signetxego · 4 years
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i wasn’t happy w the original flintseol character designs so today’s job? fixing them up a little bit! I also changed the text on the dorm crest... i think i’m a lot happier with them now!
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twstseas · 4 years
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@twstroses made me do it, she also made the art 🥺
Personal info
Name: Faust Yewfelle
Gender: female
Age: 18
Birthday: may 14th
Star sign: taurus
Height: 169cm
Eye colour: yellow
Hair colour: green
Homeland: crescent shore
Professional info
Dorm: flintseol
School year: 3rd
Class: 3-B
Occupation: student
Club: light music club
Best subject: astronomy
Fun facts
Dominant hand: right
Fave food: lemon cheesecake
Hated food: chicken
Dislikes: her fiancé
Hobbies: tinkering
Talents: singing
Faust, at first glance, seems to be a thoroughly pleasant young lady, with a calm aura and an undeniable charm in her presence. She’s a very hard worker, and is naturally helpful. However, it doesn’t take much to excite her, and she can become very energetic and troublesome when interested by something. She really enjoys to joke around, but can be serious when the situation calls for it, and is much more intelligent than she lets on. She’s excellent at reading the room and knowing how to behave. Faust has a habit of stealing things to use in her inventions, however she will never steal what she can’t return, and is particular about not taking what will be sorely missed. She’s cheerful and kind to everyone, smiling even when scolding or reprimanding someone, and doesn’t let anyone see her less cheerful side.
Unique magic: Merchant’s eye
Faust’s hidden eye can assess the ‘value’ of anything she sees. This includes not only material items, such as gold, but the power inside a person as well
She’s from a well-to-do family of merchants, her father in particular is very strict with her. If he catches her do stuff 'unbecoming of a lady' he will punish her and or take away/destroy the thing
She's an excellent cook, since it’s a ‘servants job’ she learnt to spite her father
But she's learned with age that her rebellious streak doesn't do much as she still ended up engaged to an asshole so she mostly just puts up her proper front
She is engaged to William Rosien, Blaise's older brother
She often ‘borrows’ things from other people to use in her inventions, and spends most of her spare time tinkering with things
She’s morphs favourite
She can fix pretty much anything , and this is kind of seem as a repayment for her stealing stuff
She knew finnian when they were children
She’s built her own hoverboard
She decides she likes an item based on if its ‘shiny’ or not but her definition of shiny is based on the energy she gets from the item rather than what it actually looks like, so she collects weird rusted things and pencils as well as pretty things like beads
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girl-in-the-tower · 4 years
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I... might be too attached to the Flintseol boys. (I’m lying. I definitely am.)
The Flintseol trio belongs to the amazing @twstroses!
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twstatlus · 4 years
Faust: I'm the most responsible in the dorm.
Inigo: You literally lit the kitchen on fire.
Faust: Yes, and I take full responsibility for that.
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just-patchy · 4 years
wow im so sorry im about to send you a bunch of emojis for that ask: 👀, 💝, and 💙 for noir and lulu please !!
Thanks for the ask! :3c
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Contrary to popular belief, Lulu doesn’t jump her girlfriend whenever she sees her. Sometimes, she liked to admire her from a distance instead, like now.
To everyone else, Noir was a chaotic troublemaker, much like Lulu herself. Exhibit A being Noir currently destroying nearby objects as she ran from some fellow Flintseol members, presumably to be yelled at for causing a ruckus. Others found it annoying, especially when cleaning up after her, but Lulu found her endearing.
She also loved how much taller Noir was. While that wasn’t hard for someone of Lulu’s stature, she loved how Noir could simply scoop her up for cuddles. She loved how Noir would give her random objects she found lying around, whether it be stones or branches or dried up flowers.
Her train of thought was interrupted with Gian smacking her over the head with a notebook.
“Can’t believe I have to say this but stop staring and start studying, lover girl.”
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“Here, gift.”
Lulu blinked owlishly, staring at the twig that Noir was holding out. No, she wasn’t joking, Noir was giving her an actual twig. A stick that can literally be found anywhere. Lulu presumed that Noir simply picked it off the ground.
She looked up at her girlfriend, and honestly, she couldn’t bear to say ‘no’ to someone so sincere.
Smiling, Lulu pulled Noir into the seat next to her, plopping into the taller girl’s lap and snuggling up to her.
“Thanks babe!”
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It was pretty difficult to teach Noir, and Lulu was sure that it was even harder for Noir to learn. She wasn’t surprised when she felt the taller girl slump against her smaller frame, ears twitching as she heard her girlfriend snoring quietly.
Lulu silently tidied up their things, using her magic to pack them into their respective bags and making them float as she carried Noir on her back, thankfully strong enough to do so.
She was pretty sure that the Flintseol members wouldn’t mind Noir staying over for a night, tucking Noir into bed before changing into her pyjamas and washing up.
“Good night, Noir, sweet dreams,” Lulu murmured, snuggling into Noir’s side as she fell asleep.
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signetxego · 4 years
Flintseol, the dorm founded on the adventurous spirit of the one-eyed cyborg
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Students of this dorm are free spirited and march to the beat of their own drum. Whilst they often struggle to work well with others, their individualistic talents and determination allows them to achieve whatever they put their mind to! Quick wits and survival skills are highly valued in this dorm, and as such the students excel in curses and astrology.
Slowly starting to draw the characters of my treasure planet inspired fan dorm, so i figured i’d make a lil intro for it even though i’m blacklisted apparently :/
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signetxego · 4 years
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i accidentally posted this earlier ahaha if you saw it no you didn’t 💀
Drew myself some flintseol chibi boys!!! the proportions are wack bc i drew them all on different canvases 😔😭 and yes Blaise’s shoes are supposed to look that large they’re a good few sizes too big for him bc he’s a posh boy who got all his stuff custom made before coming to nrc and had no clue what shoe size he was when he went shopping for the first time.
Anyway some cool lore that comes from
this: the dorm colours are light n dark blue! and also inigo is the only student in the whole dorm that wears the uniform properly. and yes. Finnian put that weird gold clip thing on his jacket so it doesn’t fly off when he’s on his hoverboard.
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signetxego · 4 years
Okay so. I was thinking about things. Things being the flintseol dorm story. And idk now i’m Dying To Talk About It so here is a very detailed crash course on the Boys PLEASE talk to me abt it im begging you hit up my dms i’ll marry you
Under the cut for obscenely long post for smth with no actual writing.
When Ace loses his alchemy homework, Epel advices he goes to his classmate Blaise for help, who can find anything if he gets a good description of it. Ace, Epel, Deuce, Yuu and Grim find Blaise, who uses his unique magic to locate the lost homework.
Deuce is really impressed, and tells Blaise that a magic like that is super valuable, but Blaise becomes downcast and explains that he can’t find things unless he has a clear idea of what he’s looking for in his minds eye, so it only really helps him retrieve small things that he’s already seen. It never works for the thinks he’s looking for.
Blaise goes on to say that the dorm he is in, Flintseol, has a long-standing legend, one that has puzzled students since the founding of the dorm. The first dorm leader, before he left the school, hid a stash of treasure somewhere on the grounds, and a trail of clues to locate it. Over the years, nobody has been able to solve the puzzles and locate the treasure.
Grim and Ace her excited at the prospect of treasure, and ask Blaise if they can help him look for it, and split it between them, however Blaise gets annoyed and says that a true pirate doesn’t accept help, and he can do it by himself. He storms off, but Ace isn’t willing to give up on a legendary stash of treasure hidden, and suggests that they try and find it without Blaise’s help.
After school, they go to the library, to do some research and see if they can find any hints on where the first clue is. As they talk, they are overheard by a strange boy with a mechanical eye, who joins their conversation, and tells them it’s been years since students from another dorm have tried to find Flintseol’s hidden treasure vault. Yuu mentions that it’s odd, since surely students from other dorms, like Azul or Ruggie, would want to get their hands on something so valuable. The cyborg laughs, and tells them that the first clue is hidden in the Flintseol dorms, and it’s protected fiercely. An unseemly fate awaited all students who tried to break in and steal it, and so eventually they all gave up.
He says that over years, clues have been found and lost, their whereabouts gone forever. Pirates can’t be expected to work together, especially when treasure is involved. He encourages them to do their best finding the treasure, but once he leaves Yuu decides he sounded quite patronising.
The next day, the gang decide to sneak into the Flintseol dormitory, having stolen some uniforms from Vil’s stash in the pomefiore dorm. However, as soon as they set foot inside they find that it’s nothing like any other dorm, and they struggle to find their way around the complicated layout without disrupting any students. They’re saved from a run-in with some delinquents by Blaise, who pulls them aside after a time limit fight and asks them what they’re doing at his dormitory.
Blaise tries to convince them to leave, but Ace and Grim are determined to find the clue for the treasure. Blaise is torn, but eventually decides to sneak them up to the port, an area at the top of the dorm where most of the ships are docked. At the end of the largest of the rope bridges, is a single mirror carved into the floor, the first clue.
After looking around the mirrors on campus, Blaise thinks they should sneak into the dorm leaders room, since a mirror hangs in there. Blaise picks the lock and he and Yuu sneak in whilst the others stand guard.
They find nothing around the mirror, but Blaise’s attention is drawn to a folder slightly open. Going through it, he and Yuu find some old photos, moving back into sketches and portraits from the past at NRC. it seems to be the dorm leaders personal investigations into the treasure stash. They go from very old to very recent, and there are some of the current flintseol students.
Meanwhile, outside, Deuce and Epel are spotted by Inigo, who they mistakenly believe to be the dorm leader due to his strict way of speaking to them. They try to stall him, but he quickly realises they’re not members of his dorm, and drags them by the ears down the corridor, where he sees Blaise and Yuu leave Finnian’s room. He says that as much as he can’t stand finnian, he has to turn them in for breaking the key rule of the dorm, respect the captain above all else.
Inigo drags the group into the common room, and loudly announces that there are intruders in the dorm, and the dorm leader needs to deal with them. The commotion draws a huge crowd, and inigo uses his unique magic to trap the perpetrators in front of a portrait of a pirate holding out his hand, after Grim tries to make a runner.
Finnian appears, and Yuu is like ‘oh i thought i recognised u st the library it’s bc ur the dorm leader and were at the entrance ceremony. He laughs and seems pleased to see Yuu and the idiot gang, he gives them a lecture abt going through his stuff, although blaise retorts that he shouldn’t have left it lying around so carelessly. Importantly, he tells them that trying to follow the trail of clues will be pointless, since over the years students have taken clues for themselves and hidden them.
This angers a lot of the spectators, saying that the treasure must exist somewhere and they can definitely find it. Finnian laughs at their optimism, and tells them that their mindless enthusiasm is worthless without the drive to use your brain. It’s why none of them have overthrown him as dorm leader. At least Blaise was able to find the best hint there is left in the school.
He touches the threads binding them, and they shimmer and melt. He then tells them to start running, and not to drop the picture folder. Theres a rhythmic thingy where the idiots run away from the rest of the dorm, chasing them to try and get the folder for themselves.
They get split up as they run, and Yuu ends up with Grim and Blaise. After settling down, Yuu contemplates on how Finnian seemed totally different to when they met him in the library yesterday. Blaise says that his mood is pretty unpredictable, and he doesn’t take anything seriously. Grim asks what finnian meant when he said ‘none of you have managed to replace me as dorm leader’ and Blaise explains unique way Flintseol dork choses it’s leader. Apparently, the treasure hidden in the dorm was the puzzle set by the first dorm leader, so technically it’s the ultimate test to be ‘worthy’ of the dorm, but nobody really cares abt that, they just want that sweet gold.
Grim agrees that he just wants the gold, and prompts the other two to go through the folder from finnian’s room, to see if they can find out what he meant by ‘the biggest clue’ being hidden in there. They find an annotated excerpt from a diary, written by the first leader of the dorm. What catches their attention most is the annotation ‘surrender your physical riches to the spirit of adventure’.
At this point, Inigo finds them, and tells Blaise he always hides in this cupboard when he wants to get out of chores. Since they’re not technically breaking rules anymore, since Finnian let them go, he’s not going to fight them. Blaise shows him the excerpt from inside the folder, and explains that he’s not going to give up, and that he doesn’t think finding the treasure is impossible at all. If the dorm leader thinks that, then he’s not fit to uphold the spirit of this dorm at all.
Inigo starts to say something, but bites his tongue, and sighs, saying it’s not really any of his business as long as the day to day life of the dorm is ticking over smoothly. He explains the meaning behind the ‘adventurous spirit’ that Flintseol is founded on. The one-eyed cyborg who they follow the example of was a legendary pirate who followed a treasure map to the greatest stash of treasure in the galaxy, but in the end he gave it up to save a young shipmate who was travelling with him. Afterwards, he stopped seeking treasure, and traveled the universe alone, not bound by materialistic possessions, and instead basking in the wonders of the galaxy. Contrary to the popular image they portray, Flintseol aren’t pirates, they’re supposed to be explorers. Although, that ideal has been lost over time, as the dorms obsession with finding the rumoured stash of treasure has shown.
Blaise finds it upsetting that Inigo is so disillusioned with the other students in the dorm, and says that he never thought Finnian would turn out to be that type of person.
Inigo tells Blaise that Finnian isn’t someone he should look up to, he’s someone who can be pretty terrifying and toys with people to get what he wants from them. He’s clever, and Inigo gets the feeling he intended to leave that folder lying on his bed for someone to find, but he’s not sure why. Knowing Finnian, if there was a clue in there, he’d be able to crack it himself.
Suddenly, there’s a huge commotion outside, and the four rush over to the nearest window to see the rest of the idiots getting into a fight outside. Inigo rolls his eyes and says that they’re totally on track to getting killed, and instructs Blaise, Yuu and Grim to stay put whilst he goes and gets them.
Once he leaves, Blaise notices how quiet it is inside. It seems the commotion caused is so large that almost all of the Flintseol students have gone to watch. Yuu thinks it’s unnerving how bloodthirsty they are, and Blaise admits that things can be a bit rowdy at times. He looks down at the folder again, and reiterates how determined he is to find the treasure, and explains to Yuu why he was so eager to join Flintseol after Finnian overthrew his older brother as dorm leader. He wants more than anything to prove his worth, and puts his determination into his unique magic to locate ‘the spirit of adventure’ mentioned in the journal. To his shock, a green thread does appear at the end of his finger.
He and the ramshackle duo follow it to the main lounge where they had spoken to Finnian earlier, where it connects to the outstretched hand of the pirate in the portrait they had seen earlier. Blaise realises this pirate isn’t actually a pirate, he’s supposed to be the young shiphand who the cyborg gave up the stash of treasure to protect.
After thinking it over, Blaise solves the puzzle. As the cyborg achieved happiness through surrendering his ‘treasure’ to this boy, they must do the same to find the hidden treasure.
But what constitutes a treasure? Blaise admits that even though he is very wealthy, he doesn’t have anything that could be considered treasure. He tries handing money to the portrait, but nothing happens. Yuu suggests that maybe you need to give up a personal treasure, something that it hurts to part with. Blaise thinks of what it might hurt him to part with, and finally settles on an old, rusty compass. He explains that it was a gift from his grandfather, and was supposed to always point him back home, so he could explore to his hearts content without worrying about getting lost. He places it in the portraits hand, and the portrait moves to grip the compass. Blaise jumps away and the portrait stretches and turns into a huge door on the wall.
Going through the door and down some steps, they find a huge chamber filled to the brim with gold and jewels. Truly, a legendary stash of treasure. They take a moment to be happy, until the rest of the idiots come down the stairs and O.O at the treasure as well.
Grim asks why they went and got in such a huge fight, and Ace explains that it wasn’t their fault. They ran right into that creepy robotic dorm leader, who used wind magic exactly like his to attack some nearby students, and vanished as soon as the fighting started.
As if on cue, Finnian comes down the stairs behind the idiots, waving happily. He congratulated Blaise on solving the puzzle, even if he did need an awful lot of help from his dear dorm leader. Finnian says that he had discovered the secret to finding the treasure at the end of last year, and had debated over his to get a hold of it. The last puzzle was really unfair. The point of the trail of puzzles was to hammer in the belief that experiences are worth far more than material possessions. To achieve the ‘spirit of adventure’ and uncover the most sacred mystery of the dorm, you’d have to give up something physically important to you.
Of course, it was probably stupid of the first dorm leader to expect a pirate to change their ways. He didn’t care about the experience of a treasure hunt, or the reputation it would give him, he wanted the treasure! He wasn’t going to play along with the puzzle, and give something up, so he tricked Blaise into doing it for him. From telling Yuu and the others where to find the first clue, to leaving his folder out and hinting at the clues hidden inside, and finally to clearing out the dorm by starting a fight, so that when Blaise opened up the treasure vault, nobody else would be around to intrude as he snuck in after him.
Blaise is understandably quite angry, and says that was a horrible thing to give up his compass for. Besides, what does Finnian hope to achieve with this treasure? If everyone knows that he wasn’t the one that found it, what does he get from it?
Finnian doesn’t answer, as a loud rumbling sound behind in the background. Shouts can be heard above them. Finnian guesses that the first lot of students got bored of Inigo’s lectures and returned to the lounge, to see the newfound door. Sadly for them, they can’t get in, since his unique magic is holding the door shut. However, Blaise notes that a few students couldn’t be making such a noise by themselves, and when rocks start clattering down from the ceiling he realises the treasure room must be about to collapse down. They try to get through the door, but it’s been turned into a wall of silver. Blaise shouts through, and manages to communicate to Inigo on the other side what’s happening. Inigo tells them that if they break Finnian’s concentration, his unique magic will reverse.
They fight Finnian and get the door back to normal, and Inigo and the rest of Flintseol pour in. Finnian is trying to gather the treasure, and Inigo urges him to leave because theres no way he can take all the treasure before the room collapses. Finnian uses his unique magic to turn the walls of the chamber to silver, and try to forcibly keep it upright. As he expands his magic, the silver begins to cover the floor and grow up some students feet, pinning them in place. After exerting all this magical power and arguing with Inigo, Finnian overblots, and the squad have to fight him before he runs out of magic and the chamber fully collapses.
After the overblot we unlock Finnian’s Tragic Backstory TM, which starts with him as a tiny little kid helping his father care for his ailing mother, in a very run down, poor area of the city. His father promises that even though things are hard, as long as they all stay together, things will be okay, and gives Finnian a tiny, hand-knitted teddy bear to accompany him as he cares for his mother. Later, his mother dies, and as Finnian sits with her in her last moments, his father gets up and walks away. Finnian tries to run after him, but can’t find him, and when he returns his mother has passed away. He decides that whatever his father said was false, clearly ‘staying together’ and ‘family’ were not all that mattered. He left because they were not enough for him, and because all humans are selfish and want material goods to prove themselves. Finnian took to growing up on the streets, amassing as much wealth as he could through gambling and stealing, getting richer and richer every time he betrayed someone’s trust and took what they had for his own. The only way to be happy had to be through selfishness, right? But still, he didn’t feel any happier than he had when his mother was alive. So, he must be doing something wrong. He obviously didn’t have enough yet. Not enough money, not enough possessions. Not enough rare trinkets collected from across the land. He must not have been selfish enough yet, for simply no amount of treasure in the world could make him feel any happier.
When he wakes up, Blaise, Inigo and the idiots have dragged him out of the chamber, which has completely collapsed. Inigo scolds him for being so stupid and losing control, when he’s supposed to be the one who always has *everything* under control. Finnian comments that on retrospect, he should’ve predicted the chamber being set to self destruct. Why would a quest about giving up material possessions give you a huge hoard of treasure at the end?
He apologises to Blaise for losing his compass, and admits that the real reason he didn’t open the portrait himself was because he doesn’t have anything of value to give away, nothing he’s tried has worked. Blaise thinks back to when he was in Finnian’s room, and remembers seeing an old, knitted bear lying by the bed, and asks why he didn’t try something like that. Finnian says he only kept the bear to remind him not to get too comfortable around people, but realises that the real reason he hung onto it was because it reminded him of the happy times when he had a family, and all this time, it had really been his most valued possession. It’s enough to make him laugh, which causes him to fall backwards again, and get dragged off by Inigo to the infirmary.
As Blaise goes to follow, he catches a glint of gold in the corner of the room. The portrait on the floor is broken, and behind the frame sits his compass, untouched, and with a note behind it, old and worn, reading ‘congratulations for solving the puzzle. continue to search for adventure and happiness in the skies, and stay true to yourself.’ he pockets the message, and decides to show it to Finnian once he’s better.
A few days later, the idiots are invited back to Flintseol by Finnian, who has made a full recovery, and is as lively as ever before. Grim grumbles about how he’s hardly changed following his overblot, and is still a bit of a weirdo, and Inigo sighs and says that’s just his personality. Finnian invites them out, and the group fly on their brooms/hoverboard to the top of a huge cliff, where the view of the starts is completely beautiful, and Inigo informs them that hopefully they’ll be able to come and visit the dorm more often now that students have no need to protect the clues to the treasure. Although, he decides, looking over at Finnian, that whilst someone so unpredictable is dorm leader, they and he as well would probably be safer keeping themselves at arms length.
And tadaaah everything is fixed and the mystery has been solved!!!
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signetxego · 4 years
Done with the first member the Flintseol dorm! First up is the dorm leader!
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“Out in the great big sky is where i wanna be! Why sit in one place when the whole world is just waiting to be seen!”
Personal Information
Name: フィンイアン アルゲーント
Romanji: Finnian Argent
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birthday: February 14th
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 185cm
Eye colour: Green (natural), ice blue (artificial)
Hair colour: Blonde
Homeland: Crescent shore
Professional Status
Dorm: Flintseol
School year: 2nd
Class: 3-D
Occupation: Student, dorm leader
Club: Stargazing club
Best subject: Flying
Fun Facts
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
Favourite food: “Specialty stew”
Least favourite food: Eggs
Dislikes: Staying in one place for too long
Hobby: Testing out his hoverboard
Talents: Cooking
Finnian is a real strange kid. He’s very intelligent, both in understanding puzzles, and reading into people’s behaviour, but behaves like a complete idiot. He does things in his own, weird way, showing up to meetings late, arriving in class on his hoverboard, and deliberately making the wrong potions in alchemy. He likes to get a reaction out of people for his own entertainment by being as outrageous as he can make himself, and will do anything for a good bit of fun. He doesn’t really have any limits or inhibitors, and has no qualms doing things that others might hesitate to do, such as trying to poke malleus’ horns in class, to deliberately getting squeezed by floyd to see ‘how tight floyd can go before putting a dent in his robotic body’. He desires freedom above all else, never wanting to stay still in one place, and deliberately doing things just because he has the ability to do so. He’s quite unpredictable, but what is constant about him is that he craves excitement and new things, getting bored easily and wanting to move onto something new, seeking a differnt type of thrill every day. He never takes anything seriously, laughing no matter what, and it’s theorised that the reason he has so many electronic parts is because of his reckless, irresponsible behaviour. Finnian is actually very mysterious and untrusting, making up new, elaborate and vastly different stories of his life before coming to night raven college every other day, and never answering anyone’s questions seriously. He refuses to show anyone what lies underneath his foolhardy persona—that is his cunning mind and sharp wits. He believes it’s every man for themselves and has no real sense of loyalty to others, even the people he calls his friends. He likes to keep his talents to himself to give himself the advantage over others, playing the role of an irresponsible idiot perfectly, and using his bright smile to keep an emotional distance between him and others. Despite his harsh upbringing which developed this mindset, he’s quite softhearted deep down, and always wants the members of his dorm to be smiling. He’s overly friendly, enjoying the happiness of others whilst doing his best not to get attached, in case he needs to stab them in the back later on. After all, surviving as a pirate is a selfish business, a lesson he has taken to heart.
Unique magic: 「Fool’s silver」
Anything finnian touches with the tips of his fingers turns to silver. Until the spell is undone, it will remain as silver, and loses its original use, becoming ‘inanimate’. This applies to magical objects if the power of the object is weaker than finnian’s magic power. He can control anything he’s turned into silver, and shape, move and sculpt it at will. No matter how much he messes with it, it will return fully to its past state when the spell is released, unless it’s a living thing.
The left side of finnian’s body is completely robotic. It’s maintained and upgraded regularly by Idia, and as such Idia is the only person who Finnian properly respects and never messes around with.
Finnian is accompanied by a morph, a strange pink creature that can shapeshift into whatever it chooses. The two of them cause quite the scene on campus together.
Finnian has no parents, and grew up alone on the streets, but made a fortune through stealing and gambling when he was young, and has built himself quite the luxurious lifestyle.
His hoverboard is his pride and joy, a flying device he made himself originally from scrap metals, piloted by a single sail. Since he was a child, he’s been upgrading it and testing it in increasingly dangerous environments
Finnian prides himself on ‘never being lost’, due to his impeccable sense of direction and his talent for reading the stars. Unfortunately, he makes up his own constellations and names for the stars, and does very poorly in astronomy as a result.
Due to part of his tongue being robotic, his taste buds are uhm... weird. He’s an amazing chef and can actually cook anything very well, but often chooses to make himself things that look and taste absolutely toxic, such as his famous ‘speciality stew’ which tends to put people off due to the toad eye floating on top of it.
Finnian has been the dorm leader since his first day at school. Flintseol tradition states that every year, the dorm leader must create a puzzle, and whoever solves it can take over as leader, and make their own puzzle next year. As nobody has yet solved his puzzle, Finnian has been dorm leader for his whole time at night raven college.
He loves weird things, scary things, and exciting things. He’s got no sense of personal space, and smothers people who he thinks fit the bill for this, including most of diasomnia, savanaclaw, and octavinelle.
His real list of hobbies should be “tormenting malleus, tormenting vil, tormenting riddle, and tormenting inigo” because he specifically likes the reactions these people give him. He has no qualms with asking invasive questions, invading their personal space, and doing whatever comes to mind that might annoy them.
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signetxego · 4 years
I tried but i wasn’t strong enough to resist the bandwagon
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everyone else made super cute ones of these, but i was too nervous to fill any of them in so i just made my own 😔😔 get to know my characters a bit more, i guess!
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signetxego · 4 years
After procrastinating for A While, im finally ready with flintseol’s baby and the final member of the dorm!
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“Pirates don’t need a family. So... neither do i, you got that?”
Personal Information
Name: ブレイース・ロシェン
Romanji: Blaise Rosien
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: August 10th
Star sign: Leo
Height: 171cm
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Blue
Homeland: Crescent shore
Professional Information
Dorm: Flintseol
School year: 1st
Class: 1-B
Occupation: Student
Club: Equestrian club
Best subject: Ancient curses
Fun facts
Dominant hand: Right
Favourite food: Coffee cake
Least favourite food: Lasagna
Dislikes: Harsh rules
Hobby: Drawing maps
Talents: Understanding animals
Blaise comes off as a brash, headstrong boy, not listening to other people, in fact making a conscious effort to do what he’s told not to. However, his efforts are clumsy, and in reality he comes across as quite awkward. He tries to stay distant from others, and put up an aloof air, but has a very kind nature and if he upsets someone accidentally will apologise and probably start crying. He wants to help everyone he meets, and wants everyone to have the same sort of freedom that pirates flying the sky have, to make life ‘worth living’ for everyone he meets. He has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the unknown, and his determination and drive combined with a bit of stupidity mean he won’t back down from any challenge. Nothing is impossible, the world has no limits! He’s fascinated by how ‘normal people’ live and wants to experience every part of teenage life, although he’s a little serious in how he tries to do this, making a checklist with something like ‘be impulsive’ written on it. Fortunately, he is actually quite impulsive and acts quickly in the heat of the moment, for better or worse. Most of his dorm agree that his efforts are endearing, although they don’t really take him seriously. But he’s not the kind of person to give up, and has resolved to keep trying and trying until he becomes the ideal version of himself! He needs a little bit of confidence to realise that this ideal blaise isn’t all that different to the one he is right now.
Unique Magic: 「Universe Atlas」
This magic creates a green thread connecting Blaise’s finger to an item that he seeks to find. The further away the item, and the more vague his mental image of it, the more mana it takes to locate. The thread is magical, and cannot be touched or destroyed.
Blaise’s older brother was the dorm leader of Flintseol before Finnian. He’s admired finnian ever since, for dethroning his ‘perfect’ brother.
Blaise grew up as the second son to a noble family in the Crescent Shore, a costal nation overlooking the coral sea. However, he hates the stifling lifestyle, and has always wanted to break free of his oppressive parents and out of the shadow of his flawless older brother.
Since coming to NRC, Blaise has tried to reinvent himself. He deliberately breaks rules and tries to do what he imagines someone ‘rebellious’ would do, and speaking in a rough accent. However, occasionally his very polite, upper class way of speaking slips out (like a reverse of epel’s problem...)
Blaise felt ostracised from his family growing up, because of the resentment he held towards their excessive control over his life. He spent most of his time with the horses in the family stables, and with the other animals living on the grounds of his home. As such, he’s become really good at reading the behaviour of most living things.
Blaise has very high energy, but is quite like a child in that he gets tired easily, and becomes pouty when he needs to go to bed. He will fight against it if Inigo tries to drag him upstairs, and insist he wants to go and look at the stars, all whilst half asleep
For all his claiming to be a rebellious pirate, he’s softhearted, kind, and naïve. Finnian is especially hard on him because of this, and puts him through his paces every day, almost like he’s bullying him. This is really because Finnian wants Blaise to be the next dorm leader once he graduates, due to his nature perfectly embodying what he personally thinks the ideal Flintseol student should be, and is trying to toughen him up in preparation.
Blaise hates the large amounts of money he has, and spends excessively trying to get rid of it. He buys very elaborate gifts for his friends at any given occasion.
He’s scared of heights. He will deny this endlessly, and does a pretty good job of pretending, but it’s a serious, paralysing fear, and he always comes up with ways to worm out of flying class.
Stupid reckless daredevil, on the levels of finnian when it comes to doing stupid stunts, almost like he’s trying to outclass the dorm leader. Epel dared him to set his hair on fire once, and he did. Thankfully Inigo was there with some water at the time
Likes to dance! He’s been trained in traditional ball dancing, and it’s the only thing his parents taught him that he really enjoys, and doesn’t pretend to hate. He’s not very good at it though
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signetxego · 4 years
Posting in the middle of the day? Well since i;m not in the tags (still ;_;) ive decided not to care abt when i post. Here we are! The second member of the flintseol dorm is done, this time it’s the vice dorm leader:
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“Even if he found the legendary stash of treasure, the one-eyed cyborg was still a pirate. I don’t really want to aspire to be like that...”
Personal Information
Name: イニゴ シェリオーン
Romanji: Inigo Ciellion
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birthday: December 25th
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 189cm
Eye colour: Purple
Hair colour: Black
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene
Professional Information
Dorm: Flintseol
School year: 3rd
Class: 3-B
Occupation: Student, vice-dorm leader
Club: Basketball club
Best class: Animal languages
Fun Facts
Dominant hand: Right
Favourite food: Lemon meringue pie
Least favourite food: Finnian’s ‘specialty stew’
Dislikes: Spiders
Hobby: Tending to the bug houses
Talent: Playing the violin
Inigo can best be described with the words ‘stressed out’. He likes things to be orderly and for everything to make sense, and he really doesn’t like the idea of adventure or exploring at all, so has no idea why he was placed in Flintseol. Whilst he tries to portray a cool-headed, but stern, persona, he has a really short temper that flares up at even the slightest inconvenience, meaning he spends a lot of time shouting, especially where a certain dorm head is involved. Much like the rest of his dormmates, he can come off as a bit self-centred, and is more likely to lecture a first year on not paying attention in class than help them with thier work, but if you catch him when he’s not on the brink of a nervous breakdown is really quite sweet, and can be a lot like a doting parent, making sure everyone is happy with their classes and eating properly. Most noticeably, he becomes quite caring and lowers his voice around more skittish students, being acutely aware of how loud the dorm is and how hard it can be to settle in to such a crazy place. Inigo claims to be a loner, but he really likes having someone to spill his problems to and also likes getting hugged even if he will yell and push the person away. He tends to keep things to himself and try to solve all his problems alone, which is why he’s so stressy, but deep down wants to relax and get to enjoy his school life a little. He’s secretly very isecure about what others think of him, having really low self worth due to things he heard from his parents growing up, and is terrified of what will happen if anyone finds out what he’s really like, ugly spider limbs and all.
Unique magic: 「Spiders Web」
Inigo can create a sticky, thread like substance capbable of binding and trapping things in it. The threads can only be broken by powerful magic designed for severing or cutting, and cannot be destroyed by any means other than cutting them. Once cut, they lose the ability to stick to things.
Like the Octavinelle trio, Inigo has a different form, arachnid-like in its appearance. He refuses to show or even speak about this to anyone, and has no clue why he can transform this way when the rest of his family cannot.
Inigo loves insects, and keeps bug houses and beehives on the school grounds. He can recognise most of the insects from each other, and claims they all have personalities and relationships with each other! However, he is deathly afraid of spiders and refuses to go near one. The bug houses are hidden away from the flintseol dorm so that Finnian cannot find them.
His favourite insect is a butterfly, and he often wishes he could go into a cocoon one day and emerge as one! He grows wildflowers for them, and other plants for the caterpillars, and cares for them all year round.
Inigo has been playing the violin since he was really small, and uses it for stress relief. Because of this, he accidentally snaps his fiddle quite often when he plays to calm his anger. He’s got a pretty nice singing voice as well, but he rarely uses it.
He’s pretty sickly, and if there’s a cold going around he’s basically guaranteed to get it. Because of this he’s pretty big on hygiene and keeping things clean in and around the dorm. finnian likes to piss him off by fake-sneezing in his face
Inigo was made the dorm leader a few months into his first year. He was totally outraged with how someone like Finnian was able to become the dorm leader, and his frequent bursts of anger directed at him amused the new dorm head greatly. He was finding the current vice head annoying, so got Inigo to replace him. This only made Inigo even more furious, and at first he tried very hard to weasel out of the role, but now has been forced to accept that he’s really the only person responsible enough to keep the dorm together.
He takes special calming medication made by Azul after one time he burst a blood vessel shouting at Finnian, designed to keep his blood pressure down. It doesn’t work very well. 
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signetxego · 4 years
Did they get slapped?
bandwagon time
Spent most of the event hiding at the back of the room, especially once the slaps started being given out. Hid herself behind Vil, who was too angry to notice. Avoided the slap.
Yes, why did he even try, again? At first it seemed he was serious about rescuing his mechanic, but he deliberately sang the ghost’s song in the wrong tune, with his own made up dance added in for fun, and recieved two much deserved slaps (one was from Inigo)
Avoided the slap, he doesn’t like pain and kind of sensed it coming after he laughed at Finnian, so made a tactical retreat.
Slapped for being too eager to wave a sword around and prove he could wield one. Morph actually turned into a sword and he almost took someone’s head off, so he probably deserved it.
Did very well, up until a certain point where she was slapped for suggesting a honeymoon in the countryside, promising that it would be fun even if it was raining and muddy. This was very unbecoming of royalty, who cannot have filth on their clothes!
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signetxego · 4 years
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signetxego · 4 years
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good evening tumblr i have flintseol brainrot so i drew them up a relationships chart. Also i only just realised they all have long hair and i’m like 🤔🤔🤔 is that the real requirement to get into the dorm??? do you have to represent the glossy hair of the one eyed cyborg????
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signetxego · 4 years
i was enabled.
Annalise Blanc - Fantasy AU
The Blanc family were a powerful lineage of mages in the Heartslabyul kingdom, stretching far back into the oldest parts of history, and often acting as confidants to Royalty. However, they were wiped off the map in a magical fire that raized their home to the ground, taking with it the family and their relics and magical knowledge.
Annalise and her mother survived the wreckage, unbeknownst to the world. Annalise was not old enough to properly remember what happened that night, and recalls only flashes. Her mother was injured terribly, and became paranoid and sick. She and Annalise hid in the woods, and Annalise grew up caring for her, and being told never to show her magic to anyone, and to keep herself safe and hidden.
When Annalise turned 17, her mother died, and the timid girl was forced out into the world. Through a series of events, she found herself at the royal palace, as an advisor to the prince of the country, alongside her senior, Trey. Since arriving, she’s been looking into the demise of her family, believing it to have been caused by something much more sinister than an accident.
Annalise isn’t a knight, as she’s not trained in weaponry, and has been raised to keep her magic a secret, despite other mages existing in the world. So, she usually appears quite helpless, but tries her best when she’s alone, and gets lessons with small weapons like daggers in case she needs to defend herself.
Flintseol - Fantasy AU
The Crescent Kingdom is a costal nation which formerly suffered many wars and was run by unstable dictators, and weak monarchs who were regularly overthrown. That is, until the noble Rosien family came to power, with their huge wealth and private military they crushed any opposition and took the land under their iron fist. Their rule was cruel and oppressive, and they were made harsher and more paranoid by the threats of revolt and signs of discontentment in the streets and from remnents of other royal factions. Weapons and magic were banned in the streets, and people became afraid.
The youngest son of the Rosien family, Blaise, runs away from home, into the underbelly of the city surrounding the palace, where he meets Finnian, a former knight of the palace who now runs an underground rebellion. Blaise lies about his identity to join the group, and plans to help take down his own family. Inigo is the second in command of the organisation, and fled to the Crescent kingdom from his own homeland to escape his family, who prosecuted him for his inhuman ability to produce venom, believing him to be a demon. He doesn’t think he’s fully human, since he grew up in an orphanage, but has no interest in finding out his origins.
Evaline Aurorir - Fantasy AU
Evaline was born to a human mother, and a fae spirit father, who vanished before she was born. Her mother didn’t know that Evaline wasn’t fully human, and so was horrified when her daughter developed uncontrollable magic and strength, and the ability to heal her own wounds. It was thought that she had been possessed, and they tried to burn her, but she was saved by a travelling knight, who took her in and brought her to the Emerald Palace.
Evaline was perfectly cut out for fighting, and trained as a knight from a young age. She viewed the man who had saved her as her adopted father, and with his help rose high in the ranks of the soldiers, a prodigy despite her young age and impulsive nature. She is often sent to act as a bodyguard for highly ranked royalty, and her day job mostly consists of managing security. By night though, she likes to sneak out of the barracks and take on a vigilante like role in the towns. Despite being kindhearted, Evaline holds distaste for common people due to her past at home, and mostly does this for personal reasons rather than actually helping the townspeople. However, she does despise her odd powers, wishing to be a regular girl, and would probably quit being a knight if she felt she had another purpose in life.
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