#florus x oc
genork-the-fandork · 3 years
And she suddenly exists again
Hello, Kortia friends~
So instead of going to sleep early one night, I ended up writing this little fun fic for @erre030 , which I promised to do since she was studying and working so hard on her exams some time ago. (And she did well, which was even better <3 I’m so proud!)
This little ficlet (that’s what I’m calling it since on GDocs it was all of 2 pages a;sdljkfa;sda) features Princess Florus and Erre’s OC, Olivia, and they’re on a very cute ice cream date.
Warning: It gets a tad spicy ;) but not too much~
Ice Cream Date
Princess Varcia Florus kicked her feet back and forth as she took another lick from her ice cream cone. Of all the things that had come to the Kortian Empire from Ventali, this had to be the best. (Besides Zeno, of course, not that she would ever tell him that.)
She glanced over at Olivia, who was also enjoying some ice cream. Florus's lips curved up as she watched her girlfriend approach the ice cream methodically, most likely to keep it off her face and clothes. Her golden eyes sparkled in the sunlight, and the reflection from the fountain water shone on her back.
Florus was a little bit in love with her in that moment.
Smiling, Florus finished up her ice cream, licking the stickiness off her fingers in what was probably not a very princess-like maneuver. But that didn't matter—she was on a date with her girlfriend, after all. She had no one else to impress.
Leaning back on her hands, Florus hummed as she waited for Liv to finish her ice cream. The city was alive and bustling today, the chatter of townspeople filling the air as the sunlight warmed the air around them. It was a beautiful day, the type of day that was perfect for outings like this, sitting on the edge of a fountain, eating ice cream.
"Dammit," she heard Liv mutter, and her eyes shifted over to her girlfriend. From her angle, she couldn't see what was wrong, so she leaned forward to see that Liv had gotten some ice cream on her right cheek.
"Now how did you manage that?" Florus teased, nudging Liv's shoulder with her own.
"I miscalculated," she grumbled in response, glaring down at the remains of the ice cream. Her eyebrows had furrowed in annoyance, but that didn't stop the slight blush climbing up her face from Florus's attention.
"Need some help cleaning that up?"
"N-no," Liv replied quickly, her cheeks darkening further. Her tongue darted out of her mouth in an attempt to get the ice cream off her face, but unfortunately for her, it was too far from her lips to work. Florus watched this all with an amused eyebrow quirk, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip to keep from laughing at how cute Liv was.
"It looks like you do need some help," she teased, gently holding Liv's chin and tilting her girlfriend's face towards her. "Unless you'd rather walk around with that on your face all day."
Liv's eyes met hers, and after a moment, she glanced away, her cheeks at least three shades darker from the blushing. "F-fine."
Florus grinned and leaned forward, lifting her hand as if she was going to wipe the ice cream off with her thumb. But she didn't do that.
Instead, while Liv was squeezing her eyes shut, Florus leaned her face close to her girlfriend's. Just before her lips touched Liv's skin, her tongue darted out, licking the ice cream off of her face. The ice cream tasted good, but Liv tasted better.
She heard a gasp above her, and she leaned back with a smug look on her face. Liv lifted a hand to her face, staring at Florus incredulously. "Did you just—"
"Of course I did. Couldn't let perfectly good ice cream go to waste." Florus lightly brushed her knuckles along Liv's cheek. "Plus, I made you blush. What an adorable girlfriend I have~"
"F-Florus," Liv stammered, but before she could say much more, Florus was kissing her. Liv melted a little bit in Florus's arms as she kissed the princess back, and Florus smiled as she cupped her girlfriend's face in her hands.
Pulling away, Florus smiled broadly at Liv. "Fun date, right?"
"Yeah," Liv agreed, her own lips turning up. Rather than a deep blush, her cheeks were now adorably pinkenened, and Florus kissed Liv's cheek to keep some of the color to herself.
Lacing her fingers through Liv's, Florus stood and pulled her to her feet. "I love you," she said simply, before she started prancing through the streets of Crimson City once more.
Stuttering in the wake of those three words, Liv ran after her, embarrassed and exasperated and blushing a deep cherry red once more. Florus couldn't stop grinning, because of course, she had meant what she said. She loved Olivia, and today she had her all to herself.
~ ~ ~
I hope you all enjoyed this little slice of Florus~! I hope to post some more stuff soon, once finals hell is over and done with and I can get back down to business (to defeat the Huns).
Until next time! <3
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genork-the-fandork · 4 years
Wintertime Shenanigans with Princess Florus
Author’s Note: This is an early Christmas gift for @erre030 because... well, why not? I wanted to do something nice for a Florus stan such as herself, and this was the result. (Also, in general, the Florus stans deserve a little fluff for being so patient.)
So here’s a little something featuring Erre’s OC, Olivia, and everyone’s favorite sword wife, Princess Florus.
Happy holidays to all the Florus stans! <3
“Find anything?”
Olivia released a breath, the cloud of mist dissipating into the air as she glanced up at her companion. Princess Varcia Florus, heir to the throne of the Kortian Empire and definitely NOT anything more than a friend. The princess leaned down to inspect the ground in front of Olivia, some of her pink hair spilling over her shoulder. Even in the dim light of early evening, it was easy to see how beautiful she was.
“It’s hard to tell, thanks to the fresh layer of snow,” Olivia said, flicking her gaze back to the ground. The tracks they had been following were barely there, and as she watched, more snow covered the trail.
“That’s a shame. Father won’t be too happy about this.” Florus straightened and stretched her arms over her head, her muscles tightening against the long sleeves she wore under her armor. Olivia tried not to stare too long, tried not to make it obvious. Remnants of the dream from before she’d woken up here in Vallauria were still haunting her, even weeks later. She shut her eyes against the image of the princess, bleeding and lifeless, before her.
She wasn’t going to let that happen for real.
Her eyes flew open as Florus suddenly wrapped her arms around her shoulders, smothering her in a surprise embrace. “What the—?”
“Come on, Liv, let’s go get a drink!” the princess teased, squeezing her before stepping away and heading back toward the city.
Fighting a blush, Olivia followed.
They reached the tavern Olivia had been to with Zeno before, though it wasn’t nearly as rambunctious as it had been that first time. Some of the patrons cheered at the princess’s entrance, and she grinned and waved back before ordering two cups of mead from a waiter.
“I keep forgetting what it’s like to be out and about like this,” Florus admitted, sipping her beverage. “I guess I have you to thank for giving me some time outside the city.”
“Not at all. I guess you have that spy to thank,” Olivia replied, taking a large swig of her own mead.
Florus groaned. “Enough about that bastard. Let’s drink!”
Olivia smiled and shook her head. What was she going to do with her?
~ ~ ~
Somehow, neither of them drank themselves to death. However, they stank of booze as they left the tavern, cheeks flushed and mouths hurting from all the laughing and giggling.
“Let’s go for a walk!” the princess suggested, grabbing Olivia’s hand and pulling her in a random direction. “I don’t want my father to see me drunk!”
But it’s okay if it’s me? Olivia thought, hurrying to catch up with Florus. Her heart was beating faster than it should have been, and when she looked down, she realized their fingers were intertwined.
She was holding hands with the princess.
She was… hands… princess…
Focus on something else. So Olivia lifted her gaze to Florus, her armor glinting in the light from the homes and shops and lanterns all around the city. There was no moon, as the sky was still sprinkling snow everywhere, and Olivia’s lips lifted in a small smile as some of the snowflakes settled in the princess’s hair. It was almost like the snow was drawn to her, as she was.
Suddenly, the princess stopped, and Olivia had to stop herself before she ran her over. “P-Princess?”
Turning on her heel, Florus pouted. “I told you to call me Florus!”
“Right… Florus.” Olivia glanced around. Was it entirely proper to call the princess by something other than her title?
When she looked back at Florus, the princess was smiling. Was this a trick of the mead? “I enjoy spending time with you, Liv.”
Although logically she knew that probably wasn’t possible, Olivia felt as if her heart skipped a beat. “You do?”
Florus nodded. “Yup.” Lifting their joined hands, she lowered her eyelids flirtatiously. “I wouldn’t hold hands with someone I didn’t like.”
Oh dear. If Olivia hadn’t been red before, she sure was now. Please tell me this is the mead talking.
The princess laughed. “You’re so cute.” Leaning forward, she lowered her voice in a conspiratorial whisper. “What would you say if I kissed you right now?”
“Wh-what?” Olivia blinked rapidly, utterly taken aback by the princess’s boldness. Okay, yes, they spent a lot of time together, and yes, she always wanted to be around Florus, and yes, fine, she was finding that she felt happier when she was around her—but this? This was too much all at once. Way too much.
Florus’s eyes flashed with mirth. “I’m joking, silly.” She placed her hand on Olivia’s cheek, and even through the glove, she could feel how warm the elf was. “Mostly.”
Was it possible for the brain to spontaneously combust?
As quickly as the warmth had spread through her, it was gone, Florus’s hand no longer in hers as the princess twirled around and faced the castle. Hands on her hips, she drew in a deep breath and exhaled. Olivia saw the mist from her breath float up into the air and disappear among the snow. “Well! I think I’m sober enough now to go back! Let’s go, Liv.”
Olivia sighed, her shoulders slumping a bit as she followed the princess, who seemed to have a spring in her step.
“Oh, and Liv?”
The snow perfectly framed the elven princess’s face as she peered over her shoulder. “I’ll definitely be claiming that kiss. Someday.”
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genork-the-fandork · 4 years
Kortia Valentine's Day Masterlist
Here's an easy-peasy list of all the requests I completed for the Kortia Valentine's Day event!
🦋 Zeno's Idea of a Date (Zeno x M!A)
🦋 A Totally Non-Valentine's Day Out (Florus x F!A)
🦋 WE'RE NOT DATING Okay We Are (Kor x OC)
🦋 How to Surprise the Unsurprised (Kor x F!A)
🦋 Crap, I Think I— (Kor x GN!A, Kor POV)
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