#flight rising tumblr auction house
luminaxplushie · 5 months
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edit: all sold!
lots of new lore dragons up !! 25kt for most, mishal is 35kt because im fighting the urge to keep him
algol | astriel
brigid | mishal
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spiral-lemur · 2 months
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hello more experienced(idek if that’s the word im looking for) flight rising users of tumblr. i got this guy from the auction house and i like him. i got glowing eyes for him cause i think they look cool but what i ask of you is:
what apparel should i try to get for him i don’t know what would look nice on him
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vykodlak · 2 years
i tried out flight rising but its really confusing? sob emoji. any tips on how to get used to it or is it meant to be like this
Tbh I think FR is one of the more straightforward pet sims because there's not really much to do outside of gene-ing and dressing your dragons, unless you like to participate in the community aspects like selling dragons/items, writing lore for your clan or destabilising the economy - but I understand the new pet sim confusion (I could never get the hang of neopets lol). I could probably be more helpful if you tell me which parts of the site are confusing specifically, so feel free to send me a follow up ask or chat message abt that.
It's been a while since I joined but I can try to go over the basic stuff! Under the read more for length:
So the main things you can do on FR are:
Buy or hatch dragons – Primary forms of dragon acquisition are the Auction House where you can buy them directly from other users, random eggs that you can get from scavenging using the Gather Items feature (this is rare), or breeding two of your own dragons.
Acquire genes through the marketplace or other means like the auction house or the Trading Post (You can excavate genes in Arlo's Excavations, synthesise them in Baldwin's Bubbling Brew, or trade for them in Swipp's Swap Stand*) There's three gene types: Primary (for the body), Secondary (for the wings) and Tertirary (for fun accents).
Slap those genes on your dragons (if you're not sure what a gene will look like and don't wanna commit blindly, you can preview it on your dragon in the Scrying Workshop)
Dress dragons in fun clothes (again, acquired through various sources like the marketplace, auction house or trading post)
[Optional] Breed dragons to achieve specific color/gene combinations, or just for the hell of it. All of your dragons will have the eye color of whatever flight you belong to, but you can send them off to other users who have the color you prefer so they can nest them. I don't think the website interferes if there is theft, however, so be careful (for the record, though, I've never had problems when I've asked for available nests on tumblr).
[Optional] Put accents or skins on your dragons for that extra touch of personality. Accent/Skins are user-made art you can slap onto your dragon, you acquire these mainly in the auction house (some users also have forum shops) or through holidays. There's also official skins/accents made by the ppl who run the site that you can get in the marketplace.
???? Profit
Other stuff you can do:
Play minigames to earn treasure so you can fund your newly formed dragon gening/dressing addiction
Gamble at Roundsey's Raffle to win cool prizes like Generation 1 dragons (dragons that don't have any parents listed in their Lineage box, considered valuable by the community even though gameplay-wise they're not at all different from other dragons who have parents)
[optional] Develop a debilitating G1 addiction
Get two dragons with rare/pretty color and gene combos, make lots of babies and sell them to other users for lots of money.
Every month the website has a flight-specific holiday where you can get limited edition items and skins. Each holiday has its own currency attached to it that you can earn through doing things around the site like gathering or battling in the coliseum.
Battle in the coliseum to develop early-onset carpal tunnel. If you want to get into battling, I've always used Culex's training guide to get my dragons into shape.
Put familiars on your dragons (you can get 'em through the auction house, marketplace, trading post, or gathering.) They don't do much except being swag beasts who give you treasure chests if you bond with them.
Exalt dragons to send them up to the great beyond. Every week, the community has dominance battles, where two (usually) flights duke it out to see who can exalt the most dragons. Winning this fight nets you perks for your flight like discounts in the marketplace for the next week. Dom battles are usually planned weeks in advance to give everyone a chance to prepare - I've never participated, though, so that's my extent of knowledge on 'em.
If you're still unsure about what to do after all the above, the Which Waystone function might help. There's also the Encyclopedia which will get you up to date on the lore and other such things, and the Database where you can look up specific items.
To start off, I'd suggest slapping your two progen dragons into the scrying workshop and seeing what genes you like best on them!
Then you can go play some minigames in the fairgrounds to earn treasure and buy those genes (or buy gems if you want gem genes. FR is probably the easiest website to earn premium currency on - either by doing commissions, selling dragons/items, finding them in random chests, etc.) Afterwards, you can breed the two if you wanna see what kinda babies they make - who knows, if you got good colors/genes, you could sell them for more treaure or gems. If you don't like the random colors you got on your progens, you can try your luck and use a tri-color scatterscroll on them (bought from the marketplace) to maybe get better colors. You can also buy a dragon from the auction house that matches the colors of your preferred progen better and pair them with that. From then, on, uh. The site's your oyster!
Putting together the perfect dragon can take a while - I've spent months trying for the exact color combo I wanted. Acquiring genes/clothes doesn't have to happen in a day, so don't get discouraged if you can't get your dragons to look spiffy immediately.
If you want to get into the creative side of the site, you can write lore for your clan. This is basically just writing your own story with your dragons (and one of the most fun part of the community for me).
*To trade for genes at Swipp's or brew stuff at Baldwin's you'll have to gather materials and other items, which you primarily acquire through gathering or fighting in the coliseum.
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aardcinder-dragons · 2 years
Oh Wise Flight Rising Tumblr Community
Why are accents more expensive than skins on the Auction House?
As someone who doesn't care for skins (I don't get why you wanna cover up the dragon, just get better traits/buy new one/scatter it), it's slightly annoying that they have thousands of decently cheap skins and then the accents are like 20 gems each. I really don't get this.
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funkytownfish · 1 year
Lots of hatchlings for sale! These babies are up on the auction house, but send a message over flight rising saying you're from tumblr to get a sweet 15% off!
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manasurge · 1 year
Incoming rambling (nothing bad, just my own stuff that no one but me cares about, lol): I’m getting SO close to finally finishing the final parts of my detailed refs for Mourynn, and I’m happy with how it’s turning out. The whole process of wrapping my mind around the logistics of making up cultural armour and in a way where it makes sense (while trying to visualize it in 3D) and isn’t too difficult to replicate has taken a while, but I’m still super proud of her design and I can’t wait to put it all together in an actual bio post for her so she can finally exist outside of my brain (I say “put all together” since I like to isolate different body parts separately so I can more easily focus on them and their design and angles without having to worry about the rest since they get isolated visuals too. Makes it less overwhelming than doing it all at once, at least for me xd)  And ofc, I’m extra and didn’t want to go with any in game armour (which meant more work, but totally worth it bc it turned out better than I initially envisioned while still keeping the features I had in mind), especially non-cultural ones, mainly bc I’m lowkey obsessed with Sylvari cultural armour and wanted to design something unique for her (especially since it fits her lore better, and also bc it’s fun and extremely self-indulgent. Designing sylvari outfits and body features in general is so much fun since you can go extra creative with it). Though, I feel like I’ve been at this forever since I started working on this, but I also blame my stupid ADHD since I can only do like, bite-sized drawing periods as I keep having to go back and forth between other things while drawing bc I can never hyperfocus on things that I want to (Ofc I instead wind up using my hyperfocus on things like listing items on the Auction House in Flight Rising for a few hours earlier today lmao~ -_-) Anyways I can’t wait for my extremely self-indulgent OC to exist outside of my brain so I can finally have fun and do all the ideas I have had listed down for ages now alskdjfls. I’m mostly doing this all for myself, but it want to also try and finally interact with the GW2 art community here a bit more since I didn’t know it existed much before I came back to tumblr (and especially bc for this special case, it’s impossible for my OC to exist in game for a large number of reasons, so I can’t interact like this in game, so I get to suffer lmao). Also once I finish this and the bio I need to update my avatar(s) here orz. I’m just using another OC drawing atm lol.
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witchhunt-fr · 5 years
Seller: "oh im bad at pricing dragons, send me offers :>"
Me who is also bad at pricing dragons: *panics*
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thepolarlair · 4 years
Got veilspuns for sale! Both starcon, first is nightshade/azure/sky rare eyes male, second is nightshade/abyss/steel primal female.
I'm selling the first for 500g/ treasure equivalent, second for 600g/ treasure equivalent, but I'm also open to haggling/item trade.
Pm me here, at polarbaroness #29607 or click the link I'll be reblogging!
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timefire-fr · 4 years
Free Dragon
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Is anybody interested in this cutie? I got them from a hatchery, but don’t want them anymore, but I’d feel bad just exalting them, so I’m giving them away for free! It’d be great if you would keep them in your lair instead of exalting, but in the end I can’t tell you want to do with them
Just shoot me a message if you’re interested!
Link to page in reblog!
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clankitfr · 5 years
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some halloween kids, fresh off the presses! get em for 30 gems each! will reblog with sales tab. 
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luminaxplushie · 7 months
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edit: both have sold!
it’s been a while but i have lore hatchlings up !! from a new pair this time :] they’re 25g/kt each !!
nadia / theros
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lucasplaysfr · 6 years
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These dragons just became adults! All of them are from my hatchery! If you’d like to buy one for gems you can get them from their pages. OR you can message me about a treasure price!
Will reblog with their links in a moment. 
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silanahredwing · 5 years
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XYX Level 1 Tundra Female # 51221269        
Born Apr 22, 2019
For sale in the AH for 75k T - contact tulmultuous 106773 for other offers.
Will reblog with page
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adony-eats-bugs · 6 years
Bogsneak : Zombie (For Sale)
She’s for sale on AH 
50KT (I will reblog with her link) 
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xneoxine · 6 years
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I’ve lowered the prices on these halloween hatchdate cuties! They’re up in the AH for 25g, but I take treasure and mixed as well. They’ll be exalted if they’re still in my lair at adulthood! Reblogging with link.
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thepolarlair · 4 years
It's that time again!
Veilspuns for sale!
Male: nightshade/caribbean/peacock, shadow common eyes, 350 g on AH
Female: nightshade/abyss/radioactive, common eyes, 400 g on AH
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If you want one but want to haggle the price, that's cool too! I will accept mixed trades, especially if you've got strange chests!
Lonk in reblog!
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