#phantom prompts
phantomss-pain · 10 months
Prompt from @connectionterminated13 is done so here it is.
Death Swap prompt
It was Midnight before Charlie finally got up from her bed and grabbed the basement door key that was alone in her top drawer. Though before she went down to the basement Charlie quietly checked around the house for something or more accurately someone.
Since moving from her old apartment and into this new bigger house Charlie had begun double checking every inch of the property. She didn’t use to be like this but recently there was something that Charlie needed to protect and she knew there was someone that threatened what she held so dearly to her.
Sighing as she did Charlie quickly checked all the security cameras that surrounded the house with there thankfully being no signs of anyone being on her property. After that Charlie quietly walked around the house and went to one of the other bedrooms where her roommates rested.
Opening the door Charlie saw that her roommates Elizabeth and her girlfriend Susie were happily sleeping with Susie’s dog Sunday on the bed as well. Charlie couldn’t help but smile slightly before closing the door.
After another check with the security cameras Charlie went to the basement door and unlocked the door. The moment when she opened the door Charlie could immediately hear the sound of wires scurrying around in the basement.
“Michael, it’s me.” Charlie gently called out. “You don’t have to be worried.”
The shuffling stopped before a robotic voice croaked out in response.
“Charlie?” The voice asked, its tone filled with caution.
“Yes Michael it’s me.” Charlie repeated as she turned on one of the basement lights so she had some bit of light. “You don’t have to worry about anything.”
As she walked down the stairs she tried to examine the basement to try and find where Michael was but there was no sight of him. The basement was basically a bedroom as there was a bed, a closet and some drawers. There was a reason for this. That reason being that the basement belonged to the one thing that Charlie swore to protect to her dying breath.
Her old friend Michael Afton.
‘Oh Michael.’ Charlie thought to herself. She knew that Michael was hiding from her. Probably worried that it wasn’t actually her and instead an imposter. She couldn’t blame him especially with the horrors that he had to deal with for several years.
Looking around the room Charlie noticed that the closet was slightly open.
“Mikey you don’t have to hide from me.” Charlie gently said.
“If you’re Charlie then tell me what was the first movie we went to when we first started dating?” Michael asked.
“A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 Freddy’s Revenge.” Charlie replied with a small smile forming on her face as the memories of their small date began to surface. “I remember we both ranted about how the film completely messed up how Freddy works.”
She chuckled at the memory. “I even remember that I apologized to you for apparently wasting your time with that film and you just kissed me to shut me up saying that you did enjoy the film but it wasn’t as good as the first one.”
Before she realized it Charlie felt a few tears forming on her face. Quickly she whipped them away just as Michael crawled out from under the bed. His metal
“You still remember that?” Michael asked, sitting back on the bed.
Charlie just smiled at the robot. “I can’t forget that experience. Not after you ‘accidentally’ spilled some of your soda onto Nicole’s hair after she made rude remarks about me.”
Through his robot mask Charlie could see a small tiny smile quickly form on his face before it just as quickly disappeared.
“She deserved it.” Michael mumbled.
“Yeah she did.” Charlie replied.
There was an awkward silence before Charlie eventually moved towards the bed and sat down next to Michael. The pair sat in silence again but Michael broke the silence.
“Charlie, why are you here?” He asked.
Charlie turned her head to look at Michael. “Because I want to talk to you about something.”
“What’s that?”
“How would you feel if I built you a robotic human body?” Charlie asked, her hand slowly moved over to Michael’s knees. “How does that sound?”
There was a pause. Michael was obviously debating it in his mind but it wasn’t long before Michael answered the question.
Charlie had to do a double take at that answer. “What do you mean no?”
“Don’t bother with it.” Michael replied. “I don’t deserve it.”
“What do you mean you don’t deserve it?” Charlie asked again.
“Because I’m a monster.” Michael continued. “I’ve killed so many people. So many innocent kids I’ve just slaughtered…”
“But that wasn’t your doing.” Charlie interrupted. “That was Baby’s programming and you had no control over it.”
“But I still did it!” Michael shouted standing up from the bed making Charlie flinch at his outburst. “I still killed them. I still brought them to a fucking torture chamber and sent them insane! I even killed my own sister and turned her into a zombie.”
Michael fell down to his knees collapsing under the weight of what he had done. “I don’t deserve to get this chance at disguising myself as a human when I’ve done so many horrible things.”
If Michael could cry Charlie knew he would be in tears at the moment. Not that she would blame him. He had witnessed so many horrors and against his own will took part in them.
It was hard for Charlie to see him like this. When he was alive Michael was the most confident person she knew. Nothing would or could bring him down. It was part of the reason for why she loved him so much. If she was down or too busy wallowing in her survivors guilt about Sammy or her friends Michael would always pick her up.
So seeing him on his knees cursing himself for stuff that was out of his control hurt Charlie in more ways than she could describe.
“Michael.” Charlie softly said as she slid down to her knees to become level with Michael. “You aren’t a monster.”
“Why do you keep saying that?” Michael asked. “Why do you even care? You probably have a boyfriend and that’s more important than me.”
Charlie couldn’t help herself but chuckle at the comment. “Do you really think that I could get a boyfriend and abandon you?”
“Yeah.” Michael replied, sounding like a hurt child.
“You really overestimate me that much.” Charlie joked.
“What do you mean?”
“Michael, even if I had a boyfriend I would still try and help you.” Charlie continued.
“But look at me.” Michael replied pulling down the hood that covered his face showing all the wiring and the mask. “Why waste your time on me.”
“Because I made a promise to you.” Charlie said, her tone was still soft but it was very serious all the same. “I made a promise that no matter what I would look after you and Elizabeth. I failed you once and I’m not going to fail you again.”
“No buts Michael. I will help you no matter what and that’s a promise.”
There was another pause where the two just stared at each before Michael tackled Charlie into a hug and embraced her.
“Do you understand now?” Charlie whispered as she hugged him back.
“Slightly.” Michael replied back, making Charlie smile.
“That’s a start.” Charlie said, pulling away from the hug and gave Michael a little kiss on the top of his mask. “Do you want to rest now?”
“As in… sharing the same bed together?” Michael asked.
“Don’t make it weird you doofus.” Charlie laughed as she took off her jacket. “We can just cuddle together and maybe we can fall asleep together like old times.”
“Yeah cuddles sound good.” Michael softly replied.
The two both went under the covers of the bed with Charlie snuggling up to Michael who didn’t know what to do.
The pair just laid there in silence embracing each other like they had before back when they were teenagers. It wasn’t long after that Charlie closed her eyes and fell asleep having the greatest nights rest that she had experienced in many many years.
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The Viewers
Danny and Tucker move in together for college in Gotham
Tucker decided to make tiktoks just for fun, he could teach people about technology and help give tips.
He didn't realize that his viewers could see Danny in the background in some clips.
Danny being Danny was never caught doing something normal instead it was always something weird.
Tucker: "So you just switch this piece here-"
Danny in the background more than half his body in the fridge, the fridge is very noticeably growling
Tucker who is so used to it, it doesn't even register in his mind that it's not normal.
Tucker fan-boying about the new Wayne tech
His viewers looking behind him at Danny
Danny running around fighting his food which is also growling & flying
Tucker modifying his tech for the viewers
Danny's voice in the distance: "Bye Tuck, I need to go soup this guy real quick!"
Viewers: "Cannibalism?!"
Tucker: "Ah yes a very normal video!"
His viewers watching Danny:
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Just an Idea
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stars-obsession-pit · 16 days
“Mom, why do you think ghosts are intrinsically evil?”
“It’s what the science says, of course!”
“No, I mean like, what were the studies? What did they actually observe”
“Ohh, I get what you mean, Danny! Well across all reputable reports of encounters with the ghosts strong enough to matter, they’ve always attacked first and never responded to attempts at communication! There’s no reason for them to do that if they’re not evil!”
Danny, learning about Ghost Speak and how humans can’t understand it: hmm.
Danny, learning that ghosts greet each other and bond by fighting: hmmm.
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jaybirbie · 22 days
DP x DC Prompt.
>Danny had a problem. He thought he handled it well. He couldn't tell his civillian boyfriend of his half-dead status.
He definitely couldn't let him find out by being summoned by some culty wannabes who wanted to rule the world.
Easy solution: Volunteer to be the sacrifice, turn his eyes green, and act like a Royal prick and powerful being. Get rescued by one of Gothams 50 vigilantes. And claim no memory.
Boom, secret identity underwraps.
He didn't expect everyone to treat him so fragile after.
Damian also had a problem. That problem, being his civilian boyfriend, was obviously possessed by a spirit of the ghastly ghost king and was utterly clueless about it.
And it was all his fault.
Danny Fenton was the next June Moore/ Enchantress. Except he was hosting one of the most powerful beings in the universe.
And that lovable idiot had no damn idea about it.
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sonrium · 21 days
DP × DC The Power of Names Coffee Shop AU
Coffee shops are notorious for misspelling peoples names to the point that it's a running joke and basically a forgone conclusion everywhere. Everywhere except this tiny coffee shop near Crime Alley. The new hire there, Danny, spells everybody's name correctly without having to ask. Whether it's "Carly" or "Karly," he always gets it right the first time. Heck, people give him their names in Chinese and Arabic, and he swaps to the correct alphabet, no problem (because Danny, being king of the dead, can speak all languages dead and living, so might as well be respectful).
It becomes a bit of a running joke in the community to give Danny the craziest names they can find to see if he can get them right. Some of the Bats even hear rumors about him and give it a go for fun. They make a game out of it to see who can find a language or alphabet that Danny can't get. That is until, while massively sleep deprived from a case involving cults and magic and getting nowhere, Tim accidently says one of the words that he'd been hearing in the cultist chants when he orders. Danny gives him an odd look but shrugs and writes something on the cup. It isn't until Tim has already left the shop that he realizes that the symbol written on his cup is one shown in the cultists scrolls he couldn't decipher.
Tim almost dropped his coffee. Danny wasn't just a human who knew a ton of languages, he must have been a meta with the ability to understand EVERY language. And the Bats desperately needed his help to crack this one before the cultist finished summoning whatever demon or disaster they had planned. But how to get the kid's help? From idle chatter while ordering, the Bats learned that Danny wanted nothing to do with the Gotham vigilantes. And Tim had already given his connection to this case away by spewing that word written on his cup...
(I like to imagine the name Tim gave was something like "corn field" and that's why Danny looked at him funny and not because it's one of the languages of the dead)
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stealingyourbones · 13 days
Danny is gravely injured by the GIW, his voice box is severely damaged.
Making use of his own voice is impossible, but through some ghostly means Danny doesn’t quite understand, he can mimic others voices he hears just fine.
It’s a ghostly ability he found out he had a few years ago, with just a sentence or two heard he can do a flawless impression of that person. Now it’s not so flawless. The mimicked voice warps and fluctuates pitch, it’s crackly and he has a hard time not switching between multiple voices with every sentence he speaks.
His voice is reduced to an uncanny frankenstined attempt at speech that activates the average persons fight or flight response.
It’s no surprise that Superman is startled when he calls out for survivors while freeing the ghostly captives and a “not a deer” version of his own voice responds back.
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savanir · 2 months
DP x DC prompt [15]
Danny accepts that because of his half dead status he won't be able to become an astronaut and he has to find a different way to feed his space obsession.
He decides to get really into astromancy (yes, the magic. He already knows everything about astronomy). He gets himself the more spiritual star charts, old surprisingly authentic tomes about the art and divination cards to go with it all and gets to learning.
Tbh he kind of went into this not expecting much but it turns out he had homo magus heritage from his Nightingale roots and he actually manages to call upon the power of the stars.
He figures he can blame the vaporized wall on ghosts.
Meanwhile, a foreboding feeling like cold shivers run down the spines of several magic users that they can only describe as "a child having figured out they need to switch off the safety on their mini nuke launcher in order to fire it"
The JLD is scrambling to locate the source of the surge in magic power before someone with bad intentions can get there.
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wanologic · 3 months
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in no way was civility achieved
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corkinavoid · 3 months
DPxDC Healing Factor
Danny Fenton is a little shit, everyone knows that. Now, consider he is medically inaccurate, but on purpose, and it makes everyone question their life.
Because he has an accelerated healing factor. He is also a ghost and his bones are nonexistent half the time. He may look like a human, he may act like a human, but he is not really one, and he forgets about it sometimes. Or maybe he's just fucking with everyone.
So imagine he got caught up in a fight in Gotham, Crime Alley to be exact, and he fist fought some robbers or muggers or whoever. Then Red Hood comes to save the day, and when he asks this teenage scrawny boy who looks like he doesn't even know what taxes are, is he okay, Danny just
Spits a bloody clot on the floor, looks at it for a moment, and goes, "Oh. That's a tooth," with little to no emotion to it. Jason is now concerned because it kind of looks like the boy is concussed. But that's definitely a tooth on the floor, yes.
"Shouldn't you be more worried about it?"
Danny shrugs nonchalantly, "Why should I? It's gonna grow back."
"You know how when you are a baby, your teeth fall out, and then you get new teeth? So since I lost one, a new one's gonna grow out," Danny explains, and Jason is not even sure what to say because, first, no, that's not how it works, and second, who the fuck doesn't know that at fifteen? Has this boy ever been to dentist?
"Kid, no, you only get two sets of teeth," he carefully tells him, "Baby teeth and adult teeth. That's it, no more teeth, you're not a shark."
Danny blinks at him slowly. Then, he reaches inside his mouth with his fingers, touches his teeth, and shrugs, "How come it's back already then?"
Before Jason can ask anything, the boy opens his mouth to reveal a perfect set of teeth. Nothing is missing. He looks back to the floor, and, yup, that's a tooth there.
But no teeth are missing.
What the fuck.
"Wanna keep it to offer to the tooth fairy? No one said she only takes your teeth," the boy asks him.
Later, Danny calls Jazz with a single purpose of telling her he is now a shark and hanging up on her.
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raynewolferune · 2 months
DC x DP Prompt: Bruce is bad at emoting but at least ghosts are empathic (too bad bat kids are not)
Was reading Twincognito on AO3 when I stumbled across this gem again:
" “Danny, Tim. I was just…checking in. Is everything alright?” Curse his inability to make meaningful conversation when it wasn’t a life or death situation.
They glanced at each other and shrugged.
Then Danny hauled himself out of the bed and walked over to Bruce.
Bruce tried not to let too much excitement show on his face. "
Now I really want to read a story where Bruce adopts Danny post Meta trafficking and is being his usual emotionally constipated self. His kids keep getting mad at him because he's treating their new meta brother who was trafficked poorly (generally being stilted in conversation with him, walking away hurriedly mid-conversation, avoiding Danny when he's feeling really awkward, etc). They think Bruce is discriminating against Danny for being a civilian, meta, dealer's pick, but really it's just Bruce being horribly socially awkward. Danny knows this because of ghost empathy and find the whole thing hilarious. The whole thing comes to a head with the Bat Kids staging an intervention in the Bat Cave.
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phantomss-pain · 10 months
Jess x charlie proposal ^^
Charlie was getting restless. Jessica was late and it was driving her insane. Of course Charlie was used to her girlfriend being late, it was one of Jessica’s little quirks, but this was ridiculous.
Jessica should have arrived an hour ago yet she wasn’t here. Normally Charlie wouldn’t mind Jessica being late but she hadn’t seen Jessica in over a month as her girlfriend had been on a business trip. It didn’t help that Charlie had something that she wanted to ask Jessica.
As Charlie looked up at the living room clock she couldn’t help but pull out a ring that she had tucked into one of her jean pockets and looked at it. Recently her twin brother Sammy had gotten married to his long time boyfriend Carlton and it had got Charlie thinking about her relationship with Jessica.
The two had been dating a lot longer than Cartlon and Sammy yet those two had gotten married before them. It had really made Charlie realise something that she hadn’t thought about before.
She wanted to be with Jessica for the rest of her life.
After everything that she had been through Jessica was always there for her. With that in her mind Charlie knew that she had to fully cement her love for Jessica by proposing to her. Yet Jessica was taking her sweet time getting back home.
Thankfully for her sanity Charlie wouldn’t have to wait much longer as five minutes later she heard a ring at the doorbell. Charlie immediately jumped up from the sofa, quickly tucked the ring back into her pocket and sprinted towards the door. The moment she unlocked the door and opened it Charlie was immediately grabbed by the neck and pulled into a kiss.
Smiling Charlie melted into the kiss and kissed back her hands dropping down to the person’s waist. The two held their kiss for a few more seconds before Charlie pulled away to see Jessica after so long.
“Hey Sunshine.” Charlie gently said.
“Heya Charlie.” Jessica smiled back. “How are you doing?”
Charlie felt a slight blush begin to form on her face. “Better now that you’re here.”
“Ohhhh how cute.” Jessica replied with a teasing tone in her voice. “Now am I allowed to come inside my own home?”
“Of course you are me lady.”
Before Charlie could blink Jessica quickly grabbed her hand, slammed the door shut and sprinted towards the sofa. Jessica threw Charlie onto the sofa and immediately pounced on her girlfriend grabbing her checks pulling her into a passionate kiss.
Charlie kissed back but she was no match for Jessica’s sheer excitement to be back home so she let Jessica take control. Jessica knew this so she did everything she could to take advantage of her girlfriend’s submission. She kissed Charlie’s neck while her hands moved over to Charlie’s breasts and gave them a squeeze.
“Jess.” Charlie moaned. “Can we not do this right now?”
“What do you mean?” Jessica innocently asked. “I’m just showing off how much I’ve missed you.”
Charlie just scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Sure.”
“I’m being completely truthful here Char.” Jessica purred, running one of her fingers around Charlie’s chest. “I’m only showing off my love for you.”
“Alright I believe you.” Charlie replied. “But can we go for a walk before this escalates further?”
Jessica looked at Charlie confused at what she had said. “Um sure why not.”
“Great.” Charlie said beaming as her plan was finally going into motion.
After a relaxing drive towards the walk path the two parked the car and Charlie immediately went to hold Jessica’s hand with Jessica holding her’s back. Charlie smiled as the two walked in silence just enjoying each other’s company.
It felt right doing this before proposing. Going on long walks was something that the two used to do back when they were just simple roommates so it felt natural. There was some small talk here and there with Charlie mentioning how good Sammy and Carlton’s wedding was despite Jessica missing it while Jessica talked about her job.
Eventually the two walked up a hill that they have climbed up so many times before finally stopping at the top of it where a lonely tree stood. Charlie rested her head on Jessica’s left shoulder and the two watched over the distance in silence. As they did Charlie could recall the many times they walked up here before something big happened to them. It was their special spot.
“Hey Jess.” Charlie softly said. “Can I ask you something?”
“Funny you should say that but I’ve got a question as well.” Jessica replied.
Charlie looked up at Jessica. “Okay you go first.”
“Well with me being away for a month a lot of things have been on my mind.” Jessica said. “Mostly to do with us.”
“And…” Jessica paused. “I was going to do this back home but now that we are here I’ll do it.”
Charlie felt her heart rushing. Jessica wasn’t going to was to do it was she?
Pulling away Jessica went down onto her one knee and pulled out a small ring from her pocket. “Charlotte Emily, will you marry me?”
A moment of silence past as Charlie felt her eyes begin to tear up. At first Jessica got nervous and was about to apologise but Charlie quickly spoke up.
“You fucking dick.” Charlie bluntly said. “Of course you had to ask that question.” Noticing Jessica’s sudden look of shock and horror Charlie continued on with her slowly getting on one knee as well. “You just had to ask that question when I was about to do the same thing.”
Charlie finished by pulling out her own ring. The two looked at each other with tears begin to stream down their faces. They didn’t even move a muscle until Jessica grabbed Charlie’s face once again and pressed her lips against hers. Just like before Charlie melted as the two embraced each other. Not a word spoken until a few minutes went by before Charlie broke the silence up.
“I hope when you said that you were going to do this at home you didn’t mean after sex right?” Charlie asked.
“N-No of course.” Jessica spluttered clearly lying. “That would be-“
“That would be a you thing to do.” Charlie laughed.
“Charlie.” Jessica softly whispered.
“Yes sunshine.”
“I love you.”
“And I love you too.”
With that the two leaned in kissing each other ready for the next stage of their relationship.
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medusas-graveyard · 4 months
Pre-GIW disbandment
Dick: Where's Danny?
Alfred: Young master Danny has requested more time to rest and will be joining us quite later.
Damian: (stabbing food) Tt. He acts like the most fatigued person here.
Danny: (Walking in half asleep) Because convincing gods to not scorch this planet down to the fucking sun is, Dames. Let me off.
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stars-obsession-pit · 20 days
The Justice League was too late. The cult had successfully completed their summoning ritual, and a figure began to emerge from the crackling green rift in the air
A teenage boy in a black jumpsuit, holding a clipboard and a pen.
The figure barely seemed to pay attention and just launched into a rehearsed speech, tone bored. “Thank you for summoning the Ghost King. Due the influx of summonings, he is unavailable at the moment. I’m Phantom, and I’ll be serving as your intercessor for the time being. I am authorized to act on His Majesty’s behalf, but any larger scale actions may have a short wait time before they can go through—just a few decades at most.” His voice then picked up, tone casual. “So… whatcha looking for?”
Then he did a double take, the chaotic scene he’s appeared in finally seeming to register in his mind.
“…Err, which ones of y’all specifically performed the summoning? I need it for the file.”
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finemeal · 8 months
DP x DC Prompt #3
Danny was sent to the DC universe to save him from the GIW and the Fenton's by Clockwork
Doesn't know what to do here, but as an Experienced Vigilante:tm: he takes note of all the INexperienced vigilante's causing more danger than they realize.
Danny takes it upon himself to act as a low level villain so he can secretly train these vigilante's to be stronger. One day, a Bigger Villain decides to Fuck Around and Find Out.
All his "enemies" realize Danny could've folded them anytime he wanted when he effortlessly defeats the Big Bad.
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ghostreblogging · 4 days
Ngl this is a short one.
So Danny comes to Gotham. Down on his luck. But lo and behold, he still has access to the kingly vaults! He doesn't have to worry about money!!! He can just buy a small apartment and live out his miserable little life In luxury!
But then he is stopped on a horrible and a dark stump in his plan. How in the 7 hells is he gonna explain it to the IRS ??????
Money laundering????
Can't he just say he found a mysterious big pile of gold and be done with it?
No, Danny . How are you gonna explain the fact that you keep finding mysterious little gold files to the tax man . Jazz says emphatically through a video call . Which is a multi dimensional cuz I can't explain why sam wont just give him the money. And btw the just assume that the vaults has a magic function to give the money to him in the local currency.
Sso from that day onwards Gotham had a new little cafe in a quiet little nook. The prices are super cheap. And it by far has the best fudge in all of Gotham. If you exclude Alfred's.
The gothamites love it. It's a favorite college hangout. Everyone is pretty sure the cafe is a front. Everyone is 100% sure of it. But in this economy who the hell cares. At least it's not nfts.
People can actually benefit from this because we can get like a whole breakfast for like 4 dollars ( an au where like Danny's 2000s world is like super cheap compared to the modern Gotham city and nobody taught the poor boy common prices of this world. Danny's thinking like how do I keep accidentally going into these rich people stores with their ridiculous prices, Ughh guess I'll have to buy this I don't want to go farther) and the quality is good too. The scrawny little twink owner sure as hell does not know much about ingredients prices or did the bare minimum study of business.
Anyway when the bats came sniffing (the scrunkly little guy was innocent blame Fenton luck) and we'll tried to interrogate the owner people actually chained themselves to the front like the worlds most confused save the trees activists.
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stealingyourbones · 2 months
Jason startles as a stranger on the streets of Gotham takes one look at him, looks at him in absolute horror, and then runs to the closest dumpster and vomits into it.
Jason is mildly offended. He doesn’t look that bad does he? — Danny glances back to look at the undead staring at him on the sidewalk and nearly vomits again. His soul is shattered. It’s like looking at a human after being hit by a car at 60mph who’s acting like they’re perfectly fine as they walk towards you. — Jason approaches the stranger, one hand hovering over the shoulder of the guy and asks; “Hey man what’s your problem? What's the deal w-”
The once retching passerby moves imperceptibly quick. His hands go through Jason’s chest and before he can even react he feels something snap back into place.
Jason can barely remember screaming as he near instantly blacks out from the pain.
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