ser1x-serin · 24 days
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Fenrir/Fona as a sin of wrath,baby!!! I change his horse design into a goat, cuz….why not{will draw more of him later}
.also overseer jack brain rot is getting out of control. I need helpಥ_ಥ
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strangeknight · 10 months
semen more like c men
^ tbhhhh
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Zarri Al Fona, 2023
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smallscreengifs · 2 years
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mehedihasan205 · 2 years
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anacharafan · 1 month
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There's the pixel Metta! About time I drew him in his canon form lol
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nature-documentary · 3 months
Hi I have NO CLUE WHO YOU ARE!! STRANGER!! (Wink) Umm as a TDOV doodle the transfem4transmasc Sugishira where you can’t tell who is which is one of my favorite ideas we have
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Well hello person I have never met hi there! This is such a good concept, whoever came up with it must be a genius (😊) happy TDOV!!
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player-1 · 6 months
Nexolord & co. shenanigans (Nexomon 1)
It's honestly been a long time coming, though mostly for the nostalgia and hype for Nexomon 3, but I figured I would look back in the story for any context clues to Nexolord/Metta's personality and abilities mentioned from his siblings, Overseers, or anyone unlucky enough to get on his bad side. Obviously it's going to be a massive list (with some spoilers for to Micromon and Extinction), but here goes!
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First off, there's no real timeline on how long Metta's been Nexolord or when he started his Omnicron revival plan into action, but I'll put in a generous estimate of 2-3 years before the main story since he already put way too much fear into people's hearts to go against his authority until MC went ham on his master plan. Same goes for him commissioning MC's parents to build the resurrection machine and revive Omnicron for real.
For Overseers, I would assume that ex-Nexolord Remus originally had Hilda, Khan, and Jack until Metta took the title (and adding five more to spread out his influence). But it's also funny to assume that Metta indirectly assigned his siblings/Champions to a certain Overseer that either complement or conflict their personalities...You know, for shits and giggles. -Fenrir/Fona -> Ivan & Ira (Fiery spirit and moderately irrational) -Nadine/Ventra -> Remus (Unstoppable force vs. Immovable object) -Merida/Arqua -> Hendrick (90% charm and 10% backstabber) -Zetta/Luxa -> Spencer (Snotty rich kid with inflated ego) -Ulrich/Grunda -> Jack (Reliable leader but goes against authority to protect his people (Mostly connected to Netherworld Ulrich)) Nexolord/Metta -> Glacia (Cold-blooded tactician with an extreme ego trip) -Deena/Nara -> Khan ("Subtly" associating the family traitor as a wild savage who only cares about the world and harmony over complete authority...Harsh, even for a kids game)
Metta's childhood in the Frozen Tundra was already going to be shrouded in mystery from the get-go (and obviously exclude flashbacks in-game to avoid spoiling his identity), but he left a pretty deep impact on the three people he interacted with in the past (Glacia, Juliet, and Malk). -First, Juliet's a fangirl for him, so much so that she'll completely ignore his plan to destroy humanity if it meant getting a sliver of attention from him or one-up Glacia as Overseer. She also believes that he's a vampire (either when they were kids or into adulthood) and regularly reads cheesy YA vampire novels that she "accidentally" leaves on her kitchen table for someone to notice. -Glacia is 110% loyal to Metta and will gladly brag to anyone she meets on how she's the most "true and loyal Overseer" there is. Also, she's the only Overseer who's aware that the Champions are Omnicron's children (minus Remus figuring it out through context clues), so she somehow earned Metta's trust to learn that fact as well (though whether she knew Metta's true form too is up for debate). -Finally Malk "I taught [the Nexolord] everything I know" Micromon is either the best/worst person to be Metta's tutor (re: legit father-figure) to make him become the little tyrant he is now. Whether it's to fuel Metta's already-burning hatred for humans (being a sentient AI that destroyed Project Pixekai in revenge of the programmers who created him), teaching him useful skills to gain control over others as a leader (master manipulator, master technician, and more!), or giving Metta the emotional support he never had from his siblings or dad (headcanons galore!). Also love the little gimmick that Malk's name isn't shown to the MC since he doesn't properly introduce himself to them; only Metta calls him by name once when they're the only ones in a room or during Malk's last hurrah speech before MC fights Omnicron and disappearing for good. Also, Malk mentions meeting a younger Nexolord/Metta sometime after busting out of Pixekai and adjusting to human life, so he might've tried disguising himself long before they teamed up. Now I want to know if Metta first learned that Malk wasn't human or vice versa, but I would love to know what babey Nexolord looked like before he went anime villain mode. :)
Metta definitely was the one who gave his siblings their fake Champion names, mostly on the joke of Fona/Fenrir being Metta's guard-dog for a good chunk of the story (even accompanying him to Grunda's grave and keep a eye on Overseer Jack for the excavation). Besides that, it makes sense for Metta to have every opportunity to make a jab at his siblings and put them in their place in the current hierarchy. -Fenrir: Marsh/Fen-dweller, Norse mythos wolf that would bring disaster during Ragnarok and was bound by a chain shaped like a silk ribbon. [Similar motif to Nexomon Fenrir to have giant prison cuffs on his wrists and collar-like design on his shirt.] -Nadine: Hope (French), messenger/admonitory or showerer of blessings (Arabic), "the courage of a bear" (Russian) [Latter fits cause of her assigned Overseer being Remus and her tendency to put combat first over talking.] -Merida: Pearl (Mairead, Celtic), "one who achieved a high place of honor" (Latin), "a chaste girl" or "like a mother" (Persian) [Persian seems more ironic since Merida's nice when she gets attention but throws a major hissy fit if embarrassed or mocked.] -Zetta: Inquiry or quest (Greek ztsis), "a person that is intellectually curious and has a thirst for knowledge" [Mostly ironic since Zetta's dumb as a brick and has a love for shiny things.] -Ulrich: Noble or regal ruler, noble/rich heritage (Old German) [Grunda never had the chance to get a Champion name (until Netherworld), but it's interesting how his Nightmare makes him the ruler/guardian of Solus Desert and protects his people from the big bad Nexolord Remus...At least he got his priorities straight?] -Deena: Valley, church leader, spear ruler (Hebrew/Old English/Old German); "compromising, passive, and more likely to stay in the background rather than front and center" (myfirstname.rocks) [Even if she was a major part of Ulzar's fame, Deena keeps herself as inconspicuous as possible to ensure the MC's success too. Definitely didn't want to be caught up in the family drama again, you know? :)]
It is somewhat confirmed in the Netherworld end-story that Nexonium/Nexomite is more commonly found in the literal afterlife than in the normal world (and stupidly expensive too), and it also has the ability to incapacitate any Nexomon in its vicinity (when powered by a NexoCore) or keep a Nightmare running without a Warden to guard it. So who's to say that Metta used Nexonium to create the Nexocore, easily violating Ziegler's rule of keeping the dead dead and creating a power source that won't get traced back to him (you know, since he commissioned MC's parents to make it?). And it also shows that Metta had Nexonium stowed away in his old house, most likely studying its components in there or in the bunker.
And last but not least, it's not exactly confirmed if Metta actually sacrificed himself to revive Omnicron like the rest of Champions; he doesn't have a personal Nightmare like the other four (+Grunda/Ulrich), and you only get to find Metta's true form after the Netherworld story (ie. Killing Omnicron for real, dooming the current Nexomon species to extinction, and making a bridge between the Netherworld and real world to finish loose ends). Speaking of bridge, it's also confirmed in Extinction that just after MC destroyed Omnicron's soul, Venefelis was unleashed with the single goal to kill Hilda; unintentionally serving as the bridge for the Nexomon War and the future to come in Nexomon: Extinction. ...Also the MC (The Ghost of Nexomon Past) gets Metta's jacket and was buried in it pre-Extinction, so I'm betting the madlad did the blanket dog trick and it somehow worked against the MC and Nara. I mean, Metta's about the size of a bowling ball (five-pin/duckpin maybe?) so he might've had a chance to pull it off when MC was distracted by Omnicron and he just assumed the guy was gone for good.
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Anywho, that's all I have for now, hope you enjoyed!
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muckmage · 6 months
Hi muck
omg!! fona!!! hiii fona! ^^ hiiii 👋👋
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ser1x-serin · 26 days
May sound weird but i got some brain worms, about the children of omnicron (excluding nara/deena) begin the seven deadly sins ,but then they will be six so maybe include omnicron as the sin of pride
i’ll draw them later
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dykedalecooper · 7 months
Pink like bingus
like bingus!!
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zscyber · 8 months
Last pair - Fona & Heatran!
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No fire version below the cut
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akinachiri · 1 year
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pandapupremade · 1 year
he knelt down. he knelt. and . his face. hes. sad.
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mehedihasan205 · 2 years
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pupmuseboxmoved · 10 months
Tag dump 2/?
{ Blades Forged from Steel and Fire - Archer Emiya } { Shadowy Fire and Corrupted Blades - Shadow Emiya } { Golden Cracks on Steel and Gun Blades - Alter Emiya } { Young and Bright Light of a Wolf Pup - Setanta } { Hound of Ulster - Cu Chulainn } { Young Spear of a Pup - Proto Cu } { Guiding Light of a Druid - Caster Cu } { Thorns of a Mad King - Alter Cu } { Knight of Spears and Flowers - Diarmuid Ua Duibhne } { Honorable Blade Wielding Flower Knight - Saber Diarmuid } { Firespark of a Wolf - Aiden } { Wild Rose of a Flower Wolf - Aouregan } { Unlucky Corvid and Harbinger - Qrow Branwen } { Masked Blade and Wilting Rose - Adam Taurus } { King of Monsters - Omnicron } { New King of Monsters and Light Tyrant - Solus/Omnisun } { The Nexolord - Metta } { Life Giver Nature Tyrant - Deena/Nara } { Chaotic Electric Tyrant - Zetta/Luxa } { Hot Headed Fire Tyrant - Fenrir/Fona } { Merciless Water Tyrant - Merida/Arqua } { Cruel Wind Tyrant - Nadine/Ventra } { Mentor and Earth Tyrant - Ulrich/Grunda }
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