oonajaeadira · 8 months
FLUFFBRUARY 5: rescue | inertia | lullaby (Din Djarin)
Six sentences.
Must be fluffy.
All 29 ficlets must feature a different Pedro.
All three words must be used (Fluffbruary prompt list here).
Use the words in order.
I reserve the right to break rules and/or cheat.
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This evening Din closes the gap, allowing Grogu's little hand to find the tear in the arm of his flightsuit, sighs behind the helmet as the kid does what he can to ease and heal the wound he gained on the most recent job.
The Mandalorian is still learning so much about the little guy...and himself.
How little he'd known that day on Arvala-7, before the rescue, before the search for the Jedi, before losing and regaining and adopting his son, not understanding how far a touch could go toward healing, even without the Force behind it.
Looking back now, he can see how the path was always going to lead here, how the inertia of...of love...can so easily leave you with little choice but to force you to follow where its luring song leads...
As this thought passes through, Din's brought back to the moment by a different song, by the still-incoherent babbling of the kid, but this time unending and mewling, as if the little one is lecturing his guardian on staying safe and not getting hurt next time.
"Hey, buddy, it's okay, it's just a scratch, I've had worse..." but Grogu continues, his big eyes half-closing, and Din gives a chuckle, playing along, laying down on the little bed in their home on Navarro as he realizes that the womp rat's warbling is his attempt at a lullaby--wandering and tuneless, but gentle and oddly touching, a melody of love without force.
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sliebman10 · 2 years
“I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time,” Lavender whispered, her cherry lip glossed lips close to Parvati’s ear.
“So kiss me,” Parvati returned, facing her friend on her dormitory bed. 
Lavender’s eyes glinted in surprise.“Really?” 
Lavender tentatively pressed her lips against Parvati’s. It was over so quickly they didn’t have time to close their eyes. 
Parvati took Lavender’s hand and pulled her closer. “Again?” she asked, and Lavender nodded slowly. Parvati opened her lips a little this time, and lavender did the same. This first kiss left them a little breathless but smiling shyly at each other. 
@hpsaffics (bingo square: first)
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broomsticks · 2 years
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🥰 happy valentine's day 🥰 enjoy a mini masterlist of the utterly unhinged double drabbles I've written for frankenfest femslash feb so far!!
@hpshipuary @kinkuary @febuwhump @fluffbruary @hpsaffics
day 4: stiletto knife (M) for kinkuary's genderbend, shipuary's james/lucius, femslash fuckery's humiliation/degradation, febuwhump's knife to throat.
day 6: pleasing her (T) for shipuary’s cho/parvati, femslash fuckery’s abusive relationships, kinkuary’s begging, febuwhump’s secrets revealed, with inspiration from fluffbruary’s butterfly & trust
day 7: Aftercare (M) for shipuary’s rose granger-weasley/lavender brown, femslash fuckery’s monsterfucking, kinkuary’s somnophilia
day 9: Grounded (G) for shipuary’s rolanda hooch/helena ravenclaw, fluffburary’s ghost+fireplace, femslash feb’s winter
also for day 9: how i met your mother (E) for shipuary’s gilderoy/fleur, kinkuary’s hair-pulling, femslash fuckery’s crossdressing.
day 10: make it or break it (T) for shipuary’s hermione/marietta, femslash fuckery’s drugging, febuwhump’s difficulty breathing
day 11: the remedy (M) for shipuary’s tonks/pansy, febuwhump’s fever, fluffbruary’s anniversary, kinkuary’s roleplay
day 13: the dark side of the moon (T) for shipuary’s bellatrix/luna, febuwhump’s forced to hurt a loved one, kinkuary’s dacryphilia, femslash fuckery’s voyeurism
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thirteenandten · 3 years
Fluffbruary 2022 ( @fluffbruary )
Prompt 1: Cozy
Fandom: Star Wars, (pre) Prequels
Title: And I’ll take care of youl
Summary: Obi-Wan has the flu, and even thought Qui-Gon knows it's nothing to worry about, worry he does.
Words: 638
Warnings: None.
The healer said Obi-Wan would be alright; it was just a normal case of the flu. Nothing to worry about as long as he took his medicine and kept his rest. And Qui-Gon trusted them fully, really. But no amount of reassurances would have stopped the tidal wave of relief that washed over him when he spotted his young Padawan bundled in blankets in the corner of their sofa when he returned to their quarters.
“How are you feeling?” Qui-Gon asked as he sat carefully next to Obi-Wan, arranging one of the blankets around his body as an afterthought. Obi-Wan groaned and barely opened his eyes.
“Fantastic, Master,” he replied with a pointed roll of the eyes that got a huff of laughter from Qui-Gon.
“Is your fever up, again?” He leaned over Obi-Wan just enough to place a hand on the sweaty forehead. Not for the first time, Qui-Gon realized how his palm could cover half of Obi-Wan’s face. He was warm. A quick check to the chrono over the wall confirmed that Obi-Wan was due for his medication again. That explained the fever. Sighing, Qui-Gon stood up. “Let me get your pills. And you could try to have some dinner.”
A new groan was all the reply he got. 
Read full on AO3
My Fluffbruary masterlist
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sail-on-silver-girl · 3 years
Sand -- Fluffbruary Day 8 (sand, quiet, colorful)
It was a perfect day for the beach. The temperate early autumn, mid-week day meant children were in school, adults at work, and tourists…well, wherever tourists go after their summer stampede. Sherlock and John had the beach practically to themselves. It was mercifully quiet, save for the sounds of the waves.
The case that drew them so far afield to Formby Beach outside Liverpool had seemed like an eight, but had topped out at a six, leaving Sherlock to solve it before they’d barely stepped out of the rental car. Nothing was calling them back to Baker Street, and the pirate in Sherlock couldn’t resist the call of the ocean.
He was basking in the barrage of colours—the bright blue sky dotted with pearl grey fluffs of clouds; the deep blue of waters of the Irish Sea with a scattering of white-capped waves; the green of the tall grasses emerging from the dunes, the rust of the Eurasian Red squirrel skittering about. But it was the vast stretch of sand that captured his attention.
Sherlock breathed deeply and allowed his eyes to close, committing the image and feeling to memory. He could feel the tug of a smile tug at the corner of his mouth.
John had noticed. Of course John had notice. John noticed everything about Sherlock since they had become a couple. Sherlock opened his eyes to see John staring intently at him, as if he were trying to memorize Sherlock’s expression, just as Sherlock was memorizing the scene before him.
“Here’s a sight you don’t see every day. The great Sherlock Holmes, sitting quietly on a beach wiggling his toes in the sand.”
John’s feet were buried in the sand, while both pairs of their shoes lay abandoned on a nearby dune.
“Sand. Exactly what I was thinking.”
John’s face screwed up in those quizzical wrinkles that always made Sherlock’s breath catch.
“People look at the sand and see only one colour—beige. They don’t see. They think it’s boring, when, in fact, quite a combination of colors made possible by the quartz—silicon dioxide, actually. Feldspar. Mica. Sand is white, tan, green, even black or pink.
“Hawaii,” John supplied.
“Hawaii,” Sherlock nodded. If you add in the mineral content of the locale’s rocks and stone from the ocean… Calling it beige is an insult. One must see what’s beneath. A myriad of colour, of hidden possibilities, not simple at all, but nuanced. Deceiving appearance. A marvel.”
He turned his head and stared at his partner. “You are like the sand, John.”
John went still and quiet. He looked stunned, and his eyes were wet.
“What did I—? Did I—? Ah… I insulted you, didn’t I? “I didn’t mean—?”
John’s expression melted into a smile. “Oh, Sherlock,” he sighed. “Come here, you nutter.” John leaned in and tenderly kissed his love. Sherlock reciprocated with enthusiasm and scooted closer.
Their hands entwined in the sand. ----- As part of Fluffburary, I decided to give our boys some time off. I managed to work in all three prompt words, plus I added the word "fluffy" as a bonus. @fluffbruary @7-percent @jbaillier @anyawen @totallysilvergirl 
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sliebman10 · 2 years
(Happy Valentine’s Day!)
“Teddy, come here. I have an idea,” George said with a wink. Harry watched this exchange from across the room. George whispered to Teddy, who giggled, holding out his hand. 
Teddy approached Harry with wide eyes and Harry bit his lip so he wouldn’t laugh. “What are you two up to?”
“It's a surprise.” 
“You were supposed to tell me something?” Harry prompted. 
“Yes. Happy Valentine’s day.” Teddy said, opening his hand. A snitch made of paper flew out and landed in Harry’s hand.  He looked over at George, who was grinning. Harry unfolded the paper. “I love you too.”
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