elumen · 4 months
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Sugestão literária: Eu, Mona Lisa (Natasha Solomons) No ateliê de Leonardo da Vinci, que esbanja imaginação genial, está a pintura de Mona Lisa. Por quinhentos anos tumultuosos, em meio a um turbilhão de poder, dinheiro e intrigas, o quadro é visado e roubado. Durante séculos, poucos conseguiram ouvir sua voz. Mas agora Mona Lisa está pronta para contar a própria história, em suas próprias palavras – uma história de rivalidade, assassinato e corações partidos. Oscilando entre eras, ela nos leva desde o mundo deslumbrante dos ateliês florentinos às cortes francesas em Fontainebleau e Versalhes, e até mesmo ao século XX.
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salvanaturismo · 2 years
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🇮🇹📍 Itália Bela - Com Guia em Português O tour inclui: 8 noites visitando: Milão (01 noite), Veneza (02 noites), Florença (02 noites) e Roma (03 noites), traslados de chegada e saída, café da manhã + 3 refeições e passeios conforme programação. Somente parte terrestre, consulte aéreo! Consulte seu Agente de Viagens Salvana Turismo e garanta todas as vantagens de ter um especialista ao seu lado em todos os momentos! 👩💻✈️👨💻 #contecomseuagentedeviagens #italia #italiabela #milao #veneza #florenca #roma #RCASeuDestinoMaisFeliz #hocheturismo #salvanaturismo (em Hoche Salvana Turismo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdXKBQJ2Jd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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caffeine-high · 3 months
Fandom: Ordem Paranormal, O Segredo na Ilha
Characters: Bárbara Lima, Amelie Florence, Olivier Florence, Milo Castello (mentioned), Miguel Castello (mentioned)
Tags: Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Isolation, Self-Destruction, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (complete)
Words: 1460 (Total: 6126)
AO3 link
Chapter 5: Brandaris
Chapter summary
She does not know what to do She is exhausted Physically Mentally She is tired and she does not know what to do She falls to the ground and sobs
The siblings only needed to take one look at each other, they don't even have to say anything. They both know. Something here has seriously gone wrong. Their teammates look at them for any clue as to what this means. Their silence rings clear and without hesitation they all grab their weapons and ready themselves for the worst.
Amelie takes the lead, even after all these years Olivier is still her little brother, and she would do everything in her power to protect him. Slowly they make their way up the hill, where the mansion used to be. They know the mansion is no more, they were the ones to help Barbera tear it down, what is starting to feel like a lifetime ago. But as they make this dreaded climb, they do see something there. A thing, where there should be no thing. This is not the mansion, it also does not seem to be a new structure. It is however, something else.
Apprehensive the push further. They are quiet, and notably, the island is quiet. It never used to be. Usually there would at the very least be the sound of birds in the trees, and of seagulls at the beach. If you know what to listen for you might even hear the wild boars rooting around. But there is nothing. Not a single sound Except Faintly, a low, slow rumble, in a very particular rhythm. One they have not heard since Bisteca died.
When they get closer, the sound gets louder, and when they finally get within viewing distance they see, a woman. Barbera! Amelie thinks. It is just Barbera, she wills herself to think. Wearing her favourite dress, the one she is pretty sure Barbera even begged her to ask Helena for the pattern for. Just Barbera, laying on the ground, taking a nap, she repeats. O Carente takes the form of a small child, lulling its victims into a sense of security, and getting them to open the door, her brain, oh so helpfully supplies. She doesn't want to look further, she just wants to live in a world where this is indeed her friend, and she could run up to her to give her a hug. But she’s been in this game for over 10 years now, she knows better. Thus, she looks again, and her heart sinks.
She sees the form of a woman, Barbera. Her hair still blonde, but between the golden strands it looks as if there are small dancing flames. Green flames. From under her dress, where one would usually expect legs, there sprouts a large mass of curling, writhing tentacles easily spanning five times her size. Whoever, or whatever this is, Amelie doubts there is anything of her friend left in there. This is all their fault. They left her alone, isolated, and vulnerable to the Other Side. They should have known, They should have looked after her. They should have dragged her off of this god forsaken island whether she wanted to or not. They should have They should have They shoul-
Amelie turns around to look at the source of the sound. The new recruit stepped onto a branch, it snapped. She hisses, holding her breath, praying, she turns back to look at Barbera the creature. In the less than five seconds Amelie had her eyes off of her it, it righted itself upright, and having quickly located the source of the sound, it raises a hand and screams. The inside of its mouth looks like a portal to hell, except the flames are green. Her eyes are black, but the pupils are iridescent and undulating, constantly changing colour and shape. From the corners that hellish reddish brown paint streams down. If anything of Barbera was still in there, or if the creature had any feelings at all, Amelie might have thought that it was crying.
A sound There is A sound Sounds should not happen here Sounds do not happen here No sound has happened here since she embraced her friend Someone is here Someone is here Someone is here and they want to hurt her Friend
Panicked, enraged, scared She screams and attacks Shooting out one of her tentacles Straight into the chest of the source of the sound
It meets some resistance, but she is strong It bursts out the other side and she quickly wraps it around Securing the intruder in her grip, it screams
There are more sounds A shout It is a word, one she recognises It almost sounds like Bárbara, but not quite
That is what she hears She has not heard that in a long time Not that she heard Bárbara recently either but there is only one person who calls her Barbera
It gives her pause, just for a second Bárbara, Barbera, whatever That is not who she is anymore
and everyone who called her that left Them being here now means they want something She knows what they want they want to take her paint, her fire, her Friend
She does not listen to their pleas She attacks and attacks and attacks
She is attacked back as well, of course but she gives it no mind She does not feel pain
Her Friend protects her from the pain and she will protect her Friend
She keeps attacking She does not stop She cannot stop
Yes she loses some tentacles here and there but she can do without for now They’ll grow back Eventually
She is strong Her Friend makes her strong These intruders are strong as well
She remembers Amelie and Olivier having been strong even back then when they first tried to destroy her Friend the paint but she is so much stronger She has the entirety of her island behind her
One by one the intruders fall first the ones she does not know The new ones
Then she takes Olivier Wraps him up tightly in her tentacle Strong enough that he cannot do anything She pushes paint to leak out of it
and he screams and Amelie screams
Some part of her still missed him, some part of her does not want to kill him She thinks, then moves, Olivier safely wrapped up, Amelie in pursuit She moves down the spiral, into the cave To the spring, where a small flame still keeps burning
Her old friend should not need to die Her old friend can become part of her Friend All of her friends together In one place
Amelie curses, she runs as fast as she can to follow the creature holding Olivier. She tries to attack Barbera, tries to shoot at the tentacles, tries to cut them down, anything to give Olivier a leg up, to free him. She is not going to lose her little brother.
Whatever she has, all the little tricks she has learned over the years, she throws at this creature. She is so much more knowledgeable about the Other Side, she is so much more powerful now. But in this moment, she feels just like that one morning in the church. She tries and tries and tries, but it isn’t enough. She is powerless to stop Barbera this creature from taking Olivier, her little brother, the one person she swore to always protect, and hold him into the flame. She screams. She doesn’t even think the creature allowed Olivier to scream as he is held into the flame and melts into that accursed paint.
Olivier is no more, now it is just Amelie. It is just Amelie, and no longer Bárbara.
She does not know what to do She is exhausted Physically Mentally She is tired and she does not know what to do She falls to the ground and sobs
Amelie looks at the creature that used to be Bárbara, in the cave below the mansion. The place where so many of her nightmares stem from, but also the place that gave her purpose.
Amelie looks at the creature, on the ground, sobbing and she sees her friend.
Her friend, who so nobly gave her life to keep this place safe to keep this place secret. Her friend, who she left, who she abandoned to be corrupted by the evils of this place.
This cursed place. Her friend, who needed help, who had no one around to help her, when she had always been so willing to help others.
She looks down at this creature, She looks up at Bárbara.
Amelie drops her gun from her thigh she takes a knife, a beautiful, long, fishing knife.
Slowly, carefully, she walks up to Bárbara
She reaches out
wraps her arms around her back
and stabs the knife right between her ribs straight into her heart
Notes: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! This is the first fic I have ever written and actually published, so any feedback is more than welcome<3
This is the last lighthouse already, and honestly, this one is the reason I decided to name the chapter titles after lighthouses themselves, instead of just lighthouse parts. For the entirety of my watchthrough of this season I kept on accidentally calling the lighthouse, the firehouse, due to its Dutch word of Vuurtoren (Fire tower). The lighthouse keepers being named Vurtoren did not help either. But that also meant that I kept on waiting for the lighthouse to light up, to catch fire, and to signal the beginning of the end. That is not what happened, but the image stuck with me. Brandaris as a lighthouse is named after a saint, but more importantly to my mind, it shares the beginning of burning (branden) (funnily, the surf and breachers are called "de branding'' aswell, making the burning connection even stronger in my mind). Coincidentally, Brandaris is also one of the oldest, still working lighthouses in the Netherlands, the original tower having been build in the 1300s. It did fall down once, but the current tower has been around since the late 1500s. And for a long part of it's lifespan Brandaris had been a life fire lighthouse! Now it has been running on electricity for over 100 years, but in my heart, Brandaris is still Burning Bright, perhaps if you look at it just right, with a slight tint of green<3
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Image taken from https://terschelling.site/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Afbeelding-878.jpg
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seduzist · 1 month
young and beautiful
pairing: natasha romanofff x reader.
cw: age gap, smut, forbidden love.
masterlist. chapter one.
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When you were a kid, you spent your summers in your grandmother’s house, a big italian house that belonged to your family for more years than you could count, in a small, beautiful town on the southern of Florenca, Italy. Your mother used to send you there to not have to take care of you on summer, and you used to hate it for obvious reasons. The town was dying beautiful but for an eight years old with no friends, watching novels with nonna in a place full with buildings of middle age wasn’t the most exciting thing.
That was until you met Wanda, on a special hot afternoon reading by the lake. She was looking for a football ball that her younger brother lost and it’s truly incredible how quickly kids can make new friends.
Wanda had a big accent but you understood her english and also learned italian with your grandma, she had big green eyes and a shy smile, Pietro, her two year younger brother, was energetic and playful, and by one hour later you were all friends.
Wanda’s father died just a few months before you met, and you always saw that as the reason why she was so shy, but that didn’t affected her little brother, who annoyed her just like every little sibling should. You remember to envy their relationship, not in a bad way, but they would never be lonely because they had each other, and you were so different.
They lived not even 15 minutes away from your grandma’s house and you started to spend all day on the lake, in their pool, playing games and biking together, soon you started to wait anxiously for the summer to come, instead of fighting with your mom to not left you there.
The years passed and you naturally became family with the Maximoff’s, your relationship only grew stronger as you grew older and Wanda became your best friend, even if you saw her much less than your friends from your country.
Your birthday used to come right after the vacation, and on the eighteen birthday you asked your mom to let you spend the day there, she didn’t seen to mind since your grades would not be affected by just one week off school, and you was almost an adult at the time.
You couldn’t be more excited for the summer this time, and you didn’t even know what was about to happen.
Natasha, Wanda’s aunt, was there too, she didn’t lived with them, but spent her vacations sometimes, to help her older sister with the kids and enjoy some time away from the usual chaos energy of New York. She always saw you there with her nephews, and always saw your shining eyes on her when you thought she wasn’t looking, trying to figure out what she did to you, why your hands shakes and sweats when she’s around, why you can’t act normal. She used to think that was cute, just a kid with a silly crush, until you wasn’t a kid anymore, until your pretty feminine features along with seductive self talks louder than your age gap, until she falls in love with you.
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tangshin-kuronuma · 23 days
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so we have Tobias Esposito/Beneviento now🤓👆
this is mine re8 oc (Donna Beneviento x painter oc)It seems that no one knows what Tobias looks like, so——
She is a FEMALE! ! !(Too many times have been misunderstood as male)She looks very handsome, like a camellia, with a temperament between men and women.He has dark green eyes and a high nose.
Nationality is 🇮🇹,From Florenca.5.78 feet tall.MBTI is infp→intj.
The constellation is Aquarius.Birthday is February 13th, 1997.
Her hobbies are oil painting, writing and poetry,Art studies,Uffizi Art Museum on weekdays.Hate shrimp, white wine, socializing, dropped pens.
The key words of role concept are: the school of wise men in ancient Greece,Renaissance, Cavalcanti love, Italian poems and portraits of Beneviento.
These are some basic characters about Tobias.She and benevento will have a series of articles called "Beneviento's painter"and "The burning portrait of Beneviento "(inspired by Portrait de la jeune fille en feu).
This series of articles is being translated and proofread … because I am not a native English speaker and my English is actually not good. Therefore, the article has not been published for everyone to read for a long time soooo ssoorry (can articles be published on this software? ? )
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mariacallous · 10 days
ELBASAN, Albania — Isaac Herzog’s visit to Albania Thursday marked the first time an Israeli leader set foot in the only European country that ended World War II with more Jews than it started with.
Albania’s role in saving Jews during the Holocaust was a key theme of the Israeli president’s brief visit, which included a ceremony at the Holocaust memorial in Tirana as well as meetings with descendants of some of the 75 Muslims, Catholics and Orthodox Christians listed by Israel’s Yad Vashem as Righteous Gentiles — those who risked their lives to save Jews from deportation to Nazi death camps following Germany’s occupation of Albania in September 1943.
“Albanians hid Jews without regard to where they came from, or whether they were rich or poor,” Petrit Zorba, head of the Albanian-Israeli Friendship Association, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in Elbasan, a small city about one hour’s drive south of the capital Tirana.
Zorba estimated that up to 3,000 foreign Jews found refuge in Albania during World War II. “Only 100 meters from here lived the Kurmaku family, one of the families that protected Jewish people,” he said. “These houses have lately become tourist attractions visited by Israelis and others.”
Yet youths in this once-Marxist nation of 2.6 million know nearly nothing of that unique legacy, according to Florenca Stafa, director of the Albanian and Balkan Research Center at the University of Elbasan, Albania’s largest and oldest teaching college. 
“During communism, nobody spoke about the Holocaust. The topic was never taught in school,” said Stafa, 41, whose father was jailed for two years in the late 1960s simply for complaining there was no bread to eat. “Even after the regime collapsed, in the 1990s, it was still an unknown concept. So for me, as a professor, it’s important for us to do something about this.”
To that end, Stafa helped organize a conference for 25 teachers last week in Elbasan. The five-day event was co-sponsored by the Albanian History Teachers Association and The Olga Lengyel Institute, or TOLI, a New York-based nonprofit that promotes Holocaust education throughout the United States and Europe.
Oana Nestian-Sandu , TOLI’s international program director, said Albania is the 14th country outside the U.S. to host a TOLI seminar for teachers since 2012, and the only one among the 14 where antisemitism — rampant across much of Eastern Europe — has hardly been an issue.
“Because we are educators, we have to study what’s the best way to present this immense topic to our students,” she explained. “For them, it’s something that happened almost 100 years ago. But research has shown that through diaries, students can connect, and they become not only interested in it but committed to learning more — even in their free time — and be inspired by it.”
Albana Ndoja, 47, is a longtime history teacher and vice-director of the Kolë Idromeno High School in Shködra, a predominantly Catholic city. She first heard about the Shoah during a 2016 week-long group visit to Yad Vashem that was organized by Albania’s Ministry of Culture.
“We taught about World War II and the ancient world, but never about the Holocaust,” said Ndoja, a Muslim. She noted that in her hometown, the family of Agostin and Gysepina Çiftja sheltered a Jewish family for one year, even though their house was next to a Nazi garrison.
“The bishops of Shködra gave them Catholic identities, but they never tried to convert them. After a year, they got new passports and helped them go to Macedonia. Along with my students, I’m trying to gather all the histories of families in our city who did this,” she said, adding that “if we don’t learn from the past, we cannot learn how to protect ourselves in the future.”
Klodeta Cane, an Albanian Jew and Holocaust educator, said Adolf Hitler’s autobiography, “Mein Kampf,” has enjoyed strong sales in Albania of late. When she recently discovered a copy of the notoriously antisemitic book in the car of a municipal official in Vlora and asked him about it, the official responded: “We were just curious and wanted to read it.”
Cane added that Hitler exploited Germany’s economic devastation following the First World War to scapegoat Jews. She worries that sentiment could also shift in the Balkans, where “the radicalization of Islam is growing, and organizations are paying money to buy their souls” — that is, worshippers are offered cash incentives to attend mosques.
Gadi Luzzetto-Voghuera, director of Italy’s Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea, agrees with that assessment—especially after Oct. 7 and the dramatic rise in anti-Zionist and pro-Hamas sentiments throughout the West, and among intellectuals. 
Some of the speakers and participants cited frequent and harsh criticism of Israel’s war in Gaza in the Albanian media.
“Antisemitism is not an important issue for Albanian society, but it is important politically for the entire world, especially in Europe,” said Luzzetto-Voghuera, a speaker at the Elbasan event. “It’s being used as a political tool, even in countries like Albania where few Jews live.”
Elda Dermyshi, 54, has been teaching high-school history in Elbasan for 32 years. She said the Holocaust has recently become “a very sensitive issue” in Albania due to the conflict in Gaza.
“Everyone on TV is talking about this war and they connect it to the Holocaust and antisemitism. Back then, it was the Jews who were persecuted. Now the Jews themselves are accused of being the persecutors,” Dermyshi said, declining to discuss her own views. “What I understand from this conference is that we must treat the Holocaust as a multidimensional issue strongly related to human rights and cultural diversity, to refuse to accept stereotypes, and to practice tolerance.”
Today, the formerly Marxist dictatorship is home to perhaps 60 Jews—nearly all of them in Tirana—though its government is quite pro-Israel. Prime Minister Edi Rama, who met with Herzog during his visit, is currently overseeing the construction of two museums honoring Jewish history and Albania’s wartime rescue of Jews: one in Tirana, and the other in Vlora.
Alket Shehaj, 39, was one of the few male attendees at the TOLI conference. A middle-school history and geography teacher from the southern town of Fier, Shehaj acknowledged the rise of violent extremism in the Balkans but said education and a stable family life can counter that.
“Albanians have shown throughout history that we are a nation which embraces values and traditions, and we’ve always sought peaceful relations with our neighbors,” Shehaj said. “We have heard about the Holocaust since we were little. This is a subject we need to study in depth.”
Each teacher attending the TOLI conference received three books: “Flower of Vlora: Growing Up Jewish in Communist Albania,” an autobiography by retired Florida dentist Anna Kohen; an Albanian translation of “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “Izraelitët në Shqipëri” (“Jews in Albania”) by Josef Jakoel. 
Felicita Jakoel is the daughter of Josef Jakoel, the patriarch of what was then a 300-member Jewish community that emigrated en masse to Israel in 1991 after the fall of communism.
“My father was worried that because we were living in a closed country, it would be forgotten that a Jewish community once thrived here. He loved history, he was an economist, and he spoke many languages, so it was his moral duty to write the history of Jews in Albania,” she said.
Jakoel, who has lived in Israel since 1991, told teachers that the Jewish presence in Albania dates back 2,000 years — as evidenced by the ruins of an ancient synagogue in Saranda, along the country’s Adriatic coast near the Greek border. Jews also flourished in Berat and Elbasan, but enjoyed their strongest presence in Vlora, where a merchant class thrived until the Italian occupation in 1939. 
Yet the Albanian people’s determination to hide Jews from the Nazis at enormous personal risk paid off. By the war’s end, the Nazis had killed only one Albanian family out of a native Jewish population of 300 and perhaps thousands of refugees from neighboring countries. In contrast, of the 2,000 or so prewar Jews who lived on the Greek island of Corfu—just off Albania’s coast—only 187 survived. The rest were all deported to Auschwitz.
‘What happened here in Albania didn’t happen in any other country in Europe,” said Jakoel, 67. “In Denmark, Danish Jews were saved. But in Albania, so were Jews who came from other countries. This is a very important topic to be integrated in schools. We should teach new generations about what we did during the Holocaust.”
TOLI’s Nestian-Sandu said she hopes to make the seminar an annual event in this country, and next year to include Albanian-speaking teachers from neighboring Kosovo as well.
“It’s not enough just to tell the story of these wonderful people who saved so many Jews,” she said. “It’s equally important to inspire students to be active citizens and help those around them.”
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bialtocom · 5 months
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14.560) Itália- Florença (não circulado) https://www.bialto.com/listing/14560-italia-florenca-nao-circulado/18400796
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Jogo de Amor em Florença Online fácil
Assistir Filme Jogo de Amor em Florença Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/jogo-de-amor-em-florenca/
Jogo de Amor em Florença - Filmes Online Fácil
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Eric Lazard (Brett Dalton), uma ex-estrela de futebol americano universitário que tem seu coração partido, vai passar férias na Itália, onde envolve-se com um perigoso esporte florentino e uma atraente mulher local (Alessandra Mastronardi).
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binhumartin · 2 years
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Cenas Florentinas I #35mm #fotografiaanalogica #fotografiaartistica #fotografiaurbana #analogphotography #pentax #analogfilm #analogfilmlab #filmphotography #photoanalogic #onfilm #filmphotopraphy #shootfilmmag #filmphoto #analogvibes #thefilmcommunity #analoguecommunity #fomapanaction400 #italy #firenze #florenca #florence #italia #michelangelo #galleriadellaaccademia (em Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5c6LuuJyQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Firenze 😍🤗 Itália
Italy appreciation post! Dreaming of the day we can once again visit this beautiful country. 😍 What's your favorite Italy travel memory? Let us know below. #tlpicks courtesy of @davide.anzimanni
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declannbhd · 4 years
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lockscreens contessina de medici
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salvanaturismo · 2 years
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🇮🇹📍 Itália Bela - Com Guia em Português O tour inclui: 8 noites visitando: Milão (01 noite), Veneza (02 noites), Florença (02 noites) e Roma (03 noites), traslados de chegada e saída, café da manhã + 10 refeições e passeios conforme programação. Somente parte terrestre, consulte aéreo! Consulte seu Agente de Viagens Salvana Turismo e garanta todas as vantagens de ter um especialista ao seu lado em todos os momentos! 👩💻✈️👨💻 #contecomseuagentedeviagens #italia #italiabela #milao #veneza #florenca #roma #SeuDestinoMaisFeliz #hocheturismo #salvanaturismo (em Hoche Salvana Turismo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn1rSXFOTwZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Catedral de Santa Maria Del Fiori, Florença, Itália
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consueloblog · 5 years
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Vivo em uma parte da estufa de plantas que pertence à Villa (casarão) onde morava a família de Américo Vespúcio em meados de 1400. Florença é assim... se tropeça na história!!! E tem muito mais no nosso livro O Fio da Trama !! #florenca #homesweethome (at Florence, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6apfewIGzY/?igshid=12qlvt7soybq9
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hernonjr · 2 years
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Dicas de Florença 🇮🇹 Encante-se pela charmosa capital da região da Toscana com essa seleção do que conhecer e onde provar o melhor da gastronomia! 🍝 🍽️ Restaurantes Cibrèo Trattoria dei 13 Gobbi Il Latini Enoteca Pinchiorri Trattoria Sostanza Cantinetta Antinori Cammillo Buca Mario Gucci Osteria Atelier de Nerli Osteria delle Tre Panche La Giostra Buca Lapi 🍹Bares Harry’s Bar La Terrazza Rooftop Santino 📸 Passeios Duomo Piazza della Signoria Ponte Vecchio Piazzale Michelangelo Mercato San Lorenzo Giardino di Boboli Gucci Garden Galleria degli Uffizi Galleria dell'Accademia Museo Salvatore Ferragamo Via de' Tornabuoni Quer saber mais detalhes sobre cada dia? Deixe seu @ nos comentários que a gente compartilha! #Italia #Florenca (em Florencia, Italia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChrfGu_OiM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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guiadeflorenca · 6 years
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O Juízo Final, obra-prima do maneirismo florentino sob a cúpula de Brunelleschi, Mais de 700 figuras pintadas incluindo 248 anjos, 235 almas, 21 personificações, 102 figuras religiosas, 35 condenados, 13 retratos, 14 monstros, 23 querubins e 12 animais: estes são os números das representações que compõem o grande afresco da Cúpula de Santa Maria del Fiore, um ciclo pictórico de mais de 3.600 metros quadrados realizado por dois dos artistas mais renomados do final do século XVI: Giorgio Vasari e Federico Zuccari. #vasari #duomoflorenca #santamariadelfiore #florenca #guiadeflorenca #guiadefirenze #arteemflorenca (presso Doumo, Florence Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq0CjjalG47/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n0w242kvy5dx
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