#fmw 2022
alexlacquemanne · 5 months
La Course à l'échalote (1975) de Claude Zidi avec Pierre Richard, Jane Birkin, Michel Aumont, Marc Doelsnitz, Amadeus August, Henri Déus, Luis Rego et Catherine Allégret
La Septième Cible (1984) de Claude Pinoteau avec Lino Ventura, Lea Massari, Jean Poiret, Elizabeth Bourgine, Béatrice Agenin, Robert Hoffmann, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Roger Planchon et Francis Lemaire
Pierrot le Fou (1965) de Jean-Luc Godard avec Jean-Paul Belmondo, Anna Karina, Graziella Galvani, Dirk Sanders, Jimmy Karoubi, Roger Dutoit, Hans Meyer, Samuel Fuller et Raymond Devos
Downton Abbey II : Une nouvelle ère (Downton Abbey: A New Era) (2022) de Simon Curtis avec Hugh Bonneville, Maggie Smith, Elizabeth McGovern, Michelle Dockery, Nathalie Baye, Allen Leech et Tuppence Middleton
Orgueil et Préjugés (Pride & Prejudice) (2005) de Joe Wright avec Keira Knightley, Matthew Macfadyen, Simon Woods, Kelly Reilly, Rosamund Pike, Carey Mulligan, Talulah Riley, Donald Sutherland et Brenda Blethyn
Les Pleins Pouvoirs (Absolute Power) (1997) de et avec Clint Eastwood et Gene Hackman, Ed Harris, Laura Linney, Scott Glenn, Dennis Haysbert, Judy Davis et Penny Johnson Jerald
Prêt-à-porter (1994) de Robert Altman avec Marcello Mastroianni, Sophia Loren, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Kim Basinger, Chiara Mastroianni, Stephen Rea, Anouk Aimée, Forest Whitaker, Julia Roberts et Tim Robbins
Un jour (One Day) (2011) de Lone Scherfig avec Anne Hathaway, Jim Sturgess, Tom Mison, Rafe Spall, Jodie Whittaker, Romola Garai, Joséphine de La Baume et Patricia Clarkson
Adaline (The Age of Adaline) (2015) de Lee Toland Krieger avec Blake Lively, Michiel Huisman, Kathy Baker, Harrison Ford, Anthony Ingruber, Ellen Burstyn, Amanda Crew et Richard Harmon
Coffre à Catch
#161 : La DX à la ECW ?? - #162 : Summerslam 2009 en approche! - #163 : William Regal nous régale ! - #164 : Les chevaliers des 1000 likes ! - #165 : Qui se cache derrière le masque du Hurricane ??
Castle Saison 5
Pour le meilleur et pour le pire - Une soirée qui tue - Le Vice et la Vertu - Un choix cornélien - Faux-Semblants - La Cible - La Chasse - Morts de peur - Un passé insoupçonné - La Vie des autres - À la recherche de l'homme-singe - Protection rapprochée - Toute une histoire
Maguy Saison 3
Mal de maire - Chambre accouchée - Jument comme tu respires - Téléphone qui croyait prendre - Impair et deux belle-mères - L'éminence grippe - Sauve qui pneu ! - Voir un petit coup - Message californien - Le coffre effort - Kilt ou double - Rumeur au cerveau - Décibel et tais-toi - Le magicien d'hypnose - Cosmétiques en toc - Des plaies et des noces - Pub, pub, pub… hourrah ! - Un chiffon, fon, fon… - La layette, nous voilà - Gare au gourou ! - Noces à ronger - Talisman comme un arracheur de dents - La rosière arrosée - La strip-teaseuse de bonne aventure - La clé des mensonges - Surprise patrie - Le sponsor en est jeté - Ovni soit qui mal y pense - Adam et chèvre - Jerôme sweet Jerôme - Isabelle et la bête - Tel Pierre, tel fils - Apocalypse mômes - Les dons de la mère - La ruée vers l'art - La SICAV se rebiffe - Mort aux rafles - Bretteville au trésor - De briques et de brocs - Olé concentré - Dégâts des os - L'émoi d’août
La croisière s'amuse Saison 4, 5
Chapeau bas - La Voisine - Le Professeur - Jalousie - Bon Voyage - Une belle amitié - Qui perd gagne - Les Sirènes - Personnalité, vous avez dit personnalité ? - Les Jardins - L'habit ne fait pas la fille - Ne jouez pas avec les inconnus - Quelle classe - Nous étions deux - Incroyable Isaac - La Fille à papa - La Toque - Vicky s'amuse - Les trois font la paire : première partie - Isaac radioactif - Zeke et Zelda
Meurtres au paradis Saison 13
Carton plein - Un plat qui se mange froid - Court-circuit - Question d'avenir - La liste de souhaits
L'autre côté du ring Saison 3
Le procès des stéroïdes - Brutal : le FMW d'Onita - Extrême et obscène : l'XPW de Rob Black
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 23
Qui sème le vent - Effet domino
Biographies WWE Saison 2
Wrestlemania I
Alfred Hitchcock présente Saison 6,7
Le voleur plein de bonnes intentions - Instinct de survie
Kaamelott Livre V
Le Dernier Jour - Le Royaume Sans Tête - Jizô
Commissaire Moulin Saison 1
Ricochets - La surprise du chef - La Peur des autres
Top Gear France Saison 9
Ceux qui font du rallye - Ceux qui sauvent la planète - Ceux qui deviennent gangsters - Ceux qui ont fait n'importe quoi
Les Brigades du Tigre Saison 3
Bonnot et Compagnie - L'Homme à la casquette - Don de Scotland Yard - Le Cas Valentin - Le Crime du Sultan - L'Ère de la calomnie
Messieurs les jurés
L'Affaire Varney
Mademoiselle (1982) de Jacques Deval avec Jean Meyer, Rosy Varte, Jacqueline Jehanneuf, Anne Rondeleux, Bruno Constantin, Maurice Risch, Nicole Chollet, Dominique Blanche, Florence Fors, Jacques Maury et Bertrand Gohaud
The Morricone Duel (2020) du Danish National Symphony Orchestra
Live by Request: Earth Wind & Fire (1999)
Une femme trop honnête (1978) de Georges Vitaly avec Judith Magre, Bernard Lavalette, Francis Lax, Danièle Deray, Madeleine Barbulée, Jacques Verlier, Maurice Teynac et Christiane Muller
Daho Pleyel Paris (2008)
La commode aux tiroirs de couleurs d'Olivia Ruiz
Détective Conan, tome 21 de Gôshô Aoyama
Le privé d'Hollywood de François Rivière, José-Louis Bocquet et Philippe Berthet
Kaamelott, tome 4 : Perceval Et le Dragon d'Airain d'Alexandre Astier, Steven Dupré et Benoît Bekaert
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yamayoezokkuma · 2 years
中居正広さん年内休養を発表 [256556981]
451 番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ ff89-RPwI) 2022/12/02(金) 19:15:36.88 ID:/F3mNkTW0
01/09 海部俊樹 (第76・77代、内閣総理大臣)
01/10 水島新司 (漫画家・ドカベン、大甲子園等)
02/01 石原慎太郎 (第14-17代、東京都知事)
02/17 松鶴家千とせ (漫談家)
02/20 西郷輝彦 (俳優・辺見えみり実父)
03/03 西村京太郎 (推理作家・十津川警部シリーズ等)
03/14 宝田明 (俳優・映画ゴジラシリーズ等)
03/27 野田知佑 (作家・カヌーイスト)
03/30 宮崎学 (ノンフィクション作家・評論家)
03/31 山本圭 (俳優・ひとつ屋根の下シリーズ等)
04/07 藤子不二雄A (漫画家・忍者ハットリくん等)
04/16 柳生博 (司会者・俳優)
04/24 結城貢 (料理研究家・夕食ばんざい等)
05/01 イビチャ・オシム (元日本代表サッカー監督)
05/03 渡辺裕之 (俳優・リポビタンDのCM等)
05/11 上島竜兵 (お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部)
05/14 河村亮 (日本テレビアナウンサー)
05/29 ターザン後藤 (元全日本、FMWプロレスラー)
06/02 出井伸之 (ソニー株式会社最高経営責任者)
06/27 葛城ユキ (歌手・ボヘミアンのヒット)
06/28 佐野浅夫 (俳優・3代目水戸黄門役)
07/04 山本コウタロー (歌手・走れコウタローのヒット)
07/04 高橋和希 (漫画家・遊☆戯☆王作者)
07/06 青柳政司 (空手家・誠心会館館長)
07/08 安倍晋三 (第90・96-98代、内閣総理大臣)
07/16 若乃花幹士 (第56代横綱、2代目若乃花)
07/25 島田陽子 (女優)
08/01 市田ひろみ (服飾評論家・京番茶CM)
08/05 三宅一生 (ファッションデザイナー)
08/08 オリビア・ニュートン・ジョン (歌手)
08/11 森英恵 (ファッションデザイナー)
08/23 古谷一行 (俳優・金田一耕助シリーズ)
08/24 稲盛和夫 (京セラ・KDDI創業者)
08/30 ミハイル・ゴルバチョフ (ソビエト連邦大統領)
09/08 エリザベス女王 (エリザベス2世)
09/28 武村正義 (新党さきがけ代表)
09/30 三遊亭円楽 (落語家・元三遊亭楽太郎)
10/01 アントニオ猪木 (新日本プロレス創業者)
10/19 仲本工事 (ザ・ドリフターズメンバー)
10/21 工藤壮人 (サッカー選手・元日本代表)
11/11 村田兆治 (プロ野球選手・名球会投手)
11/12 大森一樹 (映画監督・ゴジラシリーズ等)
11/24 佐川一政 (作家・パリ人肉事件犯人)
11/27 崔洋一 (映画監督・「月はどっちに出ている」等)
11/30 江沢民 (中華人民共和国第5代国家主席)
12/02 渡辺徹 (俳優・司会者)
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gdwessel · 2 years
The Thrill Of Anticipation
[This was originally written back in February or March of 2022, pitched and accepted by FanFyte back when it was still a thing. It never ran, although I did get a kill fee for this, so in that respect I did get compensated. I miss FanFyte and I would have written for them forever. C’est la vie. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. If you want to see the match I am talking about, links are below after the piece.]
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As New Japan Pro Wrestling is in the midst of its 50th Anniversary year in 2022, one might be tempted to recount the glorious matches, brutal feuds and classic moments that made people become fans in the first place. However, as a quick look at this very website will tell you, wrestling is made up of a lot more weird ideas, goofiness, and noble failures than it is made up of classics.
NJPW’s founder Antonio Inoki is one of the greatest wrestlers and promoters ever to have graced the business. This much cannot be argued against. Inoki had a LOT of ideas about how pro wrestling can, could, and should be. Not every idea hit the mark. Occasionally, the reason was, the idea was way ahead of its time.
The Bed Of Nails match between Antonio Inoki v. Umanosuke Ueda that took place on 2/8/1978 at Tokyo Nippon Budokan, the penultimate night of that year’s New Years Golden Series tour, could definitely be seen as one of those Way Ahead Of Its Time ideas. But was it a bad match in of itself? That is debatable.
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First, some context for those not familiar with Inoki’s opponent on the night. Umanosuke Ueda was born Hiroshi Ueda on 6/20/1940 in Yatomi, Aichi Prefecture. His eventual ring name would come from a historical figure of the same name, a samurai who was part of the Shinsengumi, the shogun’s personal police force from 1863 – 1869. He debuted in 1961 for Japan’s original wrestling promotion, the Japan Pro Wrestling Alliance, whilst Rikidozan was still the top man in the company. He would also wrestle in Los Angeles and other NWA territories, bouncing around various promotions, including a brief stint in All Japan Pro Wrestling in 1973, and the IWE promotion in Japan, where he would briefly become an IWA World Heavyweight Champion.
What set Ueda apart in those days, were his look, his style, and his alliances. Ueda was the innovator of the bleached-blonde hair look in Japanese wrestling, which nowadays is pretty common, but in the early 1970s was considered scandalous in Japan. He was considered a “traitor heel,” not only because of his looks, but also his lawless brawling style. Wrestlers such as NJPW’s Tatsutoshi Goto and FMW’s Mr. Gannosuke would find inspiration in Ueda’s look and antics. More recently, NJPW talents Toru Yano and EVIL would be influenced by Ueda for their characters.
Then there was the matter of Ueda’s chosen partner by the time he arrived in New Japan in 1977 – the hated foreign nemesis, Tiger Jeet Singh. Inoki’s rivalry with Singh is pretty storied, and the combination of Singh and Ueda brought fan animosity that most heels would kill for in this age of wrestling. It’s worth noting, that the combo of Ueda & Singh were the first tandem to ever win titles in both NJPW and AJPW.
The pair ran roughshod, terrorizing NJPW, until the match was made for the biggest date of the 1978 New Years Golden Series. Antonio Inoki would face Umanosuke Ueda in a match where the ringside floor area would be covered by boards with nails sticking up from them. A decade before the advent of FMW, W*ING, and what we know now as deathmatch wrestling, and New Japan Pro Wrestling was running what they dubbed a “Nail Floor Death Match” in the hallowed halls of Budokan.
When you advertise a Bed Of Nails deathmatch, it comes with certain expectations in the modern fan’s mind. Did it meet those expectations? Well… not quite.
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The match started off as you’d figure. Ueda was seconded by Singh, both wearing matching red and white outfits (I think – the video quality wasn’t the greatest), complete with t-shirts reading CAPITAL on the front, with their names on the back of the shirts. Inoki meanwhile arrives in the ring in his customary robe and scarf. Inoki is presented with not one, but two floral bouquets in the ring. Ueda had to dodge trash being thrown at him. Clearly, ownership has its privileges.
A VERY BUFF REFEREE forces Singh to leave the ringside to much drama, as the match begins with some good ol’ RASSLIN. Inoki is the first to gain control here with an early enzuiguri that nearly sends Ueda over the ropes for the first tease of a spill into the nails, to the crowd’s delight.
Ueda manages to get Inoki on the ground with a double wristlock, but Inoki powers out of it, almost dumping Ueda over the ropes to the waiting nails below. More of the same comes when Inoki ducks a clothesline from Ueda, Ueda nearly falling over AGAIN, but that transitions into a Boston Crab from Inoki instead.
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The biggest moment of suspense comes as Ueda does finally get Inoki on the ground, and begins kicking him out of the ring, under the ropes, trying to get Inoki to fall. Inoki deftly hangs on to a rope for dear life, as the crowd screams, not wanting their hero to fall and injure himself in the nails below.
Inoki manages to get to his feet, and get himself around the ringpost to apply an armbar to Ueda through the ropes! This leads to a minute or so where it looks like BOTH Ueda and Inoki will go to the floor with the nails waiting for them. The crowd is on needles and pins, so to speak, eager to see whether or not one or both of these men will hit the floor.
Ultimately, Inoki and Ueda are both in the ring once more, as Inoki attacks Ueda’s arm and shoulder. This leads to a towel flying into the ring, as the bell rings, with Inoki winning via TKO. Inoki continues to attack Ueda’s arm, with Ueda with yet another tease to the outside. Ueda’s arm is put into a makeshift sling with the towel, once the VERY BUFF REF and Singh manage to get Inoki off the prone Ueda.
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Despite the stipulation, despite the teases and suspense, neither Antonio Inoki nor Umanosuke Ueda ever actually make it onto the boards of nails outside the ring. Was this a waste of a stipulation? Did the match fail because of this?
The answer is: it depends on what you were looking for to begin with.
Had this match taken place in the mid-90s, the time of Kawasaki Dream (aka “King Of The Deathmatch,” the infamous tournament won by Mick Foley) and exploding rings, there would have been, at minimum, three spots with Inoki, Ueda, or both going full on into the nails, blood gushing from them. No question about that. But by then, the definition of what a “deathmatch” was had changed.
Audience expectations had changed by then as well. In 1978, Bed Of Nails deathmatches were not common at all. Barbed wire matches were a thing, but usually with the wire wrapped around the existing ropes. Wrestlers were not shy about bleeding either, even back then.
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On the other hand, take a look at the horror genre. Some works are atmospheric, with fog and shadows, merely hinting at the terrors lurking, in order to create a mood of suspense. Others are gory, filled with jump-scares and visceral imagery. Neither are a wrong method, neither one is intrinsically superior to another. It all depends on what the expectations are, and what’s trying to be accomplished. The old Universal monster movies, FRIDAY THE 13TH and DARK WATER all work as horror, for many and varied reasons. For the pro wrestling audience in Budokan in February 1978, the mere anticipation of one of the two, or both, competitors MAYBE going into the nails was enough. And going back and watching the match, the fans were engaged and into the match all throughout. Sure, the danger was never actualized, so perhaps it fails the Chekhov’s Gun test. To the fans in Budokan, that didn’t matter.
Would the nail boards not being there in the first place have changed the match itself? Beyond a few spots, most likely not. All that said, the nails on the floor did add a little extra juice to it going in. (A very good example of a great Bed Of Nails deathmatch? Look up Ryuji Yamakawa v. Tomoaki Honma for the BJW Deathmatch Heavyweight Championship from 6/20/1999.)
Antonio Inoki liked to experiment. Experiments don’t always work. Perhaps the most infamous of his “deathmatches” was the Island Deathmatch, from 10/4/1987, a literally 2+-hour match on an island between Inoki v. Masa Saito. I don’t recommend it.
Of course, less than two years after Inoki’s “epic” on Ganryujima, Atsushi Onita would form Frontier Martial Arts Wrestling, and forever alter what a “deathmatch” meant to wrestling at large.
Inoki’s experiment on 2/8/1978 may not have worked through modern eyes, and modern expectations of that match stipulation. As a match, it was just fine. Sometimes, it’s the thought that counts.
 Links to the match: Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uamsWjxvIno
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDZHlAaYeXQ
Part 3:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBY8y1eacuc
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mirandamckenni1 · 8 months
We need to talk about Texas persecuting Kate Cox for her pregnancy... As expected following the overturn of Roe v. Wade in 2022, pregnant people - and particularly those with lethal anomalies - in hostile states are turning to the courts. My home state of Texas continues to be the absolute worst on this front, as Texas Dictator (oops I mean Attorney General) Ken Paxton personally inserts himself to exert pressure on hospitals and courts NOT to allow abortions even in the most extreme cases. Meet Kate Cox, a Texas woman who had a very wanted pregnancy with a diagnosis (Trisomy 18) that is lethal before, during, or shortly after birth almost every single time. Her case highlights the continued cruelty of hostile states post-Roe. Watch next: Republicans are torturing pregnant women with lethal diagnoses: https://youtu.be/fH8KQrP-FMw?si=NPcCw79Zh7oe5x4L One year after Roe: https://youtu.be/IqyN_G4D1Sk?si=WhRaJYK1oK5HOCk_ Debunking pro-life propaganda: https://youtu.be/rcNcoPQFsr0?si=m034-oU8cmOLShEX Original TX abortion ban explanation: https://youtu.be/zjB5Jakytyc?si=W1FDmxyxqolM8Fpj Texas Tribune articles on Kate Cox: Dec. 5: https://ift.tt/SRUz8Ao Dec. 7: https://ift.tt/4xdkzn6 Dec. 8: https://ift.tt/uCK9GjH Dec. 11: https://ift.tt/OVnSIqk Dec. 13: https://ift.tt/huaS67o Case of conjoined twins in Texas: https://ift.tt/WycexMk Become a channel Membryo to connect & access perks! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrPhcbDwqWRc-3tteE2BS6g/join MDJ Secret Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAkrMPc856DvoxX99IyGYmw 🍑🍆 Beducated is an INCREDIBLE platform with inclusive, evidence-based courses on pleasure - use my affiliate link https://ift.tt/1jbAIUr and gift yourself with education you'll enjoy for life. 👅💦 I stream on Twitch weekly (usually Sundays): https://ift.tt/cdWlIf8 - Playlist of full-length Twitch streams for channel membryos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVH2Gpf8wKeRO7TL3vfzJkfsF9eHmQGkP FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL: Instagram: https://ift.tt/xj7Sz8E Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mamadoctorjones TikTok: https://ift.tt/6oT9tur ** The information in this video is intended to serve as educational information and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/advanced practice provider. ** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEfYH446uMQ
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reveal-the-news · 2 years
New to The Street Announces its Five Business Guest Interviews, Episode #416 Airs on Bloomberg TV, Tonight, Thursday, December 8, 2022, at 9:30 PM PT as a Sponsored Program
New to The Street Announces its Five Business Guest Interviews, Episode #416 Airs on Bloomberg TV, Tonight, Thursday, December 8, 2022, at 9:30 PM PT as a Sponsored Program
FMW Media Works Corp New to The Street Announces its Five Business Guest Interviews, Episode #416 Airs on Bloomberg TV, Tonight, Thursday, December 8, 2022, at 9:30 PM PT as A Sponsored Programming New to The Street will air the following five (5) interviews: 1).VRM BioLogik Group (VRM) 2). American Rebel, Inc. (NASDAQ: AREB) ($AREB) 3). – Coastal Kapital, LLC 4). Law Firm Anthony L.G., PLLC…
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petnews2day · 2 years
New to The Street TV Announces Four Corporate Interviews on
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/Fsl1
New to The Street TV Announces Four Corporate Interviews on
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NEW YORK, Nov. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FMW Media’s New to The Street TV, a nationally syndicated TV show, announces episode #407 airing on the Fox Business Network tonight, Monday, November 14, 2022, at 10:30 PM PT. New to The Street is featuring the following five (5) Companies and their representatives: 1). Real-Estate – Soho […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/Fsl1 #PetCharitiesNews
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eileen-crys · 2 years
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This is my entry for Freddie Mercury Weekend 2022, organised by the dear @a-froger-epic and @freddie-mercury-rising 🥰💕💕💕
I'm not that good at writing Freddie, I know, but I wanted to try again. This time not in a Jimercury setting, but I still love to focus on his generous and supportive side and tried to write a bit about his friendship with John. It's just a little drabble so maybe it's not that deep but I hope you'll like it anyway!
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a-froger-epic · 2 years
I finally have some free time tonight, oh my god! *dives into remaining Freddie Weekend fic*
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hellkustom · 2 years
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More pics here:
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fooltrumpcom · 2 years
Sunday shows on newsmax
Sunday shows on newsmax
Jun 17, 2022 · NEW YORK, June 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FMW Media’s New To The Street / Newsmax TV announces the broadcasting line-up of its national syndicated 1-hour TV show this Sunday, June 19, 2022. 1 day ago · Russia said on Sunday its forces had hit a Ukrainian warship and a weapons store in Odesa with its high-precision missiles. The deal signed by Moscow and Kyiv on Friday was hailed…
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petnews2day · 2 years
New to The Street TV Announces Four Corporate Interviews on its 407th Show Airing on the Fox Business Network, Tonight, Monday, November 14, 2022, at 10:30 PM PT
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/jNIg
New to The Street TV Announces Four Corporate Interviews on its 407th Show Airing on the Fox Business Network, Tonight, Monday, November 14, 2022, at 10:30 PM PT
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FMW Media Works Corp New to The Street TV Announces Four Corporate Interviews on its 407th Show Airing on the Fox Business Network, Tonight, Monday, November 14, 2022, at 10:30 PM PT Featuring the following: 1). Soho Properties 2). GroveToken (CRYPTO: GRV) ($GRV) 3). The Sustainable Green Team (OTC: SGTM) ($SGTM) and VRM BioLogik Group […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/jNIg #PetFinancialNews
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petnews2day · 2 years
New to The Avenue / Newsmax TV Declares 9 Company Interviews on This Week's TV Broadcast, Sunday, November 13, 2022, Hour Slot 10-11 AM ET
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-financial-news/new-to-the-avenue-newsmax-tv-declares-9-company-interviews-on-this-weeks-tv-broadcast-sunday-november-13-2022-hour-slot-10-11-am-et/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social
New to The Avenue / Newsmax TV Declares 9 Company Interviews on This Week's TV Broadcast, Sunday, November 13, 2022, Hour Slot 10-11 AM ET
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FMW Media Works Corp New to The Avenue / Newsmax TV Declares 9 Company Interviews on This Week’s TV Broadcast, Sunday, November 13, 2022, Hour Slot 10-11 AM ET Present options the next: 1).Soho Properties 2). GroveToken (CRYPTO: GRV) ($GRV) 3). The Sustainable Inexperienced Crew (OTC: SGTM) ($SGTM) and VRM BioLogik Group 4). PetVivo Holdings, […]
See full article at https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-financial-news/new-to-the-avenue-newsmax-tv-declares-9-company-interviews-on-this-weeks-tv-broadcast-sunday-november-13-2022-hour-slot-10-11-am-et/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social #PetFinancialNews
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