thewtcho · 2 years
Xilem dan Floem - Pengertian, Perbedaan, Gambar, Penjelasan & Letak
Xilem dan Floem – Pengertian, Perbedaan, Gambar, Penjelasan & Letak
Xilem dan Floem – Pembuluh kayu atau xilem ialah salah satu dari dua kelompok utama jaringan pembuluh yang dimiliki oleh tumbuhan berpembuluh. Untuk lebih lengkapnya lagi simaklah pembahasan kami mengenai Materi Xilem dan Floem mulai dari Pengertian Xilem dan Floem, Disparitas Xilem dan Floem, Gambar dan Penjelasannya di bawah ini. Pengertian Xilem dan Floem Xilem : Pembuluh kayu atau xilem…
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bogdanklimowicz · 2 years
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Pick the Fruit. . “Well I just ain't the kind of woman” . Smelling… Flowers. . “To pick the fruit off of your tree, girl” . Drank… in Tilburg, The Netherlands (Nederland) sometime in June, a PLUK DE VRUCHTEN beer brewed by Floem. . “And you keep saying that he's your man” . Advertised as “Batch 1 ~ Nieuw en tevens het eerste bier van onze core range! Een prachtig uitgebalanceerd bier waarin de mouten en hoppen mooi samenkomen om de sappige eigenschappen van de hop te versterken. Alles werkt samen. Tropisch fruit, citrusfruit & karamel en een mooie gloeiende oranje kleur. Hops: Citra & Mandarina Bavaria Artwork: @IngeGlasses.” . “Well that ain't what he said to me” . Listened… to It Isn't, It Wasn't, It Ain't Never Gonna Be by Aretha Franklin and Whitney Houston (1989). . . . . . #pickthefruit #flowers #flower #bloem #bloemen #flowerlove #fridayflowers #plukdevruchten #floem @floemcraftbeer #kruikenstad #tilburg013 #tilburg #nederland #netherlands #holland #dutch #bogdanklimowicz #foodblogger #beer #bier #ubhiya #serbesa #bir #labiera #pia #itisntitwasntitaintnevergonnabe #arethafranklin #whitneyhouston . (at Tilburg, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgBrBUbK5OA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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this-week-in-rust · 7 months
This Week in Rust 520
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
This Month in Rust OSDev: October 2023
Project/Tooling Updates
rust-libp2p v0.53 has been released
Zellij 0.39.0 released
Officially Qualfied - Ferrocene
Rocket's 4th v0.5 Release Candidate
Writing Rust Bindings for My Python App
A four year plan for async Rust
Cursed Rust: Printing Things The Wrong Way
Rust for JavaScript Developers: An Overview of Testing
Why Golang instead of Rust to develop the Krater desktop app
Google Rewriting Android's Binder In Rust With Promising Results
Dump Rust Struct or Enum Memory Representation as Bytes
How Open Source Projects are Using Kani to Write Better Software in Rust
Creating High Performance Asynchronous Backends With Burn-Compute
Goodbye Python, Hello Rust: Building a RAG CLI Application with Orca
Variadic generics, again
Using Rust, Chrome and NixOS to Take Headless Screenshots for Social Sharing
sudo-rs' first security audit
Destructing trees safely and cheaply
Edge IoT with Rust on ESP: NTP
Rust Walkthroughs
Using Modern Linux Sockets
Migrating SecureDrop’s PGP backend from GnuPG to Sequoia
[video] 10x faster - taking charge of the compiler backend
[video] RISC-V Vector Extension in Rust
Embedding simple CSV file in Rust application
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is floem, a native Rust UI library with fine-grained reactivity.
Despite receiving no suggestions, llogiq is reasonably pleased with his choice.
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
Ockam - Make ockam identity delete (no args) interactive by asking the user to choose from a list of identity names to delete (tuify)
Ockam - Make ockam tcp-outlet delete (no args) interactive by asking the user to choose from a list of tcp-outlet aliases to delete (tuify)
Ockam - Make ockam project show (no args) interactive by asking the user to choose from a list of projects to show (tuify)
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
Updates from the Rust Project
366 pull requests were merged in the last week
dropck_outlives check whether generator witness needs_drop
account for ref and mut in the wrong place for pattern ident renaming
add a stable MIR visitor
add all RPITITs when augmenting param-env with GAT bounds in check_type_bounds
add diagnostic items for a few of core's builtin macros
add support for pre-unix-epoch file dates on Apple platforms
add the Span of the move keyword to the HIR
also consider TAIT to be uncomputable if the MIR body is tainted
avoid the path trimming ICE lint in error reporting
avoid unnecessary comparison in partition_equal
check binders with bound vars for global bounds that don't hold
consts: remove dead code around i1 constant values
coverage: replace impossible coverage::Error with assertions
derive TyEncodable/TyDecodable in rustc_type_ir
detect misparsed binop caused by missing semi
detect object safety errors when assoc type is missing
do not ICE on constant evaluation failure in GVN
do not assert in op_to_const
don't check for alias bounds in liveness when aliases have escaping bound vars
don't emit delayed good-path bugs on panic
don't pass -stdlib=libc++ when building C files on macOS
enable cross-crate-inlining when MIR inlining is enabled
enable parallel rustc front end in nightly builds
fallback for construct_generic_bound_failure
fix excessive initialization and reads beyond EOF in io::copy(_, Vec<u8>) specialization
fix incorrect trait bound restriction suggestion
fix order of implementations in the "implementations on foreign types" section
guarantee representation of None in NPO
guarantee that char has the same size and alignment as u32
hint optimizer about try-reserved capacity
inline and remove create_session
make sure that predicates with unmentioned bound vars are still considered global in the old solver
make the randomize feature of rustc_abi additive
match usize/isize exhaustively with half-open ranges
prepopulate opaque ty storage before using it
pretty print Fn traits in rustc_on_unimplemented
recover from missing param list in function definitions
refactor: move suggestion functions from demand to suggestions
remove obsolete support for linking unwinder on Android
remove support for alias -Z symbol-mangling-version
remove support for compiler plugins
replace switch to unreachable by assume statements
set max_atomic_width for riscv32*-esp-espidf to 32
turn const_caller_location from a query to a hook
use FxIndexSet in the symbol interner
use derivative for Clone/PartialOrd/Ord/Hash in rustc_type_ir
use global cache when computing proof trees
use the correct span when emitting the env! result
warn users who set non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns lint level on a match arm
when encountering unclosed delimiters during lexing, check for diff markers
enable src/math for all UEFI targets
intrinsics macro: fix non-weak aeabi generation
this enables math module for riscv32 targets
stabilize const_maybe_uninit_zeroed and const_mem_zeroed
stabilize file_set_times
fix switch_stdout_to on Windows7
add track_caller to transmute_copy
delegate <Box<E> as Error>::provide to <E as Error>::provide
support enum variants in offset_of!
feature gate enums in offset_of
override Waker::clone_from to avoid cloning Wakers unnecessarily
codegen_gcc: fix vector compilation error
cargo: feat(trim-paths): set env CARGO_TRIM_PATHS for build scripts
cargo toml: Pull out the schema
cargo: fix an unhelpful panic message
cargo: implement -Ztrim-paths (RFC #3127)
cargo: merge trim-paths from different profiles
rustdoc: accept less invalid Rust
rustfmt: fixes comma added to comment in where-clause
clippy: unused_enumerate_index: don't ICE on empty tuples
clippy: add unused_enumerate_index lint
clippy: fix dbg_macro semi span calculation
clippy: fix enum_variant_names depending lint depending on order
clippy: fix get_first false negative for VecDeque
clippy: new lint: unnecessary_fallible_conversions
rust-analyzer: add generate_mut_trait_impl assist
rust-analyzer: import trait with alias
rust-analyzer: skip checking token tree count for include! macro call
rust-analyzer: fix docs path for derive macros
rust-analyzer: vSCode metadata. category:formatters
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
A difficult week for triage, due to what appears to be system-level disruption to measurement apparatus, yielding transient noise (and potentially masking actual problems). The main non-noise performance change was huge regression to bitmaps introduced by PR 117131, and that already has a fix in-flight fix (PR #117542). The other thing worth noting is that the parallel rustc front-end has been enabled in the nighlty builds, which has introduced some overhead that was expected by wg-parallel-rustc.
Triage done by @pnkfelix. Revision range: 650991d6..7b97a5ca
10 Regressions, 4 Improvements, 3 Mixed; 3 of them in rollups 68 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
Add "crates.io Policy Update" RFC
Merge RFC 3498: "Lifetime Capture Rules 2024"
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Add T: ?Sized to RwLockReadGuard and RwLockWriteGuard's Debug impls.
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for file_create_new
[disposition: merge] feat: implement DoubleEndedSearcher for CharArray[Ref]Searcher
[disposition: merge] TAIT defining scope options
[disposition: merge] Add std::hash::{DefaultHasher, RandomState} exports (needs FCP)
Language Reference
No Language Reference RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Unsafe Code Guidelines
Decide on zero-sized offsets and memory accesses
New and Updated RFCs
Arbitrary self types v2.
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2023-11-08 - 2023-12-06 🦀
2023-11-08 | Virtual(Boulder, CO, US) | Solid State Depot - The Boulder Makerspace
Placeholder: Boulder Rust Meetup
2023-11-09 | Virtual (Linz, AT) | Rust Linz
Rust Meetup Linz - 34rd Edition
2023-11-09 | Virtual (Nuremberg, DE) | Rust Nuremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2023-11-10 | Virtual (Bangalore, IN) | Learn Everything About Programming
Getting started with rust-lang
2023-11-12 | Virtual (Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL) | Code Mavens
Rust in Israel - Rust Digger
2023-11-14 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2023-11-14 | Virtual (Kyiv, UA) | Yalantis Education
Довгий шлях до першого комерційного досвіду або до чого тут Rust?
2023-11-15 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK)| Rust and C++ Cardiff
Building Our Own Locks (Atomics & Locks Chapter 9)
2023-11-15 | Virtual (Richmond, VA, US) | Linux Plumbers Conference
Rust Microconference in LPC 2023 (Nov 13-16)
2023-11-15 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Nightly Night: impl Trait in Type Aliases
2023-11-16 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2023-11-16 | Virtual (Vilnius, LT) | Vilnius Rust and Go Meetup Group
Enjoy our first Rust event
2023-11-21 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
2023-11-21 | Virtual (Washington, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful
2023-11-23 | Virtual (Edmonton, AB, CA) | Edmonton R User Group - Yegrug
Edmonton R User Group Meetup: R and Rust, like a match made in heaven
2023-11-28 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2023-11-29 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK)| Rust and C++ Cardiff
Atomics & Locks Book Club Final Chapter! (Chapter 10)
2023-11-30 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2023-11-30 | Virtual (Dublin, IE) | Rust Dublin
Automating expertise with cargo-semver-checks
2023-12-01 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK)| Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust & C++ Christmas Game Jam Kick-Off!
2023-12-02 | Virtual (Kampala, UG) | Rust Circle Kampala
Rust Circle Meetup
2023-12-05 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror
2023-12-05 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust Meetup
Buffalo Rust User Group, First Tuesdays
2023-11-09 | Barcelona, ES | BcnRust
11th BcnRust Meetup
2023-11-09 | Paris, FR | Paris Rustaceans
Rust Meetup in Paris
2023-11-09 | Reading, UK | Reading Rust Workshop
Reading Rust Meetup at Browns
2023-11-21 | Augsburg, DE | Rust - Modern Systems Programming in Leipzig
GPU processing in Rust
2023-11-23 | Biel/Bienne, CH | Rust Bern
Rust Talks Bern @ Biel: Embedded Edition
North America
2023-11-08 | Boulder, CO, US | Boulder Rust Meetup
Let's make a Discord bot!
2023-11-14 | New York, NY, US | Rust NYC
Rust NYC Monthly Mixer: Share, Show, & Tell! 🦀
2023-11-14 | Seattle, WA, US | Cap Hill Rust Coding/Hacking/Learning
Rusty Coding/Hacking/Learning Night
2023-11-15 | Richmond, VA, US + Virtual | Linux Plumbers Conference
Rust Microconference in LPC 2023 (Nov 13-16)
2023-11-16 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2023-11-16 | Nashville, TN, US | Music City Rust Developers
Python loves Rust!
2023-11-16 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2023-11-21 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2023-11-22 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2023-11-28 | Pasadena, CA, US | Pasadena Thursday Go / Rust
Monthly Rust group
2023-11-21 | Christchurch, NZ | Christchurch Rust Meetup Group
Christchurch Rust meetup meeting
2023-11-28 | Canberra, ACT, AU | Rust Canberra
November Meetup
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
For Binder to continue to meet Android's needs, we need better ways to manage (and reduce!) complexity without increasing the risk.
The biggest change is obviously the choice of programming language. We decided to use Rust because it directly addresses a number of the challenges within Binder that we have faced during the last years.
– Alice Ryhl on the Linux Kernel Mailing List
Thanks to Vincent de Phily for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
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opgpereglin-blog · 8 months
Savijen list biljke: uzroci i jednostavna rješenja Proširite vijest! Listovi se mogu saviti zbog okoliša ili fizičkih uzroka. Mogu biti ružni i u mnogim slučajevima mogu se popraviti pravim metodama. Da biste popravili savijeni list, on mora biti poduprt tako da središnja žila može nastaviti transporti... #Sobnebiljke
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javidecodona · 9 months
Gỗ thông biến tính là gì?
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Gỗ thông biến tính là gì? Gỗ thông là một loại gỗ phổ biến được sử dụng rộng rãi trong xây dựng, làm sàn, đồ nội thất và các ứng dụng khác. Nó có một cấu trúc tương đối phức tạp, với các sợi gỗ chạy song song và các vòng xylem và floem tạo thành một mạng lưới. Bên trong các sợi gỗ là các tế bào gỗ, được liên kết với nhau bằng chất kết dính gọi là lignin.
Xem thêm chi tiết tại:
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pdfsayar · 2 years
Kök Ve Şekilçi
10 sonuç Boyut Önizleme İndirme UmbelliferaeKÖK: Kazık kök 2 kısımdan oluşur: 1. Floem (% 45-65) 2. Ksilem (öz-% 35-55) KÖK Renk: Beyaz, Sarı, Portakal, turuncu, kırmızı, mor Renk maddeleri: Karoten, antosiyanin, antiklorür, klorofil Rengi etkileyen faktörler: •İklim-sıcaklık •Toprak yapısı •Sulama •Gübre miktarı ve çeşidi KÖK ŞEKLİ KÜT YUVARLAK SİVRİKaynak:…
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bubbleteaimagines · 3 years
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Y/N and Bokuto share the same concern, they don’t know how to do taxes (Mika does the business taxes)
Atsumu doesn’t know how to do his taxes either, Osamu always has to help him
Atsumu actually did send Y/N $5000
@kenmachishi @eunoiwa @cincerque @heyheyitsnaenae @mothersleep-16 @candyyrushh @iwadashi @miyadarling @luvin-keigo @armins-bowl-cut @ysatrap @qui-02 @thenerdyrebel @hsjvwq @lilith412426 @thissilverbadger @onii-chvn @torus-wiife @jesstetsuro @chisaikuki @slowbroccoli @fucktheworlddude @ihaveajuicebox7 @ilovehaikyuu101 @soranihimawari @misssugarless @anonymous1reader @notendoplasm @90s-belladonna @cuteskz @tropicsoda @sunabaee @nerdynstoned @queen-klarissa @its-the-aerieljeane @tehehaikyuu @speakfrenchbetweenmythighs @madbaddic7ed @primsonnn @haijkk @sakusasimpbot @floweringfawns @haikyuuwifu @iwaroses @bongofrito @matsunshine @haikyuu-homies @trashy-simp @delicatetrasheagle @blueowl51 @kenmasthot @sadcrxissant @floeme @kenmas-gf @morpheus-rex @whorefornoodles
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ptgigi · 2 years
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Scattermy/Loelia/Flovigade [PBFP]
You may have noticed there was no fusion last week. This is why. Also, same as last time, here are high quality links for each frame: Dill/Mild Dill/Aromatic Cardamom/Savory Cardamom/Pungent
Scattermy (Dill/Cardamom) [Bug/Psychic] > Loelia (Dill/Cardamom) [Bug/Fairy] > Flovigade: Mild: Turmeric [Fairy/Psychic] Mild: Rosemary [Fairy/Flying] Aromatic: Ginger [Fairy/Psychic] Aromatic: Basil [Fairy/Flying] Savory: Bay [Bug/Fairy] Savory: Cumin [Bug/Fighting] Pungent: Mint [Bug/Fairy] Pungent: Saffron [Bug/Fighting]
#024 – Scattermy decorate their bodies with fallen leaves. They are easy going Pokemon that are very empathetic. They are so named for the scent they are most associated with. #025 – Loelia like growing plants and helping tend to gardens. They are vary in-tune with their trainer’s personal garden, no matter how far they travel. They are so named for the scent they are most associated with. #026 – Flovigade are divided into four categories of two forms each, which they often change between during battle. The categories are named for the flavors they prefer, while their form names are named for the scent they are most associated with. Savory and Pungent Flovigade tend to be male, while Mild and Aromatic tend to be female, but both can be any gender. The form Loelia turns into varies, but is thought to depend on the Pokemon’s diet or region. Dill Floem often evolve into Turmeric or Ginger Flovigade, while Cardamom Floem often evolve into Bay or Mint Flovigade.
Pokemon Bracket Fusion Project Info: Generation: 2 Parents: Bebemy (T,CF) + Scatteralts (T,CF) See more: PTGigi, Spreadsheet, Tumblr, ComicFury Design Notes: Another crazy fusion oh boy going to keep this brief(ish) because I should be asleep: The parent fusions were already crazy. Scatteralts’ forms per stage were 1, 1, and 12 while Bebemy’s were 4, 4, and 3. Averaging each stage turned it into 2.5, 2.5, and 7.5. Rounding would put this at either 2/3/7 or 2/2/8 and 2/2/8 ended up being the nicer one.
First two stages were easy, pair off the Bebemy/Floem forms based on the most similar colors which ended up being Blue/Yellow Bebemy/Floem and Pink/Orange Bebemy/Floem (then each combined with Scatteralts and Pewpalia).
The last stage–*long sigh* I want to sleep but I must.
Vivigade was split into 4 categories, so to narrow down 12 forms into 8 forms I combined the two most similar (color-wise) wing patterns for each category. The final Vivigade combos were Delta/Mainland, Prairie, Sea/Aurora, Subarctic, Flora/Gale, Source, Desertbloom/Honor, Vogue. Flormadam was weird trying to convert 3 forms into 8. I eventually settled on having each color and then the average of all the colors, so Blue, Pink, Yellow, and a Hybrid, then doubling those up to make it to 8. I then paired up the Vivigade and Flormadam by color, but having a Flormadam set per Vivigade “battle” form (e.g. which ones were originally Mega Gardevoir/Gallade). I think I did just the main colors but my notes are so incomprehensible now IDK. It’s all just a bunch of numbers with almost no words. Good job me.
So the final pairings were: Delta/Mainland + Pink = Turmeric Sea/Aurora + Blue = Bay Prairie + Yellow = Ginger Subarctic + Hybrid = Mint Flora/Gale + Hybrid = Rosemary Desertbloom/Honor + Yellow = Cumin Source + Blue = Basil Vogue + Pink = Saffron
Names. Names are my suffering especially when it was about the last thing I did and boy do I want to sleep. I’m going to regret all these sleep notes in the morning, I generally get good sleep. Vivigade’s forms were location based (categories were emotion based) and Flormadam’s forms were flower based. Regional plants? Spices and herbs I guess! I picked some based on color (Turmeric is orange-y), others based on region (Sea/Aurora, Bay ‘leaf’ but also bay like water). The categories were me Googling “categories of spices” and a few results suggested the four categories of Hot/Pungent, Savory, Aromatic and Aromatic again…but Pungent is a synonym of Aromatic so I went with that.
And that’s about it (besides drawing this whole thing), thanks for reading this far! Have a cookie: 🍪
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zonaq · 3 years
Fav blogs?
@vsny @svage @trapxl @maloqueize @maconhaque @sirxy @c0ld @awzer @coolshitjarin @brazill @letaly @liquicity1 @954px @9x83 @72z @golddes @godass @7okio @nxs @64i @crpx @2lit @supprem @patienze @rpsx @saleh-s @embrasa @emphtys @floeme @uchizs @soultt @shyboss @vi5uals @hzned @6i @luxware @zoonotic @bigprime @trappsx @0gz @1617 @1f11 @saedii @tooffline @0ll @liberdade3s @chrise @ehsal @1l9 @hoodiee and ++++ (But no longer lets mention)
Some blogs that everyone should follow.
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Lumen 8
Lace in leaves,
sewing up my green
forest sleeves,
my train a rounded
of lichen, mushroom
and moss infinitesimal.
My toes dip
into the not
too cold river;
only the winds can
blow and
make me shiver.
I am emerald and brown,
I wear rubies now for
the official sunset bestowing
of my crown.
Battles of survival
fought at my feet,
I have bones
of animals alongside
warriors feeding me
long after blood soaked defeat.
Some piss on me,
some throw trash,
some have cut me
without permission,
hearts and letter shaped
scars, a new gash.
But some sit,
and offer a blessing,
an offering,
and revere me and my kin.
A few see me
for my spirit,
our presence, our life
just under our skin.
Breathe in what we make,
and we will give
much more to this
much more than we take.
You have forgotten us,
you uproot and burn,
we wither in parking lots
alone and tended
for just aesthetic concern.
Xylem and floem, sap
and pollen,
always reaching
for the light.
If we are treated
as inanimate decor,
then Gaia soon is fallen.
@genvieve-of-the-wood September 10, 2021
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Martin Glass - 21 Commissions for Business - corporate hauntology, with bonus points for creating websites for a couple of the “clients” (Kit Records)
Mercurial lounge synther Martin Glass returns for the first time since his wildly successful 2017 LP, 'Pacific Visions'. On '21 Commissions', Martin pivots his attention from lilos and cocktails to a world of psychedelic corporate miniatures, customer hold music, and even office soundtrack design. What remains is Martin's finely tuned ear for texture and melody, each vignette bristling with tiny hooks and an umami-like topography that will keep you returning again, and again... Recommended if you like Hype Williams, Susumu Yokota, Boards of Canada. www.floem.org  www.skytrackrailway.net 📞 Mercury inside the bubble, Martin's output for brand and business remains prodigious to the point of cynicism. Seldom longer than 90 seconds, these corporate miniatures were made entirely to order, and at near industrial scale. Their purposes range from sonic ID (Cato, Krutch), through to customer hold music (Skytrack, Canute) and even office soundtrack design (Infinite Auden, Floem). More extended efforts tend to be ambitious, often rejected commissions for company events and / or specific executives (Tangerine, Milo). As such, this collection - assembled from a cast list of several hundred career commissions - is a puzzling picture of miscellany. At times Glass appears to grapple directly with a clear client brief (Vox Proxima, Now Industries), while at others his own sonic wanderings seem to overpower any immediate professional objective (Ruffle, Dickens). As evanescent as the audio itself, only a handful of these businesses remain alive today, the brave futures they once promised now faded from sight...
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int0design · 3 years
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floeme: Source | Floeme https://georgianadesign.tumblr.com/post/658224468138786816
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devran · 4 years
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denizlerdesakli · 4 years
Ya da boğulmak istiyoruzdur. Insanlar yaşamayı hatırlamak için ölümün kıyısına gitmek isterler-Floem
boşverin böyle düşünmeyi açın güzel bir şarkı dinleyin..
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godrics-hollow394 · 5 years
studentsko izgladnjivanje
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bubbleteaimagines · 3 years
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Suna lives for drama
Bokuto and Y/N have been texting ever since their photo shoot
Atsumu and Hana are officially back together (and Y/N has blocked him)
@kenmachishi @eunoiwa @cincerque @heyheyitsne @mothersleep-16 @candyyrushh @iwadashi @miyadarling @luvin-keigo @armins-bowl-cut @ysatrap @qui-02 @thenerdyrebel @hsjvwq @lilith412426 @thissilverbadger @onii-chvn @torus-wiife @jesstetsuro @chisaikuki @slowbroccoli @fucktheworlddude @ihaveajuicebox7 @ilovehaikyuu101 @soranihimawari @misssugarless @anonymous1reader @notendoplasm @90s-belladonna @cuteskz @tropicsoda @sunabaee @nerdynstoned @queen-klarissa @its-the-aerieljeane @tehehaikyuu @speakfrenchbetweenmythighs @madbaddic7ed @primsonnn @haijkk @sakusasimpbot @floweringfawns @haikyuuwifu @iwaroses @bongofrito @matsunshine @haikyuu-homies @trashy-simp @delicatetrasheagle @blueowl51 @kenmasthot @sadcrxissant @floeme @kenmas-gf @morpheus-rex @whorefornoodles
157 notes · View notes