wantlongera · 6 years
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❝   ...  are you HUNGRY ?   ❞      he must be tired after the eventful (  --  and tragic ) day that’s befallen him. the loss of his grandmother  ...  the POOR dear. he looks so grown up, but dolores senses there is a piece of childhood left in him somewhere. the way he speaks, the LOVE he clearly has for his grandma. her heart aches for him; dolores is eager to help.      ❝   or would you like some TEA, or hot cocoa, or  --  anything you’d like, hon,   ❞      the specter’s doting to the point of it being near OVERBEARING, although it is all well meaning.                   
@followedpath​   /   liked for an apocalypse starter !
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
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“How did you do that?” Her blue eyes widen, suddenly discovered she had been found. “I’m so sorry...I didn’t mean to pry but...I never seen anything like that before. Are you a wizard of some sort?”
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lastxdragon · 5 years
“It’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna get through this. I’ve got you.”
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╣❦╠ ƈօռզʊɛʀɨռɢ ֆȶօʀʍ ❧
She’d never been through an earthquake and this one was something-something-point-bullshit on the earth-is-opening-to-swallow-us scale as far as Dany was concerned as she clung to Michael’s arm, trying to keep her balance while he lead her through the hallway to the office. The sound of glass breaking made her nod quickly, letting him pull her down under the big desk there. Daenerys murmured a spell of protection under her breath, but still grabbed his hand when another quake shudder shook the house. Plaster fell from the ceiling, sending up clouds of pasty white dust. Of all the situations in which Daenerys had imagined being in his arms, this had not even made the list, but here they were.
“You know, the east coast is nice. It’s really nice. The ground doesn’t try to eat you there,” Dany teased, gasping a moment later when a piece of the ceiling hit the table above and she pressed her cheek to his shoulder, slipping her arm around his waist. “I know you do, Michael. I would be pretty scared if you weren’t here,” she admitted though it was her job to protect him. He was so nice to her and it was a bit of a mystery why, but right now, his scent surrounded her and tilting her head just a little let her hear his heartbeat, a truly comforting sound.
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followspeace-blog · 5 years
OPEN. | @followedpath
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Chamuel was in the process of trying to wash what little dishes were in the kitchen after their shared lunch time, wanting to keep Michael’s current place of home CLEAN despite it being barely occupied. He was just setting the last plate to dry when he heard the soft padding of feet entering the room, immediately drying his hands and turning around to greet Michael with a wide smile, that quickly faltered just the slightest at the proximity between themselves. Chamuel was no FOOL to human biology, to DESIRE. As soon as those slender fingers hooked onto his hips via his belt and began pulling him forward, he had to swallow HARD. How easy it was for this body to become TEMPTED, heating up at the closeness, the look in the other’s eyes. Smile grows slowly from smirk to impish grin, head tilting to one side as puppy eyes narrow suspiciously, his own hands going to resting lightly over Michael’s own hands.
“What’re you doing there MIKEY, got something to say ?”
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enouxment-a-blog · 6 years
@followedpath liked for a starter based on the song the ending by hobo johnson
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          “you're like the WEIRD GUY in all the movies          ” is he HIGH?? one-hundred and ten percent. “         YA’KNOW, who turns into the hero at the end and gets the girl.”
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reidredacted-blog · 6 years
“What, is that a conspiracy theory?”
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     Spencer reads quick enough that satiation escapes him every time he finishes a book. He’s a third through his newest novel, a slew of archival research on Walking Corpse Syndrome. It was good to break from cases and refresh his mind with new ideas, new possibilities for solutions. Coffee shops tended to do the trick, the right amount of sensory activation coupled with caffeine.
     The question comes as a surprise, but if Reid didn’t want the possibility of conversation, he would have gone to a library. He looks at his book and back up to the inquirer. He’s responding before he can help himself, assaulting the stranger with more detail than necessary on something he may or may not have been referring to.
     “Actually, Walking Corpse Syndrome is quite real. In fact, its better known in the psychology community as the Cortard Delusion and sufferers believe they are already dead due to organ extraction or putrefaction. It has strong links with severe depression and schizophrenia, even dementia making it less covert than the requirements of conspiracies allow.”
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hastofall-blog · 6 years
@followedpath cont. from here:
Mallory had started this conversation convinced she would be dead by the end of it. Her heart ripped out, a knife shoved into her abdomen, her neck snapped, all were very real possibilities. She did nothing to defend herself, or even to strike the first blow. Should this end in a fight-the fight-she wanted to save all her energy for it. Unless Michael didn’t feel like playing with his food and simply killed her with a simple flick of his wrist. 
Then, the conversation started going down a path she hadn’t thought it would divert to. She had moved to stand in the center of the room when the man asked her about her family, those she cared for. She almost laughed. Shouldn’t he already know all that? The people she cared for he had killed long ago, and her family hadn’t understood her, thinking she had been a devil worshipper simply for floating in her sleep. No matter how much she loved her family, the witches she had come to know at the academy, even friends she had as a child, they always seemed to be taken away from her, one way or another.
Mallory had expected Michael to laugh. To blame her for her losses. She hadn’t expected to understand. She hadn’t expected him to try and give her advice. She kept her back ramrod straight as he approached her, her heart hammering in her chest as that part of her she had tried so hard to bury under all her hate and anger at the man-futile, wasn’t it, since he could still make her feel this way-as he grew closer. 
Her eyes fluttered shut for a moment at the feeling of his fingers in her hair, a soft sigh escaping her lips before she reigned herself in again and opened her dark eyes. She met his own gaze, so close to his, their noses brushing together, and it was like all her walls crumbled right then and there. She had been fighting this for so long, telling herself it was wrong, so wrong, to feel this way about Michael. But she couldn’t stop herself being drawn to him, no matter how hard she tried.
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His promises made her half want to turn and run, and half to lean in all the way and fall into his arms. How much had she craved to have someone to call hers who would never leave her, and to be someone like that to them in return? This was wrong, though, it was all wrong. And yet here she stood, not attacking, simply staring, the game she had played with herself and Michael coming to a quick ending. 
“You promise?” she whispered, teetering on the edge of her decision. Just one push. Just one, and it’d be over.
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celestaele · 6 years
---@followedpath--- [ sc ]
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               ‘ touch my books && i will not h e s i t a t e to fling you off my balcony. ‘
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fourtm-blog · 5 years
@followedpath // starter call.
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sabrina is clearly frustrated, & making no effort to hide that. her eyes roll & a slightly over-dramatic sigh escapes her as her eyes lock with michael’s. she’s quiet for a moment, though - trying to think about the best approach to get the answers she needs. perhaps he doesn’t know a lot about what’s happening, but he certainly knows SOMETHING, & she won’t stop until she knows what that is & how it pertains to everything she found out on her own. ‘ michael, i want to help you -- & everybody else. ’ she speaks slowly, & though her words are genuine she’s clearly doubtful of the effect they might have on him, if any. ‘ but i can’t do that if you don’t tell me what you know about this guy. every time i ask if you’ve seen him, you distance yourself & go blank. just -- what is going on? ’
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sternehaltend-blog · 5 years
▹ ✮ ✭ @followedpath  ▻  ✩   ✭ ✮ ◃
✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✫ ✬ ✭
There’s always something unsettling about being out of the house alone. She was used to someone being beside her and making sure that no one would get too close to her. Anyone who looked suspicious might be another person who was after the woman. It felt like she was not allowed to meet other people and make new friends, yet was she ever one to listen? Callisto had managed to talk to her ‘mother’ and ask her if she could bring some flowers for her. Luckily, she agreed and not even a second later the young woman was outside, getting the promised flowers for the shared home. 
She had picked out the flowers and paid for them, but as soon as she turned around she noticed a young man looking at her. There was a short pause in her movements as she stared at the man.Callisto had never seen him before and for a moment there was the fear that he was one of the people that her ‘mother’ had mentioned. Staring at him probably didn’t make it any better, though. It took her a moment to push these thoughts aside before she smiled at him and decided to walk over to him. It was foolish and stupid, yet Callisto was sick of having no one and she wanted to get to know someone, even going this far to risk her identity being discovered. Not only that but the fact that a lot of strange things were going on lately didn’t make it any better. It was worth risking it, at least in her opinion. 
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Kind brown eyes looked up to him. “I haven’t seen you around here. Are you new?” Her voice sounded hopeful but had a hint of nervousness in it. With her free hand she pushed some of her hair out of her face while the other arm was around the flowers. She had a lot of time 
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thecharmedmechanic · 6 years
@followedpath like this sc
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     Aiden shivered at the sight of him. She heard stories and rumors that had spread through the magic community. Her mother had often warned her to run if they had ever crossed paths. She was too trusting, easy to persuade with the right words. Even if those words stung to her, she knew that they were the truth. 
     She took a small step back. A foolish move probably, but fear was coursing through her body. She could feel something dark in the air. She swallowed the lump in her throat, staring at him. “Look, I don’t want to cause trouble. I just want to go home. That’s all.” she started, raising her hands in the air. “I’m not dumb enough to fight you or to anger you. But I have to ask. What is it that you want? Do you make it a habit to randomly approach women?”
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
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“Oh! You’re the boy...” she may have been free, banished from March’s sight. But she could still see, see the happenings of the hotel. “You were here before taking the witch with you. I must say that was quite something!”
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lastxdragon · 6 years
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☠ - Do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse?
Yes. In the initial days, it would be a triage situation. Very much like not risking one’s self by trying to save a flailing, drowning victim. While I’m compassionate, I wouldn’t let someone else comprise the safety of my friends and family.
I’m a marksman shot with pistol, rifle and bow. I can ride horses, drive manual cars (which I do normally) and trucks. I have a ‘worse case scenario’ backpack with supplies. My Jeep already has off-road shocks and tires. I know how to grow food and the best time to hunt. I’m also a brown belt in Jujitsu and Goshin Rye full contact Karate. I’ve also been tutored in close quarter, in the dark defensive of a house or the way to find the quickest escape route. I’m also extremely calm in crisis situations. :)
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famedwiitch-blog · 5 years
❝ i picked up your favourite wine. ❞
OPEN. | @followedpath​
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“Aw, sugar lips, you SHOULDN’T have. . .What’s the CATCH ?” 
Her tone was teasing, playful, and softly colored pink lips curve up into a crooked smile, groomed brow lifting in question when she glanced up at him. Usually when he brought her pricey gifts, it was to butter her up for something, and as small nude colored nails tapped against the glass bottle of PINOT NOIR, she mentally sifted through multiple possibilities as to why she was given her favorite dry wine. She shrugged delicately, head tilting as she eyes the bottle, mouth already WATERING with the thought of the taste and she makes her way to the kitchen area of their currently shared loft apartment, hunting down the corkscrew while grabbing two befitted glasses. She makes quick work of uncorking the bottle, popping it off with a light squeal of surprise and giggling shortly before pouring the liquid into both glasses halfway. . .Well, maybe just a BIT more for her glass. 
She takes a sip from hers first, eyes narrowing in DELIGHT as she drank with a smile, licking her lips for good measure as she held out Michael’s drink for him to take or decline.
“So, Antichrist, what’s the SPLENDID occasion this time ?”
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aghostisawish-blog · 6 years
peer into my muse’s memories | accepting | @followedpath
💔 - A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
Shirl’s anger feels like the end of the world, schoolboy-like shame creeping up his neck, and his sides, and his back, and forming plaque over his brain. Shame all over.
Steve told himself that the book wouldn’t make a difference, not really, that it was just a... just telling the truth. Their truth that he’d never seen, not like they could. Their truth, their trauma, what they’d taken away from the House. He wasn’t saying they were crazy ( they’re ill, they’re sick ), or pretending to be them and to know every detail of what they saw -- but would it be difficult to tell?
     “--You know what this’ll cost you.”
When Shirl leaves, not even Leigh can chase the inevitable away -- the inevitable divide that he’ll force between them.
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webhaed · 6 years
❛ Is Star Wars the one with the little wizard boy? ❜
???. | @followedpath
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“Y’know I never tried my power’s on an Antichrist, wanna help me EXPERIMENT Michael ?” 
He wag’s his brows once, his EMPTY threat ruined by thin lips splitting into a wide smile as he playfully shoves against Michael’s arm. He sits up in their shared bed, criss crossing his legs under him as he scrolls through the tablets video library, humming low, glancing over his shoulder.
“You uncultured swine. But seriously, at the Sanctuary we NEED to have the complete Star War’s series, otherwise I may as well walk out into the future RADIOACTIVE fallout.” 
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