a-solas-conmigo · 2 years
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…………………………buscando el S☀️l……………………………
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Character Introduction 2
The Celestial Council
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In case you missed the introduction post
Since I've already covered the context in the introduction post linked above, all character introduction posts from now on will only have character bios and a poster.
Note for these specific characters: when the planet name is lowercase, it's referring to the planet. When it starts uppercase, it's the character.
E.g mars (the planet) Mars (the character)
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Name: The Sun
Pronouns: any and all
Species: Star
Age: ????
The Sun is the highest authority, the creator of the Celestial Council, and the galaxy. The Solar Subway is run by someone of their choosing for a certain amount of time each. They offer advice to those who seek them out, but they're vague and sometimes difficult to understand. They rarely interfere with the galaxy, leaving it to grow and develop naturally. The star that powers the Solar Subway contains half of The Sun's power, and its containment is just above a gateway to The Sun's own. The Sun's containment is another dimension, only accessible through a gateway in the Solar Subway. The Sun's dimension is a large void of bright light and abstract architecture. The Sun waits at the top of a tower.
Name: Mercury
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Dust Bunny
Age: ????
Mercury is one of the eight members of the Celestial Council, and she rules over the planet she's named after as her peers are. Mercury is resilient, determined, and never backs down from a challenge. A thrill seeker, she often seeks out danger. Mercury and Jupiter have had a great relationship ever since Mercury tamed a particularly troublesome storm on Jupiter, taking it home with her to help combat the droughts on her own planet. The planet mercury is a large desert, with small towns scattered around. The days are hot and the nights are freezing, and many outlaws make their home on mercury due to the large stretches of uninhabited land of the desert being great places to hide out. mercury has very strong law enforcement to counter this. The planet has many taverns, mines, trains, and race tracks, with people coming from all over the solar system to compete in or watch the races.
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Name: Venus
Pronouns: She/Her He/Him
Species: Siren Shapeshifter
Age: ????
Venus is one of the eight members of the Celestial Council. Venus is a lustful, immature, impatient, entitled social butterfly, and she often tries to push the boundaries of those around her. He uses her looks to get people to get things or do things for her. She's very impulsive, and while she is quite sympathetic, his lack of self-control and pettiness make her pretty unpleasant to be around. Venus has a large presence on social media, and he has an even larger following, even in spite of all of his toxic and otherwise unpleasant traits. Despite what you'd think, Venus is actually rather insecure, with a lot of her more toxic traits coming from her attempts to compensate. The planet venus has many beautiful beaches, warm weather, and large cities full of neon lights with lots to do, arcades, clubs, cinemas, and malls. Thanks in part to Venus herself the planet has a large focus on social media stars and acting, with many film studios being spread across venus. Venus owns a specific club in the capital city, an arcade up top and a dance floor below, with a few private areas. Her pettiness leads her to attempt to force Supernova to satiate her desires in return for a star piece, ending in him reluctantly handing over the star piece, which was then stolen by The Phlebotomist.
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Name: Earth
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Sprout Symbiote and Florasapien
Age: ????
Asexual Panromantic
Earth is one of the eight members of the Celestial Council. Earth is kind, nervous, empathetic, sympathetic, sheepish, and thoughtful. Due to her quiet nature, Earth is a great listener. She's very optimistic and tries to keep everyone around her happy, always willing to talk to people about their problems and help find solutions. She runs a summer camp and always tries to make sure everyone feels included. She likes gardening, and she's very careful to protect both her campers and the environment. Most of the food at her camp is grown at the camp in her gardens, and she sometimes let's campers help her pick the food for their meals. Earth is also quite artistic, having a lot of her paintings on the walls around the camp. Earth starts out being friends with Venus, but realises how toxic she is and stops hanging out with her, the symbiote on her head carrying over some of Venus' negative traits. Luckily it's able to grow as a person later on.The planet earth is full of life, with most life on earth evolving naturally as opposed to the other planet's lifeforms which were mostly designed by their celestial council members. The planet has beautiful landscapes and a wide variety of weather and biomes, but one consistency is that all of earth is very green, with the environment's safety being highly valued. A lot of rules about recycling and energy are far stricter on earth because of this. Other than the large focus on the ecosystem, there's also a lot of sport focus in their culture, with large stadiums. earth's beautiful landscape and exciting sports make it a very popular place for tourism, but the rules on energy use hinder it from being number one in that department. earth is also one of the biggest food providers for the solar system.
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Name: Mars
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Martian Inferno
Age: ????
Mars is one of the eight members of the Celestial Council. Mars is loud, rude, fun-loving, spiteful, impulsive, passionate, and caring. She loves her friends, loves music, and likes parties, bonfires, and concerts. Her explosive temper makes her a bit hot for some people to handle, and it hinders her socially, but her contagious fiery passion and excitement and her deep care for her friends keep the few She has around. Her love of music eventually became one of her avenues for venting her anger in a less destructive way, forming a band and touring the planet playing many different genres of music, most of which being loud and aggressive. Earth and Mars dislike each other, Mars finding Earth too strict and fragile while Earth feels Mars is too loud, rude, and destructive Mars isn't without friends, though. She and Mercury frequently hang out at different barbecues and to train, with Mercury helping Mars to get better control of her emotions and find healthier ways to let them out. Mars and Venus sometimes party together, the two of them collabing on a few music videos. Mars is a bit of a troublemaker, and to try and remedy that the council agreed to give her the responsibility of dealing with the solar system's scrap metal and other junk, hoping she'd learn to be more responsible. Unfortunately this seemed to just stress Mars out and make her more annoyed, but on a lighter note she managed to find many solutions to recycle and re use all of the scrap metal that winds up on her planet. The planet mars has a lot of obstacle courses and scrapyards, and a large population of inventors who all flocked to mars for the large amount of scrap metal available. A lot of the buildings on mars are made from this scrap metal, and the amount of aspiring inventors led mars to resemble a steampunk society.
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Name: Jupiter
Pronouns: He/Him They/Them
Species: Reaper
Age: ????
Asexual Aromantic
Jupiter is one of the eight members of the Celestial Council. Despite their scary appearance, Jupiter is actually quite friendly. They like to sit and read, are good friends with Earth and Mercury, enjoy walking through the tunnels of their planet, and don't like large groups of people or noise. In contrast to their real-world inspiration, Jupiter is actually a very skilled doctor. He has strong ties to the Moon, and after the Moon's loss, they took on the role of the Reaper, guiding souls to the afterlife by harnessing the Moon's magic through their staff. jupiter is a very stormy planet, and most cities are underground in complex cave systems. A lot of hospitals are located there due to some of the unique dangers the inhabitants face. People from other planets often get taken to jupiter as jupiter has some of the best medical facilities in the solar system due to the high demand. There are large mines across jupiter, workers easily getting to and from the mines thanks to living underground in the first place. On jupiter, funerals are not mourning of the dead, but rather celebrations of the lives the people lived. Across jupiter are large catacombs of bodies due to the residents living underground. Many of these body tunnels are public walkways between cities and towns. While people from other planets find them eerie, the people of jupiter see it as a great honour to have their dead watch over them as they travel the dangerous landscape, almost like guardians.
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Name: Saturn
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Sweet Tooth
Age: ????
Saturn is one of the eight members of the Celestial Council. Saturn has the maturity and body of a child around 8 years old. He's impulsive, self indulgent, extroverted, clingy, and lacks self control. Saturn has a wild imagination, and his planet reflects that, with almost everything being made of some kind of dessert food. It's inhabitants are all themed after sweets aswell. Saturn doesn't have many friends, but when Nova introduces him to Uranus the two of them become great pals, Uranus' overthinking and Saturn's impulsive nature balancing each out, both of them learning from each other. The planet saturn is tied with earth for food production, in large part due to alot of the plants on saturn being made of some kind of candy. Saturn is home to the most unique species in the solar system as of now. The landscape of saturn is a snowy christmas themed wonderland, except half of the world is floating. Saturn hosts alot of winter sports and other games, usually with some sort of twist due to unique landscape. Saturn and Uranus spend time together watching television on uranus and playing in the snow on saturn after they meet.
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Name: Uranus
Pronouns: They/Them
Species: ????
Age ????
Uranus is one of the eight members of the Celestial Council. Uranus has similar maturity both physically and mentally to Saturn. Uranus is shy, cautious, hesitant, anxious, polite, quiet, and unmotivated. Uranus is very anxious when it comes to doing almost anything, always overthinking about making mistakes, and usually just plays things safe. Uranus likes stargazing, watching television, sitting alone, and listening to music. The planet uranus is pretty empty and has mostly been covered in suburbs. The unnatural artificial atmosphere gives uranus a liminal space vibe, and it rarely gets visited. The planet uranus is the only planet with no unique lifeforms other than its owner. Uranus starts to open up more and take more risks after meeting Saturn.
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Name: Neptune
Pronouns: They/Them
Species: ????
Age: ????
Asexual Aromantic
Neptune is one of the eight members of the Celestial Council. Neptune is selfish, carefree, materialistic, patient, and opportunistic. Neptune's self-worth is tied to their material wealth, and they hoard treasure. Neptune is a bit of a thrill seeker, enjoying hunting some of the large ocean beasts of their planet and sailing in general. Neptune drinks and is pretty friendly to their crew, always open for a drink. Venus and Neptune sail together sometimes and drink together. The planet neptune is very cold, with all land being covered in snow and ice. Under the water, things get pretty warm thanks to some heat vents. The ecosystem of neptune is very lively, hundreds of species of marine life populating it. There are many cities built in reefs and caves, with a lot of five dining, fishing trips, and submarine tours offered to tourists. Neptune is one of the most visited planets thanks to its great food and thrilling tours. Earth and Neptune have a pretty good relationship, Earth taking her campers and students for educational field trips to neptune. Neptune offers Earth and Venus special discounts thanks to their close but unlikely bond.
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