#focused on a text from his sister along the lines of 'I'm done'
pepsiwriteswords · 2 years
Hihihi! Took me more than a week, I'm sorryyy, but I'm here with prompt(s)!
For Disconnected, cause I'm writing and rereading old letters and I now have Anaya brainrot. 👍 And I actually realize I have no clue how to write prompts so… Umm… Hope this is something..?
How would Anaya feel about AIs like Cortana or Ciri? And/or if there are true commercial AIs in her world, how would she treat them?
Also, a more open ended prompt if it's better
Highway feelings for any character
Alright, diving back to letter writing!
Mara!! Time is fake, it's all good. Also it took me like, a week to actually work on answering this (& I still haven't even started my letter back to you >.>) & it sat in my drafts for like, 2 more still incomplete, so I cannot throw stones, here. xP Mostly I'm just amused that I got your letters & this ask on the same day. xD
(For the record, though, I fully intend to work on my letter to you soon - I am just Tired Always & also we're moving so. Might be a minute!)
(idk how to write prompts either. mad respect for the people behind all those prompt accounts bc omg.)
Ooh, the cyborg android daughter!! Also the fact that I have apparently talked enough about any of my characters for anyone other than myself to have character-specific brainrot is just. Thank you. :)
Now, android daughter & AI!
Hmm. I honestly have no idea & that might partially be bc I don't have an iphone to ask Siri a couple questions to see how she responds & I don't use & have never used Cortana/Bixby/the Google assistant on any phone or computer I've ever owned.
No, wait, I guess I have one thing: I think she'd mostly be confused by them? Not necessarily their purpose or anything like that, but by the fact that like. Humans made an AI that could answer questions & like. Use google for them, then just. Stopped there. Like, in a world where Anaya exists & might not be that unique a creation, the existence of AIs that are still programmed to have like, 3 ways of responding to a question would be ... baffling to her, I think. Like, you ask Siri a question, you get 'sorry, I don't understand, please try again', 'here is every article google brings up when you search that' & sometimes she just tells you. Yeah, she has a couple somewhat snarky or sassy answers for like, zero divided by zero or whatever, but when you ask her those questions, it's always the same answer, word for word. Anaya would just be wondering what the point of that is, when clearly humans have figured out the answer to real, actual, can-identify-themselves-in-a-mirror AI coding/programming/whatever the appropriate word is there. Of course, she'd still be polite when she talked to them. Manners, after all. & there'd probably still be some sort of like. Feeling of kinship there.
Kind of a bonus answer: This question has made me realize that Disconnected & Distant Light could actually take place at the same time (& possibly at least one shared location -- there is nothing in my worldbuilding so far that states Anaya & co are on Earth...) & there's an AI character in Distant Light. And I think Anaya & Test would get along fantastically. (I really don't know that much about Test, & honestly, brain has not been on enough to work out how Anaya being an android might change her character. >.> It's just. Vibes. Snarky AI who has been very not-sheltered meets a snarky-but-fairly-naive android who's been both incredibly sheltered & like. Y'know. Subject to Gideon's terrible-awful-rich-mad-scientist energy for ... idk how long yet. Also just. Anaya, chose her name, covering herself in she/her pronoun pins & bi pride stuff & Test_0374, let the human that built it choose its name, knows about human sexualities & Gender Stuff but has no interest in partaking itself, has stuck with it/its pronouns the whole time it's been active ... Just. I forsee some great interactions. xP
And okay! I give! The universe doesn't want me to write right now! Once I actually thought about that second prompt for a minute, my brain was like, 'yes, I can vibe with that' & gave me ideas for like. The Black Witch & Styx. Can I put any of those into actual words, though? Nope! Quinn & Blair were gonna have a conversation about magic & the shitty things that happened to them when they were kids & their separation. And Victor was gonna meet Styx & text Natacha & it was maybe gonna be like, the beginning of that story but.
-_- I miss writing. But I also want to stop holding this hostage in my drafts so. Um.
I'm gonna tuck that highway feelings in a mental back pocket & maybe start trying to work on Styx & TBW, though.
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takabinaryy · 3 months
Little hours
Request was made by @nottapossum back in 2023/09/16 Caregiver Millie & Little Moxxie Autistic Moxxie
It was a long day for the the murder team/kinda family. Towards four in the afternoon everyone were so  exhausted, Loona had already texted her sister and step dad to just get them and bring her and her unhinged dad home. Of course not even 20 minutes later there's a portal opened right in the middle of the work place.
Stolas being well stolas he had literally picked up his husband while,  Octavia handed Loona a Starbucks drink all while leaning her sis back to the palace. Mille had declined the offer to tag along with them , already telling her boss's husband that her own husband is slipping. Which the prince definitely understand her and bid them goodbye.
Now that the smaller married couple had gotten home , Millie helped Moxxie with getting out of the work clothes and into a calming bath. After that both of them get into comfy clothes, Millie left her little pumpkin in the living room making sure he was all comfortable and having sensory safe toys to play. Once she knew he would be okay, the woman walked over to their kitchen to get started on supper. And since it was basically Fall season and it had gotten colder in hell , Millie being the amazing woman she was , decided to make chicken and dumplings(yes i know that's a country as hell food but it's still good regardless) , it had everything that her husband ate.
Sometimes he has problems with food and it's texture. And that's another reason why they don't buy certain foods like watermelon for example because it upsets Moxxie's senses of both touch and taste.  Anyway back the task at hand , Millie had just gotten done making dinner letting the food sit in the pot for a second. Now dusting off her hands on the apron around her waist, pulling her phone out of the pocket of the black knitted dressed Millie had put on after her shower this morning.
Seeing that it's only 5:07pm which isn't bad since she had hoped to get done with dinner early anyway, wanting to set up the promised marathon of watching all the episodes of " Garfield & Friends" with Millie's little peach who is still in the living room playing. And so she walks out of the kitchen and into the living room, finding her regressed husband laying on his tummy in a cute possum onesie. He's so focused on lining up his wooden car toys by color in a perfect circle. Mox did the same with the nemo themed stacking blocks but only stacking them in different piles , the blocks with dory on them have a pile , same with nemo , hank , marlin , destiny , becky and so on(it was gift from loona she painted a bunch of wooden blocks for " little moxxie" ). And so Millie kneels down next to other imp with a warm smile on her face , watching him make sure the piles and his toys are perfect the way he wants them.
" Pumpkin I'm sorry but I'ma need you to pick ya toys away "
Millie asks already feeling a little guilty especially when she watched her little peach organize his toys in a certain way. Said little peach looks up from his toys and turns his head to his mama and quickly shakes his head no. And picks up a nemo block that wasn't supposed to be in the hank pile , and responds to the woman sitting next to him.
"but i gotta finish my piles mama"
"i know sugar-snaps , i know "
" hm how about this. I'll let you keep three of ya blocks at the table next to your bowl. That way you still have em and you can stack em in a pile. How does that sounds honey?"
Instead of answering he picks up six blocks instead and happily carries, them on the very very very short walk to the kitchen table. And puts said block neatly in two piles , now turning to face the other imp.
" two piles , six blocks are betters mama"
" alright honey I suppose so. Now would you like anything to drink ?"
" mhms! Grape juice please in the-"
" in the green froggy sippy cup. I know apple pie. "
Mille gets a small happy wiggle and warm smile from Moxxie, she walks over and kisses his head lightly, then getting their plates together and of course Moxxie's favorite sippy cups.
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goldngguk · 6 years
red // 06
part one of trilogy series
warnings // a bit of angst, mentions of infidelity, breakups, fluffyyyy
word count // 3.5k
trilogy masterlist
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“Today's theme of Run BTS is to find your childhood innocence,” announced the director. “Have you ever been to a zoo at night?” The group found themselves in Everland; a popular Korean resort and theme park for the next episode of Run. “They opened it specifically for you guys.” Everyone cheered. A safari seemed to be the perfect place to forget their ages.
“Are we just on one big team?” Jimin asked excitedly.
The director shook his head. “It won’t be any fun if you’re on a single team. That's why we have prepared a special mechanism for you to divide into three teams. You will find out when we arrive.”
“Alright,” Mason gave a big thumbs up to the camera. “Let’s head out.” The members climbed into the tiger-stripped bus parked behind them and each found a seat. Jungkook, sitting closer to the front, watched as Y/n took a spot next to Jimin and Namjoon in the back. He was on his feet again before another member could pass by and take the last seat next to her.
Ever since her talk with Maya, Y/n has been especially sensitive to Jungkook and his advances. The lingering stares and bright smiles he always flashed her, the subtle compliments and ‘accidental’ touches. She had become obsessed with analyzing him and his crushy behavior, all the while trying to convince herself that it had no effect on her. She was simply curious as to why he was so infatuated. She didn’t think he actually had feelings for her, but he had made it very apparent that he enjoyed her presence. And that was just fine with her.
It only took a few minutes to arrive at what was supposed to be the safari. The bus entered through a gate and drove past a couple of buildings that looked like they had been ransacked and abandoned. A thick cloud of fog swamped the road ahead of them and the members grew confused. “Does anyone see any animals?” Jin asked as he narrowed his eyes to see out the window beside him.
All the members squinted through the smoke. “No, nothing yet.” Everyone began to ask the driver questions. “Why is it so foggy here?” “Are we supposed to see anything?” “Are we even in a zoo?”
The bus came to a halt and one of the staff members rose. “Everyone!” he shrieked causing Jin to yelp. Y/n jumped from the sudden loud noise, grabbing onto Jungkook’s arm. “Yah!” she scolded Jin. From the corner of his eye, Yoongi saw a crowd of people beginning to swarm the entrance. “Hey! It’s a zombie run!” Everyone began to jump and yell as they noticed the people outside dressed as the living dead.
“They look so real,” Jimin said, slumping lower in his seat. The same staff member from earlier walked to the back of the bus and grabbed Hobi, pulling him along with him. The boy screamed and kicked back, not wanting to help the man prepare the way for the others to enter the arena. Everyone else clapped and laughed at his frightened antics.
That, however, only lasted a minute until they realized Hoseok and the man were being chased by a hoard of zombies. The two ran back to the bus, screaming the whole way. Hobi tripped and lost his shoe somewhere on the road, but they made it back to the bus safely. “My shoe is gone!” he whined. “I need my shoe back!” One of the zombies that chased them got onto the bus and began to charge at the members. Everyone screamed and grabbed onto each other, while Y/n and Jungkook sat in the back and roared as they freaked out.
The next thing they knew, they were all off the bus running from zombies as they tried to snatch the papers that would place them into their teams. Once everyone had a paper, they met at the entrance to make their teams.
Team A: Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hayden
Team B: Mason, Jin, Suga, and Maya
Team C: Hobi, Y/n, Cyrus, and Jimin
Jungkook looked over to see if he and Y/n would be placed on the same team. He had little time to pout when the director appeared to give them directions. “Okay,” he began. “The first game takes place in a secret laboratory filled with zombies. Your mission is to search for clues in the lab to uncover hidden tickets for the tour to give to ARMYs. The more you find, the more fans can come to the Seoul show. You each have a map of the lab that will help you find the tickets. Once you find all the of them, you will be able to leave the lab and we will explain the second game. Stay with your teams and work together!” The director disappeared again and the members were left with the cameramen to begin the first game.
They entered the laboratory and split off with their teams. Team A seemed fearless, as they had a decent time finding the passes. Teams B and C were quite the opposite, and it was starting to get on Y/n’s nerves. She had already known that Cyrus was afraid of pretty much everything, but now with Jimin and Hoseok clinging to her limbs every time they heard a strange noise, she knew she would have to be the one to step up and find the tickets. I get stuck with three boys and all of them are pussys.
“Yah! Why are they doing this to us?” Jimin yelped, latching onto her arm when he spotted a zombie.
“Jimin, let go of me.” The undead actor groaned and J-Hope jumped behind her. “Jung Hoseok, are you using me as a shield? Jimin, let go!” They two boys ignored her annoyance and remained still.
Cyrus stepped ahead of their group. “Don’t worry, Y/n. I got this.” He made it to the doorway of the room before he turned around and headed back. “I don’t got this,” he said, his face as white as a ghost.
“Oh, for the love of God. I’ll go.” She shook Jimin off her arm and pushed Cyrus aside to search for the tickets.
“Alright, everyone. Take out the passes you collected and put them in this.” The director came forward with a large envelope and handed it to team A, who collected four tickets. Team B found five. Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose in disappointment. Her team had found nothing. They hadn’t solved a single riddle. The other teams laughed.
“Sorry guys, I was too busy babysitting the three scared stooges. I couldn’t get anything done.”
The three boys looked down in shame before Jimin spoke up. “We can make up for it in the next round!”
“That’s right, Jimin. To find more tickets, you need to play freeze tag with the zombies.” The group listened carefully. “The rules are simple. If a zombie tags you, you must freeze where you are. If a member tags someone whos been frozen, that person can move again. Try to find as many passes as you can because this is your last chance. Go!” With that, the zombies started to swarm them and everyone ran to find the hidden tickets.
Y/n ran for her life, ducking and turning away from the hoard that seemed to follow her. “Why are you all after me?” she screamed. After what seemed like an eternity of running, she finally came across a vending cart with a blinking light stuck to a black box. The moment before she got to the cart, a zombie dashed out from the bushes beside her and grabbed her shoulder. “Oh, come on!”
Jungkook, who had been more focused on unfreezing everyone rather than looking for the boxes, heard her scream and was now scrambling to rescue her. “I’ll save you!” he said after all the zombies fled the area. She was holding out her hand for him to tag her back into the game, but he had a better idea. He ran up to her and picked her up into his arms, carrying her as he ran.
“Wha- Jungkook!” She slapped his arm lightly. He stopped in his tracks, looking at her with his doe eyes. “The tickets?”
“Oh!” He set her down by a small bridge. “Stay here, I’ll get them.” He made a mad dash back to the cart to grab the small box and immediately got tagged, looking back at her sheepishly. “Oops.”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “I’m coming, you big doofus.” Now, who’s the damsel in distress?
“That was insane,” Cyrus said as they boarded the bus back to the dorms.
Y/n turned to him. “But you loved every second of it.”
“I didn’t!” Hobi yelled from the front.
“Oh, we know.” Hoseok turned to her with a pout causing the bus to break out in a fit of laughter. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, Y/n noticed the missed call and text from her mom.
《Momma:》 Hi sweets. Call me when you can.
“Who is it?” Hayden asked from the seat beside her. She glanced up at him and showed him the message. “Your mom? Are they okay?” he asked referring to her parents. Jungkook’s ears perked up to listen in on their conversation.
She clenched her jaw, taking her phone back. “I hope so.”
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She smiled, showing Hayden the phone again. He sighed lightly, patting her on the back in reassurance. Immediately, the tension she had when her mother first texted her disappeared. After pulling into the parking garage behind BigHit, Y/n went to find a private place to call her mom, silently praying everything truly was okay.
“Hi, mom. How are you?” Y/n stood on the terrace of the dormitory floor, listening for any signs of distress in her mother's voice.
“Hi, baby. I'm good. I guess I forgot there would be such a dramatic time difference when I called. How is everything? Are they nice?”
Y/n hummed at the soothing nature coming from the other end of the line. “Yeah, it’s good. Everyone's getting along really well. We just wrapped a couple of episodes for Run BTS and we'll start practices for the tour next week.”
“Sounds like fun! Everything's been pretty normal around here. Miss Everleigh's been kinda fussy at bedtime, though.” She giggled at her mom's stern tone.
Everleigh, Y/n's seven-year-old sister, could be heard pouting in the background. She was a very small, yet lively little girl. The only thing she loved more than her life was her big sister, and she intended on showing everyone how alike they were. She took dance and vocal lessons all while learning every song and dance break ever released by The Culture. She was indeed Y/n's number one fan. “Here she is,” her mom said as she passed the phone to the youngest Y/last/n.
“Hi, Ev,” Y/n cooed. “Why don’t you be good for mommy and go to sleep now.” The girl began to whine. Getting her to bed was never an easy task, even when Y/n still lived on her childhood home. “What if I sang to you. Would that get you to bed?” Immediately, she ran to her room and jumped into bed, her little feet thudding against the wood floor with every step.
Y/n used to sing her to sleep nearly every night when she was in high school. Everleigh was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia when she was three and the only thing that would calm her down through difficult nights in the hospital was when her sister would sing her to sleep. Almost five years later and complete remission changed nothing; she refused to sleep without it. When Y/n left for California, she made a few recording of all of Everleigh's favorite songs, but some nights they just didn't cut it. Needless to say, the girl got away with having a bit more of an attitude than Y/n ever could. She'd been through so much.
“Okay, what would you like me to sing? Or should I choose tonight?” Everleigh decided that Y/n could pick the song, so she closed her eyes and waited for her sister to sing.
“May your dreams bring you peace in the darkness. May you always rise over the rain. May the light from above always lead you to love. May you stay in the arms of the angels. May you always be brave in the shadows, till the sun shines upon you again. Hear this prayer in my heart and will ne'er be apart. May you stay in the arms of the angels.”
If you asked Jungkook the exact moment he truly started to fall for Y/n, he would answer with this. He had snuck up to the door when he heard a voice coming from the balcony outside his room. It caught his breath in his lungs, how beautiful she sounded. He realized this was the first time he had heard her sing. No recordings, no autotune, no screaming fans in the way. He was really hearing her voice; raw and real. It was something he knew he wouldn't forget. It was delicate and light, while still powerful and full of control. The perfect depiction of her. This very sound was coming from more than just her throat, but from her soul. The way she sang to calm the little girl on the phone spoke more words about her as a person than any story could.
“May you hear every song in the forest and if ever you lose your own way; hear my voice like a breeze whisper soft through the trees. May you stay in the arms of the angels. May you grow up to stand as a man, love. With the pride of your family and name. When you lay down your head for to rest in your bed, may you stay in the arms of the angels.”
Maybe the angel is you.
“I always thought it was magic, the way you get her to quiet down,” her mom said as she took the phone out of Everleigh's hands.
“Eh, she was probably just more tired than she was letting on.” Her mother laughed before telling Y/n she’d let her go.
“Okay, Mom. I’ll talk to you later. I love you, too. Bye.” Thankfully, her mother did just want to see how she was doing. Typically when she received a text like that from her, it meant there was some big news she needed to break to her, and it was usually bad. She slid her phone into her pocket and turned to see Jungkook staring at her. “Were you watching me?” She asked, squinting her eyes at him teasingly. He smiled, rocking back and forth on his feet. “So, are you gonna come out here or are you just gonna keep standing there like a lost puppy?”
He stepped out on the terrace with his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his lips. “Depends. Do you think the puppy is cute?”
She could tell he was trying to make her blush. Oh, ok. So you're not so shy anymore. She lifted an eyebrow and tilted her head. “I think all puppies are cute.” Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue as he looked her up and down. Now, she felt like blushing. Before he could catch the deep red sweep across her face, she sat down and leaned against the railing. “Come sit,” she said, patting the concrete next to her. He walked over, kneeling down to sit beside her. “What's your favorite thing about touring?” She asked him.
He looked up at her. “What, are we playing the question game?”
“It's called 20 questions, dummy. Now answer it.”
He laughed at her attempt to insult him. “Alright. I think it's the connection you make with each city. I love traveling.” She hummed in approval. “Do I get to ask you a question now?”
“I guess so. Shoot.”
“How did you meet your members?”
“Oof, that's a long story. We all met in high school. Maya and I were in freshman math together and we used to study together. Mason was a dancer in the studio Hayden and I practiced at. Cyrus was-” she placed her hand over her mouth as she began to giggle. “He was our school's biggest fuckboy. I swear to god, he hit on everyone he got in his sight.” At this point, he could see the tears forming in her eyes. “He thought he was so cool, but he couldn't keep up in his classes, so I started to tutor him. Oh my god, you should've seen him today. He was so scared.” She clutched her stomach and he started to laugh with her. After they calmed down, she changed the topic. “K. My turn. How do you feel about musicals?” He craned his neck toward her in confusion. “It’s the most random questions that get the best answers,” she told him.
“You mean like theater?” She nodded. “I don’t know. I mean, I’ve never really watched anything.”
“I love musicals. I think The Phantom of the Opera is the greatest story ever told.”
“Isn’t that a little dark?”
She chuckled. “That’s what makes it so good. I love beautiful tragedies. Titanic, Star Wars, you name it. Okay, favorite color. Go.”
“Ahh, so I'm still winning the gold game?” she asked with a smirk.
“Okay, missy, you went twice.” he scoffed as he rolled his eyes. Time to get to the deep stuff. “What was your first kiss like?”
She snorted at his question. “Getting kinda personal, aren't we?”
“Shut up,” he said pushing her lightly. “You said it’s the most random questions that get the best answers. Besides, I wanna know.”
Snickering at his persistence,  she nodded. “It was alright. Wasn't the greatest thing ever, but it wasn't bad. I mean, he was my first boyfriend.”
“Something happened. You wouldn't say it like that unless something happened.”
“Wha-no! It was fine.”
“What was his name?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.
“So, what happened to him?”
She paused, clicking her tongue a few times before answering. “We graduated from high school and I got famous.”
He nodded, chewing on his bottom lip. He didn't want to press into her about it; it was obviously a sore subject, but he wanted to know more. Why was she acting like this? What happened between them that caused her to cut this guy out of her life. “You seem like the kind of person who would work through anything with the people you love.”
“Yeah,” she whispered. “But there are some lines that can't be crossed.”
God, he hoped she'd be okay with what he asked next. “Did he do something wrong?”
She smiled a sad smile, staring straight ahead. “The distance got to be too much for him. I was gone for months at a time. He got lonely.” Jungkook's stomach dropped as he listened to her. He knew where this was going. “I'm guessing you already know the answer.”
He could feel the burning ache that flared in his heart. How could someone do that? To anyone, let alone her. It was disgusting; pathetic. He would never do that to the person he claimed to love.
“I think if I wasn't raised the way I was that I could've forgiven him and let it go, but that's not how it worked out. My family has a history with infidelity and I have no tolerance for it.”
“Hayden mentioned your parents earlier…”
“Yeah. They're alright now, but my dad has made a lot of mistakes. In return, I grew up too fast so my mom could have someone to lean on and so I could shelter my siblings. Despite everything, we’re all very close. It took a really long time, but I learned to work through my anger and forgive him. And hey, now I know what I do and don't want in a husband.” She sighed. “My mother is the strongest person I know.”
Jungkook watched every change in expression; focused on the way she was feeling while she talked. The topic broke his heart, but it made him so happy that she felt comfortable around him; talking with him about these things. “I think I might know someone stronger,” he smiled, tilting his head to look at her face. She hummed and looked up at him, gazing into his warm, brown eyes that she had come to adore. For a while they just sat there, staring at each other on the terrace with no fears or responsibilities. It felt like home to him, and he prayed to anything that could hear him that she might feel that way too. He reached out, taking her hand in his so he could intertwine their fingers. And she let him.
This went on for hours. The not-so-subtle glances at one another. The game of 20 questions that turned into 30, then 40, then 50. When Y/n returned to her dorm for the night, she had a few questions for herself. Like why did she hold his hand, and why was it so easy to let him in? Maybe Maya had been right; this could be good for her because, for the first time in a long time, she got a good night's sleep.
a.n. // This was probably one of my favorite chapters so far. I think it’s so cute. Shout out to my bff @kalisica for always giving me good ideas to write about. I love you. Again, don’t look at the time on the text message. It doesn’t correspond with the story. Enjoy, and don’t forget to tell me what you think! -Kay💕 
 taglist // @kalisica @darkdragonskies
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elisiyawritesfics · 7 years
Chapter 1; Preparing
Series: Path of Pyrite Fandom: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Word Count: 1,360 Words
Due to the complications of getting to Machu Picchu, Tyler had suggested to Kathryne that their best chances were to fly to fly into Leticia, Columbia. It was a city at the very end of Columbia, and very close to the borders of Perú and Brazil. By the time they landed in Vasquez Cobo International Airport, it had been almost seven in the morning. 
After checking in at the Decalodge Ticuna, the first thing Tyler had done was flop onto his bed stomach first. Despite sleeping on the plane, tiredness caught up to him quickly. Kathryne on the other hand, set her things down and took out her laptop. Once she got it connected to the internet, she opened her browser to check her email, then Skype to make a call. The line rang for a few moments before the person answered. 
"Look at you, right on time," a woman said. This woman was an Asian with blonde hair, blue eyes (an odd sight, right? It was hereditary traits), and many many tattoos. 
Kathryne smiled. "You weren't waiting up for us, were ya, Joxy?" 
Joxy shook her head. "Nah, I was up early to do some work on the boat. How was the flight?" 
"Long, boring, I was on my computer for most of the time, while your man was asleep," she then briefly looked over at Tyler in the other bed. He appeared asleep right now. "which I think he is as of this moment, too." 
"Ty's always asleep when he has nothing to do. It's been like that since high school, trust me." Joxy leaned against her desk. 
"Oh, I know. I'm his sister, I'm suppose to know." As she spoke, Kathryne had reached up to tie her long raven tresses out of the way and into a high bun. "So, how's the Florida Keys treating you? Where are you now?" 
"I'm at Lignumvitae Key, the island that's also a state park. I'm out here to get a look at the aquatic preserve," Joxy could be seen leaning over to the side of her camera, which was actually overlooking the side of her boat. Thank God for wifi hotspots. "So far, the Keys are treating me well, and so are the animals." 
"Are you gonna go for a dive soon?" 
"Hell yeah, I am. I had to go through the state and the botanical park to be able to observe the preserve. There's no way I wouldn't after all that." The blonde soon came back into screen completely. "Oh! Also, do you still need me to email you those drawings of those statues I did for you?" 
"Yes, please. I need them for reference." 
With a nod, Joxy then focused her gaze on the screen. Clicking of her keyboard as well as her mouse could be heard through the Skype call. And within a few minutes, a notification for Kathryne's email appeared. "There ya go. I still can't believe you're going through with this. You better actually find El Dorado." 
Kathryne leaned back with a chuckle. "If I find it, then you're taking me to the Bermuda to go find Atlantis." 
"Is that a bet, little Catreel?" 
"You bet your ass it is."
Joxy smirked. "Fine, it's on." She would have said more, but she noticed that another boat had started to draw closer. It was the other marine biologist with her. "Well, that's my cue to go. Don't do anything illegal with your brother, it'd be great to have you both in Savannah when I get home." 
"I'll try not to, but I don't know about him. Have fun on your dive." 
With the two exchanging a final goodbye, the call ended, and Kathryne then went to check her email. The drawings that Joxy had sent to her were based off of descriptions she had found in books and online, some which were rumored to have come from the expedition journal of Sir Francis Drake when he was looking for El Dorado in the late 14th Century. Then again, that was a load of bull because the journal had been lost just before he passed. Pulling out her notebook from her bag and a pen, Kathryne then began to jot notes down. 
After doing a little bit more research on the matter, Kathryne saw it fit to follow her brother and take a little nap before heading out. They needed the energy to hike after all. Tyler was the first one to wake up, and that was at almost noon. He had decided to let Kathryne sleep a little longer, being that she hadn't slept on the flight and probably needed it. He took the liberty of getting them a rental boat up the Amazon River (thank Rya for forcing him to learn Spanish, though he was sure the guy on the other line was holding back the urge to laugh at his shitty Spanish.)
Given maybe another hour or so, Tyler soon woke up Kathryne like he always did; by throwing his weight on top of her. "Wake up." 
Kathryne grunted at the sudden weight on her. Initial reactions were to try and kick him off, but with being under a hotel blanket, that was harder than it sounded. "Okay, yeah, I didn't need my ribs anyway," she forced out. 
Tyler chuckled, then got up off her with his arms crossed. "I got us a boat to travel up the Amazon. You'd be proud of my Spanish." 
"Are you only saying that because Rya taught me Spanish growing up, and its a lot hard than it seems?" 
"Oh, Ty," Kathryne shook her head before throwing her blanket off her. She then stood up and went to her luggage. Since she was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, she grabbed a black tank top and black jeans. As she made her way to the bathroom, she spoke again. "So, while we were on the plane, I did a bit of research of where the entrance should be. There's a temple a few miles short off of Chichita. We could dock there and go the rest of the way in a rental." 
"By a few miles, what do you mean?"
"Oh, y'know... a few. Maybe twenty miles or so." 
"Well, thank God you were suggesting getting a rental." 
"You're more lazy than your girlfriend, you know that?" She emerged from the bathroom with her new clothes on, tying her hair up into a pony tail. "Which, by the way, I skyped with her for a bit while you were asleep." 
"She's still in the Keys, right? I texted her when I woke up, but she didn't respond." 
"She's probably still on a dive, then." 
"Probably," Tyler said as he pulled on his boots. "Did she send you the pictures?"
"Yep. We also made a bet. If I actually find El Dorado, she'll help me find Atlantis." Kathryne grabbed a smaller bag she had brought and opened it to throw her notebook in and a waterproof camera, along with her phone and a GPS for when they lose signal. "Okay, so do we need anything else?" 
"Yes, we do." He reached over to the other side of his bed to pull over a big box that had already been opened. "Before leaving, I took the liberty of sending our handy dandy trinkets here. Y'know, just in case we run into dangerous wild animals," reaching into the box, he pulled out Kathryne's bow and tossed it to her. "Catch." 
Kathryne caught it with ease. With a grin, she ran her hand over the wood arch of the bow. "Aw, yeah. I haven't picked up this baby in a while." When she looked up, Tyler had handed her a quiver of arrows, which she took and attached to her belt. "We won't get in trouble for walking around with these, right?" 
"Nah, I'm pretty sure not. Most people go out to the Amazon to hunt anyways. If they do, we can just say we're going on a hunt." 
"Well, that's reassuring," she stood. "So, we ready to go?" 
Tyler threw his crossbow over his shoulder with a nod. "Let's go."
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