#followers await the return not quite real. waited for his coming not really return. didnt SPAWN a religion but his existence was the basis
samdyke · 5 months
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filled out @jesus-allegory-bingo for sam do we agree with this chart or do we need revisions (version 2)
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mskinkyafro · 6 years
Last Call (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
A/N: I know what most could be thinking...what the hell it’s only been two chapters, but I can’t help it! I feel so much excitement and adoration for Dr. Ethan Ramsey. We don’t know much about him but ideas were popping in my head all weekend.  Any details I reference about his past in this fic is original content I conceived and nothing confirmed in PB cannon. This would definitely not be apart of cannon so cannon divergence here. The song used briefly in this fic is “These Arms of Mine” by Otis Redding.
Italicized and bold:song lyrics
Italicized: internal thoughts
Summary: Dr. Ethan Ramsay takes time to reevaluate the newest intern that’s captured his attention in more ways than one, whether he wants to admit it or not.
All Rights to PB for their characters, settings, and stories. I don’t own them, I just borrow minus my MC Dr. Katrina Michaels.
All Rights to who own the song “These Arms of Mine”.
In the mischievous hours of the night Dr. Ethan Ramsey sits alone in the now barren Donahue’s nursing another drink. The place once buzzing with noise is now near sheer silence except the gentle music playing from the jukebox. The last crop of stragglers, only a few with slurring speeches make their exit. Hearing the soft thud of the door shutting he let out a mild grunt and raises his near empty glass towards the bartender.
“Last one, buddy. My knees are screaming and any minute longer I’ll be visiting you at your job versus you visiting mine.”
Reggie says as he refills the glass and then grabs a rag to clean.
“Now we can’t be having that now.” Ethan replies before taking a small gulp.
Suspicious at such warm words from the man Reggie stops wiping down the counter to look at Ethan.
“Hmm, that’s strangely kind of you-”
Before Reggie can finish his sentence Ethan cuts him off all the while looking into his diminishing drink
“Because then who will serve me drinks at my beck and call?”
His eyes shine with mirth as looks at Reggie while he takes another sip.
“You almost had me there. You’re a cheeky bastard, you know that? I should throw your ass out for that.” Reggie says while shaking his head amused.
“But you won’t because you’re too good. That’s exactly why the likes of myself don’t deserve you as friend Reg.”
“Heh, damn right. I only keep you around because you tip well.”
Ethan chuckles at the man in front of him.
“Never change, Reggie.”
“Wasn’t planning to buddy.”
The two men finish laughing when the shoosh of the door opens and a young African-American woman enters while calling over her shoulder before the door closes.
“I’m going to use the restroom and wait inside until the Lyft comes. Night everyone!”
Recognizing the voice speaking  Ethan turns and sees Dr.  Katrina Michaels. As she moves from the entrance and towards the back right of the bar to the restrooms his gaze follows and he retreats to his mind briefly.
“I haven’t quite figured out why but there’s something about the rookie that intrigues me.”
Reggie notices his friend is watching the woman from earlier and can already gather what could be the reason why. Being the good friend that he is Reggie decides to give his old pal  a nudge in the right direction. So he taps Ethan on the shoulder to get his attention.
“Welp, I gotta clean up in the back. Keep an eye on the place for me. Especially the little lady, I’m leaving both in your capable hands.”
Ethan quirks an eyebrow at Reggie as he takes another swig and asks
“What are you getting at Reg?”
Reggie smirks to himself and shrugs his shoulders before he turns to leave Ethan alone and enters a side door near the shelves of alcohol. Ethan scoffs and continues to drink his glass of scotch enjoying the the burning sensations that slide down his throat. His thoughts lingers to earlier in the night when talking to Katrina.
“She definitely is different in the real world but on the hand not so much.  I don't quite understand why this intern is different from the others. Other than  proving herself capable so far but outside  EdenBrook I notice that my thoughts have dawdle on her more  trivial attributes. Such as her underlying fierceness or perhaps her vivaciousness. Well I suppose I can’t say I truly recognized these qualities more so I overlooked them, one such as her beauty. She truly is stunning. It makes me wonder why a woman like her spent time near me when the place was swarming with younger men. Especially asking if someone was waiting at home for me. It can’t be what I think… no I probably need to ease off the alcohol right now. Besides who would wait around  for me anyway? Edie surely doesn’t anymore.”
As he sets his glass down back on the counter he hears a soft voice calling his name which removes him from his thoughts. Without turning around he says
“Hello again, rookie.”
“I’m surprised to see you still here Dr. Ramsey.” Katrina Michaels murmurs.
He turns to face the intern and replies
“I’m surprising in a lot of ways.”
She smiles and delicately places herself  onto the stool that’s next to Ethan.
“You’ll have to  prove that you know.”
Despite himself he smirks at her. His gunmetal blue eyes piercing into Katrina’s hazel ones. Their gazes seem to challenge yet captivate the other. There’s a comfortable yet tense air between the two until the smooth vocals of Otis Redding play from the jukebox.
“These arms of mine, they are lonely. Lonely and feeling blue. These arms of mine are yearning, yearning  from wanting you...”
The song continues to play as Katrina speaks.
“You know he’s is one of my favorite artist. I used to...”
As she speaks Ethan watches the woman in front of him. He observes the way her eyes are lit up to how a rogue strand of her curly hair hangs, and even how in the dimly lit bar her smile radiates and contrasts with her beautiful coffee-hue complexion. He tries to listen to all she’s saying, now beginning to tell him about much of a fan she is. But he’s beginning to distract himself with his thoughts once more.
“Of course this song plays. Very convenient timing, I’d say. I bet Reggie had something to do with this. It’s been so long since I had someone. At this point other people would take anyone. But I could never at my stage in life. That’s why I’m here at almost one in the morning. I wonder why she’s here too, besides being young.”
Ethan breaks away from his mind to refocus back onto Katrina whose finishing up a compliment about his research.
“Katrina, may I ask you a question?”
“Of course, Dr. Ramsey.”
“First, outside of EdenBrook you may call me, Ethan.”
Katrina runs her hand through her hair before replying
“Are you sure, Dr. Ramsey?”
He rolls his eyes briefly before turning to look at his glass to take another sip of his scotch.
“Yes, rookie. You referring to me as doctor outside of the hospital makes me look a bit pretentious.”
“I think that’s your own doing, Dr. Ramsey.”
He pauses lifting his glass to meet his mouth in midair and turns to glare at her but it falters once he hears the bubbling of laughter escape her plump lips. He goes back to take a swig and places his glass back down gently.
“Sorry. I couldn’t pass that up...Ethan.”
“Now, was that really that difficult?”
“Not exactly, but it’s a bit strange. To be on first name basis with your idol.”
“I’m just a man, rookie. Not a celebrity or some god.”
Katrina turns her face away from Ethan and averts her eyes from his as she whispers
“Maybe, but you sure do have god-like looks.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t make out what you said?”  curious of what she said.
“It’s not important. But you wanted to ask me something?”
“Yes I do. I happen to be thinking of what you asked me earlier in the night and wondered the same.”
“Is that so? Is there a reason why you liked to know?”
Her tone so playful with a hint of flirtation that he couldn’t decipher if he imagined it or not.
Instead of speaking he shrugs his shoulders in response.
Smiling to herself and looking down before meeting his eyes again.
“I’m just like you. No one awaiting my return.”
The fading music is more audible as the two stop speaking momentarily
“...I need somebody. Somebody to treat me right, oh. I need your arms. Loving arms to hold me tight. And I, I, I need your, I need your tender lips to hold me.”
A chime from Katrina’s cell phone breaks the silence before either one of them could.
“That’s my Lyft. It’s two minutes away so, I’m going to waiting outside.”
Ethan nods in understanding, she begins to remove herself from her seat, but still slightly tipsy she slips and falls into Ethan’s body who reacts immediately.  He grasps firmly yet gently ahold of her,  keeping her steady. Both freeze from the sudden contact and close parameters they are from the other.
Katrina can see Ethan’s adam’s apple bob up and down in his throat and he thinks to himself while staring at Katrina.
“I suddenly have the urge to gently brush the curls away from her beautiful eyes and...I need to stop this instant. It’s late and I am feeling a bit lonely but I’m beginning to enter a dangerous area. This would lead to an H.R. nightmare. I can’t let myself get tangled with the matters of the heart. Especially with my, ahem, the rookie. God, I need to lay off the sauce for a while.”
He’s pulled from his thoughts when Katrina removes herself from his arms.
“Don’t mention it, rookie.”
“Is that going to be a permanent thing? Even outside of work?”
“Rookie. I mean you’ve called me by my first name earlier tonight even when I thought you didn’t even know it, much less remember it nor care to.”
“I’ve told you. I’m observant...rookie. Does that answer your question?” He says smirking at her.
Rolling her eyes she moves to make her way to the exit.
“Yes it does. And you deny that you’re favoring me.”
“I’ll let you believe what you want. Even if it’s a silly notion.”
“Whatever you say, Dr. Ramsey” she purrs.
Ethan feels his heart rate increase briefly. Before he can respond, she speaks up.
“My ride should be here now. I’ll see you around Dr. Rams- I mean Ethan.”
She rubs her hand obsessively through her hair before giving him a quick wave as she inches closer to the door.
“For whatever reason my name leaving her lips sounds right. As the same for hers. Katrina. Ka-tri-na. I’d like to say it more than just in my...Okay enough. I must stick with calling her  rookie. That’s what's...what’s safe.
Katrina opens the door which pulls Ethan out and he speaks for the final time
“Have a good night...Katrina. Get home safe.”
She stops at hearing her name being used and turns back around and grins wide at Ethan.
“You too.”  she steps outside and calls back to Ethan.
“Maybe once I’ve graduated from rookie or you tire of it, you can call me Kat. Whichever comes first.”
Without another word or glance she walks out the door.
Ethan is left staring at the spot she was occupying before turning his attention back to his glass. He drains the rest of his drink and retreats into his thoughts.
“So much for playing it safe. Then again, what’s life without a few risks.”
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seven-for-president · 8 years
RFA (including Saeran and V) reacting to MC who loves Yaoi? :)
Oh my God I´m just so excited to write this o(^▽^)o
° Yoosung was at your house to help you get your things for the sleepover at his parent´s
° he knew you were sort of an otaku, so he wasn´t suprised to find a bookshelf filled with mangas over mangas
° he himself only read some including his favourite LOLOL characters
° (I guess some sort of doujinshii)¯\_(ツ)_/¯
° “Hey MC, can I borrow a manga from your shelf?”
° “Sure go ahead. But don´t make a mess.”
° as every good fujoshi you kept your most precious copys in the very back of said shelf
° it was a habit Yoosung also hold ¯\_ʘᗜʘ_/¯
°  NOT good….
° “Hey MC what is this about?”
° you looked around and to your suprise he was showing you the cover of Ten Count No.5 (it´s the latest one available in my coutry XD)
° your emergency-yaoi-bells rang and you tried to take it away from him
° “Give that back you won´t like it, trust me!”
° but he held it out of your reach when did this brat get so damn tall?
° “Why do you want to hide it that badly MC?”
° “Because of reasons!” (;¬_¬)
° he then did the unavoidable and opend the book
° of course it was not a page with Shirotani and Kurose talking
° and of course it wasn´t one with Kurose in his childhood either
° it was one of those pages
°  if you want to know to what I´m reffering to please check out Ten Count chapter 27/28  o((*^▽^*))o
° with a bam he dropped the book on the grounf, now red as a certain character involved in the manga
° “M-MC, what is that? Don´t tell me all of theese contain such….. acts??”
° he was the definition of embarassment becoming alive at this point
° “No they´re not! You just had to pick one from the back, hadn´t you?”
° if you say it like that it sounds as if he´s at fault here…
° “I´m so sorry I won´t ever take one from the back again.”
° this poor boy is now shocked for live ヽ(*>∇
° but hey MC can like what she wants anyway XD
° sometimes you have to learn the hard way Yoosung….
° Finalyyyy~ your long awaited package arrived~
° you said good bye to the postman and now held a big box full of new Yaoi-Mangas in your hands
° as you opend the box the one copy you´ve waited for forever to be realeased in korea happen to be on top
° so why wait when you can enjoy it now  o(≧∇≦o)
° it was called The right way to write Love
° (personally I really enjoyed reading it)
° after your precious box was carefully put away under the bed of course you settled down on the couch and began reading
° when you finished the first story you were almost crying from all the sweetness    ⊂(♡⌂♡)⊃
° but the following one…. dear god forgive me for I have sinned for reading that
° let´s just say the focus was set on interhuman interactions and by interaction I mean in a physical way
° to summarise: it wasn´t something you would want your parents to see             。(*^▽^*)ゞ
° unfortunate she´s Mommy-Jaehee
° since it felt quiet alone in the house you turned on the TV to have some noises
° because of these noises you didn´t hear the door opening and Jaehee calling out for you
° your faced away from the door so you didn´t see her entering the living either
° “Hello, what are you reading MC.”
° because you´re a real fujoshi and your entire focus was on reading physical-gay-interaction (if you know what I mean) it was like she´s talking to a wall
° so she decided to just take a look at what captured your attention so much that you didnt notice her
° bad mistake….( ≧Д≦)
° “My gosh MC what are you reading? What are they even doing??!!”
° to say it was the shock of her life was an understatement XD
° you screamed. she screamen. the girl on TV screamed
° as quick as you could you closed the page and hid the book behind you
° blood was running from her nose and it resembled the colour of her cheeks
° “Let´s just not talk about this again. Ever!”
° a nod was all you could manage to do while going to your room and laughing like a mad man  。(*^▽^*)ゞ
° as always Zen was out off the house to practice his new play
° for you this meant you´ve got some special freetime which you always dedicate to your secret Yaoi-obsession
° this means: singing openings, watching anime, reading manga and fanfiction and of course and liking tons of fanart
° as your anime of the day you selected the masterpiece Junjou Romantica, season one
° while watching (let´s just assume MC is such a big fan she understands japanese) you also read the mangas because why the heck not ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
° you  know how the second episode ends? Misaki quitting Virgin-Cub
° the same Thing happend in the manga, just a BIT more detailed
° you started hearing the intro-song for the 3rd time this day and couldn´t resist singing along
° while singing you kept the page you were currently reading open, to continue anytime
° but while singing and constantly turning the volume up the arrival of a certain actor remained unnoticed
° he always thought it was simply impossible to not notice him, but there you were, singing some catchy tune and reading some book
° his abnormal bid ego just couldn´t bear that….(҂⌣̀_⌣́)
° it was logical to him to pay you back for that
° standing behind you he coverd your eyes and took a look at the page infront of him
° remember what I said about the manga having more detail?
° you tried to struggle free and hide everything but it was to late
° “MC, what is happening there?”
° fuck, he saw
° “Eh…. you know, when two peoplelove each other they do interactions on a physical level..”
° “I know that! But These are dudes MC, dudes!”
° “Do you want me to become gay?”
° “What? No, of course not Zen.”
° is it to much to expect people to accept your likings? Yes? ok then I said nothing
° you had to explain a LOT to him but in the end he kind of accepted you liking this genre?
° still a bit disgusted tho
° but to distract you from this stuff he walks around shirtless a lot more than he did before, and to show you that he looks a dozen times better than those men    ( ° ʖ °)
° you had to be careful, very careful…
° because every package that arrived was controlled by one of the security members
° that meant you couldn´t just order Yaoi-Merch online like you used to as a single
° the consequence was that you had to buy all of this stuff either at a shop or ask one of your friends to order it for you
° today you went out shopping and to your luck you were able to do that without any guards following you
° this was the perfect opportunity to stock up on mangas o(≧∇≦o)
° you returned to the penthouse with a bag full of precious new babys for your collection
°  back home, Elisabeth joined you on the big couch where all of the copys layed in a big mess
° she just purred like she didn´t care XD
° 1 houre later you already finished the first 2 volumes of Sekaii ichi Hatsokoi and started with the 3rd
° (if you wonder it´s the case of Onodera Ritsu No. 5)
° you looked at the clock and to your relief there was still an hour left till Jumin will come back
° so you cleaned up the mess you created, planning to continue reading after you´ve finished
° unfortunately you left the book on the couch with Elisabeth
° what was even more unfortunate, Jumin´s last meeting was canceled and to suprise you he didn´t send a text to warn you
° as you put the last bok away in the shelf you heard a scream, Jumin´s scream
° “ MC what is this Piece of junk doing here!?”
° no need to say it like that…¯\_(⌣̯̀⌣́)_/¯  
° “Jumin don´t shout like that you´ll scare Elisabeth.”
° rushing to the living room the worst case scenario already has happend
° he was reading the damn book, right on the page where you left of
° Takano forcing himself on Ritsu once again
° “Jumin, give me back my book, please.”
° to your suprise rather than angry or disgusted he looked more confused
° Thank God!
° “MC why would you read something like that? Do I not satisfy you enough?”
° great now he looked hurt.. but still this is way better than angry
° “What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with you Jumin I just enjoy reading it.”
° he looked like a little confused kid and than did the last thing you´ve expected
° “Jumin! What are you doing put me down this instant!!”
° “No.”
° apparently he had to make sure he still satisfied you for the rest of the day
° so it wasn´t even that bad that he foudn out about your no longer secret hobby
° I saved the most strange one for him XD
° when he did the background-check on you he also took a look at your online orders
° and there he thought he already was the biggest Fujoshi Queen King…           (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)
° this being a critical hit on his ego he made up his mind to pay you back one day
° after you moved in with Seven and Saeran you stopped ordering online and bought every book your heart desired in the local bookstore
° because you just knew Seven would tease you nonstop if he found out about that obsession of yours
° little did you know Special-Agent 707 already had his masterplan ready…
° when you came back he wasn´t on his Computer, which was very unusual° instead he sat infront of the TV and it looked like he was waiting for you to return
° “Hey Seven what´re you doing here?”
° “Good you´re back I was waiting for you to come back and watch some anime with me.”
° you didn´t exactly know why but you already had a bad Feeling about this
° “Everytime we watch something it´s either disgusting or disturbing.”
° I´m only dropping the words Euphoria and Corpse Party here
° “But MC~ I know you´ll enjoy it this time.”
° Oh God this sounds so wrong
° you gave your okay to watch whatever it was with him
° but when you heard the first tune of the opening theme, you instantly knew what was going on
° but since you watched every freaking Yaoi, even if it was very strange/disturbing you were prepared
° personally, Ai no Kusabi disturbed me XD
° you somehow had the idea he already knew about you passion, so why not do the worst Thing to a Fujoshi? Spoiler
° “Did you know that they´ll cut Ricky´s dick off?”
° “WHAT??”
° he was shocked, and let me tell you to shock him is an Action worth a nobelprice
° MC used Spoiler, it was super-effective
° as if faced Medusa he was now turned to stone
° this means it was MC´s victuuriory
° he stayed like this until Saeran did the ice-bucket challenge to him XD
° he´s blind so I thought why not write about Drama CDs
° V had an appointment at the doctors to look after his eyes
° you stayed home because Jumin wanted to accompany him very desperately
° being a goog girlfriend you of course let him do that
° for you it meant that you could listen to your new CD over the sound system and without headphones
° said CD was called Kuroneko Kareshi no Nakasekata ( it means something like black cat´s boyfriend to cry for I think..) 
° because of V´s eyesight-situation he decided to focus on his other senses a lot more and invested in one of the best sound systems
° this was to your joy once again o(*≧□≦)o
° you didn´t understand much, but it didn´t matter to you since you were reading the translations at the same time
° did I mention it was really loud and you didn´t notice anything else? Good, Keep that in mind for now
°  one of the things that remained unnoticed was V entering the house
° the first thing he heardwas some strange, male moaning
° he thought you would be cheating an was on the edge of tears
° poor V(︶︹︺)
° but then there was another moaning, also from a male person and this seemed very strange to him
° he entered the livingroom, still unnoticed by you
° you then noticed him because he closed the door a LITTLE to loud which caused you to turn around in shock
° as quick as you could you turnd the sound system off to stop those noises
° “Oh, hey V. Is your appointment finished already? I used the System..”
° you were more than just relived that he didn´t bring Jumin with him in the flat
° “Listen, we won´t talk about that but if this is yout hobby than I won´t say anything. Just don´t let me hear it again OK?” 
° you gave your ok and hurried into the kitchen do prepare the dinner
° by this time V´s head and yours were as red as the tomatoes you were currently cutting
° his brother dragged him away to do some fishing to “deepen their brotherly-bond”¯\_(ツ)_/¯
° that meant you had finally time to play the game you purchased last week
° after getting comfortable on the couch and putting on some headphones for better sound you hit the start button of Dramatical Murder
° you started right away with Noize’s route
° and of course aimed for the best ending possible
° as you played or red to be more precisely, the hours flew by
° I played Amnesia (the otome-game) and it really took some time to finish a route
° so after you played for like 6 hours straight it finally payed off
° that meant the good parts came, and they weren’t the only thing that did
° if you know what I mean
° you already saw some of the CGs online but damn
° unlocking them yourself and hearing the voice actors while seeing it was way more satisfying (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
° so satisfying that you, however that is possible, didn’t hear Seven screaming that they’re back
° when Saeran couldn’t hear an answer from you he immediately thought the worst
° you finaly leaving him because of how fucked up he is  .( ˃﹏˂̵ )
° don’t think that my poor, precious baby I love you ( ≧Д≦)
° so he was more than happy to see you sitting on the Couch with some headphones on
° “So that´s why she didn´t hear us…”
° of course it was unacceptable that you ignored him
° he had to pay you back for that, that was a sure thing
° so he wanted to see what was more important to you than him at the Moment
° as quiet as he could, he walked behind you to take a look at your Screen
° he didn´t like what he saw….
° the next things happend in only a few moments
° he placed your headphones somwhere els and turned off the handheld-consol you were playing on
° after that you remembered laying on your bed with Saeran ontop of you and already pulling at your shirt
° “MC you were a bad Girl for playing These naughty games. So for that you must be punished.”
° and he did. the whole night.
This was so fun writing I had the fun of my life o(*>ωAlthough I lost the document 2 times
I hope you like it and enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing o(^▽^)o
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