cg29 · 4 years
Just looked through some word documents and discovered a load of stories that I did back in October and November that have not been shared yet: Most need rewriting/editing but this very short gem below only needed some minor tweaking... Hope you enjoy :D 
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Title: Baby Talk. From @gumnut-logic Fluffember prompt list (Yes, that long ago) Day 28 - Say.
“Hi, I’m Scott, I’m four years old, I love aeroplanes and jumping off the couch. Although mummy and daddy tell me off for that one. My best friend became a big brother to a little sister last year, he’s really good at it, and I want to be the same. So, I will always cuddle you, care for you, and when you get bigger I will help you to learn all of the things I found hard. I promise that I will be the best big brother you could ask for…” He leaned in and kissed his mother’s tummy, feeling a kick back in response… “Love you too!”
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Make it Work
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Hawks x Gn!Reader
Short for Flufftember
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags: cuddling, secret relationship, reassurance
Your job wasn’t interesting by any means, at least, compared to the pro-heroes that roamed the streets. Their job taxed their bodies and pushed to their physical limits. Your job pushed your body limits in other ways and even though you weren’t risking your life like the other pro-heroes, you still arrived at your home worse for wear.
Trudging through the front door, you sluggishly placed your things on the counter of your apartment. You opened your fridge to find anything that could hold you over until the morning as it was almost midnight. You grabbed a cup of yogurt, shoveled it down, and discarded it into the trash. You didn’t want to keep him waiting.
You walked into the shower removing your cloths and stepped inside, letting the hot water sooth your tense muscles. You sighed, letting the stress of the day exhume from your nerves as you lightly massaged your neck muscles. You finished washing up and stepped out of the shower, drying yourself off before making your way to the bedroom.
You put on an oversize shirt and didn’t even bother with underwear as you slipped under the covers, doing your best to avoid rumbling feathers that hung in the air. You really didn’t want to wake up the beautiful man next to you, but it was already too late as he groaned and his wings stretched, reaching the ceiling.
“Lil’ Chick?” The nappy blond-haired man called out. “You finally done with work?”
You hummed as you relaxed face down in the bed. “Long day. People suck.”
He gave you a small chuckle, something like music to your ears. He slowly squirmed over toward you and lazily draped an arm over your back and planted a kiss on your head. “Welcome home, my songbird.”
You could have cried with how much stress he released from you with just a couple of words, but your tiredness didn’t allow you to. You simply turned to face him and wrapped your arms around his waist. “Missed you.” You said as you buried your head in his chest and lazily traced your fingers across his back.
He tightened his grip around you, also lazily tracing his fingers across your back until his hands dipped to your thigh. “No underwear to bed? Naughty songbird.”
You knew very well what he was thinking, but you also knew he had an early shift in four hours. “Mm, no. Both work early tomorrow.”
He hummed and returned his hands to your back.
“Why are you sorry, songbird?” He asked, craning his neck to look at you. “You know I don’t expect that from you, right?”
Your eyebrows scrunched together. “I know, it’s just… we’ve both been busy and haven’t really had time for each other, especially lately.”
He held you closer as his lips ghosted yours as he gazed into you with half lidded eyes. “We can make time.”
“I know.” You said. “I just worry that…” your words fell. You wanted so bad to voice your insecurities, but you haven’t been seeing him for long, and you didn’t know if it was appropriate to bring up. You didn’t want to be the clingy one, yet these thoughts disturbed you, even when you were with him. You tensed up in his arms, which didn’t go unnoticed by the him.
“Tell me.” He said, closing his eyes and softly rubbing his nose against yours. “You can tell me anything.”
“It hurts sometimes.” You admitted. “When I’m at work and I know you’re here, waiting for me. Or, when I’m home and you’re working.”
“Yeah, songbird, it hurts me too.” He danced his lips across your face. “I miss you so much… but I know we can make it work.”
You said nothing as you wondered if you and him could actually work. Your relationship with him wasn’t exactly public knowledge. You remembered the day you both confessed to each other. After months of flirting and questionable innuendo’s, he pulled you into a dusty closet (not the most romantic but it worked) and pinned you against the door, tilting your chin and confessing in a voice that made your heart flutter and your breath go short: “I need you.” Not a want but need.
He had also told you that he couldn’t be with you. In public, that is. He was working on something “top-secret” and could not be available.
“But I can’t stand you without my lips on yours for another second, songbird. I need every moment with you.”
Your heart melted at those words and he held true to them. Every fleeting moment he could get with you meant the world to him, even if it was holding onto you for a couple seconds more.
So, when you confessed that you were hurting, he couldn’t help but feel his heart break just a little bit. He needed you to know that you were more than enough for him if he could call you his. His songbird. And he told you this while he held onto you, his wings stretching as if to cover you up with his warmth. “So, don’t think you can get away from me that easily.”
Your body curled up and fit into him like a puzzle piece. “Thank you… my angel.” You said as your hand ran through his feathers.
He sighed as he closed his eyes, content with your warmth as you do the same. You both had an early morning, but you stayed up just a couple more minutes just to steal a little but more time to feel him next to you. Unknowing to you, he does the same, daydreaming of the day he could spend all day with you in his arms.
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
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Hmm, this started off as a ‘care’ set of screenshots for Fluffember, but somehow it ended up being a Scott & Virgil fest.
Top two SOS Pt2, Home on the Range, two from Recharge and the last is from The Hexpert.
Enjoy :D
Nutty (Scott is definitely the one most illustrated in the ‘caring role’. Sometimes it is Virg, but trying to find shots of the other bros caring for each other is a challenge - any suggestions?)
PS: I do not own these images, I’m just sharing the joy.
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fallenfurther · 5 years
Day 27 - Pillow
A continuation of Day 18 - Tuck in
Something moved. It dug into Jeff’s side and woke him up. Lifting himself up onto his elbow, he felt something against his back. Squinting, he saw a medium sized form curled up in front of him. After letting his eyes adjust, he saw three heads on the pillow beside him and smiled, realising he'd been joined in the night. The child next to him groaned and moved again, elbowing Jeff in the ribs. A quick look over his shoulder confirmed it was John who was lying behind him, though Jeff was surprised to see his eldest on the other side of John. Scott was old enough to not be scared of a storm, but he had been sharing a room with Virgil and John. Jeff wondered if Scott had gone looking for his brothers when they weren’t in their beds, only to find everyone in the master bedroom. Jeff smiled at the sight of Scott cuddling John. 
Lying back down, Jeff pulled Virgil into him. The boy continued to move, the nightmare that gripped him causing him to whimper. Jeff stroked the boy’s brown hair and muttered into Virgil's ear, trying to bring him comfort. Virgil's nightmares were thankfully rare, but when they came, they were vivid and at their peak he would thrash and yell out. Lucille knew exactly how to comfort him but had never given Jeff the information. Now Jeff had to go back to trial and error, hoping he could bring relief to Virgil before he woke his brothers.
Jeff lay there feeling inadequate as Virgil continued to twist in his arms. The nightmare was getting worse and Virgil started to thrash more and muttered the word 'no' over and over. Virgil's leg kicked out, hitting Gordon's leg and waking him up. Gordon rubbed his eyes and looked at Jeff before his eyes settled on his brother.
"Virgil okay?"
"He's just having a nightmare. The storm must have scared him a little. Don't worry, he'll be okay soon."
Gordon yawned and rubbed his eyes. Jeff watched as Gordon reach out and ruffled Virgil hair.
"Be brave Virgil."
Jeff smiled as Gordon curled back up and fell asleep. Jeff lent over and kissed Virgil's cheek.
"You hear that Virgil. Be brave." Jeff whispered in his ear, "You are safe and loved. We are all here with you."
Brushing his fingers through Virgil's hair, Jeff felt relief as Virgil seemed to relax slightly against him. The boy’s mutterings and movements decreased, and his breathing became more regular. Jeff sighed as Virgil's nightmare came to an end. Jeff continued to hold Virgil as he closed his own eyes, letting his body relax, and allowing himself to drift off, comforted by the knowledge that all his boys were close by.
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scribbles97 · 5 years
Fluffember - Cry
He had promised himself that he wouldn’t turn and look, that he would wait until she got to his end of the aisle on the beach. It had been a day they had been waiting for for too long, one distraction after another forcing delay and reorganisation. Then, finally, things had just fallen into place at the right moment and everything had come together quicker than he could have possibly imagined. 
Though he had made a promise to himself, he hadn’t at all expected to keep it. Behind him, Gordon’s low whistle as the piano music started was already drawing temptation. His own heart was suddenly thundering in his chest, nerves unexpectedly getting the better of him. 
Next to him, Scott leant in, “She looks amazing.”
And that did it. Allowing a brief second to glare at his big brother’s knowing grin as he turned, Virgil felt his heart stop as he laid eyes on her. 
She was beautiful. 
The dress was white and simple, light and floaty in the gentle breeze of the beach. Her hair was in light waves, loose over one shoulder just how she knew he liked it. There was just the faintest of traces of makeup on har face that he could make out as she walked towards him, no doubt forced on her by Penny. 
Maybe it would sound cheesy if he said it out loud, but to him, it was none of that which made her beautiful. It was the look in her eyes as they caught his, the way her lips curved up in the slightest nervous smile, and the faintest colouring of her cheeks. 
He loved his family, but they were forced together by birth. Kayo had been thrust into the mix by chance and forced to get to know the five of them. Over the years she had always kept herself to herself and never gave away more than necessary to Virgil and his brothers.
Until things had started to shift and suddenly the two of them had been so much closer. That she had chosen to let him, to trust him with the side of her that nobody else got to see, had made him feel all sorts of things that he wasn’t sure he was quite capable of describing. Because someone like Tanusa Kayo Kyrano who was so ridiculously strong and brave and determined to everyone else, but so fragile and vulnerable at the same time. 
Simply thinking about it made his heart bunch up and his shoulders square, and he knew exactly what lengths he would go to for her, to support her and hold her and do anything he could to just make her happy. In return he knew that she would give all that she could for him. 
A lump swelled in his throat at the thought, whilst they had his family around him to support and love them both, neither had ever expected to have anything more than just that. International Rescue and living on an Island simply didn’t match with the opportunity to find a romantic partner. Yet there they both were, decked out in only the very best wedding attire for their day on the beach they both so loved. 
Scott nudged him, passing over a handkerchief with a smile and a shake of his head. Virgil had to laugh at himself as Kayo stood to face him, her eyes were glistening in the sun, a sure sign that she wasn’t far behind with her own tears.
“They’d better be happy ones.” he murmured taking one of her hands as he wiped his cheeks. 
Her smile lit up as she laughed and nodded, “I’m marrying you, there’s nothing I could possibly be sad about today.”
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sonatanotwo · 5 years
Okay... Yeah, I'm gonna try this, despite my brain going a billion directions at once right now with less than a week to the event I'm tabling at. XD But anyhoo. ARE YOU ALL READY FOR A WHOLE LOTTA BIG BROTP? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE PROLLY GETTING. :Db YOU'RE WELCOME.
Titch late, but when I tried to write earlier I felt too sleepy... and then I rolled around in bed, unable to sleep. (I love pms. lol  ^^;;;;) So I’ve tried to put some kinda words together. IDK if makes sense but anyhoo...
Day 1 - Hugs
He often wishes he could do more for his big brother and best friend. If he could somehow share the weight that sitting on those shoulders, he would do it in a heartbeat, but Scott keeps his troubles closely guarded. He would keep them hidden entirely from them all if he could, but he can't. He tries, but he can't ever keep them from Virgil.
When Virgil found him sitting on a deck chair outside, long after the everyone in the villa has gone to bed, that alone tipped him off that something was wrong. With the moon but a crescent in the sky, the stars shine brightly, but not quite enough to see details. It wasn't enough to see exactly what was lurking in his brother's gaze, but still, Virgil could see enough.
Of course, Scott tried to claim he'd lost track of time and should head to bed. Of course, he tried to beat a hasty escape. Virgil had put a stop to that by pulling his brother into a sudden hug.
Scott had frozen up at first, but slowly his brother's barriers broke down as Virgil, without a word, just held his brother tighter.
Virgil wishes he could do more and perhaps there will be something he can do when they head inside and he finds out what's specifically troubling his brother tonight, but for now this is something.
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
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Okay, in some discussion with my fellow writers and readers we came up with the idea of a post-Whumptober challenge fest involving fluff...buckets of it...to apologise to all our characters for the nastiness we commit during the wonderful whump season.
So the concept of Fluffember...er...Fluffy November...was conceived. Words were needed, so here they be, one for each day of the month.
There be words, there be a tag to tag your works with. Other than that, go for it. You can choose one or many, work backwards, forwards or higglety-pigglety. There can be art, writing, papier mache, sand sculptures or sonnets. Whatever your muse desires, take it and run with it.
Create and have fun!
(off the edge, but learning to fly)
Above reads...
Fluffember 2019
1. Hugs 2. Blanket 3. Care 4. Touch 5. Cry 6. Date 7. Comfort 8. Encounter 9. Hot beverage 10. Expression 11. Eyes 12. Food 13. Gift 14. Message 15. Hair 16. Item of importance 17. Flower 18. Tuck in 19. Home 20. Kiss 21. Love 22. Memory 23. Music 24. Award 25. Compliment 26. Pet 27. Pillow 28. Say 29. Family 30. Special place
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
The Bite
Finally complete, yay!
Title: The Bite
Author: Gumnut
7 – 9 Nov 2019
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: “I need my big brother, not his sacrifice.”
Word count: 1953
Spoilers & warnings: Angst. Spoilers for ‘Recharge’ & Season 3
Timeline: Episode Tag set during ‘Recharge’
Author’s note: For @sofasurf who asked for a little Virgil comforting Scott. Fluffember 2019 Prompt #7 Comfort.
Many thanks to @vegetacide​ and @scribbles97​ for putting up with my crazy.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
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It was the whimper that woke him.
The tent was warm, the heat cube doing a thorough job at staving off the ice cold of outside. The insulated material of the tent itself still rippled with the gust of arctic winds, the muted roar a continual background to everything.
But despite the winds, that soft whimper reached out in the dim light, wrapped around his heart and yanked.
Virgil sat up, the fog of sleep falling from him so abruptly it was dizzying. His brain came online throwing data at him - where he was, events up to now...who he was...
The aurora generator, Max, the Arctic...
There was another whimper and Virgil shot to his feet, stumbling towards the sleeping form of his brother on the other side of the tent.
They had dozed while waiting, never willing to give up the opportunity to grab sleep when they could. Max ready to alert them the moment the way was clear.
His brother lay on his rack on his back, his expression one of anguish.
The sight hurt.
Virgil knew Scott had been struggling of late. The signs were all there. The recklessness, the urge to do and do and do. It tore at him, but Virgil was at a loss as to how to help.
He had tried everything he knew already and Scott continued to shrug him off, ignore his advice, his nudges. There had been moments where Virgil had thought he was going to lose his brother in the last year and he was fumbling to find a way to save him.
Save his brother.
The irony was painful.
Scott was a light sleeper. The man bounced from deep sleep to awake at the smallest nudge. The fact he was still caught in the nightmare despite Virgil’s movements was telling.
“Dad.” It was a recognisable whimper and Virgil couldn’t help but reach out.
A brush against his hair. Whispered. “Scott.”
His brother started, his eyes shooting open as he gasped awake. A frantic moment as they latched onto Virgil like a lifeline.
Hi hand continued to cradle his brother’s hair. “Hey.”
To Virgil’s astonishment, Scott blinked away tears as he obviously scrambled to compose himself. “Uh, Virgil.”
There were no words for a moment as the man threw himself into a seated position, rubbing his hands over his face.
Virgil fell back on his heels, giving his brother a moment to pull himself together.
“Want to talk about it?” Tentative and quiet.
“Not really.”
Silence and awkwardness for a moment.
“You mentioned Dad.”
Blue eyes shot at him and just for a moment there was a vulnerability there that shook Virgil to his core.
“Don’t want to talk about it.” To Virgil’s horror, Scott’s voice was shaking.
“No, Virgil.”
Virgil’s lips thinned.
Scott turned away, running his hands through his hair. “Sorry, I just can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Please, just...don’t.”
The hand rubbing his face was unsteady.
If Virgil was honest with himself, seeing Scott like this scared him. Scott was his big brother, always strong, always there. He certainly wasn’t infallible, and there had been times in the past...they always left Virgil uncertain. He was ashamed to admit that he relied on Scott to be the strong one when things were falling apart.
If Scott was breaking under the pressure...
He swallowed and squared his shoulders. “You need some downtime.”
Scott spun to look at him. “What?”
“If you won’t talk about it, you need some time off to work things out.”
He shook his head. “No. No. Not possible.”
“It is.” Virgil sat on the floor staring up at his brother. “It won’t all collapse without you. We can manage.”
“Yeah, right.”
That caused an arched eyebrow, but to be honest, it wasn’t unexpected. “I’m glad you have so much confidence in me and our brothers.”
Blue eyes, stressed and obviously in pain stared at him.
“Talk to me, Scott.” It was a plea. “I don’t bite.”
“Not according to Gordon.”
He rolled his eyes. “He bit me first and you are not distracting me. Talk to me or I’ll ground you on medical grounds and you can talk to someone else.”
That got him. Scott straightened where he sat, anger flaring. “You can’t do that!”
“Just try me.” His lips thinned and he rammed his point home by staring his brother down.
Okay, proof that Scott wasn’t firing on all thrusters as Virgil won the staring contest, Scott’s eyes darting off to the left.
Soft. “I can’t.”
“You can.” The barest of smiles. “You’re my big brother, you can do anything.”
It was a gamble playing that card. It could trigger more stress at the reference to Scott’s position in the family or it could work as intended and bring back the memory of the first time Virgil had uttered those words.
He had only been around eight at the time and well and truly deep in hero worship of his big brother. Truth be told, he had never really lost that worship. It had changed over the years into more of a respect, but there was still that ingrained opinion that Scott was capable of doing so much.
At the time, it was a case of trying to get Gordon’s ball out of a tree. The two of them had been staring up at the ancient oak while Gordon screamed his preschool heart out at their feet. No adult was available and Virgil was too short to reach the lowest limb.
Scott wasn’t.
But they had been forbidden from climbing the tree with a threat of dire consequences.
But they had to get that ball. It was brand new, brought home from Dad’s latest business trip.
“You can do it, Scott. I’ll help you.”
The whole incident summed up their entire relationship. Scott leading, Virgil helping to make it happen.
“I’m not ten anymore, Virgil.”
“But you are still my big brother.” He reached up and placed his hands on Scott’s bowed shoulders. “You will always be our big brother. You don’t have to prove it by working yourself into the ground.” A pause. “Or by trying to kill yourself in the process.”
“I can’t...”
And there is was. A glimpse of truth.
Pushed away by stubbornness.
“I do what I have to do.”
Virgil’s hands tightened on his brother’s shoulders. “Then you will force me to do what I have to do, and ground you.”
“No! You listen to me. What happened to Dad wasn’t your fault! You’ve done everything humanly possible to find him, to carry his legacy, to keep us all afloat. But goddamnit, Scott, I won’t lose you like I lost Dad. I can’t do it!” His brother flinched, but Virgil had to push on. “I’m watching you fade away, day by day. And then you throw these stunts that terrify me. Do you have any idea how many times I’ve saved you over the last year? How many times seconds have counted? The uranium mine, Scott. You’d be dead. So fucking dead and then where would we be?!”
The tension in Virgil’s shoulders threatened to travel down his arms and just throttle his brother into understanding. “I’m not you, Scott. I can’t do this without you. And I can’t bear the thought...” He swallowed, taking control of himself. “If not for yourself in the short term, then do it for us. Take some time! And we can work out what you want for the long term. But please, please...just stop.”
Virgil found his heart thudding in his chest, his breath rasping with the urgency to get Scott to realise exactly what was at stake here. It was the expression in his brother’s eyes, wide and staring, a little fear in their depths, that shook the anger from him. There was a moment of pain, everything hanging in the air surrounding them like some life-sucking miasma, and Virgil grabbed his brother, yanking him into a desperate embrace.
It was a cling and he wasn’t sure if it was for himself or to reassure Scott, but either way, it was sorely needed.
Scott’s arms hesitated, but eventually wrapped around Virgil’s back, fingernails scratching against uniform fabric.
Uniform. Virgil’s eyes closed as his grip tightened and his head fell to Scott’s shoulder.
“You’re more important.”
“Please, Scott.”
His brother didn’t answer immediately, shifting in Virgil’s grip before gently tugging away.
Virgil let him go.
Scott wouldn’t look at him.
It was frightening to see his big brother like this.
“I...I think it is kind of ironic.” Scott’s voice was quiet.
A frown. “What?”
“That we are both afraid of the same thing.”
Virgil stared at him, no words, waiting.
His brother swallowed as if steeling himself before catching Virgil’s eyes. “I can get there first. If I can do what has to be done, I...you and the others don’t have to.” Blue eyes bled honesty and not a little fear, but Scott let out a desperate little laugh looking away. “I can’t lose you either.”
“God, Scott.” Virgil resisted the urge to grab and hug his brother again, instead resorting to grabbing his hand. “We are stronger together.”
Something broke and Scott’s face screwed up. “Virg, you weren’t there. He was...” Fingers were ripped out of Virgil’s grip and Scott buried his face in his hands. “He was just gone. I can’t...”
Virgil reached up and gently pulled those hands away. Scott’s face was strained and red where his hands had been jammed against his cheeks.
His eyes shone.
Words caught in Virgil’s throat. What could he say? That he and his brothers weren’t going to die? That everything was going to be all right?
He would be lying.
He couldn’t promise anything...any more than Scott could in kind.
“We could shut down International Rescue.” But the words hurt and Scott immediately tensed up.
“No. We do this for Dad. For Mom. For everyone who needs saving.” Simply saying the words put the spark back into his brother’s eyes. It was a mantra, a core philosophy, a reason why they did what they did.
“Then we do it together. We watch each other, protect each other and save each other. We do it together, Scott, and keep each other safe.” A swallow. “I need my big brother, not his sacrifice.”
Scott stared at him. One hand slipped from Virgil’s grip and reached for the side of his face. Gloved fingers brushed across his cheek bone, tangling in his hair.
Whispered. “Okay.”
The barest of smiles flickered across Virgil’s lips. “Thank you.”
And he was being pulled into a hug, Scott dragging him close. Virgil’s arms wrapped around his brother and for a long moment they simply held each other.
There was a tightness in his chest and Virgil had to blink several times to clear his vision.
Maybe this had worked. Maybe Scott would take the steps toward not risking his life so often. Please, God, keep him safe.
A particularly strong gust of wind shook the tent and broke the moment, the insulated material banging against the metal frame.
Scott pulled away and Virgil let him go, falling back onto his heels once again before creaking to his feet. Neither spoke as Virgil made his way back to his bunk. The whole conversation had been exhausting.
He turned back to his brother. Scott was still sitting on the edge of his bed. “You were wrong.”
What? God no.
“You do bite. You sink your teeth in and hang on until you get what you want.” Scott’s expression was solemn. “Thank you.”
Virgil smiled a little sadly at him. “I do what I have to do.”
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
Okay, so it is not Friday and not yet November, but I was desperate to write and this was the only thing that worked. And let’s face it, I have to grab it when I can. I have no control over anything.
So you’ve got fluff. I hope you enjoy it.
Fluffember prompt #2 Blanket
It was old.
Scott wasn’t exactly sure how old, but it had been around all his life at least. A hand-knitted patchwork of colours, likely from scraps of wool from other projects. Maybe Nanna? Nanna knitted didn’t she?
His memories of his mother’s mother were so vague, he couldn’t be sure. Gran Roca, dusty wind, gentle hugs, colours and not much more.
Of course, it could have been their mother, but he doubted it. She wouldn’t have had the time. Between her engineering team at Tracy Industries and five young children, she had been stretched thin.
He fingered the blanket. It was frayed at the edges. One patch of lighter wool had a stain on it that could be attributed to John, a nasty flu and spaghetti bolognese. He could still remember Grandma’s panic at the time and the rush to get the wool soaking and clean.
It had seen many an illness. It was a go to when one of them was feeling down.
Of course, it wasn’t the only blanket available, they were a large family, after all. Each brother had their own snuggle rug, as Gordon called them. Each with its own unique motif, all terribly predictable.
Alan’s was the single bed quilt from his kiddy racing car bed, the only part of that set up that had survived the great paint explosion of 2052.
It had survived because it had been in another room at the time.
No one commented when it came out, his little brother usually buried under it on the lounge. When the racing car quilt came out, it was time for hugs, not stirring jokes.
Gordon, of course, had a giant squid faux mink blanket. The thing was massive, incredibly soft and the only one in existence. Virgil had it made during Gordon’s recovery. Their brother had lost so much weight, he had been cold all the time. The blanket was king size and huge. Big enough for more than one brother, if needed.
You would think John would have some space age material designed to be super warm, but no. A simple hand knitted star motif in soft wool was deployed on those nights when gravity crawled across his skin and the unregulated atmosphere crept under it. Scott wasn’t sure where he got it from. It just appeared shortly after his first stint on Five and it tended to reappear for the same reason.
Virgil’s blanket had paint stains. Specifically from the incident where he caught his brother in his studio shivering with a fever of 39C after that damned swamp rescue three years ago. The idiot’s hand had been shaking, struggling to paint anything, but for some stubborn artistic reason, he had had to paint right at that moment. Something about getting it all down now, before he lost it.
He lost it alright. Spilt his paint water all over himself, along with orange and blue paint when the canvas over balanced and fell on him.
The soft Scottish blend of wools had never been the same again. Grandma had once again been the once desperately trying to get the stains out of wool, while Scott carted his brother off to the infirmary.
Of course, on a tropical island, there often wasn’t much need for blankets, but they still used them. Sometimes they were scrunched up into makeshift pillows on the couch. Sometimes they were just something to curl up around.
It wasn’t like any of them had much in the way of bed company most nights and Scott wasn’t above seeking comfort in the soft folds of warm and familiar fabric on those nights when loneliness and his life beat him down to the basics.
But this blanket, this well worn host of memories, had seen them all.
He slipped the folded bulk out of the closet and let it unravel in his hands. There was a tiny hole forming in one corner. He must remember to get out the darning needle and fix that when he got a chance, before it became too big.
But for now, the blanket was needed.
Closing the closet door, he flung the knitted fabric over one arm and headed down to the comms room.
It was dark outside and the house was quiet, most of the family had drifted off to bed an hour or so ago, leaving Scott and the one other occupant of the room to talk.
And talk they did.
Spread out on the sofas with room to spare, Scott and Virgil had shared a drink and simple conversation. Not about International Rescue, not about the Thunderbirds, not about work.
Just talk.
A few memories, a few aspirations, Virgil’s latest painting, a dash of current affairs, a little gossip regarding Scott’s secretary at TI and Alan.
It had been a good talk.
But life still existed even when you tried to ignore it, and Thunderbird Two had been out most of the day. Three rescues, all successful, but everyone was only allotted a certain amount of energy per day and at eleven o’clock at night, Virgil hit his limit.
Soft snores echoed across the hardwood floor as Scott re-entered the room. He had dimmed the lights and closed the main glass doors. The room felt cocooned and safe. The moon peeked through the rafters, hinting at the outside world, but for the moment, everything else was shut out.
They were protected.
Scott stepped softly across to the sunken lounge where Virgil was curled up on a sofa. An empty tumbler sat discarded on the end table.
His brother had shoved a cushion under his cheek and mashed his face into it. Technically the sofa was too short and too skinny for his large frame, but Virgil had curled himself up into a ball of flannel and denim.
Steel caps lay discarded on the floor.
The cushion was subjected to drool.
Scott couldn’t help but smile.
Virgil’s face was slack and so young in sleep. His huge hands were fisted up under his chin like the child he used to be and Scott was suddenly struck by the images of so many other nights with so many younger versions of his little brother doing exactly the same thing, yet smaller.
The smile turned into a fond grin.
Moments like these made everything worth it.
He spread the old blanket over Virgil’s legs, the folds landing softly over socked feet, and draped it across his waist.
His brother snorted and wriggled as only a man of his size could.
An unintelligible mutter, a sigh, and the snoring returned.
Still smiling, Scott straightened and backed away, turning to leave.
Dimming the lights to almost non-existence, he headed towards the stairs and his own bed.
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cg29 · 5 years
And here we go with my contribution to day 1 of Fluffember created by @gumnut-logic
Hugs. The Tracy boys have discovered come in many variations and are delivered for all sorts of reasons, especially when they come from Scott…
There's the pat on the back followed by a quick one-armed hold for the job well done but there are others nearby that don't really know us and I don't want to embarrass you… Then of course there's the: “Oh my god how did you just not get seriously hurt when that building just collapsed? Please I need to hold you. No, I don't care if anyone is looking, you're shaking, I'm shaking I need to hold you close.”
The homely hugs because I’m so damn proud of you, so I’m going to pull you into a quick tight hold, or cuddle your back, or I'll just ruffle your hair instead even though you hate having it messed up.
Or the, you're exhausted from back to back missions and have fallen asleep in your bird or on the sofa so I'm just going to lift you up into my arms and hold you real close and then put you to bed and tuck you in. Yes, I might watch you sleep for a while too.
Then there are those days. The bad ones that have caused injuries, not just physical but on an emotional level too. So, you are angry and frustrated and the last thing you want is to be held. So, instead I just sit by your side and wait for the moment you break, your head comes to rest on my chest and tears silently start to fall, and that’s when I will wrap you in my arms and place a gentle kiss on your head and whisper that I understand, I’m here, because I’m your big brother and I will always be by your side…
And, of course, the final type of hug. Given when Scott’s immersed himself into work and grown overtired. Or he’s upset because one of his brothers got hurt, and of course he blames himself. Or he’s feeling the weight from all the responsibility laid onto his young shoulders. Those days when he just misses his dad and wants him back. He will find each brother by his side. Virgil there with his soulful eyes, John with a soothing voice, Gordon with his infectious humour, Alan with his dimpled smile. Each of them wrapping him up and bringing me in to a hold they all share.
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cg29 · 4 years
A fic from @gumnut-logic Fluffember prompt list that I forgot about (There are a few more, but need a bit of attention before posting)
WORLD: TAG TITLE: The Angels In Blue. From the Day 13 Fluffember prompt Gift.
A disaster struck my hometown today. The earth shook, buildings crumbled, and many were killed instantly. Others, like myself, survived, but we were injured and trapped. In the past we may have lost faith. Started to believe that our lives were over. That we would never get to see our loved ones again. However, none of us who were trapped gave in to those feelings. All because of a rescue organisation. They fly in, swoop down, and risk their lives for a stranger. Simply because they don’t want to see a life lost. A family destroyed. Friends mourning the loss of someone close. They are the angels in blue and they bring us hope. They are International Rescue. A true gift to the world.
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cg29 · 5 years
A very short, silly fic from @gumnut-logic day 5 Fluffember prompt Cry.
Tears. When they were coming from one of his brothers then he could always spot the signs of a hastily washed face, even if it had been several hours ago. He also had the uncanny knack of sensing a weeping brother from a few miles away. Now, while returning home from a mission he could feel those ‘senses’ tingling. One of his brothers was crying and that meant they needed him. Question was, which brother was it. Definitely not Virgil, he was currently in Thunderbird Two returning home from the same mission as him and they had been chatting and laughing over comms with John which also ruled him out. However that left his youngest unaccounted for.
Bringing Thunderbird One into its hanger, Scott fired through his post flight checks, grabbed the clothes that were in the storage box on One and quickly changed before heading towards the bedrooms where both his brothers would usually be at one thirty in the morning. A quick glance into Alan’s room and thankfully he was curled up on his rug fast asleep. So, that only left Gordon who was still recovering from his accident in Thunderbird Four. There had been quite a few tears when he had first been hurt but thankfully they had settled now his body was starting to heal, but he could definitely feel crying… Scott felt his heart skip a beat… No, Gordon was sobbing. He needed to reach him now.
Rushing towards Gordon’s room Scott could now hear the wails coming from inside, so he flung the door open preparing himself to provide the comfort his Squid would need, but immediately brought himself to a halt at the sight. Gordon was sitting on his bed with his leg propped up. A woollen blanket wrapped around him, and he stared at his tablet screen, tears pouring from his eyes.
“Gordon, what the hell is wrong?”
His brother pressed a button on the screen, then with tear-filled eyes looked up towards him… “She’s got legs now, but can’t talk, or sing!”
“What… Who?”
“Wait… You’re crying over The Little Mermaid?”
“Yeah,” Gordon wiped at his face defensively, “why, what’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing bro, do you want some company?”
“Yes, I could really do with a cuddle.”
“Okay then,” Scott closed the door and settled himself on the bed next to Gordon, allowing him to press play before resting his arm soothingly around him… It didn’t matter what they were crying over, he would always be there for them.
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
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Here are a few more ‘care’ screenshots, this time with the younger brothers now I have reduced my Scott and Virg collection :D
Eos, SOS Pt2, Designated Driver (Dad!Scott :D), Slingshot (I really wish the shot of Scott with his arm around John was clearer), SOS Pt2.
(Off the edge, but learning to fly)
PS: These images do not belong to me, I’m just sharing the joy.
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
Sludge be Damned
Warnings: Post-Signals Part 2 (S3, Ep 15), may contain spoilers.
Thanks to @vegetacide and @scribbles97 for their wonderful support of my craziness.
Fluffember 2019 Prompt #1 – hugs.
“Hey, Virg.” The hum of an approaching hoverchair.
“Gordo.” Virgil had his head in Thunderbird Four’s port rear thruster. There was something clogging the filter and it was stuck.
A bit of leverage was needed. He shoved his long handled flathead screw driver under the lip. A wriggle. Ah, yes, there you go. The filter slipped free.
Along with a bucket load of ocean sludge.
“Ah, shit.”
He slithered backwards, but not fast enough.
It was in his hair, up his nose. Blaaah! In his mouth!
Virgil Tracy ended up on his butt covered in goop.
“Holy crap, Virg. What the hell did you do?” Virgil was vaguely aware of his brother darting out of reach.
He shot a glare in Gordon’s direction, but he had no doubt it had little effect since there was sludge dripping off his nose.
His brother spun in his ‘chair, grabbed some moderately clean rags and a facecloth, before returning to Virgil and handing them to him.
“You do know that filter can be released externally.”
Virgil opened his mouth to answer, but closed it again as Gordon reached out and wiped the slime off Virgil’s forehead.
“I do know that, Gordon, but our brother did bury Four completely. She is clogged from bow to stern.”
Gordon sighed. “I know. She’s brand new and full of mud.”
“Hey, we’ll clean her out. She’ll be fine.”
“We wouldn’t have to clean her out if Scott had just listened to me.” Oddly, Gordon continued to wipe Virgil’s face.
A frown. “You okay?”
“I’m fine.” Gordon continued to clean the sludge off his cheek before starting on his mouth, muffling what the engineer had been about to say.
Virgil reached up and grabbed his brother’s wrist, ignoring the sludge immediately deposited on his shirt. “Gordon, what is it?”
A blink of russet brown and Gordon sat back, his one good arm retreating back to his side.
Sludge dripped on his pants.
“It’s cool.” A waved hand and he was reversing the ‘chair. “Thanks for all your hard work on Four. Sorry I haven’t been able to help much.”
Another frown and Virgil pushed himself up off the floor. God, this stuff stunk. It wasn’t supposed to be exposed to air. He flung some off his hands.
And got some in his eye for his efforts.
He blinked profusely. Another cloth was handed to him and he wiped that eye. “Thanks.”
“How long do you think this will take?”
Virgil eyed his brother, but shrugged. “Got the bots doing what they can. I’m working on her vents. The engines themselves are good. It’s mostly cosmetic. I just want to make sure she is as clean as possible before we start her up again. No need to risk further damage.”
“Gordon, what is it?”
The wince that resulted from an attempted shrug had Virgil taking a step closer to the hoverchair. he crouched down beside his brother. “Gordo?”
“I’m fine.”
Those eyes darted in his direction, vulnerable for a split second before the facade of humour kicked in. “No, actually that is a combination of fish, crustacean, mollusc and likely whale shit.”
Virgil pursed his lips. “Not working, Gords. Spill.”
A smirk, fake as all hell. “Four already did and it is still dripping off your nose.”
A moment of locked gazes and tense shoulders.
Virgil grabbed his brother and pulled him into a hug.
Gordon floundered for a second, a gasped out breath in Virgil’s ear, his one free arm flung out and flapping. But as Virgil gently tightened his arms, his brother relaxed into his embrace.
“It’s okay, Gordon.”
Something muttered softly.
The moment held, his brother’s head on his shoulder.
Another moment...
“You stink.”
“I know.”
“Now I do, too.”
“Do you care?”
“You’ll have to help me get cleaned up.”
“Eh, thunderbird, brother, same thing.”
“You’re a shit.”
“Payback for the pranks.”
They were still holding each other.
“Sorry.” It was muttered against his shoulder.
“Not a problem.”
Gordon pulled away.
Virgil let him go.
And left a sludge print down the length of his brother and smudges all over the ‘chair. Gordon eyed the mess and glared up at Virgil. “Thanks.”
A shrug, a smirk, and the engineer nabbed another rag to wipe his hands. “You’re welcome.”
Gordon grabbed his shirt. “No, really, thanks.” Honest russet bore into him. “For repairing Four, for cleaning her up, for everything, bro. I owe you big time.”
Virgil looked down at the hand clutching his sodden shirt. “No, you don’t. Part of the deal, Gordon.” He ran the rag over his face again. “All you need to do is heal.”
The hand fell away. His brother’s expression was still occupied.
Virgil shifted where he stood. “Hey, let’s get cleaned up and then how about I help you into the pool?”
That got a result, Gordon’s head shooting up, his eyes wide. “Really?”
God, he was like the eager little kid Virgil used to take swimming on weekends.
A soft smile. “Really. As long as you take it easy and do as I say.”
Gordon saluted immediately. “Yes, oh, mighty mud monster, sir.”
Virgil rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help but grin. “Go on, get moving.”
Gordon spun on the spot and darted off.
Virgil let his grin spread wider as he moved to follow. Okay, he’d admit it. He’d do anything to see that smile in his brother’s eyes.
Sludge be damned.
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fallenfurther · 5 years
Day 21 - Love
A continuation of Day 6 - Date
Gordon was full of awe and wonder. Looking over at his sleeping wife, heart full of love for the woman who had just brought a new life into the world. She looked beautiful, despite the hospital surroundings. Gordon wanted to reach over and run his hand through her golden locks but held back knowing she needed the sleep.
His eyes lowered to the bundle in the crib. His son had arrived. Perfectly formed, healthy and sleeping soundly. Gordon smiled down at his baby, still in awe that he was theirs, yet at the same time feeling the weight of fatherhood on his shoulders. Gordon smiled as he remembered his first cries, his heart skipping a beat as he watched the nurse put the screaming newborn on Penelope's chest. He had cut the cord when they told him to but couldn't stop staring at his wife and baby.
After they had cleaned him up, he was placed in Gordon's shaking arms. The small body held close to his and looking into those new blue eyes, Gordon knew he was holding the most precious thing in the world. Fears of dropping him, of not being good enough were in his mind amongst the feelings of awe, pride and love. Gordon had held his son as the baby fell asleep. He looked up into Penelope's smiling exhausted face, both wanting to take in every moment with their baby. Kissing Penelope's forehead, he had encouraged her to sleep, which she relented to. Gordon held his son a while longer before he lay him gently in the crib.
Sitting down in the chair, Gordon let his head lean back. It wouldn’t be long before his brothers and the rest of his family came to see the new arrival. He smiled, imagining the chaos to come. His gaze still fixed on their new little family, his eyes drifted shut, his own exhaustion finally taking him.
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fallenfurther · 5 years
Day 9 - Hot beverage
John was curled up in a chair on the veranda after another day of training at the ranch. His muscles were starting to complain from being pushed so hard, but he knew it was for the best. He had to keep his fitness up and he'd rather this than have Kayo, Scott and Virgil harassing him about it. Looking at his watch, it was still 15 minutes until the meteorite shower was due to start. He was glad they'd have a good view, knowing his family would ruin the silence and join him.
As if on que, Virgil and Scott appeared carrying a chair each, which they placed down beside him before heading off to get more. They were replaced by the terrible two, already arguing about something, before heading back in. Within minutes the veranda was full of his family hustling about trying to get the comfiest cushions. John smiled as Gordon and Alan's argument led to a pillow fight, which Scott managed to break up while still holding an arm full of blankets, though not before a cushion ended up over the side in the dirt. Alan was given the task of retrieving it, which resulted in it flying at Gordon's head.
Kayo slipping into the seat by Virgil while Brains and Max sat closest to the door, well clear of the hazard zone Alan and Gordon create. Scott passed the blankets out, making sure Grandma's favourite one was left on her seat before heading into the house to find her. Looking up at the sky he normally called home, John watched the first meteorite cross the sky. It was followed a minute later by another and another, causing everyone to settle down. The veranda was so still as they watched John did a double take, only to sit back and enjoy the quiet company while it lasted.
As the shooting stars became more frequent, Scott and Grandma came out onto the veranda and passed out mugs of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows floating on the top. John thanked Scott as he handed one to him before taking the seat on next to his, before taking a sip from a mug decorated in planes. John took a sip from his mug, which displayed the constellations of the southern hemisphere, and continued to enjoy the spectacle in the sky.
"Hey Gordon, that's enough! Now pass that here!"
John sighed looking over to see the mountain of squirty cream towering from Gordon’s mug.
"Almost finished" Gordon teased before holding the nozzle to his mouth and filling it with cream.
"Hey! Not fair!"
His youngest brother tried to swipe the bottle from Gordon's hands but failed.
"Open up then!" Gordon grinned. John turned back to the sky knowing there was only one way this was going to end.
"Gordon!!" Alan cried over Gordon's hysterical laughter.
A quick place to his left confirmed that there was now cream all over Alan’s face, the can now in the hands of Virgil and from the look on Gordon’s face, he was getting a scowl from Grandma. He also caught Scott taking a quick sip from a hipflask before secreting it back into his pocket. John took a sip of his hot chocolate, sucking up a marshmallow, eyes gazing back at the night sky.
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