#fnaf chassica
fnafsilvereyes · 5 months
John: Were you staring at Charlie’s ass earlier?
Jessica: Well I’m certainly not going to stare at yours or Carlton’s
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phantomss-pain · 4 months
Just going to salty post for a second here. Since so many people say Jessica is such a better love interest for Charlie than John is I have to ask, why the fuck is there hardly any content of them? Like with how common of an opinion it is surely there would be more stuff of those two?
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yukkue · 6 months
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phantomss-pain · 10 months
Jess x charlie proposal ^^
Charlie was getting restless. Jessica was late and it was driving her insane. Of course Charlie was used to her girlfriend being late, it was one of Jessica’s little quirks, but this was ridiculous.
Jessica should have arrived an hour ago yet she wasn’t here. Normally Charlie wouldn’t mind Jessica being late but she hadn’t seen Jessica in over a month as her girlfriend had been on a business trip. It didn’t help that Charlie had something that she wanted to ask Jessica.
As Charlie looked up at the living room clock she couldn’t help but pull out a ring that she had tucked into one of her jean pockets and looked at it. Recently her twin brother Sammy had gotten married to his long time boyfriend Carlton and it had got Charlie thinking about her relationship with Jessica.
The two had been dating a lot longer than Cartlon and Sammy yet those two had gotten married before them. It had really made Charlie realise something that she hadn’t thought about before.
She wanted to be with Jessica for the rest of her life.
After everything that she had been through Jessica was always there for her. With that in her mind Charlie knew that she had to fully cement her love for Jessica by proposing to her. Yet Jessica was taking her sweet time getting back home.
Thankfully for her sanity Charlie wouldn’t have to wait much longer as five minutes later she heard a ring at the doorbell. Charlie immediately jumped up from the sofa, quickly tucked the ring back into her pocket and sprinted towards the door. The moment she unlocked the door and opened it Charlie was immediately grabbed by the neck and pulled into a kiss.
Smiling Charlie melted into the kiss and kissed back her hands dropping down to the person’s waist. The two held their kiss for a few more seconds before Charlie pulled away to see Jessica after so long.
“Hey Sunshine.” Charlie gently said.
“Heya Charlie.” Jessica smiled back. “How are you doing?”
Charlie felt a slight blush begin to form on her face. “Better now that you’re here.”
“Ohhhh how cute.” Jessica replied with a teasing tone in her voice. “Now am I allowed to come inside my own home?”
“Of course you are me lady.”
Before Charlie could blink Jessica quickly grabbed her hand, slammed the door shut and sprinted towards the sofa. Jessica threw Charlie onto the sofa and immediately pounced on her girlfriend grabbing her checks pulling her into a passionate kiss.
Charlie kissed back but she was no match for Jessica’s sheer excitement to be back home so she let Jessica take control. Jessica knew this so she did everything she could to take advantage of her girlfriend’s submission. She kissed Charlie’s neck while her hands moved over to Charlie’s breasts and gave them a squeeze.
“Jess.” Charlie moaned. “Can we not do this right now?”
“What do you mean?” Jessica innocently asked. “I’m just showing off how much I’ve missed you.”
Charlie just scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Sure.”
“I’m being completely truthful here Char.” Jessica purred, running one of her fingers around Charlie’s chest. “I’m only showing off my love for you.”
“Alright I believe you.” Charlie replied. “But can we go for a walk before this escalates further?”
Jessica looked at Charlie confused at what she had said. “Um sure why not.”
“Great.” Charlie said beaming as her plan was finally going into motion.
After a relaxing drive towards the walk path the two parked the car and Charlie immediately went to hold Jessica’s hand with Jessica holding her’s back. Charlie smiled as the two walked in silence just enjoying each other’s company.
It felt right doing this before proposing. Going on long walks was something that the two used to do back when they were just simple roommates so it felt natural. There was some small talk here and there with Charlie mentioning how good Sammy and Carlton’s wedding was despite Jessica missing it while Jessica talked about her job.
Eventually the two walked up a hill that they have climbed up so many times before finally stopping at the top of it where a lonely tree stood. Charlie rested her head on Jessica’s left shoulder and the two watched over the distance in silence. As they did Charlie could recall the many times they walked up here before something big happened to them. It was their special spot.
“Hey Jess.” Charlie softly said. “Can I ask you something?”
“Funny you should say that but I’ve got a question as well.” Jessica replied.
Charlie looked up at Jessica. “Okay you go first.”
“Well with me being away for a month a lot of things have been on my mind.” Jessica said. “Mostly to do with us.”
“And…” Jessica paused. “I was going to do this back home but now that we are here I’ll do it.”
Charlie felt her heart rushing. Jessica wasn’t going to was to do it was she?
Pulling away Jessica went down onto her one knee and pulled out a small ring from her pocket. “Charlotte Emily, will you marry me?”
A moment of silence past as Charlie felt her eyes begin to tear up. At first Jessica got nervous and was about to apologise but Charlie quickly spoke up.
“You fucking dick.” Charlie bluntly said. “Of course you had to ask that question.” Noticing Jessica’s sudden look of shock and horror Charlie continued on with her slowly getting on one knee as well. “You just had to ask that question when I was about to do the same thing.”
Charlie finished by pulling out her own ring. The two looked at each other with tears begin to stream down their faces. They didn’t even move a muscle until Jessica grabbed Charlie’s face once again and pressed her lips against hers. Just like before Charlie melted as the two embraced each other. Not a word spoken until a few minutes went by before Charlie broke the silence up.
“I hope when you said that you were going to do this at home you didn’t mean after sex right?” Charlie asked.
“N-No of course.” Jessica spluttered clearly lying. “That would be-“
“That would be a you thing to do.” Charlie laughed.
“Charlie.” Jessica softly whispered.
“Yes sunshine.”
“I love you.”
“And I love you too.”
With that the two leaned in kissing each other ready for the next stage of their relationship.
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phantomss-pain · 9 months
This is me just throwing shit at the window so idk if I’ll actually do this but I’m thinking about organising like three weeks worth of like content around Charlie and her ships with Jessica and Michael.
So have one week focused on Charlie by herself.
One week about Marlie and then one week for Chassica. Idk how that sounds or if I’ll even do it but I’ll see.
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phantomss-pain · 10 months
Based off a conversation I had with @yukkue but Jessica and Michelle would find Charlie super hot in a mechanic outfit and would always find ways to be around Charlie as she’s working on the animatronics.
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phantomss-pain · 10 months
When Charlie falls ill she really suffers as she has a weak immune system so both Jessica and Michelle take days off work to take care of their girlfriend. A lot of snuggles and kisses are shared
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phantomss-pain · 11 months
Jessica is a sloppy drunk and often gets wasted at party events so Charlie has to try her hardest to contain her girlfriend’s habits and doesn’t drink because of it.
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phantomss-pain · 5 months
Handcannons about Michelle X Jessica X Charlie?
(You can include smut-related content if you want)
Oh I have so many headcanons about these stupid lesbians but I’ll do only a few.
Charlie is the most tomboyish in the relationship with Jessica being more feminine and Michelle being a mix of the two.
Jessica has more experience in a relationship and in bed compared to Charlie and Michelle.
When Michelle came out to William and got kicked out the house (he found a way to get rid of her as he already didn’t like her) she went to live with Jessica and Jessica’s parents supported her.
Jessica has the least amount of issues compared to her two partners as Charlie suffers from Anxiety and Michelle has a whole bunch of shit.
Nsfw warning here:
Charlie is a boobs person and loves touching her girlfriend’s big chests. Michelle is more of an ass person.
They are all switches but Charlie is more of a power bottom than the two of them.
Jessica has a high sex drive so the girls normally go at it once a week.
The three each have different places where they like fucking. Michelle and Charlie like having shower sex, Michelle and Jess like doing office sex and Charlie and Jess just do it whenever they want in different places.
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yukkue · 4 months
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some girls hairstyles
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yukkue · 10 months
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feeling nice today have some doodles and idk give me some art ideas guys
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yukkue · 8 months
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I need them in my life
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yukkue · 8 months
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They kinda cute not gonna lie
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yukkue · 4 months
Art ask game again 🏳️‍🌈 for Charlie, Jessica and Michelle again lol
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yukkue · 11 months
So here two questions. What are Charlie and Jessica’s sexualities? Also how did the two start dating?
Jess is lesbian. I know she did canonically date a guy but I do consider it being her exploring stage
Charlie is bi/demisexual
And I can’t really tell you how they started dating since I am doing a comic and that would be a spoiler :/
I can talk about it just not on tumblr right now 🥰🥰
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yukkue · 4 months
Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
How are the lesbians celebrating?
Gay sex.
Jesssica like:
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