#follow bc she's amay
frymaform · 2 years
Amairin AU wip pasted from my notes
in which Amaimon and Rin are soulmates and the princes and Lucifer know about it but Rin doesn't. Therefore, Mephisto's playing matchmaker and trying to get Amaimon to play with Rin.
This is non traditional abo, demons are either submissive or dominant. They are all born one or the other and this decides what role they play in a mating/marriage as far as procreation goes. Soulmates are a rare occurrence in mid and low level demons and uncommon in higher level ones so they simply choose their mates for the most part but soulmates are definite for Princes/Kings of Gehenna.
Note/context for later: Through this, Bon and Rin are hinted to be crushing on one another. Rin had initially thought he was cool and wanted to talk to him but was turned off for a while by his shitty personality ofc. He’s still Rin so he still attempted to be civil (but Bon’s always starting shit) and he cares for everyone, no matter how shitty, so he still saved him from the leaper. After they made up, Rin absolutely went back to fawning over him and trying to insert himself into their friend group as he does in canon cause he’s cute. Bon absolutely got a crush on Rin after Rin jumped into the mouth of a demon without thinking like the fearless idiot he is and then turned around and yelled in his face that, not only did he take Bon’s aspirations seriously but that he has the same one and was going to fight him about it. Shima and Koneko picked up on this pretty quickly of course and this led to them encouraging Rin’s antics and inviting him into their group in every way they could like in canon. In between the moments summarized in this doc, there’s definitely romantic moments between the two in which they’re absolutely fascinated with the other person, though that’s not much different from canon either. 
As far as romance with Shiemi, it follows the manga more and paints them platonically. Rin didn’t know exactly whether he liked girls or not but he did sense that Yukio liked Shiemi and she basically immediately was friendzoned in his mind bc he’s not about to steal his brothers one and only love interest he’s ever seen thus far. 
Originally, Amaimon didn't know but was told during the first meeting with Mephisto. He had suspected and, rather than in canon, he had hesitated to ask if Rin was his mate. Mephisto confirmed and took Amaimon asking as a hint of interest, which he interpreted as an invitation to set them up cause he's Mephisto.
Amaimon suspected this because the kings of Gehenna are all mated to one another. The unmated ones that remained were Mephisto and Amaimon and Mephisto had laid no claim on Rin.
It's worth mentioning that from this point on, Mephisto wished to use Amaimon as a pawn in his plan. He knew he could control Amaimon and since Amai was the dominant mate, he could control Rin further in return.
At the second appearance, when Amaimon is watching Rin tame Kuro, he expresses that he'd like to play with Rin to assess his ability as a mate. With demons, a big part of the mating ritual is to fight their mate and test their strength, to decide whether they are worthy. This is not really needed for soulmates but for traditions' sake, soulmates tend to still participate. In Amaimon's case, there was the added fact that he only intended to claim Rin if Rin proved worthy, soulmates or not.
Amaimon then decided to get his curiosity of Japan out cause it had been killing him and he wished to learn a bit more about the culture Rin grew up in. He wished to study it to possibly understand Rin better and analyze him accordingly when they meet, as Mephisto had warned him that Rin had not experienced any kind of demon culture or education in his life and was rather dumb to the subject. 
Once he'd finally finished his spree and laid his collection out in Mephisto's office, he immediately asked to go play with Rin as he thought he was now ready. When he got to the amusement park, he'd watched with irritation and little patience as Rin floundered around a human girl, but chose to follow Mephisto's orders and wait to get him alone. He was curious about the fact that he couldn't smell Rin's demonic aura, the only way he'd detect if he was, in fact, his mate. He wondered idly if Mephisto was only mistaken and if Rin had actually inherited the demon mating hierarchy or not. He realized once he opened the Koma sword that Rin was, in fact, the most amazing thing he'd ever smelled in his life and that his demon heart was sealed inside the sword, along with his submissive status. Rin on the other hand, could smell something about Amaimon that was gnawing at him but without the context of why, he mostly continued as he would if anyone were fighting him like that.
He kicked Rin around for a bit and was let down, his interest waning despite his instincts screaming at him. He started to get angry at the situation and this pushed him to break Mephisto's rules. Again, soulmate or not, he didn't want a weak mate. His interest came back tenfold when Rin had finally started to fight back, meaning his irritation was far greater when Rin had saved Shiemi and calmed his emotions again. He wished to rile Rin up once more and see his beautiful flames again but Shura interrupted. In the end, he had decided to back down and continue their fight in a more suitable time and place. 
Shura takes Rin to the base and Mephisto is pleased when he can smell the territorial scent marking from Amai left all over Rin and the Koma sword. He chose not to reveal the purpose of Amaimon’s visit to anyone just yet of course, but couldn’t help but feel a bit giddy at the imposing scent of possessiveness and lust that clouded Rin’s true scent. It was overpowering since Rin’s true scent was sealed in the sword at the time so he couldn’t help but laugh and subtly cover his nose at the ridiculousness of it in the moment. 
Afterwards, Rin had idly mentioned to Kuro that Amaimon had wanted to "play" and that he'd had a sick version of playing that meant fighting. Kuro cleared up that fighting is playing for demons, pointing out that Rin himself gets excited during fights and Rin realizes he had initially been excited to fight Amaimon. This is what led to the scene on the roof in which Rin and Kuro play together. 
Alternatively, following the manga, Rin couldn’t sleep because he felt feverish and restless and wanted to take Kuro to play to let out some of his nervous energy. He figured it was emotional strain. While he’s talking with Kuro and Kuro asks to play, it reminds him of Amaimon saying he wanted to play earlier and he mentions that it was really weird to him. Kuro then tells him it’s very common for demons to fight one another as play, the way wild animals will play-fight to train their bodies in a fun way while they have free time. 
On the note of Rin being tired and sleeping through half of the next day, it wasn’t actually all due to them playing all night but late that night and into the next day, Rin had run a pretty high fever that left him a little queasy. This was why he started feeling restless and nervous at first when he originally got up and went to the roof with Kuro. While they were playing, his energy was sapped pretty quickly and he felt drowsy and hot and had gone back to bed. He ended up sleeping all night and well into the day bc of it. This was part of the reason he actually fucked up once he got to Shura’s class but mostly cause the boy can’t read for shit. 
Between this scene and the next chapter, add in Mephisto and Amaimon one on one. Basically, Mephisto had gotten wind of Rin’s absence in the morning and made a hypothesis that, at about that time, Rin would be experiencing a ‘phantom heat’ after meeting his soulmate and not being marked right away. It was a common occurrence and while it goes away fairly quickly on its own, it would make Rin a bit drowsy and feverish for the next couple days and his body would let off pheromones akin to a true heat and distress in an attempt to draw his mate back to him. Basically, he’d been recounting this to Amaimon to remind Amaimon that, no matter how much he’d want to give into the scent throughout this duration, he’d have to stay put and wait for the next most opportune time to see Rin. Of course, Amaimon had already been throwing a bit of a fit about not being able to finish playing with Rin but he became more pissy in his own shithead way about not being able to go see Rin right away, even though he was able to smell his mate from across the campus already. 
Adding on, Shura had been so calm about his tardiness because Yukio had given her a heads up that he had a bad fever and really was so deeply asleep that he wasn’t waking up for anything that morning. Shura was suspicious and wondered what could cause it, since demons don’t get colds or anything, but with soulmates being such a rare thing in demon society, there’d be no way for her to understand what was happening to him. Even the most knowledgeable humans among the Vatican had no idea about soulmates, and really only vaguely about demon mating; that there were mating seasons every year and a half or so in Assiah and that reproduction was similar to a human’s. They’d simply assumed that this meant Gehenna was split into males and females (only sex wise, of course) the way Assiah was. 
He finally told Rin they were mates at the next fight on their camping trip. Before that though, when he was setting up to face Rin again, first of all he’d gone on a rampage that was probably more aggravated than it needed to be while ‘greeting the spirit of the forest’. Though Rin’s phantom heat had passed, Amaimon was quicker to tune into Rin’s human scent, which was disgustingly muddled with the other humans he’d been too close for comfort with. He’d been focusing on it quite hard, leading to him shutting down and ignoring Mephisto, who finally started to grow a bit worried that messing with soulmates may have been something too hard to control, even for the prodigal son himself. 
In the meantime, Amaimon grew irritated watching the students bring back the peg lantern. One, because Rin was in the center of his wretched group of humans. Two, because he them had to wade through the river of demon worms without his scent marking or mating mark that told them to keep their grubby little legs off of Rin. Lastly though, because the peg lantern itself reacted more to Rin than the girl as a submissive and chased after him as if the lowly demon could ever possibly deserve such a mate. His little shitfit aside, Mephisto kept him under control for the time being as he teemed with the anxious energy of a caged bear. The giant moth actually made to grab Rin at the end to retrieve him for Amai but the poor boy had to wait a bit longer cause Rin’s friend saved his ass. Once Rin’s finished his assignment Amaimon loses his patience and pops out on the forest to fuck shit up. 
He'd taken Shiemi hostage under the impression that Rin had a crush on her, taunting Rin with the whole marriage thing. Ofc Rin was just confused as hell and wanted Amai to put his best friend down. It wasn't til Amaimon was hit with the fireworks that he realized it was Bon, not Shiemi, that Rin was interested in. That's why he went for Bon instead of the one that actually laughed at him. Bon started yelling at Rin and ignoring Amaimon and ofc Amai was even more pissed off that this asshole had the audacity to not only go after Rin but to straight up ignore him, Rin’s true mate. Rin yelled to stop and as much as Amai wanted to kill Bon right there regardless, he saw Rin grab his sword and realized he was getting exactly what he’d wanted, a chance to complete the mating ritual and take Rin. 
Rin draws his sword, Bon realizes everything’s a lie, and Amaimon and Rin finally start their fight. Amaimon starts announcing the truth to Rin, about what they are to each other, that Amaimon found him truly worthy, proclaiming his flames were beautiful. Ofc Amaimon got excited again and they started to fight like in canon and lowkey he was getting excited in another way because in his eyes, they had started the most intense and beautiful mating ritual the world had ever seen while Rin just wanted him to die.  Amaimon grabbed a hold of him from behind and Marked his neck, making Rin panic and kick him, stabbing him and trying to burn him after. When Amaimon grabbed Rin’s tail, an emerald ring of some sort appeared fastened to the base of Rin’s tail. He’d screamed at the sharp pain of it and Mephisto had assumed it was simply because Rin had never had his tail tugged in such a violent way. It was only afterwards that Mephisto realized the true depth of the situation, which made things a lot harder for him. 
Once he was marked, Rin had been overtaken by a demon heat. Before Amaimon got ahead of himself and took Rin right then and there, Mephisto grabbed the two, thinking he could stop them there and use Amaimon as he planned. 
Then, Rin split the clock in search of his mate and Mephisto was like oh shit. When Rin is thrown into view of his classmates, he's lost to emotions and instincts. He still has no idea why he feels like shit, his mind is swimming and on attack mode and he's trying to slow his mind down. He attempted to run toward Yukio, grasping for protection and touch from someone he loves. Yukio goes to shoot him, Shiemi runs out like in canon and calms him down with a hug. His body reacts and calms down because she's registering as a friend and another submissive type, someone who won't put him in danger and only wants to help. (In demon culture, a close submissive friend is usually in charge of comforting and taking care of the submissive demon in heat between waves so that the dominant mate can recharge as well.) Once he was calm, the exhaustion hit him and he passed out, being dragged to court with the others.
Meph had genuinely meant to keep Amaimon contained, he locked him away and came to meet the others, then went to the court. When Rin started having his nightmare, Amaimon had felt the discomfort through their new bond and, already half feral with what had happened, he broke free and headed toward Rin in a rage. This is why he fucking destroyed everything and started yelling about being able to smell Rin. At this point, everything is fucked, Mephisto has lost control and has to rely on Rin being confused enough that he continues to fight Amaimon, or that Rin and Amaimon can escape to Gehenna fast enough that they don't get their asses kicked. 
The next part is planned but gets dirty so it’s upon request 👀
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lgbtqlegends · 3 years
the legends as daughtry songs
listen okay Daughtry is my favorite band and i saw them in concert recently (2/12) and had this idea in the car on the way home and i just remember it so- here we go.
this is probably the perfect song for sara, because she's been through so so much shit in her life, but she's still undefeated. she could be battered, beaten and bruised, but she will Not be broken, and she'll keep getting back up. she'll keep fighting. words can hardly describe how perfectly this song works for sara. she can take pride in the fact that she's still here after everything she's been through, and especially now, with the legends and ava, her team, her strength. she knows that she can and will take whatever hits the world throws at her, but none of it will ever break her or her hope and humanity.
Start of Something Good
it's a very good song to describe her and sara's relationship, especially with how ava has said before that after she met sara, her whole world kinda came undone and sara brought her to life, but it took some time for them to really get to a place where what they had was good- beyond good, even
White Flag
snart is definitely not one to surrender or raise a white flag when things get tough, and he'd much rather die than bow down and take it, but he's gonna do it when he damn well pleases and he's gonna be smart about it
The Victim
this song fits really well with his season 1 chronos arc, and a few lines specifically, his character in general. specifically, "not gonna be the victim, don't wanna be your slave, not gonna be addicted to a system i did not create" and "stop making me the monster, stop messing with my brain" fit really really well with his character
No Surprise
mostly because it wasn't really a surprise that he'd leave the ship after stein died, and it was really just a matter of time because the memories of him on the ship were too painful and he needed a fresh start. although his adventures with the legends certainly would be a tough act to follow
mostly because the thing he wanted most at the end was to go home and be with his wife, daughter and grandson, although the legends and the waverider had definitely become like a second home/family as well. also the part of the song that says "i've not always been the best man or friend for you, but your love remains true" def works well for him since he had to keep reminding his younger self to do better for clarissa
i think it's a pretty good song for how he feels about nora, and how he knows it's forever with her. also it's a little funny bc he would definitely be the one cleaning Everything
Break The Spell
kinda describes the whole situation with carter, and how he kept pushing about how they had been together and destined to be so for thousands of years and hundreds of reincarnations and she kinda goes with it for a while bc she doesn't really think she has a choice, but eventually she does manage to "break the spell" and dump him to chase her own freedom and destiny
Gone Too Soon
this song works really well for him and how he lost his wife and son at the hands of vandal savage. they were taken from him too soon, and he would do anything to try to save them and bring them back to him, and not a day goes by that he doesn't think about them or miss them
did i do this partially for the title because amaya wields the spirit totem? yes, i did. but also this song is 100% about powerful women (as stated by daughtry himself when he was introducing the song during the concert) and amaya is a pretty fuckin powerful woman. also the line "i could see it in your eyes, you could've eaten me alive, just to show me you could" is so damn raw and powerful lol and it fits really well with amaya, especially when you can see the animal ashe that she's conjuring in her eyes
Call You Mine
mostly for nate's tendency of doomed romances, and relationships with people from a different time/life. first with amaya, who already had a set destiny that she had to fulfill, and then with zari, whose life and entire being changed with heyworld. the entirety of this song is just very nate
ZARI 1.0
feels very fitting with the whole 2040s dystopian seattle reality that she lived through, and how the world, and specifically ARGUS, told her she was wrong and evil for who she was. how she was tired of all the lies and the prison and torture that metas endured, and all the deep-seated anger that living through it caused
Traffic Light
it seems like a very fitting song for him, because he's always offering to be a listening ear for people's problems and being Gar Bear and trying to give people advice when he thinks they need to hear it. and it makes sense for him, because he was kind of always the one that felt like nobody wanted him around, because they'd always kinda just disregard him and he'd take it and internalize, but eventually does see his worth and stops letting himself be treated like that and becomes, without changing who he is, a person that the team Does want to have around, and then he also takes the time to ensure that no one else feels that way, ensures that they know they belong
Bad Habits
honestly the title itself of this song is pretty self-explanatory for why i chose it for john. but beyond that, the song itself fits him pretty well, both before his time with the legends and throughout his time on the ship. because he's Always had bad habits, right until the very end, also his bad habits are pretty much exactly the ones in the song lol
i mean,,, nora was pretty much in and out of asylums her entire childhood while damien darhk was trying to get her ready to give herself to mallus, and it wasn't until ray and zari took a chance on her and broke her out to give her some kind of semblance of normal and happy that she really felt good. before that she was kinda always afraid. and then, of course, after that she ended up in another asylum again, but even then, ray never really ever gave up on her
Long Live Rock & Roll
this one feels pretty self explanatory. charlie's in a rock band and rock music is,, kinda where they found themself and it's what they love. but this song is also pretty fitting in terms of the journey that charlie went on with the legends, too, and how they found a family with the legends and how that'll never change, because once a legend, always a legend
Waiting for Superman
this one also feels kinda self-explanatory. mona's a romantic, and she really wants to find love, and she almost had it with konane, until he had to go (and then died) and she was upset and hurt and angry, but eventually the legends, and especially zari, helped her to see that she can and will love again, in time
Cry For Help
others have put my explanation for this choice much more eloquently than i, but: behrad has put on this act his whole life of being this super chill, stoner, always go with the flow guy because it's what he thought he had to be for people to like him and for people to stay, but now he's at a place where he's starting to feel like he can be honest with the legends about who he really is, and how he's not always go with the flow and how he's scared,, a lot, and how sometimes the weight just gets too much and he needs help sometimes, rather than just always being chill about everything on the outside
ZARI 2.0
As You Are
when thinking of how to best explain this choice (which to me at least is very fitting), one single line from z2 pops into my head: i have millions of followers, but 0 friends. and how no one really saw the real her, or the person she wanted to be, at least not until she joined the legends, and especially became friends with ava ("you got one" 🥺). the legends love her as she is, they don't try to change her or compare her to zari 1.0, they let her exist for who she is and they love her for it, even when the rest of the world doesn't get to see it
Heavy Is The Crown
this song is just,, very astra vibes, with her having been raised in hell, and her having been practically a Queen in hell, and then having to live with that and deal with everything it entailed. and yeah the power she had was nice, but now on earth and in the mortal world, heavy is the crown, y'know. she had to learn to experience things and deal with what life was like on earth, and john was,,, Not much help so she was kinda on her own, until she let the legends, and especially spooner, in to help her n support her so that she didn't Have to do everything on her own
On The Inside
i'm gonna be honest, i'm not like 100% happy with this one, but of all the songs i listened to to make these choices (which, i think was just about all of the daughtry songs i know and love, which,, is a vast vast majority), this one seemed to fit the best. i don't really have a well-thought-out or eloquently put reason as to why, this song just kinda felt like spooner's song
Dearly Beloved
dearly beloved fits the whole team really well, and their relationships with each other and how it's kinda like,,, them vs. the world a lot of times, and it seemed rather fitting to choose gideon for this song since she's pretty much always been at the heart of the team, and they wouldn't have been able to do what they do without her. plus it's nice because she loves them all so much and they all love her just as much too, and they're all family, and they're all in this together
Life After You
it fits fairly well with the whole situation with alun, especially given how gwyn literally said that he couldn't bear to live in a world without alun in it, and how he really would do anything to get his boy back, considering he quite literally invented time travel to save him, because he loves him. and given his time with the legends, and what they've (especially ava) helped him realize and come to terms with, he wants nothing more than to just,,, be with alun because alun is his person
also i'm sure if anyone wants me to, i could make other parts to this with like,, songs from some of my other favorite bands (such as: 3 Doors Down, Nickelback, Matchbox 20, Citizen Soldier, Simple Plan, and others if I can think of them. tho they might not all be this long, depending on how many songs i know/like lmao)
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
What kind of social media presence do you think the OPM characters would have?
Oh my god I love this.
Blast: Has a verified instagram. Has never posted. Does not follow anyone. Still has like. 3.2M followers.
Tatsumaki: Has a public twitter and a secret pinterest. Her twitter is mostly the occasional selfie or update on monsters she’s fighting. She will occasionally talk shit about the Hero Association on her public twitter. She has 14.7M followers. They love the drama. Her pinterest is a lot of aesthetic pictures, quotes and romantic movie scenes.
Fubuki: Has an instagram that is immaculately curated. It’s very clean looking. She posts thirst traps to her stories, and people lose their minds. She just cracked 1M followers.
Bang: Surprisingly adept at Youtube. Uploads weekly guided meditation videos, and has a few basic self-defense videos. He’s got 800k subscribers, and a pretty active online fanbase. The go grandpa jokes are rampant.
Bomb: One of his disciples got him a snapchat, and now he snapchats nonstop. He also has an instagram, but he has it on private, and treats it like a normal person’s instagram. He still has 20k followers though. Makes regular appearances on Bang’s channel. He often acts as Bang’s sparring partner for self defense videos.
Atomic Samurai: FACEBOOK. He’s like a mix of those wine moms who post minion memes nonstop and your uncle who won’t stop posting memes that make you kind of wince because they’re like. Lowkey offensive. People keep Ok Boomering him. He’s mad because he’s not that old.
Iaian: Has a tumblr where he posts poetry/lit analysis. He’s surprisingly popular and has one of the larger lit analysis accounts, and occasionally gets into beef with other accounts. It’s hilarious. No one knows it’s him though. His account has 37k followers.
Okamaitachi: An INFLUENCER. Has an Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and a Youtube, and knows how to use them all. Super curated (main) instagram feed. Posts regularly to her story. Probably has like. 1.8M followers. Her tumblr is pretty standard. She’s anonymous on there, and her account is pretty small. Her twitter is mainly her tweeting about stupid shit the disciples/Kamikaze do, and occasionally promoting her Youtube channel. She’s got 900k followers. Her youtube channel is a makeup/fashion channel. She’s got her go to look and style, but she’s super versatile. She’s even gotten the other disciples and Kami to come on for a lot of her videos. She just hit 1M subscribers.
Bushidrill: Doesn’t have social media, are you kidding me? Dude’s probably got the OPM equivalent of a Nokia let’s be real kjhgkjdf
Child Emperor: Has a science youtube channel where he explains different scientific phenomenons, and shows DIY experiments. He’s got 8M followers. He also has a twitter and is just a complete ray of sunshine on it. His feed is entirely fun facts and questions about people’s favorite color, book recommendations, etc. He’s got 11M followers on it.
Metal Knight: Spends all his time on Reddit. This one is self explanatory.
King: Also spends time on Reddit, but isn’t like, a jerk about it. He has a tumblr dedicated to gaming and anime. No one knows it’s him. He has like. 72 followers. He’s also popular as a twitch streamer, though he wears a mask to hide his identity. He’s in like their top 2% of creators.
Zombieman: Got a twitter because Child Emperor asked him to. He only follows about half of the S Class (and Mumen Rider) on Twitter because he’s petty and wants to start drama so he can feel something. Never tweets, just retweets Child Emperor and occasionally tweets making fun of Amai Mask. Posts the occasional thrust trap which CE finds mortifying. Still has 5.2M followers.
Drive Knight: Zero social media. The Hero Association has enough information on him as is, thank you very much.
Pig God: He’s a really popular twitch streamer! Him and King actually collaborate sometimes, though PG doesn’t know it’s King. He also has an instagram where he posts solely pictures of pigeons. No one knows why. 
Superalloy Darkshine: Has a fitness instagram, youtube account, and twitter. But he’s like the positive guy! His instagram is full of encouragement, body positivity/self love, and affordable small changes to implement to do things like up Omega 3 intake. He’s got 2.4M followers on ig. His twitter is similar, but he’ll occasionally tweet things like “Was feeling down today. Then I remembered how much I’ve improved since yesterday! Never give up! Every day you are a new person!”. He’s good and soft. His twitter has 4.3M followers. His youtube is just as upbeat. He’s got workout videos ranging from beginner to advanced, and has a lot on explaining how to build up strength and endurance, or modify fitness excercises to be easier or more challenging. He’s got 1.2M subscribers. Recently got into tiktok, but he hasn’t gotten the hang of it yet.
WDM: Has a instagram. Posts the same pic every day. Still has 1.3M followers. Also has a twitter bot that just posts variations of “woof boof” every day. He still has 887k followers there.
Flashy Flash: Has a twitter and instagram. He mostly goes on twitter to vague people, but will occasionally post an obvious thirst trap. He’s got 7.3M followers. His instagram is pretty curated, but it’s solely pictures of him looking super glamorous. He has 800k followers on there.
Speed of Sound Sonic: Has an anonymous twitter he uses to badger Genos. He’d badger Saitama, but Saitama doesn’t have any social media. Genos just thinks he’s another creep and blocks him. He also has a pinterest where he pins pictures of black clothing and MCR lyrics.
Genos: Has a twitter and instagram, though his instagram is private. He shares “wisdom” on twitter. People think he’s shitposting. He’s not. He has 9.8M followers from trying to spread sensei’s wisdom.
Saitama: Does not have any social media. Occasionally shows up in the background of one of Genos’ rare photos on twitter.
Metal Bat: A Tiktok star. Him and Zenko make dancing videos and skits, and they get over a million plays every time. He started a youtube channel back when he was 14, but just started posting vlogs, sibling challenges, and prank videos to it again. He’s up to 2.3M subscribers. His twitter is a combo of him publicly beefing with the Hero Association and celebrities, and him just. Fucking tweeting out random shit like “do you think geese can actually read minds and we just don’t know it because we don’t speak goose” at 3am. He’s got 7.9M followers. No one knows if he’s serious or not.
Tank Top Master: Has a joint account on twitter with all his bros. The TankTopArmy twitter has 2.1M followers. He also has a youtube that’s pretty similar to Superalloy, and they often collab. He’s at 1.1M subscribers on there.
Puri Puri Prisoner: Has a tumblr. He got really popular on tumblr, but then someone made a calloutpost about him and exposed him as PPP, and he lost a ton of followers. He’s still got 21k followers though.
Garou: Is on his 7th twitter account bc he keeps getting suspended. Uses his twitter to harass the heroes. Also tweets out his hot take on things like controversial food combinations to stir the pot. He’s managed to regain 700k of his original 2.2M followers on this 7th account, but he’ll probably get suspended again before he makes it all the way back.
Amai Mask: Has a twitter and instagram because it is part of his contract. His manager has access to both and manages his ig, which has 47.2M followers. He manages his twitter and occasionally vagues the S Class heroes, but his manager deletes the tweets. But screenshots are forever, and Amai’s got 38M followers on twitter to see his tweets.
Mumen Rider: Has a tumblr and twitter. His tumblr is super popular. It’s like the suggestion/nice message tumblrs. It’s all positivity and kind words, and focuses a lot on self care. He’s got 16k followers on tumblr. His twitter is very similar. There is #MumenNation on twitter. He’s got 4.6M followers, including the majority of the S Class. Even Amai Mask follows him. He’s just a nice guy.
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enderelsh · 7 years
Hey! I super appreciate you giving the characters diversity and I wanted to give you a high five when I saw your art bc as an ethnic (indian) person I don’t feel represented at all in a in-development game I really actually like following, but seeing characters drawn as not perfectly light-skinned and without any body weight was refreshing as hell!
hi there, thanks so much for your message! i’m really honestly glad that people are enjoying my art bc of the diversity! one of the reasons I started this blog in the first place was bc everyone kept saying Amai was ‘visibly chubby’ and she clearly wasn’t, but I relate to her so much that I just wanted her to look more like me and here we are now what a wild ride.
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seksipomminpurkaja · 8 years
romance-part for mushers gushers & the basics-part for misfits? (the picture parts are not needed :))
I actually now realize this was meant for actual people in actual relationships, can’t relate
Misfits and basics
1. When did you both get together? - After many, many beusness dealings and bar nights i’d assume. They’d just suddenly klick and all ‘wanna try holding hands it’s nice ain’t it’2. Who made the first move? - Harlei,, but she’s bit flirty like that neither she and Ninida know when the ‘first move’ in all seriousness was done3. How long have you been a couple? - They were a couple for seven’ish years? (i forgot the actual lenght i’m so sorry) and after Ninida met Amai they’d have it a little on/off relationship until Harlei got pushed to the wall in the bad way4. How did you first meet? - Harlei was probably looking for a job and just knew about the whole Viir weapon legend and actually seeing the junior Viir in a bar she just had to ask if he has any job offers for her to ie. smuggle something for him or raid a certain workshop5. Were you already close friends before going out as a couple? - I’d believe they were friends before Harlei took it a step further. I mean, they’re both fun company for each other and their fields of work clash nicely 6. Are you/Were you ever in the same class at school? - Nope, Harlei went through her schools in Proxima Alpha, not the best, but not the worst. She was a troublemaker since then. Idk about Ninida, does he have a basic education i ‘d really like to know about nedians in general7. Are you long-distance? - Yes, absolutely, travelling across solar systems in different ships with different jobs kinda does that to you8. Are you in an open, regular or committed relationship? - Quite committed i’d say, Harlei stopped her ho’ing around after getting serious with him, and I’d think Ninida takes it seriously as well, until he wants kids, that he can’t really have with her9. Do you live together? - Nope, they live on their respective ships10. Are you engaged? If yes, describe your proposal. If no, what ring would you like? - Whay kind of a ring… Harlei would settle down for a froot loop tbh even though she does have eye for high end jewelry. One thing they’d probably agree on is a goddamn ruby on a silver ring with teeny tiny details engraved and all fancy like that, yeah.. red is their color11. Are you married? If yes, describe your wedding. If no, would you consider marriage? - No they’re not, Ninida would be the first to suggest it and it would take Harlei quite some time to get all that through her head, while she does love him very much she’s jut not the type to easily settle down. Although after he was off with Amai she got pretty jealous. She’s just not your basic housewife type12. Which one of you is older? What is the age difference? - Ninida is alder by whooping 2 years, and Harlei keeps calling him old man13. Which one of you is taller? What is the height difference? - Not that much two to four cm at most, always on perfect smooch level14. Do you share any of the same hobbies/interests/passions? - They share the adrenaline rush seeking, almost getting yourself killed type of adventurous personality, thing for ships and tech, gun, and lots of passion for anything they do, work, friends, each other15. What fictional couples would you compare yourselves to? - They already are a fictional couple but as i’va said before, they give me thse Bonnie and Clyde vibes16. Sum up your relationship in 6 words or less. - The smuggler king and queen got together and no one is safe (i know it’s more than 6 words but i suck at shortening things)17. Doodle a little picture of you both as a couple. - My ask is always open for requests, if you wanna see a specific thing just hmu :D18. Describe your relationship using only emoticons. - (⌐■_■)–︻╦╤─  (҂`з´).っ︻デ═一 φ(゚ ω゚//)♡ ( ��° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  bc we know where’s it’s going
Mooshers and amore
39. Do you have cute pet names for each other? - Just your typical honey darling sugar spice bake in the oven for 20 minutes40. What’s one of your favourite memories as a couple? - All those fun tavern nights together but especially that one where the whole tavern cheered for them aften Nayden sang a drunken ballad at her41. Describe your favourite date so far? - They don’t really have dates? Walks in the forest collecting berries together is nice and maybe take a dip in a river together42. What’s the sweetest thing that your partner’s ever done for you? - Sharni sprained her ankle once and Nayden gave her his armor boots (well not the foot part the one up from ankle part, one size fits all) for her so that won’t happen again, he never aked them back43. Do either of you get jealous? - Both do, Nayden when her attention is on Helga or other firend bit too long, he’s only mildly jealous though, not like he demands her 100% attention at all times. Sharni gets jealous of all the men and women Nayden speaks to and who they speak to more confidently, and to people who have everything on track and well, because she firmly believed she’ll never get any better44. Is one of you protective of the other? - Nayden is, even if Sharni is actually more powerful than him but he’s a warrior and she’s slender mage, with dragonfire that is, but still slender45. How do you both like to kiss? - Slow and nice, maybe little teeth here and there won’t hurt46. How do you both like to cuddle? - Preferably Sharni laying on top of Nayden47. What’s a gift that you’ve given to your partner? And one they’ve given to you? - Neither of them gave each other any gifts with significan meanings 48. Are you an openly mushy couple or a reserved couple? - At first a little reserved, then it evolved from cheek kisses to being openly mushy49. Does one of you like to cook for the other? - They cook together50. Do you have unique ringtones/images for each other on your phones? - 51. Have you ever had your initials written on a tree or in the sand? - No, not really no. Maya wrote them into sand though after they married, for good luck from her culture52. What’s “your song”? - 500 miles and follow you53. Do you own any items that are a special symbol of your relationship?54. What did you both do for Valentine’s Day? - Eat and watch movies if modern au 55. Do you express your love lavishly or discreetly? - Nayden climbs on rooftops and shouts it to the worlds56. What’s the funniest thing you can remember your partner doing? - The tavern sing-off with Wane and Lucas57. Does thinking about your partner still give you butterflies? - Fore Nayden yes, all the butterflies he just loves her so much. For Sharni too, after he’s been away for a while or so58. What’s the weirdest part of your relationship?  - He got a lower class citizen to a queen, hashtag relationship goals
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
...so I made a fancast for some of the OPM characters
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Actors’ names and an explanation under the cut. 
Genos: Wang Yibo-I feel like this one’s self explanatory.
Saitama: Ryan Higa/John Harlan Kim-both are goofy and kind of unassuming
Fubuki: Miki Hamano/Chloe Bailey-Listen. Miki Hamano is so pretty. She recently starred in The Weeknd’s Blinding Lights music video. Chloe’s gorgeous. I feel like Chloe x Halle have an air of grace/elegance to them that would work well for the Psychic sisters.
Tatsumaki: Leah Lewis/Halle Bailey-Leah was recently Ellie Chu in The Half of It. Halle is actually the younger sister, but she’d make a great Tatsu imo!
Amai Mask: Manny Jacinto-The idea of Manny Jacinto playing a murderous pop idol/model is top tier. He also kind of looks like webcomic Amai imo.)
Garou: Xiao Zhan-I recently found out about him through Untamed (which I still need to get around to watching). His character in that seems to have extremely chaotic energy that works for Garou.
Zombieman: Dev Patel/Manish Dayal-This one is solely for me. They’re both gorgeous and they’ve got a kind of mellow energy that I think works well for Zombieman.
Child Emperor: Ian Chen-He’s baby.
Flashy Flash: Nils Kuiper Verberne-He’s a model and MUA that I’ve been following the work of for a while. He’s elegant as all hell and his hair is to die for.
Metal Bat: Donny Pangilinan-He looks young (which for MB is important bc he’s 17), and he’s expressive which is important bc...MB sure does contort his face.
Zenko: Ella Jay Basco-I adore her. 
King: Aldis Hodge-Ok hear me out. Aldis Hodge 100% looks like someone people would assume is a badass based solely on his looks. But my first introduction to him was Alec Hardison from Leverage, who was a nerd extraordinaire. He does a great job playing sweet characters that are also the only person in the room with a reasonable fear of death.
Atomic Samurai: Daniel Dae Kim/Ian Anthony Dale-They both look like they could kick my ass.
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
Help, People Think My Bodyguard Is Hot!AU
So I posted earlier about the fact that my dumbass gremlin brain managed to mix a Bodyguard AU, Fake Dating AU, Unrequited Love, Childhood Friends, and Mutual Pining into one AU...this is that AU. It’s Mumensai and Flashysonic endgame.
Main Plot:
So Flashy Flash is an idol and Mumen’s his personal assistant. The two have been working together for a few years, and Flash has come to trust Mumen’s judgement, even though he thinks Mumen can be a bit high-strung/get’s anxious easily. 
The night before a major event, Flash’s security detail fell through.
Mumen panics, and asks his best friend Saitama, who works as a security contractor/bodyguard at a company he and Genos own.
Previously, Mumen hadn’t asked him to because Mumen was worried it would come off as biased, and Saitama thought that was fair. Plus he wasn’t exactly sold on the idea of working for Flashy Flash in the first place, so no hard feelings.
This time around was an emergency though, so Saitama agrees to fill in, and brings a few of his coworkers (it is supposed to be a detail after all. He’s pretty sure that means more than one guy. He’s not sure to be honest, Genos handles the logistics most of the time.)
There ends up being a scuffle at Flash’s show and long story short Saitama takes down like 6 guys.
Flash is suitably impressed and offers him a position as his personal bodyguard Saitama being the cheapskate he is, and hearing the paycheck associated with it accepts on the spot.
Everything’s going smoothly for a few days, but then someone on twitter tweets a picture of Saitama helping Flash out of his limo with the caption “Wait is it just me or is Flashy Flash’s bodyguard hot? 😳”
Saitama becomes an overnight sensation (remember Kylie Jenner’s bodyguard? Yeah that) and people start following him on socials, except—you know—he’s Saitama so his ig account isn’t curated pictures but is just stupid pics of things in his house and him goofing off with Genos (who is also his roommate) and King.
He gets even more popular when someone posts a video of Saitama taking down the guys at Flashy’s show.
Flash is pretty amused by this, and thinks Saitama’s floundering in the new spotlight is really funny. 
He gives Saitama a few tips and tricks on how to keep a clean feed for ig (which Saitama only follows sometimes), and has Mumen create a twitter account for him under the username baldandbeautiful and get it verified. 
Saitama does not think this is funny, and begins tweeting absolute nonsense to try to spite Flash. This does not work. He keeps gaining followers. What the fuck. His tweet that was just “do you think birds know we love them” got 81k retweets. What is twitter.
So Flash, Saitama and Mumen continue on like this for a few months, and things are going swimmingly.
Then it comes out that Amai Mask (Flashy’s ex who he had a really messy public breakup with) began dating his personal bodyguard (Sonic).
Now Amai seeing someone new would be fine by itself, but it turns out Sonic is Flash’s childhood friend, and ex. 
So Flash vents to Saitama about how his exes are dating just to spite him and how he needs to figure out his next public appearance because all eyes are going to be on him.
Spoiler alert: he ends up going and partying at a club and getting wasted. This isn’t especially out of the ordinary for him, but what is out of the ordinary is him climbing on Sai’s lap in the middle of the lounge, and leaning in to kiss him. (The paparazzi lose their minds)
Saitama pulls back and asks him what he’s doing and Flash (who it turns out is actually completely sober) explains the publicity behind him dating his famous hot bodyguard would be great for both of them and he’ll double how much he’s paying him.
Saitama hesitates for a moment because he’s been in love with Mumen since they were in high school, but he relents, because honestly, money is tight, and Mumen doesn’t like him back so there’s no reason to hold out. And Flash is attractive, so there are worse people to pretend to date.
Flash and Saitama’s “steamy makeout sesh” is all over the rag magazines the next day and they’re getting tons of good publicity from it. 
Mumen starts acting a bit weird around Saitama which he gets—Mumen’s always been a romantic so him pretending to date someone wouldn’t sit well with the guy.
The two continue to fake date for a while. Flash ends up genuinely falling for Saitama, but also confesses to him while drunk one night that he’s still in love with Sonic. 
Saitama in turn confides in him that he’s been in love with someone for years, but is scared of ruining what they have by telling them.
He doesn’t tell Flash who it is, but Flash puts two and two together and just has to watch Mumen and Saitama pine for each other like idiots. He eventually ends up “firing” him as a boyfriend but keeping him on as his security guard.
But anyways it ends up with Flashysonic, Mumensai and Amai x Tons of money from the breakup album he puts out ajrbvttv
Other characters:
Sonic is a private contractor. His backstory is actually fairly similar to canon in terms of having taken jobs as a hitman, bodyguard and/or thief. He and Flash grew up together, and “dated” up until fairly recently. When Flash got discovered, it drove a wedge between the two of them and they split on bad terms. He ended up hired as extra security for an event Amai was holding. Despite being told he could enjoy himself as he was mostly there for show bc Amai could handle himself, he ended up taking down a guy who tried to attack Amai Mask, and made quick work of him. When Amai mentioned he could handle himself, Sonic told him to shut up, because he’d hired him for a job, and damn if he wasn’t going to do it. Amai, surprisingly, found this hilarious it helps he that found Sonic attractive and ends up offering him a job. He still sees Saitama as his rival because Saitama once caught him trying to steal from his client and knocked him out. He ended up wiggling out of a felony charge because his client at the time was incredibly wealthy and got him a good lawyer.
Amai Mask is still a famous actor, singer and model. He and Flash dated briefly (originally for publicity but they both got attached). It ended because he realized Flash was still in love Sonic.
Genos is Saitama’s roommate and coworker. He handles more of the business/logistical end of their security work, but he’s no pushover, and occasionally contracts out himself. Saitama usually benches him though because he has a tendency to get in fights.
King is one of the bodyguards but he’s mostly there to add numbers to the security details bc he can’t fight for shit, he just looks big and scary enough that people back down. He actually does better with the tech elements, and he and Genos work on that together.
Fubuki is Flash’s current agent. She’s constantly trying to help him raise his status, and by extension her own. She poaches a few of Saitama’s employees/coworkers to come work for her, or sign a contract for her. (What? You’ve managed to surround yourself with very attractive bodyguards. They could make it as models, Saitama.)
Tatsumaki is Amai Mask’s agent, and Fubuki’s older sister. She discovered Amai Mask, and turned him into a worldwide phenomenon. 
Badd and Garou probably won’t make a major appearance in this AU but if they do, it’ll be as Saitama and Genos’ coworkers that Fubuki successfully convinces to go into modelling...but not under her.
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
[Opera Singer Part 1] I think Pig God has a soundcloud acc to upload his weekly opera singing practices at home as his side hobby. Everyone likes his singing voice, but because it's really different from his usual voice nobody realized that it was actually him. Until one day Badd found out about the truth after doing some comprehensive listening to his recordings, he asked Pig God for the confirmation if it was really him or not.
[Part 2] After it has already confirmed, Badd offered him to join practicing at Badd's home with Zenko because she needs to practice a piano accompanion piece for opera song recently and she wants to do it with a real singer if she could. So this was Pig God's chance to improve his skills along with musicians accompaniment, too. And also to have good interactions with fellow S-Class hero members outside their worktime.
[Part 3] They practiced for a week every afternoon, and Zenko was really impressed by Pig God's godly voice that could rivaled Amai's singing voice (Badd: *cough* "even more better"). On Zenko's piano recital day, Pig God come along with Badd to give Zenko their supports. As expected, her performance was perfect thanks to Pig God's guidance. Days later, HA gave party invitation to all members, allowed volunteers' music entertaintment during party.
[Part 4] Badd's idea: perform what they practiced at the party, because he wants people know that the "famous opera singer they listened to" was Pig God. At first he wasn't sure if it's good idea, after many years people underestimated him as only a hero or a foodie. But seeing his friend's determination, he agreed to go along with his plan. On party day, Badd volunteered 2 performance, one with Zenko, and another is them with secret guest.
[Part 5] First performance had Badd flexing his violin playing skill with Zenko's piano accompaniment. At some point certain someone shouted, "Look that's my husband!" while crying. On second performance, they played opera music with someone singing the song beautifully behind the stage's curtain. It's the same exact voice as the "famous soundcloud opera singer" voice, it made people wonder who's the secret guest actually.
[Part 6] Just a moment before last part ended, the curtain was finally lifted to reveal Pig God singing the song. Everyone was surprised by this, some even take pictures or record it as news material, but all of their reaction was positive, even supportive to him. In the end, Pig God was received 5 minutes straight standing ovation from all the party guests for his wonderful opera singing performance.
[Part 7] There's even many guests from big music companies who's offering an opera singing recording to him, promised that he'd be very appreciated to work with them here. Badd and Zenko (also Garou) watching Pig God with proud feelings, happy that finally people recognised him as talented singer. And for 2 times in a row that night, Amai Mask's dignity as musician/artist was trampled and shattered, first by Badd and now Pig God. Expect him being salty for 3 weeks following. -END-
Oh my god this is brilliant! I love it so much. 
I’m a sucker for the idea of Badd and Zenko both loving opera. I feel like the two of them would watch operas bc the STORY, the DRAMA, the MUSIC...it’s all so good.
So of course when Badd comes across this opera singer on soundcloud with a huge following and the voice of an angel, he’s intrigued.
Then one day, he hears PG humming the same song that the soundcloud singer released a cover of the night before.
Badd asks him about it, asks him if he’s a fan, and PG kind of stammers out an answer. And Badd begins to connect the dots.
When he tells Zenko he knows who the opera singer might be, she demands that he tell her. And when he does, she wants to work with him!
Badd’s a little hesitant at first because he doesn’t know PG super well, but he finally confronts him about it after Zen and Garou encourage him to, and PG owns up to it, but makes him promise not to tell. Imagine his surprise when Badd asks if he’d like to come work with him and his sister–Badd says PG’s got the ear for it and they’d love another opinion.
PG wasn’t sure what he was expecting from Badd to be honest. He was surprised the boy liked opera and knew it well enough to name the songs and the operas they came from, but then again, operas were big and bold and loud, just like Badd was, so maybe it wasn’t as out of character as he thought.
His view completely shifted when he saw how Badd interacted with Zenko, and the way he played the violin. There was a softness there he didn’t expect. The boy had a rough exterior, but inside, he was as gentle as a lamb.
It’s no doubt then that when the two kids turned their puppy eyes on PG, he couldn’t turn them down.
And in the end, he was glad they pushed him out of his comfort zone.
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
What kind of new fic do you plan to add into your fanfics to-do list? 👀✨
Fundraiser baseball game in canon (post Garou redemption)
The HA decided and Badd had nothing to do with this I promise that a great way to fundraiser for the Association would be to sell tickets to a hero baseball game.
Badd’s the captain of one team, Genos is the captain of the other.
Metal and Drive Knight weren’t interested,
Child Emperor is the commentator (bc hes baby)
Tatsumaki got disqualified bc she’s an esper
Pig God’s throwing the first pitch but is working security
King said last time he played he sent four people to the hospital and opts out (not technically a lie, he just neglected to mention he was one of the four)
Bang is the manager for Badd’s team (on the condition that he let Charanko play in the game).
But the rest of S Class and some other A and B class heroes were down.
Mumen is the home plate umpire, an underdog bot is the field ump and a few others act as cameras.
Saitama is Genos’ team manager.
The teams are as follows (they did it high school style where they each chose one at a time, so this is in order of their picks)
Genos’ team:
Tank Top Master
Puri Puri Prisoner
Superalloy Darkshine
Captain Mizuki
Lightning Max
Golden Ball
Death Gatling (this is. Fun bc Garou’s also on the team ajfbbr)
Badd’s team:
Flashy Flash
Atomic Samurai
Watchdog Man
Amai Mask (who ends up being benched the entire game but Zenko made Badd promise to pick him)
Spring Mustachio
And shenanigans ensue, obviously :)
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