#follow my DeviantArt if you want all my art is over there till I move here permanently one day woohoo
m4rk3rr · 5 months
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Or smth idk
Bought bfdi x ii tickets ig, not really smth to brag abt but okie doki
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twinklnyan4life · 2 years
Being Me
Hey, I want to get something off my chest. Well when it comes of being an artist when you’re younger, you improve more and more. While looking back on some, you realize, “wow, what was I?” Or “what’s wrong with me lol?” I wasn’t ashamed but felt like changing new things. Back then, I follow what everyone do like opinions and sometimes make art out of things they love to impress them. You can say I’m a copycat. Moments of times I added friends on most of my art… don’t wanna be bother at times and is all I do.
In my Deviantart, I delete most of my art I made in 2017-2018 except the Twinklnyan Era (yeah I called that) because back then I made art that is based on drawing with my fingers and is so messy. And some art on Tumblr and bit edit because yeah being a copycat. The art like previews on Twinklnyan Adventures has been kept because updates and also the damage is done on the story and i’m not sure of reset because it all change during TA4 and 5. High school life is a mess till Quarantine Era that changes things. Not like I wasn’t depressed but reality slaps me on what was doing. Made me realize I act annoying like few people I met years ago and fear I might be one to.
Twinklnyan Era though is a bit of the start of growing up also Quarantine Era as well. Despite some pain and dramas from the Yokai Watch Community, made me what this community really is. Bit of misunderstandings, troubled past, and being bit childish on opinions. Past me is bit of both, I was really want to be impressed, defending friends and being the most strangest teen… but time for me to grow and I know lots of you have that as well.
Since that mess of deleting past is over, time to focus on one things, me. Yeah I mentioned friends and be inspired by them but I’m focusing on going on in rl such as working and finding out about myself. (You see, i’m not sure if I’m Autistic or not. I have few of the symptoms but my mind kept denying it but I want to wait till my diagnosis who know… I don’t wanna fake it, I been with disabilities and I’m one of them not know who and why I’m there.)
To my friends, hope ya understand that I growing up and moving forward. Hope ya understand. I’m happy that I keep going and have support with family and friends. My art will keep going and move towards the future! Thanks for listening.
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sabitosthirst · 3 years
Meeting him-Sabito x Reader-Pt6
Next -> Part7 of Meeting him
Considered NSFW
The story takes on our reader being invited to become a pillar. While meeting everyone, she encounters Sabito, and from that point on she’s a total goner.
Part5 of Meeting him
Part4 of Meeting him
Part3 of Meeting him
Part2 of Meeting him
Part1 of Meeting him
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*found on twitter by PPKyume. Posted on 12/30/19*
Perspective of Reader (Y/n)
“I’m not married, and if I wasn’t clear before, then let me say so now. There is no other woman, there is only one. And I promise you, (y/n) (l/n), that I will do whatever it takes to make you mine!”
Those were his words.. And that’s all it took for me. Maybe it was my locked knees, or maybe it was the overstimulation from Sabito. But, I’ve never felt like this, and having him say such things to me made lose it. He just grabbed me and next thing I knew he was in my face. I lost control of my body and suddenly.. nothing.
Nothing till I felt this warmth that surrounded me. It felt so nice. I wanted more, so I reach out and embraced it. Nuzzling in it.
This is nice. This heat, this feel, this scent...yes, this scent. It’s earthy, almost like fresh grass in the wind blowing before a storm. This scent was made for me. Mmmm, I wonder what it would taste like.
I tilt my head up and my nose brushes against a soft surface. Making contact with my lips as I glide them ever so softly, reaching out with my tongue. Yummy. I caress this sweet surface and stroke it some more. As I do this, I feel a tightening grip around my waist and thighs. Pushing me against such a hard surface.
What is this?
Suddenly my eyes flutter open...
Wait... WHAT?!
Reality hit me. I shriek! Sabito is carrying me with a death grip. Realizing that I’m practically eating his neck, I snap my mouth shut. My teeth grazed his skin and I hear him audibly inhale through his teeth. I want to bury my face on his neck and hide, but that’s no good. He’s standing still on a path I walked earlier with Mitsuri. I wonder what to do next.
He breaks the silence first, chuckling.
“so, you’re awake now?”
Crap. He sounds amused but my Gods! What is wrong with me?!
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*artist unknown*
“Yes, haha! I- I-“ I finally initiate the movements to set me down, he complies. I continue my blabber, “uhh, let’s pretend I didn’t do that! I don’t know what came over me.” I nervously laugh and try my best to give an apologetic smile. My hands slip from his neck and shoulders, already feeling lost.
My feet are back on the ground. I try to step back but his grip on his horari thats still wrapped around me doesn’t let go. Caging me in between the cloth and him.
“Now now, where do you think you’re going?” He says lowly.
The corner of his smile lifts, as does the beautiful marking on his face. My eyes snap to his. They were focused on me, and if I didn’t know any better, his eyes looked darker. I felt like prey.
“I think it’s only fair if we even the score. And by the way, I know exactly what’s coming over me. So...my turn.”
He lets go of my restraint, only to quickly grab my hip with one hand and cusp the side of my neck with the other. I feel tightness pulling my hips to his-HARDNESS. Then his hand around my neck goes to work. His fingers push the collar of my uniform down, exposing skin no one sees. His thumb then moves to my jawline, tilting my head to expose my bare neck.
The sudden movements make me breathless, a low gasp is all that escapes from me. Soft lips begin to brush against my jaw, working it’s way up so smoothly. Teeth nip the soft spot below my ear. I shiver in ecstasy.
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*@PPKyume on Twitter*
My chest compulsively rises and my hands reactively clench the front of his uniform, bringing myself closer to him. Then comes his tongue. Giving a slow and sensual lick behind my ear as he runs his hand through my hair and across my scalp. A shameless moan cries from my lips.
“Mmmm, tell me more,” he teases.
I comply by letting go, allowing myself to release the pleasurable sounds I suppressed.
I swear I heard a soft groan from him, followed by an aggressive attack to my neck. If sex was anything like what he was doing with his mouth, then I wanted it. Here and now!
My hands slide up. I grab his shoulder for support as my other hand runs against the back of his head. I then wrap my fingers around the base of his beautiful hair for a firm grip, then I push his skull to deepen his mouth on me.
He feels my eagerness, as I feel his when he pushes his hips harder against me; holding me in place so I don’t lose any feeling. He inhales deeply against my neck before I felt a sudden, sharp, and erotic pain from my shoulder. He bit me. He had jerked my collar down further to reach my shoulder and gave it a bite. I give a sweet cry for him. Without any thoughts, I rip his collar down and do the same. He hisses from my bite. From there I mimic his movements. His teeth pull back, only to be replaced by lips. Giving subtle sucks to massage and finally, licking the spot to coax my redden skin. I do the same to his. As we stop, I feel our chest rise and fall together, pressed against one another. My skin is tingling- everywhere.
We let go of our holds on each other. Our faces meet and I can already feel my cheeks flaring, how embarrassing. I could only give a shy smile, biting my lower lip to suppress this high. His smile however looked proud. Amusement and wonder is swirling his eyes as he stares at me.
Several yards behind us, the outhouse bathroom door started to open. Sabito puts his back towards the sound and pulls me to his chest, covering my figure to hide my exposed neck and shoulder. He looks back to the door opening. I fidget with my uniform to quickly fix myself. I hear a step coming out of the outhouse and I quickly move to fix sabito’s collar as well. His hands slide down to my hips.
His body suddenly relaxes. I tip toe and peak to the side to see who it is.
“Hello, Giyuu!” Sabito chuckles.
Has he been in there the whole time?!!?!
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*art by Kukucho on DeviantArt*
Giyuu barely looks up from the ground to look at us. His eyes shoot back down. Red is his face. He already turned away when Sabito laughs, “She started it!”
✨✨Try “Forever his- Sabito x Reader (y/n)” ✨✨
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The first comic: Maturity or rather the lack thereoff.
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Something I commonly saw within the last decade was people arguing that animation has reached a new peak by the amount of quality in storywriting put into them and some even claiming cartoons have become more mature, particularly compared to shows of the 80s and 90s. Dobson too joined the trend and as such made this little comic in 2015 titled “Mature”, in which he argues that cartoons for children are more mature and handle serious subjects better than any media tagged with an r-rating or not following the format of animation.
  While I admit that the comic is not the most offensive and insulting thing Dobson has ever created when soapboxing about nerd/american culture, I do think “Mature”  actually in composes quite a good insight in how Dobson does not understand concepts of storytelling and overhypes the achievements and merits of children entertainment to a degree that is hurting the “cause”. Which greatly annoys me as a fan of storytelling and animation in general and paints Dobson as incompetent in the field of work (cartoonist, comic writer/artist) he tries to engage in. And I can bring this lack of understanding by Dobson down by just one simple question:
What exactly counts as a mature subject here?
 Dobson randomly accuses any form of fiction that is not a children’s cartoon or comic to have no idea how to approach a “mature” subject, but he can’t even give an example of what he defines by this term.
See, for me a mature subject is e.g. an social, emotional or political issue we as humans can correlate to in the real world. Either as a result of personal experience or a bigger picture in our history and culture (such as racism, poverty, existential dreed, personal/emotional growth, any form of oppression etc.) Something that does not only drive a story forward as a source of conflict or a character’s backstory/arc for the sake of entertainment, but may even make us think afterwards.
 And as much as I like cartoons, I do not think this is something children cartoons do most of the time.
 And before I get accused of thinking cartoons are only something for kids or that a thoughtful story can not be told via the medium of animation, let me put a few things into perspective.
Unlike Dobson, I do not have an educational background in animation. However, I grew up with a lot of cartoons, animated movies and comics from all over the world and thanks to the wonders of the internet read up here and there on the different ages of animation and certain tidbits in what went into the making of certain works of fiction and why they may have been a huge thing in the time periods they emerged in.
As such I know that the medium of animation can be used to not only create “child appropriate” content, but also movies like Barefoot Gen, Fritz the Cat, Felidae, Animal Farm and so on, which tackled themes of social issues, political worldviews and personal/historical tragedies.
 Then there is the fact, that depending on the culture, there are very different interpretations in what can be considered “child appropriate” in certain parts of the world and therefore what themes a cartoon may tackle. Like how in European children cartoons such as Alfred J. Quack there was a story arc resembling the rise of Adolf Hitler in power, to tell about the heroes of the show working in the underground against an obvious fascist regime. Or how in certain Japanese children shows the subject of death can be rather common, while in American cartoons just mentioning the word “die” seems a red flag to some studio executives. Lastly, a lot of early animation, (particularly western animation) did not even start off as something targeted primarily at children. Animation started off as a technique to tell a story through “moving pictures” and some of the first animated shorts ever had a huge fanbase of adults and children. “Snow White”, Disney’s first animated movie back in 1933 was a technical marvel at the time. A movie we nowadays mostly consider a children’s movie with a slightly dull story compared to other Disney outings, was back then a risk that earned Disney multiple Oscars and was appreciated more by adults than it was by children, despite being based on a fairy tale. A type of story mostly considered “appropriate” for kids.  
 What I am trying to say is, that I am aware of how not all children cartoons are the same and can vary in terms of “maturity”. Something I think Dobson can’t, because he also can’t see that there is a huge variety of “children” cartoons.
 Despite his background and claims to consider animation an art, Dobson has shown a huge lack of knowledge or admiration for shows/movies that do not fit into the specific mold of “western animation primarily targeted for children and airing on american television”.
And that is not a claim I make half-heartedly. I have done research on the guy, I know how he likes to brag when he considers he found a great cartoon or something interesting. So I find it telling that aside of nostalgia for certain 80s and 90s cartoons we all know, Dobson’s recommendations and taste in shows seems to be primarily focused on just the most recent stuff everybody else likes/a very small pool of rather generic shows. I am not saying he should be contrarian on principal and e.g. dislike Gravity Falls, but he lacks initiative to look out for new and old stuff himself.
I in fact remember when he asked twitter first if he should give Wander over Yonder, one of the best cartoons of the last decade, a chance, cause it seemed he was too chicken to have an opinion on his own.
Then again, weirdly enough, Dobson actually tends to be contrarian for the sake of it, till someone he respects or sucks up to tends to have a different opinion on a show/movie. For example, while he acts like Frozen is a great movie franchise and defends the second movie to the point he becomes anti-feministic when a woman has a different opinion than him on it, he actually gave the first movie a terrible review on deviantart back in 2014. Accusing it of “same face syndrome” and a shame to the name of Disney. Obviously that was also before the hashtag #GiveElsaaGirlfriend became popular and he went so far as to hint he thinks an incest ship with Anna was great. And Legend of Korra? According to first deviantart posts by him garbage. Which was an opinion swiftly changed the moment Korrasami became popular in the fandom by season 3.
 The point I want to make with this digression is, that there are a lot of past actions by him hinting on the fact that Dobson kinda despises animation, when it does not fit within a very narrow niche of things he likes. Further indicated by his disdain for “adult” animated shows or hostility towards foreign animation, except the occasional movie by Studio Ghibli for example.
 Because of this lack of a bigger picture, I do not think Dobson is aware how in terms of story, cartoons can heavily vary. And when it comes to mature subjects, you can’t really engage with them if you lack a story carrying them in turn. Let’s look again at the comic. What cartoon characters do you see in it, when Dobson talks about how he believes children cartoons “treat these (non-defined) mature subjects with FAR more respect than the hardest “dark, grim and gritty” stories”?
Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony, three main characters of Spongebob, Steven Universe, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Blossom from the Powerpuff Girls and Mickey Mouse. You want my opinion on them? None of them are from any cartoons tackling mature subjects in a huge manner.
 However, they are from great shows. (Well, everyone but Steven, but I explain that later.)
See, this is where putting cartoons into perspective within the vast history of animation, comes in handy. Cause looking at them it is undeniable that people put effort into these shows. Effort in the animation and the writing in order to create an entertaining product, decent enough that not only little kids can enjoy it as a mindless distraction, but even older people can find merit in it, thanks to characters with decent personality, good humor, world building and even an engaging story. But all of that doesn’t make these shows or any story necessarily tackle a “mature subject”. Sure, the latest incarnation of My little pony was not as saccharine as its predecessor but rather cartoony as a good 90s show, but that doesn’t mean the new version is the Schindler’s List of animation (excuse the hyperbole). Same for the other cartoons, with Dobson also not acknowledging the fact that Spongebob e.g. had quite some dips in quality over the years (and even made pretty awful jokes about serious subjects such as suicide) or that Steven Universe, while tending to tackle mature subjects for its story (like trauma, war, abuse, self esteem issues, racism, rape and homosexuality) has failed multiple times over its run (even back when this comic was made) to treat these subjects not just as plot and drama points, but also with enough respect within the narrative, to the point a lot of former fans of the show turned their back on it, cause they had enough of the issues they could relate to being simplified and resolved in a cookie cutter manner so Rebeca Sugar could tell a whimsical story about gay space rocks and forgiveness.
 Let us not even forget the fact, that while there is a huge number of cartoons with decent writing and value to them (and that those were not only created within the last 10 years or so), there is also just a lot of garbage out there that counts as “kids animation”. Cartoons and movies that were written with not a care in the world and at times outright more mean spirited as some of the stuff Dobson likely hates in life action. Are you telling me those toilet humor driven garbage piles of creativity are mature?
 The point I try to make is, Dobson’s GENERAL statement that kids cartoons tackle mature subjects better than other form of media, is factually wrong, because a lot of shows don’t even try to be mature in the first place. Which however does not mean, there aren’t attempts made at being mature or tackle a mature subject.
 Growing up with cartoons since the 90s, I saw quite a few cartoons once in a while having episodes with themes to them that were surprisingly “dark”, dramatic or related to issues I and other kids could also see and relate to in the real world. Bullying going out of control, eating disorders, school violence (even school shootings), dealing with the passing of a loved one, to name a few basic ones. Gargoyles and Hey Arnold were two very important cartoons for me in that regard, with Gargoyles showing me how dramatic a good action cartoon could be when compared to other action cartoons at the time (like Ninja Turtles) and Hey Arnold episodes like “Helga on the Couch” giving me a rather somber look into what “therapy” looks like closer to reality, while normally being a show with the slice of life adventures of a kid in the big city.
And I do highly appreciate that nowadays there are more cartoons doing ongoing storyarcs and as a result of actually having more drama to them, adding tension and character development to their plots. Things we did not quite have to the degree we have nowadays back then in the average show. But it is debatable if those things are equal to “mature subjects” such as racism, abuse or trauma. Cause at the end of the day, a lot of kids cartoons tend to only scratch the surface of those things in order to flesh out a plot, instead of making the plot about those issues. Which at times is even for the best if you ask me. Cause we should not forget, these shows and movies are made for kids. And because of their age, a lot of kids lack at times the knowledge and experience in life to properly understand the themes and subjects some people may try to convey with their work. Particularly when you want to tackle subjects such as trauma, abuse and war which lets be honest, a lot of people can’t even comprehend in their complexity as adults. So how are kids supposed to comprehend them? One way, in my opinion, is by simplifying them and turning them into part of a narrative instead of the main focus of the narrative. But that in itself doesn’t always work and can have negative consequences in multiple ways. For example by making the story suddenly non engaging, delivering the subject in such a manner that people can get the wrong message of what you are trying to say or (at worst) simplifying it to such a degree, it becomes outright offensive to others.
A good example that comes to my mind for that would be how Captain Planet back in the 90s tried to tackle the subject of AIDS in one episode. On one hand, considering how the disease was a big deal back then but no one openly talked about it, you kinda have to give credit to Captain Planet to tackle it. On the other hand, is a subject such as a deadly disease that back then was barely researched and killed millions, really something you want to tackle on an overly preachy (but considering whose company produced it, also very hypocritical) kids show, where most of the time the solution to a problem was not even grounded in reality? And spoilers, the episode treated AIDS not even as the big deal it was, but as something the villain would exploit to spread a rumor on the ill kid, because that somehow equaled a chance to pollute the world more. Not really mature, if you ask me.
 What all of this ranting is boiling down to, is that Dobson failed to make a case for how kids animation is able to tackle mature subjects, by not putting his opinion in the bigger context of what animation is/can be and what he means by the term “mature theme”. All he did was just indirectly soapbox that he thinks every other form of media is incapable of being about a serious issue, in doing so also insulting the art of storytelling in itself by disregarding anything not expressed in funny pictures specifically made for children or manchildren on tumblr who want to act they are the big boys, cause a cartoon horse made them feel sad.
He did so by making a very weak argument, not being able to present it in a manner that was hard to debunk and by drawing a comic in which everything looks surprisingly lifeless and like the least amount of quality and effort (things I argued can make a great cartoon) was put into it.
 Which ironically, is the total opposite, of being mature.
And lastly, can’t believe I have to say that, but Dobson, the Pokemon’s name is Butterfree, not Butterfry. Butterfry is what you get when you make a statue of a Futurama character made out of something you put on your bread.
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Username(s) we can find you under: 
TheMirkyKing - @themirkyking
> What Media do you create?  
Writing, Drawings-pencil and occasional colored pencils/pens, and some edits.
> Where can we find your work?  
A03 and tumblr .  I have a DeviantArt account(under different name) but that is just to look at all the wonderful art out there.
> What would you say you are best known for in the fandom?  
Umm…not really sure as I don’t think many know me…I would have to say for my writing??  LOL
> Do you have a favorite pairing?  
Too many! But my true love is Barduil, then Thrandolas.  Thranduil and Elrond, Sigrid and Legolas (Looking right at @Moonofmorrigan for sucking me into that one!)  And Elrohir and Ela (OC of @damnitbarduil)
> What other fandoms are you part of?  
Yuri on Ice, Avatar the Last Airbender, Game of Thrones, more as a spectator.
> Any advice/words for others in the fandom?  
Don’t shame/troll/hate anon others for what they enjoy, write and create.  There is enough ugliness out there, don’t add to it.  I know it sounds Pollyanna, if you don’t have anything good to say then say nothing- there is REAL person on the other end.  Creative criticism is fine, as is disagreeing with someone, but do it in a constructive way. And if you are thinking that your writing, art or anything sucks, so what?  If you enjoy doing it then do it.  We all have different skill levels and talents- explore them and grow.  Have someone you chat with read or look at them and get their feedback- most people are their worse critic’s, so get that other opinion! Respect others works-no stealing- everyone deserves their work credited! HAVE FUN!  There are so many wonderful people out there, ready to share their joy of this fandom.  :D
PERSONAL > Favorite color?  
Not fair, I like almost all colors but I would have to say greens and blues draw me.
> Favorite Book? 
Really unfair!  So many books have a special place in my heart.  Two Towers- J.R.R. Tolkien; American Gods-Neil Gaiman; All Creatures Great and Small- James Herriott;  Dragonsinger- Anne McCaffrey; Dune- Frank Herbert.  Just a few ;)
> Favorite movie?  
Again- So hard to single out one so here are some of my faves- Singing in the Rain; Spanglish; Howl’s Moving Castle; The Secret World of Arrietty; To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar; Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.
> Do you have a pet peeve? 
Aside from the usual; rudeness, ignorance, intolerance; it’s people who chew their mouths open-shudder!  (Only children are forgiven…barely.)
> What country are you from?  
United States
> Who do you think you might have been in a past life? 
Depends on what time period, but some sort of household staff member- like maid or kitchen help.  Or a squirrel…yeah, probably a squirrel.
>What do you like to do in your spare time other than create the media you work on?  
I enjoy cross stitching, gardening and reading.
>When did you join the fandom?
I have been a Tolkien fan since I was 10 but didn’t really join in the fandom stuff till 2015.
Followers Questions
1- How long have you been writing?  
I have always enjoyed writing, my mom still has stuff I wrote in elementary school (so embarrassing), but didn’t really start writing and posting after I discovered A03 and Tumblr.  It was great knowing that there was a place to share my stuff.
2 -Why fantasy - especially Thranduil?  
I have always been drawn to fantasy/sci-fi.  I find it more freeing- the options are limitless.  While I usually write modern AU’s there is still an element of fantasy.  Thranduil just drew me in. I liked Legolas in LOTR, but nothing like Thranduil.  While I didn’t really like PJ’s vision for Thranduil, I did love Lee Pace’s portrayal of the Elven King.  For me, Thranduil sparked my imagination- he comes off as cold and arrogant.  He is, but there was more to him, just hiding it.  That is what I enjoy.  Exploring his private life.  He allows for so many different versions and I love writing him and reading how others see him.
3 -Where are you from?  
United States- Seattle.
1 - How did you develop your super cute drawing style?  
First off- thank you!  I like Chibi styles so I kind of base my stuff off that style.  A mix of Chibi/Shojo??  I think of my stuff as cartoonish.
2 - When you drew Thranduil and/or Bard the first time, did they look similar than they do now?  
My first drawing was Thranduil, and I think they look similar, just a few changes.  And it really depends on what I am trying to draw.  Some I do just as portrait drawings, then the cartoon type and every so often, I try for the more realistic style, as in Manga style-lol
1 - I enjoy your artwork very much, so would like to know how long you have been drawing?  
You are so sweet!  I have been doodling and drawing since I was a kid, nothing serious, I only took a calligraphy class in school and then one art class in college.  I keep thinking of going for more formal learning cause I would like to have a stronger skill set then I have now.
2 - What prompted you to start?  Drawing Bard and Thranduil??  
I saw a chibi Thranduil and I loved it.  Thought, hmmm…lets see how mine would look.  That was it, now I have notebooks, scraps of paper, sketchbooks filled with them.
3 - Do you have other favorite subjects as well as Thranduil and Bard?  
I usually just draw random figures.  I tend to do portrait, and I struggle with full figure- my other half is always at me about drawing whole figures, especially the feet!  And not to draw on lined paper!  LOL
4 - Also, how did you come to develop your distinctive style?  
I really like Manga so that is a big influence.  Then the usual culprits of seeing other artist styles, animated films and such, then wanting to incorporate and explore it in my own fashion.
1 - Can you tell us about your family and your country?  
I have two older siblings, a sister and brother, but I was the surprise baby so I pretty was ignored by them, unless they needed a punching bag-lol.  My parents are still feisty and active at 80 plus.  I have been cohabitating with my wonderful mate for 23 years, one day he will make an honest woman out of me ;) I was born in the United States, currently live here, but lived in Australia for 2 years- enjoyed it very much.   I like to travel when I can, work permitting.  Over all, I live a pretty quite life, enjoying time with family, going to good breweries and playing games, nothing too exciting. :D
1 - What do you consider to be the most challenging thing to write? (Like angst, fluff, etc.)  
ANGST!  I love reading some good angst but I find that the hardest to write.  There is a fine line with it and I just don’t know if I have the skills!
2 -We've worked on a couple of writing projects together. What is your favorite part so far of our current story?  
What I enjoy most with writing with you is the unexpected turns that the story takes.  How I will have a whole course of action planned for Bard and then- WHAM- Thranduil goes in a direction that surprises Bard and now a new course needs to be followed.  I just love that!   Case in point- when Thranduil fell ill and almost died…. I loved the mystical elements that took place.  Of course I would be lying if I said I didn’t like the more nsfw moments, cause those are a lot of fun!
3 - What kind of stories would you like to see more of in the fandom?  
I would love to see more Sci-Fi Au’s.  I am a sucker for elves in space!
1 - what is your dream destination to travel?  
Lord, everywhere!  I would really love to be able to travel the world, spend months at a time in a country, getting to know the area and people.  Nothing fancy, just kicking around and seeing more then just the “famous cities”.
2 - If you could change one thing about Thranduil's outfit, what would it be?  
My least favorite of his was that robe he wore in his private chambers!  It was so shapeless, like some frumpy housecoat!  I would have loved to see him dressed in the greens and browns, like how I imagine him before he became King.
3 - Are you an organised writer or do you just write and sit down when the inspiration strikes?  
Soooooo disorganized!  Inspiration with hints of structure.  My notebooks are a mess with hastily written stuff!  Arrows and bullet points everywhere, change this, add that, oh here- he says this!  And my crazy short hand- even I sometimes puzzle over it!
Thank you Mirky, for this great interview.
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tmntfandom2012 · 7 years
Note: This is from DeviantArt @ Mikibaby94
A/N: Im back with some ideas and mini stories! For my best friend's ideas to come into play in your imagination.
TMNT NEXT GEN BELONGS TO THIS GAL RIGHT HERE @Suzukiwee1357/ @suvipelkonen
Remy @Suzukiwee1357/ @suvipelkonen
Irrilia @myrling-art
Kohana @mikibaby94
Hana stared at the blank computer screen, feeling the boredom draining her young teenage soul. She sighed as she folded her arms and lounged back against the pillow. She was in the pit of the living room, laying in her usual spot that she and her cousin liked to argue over all the time, but luckily her cousin was still no where to be found, but then again, he usually doesnt stay up half the nights. With that thought in mind, she closed her laptop and packed it up. She'd better go to bed before her uncle Leo caught her up again. He tends to do that, him or uncle Raph. Though when uncle Raph finds her, he just lets it go. Her uncle Leo lectures her forever on how its important to sleep more. She hoisted her computer bag, scratching at her messy hair, yawning. She looked at her watch, six thirty. Uh oh.
"And why are you still up missy?" A voice came from the shadows, suddenly arms wrapped around her neck, holding her in a head lock. "You should know better!" The voice added. Hana didnt think twice, she grabbed the beings arm, flipping the anonymous over onto their back, she was about to strike a punch when light captured the mutant before her. It wasnt her uncles, or her father. She huffed, making a strand of hair in her face blow. "Remy! You little---"
Remy snickered, smirking as he got to his feet and dusted off. "Oh man you should of seen yourself. You chicken."
Hana gave him a look, unimpressed, "This chicken just flipped your butt." She retorted in a matter of fact tone. "What are you doing up this early anyways?"
Remy shrugged, "Woke up, and just saw my sweet baby cousin here, all alone in the dim big living room, where monsters can just come and get her."
Hana kept her eyes on him, her face souring. "You dummy, we are the same age."
"According to our birth records, I am older than you." He said.
The brown eyed girl gave him a hard look before her eyes caught sight of her father and uncle Leo coming out of their rooms. Leo rubbed his eyes a bit, yawning. "Hana did you stay up again?" He questioned.
Hana shifted her eyes and gripped her bag, "No. I uh...just came out here---" She began then gave her cousin a look, "Remy was keeping me up off and on, finally i came in here to tell him to get to bed before his dad found him."
Leo's eyes drifted to his son, giving his son a look. Remy put his hands up and shook his head, "What? no way!"
"Of course thats what happened Remy, I mean why would I lie? I have no purpose in getting my older cousin in trouble...now would I? Now if you excuse me boys, I have to go get changed." She then started for her room and looked back to stick her tongue out at Remy, she turned her head back, hiding her big grin on her face as she heard Leo's lecture start.
Kohana opened her eyes, feeling better now she had slept a bit before going to training, she saw her alarm clock, Twelve O' Clock. Great. Once dressed she grabbed her weapon and came out of her room, ready to train, her tracks stopped when she saw her family in the living room, thats odd since her parents and uncles are always in the dojo around noon.
"You must of been wicked tired little dudette." Mikey spoke, settling himself next to Liz as he started munching on his slice in a way that would be disgusting if you had just met him.
Liz watched Mikey for a moment, a little confused by how he even eats like that. Her eyes shifted to her husband as if she was silently trying to send him something, in normal cases Leo would pick up on it, but his eyes were on Hana.
"Hana its four in the afternoon, youve been asleep all day."
"Thats not possible, my clock---" She stopped when her eyes drifted on the back of her cousins head, oh, so you wanna play it that way huh. She noted in her head, she folded her arms and thought. She then started water works, "Im sorry Uncle Leo, I just, Ive been so tired lately, my body is you know...going through...the change.."
That got all eyes on her.
"The change?" Mikey asked.
Hana nodded, "Yeah, I became a woman today, and the cramps, along with the none stop bleeding, its just been a long night. And not to mention the womanly body parts---"
Remy started screaming, covering his ears, "Dad make her stop! Make her stop!"
Leo looked already uncomfrotable, "Okay okay, we get it Hana."
"Thats not the only part Uncle Leo." She then stepped down and sat next to Remy, "I think my boobs are getting bigger----" She started saying over Remys yelling till April smacked her heavy books down on the floor making the room go silent. The silent lingered for a while as April flipped her hair out of her eyes. "Sorry I saw a bug." She said simply.
"And here I thought youd say something about our daughter torturing the young boy about hearing girls body parts." Donnie said.
"How is it torturing, there is nothing wrong with explaining women stuff, like right now my boobs are so swollen, i really think their balloons." Liz said simply, she then looked over at the others, "Oh what? its not like I said anything about my v---"
"Okay! Okay we get it...dear." Leo interrupted her, he sighed, feeling suddenly his age.
Donnie stood up, "Subject change, do you know when Raph and Irrilia are supposed to come back?"
Leo shrugged, "He said sometime tonight I think."
Hana stood up fast, in the process her hand smacked Remy in the face making him flinch, though she was oblivious to her actions, when it came to her older cousin she couldnt function right. She didnt know why, "My big cousin is coming home tonight!? Oh gosh! and I look like this!" She gasped.
Remy groaned, rubbing his face, "Why couldnt you have been a boy. and Why couldnt the only boy be near my age!" He glared at Donnie and April.
"Dont look at me kiddo, Koji just kinda fell into our lives, she...she just happened." Donnie said, he grunted when April smacked his arm before she stood. "Remy, Kohana, why dont you two get ready for patrol."
"Patrol? No way, I cant be bothered with that, I gotta hurry and get ready---"
"Its not like your dating her Hana." Remy grumbled.
"Well no, but shes my idol. Unlike some people who's a thorn in my side." Hana said closing her eyes and opening one eye looking at Remy.
Remy he didnt know why but her words struck a nerve, a bad one at that. He stood up, glaring at her. "You know what, fine. Your a pain in my side too." He snapped before making his way past his parents.
"Where are you going?" Leo asked a little frantic.
"Anywhere where miss know it all isnt in my sight." He sneered.
Hana silently watched her cousin go, frowning, guilt slowly overcame her when all eyes were on her. She looked down, turning to the rooms, she hurried to hide herself in the one place she felt safe. Her dads old room. Strange isnt it.
Remy stood on a roof top watching the bright lit city being lively. They werent kidding when they say this city never sleeps. He frowned, contemplating on wheather he should go back home or not, why should he, all he's gonna get is trashed by the princess of knows it all. He folded his arms. "I hate women. They're so annoying sometimes..." He shook his head. "No, I dont hate them, Hana's not even a woman, that'd be an insult to the pretty women." He grumbled.
"Whoa, who pissed you off?" A voice from behind spoke. Remy turned to see a tall, bulk asian guy staring back at him. The guy smirked big, "Awe, you kinda look cute with a pissy look on that face."
Remy curled up his lip, "And you look stupid with that face." He spat. The black haired guy snickered. "Thats adorable really, so whats your name? Chumpy?"
Remy scoffed, "No. Thats my fathers name though." From what he heard anyways.
"Im Yoshiro." He offered.
"I dont care." Remy said simply.
"Look kid Im trying to be nice to ya." Yoshiro said.
"Did I even ask you to? and Im not a kid you irritation on my plate." Remy spat, rolling his eyes.
Yoshiro scoffed, "Adorable."
"Your two seconds away from being road kill." Remy threatened making Yoshiro bellow in laughter making the fire of the angsty teen burn even more. Remy threw out a bokken his dad once handed down to him, before he could even move he suddenly felt a hit to his face, he gritted his teeth when he felt his back connect to he cement of the roof. In the process Remy dropped his bokken and before Yoshiro could decapitate him, he whipped out a small knife he's learned to keep in his wraps, he gritted his teeth, staring in the eyes of his now enemy. Slowly Remy felt the pressure of the guy putting, the blade coming closer and closer to his neck, luck was on the young mutant's side. Suddenly the human boy was shoved off by someone. A woman stood between the two, he watched in awe.
"Yoshiro! I tell you to do one job and yet I see you rivaling with a mutant whoms not your concern?!" The woman scolded. She turned to Remy, kneeling down, she held out a hand. "Remy? Are you okay?" She asked.
Remy eyed her, "Who...Who are you?" He asked sounding a little scared.
Karai carefully helped the young boy to his feet and held him up till he was steady, "Im Karai, your father and I have history. Im so sorry for my..." She looked back frowning, "Student."
Yoshiro stared at Karai for a moment before folding his arms and stared at his feet. Karai kept her eyes on him for a moment. Her eyes diverted back to Remy when he started moving for an exit. "Where are you going?"
"Home." Remy said.
"Ill follow" Karai spoke, already determined to, "I can explain that bruise on your face to your father, come on boys." She ordered.
Once in the sewers the sloshing of water as they made their way back to the lair was all that was heard, The boys walked side by side in silence till Yoshiro finally broke the silence. "No hard feelings?" He smirked at Remy as he kept walking while Remy stopped, his eyes drew daggers at the jerk, One day. He cursed in his head. The rest of the way stayed silent.
"Leo!" Karai called out, Leo came out of the kitchen at the sound of his name and stopped when he saw Karai, A smile slowly came to his face, "Karai, its been a while."
"Of course it has." Karai hugged him short before she made way for Leo's son, "Your son and my...student had a trival." She explained.
Leo went to his son frowning. "You okay kiddo?" He asked trying to hide his worry.
Remy looked back at the uglyness blinding his eyes, he looked back at his dad, "Id be better if that jackle----"
Leo closed his eyes and put his hand on his sons mouth. He shook his head cursing on how much his kid acts like his mother, sometimes thats a blessing and a curse. He opened his eyes and looked at his son, he pulled his hand away.
"Ow!" Remy snapped making sure his dad knew that he hit his bruise.
"Go see your mother." Leo said simply before rubbing his head a little embarrassed by that action. "She should be in the bedroom."
Remy sighed, turning for the bedroom, on his way he met Hana. Hana widened her eyes when she saw his bruise. She wanted to ask but decided against it, though she did go after him. "Remy? Are you still mad?"
"Passing by you should tell you that. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one." He spat before he was yeilded as she quickly got in front of him. Her eyes were red, and her cheeks were puffy. "Have you been crying?"
Her face turned red a bit and shook her head quickly. Her bangs covering some of her face. She looked nervous, and guilty. She had never been the best hider of feelings. "Im...Im sorry Remy, I sometimes just dont know how much of a jerk I can be."
Remy rolled his eyes, He folded his arms, "And?"
Hana looked at him confused for a moment, she surrendered anyways, "And Im a stupid girl with no heart...or brains."
"Aaaand?" He ventured.
Hana gave him a look, she looked away, her eyes shifting a moment, suddenly feeling anxious, she never knows why she does, her father swears its her anxiety. Whatever that is. "And Ill do your chores for a month to show how sorry I am." She looked up at him and smiled a little.
Remy's face slowly softened, His arms wrapped around her for a long moment before he pulled back. Her smile grew wider revealing her small gap, "So no hard feelings?"
The young hybrid gazed at her hand as she held it out, he then took it and shook it. "No hard feelings." He agreed.
Hana shook on it, giving out a small chuckle before her eyes caught sight of the boy standing afar. Her eyes grew big, she dropped her hand and went to the steps, "Oh...my...gosh..." She said, suddenly feeling a burst of emotions, her heart started racing as her palms grew sweaty so sudden, she gazed at the gorgeous face, those big brown eyes, that black hair. That body. Why did it get so hot suddenly. Remy went to his cousin and noticed her staring at him, he shook his head already knowing what was going through her head. "Dont even think about it Hana, he's bad news."
Hana couldnt help but to smile even more when the guy looked her direction, "If he's bad news, then I need some bad news." She said with a soft voice, "Hes so....perfect...Oh man, I think im thinking about it!"
Remy grabbed her arm, "I think my mom wanted us." He started dragging her to the room.
"Oh come on Remy, just let me say hi." She begged.
"No way, hi ends with you and him doing things." Remy glared a bit, "Thats how I was born, thats how you were born. No."
As Hana resisted and whimpered Remy hoisted her over his shoulder, he looked over his shoulder, glaring at the guy before he headed for the room, "Youll thank me Hana. He's bad news all over."
Hana propped her elbow on his shoulder, putting her chin in her hand, she kept her smile. "Whatever you say Remy..." She said, absolutely not listening at all to her cousin.
Whats bad is, Remy knew that, He groaned.
Oh how he hated this new guy.
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m4rk3rr · 5 months
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Idk why I’m getting so much traction on this app like I barely use tumblr besides for supporting friends 💀🙏
Thanks ig idk lmao
Just made airy with wings for fun idk, this isn’t that original lol 💀
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m4rk3rr · 6 months
Uh ok ya
Big ol’ art dump again
(My Alien Two looks mid and lollipoprocks has a low quality image for whatever reason,,)
That’s it 🤑
I don’t have anything else to add lmao
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