yelenaday · 9 months
Outdated to Updated Furniture Chalk Painted Old Dresser Makeover
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mortiflyer · 3 months
that post that's like "i don't care if something good happened to you it should've happened to me instead" but it's andy murray and djokovic
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sl0wdiver · 1 year
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savechivasfemenil · 4 months
and before i sign out shout out to the best manager of the league <3
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kidfoundonstreets · 1 year
ahse: i think i'm goign to faint
ashe: fiant
everone: (°ロ°)
do you thtink when ahshe flopover he flop over on backxisde or fofnt or flap like fish?? whenf iantign he grbabing onto anything, sutmble usmtlbe, trying to balance, grab onto sisirus siirus aaahh!! drag down with flaling ahhse!!!!!! claire grab sirius! neol grab claire! wialrdo stare as all is goging on!!!! wialrldo call ambulance............ eveyrbdoy shock when fiant happen what happen ahse? nerovus? enrvous? are you scared ahhse?????
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I did a... headstand walkover? Headstand followed by an intentional flop onto my feet? in yoga class today. I was not aware that would be the next step after headstands or I probably would've done it by now lol, I thought the first goal would be to hold the headstand for a while. Like at least a minute, I've only done about eight seconds and that was yesterday. But nope today the instructor showed me the flopover thing and I was like. Oh piece of cake I used to be able to do that out of a handstand. So that was fun.
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project1939 · 1 year
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Life magazine, July 21st, 1952. Westinghouse took advantage of the political excitement from the conventions to sell one of its TVs. Now you can watch all of the political action with no streaks, no flutter, and no flopover! Thrill to the clear pictures of Mamie Eisenhower's bangs and Estes Kefauver's coonskin cap! And you definitely just must see the faces of Republicans as they use the words "liberal" and "progressive" with pride and approval!
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iriswestsallen · 7 years
candice knew we needed that picture after the flopover 
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dreamsatdusk · 8 years
tirkdi replied to your post “tfw when you realize the reason you’ve felt bad all evening is because...”
Nooooo feel better!
Thank you for the note!  And apologies for not replying sooner, but I’m doing better now.  I just wish I knew what had caused the issue.  I’m kind of suspecting something in the HVAC at work because some others in the area were saying the felt funny.  Hopefully it does not recur.  I am too busy to have to take Benadryl a lot.  It causes near immediate flopover. 
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sl0wdiver · 1 year
Out of his flop era and yet not a serve in sight.
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savechivasfemenil · 10 months
tapatio champions couple months ago and now chivas sub 23 champions but flopovic refuses to give them any chances in the first team
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project1939 · 1 year
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Day 16: “We Pause Now for Station Identification.” 
50s slang of the day: “Do you want to eliminate streaks, flutter, or flopover on your television?” (Streaks are little lines across the screen, flutter is when the picture flashes in and out, and flopover is when the picture kind of rolls over itself. All were apparently problems of the day with analog tube TVs and antennas!) 
Best/worst quote of the day: “These Americans! I find their hunger for culture exhausting!” 
Song of the day: “Trying,” by The Hilltoppers. If I broke up with someone or got dumped in 1952, I probably would have bought this 10” and listened to it over and over. There’s something so sad and beautiful about it, and I love the little places the melody goes that I wasn’t expecting. 
Ed Wynn on a tricycle with a piano attached to it cycling around the stage while Jimmy Durante sang a song perched on the top of it!
Betty Furness selling a new product! Ozone air purifiers!
Listening to a 1952 recording of Beethoven’s 3rd tonight. Even in low-fi mono, it's medicine for a weary soul.
I’m feeling major 50s burnout today, so I tried to keep the schedule light 
I’ll admit I cheated for a few moments today by googling to see how my English football team did this weekend. We won in stoppage time, but I can’t keep looking! I want to keep the full integrity of the project going. 
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sl0wdiver · 1 year
SO good when it's a point against Flopovic AND Andrew Castle makes the wrong call
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sl0wdiver · 1 year
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iriswestsallen · 7 years
1) I just watched the arrow portion of the crossover and I have to ask: does Marc G NOT like Iris? Seriously, the arrow group was using her star labs, but not being considerate enough to talk to her like she's intelligent. They gave her no way to be helpful which probably confirms to that audience that she's useless. Even Heatwave told her and Fe to go hide. I yelled at the tv, 'my girl, Iris, doesn't hide!' She was more than capable to handle a gun just like Alex. What makes her so different?
omg that racist piece of trash has no right in writing for iris. i was so annoyed with the way they wrote her in the error portion of the flopover. like bitch how dare you make her seem stupid when she’s been running all of star labs for 6 months, and without anyone’s help. so miss me with that shit. 
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