else to be said. When it became obvious the discussion was over, you nodded solemnly and began to take your leave.
“(Y/L/N), one more thing,” Fowler’s voice interrupted. You turned your head toward him. “If they need it, you’ll have to share any notes you have on the investigation.”
As if taking the position you had yearned for wasn’t enough, now your work would literally be taken from you. A small sigh escaped your lips, but you nodded in response anyway, and returned back to your desk.
Your 15 minute break was over too soon for your liking. With a sigh, you pocketed your phone and threw away your empty wrapper before leaving the breakroom and heading back to your desk. As you sat down, you noticed Hank and Connor had returned from their call. You logged back into your computer, though their conversation was more interesting than the reports you had to file.
“Look, Connor, following them into the intersection would’ve been a stupid fuckin’ choice,” Hank’s grizzly voice spoke.
“I might have been able to intercept them if I chased them,” Connor replied, “but they got away, and now there is another deviant on the loose.”
Hank let out a frustrated sigh. “You followed my orders, which is what you’re supposed to do. Now, I ain’t gonna sit here and listen to you whine about what could’ve happened.”
Hank stood up from his chair, only minutes since he had sat down in it, and continued. “I’m gonna go get something to eat. Stay here, you got that?”
The Lieutenant didn’t wait for an answer before walking past your desk and leaving. Your eyes followed Hank as he disappeared into the station lobby. To your right, Connor seemed to be standing still at the front of Hank’s desk, as if unsure of what to do with himself.
You began filling out the report on your screen at a sluggish pace, knowing it was the only one you had to complete until you were off in 3 hours. As you worked, you became aware of a presence approach your desk.
“Lieutenant (Y/L/N),” Connor’s familiar voice made you gladly take your eyes off of your screen. “I know that you are a colleague of Lieutenant Anderson’s. I would like to know if you have any notes about the deviant cases I could have a look at.”
Your heart sank. It was inevitable that either Hank or Connor would’ve asked for your notes on the case, but it was still hard to come to terms with. Your smile faltered only slightly, but it was enough for the android to notice.
“I hope this isn’t a bother to you,” He added.
“No, not at all,” you replied, though it was partially a lie. You opened up a drawer to your desk and pulled out a tablet. “I’ve only taken notes on evidence collected at the crime scenes. Comments and speculation aren’t included.”
“Why not?” Connor asked as you handed him the unlocked tablet with your studious notes. You glanced over at Captain Fowler’s office before replying.
“I’m not supposed to make official notes about my ‘opinion’ of what happened,” you made sure to put an emphasis where it was needed, hoping that would be understood by the android. “I’m not technically assigned to the case, and I’ve just been promoted, so my speculation isn’t exactly credible to their eyes.”
Connor only nodded in response, then turned his attention to the tablet. Realizing he was about to read all of your hard work, you decided to get back to your task on hand. Only a few moments later, the tablet was placed back on your desk.
“Thank you, those notes were very detailed and well-written,” Connor stated. You stared at the tablet, and then at the android, bewildered.
“Did you just finish reading all of that?” You asked, unlocking the tablet to see it was on the last page of your notepad.
“Yes. I’m sorry it took so long, there was a lot more to read through than I thought there’d be,” Connor answered. You could’ve sworn you heard the slightest hint of pride in his voice, but realized how impossible that was.
“I am curious to hear your theories on this case,” Connor went on as you put the tablet back into the drawer. “Would you mind telling me them?”
Your work notes were one thing you knew you had to share with Connor, but your own theories and speculation weren’t under Fowler’s jurisdiction. The last thing you wanted was someone to take your idea as their own, and have them get credited for it. It  would be selfish to keep those private, you would admit, but the alternative didn’t seem fair to you.
“I can’t tell you here, in case anybody listens and reports me,” you explained. Though it was technically true that you also weren’t encouraged to speculate in the office, you doubted anybody would report you for doing so and so it wasn’t a big concern. “Plus, those notes are at home, and I can’t even remember every part to my theory at the moment.”
That was mainly a lie, but it would keep you from having to give up your thoughts. Besides, this android was sent from Cyberlife and could analyze anything it wanted to in a matter of seconds. He wouldn't’t really need your help or your guesses.
“Then I can meet you at your home,” Connor said with an air of finality. “When are you off?”
You blinked at Connor, unsure of how to respond. “Uhm,” you started, “well, 5, but it’s possible I may have to stay late…”
It should’ve dawned on you by then that Connor wouldn’t understand that you were hinting that it would be inconvenient to meet. Instead, he nodded and accepted your statement as a helpful suggestion.
“I will be sure to check if you have left the station before going over, then. Does Hank have your address?”
You nodded silently in response, feeling that it wasn’t worth it to try and make excuses to a determined android. Besides, there was always the chance that he would be too busy with Hank or the investigation to even drop by.  Connor took that to be the end of the conversation, and left your desk. You turned back to your report, took a deep breath, and began typing once more.
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loljulie · 6 years
flicker; {005} come alive
(there’s a little bit more cursing in this chapter because there’s a part that is literally from the game, and hank’s lines are gruff and we love him for it. i’ll try to have an update tomorrow as well, but i’m going to a niall horan concert so it might not get posted until monday~ thank you for your continued support for this story and i hope you all enjoy this part!)
genre: detroit: become human
deviant!connor x reader
word count: 2705
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓  d̯̱̝̠̘̙͙e̼̯̣̗͈͇̳v̥̗̭̹̫ia̘̝͔͙͙̜ͅn͈t͇͓̦̻s̙̗͉̜͕   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
“(Y/N),” a soft voice slowly pulled you from your comfortable sleep. You let out a groan as your eyes sluggishly opened and searched until they found Connor’s face. He looked as perfect as ever, his hair undisturbed, despite the strenuous actions from last night, except for the stray strand that always rested on his forehead. One of his arms was behind his head while you felt the other around your bare back. “You should get up soon if you don’t want to be late for work.”
Having his voice be the first thing you heard when you woke up was something you really enjoyed. The morning sun cast him in an almost god-like glow, and you desperately wished it was your day off so you could enjoy it with him. Your head, which had been resting on Connor’s bare chest during your entire slumber, nestled into him more as you wrapped an arm around his waist.
“5 more minutes.”
Connor didn’t protest, and instead let you catch a few more moments of sleep. He watched your back rise and fall with every breath you took, admiring just how beautiful you looked in the morning light. Sometime during the passionate events the night before, Connor had brought you into the bedroom, where you eventually fell asleep.
While he probably should have stayed in the living room to be on guard, Connor didn’t want to leave your side. You clinging onto him during your slumber didn’t help, either, but he was more than happy to hold you in his arms and listen to your calm, steady breathing.
As he thought back to last night, he remembered how it felt to have you be all his. He remembered being so close to you, in more ways than one, and how he wished the night would never end. Recalling all those intimate moments made him unexplainably feel warm inside.
When your requested 5 minutes were up, he nudged you awake. “C’mon, wake up.”
You groaned at the intrusion of your light sleep, but obeyed and forced your eyes open. Your eyes were met with the same flawless scene of morning Connor you saw 5 minutes ago, only this time you were awake enough to smile fondly at him.
“I’d rather you wake me up instead of my alarm clock from now on,” you mumbled as you pushed yourself up meet Connor’s lips. He reciprocated instantly, and wrapped his arms around your lower waist. You reluctantly pulled away after a few moments, knowing that you had to if you wanted to shower and get to work on time.
“I’ll be ready soon,” you promised as you left the warmth of the covers and Connor. You shivered slightly as the air made contact with your bare skin, but soon you were in the comfort of a hot shower.
When you disappeared into the bathroom, Connor got out of bed himself and started to dress himself. Most of his clothes were strewn about your bedroom, though he had to walk into the living room to retrieve his jacket. He also made sure to pick up your discarded night clothes and placed them on your bed, folded neatly.
About 20 minutes later, you were freshly showered and dressed in your outfit for the day. When you walked into the living room, your eyes immediately traveled to the broken window to assess the damage. Much to your surprise, the shards of glass that should’ve littered the floor were cleaned up into bags, and an old blanket of yours was used to cover the hole.
“You didn’t have to do all that,” you said to Connor, who was standing by your kitchen counter.
“It’s not much,” he contended. “I also contacted a replacement company. They’ll be emailing you with designs for a new window to choose from.”
“Thank you, Connor.” you smiled softly, though your mind was preoccupied elsewhere, and took a few steps toward him.
You cast your eyes downward, unsure of how to approach the topic you’d been thinking of the entire time you showered. Your stomach was churning, and your palms felt sweaty. Connor could sense something was wrong with your sudden change in demeanor.
“Is everything alright?” his voice sounded concerned, causing you to look up at him.
“I just… I want to ask you something, before we leave,” you replied. Connor searched your eyes and nodded for you to go on. “Connor, are you…”
Your voice trailed off, suddenly finding the word deviant hard to articulate. You took a deep breath and started again.
“What are you? What do you want to do now?”
The question, though seemingly vague, was not lost on Connor. He knew what you were trying to ask him, and the answer was something he had come to terms with in the long hours that you slept. His self-diagnosis told him everything it needed to.
“You’re right in that we can’t stop the deviants,” He answered after a moment. You watched him intently, hoping he would give you the answer you wanted. “And… I don’t want to, anymore. I know now, after being with you, that I can’t be just a machine. I know what I am now, and I have to accept it.”
You swallowed a lump in your throat. “If anybody finds out, you’ll be-”
“I know,” Connor’s voice cut you off. He reached for your hand and held it in his own, as if to calm you down.
“Then why don’t you run?” you asked, grabbing onto his hand. “I can help you hide, or escape somewhere.”
Connor shook his head. “No. I’m still going to work on the investigation, but only so that I can find wherever it is they’re hiding out and… help them. Maybe even join them.”
“I’ll need your help,” he continued, his eyes filled with hopefulness and trust as he stared into yours. “We can’t let anybody know what’s happening, not even Hank.”
You took a sharp intake of breath as you processed what Connor was asking of you. Not once in the 5 years that you had known Hank had you ever lied to him. It would be hard, but seeing the desperate look in Connor’s eyes led you to accept the task.
“Okay,” you said with a nod. “If anything goes wrong, meet back here, okay? I’ll get some spare clothes when I can. Just in case.”
Connor wrapped you in his arms and held you tightly against his chest. Your closed your eyes and breathed deeply into his shirt, feeling your nerves instantly comforted.
You didn’t know what would happen to Connor in this risky plan, but you did know that you wouldn’t stop fighting for him.
Internally, Connor was making the same promise.
“I see nothing bad happened last night,” Hank commented as you and Connor strode into the office. You had almost forgotten what Connor was supposed to be at your apartment for.
“No, everything was fine,” Connor answered calmly as he took a seat at his desk. You fought back a coy smile.
“(Y/N), can I talk to you?” Hank stood up from his desk and began walking to the empty breakroom. Your heart rate picked up as you stood up. You gave Connor a nervous look, which he answered with a reassuring nod.
When you entered the room, Hank was leaning against a counter with his eyes trained on you. No words came from either of you for a while. Finally feeling too uncomfortable under his stare, you spoke up.
“Is something wrong, Hank?” you asked, hoping your voice sounded innocent enough. After surveying you for another moment, he sighed.
“I just want to know if you’re alright,” he answered, and you felt slightly relieved. “With what happened last night and the stress from the investigation… I just want to know it’s not getting to you.”
You offered him a smile, though your heart was heavy. Hank always looked out for you, and you had done everything you could to do the same for him. There was an unspoken bond between the two of you, as you both helped the other up when they were down on many occasions. He trusted you enough to tell you about his son, and you occasionally dropped by his house unannounced on rainy nights to make sure he wasn’t planning to do something stupid.
You looked out for each other, and now, you had to keep something from him.
“I’m fine,” you articulated, knowing that there was so much more you wished you could tell him. Hank stared at you for a moment with his arms crossed over his chest, and you could tell he was waiting for you to elaborate. You sighed and let your expression fade. “I’m not great, but I’m fine. Honestly, what happened last night was scary, but I’ll get over it.”
Hank nodded. “Alright,” he muttered, and you wondered if he could tell you were hiding something. “But you let me know if you need anything.”
His statement was more so an order than a request, but you nodded in agreement. He exited the break room and walked back to his desk while you lingered for a few moments. You took a deep breath, pushed the guilty feelings crushing your chest, and followed his suit.
The elevator slowly ascended to the 79th floor, you to the right of Connor while Hank flanked his left. Your eyes were focused on the floor numbers as your mind was reflecting on the deviant transmission. It aired while you three were at the station, and its contents had been on your mind ever since.
Civil rights… freedom… peace. Why were those things so hard to give to these androids?
A disturbance beside you pulled you from your thoughts. “You’re starting to piss me off with that coin, Connor.”
You watched as Hank pocketed the coin he stole from Connor, and wondered what caused him to be so high-strung. Connor focused his eyes forward. “Sorry, Lieutenant.”
An automated voice announced your arrival to the 79th floor, and the three of you stepped out. You were instantly surprised to see so many figures in the hallway, and noticed many wearing FBI jackets. You suppressed a groan.
“Shit, what’s going on here? There was a party and nobody told me about it?” Hank’s sarcastic tone mirrored your thoughts exactly. You stepped further into the hallway as he was answered by Officer Miller.
“Yeah, it’s all over the news, so everybody’s butting their nose in… even the FBI wants a piece of the action.”
You walked next to Hank as Chris explained the scene. 4 androids infiltrated the tower and made it all the way up to the 79th floor without getting caught. They knocked out the guards and overtook the broadcasting room without any casualties. You had to admit, you were relieved that they were trying to cause unnecessary violence.
Miller led you into the broadcasting room, where he introduced you and Hank to Special Agent Perkins from the FBI. Perkins glanced toward Connor, eyeing him over.
“What’s that?” He asked. You didn’t like how he addressed Connor, but you stayed silent.
“My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by Cyberlife.” Connor answered, keeping a level tone.
“Androids investigation androids, huh?” Perkins replied with a scoff. He turned to stare directly at Hank. “You sure you want an android hanging around? After everything that happened…”
You really didn’t like what his words implicated. If it weren’t for the fact that Perkins was your superior, you would’ve immediately jumped to Hank’s defense. He, however, stayed silent.
“Whatever,” Perkins concluded, after realizing he wouldn’t get a response from Hank. “the FBI will take over the investigation, you’ll soon be off the case.”
“Pleasure meeting you, have a nice day,” Hank said, and you were both proud and surprised that Hank kept it civil.
“And you watch your step. Don’t fuck up my crime scene.” As if Perkins couldn’t get any more on your nerves, his last statement was especially hard to stomach. You shot him a sharp glare as the three of you moved past him.
“What a fuckin’ prick,” Hank commented.
“Couldn’t agree more,” you added. The three of you broke off and began investigating the broadcast room. You stood in front of the giant screen, seeing the face of the white android on pause. After staring at his face for a few moments, you walked over to where Connor was investigating some bullet holes and splattered blue blood.
“One of them was shot…” he said, his eyebrows furrowing. He started walking to the stairs that led to the rooftop. “C’mon.”
You started following, but before you crossed the door frame, you stopped. “Hank!” you called out, spotting the older man across the room. He made eye contact with you and you nodded toward the roof.
The three of you ascended the stairs and walked onto the roof, where some crime scene investigators were collecting evidence. The wind chill from the high altitude made you shiver slightly.
“They made their way up through the whole building, past all the guards, and jumped off the roof with parachutes. Pretty fucking impressive, I’d say.”
You walked in the direction of the railing with Hank, surveilling the rooftop before you. With the snow causing the visibility to be so low, you could understand why it was hard to figure out where the deviants escaped to.
“Like something out of Mission Impossible,” you deduced, crossing your arms over your chest. Hank chuckled beside you.
“Isn’t Mission Impossible before your time?” He teased, causing you nudge his arm.
“Like movies have an expiration date,” you retorted.
Just then, a gunshot alerted the both of you. Quickly turning on your heels, you both ran toward the source of it, guns drawn out. You saw Connor on the ground, using an arm to pull himself backwards as blue blood escaped him.
“Take cover!” Hank barked at you as he went to grab Connor. You ran behind an AC unit, next to another guard, and covered Hank while he carried Connor behind some cover. You were instantly relieved to see that he didn’t seem fatally damaged.
Connor made eye contact with you, as if apologizing, and ran back toward the deviant. Your eyes widened and you watched in stunned silence as he dodge bullet after bullet. He lunged toward the android and pinned him against the wall. Your heart nearly stopped when you heard a gunshot.
Without thinking, you joined Hank in running toward Connor.
“Connor! Connor, are you alright?” Your voice blended with Hank as you approached. Connor had his hands behind him, steadying himself, while his LED flashed red.
“Okay… I’m okay..” Connor’s voice was as shaky and unsteady as his stature was. He couldn’t bring himself to look at either you or Hank.
“Jesus,” Hank exclaimed, talking a couple steps away from Connor. You stayed close, and you had to use all your self-restraint to not wrap your arms around him.
“You scared the shit outta me… For fuck’s sake, I told you not to move! Why do you never do what I say?” Hank’s voice almost made you jump, and it no doubt had an effect on Connor. He slowly began to make eye contact with you. Tears threatened to escape your eyes.
“You idiot,” you whispered, so nobody else could here. His eyes looked heavy as he saw your reddening ones. “I thought I was going to lose you.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered back. He desperately wished you two were alone, so he could hold onto you and forget the surge of emotions he had just been through. The next time he spoke, it was loud enough for Hank to hear. “I was connected to its memory… when it fired, I felt it die.. Like I was dying.”
“I was scared…” you turned back to look at Hank, who was watching Connor thoughtfully. You could tell his rage was gone, and replaced with something much softer.
“I saw something… in it’s memory,” Connor revealed, causing you to glance back at him. He seemed to be regaining his composure. “A word… painted on a piece of rusty metal…
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loljulie · 6 years
flicker; {007} on the loose
(i am SO sorry this took forever to write!! i just moved into my studio apartment yesterday and i’m still in the process of moving things around. thankfully, i had most of this written before the move so i was able to finish it this morning before moving some more [D:] i hope you guys enjoy it, i have some rlly interesting things planned for the next chapter! love you!)
genre: detroit: become human
deviant!Connor x reader
word count: 3071
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓  d̯̱̝̠̘̙͙e̼̯̣̗͈͇̳v̥̗̭̹̫ia̘̝͔͙͙̜ͅn͈t͇͓̦̻s̙̗͉̜͕   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
The sun had already set as you paced around your living room floor, anxiously squeezing your hands as time slowly trudged by. The dark clothes you had just bought at the thrift store that day were folded on your couch, waiting to be adorned.
By the time you had exited the police station to help Hank calm down, the man was nowhere to be found. Instead of tracking him down at his usual whereabouts, you opted to hurry home and help prepare in case Connor needed your help.
It had been 15 minutes since you got home, though it felt like it had been an hour. All you could do was pace back and forth and worry about what could’ve happened to Connor. When you checked the time on your phone again, a minute hadn’t even passed. You let out a sigh of frustration.
Heavy and fast knocking suddenly interrupted your antics. You crossed the room in a matter of seconds and pulled open the door with lightning speed.
“Connor,” you breathed out, instantly pulling him into a hug. Seeing him well and alive in front of you was such a relief that you momentarily forgot all about what was going on in the world and held him tightly.
When his arms were wrapped around you, nothing else mattered. Safety and comfort were the only two things you could’ve used to describe how it felt to be in his arms. You dreaded the moment you had to let go, but also knew that it had to be done.
“I don’t have a lot of time,” he whispered as you pulled away. You didn’t realize that in his embrace, some tears of relief escaped your eyes. He wiped them away and kissed your forehead. You closed your eyes at his touch, and enjoyed how gentle and thoughtful the gesture was.
You wordlessly walked over to the couch and held up the clothes you bought for him. He nodded approvingly at them and removed his jacket. Silently, you stepped in front of him and grabbed his tie. Slowly, you began to loosen it and brought his face closer to yours in the process. Connor didn’t waste any time in closing the distance between your lips.
He brought one of his hands to rest on the nape of your neck gingerly, as he kept his lips pressed firmly on yours. You completely undid his tie and tossed it to the side, not once breaking the kiss, and began to unbutton his shirt. With everything going on, it probably wasn’t best for the kiss to linger as long as it did, but neither of you seemed to care.
It was only when you stumbled backwards onto the couch, Connor landing with you, that the embrace broke. Though your lips were apart, Connor kept his face unbearably close to your own.
“(Y/N)...,” he said faintly, as if struggling to take breaths he didn’t need. His brown eyes traveled between your lips and your eyes. “If something goes wrong later…”
You cut him off with a brief kiss, not wanting to even think about what his words implied.
“It won’t,” you reassured, though it was mostly to make you feel better. “You have to promise that you’ll come back to me.”
You brought up your pinky finger in between your faces. He smiled fondly at you before wrapping his pinky around yours and giving it a squeeze. Though somewhat childish in nature, the promise filled you with more hope than before.
After giving you another light kiss, Connor got up and finished undressing himself. It was hard for you not to interrupt him, and distract him with a flurry of kisses. You knew that time was running out, and that what he was about to accomplish was far more important.
Connor had just adjusted the large jacket over his shoulders as you walked up to him, a black beanie in hand. He let you reach up and place it over his head, watching you with solemn eyes.
“This…” you started as your fingers pulled the hem of the beanie over his LED, “is actually mine. I expect you to bring it back to me in person.”
Connor nodded, smiling softly at you. For a moment, there was only silence between the two of you, as if there was so much you needed to say but couldn’t. You briefly wondered if you’d regret not saying more to him in that moment, in case anything happened to him, but the look he had in his eyes told you he already knew what you wanted to say.
He pulled you into a tight hug, squeezing you around the shoulders one last time before he pulled away and walked toward the door. You watched, tears stinging your eyes, as he began to leave.
“Wait, Connor,” you called out, as his frame was half-hidden by the ajar door. Your voice was soft and cracked with emotion. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
The door closed softly, and with it, Connor’s figure disappeared. You finally dared to take a deep breath, and collapsed onto your couch, letting tears stream down your face. Whatever happened to Connor was out of your hands now, and you desperately hoped he would come back to you in one piece.
Images of a blazing fire flashed on your screen as news reporters described what was happening. Their words were only a faint murmur to your ears, as you could only focus on the orange flames in front of you. The entire time, you had only one thought.
Your stomach twisted and churned as you worried about what could’ve happened to him. As much as you hoped he had made it out in time, there were so many doubts running through your head about his safety. Hot tears began to trickle down your face as you struggled to imagine a pessimistic reality.
Your phone chirped loudly from the coffee table. You wiped away a few tears and picked it up, seeing Hank’s caller ID through a blurred vision.
“Hank,” you greeted, your voice thick from the lump in your throat, “are you okay?”
“Fine,” he responded, and you thought you could sense a hint of slur to his words. “But it sounds like you aren’t.”
You tried to swallow the dry lump down, but to no avail, and stayed silent. If you said anything more, you might unleash a flood gate of tears and emotion.
“I’ve been seeing it all on the news,” Hank went on, not waiting for an answer from you. “I don’t know what Connor is doing anymore but… I hope it’s the right thing.”
You should’ve let him in on everything at that moment. After all, what difference would it make if Connor was…. You shook the thought from your head, and with it, the chance to tell Hank the truth.
“Me too,” you agreed. Hank could tell there was something hidden behind your answer, but he ignored it.
“Hank, will you tell me when you get home?” You suddenly asked. For some reason, seeing his wrinkled, gruffy face was all you wanted to do in that moment. You needed comfort.
“How’d you know I wasn’t home already?” He retorted, a hint of amusement in his voice despite the ongoing events. You broke into a small smile.
“I’ve known you for too long,” you replied, feeling a flicker of warmth already. “I’ll stop by later, okay?”
After Hank agreed, though he insisted he would take his time at Jimmy’s bar, you hung up the phone and placed it face down on the couch beside you. Anxiously, you resumed watching the TV screen in front of you, waiting to hear anything more about the ‘android revolution’.
A knock came from your front door. You froze, as if glued to the spot, and didn’t dare to breathe in case it was a part of your imagination. When the knock repeated itself, more hurried the second time, you sprung to your feet and crossed the room in milliseconds.
You couldn’t explain the concoction of emotions that swirled inside of you when you saw Connor beyond the door. All you knew was that it spurred you to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him inside and into a kiss.
He reciprocated instantly and placed a hand on your back to help guide you inside. His foot closed the door behind him as you two entered. In a fast motion, his large jacket was off and thrown to the side. All of a sudden, he grabbed your thighs and picked you up so that your legs wrapped around his waist.
He carried you until your back was pressed up against the wall next to your bedroom door. At that moment, he pulled away from the kiss and let you catch your breath.
“I was worried I wouldn’t make it back to you,” he admitted under his breath as he examined every inch of your face. “I don’t know how, but they tracked me all the way to Jericho.”
You cupped his face with your hands and forced him to look into your eyes. “But you’re here now, right?”
A dark look passed ephemerally through Connor’s eyes. “(Y/N), actually, there’s something else I need to do.”
You felt your heart drop. Whatever it was, you knew it would be dangerous.
“I’m going to infiltrate the CyberLife tower and convert the androids there,” he explained, not being able to meet your gaze. “It might help shift the balance of power for the androids.”
You watched him carefully. The knot in your stomach that had started to unwind in Connor’s presence was tightening once more. You knew that his tactics made sense, but you hated that it put him in more danger.
“I wouldn’t do it unless I had to,” he insisted, but your mind had already begun to accept it. You nodded silently to him.
“I understand,” you looked into his eyes solemnly. “Just… come back to me, okay?”
He gave you a small smile before he leaned in and kissed you sweetly. You could sense a hint of nervousness in his actions, as if he was worried this could be the last moments he got to spend with you. Yet, you also sensed an air of confidence from him - maybe due to the fact that the android revolution was starting to look promising, or maybe because he was glad to have something that made it all worth it. Either way, the confidence seeped through his voice as he whispered against your lips, causing your heart to race.
Time was of the essence, so the knock at your front door was probably for the best. Whoever had arrived outside your apartment had stopped you and Connor from going too far in your passionate embrace, which had gone from your living room wall to the bed.
You groaned when you heard the knocking, and forced yourself away from Connor, though his completely bare chest and unbuckled jeans made it hard for you to do so. As you exited your bedroom, you nodded toward your closet.
“Your old uniform is in there,” you informed. Connor gave you a puzzled look. “Just in case whoever’s out there isn’t… on our side, I guess.”
You couldn’t really describe what that meant, you just knew it was a good idea for Connor to have some sort of escape plan. He was technically still a criminal of sorts.
Fortunately, you were still fully clothed after your time with Connor. Though a sliver of the bedroom door was left open, you decided that the centimeter it showed wouldn’t be too dangerous. Besides, you half expected the unknown visitor outside to be your elderly neighbor or a landlord.
Who you were met with stunned you, to say the least.
In your doorframe, his figure leaning against one side of it, was Gavin Reed.
You were so caught off guard, seeing your coworker in front of you that late at night, that you were silent for a few moments. He took the silence as an invitation to come inside, and soon Gavin was pacing around your living room floor.
“Nice place,” he sized up. His words weren’t completely slurred, but his actions were slower than usual. The faint smell of alcohol burned your nostrils. He nodded to the fire escape window. “I see the broken window thing was actually real.”
“Of course it was,” you answered, watching him warily and hoping he didn’t decide to stumble into your bedroom. “What are you doing here? How did you even get my address?”
“You’re a cop, I’m a cop,” he answered vaguely, taking a few uneven and wobbly strides back toward you.
Outside, you heard a police car whizz by. Gavin chuckled scornfully.
“It’s fucking crazy out there,” he spat, gesturing toward your window. “Androids acting human. What’s next? My fucking coffee machine telling me it doesn’t want to do its job anymore?”
You could sense the venom dripping from his voice had been brewing inside him for a while. The alcohol was only making it apparent.
“Gavin, you’re buzzed,” you said lightly, not trying to aggravate him. It was hard to keep your voice calm, as you were constantly aware of Connor in the other room. “You should go home and get some sleep.”
Gavin’s eyes suddenly focused on the large jacket on the floor. He raised an eyebrow at it, causing your stomach to fill with dread.
“Who’s is that?” He asked.
“Mine,” you answered quickly before your brain could even catch up. You went along with the lie, hoping your story would make sense. “A… friend of mine wants to take me camping in a couple weeks. I was just trying to find my biggest coat.”
Gavin nodded thoughtfully at your response. After a few moments of silence, he shrugged. “‘S a cold winter.”
You felt your stomach knotts loosen momentarily. At least you were good at thinking on the spot.
“You know, with all this shit going on, we may die tomorrow,” the way he pointed out the possibility unsettled you. His demeanor was less upset than earlier, and you could pick up on the implication in his voice. “Might as well make the night last, if that’s the case.”
“Gavin, please, tonight isn’t the night for this,” you didn’t mean to sound annoyed, but his tireless flirtations were difficult to handle at work and unbearable in your own home. “I’ve got a lot going on.”
Gavin put his hands up in a surrender motion. “I get it,” he said, and began slowly walking past you and to the door. Something caused him to pause in his walk, however, as he swiveled toward you again.
“You aren’t trying to do one of those ‘hard to get’ things right now, are you?” he questioned, and took a step closer to you and away from the door. His face became so close to yours that you could smell the alcohol instantly. “Because I can absolutely play along.”
A thump came from your bedroom. You closed your eyes shut at the noise, trying to think of an excuse. Gavin pulled away from your face slightly and looked at your bedroom door.
“What the hell was that?” He asked. You blurted out a response to keep him from investigating.
“My cat,” you hastily replied, and began to form an explanation. “She’s really sick and I have to take care of here. The room is a mess from all of that.”
Gavin’s eyes were still glued to the door, but his head slowly turned to face you again.
“That’s… why tonight doesn’t work, I promise,” you went on, hoping this would get him to leave your apartment.
“Didn’t know you had a cat,” he concluded before stepping back and giving you two some space. Neither did you.
“Well, good luck with that,” Gavin’s head nodded to your bedroom door. A slight grimace overcame his expression, as if imagining what mess could be made from a sick cat. He walked to the front door. “I’ll see you around.”
When the door closed behind him, you let out a long breath of air and felt your shoulders relax. Gavin had been so close to finding Connor, and the entire situation made you more tense than you thought.
Your bedroom door opened to reveal Connor in his CyberLife suit. His eyes were trained on you as he stepped forward. You could sense some guilt etched into his stare.
“I’m sorry,” he started as he approached you. “I heard what he was saying to you and I just… I tried to come out here without thinking.”
The cause of the thump made much more sense now. Connor sighed, and you could sense that he was upset with himself. You closed the gap between you two and reached your hand to his face. He looked into your eyes at your comforting touch.
“Don’t apologize,” you said, your voice soft and low. “I’m just glad we’re both okay.”
You reached up and planted a short kiss on his lips. His demeanor softened when your lips touched his. When you pulled away, Connor rested his forehead against yours and smiled gently at you.
Every part of you wished the two of you could’ve stayed in that soothing and delicate moment forever. Time, however, was slowly dwindling and you knew that Connor would have to leave you once more.
“Be safe,” your feeble voice could only manage a few words as your throat tightened. “And come back. Please.”
Connor answered your plea with an indulgent kiss. Though you loved the feeling of his lips on yours, this kiss left you sad as it reminded you that you might never get to experience it again.
When Connor did leave a few moments later, you felt sullen and empty. With your back pressed against the door, you took some time to think about all the things rushing through your mind. Worry seemed to be the biggest and most overwhelming thought.
Suddenly, you realized that sulking around in your apartment was the last thing you wanted to do. If you were going to worry about Connor, you could at least do it with someone you trusted and desperately wanted to fix things with. After you changed into some warmer clothes, you  reached for your phone and dialed Hank.
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loljulie · 6 years
flicker; {009} waking up
(hello!! so idk if this tumblr tag thing is working right... if you aren’t getting a notification, pls let me know! and also, sorry this one is so short! i have some things planned that need their own chapters so, pls enjoy this for now! thank you for reading this story so much, i appreciate it! and as always, feedback is welcome!)
genre: detroit: become human deviant!connor x reader word count: 1510 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓  d̯̱̝̠̘̙͙e̼̯̣̗͈͇̳v̥̗̭̹̫ia̘̝͔͙͙̜ͅn͈t͇͓̦̻s̙̗͉̜͕   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ @dragonempress123​
Darkness encompassed your entire vision. Slowly, you noticed a faint, rhythmic beeping gradually become louder and louder, until it sounded like it was right next to your ear. A dull pain radiated from your right thigh.
Your eyelids were unbearably heavy, but the noise stirred you so much that you needed to open them. As they fluttered open, your eyes became aware of the woman to your left. She was dressed in a white coat and was observing you intently.
A harsh, bright light forced its way into your eyes. You winced and shut them in response. The light vanished when you heard a succinct click.
“Pupils are normal. She seems to be responsive,” the voice came from the doctor beside you. After reopening your eyes, you saw that she spoke to a nurse on the other side of your bed, who was writing on a clipboard.
“Lieutenant (Y/L/N), could you please tell me the last thing you remember?” Her voice asked. You blinked a couple times, trying to revive the memory. Steadily, small flashes of scenes crossed your mind until the entire event flooded your brain.
Hank, the replacement Connor, the gunshot.
“I was shot in the leg,” you answered, then looked down at your injury for the first time. Your leg was hidden under the blanket, but you were relieved to see it was still attached to you. “I remember calling the police for help, but everything after that is… fuzzy.”
“Yes, that was a day ago,” the doctor answered. “We brought you in shortly after you placed the call. You blacked out from blood loss, presumably because the bullet exited your thigh.”
“We didn’t have to perform any big surgery, but we did keep you under to stitch up your wounds. The bullet just barely missed any big arteries or your bones. We consider that very lucky,” the doctor commented with a slight tone of astonishment. You knew it had little to do with luck and more to do with the fact the shooter was an android who had the precision to know exactly where to hit you.
“You’re free to leave later today, but we recommend some physical therapy to help the damage muscle heal properly.” You nodded absentmindedly to her instructions, knowing they’d be given to you again anyway.
You looked around your room, spotting a familiar jacket with blue detailing on the chair next to the nurse. Connor.
You could almost cry with relief. He was alive and well, and could still be in the hospital to see you.
“Did I have a visitor?” You asked, nodding to the jacket. The doctor nodded, and her face became almost annoyed.
“Yes, two,” she answered curtly. You noticed how tense she became. “One was pleasant, the other one…. well, I had to ask them both to leave while you woke up. Just in case their presence gave you a shock. He did not like being told to leave.”
A small chuckle escaped your lips at that. “Hank can be pretty stubborn,” you admitted jokingly. The doctor furrowed her eyebrows before shaking her head.
“No… I think his name was Connor, actually. The one from the news.”
The news?
What had happened while you were gone?
“I can bring them back in if you’re feeling up to it…?” The doctor asked. You nodded wordlessly while your brain worked to speculate at what happened in the day you had been unconscious.
“There’s a call button to your left if you need anything,” she said as she began to leave the room. “We’ll get your discharge papers ready.”
She exited the room shortly after. You took a deep breath, both nervous and eager to see the two most important people to you. Not long after your doctor left your room, Hank and Connor entered it in a hurry.
Connor was the first one by your side. He hastily, but carefully, wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug. When you didn’t squirm or wince in pain, he allowed himself to grip around you tighter.
“I’m so glad you’re alright,” he whispered, only loud enough for you to hear.
“Ditto,” you responded. Holding Connor next you was an experience you weren’t sure you’d get a day ago. You were so relieved to find out that he was okay.
“Jesus, (Y/N),” Hank remarked as he sat down in an empty chair. Connor pulled apart from you, planting a small kiss on the top of your head, before he took a seat as well. “You sure know how keep us waiting.”
You chuckled softly. “I apologize that I slept so long, but, you know, I was shot, after all.”
Hank smiled tenderly at you, then his eyes filled with something akin to sadness. “I’m glad you’re alright, kid.”
“Are you in any pain?” Connor asked from your left side. You looked down at your leg, covered by the thin hospital blanket, and shook your head.
“Nothing too bad,” you commented. “They must have given me really good painkillers.”
“That’s good, you’ll be able to start physical therapy soon,” Connor replied. You and Hank both raised an eyebrow at him. “The doctor recommended 3 visits a week for a month, or until good progress is made.”
“A month?” You repeated incredulously. “That seems excessive.”
“Maybe, but you need to do it,” he replied. You nodded, knowing there wasn’t anything else to do but accept it.
“The station is giving you injury leave for 6 weeks,” Hank stated, causing you to look at him. “Should be enough time for you to recover, but if you need more they’ll give it to you.”
You nodded again. Though you hated the idea of leaving work, you were at least glad you weren’t leaving in the middle of a case. Suddenly, you remembered that you technically you might still be involved in a case, considering you had no clue what happened after you were shot.
“So… considering Connor is in public, can I assume everything went well?” You asked, looking back and forth between the both of them to gauge any reaction.
“It went okay,” Connor corrected, and Hank shrugged his agreement. “After the demonstration from Markus and the androids from Jericho… they let us speak uninterrupted. I guess we did something right.”
You nodded to show you were listening. You briefly wondered if that was what the doctor meant by Connor being “from the news”.
“Everything is still… well, undecided. For now, until some sort of representation can be established, all androids are protected under the law as humans. There’s still so much more to be discussed and decided.”
“You gonna’ tell her about your ‘promotion’?” Hank asked, being playfully sarcastic. You quirked an eyebrow at him, and noticed him crack a bashful smile.
“The president requested that Markus, North, and I be the first androids to be representatives,” he admitted. Your eyes widened in surprise at that opportunity. “I’ll still be able to work at the station, of course, but there will be a lot of meetings in the coming weeks to discuss legislation.”
You felt a lump rise in your throat as your eyes brimmed with tears. A concoction of relief, joy, and hope swirled inside you as you wiped away some of the hot, stray droplets of emotion that escaped your eyes.
“I’m so happy for you,” your words were choked but still comprehendable. “This is just… amazing. You changed the world.”
Connor seemed shy about receiving such big compliments. When you made eye contact with Hank, his eye held a glint of something you recognized as pride. It was the same look he had when you solved your first case, or when you first stood up to Captain Fowler.
Hank, being one who was uncomfortable with emotion, seemed to have reached his limit. “Alright, well, might as well do something while we wait for your discharge papers,” he said as he stood up and walked over to the TV. He reached into his pocket and fished out a rectangular case. “I was able to get this from home while you were in surgery.”
Though he was somewhat far from you, there was no denying the bold red lettering and the shadowy silhouette of Tom Cruise’s face on the DVD case. You chuckled softly as he removed the Mission Impossible disk from its case, remembering back to the conversation you had with him at Stratford Tower.
“Thank god this thing still has a slot for it,” he commented as he inserted the disk into the side of the TV.
As the movie began to play, you felt Connor reach over and place his hand over yours. You responded by lacing your fingers together and gripping his hand tightly, finding comfort in his touch. Hank leaned back in his chair, his hands behind his head, as he watched the screen.  
Nothing felt better than being surrounded by the two people you loved the most. Despite being in an unfamiliar hospital room, you couldn’t have felt more at home.
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loljulie · 6 years
flicker; {006} the tide
(okay so this is part may feel a bit slow? idk maybe it’s just me bc im overly critical of my work lol. i was going to write another scene into it but i was already hitting a large word count so count on the next part being more crazy. i went to see niall horan last niGHT and i’m still recovering tbh. i’m so happy to see more and more people become interested in this fanfic and just in general want to be apart of it more! thank you so much for all that <3)
genre: detroit: become human
deviant!connor x reader
word count: 2850
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓  d̯̱̝̠̘̙͙e̼̯̣̗͈͇̳v̥̗̭̹̫ia̘̝͔͙͙̜ͅn͈t͇͓̦̻s̙̗͉̜͕   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
Whiteness surrounded you on all sides as you rested against Hank’s car. Your first order of business that day was to visit Elijah Kamski, who lived in almost the middle of nowhere. The bleak, winter forest around you was undeniably breathtaking and serene, but your eyes were trained on a snow-covered hill as your mind wandered. A few feet from you, Hank was pacing back and forth.
It had been a day since Stratford Tower, and there was no shortage of public opinion and outcry. Though it was unspoken, you had the feeling that Hank realized there was no stopping the deviants. Yet, the three of you continued on with the investigation, all unsure of what to even do next.
The car door creaked next to you, pulling you from your thoughts. Connor stood by you, and offered a small smile. He had been at the foremost of your mind recently, as you constantly worried about his deviancy becoming known and the future of deviants.
The two of you approached Hank and began walking to the front door of the sleek, modern residence. Hank and Connor spoke to each other, though the nature of their conversation was lost on you as you instead peered out at the snowy dock and frozen water.
Hank rang the doorbell. A playful, 3-toned tune could be heard from inside. The three of you waited for a few seconds before Hank grew impatient and reached for the doorbell again. As he was about to press the button, the door suddenly opened, revealing a beautiful female android. She was silent as she waited for somebody to speak.
“Hi, uh,” Hank started, breaking the silence. “I’m, er, Lieutenant Hank Anderson. This is Lieutenant (Y/N) (Y/L/N). We’re from the Detroit Police Department, here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski.”
“Please, come in,” the female android smiled and moved out of the doorway to let you all in. She closed the door behind you and notified you that she would let Mr. Kamski know you were there.
You followed Hank and sat down in one of the waiting chairs to the left of the room. Connor walked around, seeming to take interest in a photo on the far side of the wall.
“Nice girl, nice place,” Hank stated, as he looked around the room. “Guess androids haven’t been a bad thing for everybody…”
A few minutes passed by before the door the female android disappeared into re-opened. She stood off to the side and smiled at the three of you.
“Elijah will see you now.”
You got up from your chair and walked into the next room. You were slightly shocked to see a bright red pool take up the center of the room, with Kamski still in it. Two more female androids, looking identical to the one who let you in, were by the side of the pool.
Once Kamski was out of the pool, Hank did the honors of introducing you three.
“I’m Lieutenant Anderson, this is Lieutenant (Y/L/N),” he gestured between the two of you, then to Connor. “And this is Connor.”
“What can I do for you, Lieutenants?” Kamski asked, glancing between you and Hank.
“Sir, we’re investigating deviants,” You answered, causing him to focus on you. “We know you left CyberLife years ago, but we were hoping you could tell us something we don’t know.”
You wondered what it was you were hoping to get from Kamski exactly. A better understanding of deviancy? What rA9 was? Part of you pessimistically thought it wouldn’t even matter what you found out; that there was nothing else you could do for the investigation.
“Deviants…” Kamski started. “Fascinating, aren’t they? Perfect beings, with infinite intelligence, and now they have free will...”
You had to stop yourself from glancing at Connor. You briefly wondered what it was like for him to hear all of this from the man that created him.
“Machines are so superior to us, confrontation was inevitable. Humanity’s greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall,” Kamski continued. You exchanged a look with Hank. Kamski scoffed lightly. “Isn’t it ironic?”
Suddenly, Connor spoke. “We need to understand how androids become deviants. Do you know anything that could help us?”
You allowed yourself to look at him, relieved to see him wearing the mask of a machine so well.
“All ideas are viruses that spread like epidemics...” Kamski said. You wanted to roll your eyes. “Is the desire to be free a contagious disease?”
“Listen I didn’t come here to talk philosophy,” Hank interrupted, much to your satisfaction. “The machines you created may be planning a revolution. Either you can tell us something that will be helpful, or we will be on our way.”
Kamski didn’t look at Hank, instead choosing to focus on Connor. The way he watched him, as if scrutinizing every inch of his face to look for any deviation, made you nervous.
“What about you, Connor?” He asked, stepping closer to him. Your heartbeat picked up. “Whose side are you on?”
“I have no side,” Connor answered, his voice level and calm. “I was designed to stop deviants and that is what I intend to do.”
You watched as Kamski chuckled softly. “Well, that’s what you’re programmed to say… but you...”
Kamski took a step closer to Connor, stopping about a foot away from him. His voice was low as he continued. “What do you really want?”
You froze, heart racing as Connor thought of an answer. Kamski and Connor’s eyes were locked in a stare, as is analyzing the other.
“I don’t want anything. I am a machine,” Connor responded. If you didn’t know any better, the neutral, emotionless way he responded would’ve fooled you. Kamski kept his eyes on Connor’s for a moment, before calling his android over.
“I’m sure you’re familiar with the Turing test,” he walked over to the blonde android, and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Mere formality, simple question of algorithms and computing capacity.”
“What interests me is whether machines are capable of empathy.” He was speaking to you and Hank now. You didn’t like where this was headed. “I call it the ‘Kamski test’, it’s very simple, you’ll see.”  
“Magnificent, isn’t it?” He rhetorically asked, gesturing toward his android. “One of the first intelligent models developed by CyberLife. Young… and beautiful forever. A flower that will never wither.”
You looked at Hank, who gave you a confused stare. He shrugged his shoulders as Kamski went on.
“But what is it, really? A piece of plastic imitating a human?” He turned around to the desk behind him and opened a drawer. “Or… a living being with a soul?”
He held his hands up as he revealed a gun in his right hand. Then, he placed a hand on the android’s shoulder, and she kneeled down. He approached Connor, offering him the gun.
“It’s up to you to answer that fascinating question, Connor.” The gun was placed in his hand, filling you with a sense of dread. You had a feeling you knew how Connor would respond, and you were nervous at what it would cause.
“Destroy this machine, and I’ll tell you all I know. Or spare it, if you feel it’s alive, but you’ll leave here without having learnt anything from me.”
You didn’t dare to speak, afraid that your voice would waver if you did so. Something had to be said to stop this ridiculous experiment.
“Okay, I think we’re done here,” Hank declared, and you felt a wave of relief hit you. “Come on, Connor. Let’s go. Sorry to get you outta your pool.”
“What’s more important to you, Connor?” Kamski’s question interrupted Hank, keeping you rooted to your spot. You noticed Connor’s LED turn yellow and flash. “Your investigation or the life of this android?”
“Decide who you are. An obedient machine… or a living being, endowed with free will.”
“That’s enough! Connor, we’re leaving,” Hank commanded. You began to think that Hank might be worried, too, of what Connor would do. Maybe he was hoping Connor wouldn’t pull the trigger; maybe he was hoping to see something human in him.
“Pull the trigger.” Kamski urged. You looked at the blonde android, who was watching the fate of her life be decided before her eyes. Something stirred inside of you.
“Connor,” you interjected quietly. Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at you. You shook your head slightly. “Don’t.”
You knew Connor wouldn’t pull the trigger in any normal situation, but the need to hide his deviancy might have been making him uncertain of how to respond. With your reassurance, he pulled the gun away from the android’s face and handed it to Kamski.
“Fascinating,” Kamski breathed out as he grabbed the gun from Connor. “CyberLife’s last chance to save humanity… is itself a deviant.”
Connor couldn’t meet Kamski’s stare for a few moments. You were proud of his decision, but knew that it had just cause a crack in his disguise.
“I’m… I’m not a deviant,” Connor tried to articulate, but you knew that Kamski wouldn’t accept it.
“You preferred to spare a machine rather than accomplish your mission,” Kamski let the android stand back up, him hovering over her. “You saw a living being in this android. You showed empathy.”
Kamski glanced at you, and for a moment you thought you saw a knowing look in his eyes. You did your best to maintain a steady composure, but the smirk he put on made it difficult to do so.
“A war is coming. You’ll have to choose your side. Will you betray your own people or stand up against your creators?”
“What could be worse than having to choose between two evils?”  
“Why didn’t you shoot?” Hank’s question broke the silence that had fallen between the three of you as you walked back toward his car. Connor turned around, and you watched as he desperately tried to save the facade of a machine.
“I just saw that girl’s eyes, and I couldn’t, that’s all...”
“You’re always saying you’d do anything to accomplish your mission. That was our chance to learn something and you let it go,” Hank’s voice wasn’t angry or disappointed. You knew all too well the different inflections in his tones and what they meant. You could tell his statements were searching for something from Connor, something you knew he already possessed.
“Yeah, I know what I should’ve done. I told you I couldn’t,” Connor was struggling to hide his true self. “I’m sorry, okay?”
Hank looked at you, and you did your best to look as surprised at Connor’s reaction as you could. It wasn’t easy, especially because you really wished you could hug Connor and tell him he made the right choice.
“Maybe he did the right thing,” you offered to Hank, hoping he would accept it and move on. His stare became more thoughtful, and he shrugged.
“Maybe he did.”
The three of you got back into the car, wordlessly listening to Hank’s heavy metal music the entire drive back to the police station.
You leaned against Hank’s desk, fuming at the news Captain Fowler had just delivered to you. The FBI would be taking over the case, meaning Hank would return to homicide and you’d be back on menial cases. Worst of all, Connor would be sent back to CyberLife. Hank, who was sitting in his chair, wasn’t taking the news any better.
“We could’ve solved this case,” Connor expressed from beside you, the frustration obvious in his voice. “We just needed more time.”
Hank didn’t comment. Instead, he turned his chair around to face you and Connor, and brought up another area of concern for you. “So you’re going back to CyberLife?”
You were silent, yourself curious to know what would happen to Connor if things didn’t work out. “I have no choice... I’ll be deactivated and analyzed to find out why I failed.”
Your heart plummeted in your chest. Though you knew you would fight as hard as you could to avoid that fate for Connor, you knew that it was a possibility.
“What if we’re on the wrong side here?” Hank asked aloud. He nodded toward you. “Maybe (Y/N) was right. What if we’re just fighting against people who want to be free?”
Connor looked down at his hands. You breathed deeply, your mind working to figure out what your next move should be.
“Earlier at Kamski’s place… you put yourself in that android’s shoes. You showed empathy, Connor,” Hank alleged. You thought you saw Connor tense up. “Empathy is a human emotion.”
Before Connor could respond, you notice someone walk through the police station lobby. You rolled your eyes as you identified who it was.
“Here comes Perkins,” you declared with a sigh. Hank saw him and scoffed, his eyes filled with disdain. You scoffed. “They don’t waste any time at the FBI.”
“We can’t give up,” Connor’s voice was filled with urgency. You looked back at him. “I know the answer is in the evidence we collected. If Perkins takes it, it’s all over.”
“There’s no choice. You heard Captain Fowler, we’re off the case.” Hank countered. Connor suddenly pushed himself off of Hank’s desk, his voice sounding desperate.
“You’ve got to help me, Hank,” Connor pleaded, “I need more time so I can find a lead in the evidence we collected. I know the solution is there.”
“Listen, Connor…” Hank raised his hand to stop Connor from his plea.
“If I don’t solve this case, CyberLife will destroy me. 5 minutes, please.”
The weight of Connor’s words seemed to hit Hank in that moment. He shared a glance with you, and you nodded your approval. He stood up from his chair, and leaned close to Connor.
“The key to my basement is on my desk. Get a move on, I can’t distract him forever.”
You watched as Hank went over to Perkins, inciting a scene with him using some very choice words. Your eyes met Connor’s, noticing how anxious he looked. You both knew that his fate depended on him finding answers down in the evidence room. You followed him to the double doors that led into the evidence storage.
“I’ll keep a lookout out here,” you whispered. Connor nodded. He gave you one last look, as if afraid it might be the last time he saw your face. As he walked into the evidence room, you suddenly wished you had said more to him.
“Hello, (Y/N),” A voice called out to you, causing you to freeze. You watched as Gavin walked up to you, his eyes wandering to the doors behind you. “What’s the android doing in there?”
You felt your heart thump in your chest as you came up with an answer. “He’s just… logging in some of the evidence we still have left over. That’s all.”
Gavin nodded thoughtfully, before he made an attempt to open the door himself. Without thinking, you reached your hand and placed it on his to stop him. He raised an eyebrow at your gesture.
“Gavin, I-” you struggled to find some sort of explanation to your action. “Before you go in, I just wanted to ask you something.”
He dropped his hand from the door handle and nodded. “Anything for you.”
Your mind raced through dozens of options to take him away from the door. Finally, you settled on one you thought was reasonable. “Would you mind helping me pick a new window for my apartment? I have some images on my computer to choose from, and your opinion could help.”
Gavin smirked. “I’d probably have to see your apartment myself to know which would be a good fit.”
You suppressed a groan. Your attempt to pull him away from the door failed, but at least you were still keeping him out here for the time being.
“Lieutenant (Y/L/N)!”, a loud voice commanded. You turned your head to see Captain Fowler walking toward you, his facial features pulled into an angry expression. Shit.
“Yes, Captain?” you answered, hoping whatever he had to say would be short.
“I don’t understand the nerve of that man,” He exclaimed with a scoff. “Will you please go out there and talk some sense into Hank? He almost broke Perkins’ goddamn nose, and he’s about to lose his badge.”
You heard a faint chuckle from Gavin, which filled you with a heated rage momentarily.
“Maybe he just needs some time to cool off?” You offered, hoping the excuse would allow you to keep your post in front of the door.
“Yeah, or maybe a trip to the bar,” Gavin teased. If you hadn’t been trying to stay on his good side, you would’ve glared daggers at him.
“No, (Y/N), you go talk to him right now. You’re the only one he’ll lighten up to.” Captain Fowler ordered, and you sighed heavily before leaving the entrance to the evidence room. As you left, you heard the door to the evidence room open and close.
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loljulie · 6 years
.。*゚+.*.。(❁´◡`❁)。.。:+* some connor detroit:bh headcannons that may or may not make you sad
while i write more of my deviant!connor x reader fic, pls enjoy these. i began thinking of like everything that could happen once the fic is over and it made me pretty sentimental so... here you go??
so androids don’t have to sleep, like ever, and while connor loves to hold you while you sleep and keep you safe, sometimes he gets out of bed and does stuff to make your life so much easier??
like he sees how stressed you get over a disorganized shelf??? fixed by the time u wake up. starting a new diet?? he’s prepped u all the meals u need for that day so they’re fresh for u. 
i’ve seen this before in some fanart and stuff but cONNOR and alexa? or even a roomba??? or siri?? how weird + interesting + cute that would be
idk if this could even happen but imagine... it’s cold and winter outside... ur blankets aren’t warm enough and bby connor just warms himself up?? so u cling to him bc idk why couldn’t androids control their external temp like that??
hank and u and connor and sumo at the park or somethin.... all is just calm and good™ in the world 
u visibly start to age like gray hair and your skin doesn’t bounce back like before so connor adjusts his appearance to match you + age with you ;-;
connor with kids?? adopting kids?? him helping ur adopted kids with all their homework problems because he’s literally so smart and ur not complaining bc its 2045 and common core is shit now 
when hank passes away you’re both rlly distraught and just help each other out tbh. you’ll grieve and mourn and he’ll make you tea or hot chocolate and comfort you. he’ll cry and you hold him because he finds comfort in your touch. 
you both never stop missing hank tbh but you get used to life without him. it’s hard but you have each other and that’s enough 
connor would actually just be the person who takes care of you when ur frail and old and can’t walk like you used to. though he’s made himself look as wrinkly as you do, you ask him to change his face back to how it was when you met before you pass away rip
when you pass away, connor hopes you’re somewhere with hank and cole. and though he knows that if there’s anything after death, he won’t be able to see you, he still decides to shut himself off permanently once you’re gone because how can he live without you? you’re literally the one who made him feel™ anything and without you he feels empty. 
he says goodbye to his friends and family and shuts off in front of them so they get closure. they even bury him next to you because he told them he doesn’t want any chance of waking up again.
i’m sad tbh some of these may get imagines one day bc... wow..
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