#fluffvember Azra
ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember day 13 - Bad End /Caught in the rain
With the long lifespan of Viera it was inevitable that Azra would see a morning without Artoirel at his side. Age didn't stop for anybody and even their Children now could have been mistaken for his elders.
It was painful even though he had long tried to prepare his heart for it. After many long years of living in one place, the Viera found himself back on the road, traveling alone and where ever the wind was taking him. And he knew his beloved would be with him, even if he could not see or feel him, he would always be in his heart.
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember day 4 - Royalty
just an excuse to put Artoirel in fancy clothes and have a date in grand cosmos really XD
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember Day 15 - Free day
Just have some "older" pictures I've taken of the two lovebirds
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember Day 19 - Vampire As if I could say no to Vampire!Artoirel XD
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember Day 16 - Goodbye Every night Azra tries to teleport home to sleep next to Artoirel, even if he is needed in different places. And every morning when he wakes up and gets ready, just before heading out he leans in one more time and whispers "Bye Darling, have a wonderful day and I see you tonight." before heading out to once again risk his life for the world his Husband lives in.
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember Day 8 -Thought I lost you
It had been several days, possibly a week since Azra had appeared out of nowhere late at night to crash in the room they always kept ready for him. Then early the next morning he had disappeared again without a word, the Fortemps shield on his back alongside his bow, that Artoirel had given him so long ago.
Since then Artoirel had felt restless, an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. So he found himself at the place he often came nowadays to think. Haurchefant's memorial.
For a while the young Count knelt in front of his brother's memorial, saying his prayers and just telling him about the developments in Ishgard. Then his mind fell silent and for a long moment there was no sound but the whispers of the wind.
You need to go.
A sudden warmth spread from his shoulder, almost like a gentle touch.
He needs you.
Artoirel didn't know if it was divine providence or simply his own mind playing tricks on him, but the tight feeling in his stomach grew stronger and as much as his upbringing dictated that he had to stay and take care of family affairs, Artoirel still began to run.
Run run run. Run to the next Aetheryte, the next opportunity to get to Limsa Lominsa and buy his way onto a boat heading for Old Sharlayan.
Every time he looked over the vast seas he prayed to Halone that he was not to late. That he would see Azra again and finally find the courage to tell him. Please let that deary morning not have been his last missed chance. How should he ever stand before Haurchefant again if he truly managed to miss his final opportunity to tell Azra that he loved him? ~~~
One thing Azra was very aware of since he had regained consciousness, was the pain in every single muscle of his body. Sure Alphinaud and Urianger had done their best to mend the worst of his wounds, but still his body was exhausted beyond believe.
All he wanted was to go home and see the smiling faces of his friends. It wouldn't feel real until he could see with his own eyes, that they were still save and sound. And then there was another thing. Artoirel's face flashed in his mind again as he thought back to those lonely moments as he had thought that his life was forfeit. That in exchange for saving his friends and family, he would be destined to take his last breaths at the edge of reality.
As he had looked back on his life in these moments, he had quickly realized that there was only one regret in his heart. His childish fear of telling Artoirel of his feelings. After causing Haurchefant's death, Azra had been terrified to let anybody too close, too worried that they would get pulled into the crossfire just like Haurchefant had. How could he show his face to Count Edmont if he managed to kill another of his children? He could never bear the pain that would cause the older Elezen.
„Come now. Let's get you to into a proper bed.“ Thancred spoke softly, a lopsided smile playing around his lips as he took Azra's right arm to place around his neck and support the Viera as they stepped out of the Ragnarok. Dacien was one of the first to welcome them home, immediately going in to embrace Estinien, partially to congratulate him and partially to make sure that his part time boyfriend was not hurt overly much.
Before they could move much farther they heard fast steps clanking on the metal floor and as Azra looked up to the entrance of the hangar, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Artoirel.
Heavily gasping for air and his hands on his knees, there was indeed Artoirel, looking straight at him.
Without another thought, Azra ran, his gaze fixed on the dark haired Elezen and his arms outstretched towards him he ran up the ramp, right into Artoirel's open arms. „I was afraid I had lost you.“ Artoirel spoke quietly, his voice heavy with emotion as he pressed his face against Azra's hair, his arms wrapped tightly around the Viera. „I love you.“
Tears ran silently along Azra's cheeks at those words. He had known, ever since he had witnessed an Echo of Artoirel and Haurchefant discussing the young Count's feelings for him, but to actually hear them, meant for his ears. It was different, something special.
„I love you too.“ He whispered almost reverently, the pain and exhaustion melting away for this one moment. Etheirys' future was safe, and he would make sure to kep it that way. So he could always return to Artoirel in his quiet moments.
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember Day 6 - Adopting a Pet Artoirel had not intended to get any pets, with both of them being as busy as they were. But when he returned one day, to Azra asleep in an armchair, carefully holding a fox cup he had saved Artoirel knew that if his fiancé asked him if they could keep it there was nothing for him to say but yes.
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember day 20 - Comfort
There are days where even the Warrior of Light doesn't have the strength to do anything but curl up with his hubby and just not change out of his pajamas. And that's perfectly okay.
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember Day 5 - Good Morning The thing Artoirel loves most when Azra has time to stay at Fortemps Manor is waking up next to him and watching him sleep peacefully.
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember Day 24 - Outfit/Job swap
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Day 2 of Fluffvember - Working together Whenever Azra has some free time to spend in Coerthas with his beloved he is more than happy to help Artoirel with his work. No matter if it is to make the roads of coarthas safer again or to carefully traverse the field of landmines that is Ishgardian's politics.
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember Day 3 - Nameday Surprise Being the music loving person he is, Artoirel decided that the first nameday present for his beloved fiancé had to be a new violin, as Azra's old one had unfortunately not survived the long journey to save their world.
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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When they met for the first time, Azra still struggled with the loss of his friends and the guilt of not making sure Alphinaud was ready to be a leader. Artoirel on the other hand was taken aback at how small and vulnerable this supposed mighty hero was. He was so unlike what his brother had described. Well... aside from his beauty. Haurchefant had not been lying about the adventurer's beauty.
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember Day 17 - Starlight have the cuties just looking at the stars
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember Day 10 - Date Night A lovely evening in Limsa Lominsa under a beautiful starry sky. What happened afterwards I'll leave to your colorful imagination ^_~
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember Day 23 - I'll carry you When Artoirel got hurt during a fight with a beast and couldn't walk properly, it was Azra's first instinct to offer to carry him back to Camp Dragonhead. Though he was eager to help his friend, the silence as he slowly trudged up the hill was rather... awkward.
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