#food beverage sales agency
dwellordream · 6 months
“The Great Depression reached into every corner of the country, but it did not affect all people equally. For many middle-class women of all races, the depression required certain changes in spending patterns: buying cheaper cuts of meat, feeding the homeless men who stopped at the back door, and doing without new clothes. Some of these women continued to do community volunteer work, raising money for the unemployed. They saw the food lines, but they did not have to join them.
Among women workers, race played an important role. The fierce competition for jobs fueled racial resentments. Mexican-American and African-American women were the first to lose their jobs and the last to get relief from welfare agencies. Often, they were already living on the margin of survival. Before 1933, when the Prohibition amendment making the manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages illegal was repealed, many of these women turned to bootlegging, making their own beer or liquor and selling it.
…Even relatively prosperous farm women--owners, not tenants--in general produced as much as 70 percent of what their families consumed in clothing, toys, and food. They not only gardened but raised poultry. During the depression, women increased the size of their gardens and the number of their hens. They made more butter from their dairy cows and sold it. They cut up the sacks that held large amounts of flour and sewed them into underwear. In the previous decade, they had proudly begun to participate in a culture of store-bought goods. Now they began to can food again. Government agents dragged huge canning kettles across the mountains of northern New Mexico and eastern Tennessee so that women in remote farming villages could preserve their food.
Even with all this work, rural children suffered from malnutrition, and rural women faced childbirth without a doctor or midwife because they could afford neither the medical fees nor the gasoline for transportation. The women resented their declining standards of living, particularly those from better-off farm families who owned their own farms and had, during the 1920s, aspired to participate in the new domestic technology of indoor bath-rooms, modern stoves and heating, and super cleanliness.
…In 1936, a federal appeals court overruled an earlier law that had classified birth control information as obscene and thus illegal to dispense. That decision still left state laws intact, however. The number of birth control clinics nationwide rose from 55 in 1930 to 300 by 1938, but in some states and in many rural areas women still had no access to birth control. In 1937, North Carolina became the first state to provide contraceptives with tax dollar, and six others soon followed. Ironically, North Carolina’s reasoning was not that birth control was a human right but that birth control would reduce the black population.
Despite statistics showing that black women had fewer babies than white women with similar incomes and living situations, many white southern officials in states with large black populations feared a black population explosion. In 1939, the Birth Control Federation of American responded to eager southern state governments by developing “The Negro Project,” a program to disseminate birth control information, which they carefully staffed with local black community leaders. Whatever the logic, one quarter of all women in the United States in their 20s during the depression never bore children. This was the highest rate of childlessness for any decade. Many people simply decided not to get married, and marriage rates fell.
…In the mass media women seemed to be receiving mixed messages. On the one hand, in 1930, the Ladies’ Home Journal featured a former career woman confessing, “I know now without any hesitation… that [my husband’s job] must come first.” In 1931, the popular magazine Outlook and Independent quoted the dean of Barnard College, a women’s college in New York City, telling her students that “perhaps the greatest service that you can render to the community… is to have the courage to refuse to work for gain.” And on its front page in 1935, the New York Times reported that women “suffering from masculine psychological states” and an “aversion to marriage” were being “cured” by the removal of their adrenal gland. In this atmosphere, not only were women workers under fire, but women who centered their lives on women rather than on men came under attack. Lesbianism was no longer chic. Lesbian bars almost disappeared. Homosexuality was now seen by many people as just one more threat to the family.
On the other hand, movie houses showed zany screwball comedies with more complicated lessons. Often deliciously ditsy, incompetent women were rescued by sensible, capable men. Yet, the men in these movies were frequently portrayed as bumbling or slower-witted than the women. Sometimes the men were people who needed joy and whimsy restored to their lives, not an unexpected theme for a nation in the throes of an economic depression. In other movies, however, women were by no means incompetent. The women portrayed by Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, and Joan Crawford in the 1930s were often intelligent but needed men alternately to tame and to soften them.”
- Sarah Jane Deutsch, “Making Do with Disaster.” in From Ballots to Breadlines: American Women, 1920-1940
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philadelphia-hq · 2 years
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“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).”
Age: 38 Gender and pronouns: Male, He/Him Occupation: Food & Beverage Director @ Ricci’s Neighborhood: Midtown Village
tw: cheating
Unconventional. It’s how it’s always been with the ways of Luca Ricci. Born in the passenger side of his dad's new sports car, unable to wait another three blocks. Skipping school most days of senior year to skate and explore the city, yet somehow graduating top five in his class. Luca at heart is a nonconformist. One who thrives off pushing the edge and challenging the narrative and norms of society. It’s no surprise considering he didn’t once question the divorce between his parents. Luca was stuffing his face with macaroni and cheese next to his baby brother when his mom laid a kiss on his head. She murmured the words that she loved him and that she would see him soon. Thinking nothing of the sort, he paid her no mind, but two minutes later, she had a suitcase and left their home never to return again. Commitment, no longer applied. Actions and decisions were made and there was nothing to question from here on out.
Since then, Luca evolved and grew with his expanding family, with a new stepmom and three sisters in tow. The house was rowdy, but it was always filled with the utmost love, support, and adventure. Being the oldest of the bunch, Luca did his best to be a role model where appropriate, but he was definitely a wild card. Defiant is the word that summarizes Luca's teenage years. It was a daily pleasure for him, testing the patience of his father. The animosity between the two brewed so much that the week after graduation, Luca left. A packed duffle bag, a scribbled note taped to the kitchen fridge, and a one way train ticket to Portland, Maine was his plan. An escape to where his mother was in hopes that he could be his own person without someone breathing down his neck. Yet, when arrived his mother had moved on with her life. Luca had only seen each other twelve weeks out of the year, for she was successful and thriving. After six months had gone by, Luca returned back to Philadelphia, relieved to be welcomed with open arms again by his family and friends again.
Since then, he temporarily did the normative, per his father’s request. Luca went to Penn State, where he studied business, before landing a job at a marketing agency. One owned by one of the  regulars of the family’s restaurant. The job was boring and Luca couldn't resist counting down the hours he had left every time he clocked in. The only bonus was having an affair with the bosses’ wife instead of working on his assigned ad campaigns. The apple certainly did not fall far from the tree. Caught red-handed in his bosses' vacation home, Luca was blacklisted from the agency and fellow partners. Fortunately for him, a friend of his started this sports app venture in Boulder, Colorado requesting his dear roommate join him on the adventure. Soon thereafter, the Rossi would become the director of marketing and sales for ten years. In that timeframe, the days were filled with global travel and beautiful women. Daily enjoying the high-life of his successes.
Only three years ago did he relocate back to Philadelphia. The app got bought out by a bigger fish and with enough money to last him a lifetime, Luca figured it would be in his best interest to settle down back home. A conversation with his grandmother brought him back to the family restaurant. A place where he used to bus tables after the school day while flirting with guests for some extra tips. With his extensive portfolio and unique ways of generating profits, Luca has been working for the backend of the business. Returning home has been better than he thought. His dad and step-mom, his annoying siblings. At this point in his life, surrounding himself with friends and family is right for this season. There may not be the views of snowscape mountains from his rooftop, but Luca can always appreciate the city that shaped him into the man he is today.
LUCA RICCI has the face claim of RYAN GOSLING and is played by MISSA.
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almondbranding · 1 year
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Almond Branding, a well-known design and branding agency in india, has taken on the task of redesigning the packaging and branding for a 150-year-old green tea brand from Nepal. This brand carries with it a rich heritage and history that has been passed down through generations, making it an important part of the Nepalese culture.
The challenge for Almond Branding was to create a design that reflected the brand's rich history while also appealing to modern consumers. They needed to strike a balance between maintaining the brand's traditional values and updating the design to make it more appealing to today's market.
To achieve this, Almond Branding conducted extensive research into the brand's history and heritage, as well as the current market trends in the tea industry. They used this information to create a design that incorporated traditional Nepalese elements, such as the country's iconic Himalayan mountains and intricate patterns, while also using modern typography and color schemes to make the packaging more visually appealing.
The result is a beautiful and elegant packaging design that pays homage to the brand's heritage while also appealing to a modern audience. Almond Branding has managed to create a design that is both visually stunning and deeply meaningful, capturing the essence of the brand and its history. This is a testament to the agency's creativity, attention to detail, and commitment to preserving the value of a brand's heritage.
Revamp Of Nepal's 150 Year Old Tea Brand
The Brand Tokla is as old as the tea industry in Nepal. With this 150 year old heritage, its not surprising that the name Tokla has become synonymous to tea or Chia as its locally known in Nepal.
The brand has a variety of offerings from regular CTC tea, premium long leaf, Masala tea and the likes and has recently ventured into Green tea to reach out to the rapidly growing health conscious audience in the Himalayan country. However, the packaging of Green tea badly needed a facelift inorder to appeal to this slightly different discerning audience.
Decoding The Brand Equity
There has been a few attempts made locally to modernize the pack but they had failed miserably, each time resulting into dip in sales as they had swayed away too much from the family of Tokla.
The range from Tokla had a characteristic dark green colour with Tokla branding in white and our research showed that the masses in Nepal identified the brand with this colour codes. We also observed that there is a ‘not-tobe-missed’ white teacup right at the centre of each pack.
The key challenge was not to deviate far from the parent Tokla Design language and yet connote the modern and premium offering to an evolved audience.
The Design Solution
Our proposed approach was three fold
Retain brand Tokla boldly on green at top Take advantage of Trust & Heritage as well as familiarity
Bring in premiumization with design elements and a strong Visual Hook for recall Reach out to the evolved sensibilities of the evolved consumer
Convey the Freshness and Organic certifications and claims on Front of Pack(FOP) Back it up with health benefits on the Back of Pack (BOP)
Design Inspiration : Elements & Patterns
Almond Branding used its proprietary Brand Nomenclature process to coin a new Brand Name that will stand true to the ethos of the company. The company with its strong focus on technology and consumer centricity has been striving to bring the most innovative offerings to the consumer
Category: Food & Beverage Services: Branding | Packaging Design
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grantscanada · 2 years
CanExport program
CanExport Grant Funding Program provides government funding to small to medium-sized Canadian businesses for exporting their business marketing (digital including) and reimburses 50% of selected export marketing cost to a maximum of $50,000.  CanExport Grant covers such export marketing costs as trade show and trade mission cost, digital and online advertising to the foreign customers, translation cost, cost of shipping samples, export market research and business planning and more. The main goal of the Program is to support those who export business in Canada.
Eligibility Criteria: CanExport Grant
Be a for-profit company;
Be an incorporated legal entity or a limited liability partnership (LLP);
Have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business identifier number;
Have less than 500 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees;
Have between $100,000 and $100 million in annual revenue declared in Canada.
Must target up to 5 export markets where the applicant hasn’t exported or hasn’t substantially exported within the last 24 months. Substantially exported means that during the past 24 months the applicant made less than $20,000 in annual sales in the target market(s) or the annual sales in this market represent less than 10% of its total international sales for the same period.
All sectors except agriculture, food and beverages qualify for CanExport grant. Other industries qualify for AgriMarketing or Canadian Agricultural Partnership programs. Note: Export brokers in the agriculture and agri-food sector may be eligible to the program, provided they meet Canadian content requirements. Source: https://fairgrantwriting.ca/canexport-grant/
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leebird-simmer · 2 years
Drug Abuse/Substance Use Disorder, pt. 1
Introduction to Drug Abuse & Addiction
- Psychoactive drugs have been a part of human culture since antiquity.
- Many psychoactive substances (such as nicotine, caffeine, morphine, cocaine, and THC) are made by plants and were available to ancient peoples.
- 200 years ago, mostly alcohol, tobacco, and opium or laudanum (opium extract in alcohol) were available in the USA.
Some of the events that led to current drug use:
Development of hypodermic syringes allowed injection into the bloodstream.
Advances in chemistry (e.g. morphine was purified from opium, and cocaine from coca). In more concentrated form, these drugs are more addictive.
- Lack of drug control laws resulted in these drugs being used in tonics and patent medicines.
- Heroin was synthesized by Bayer Laboratories in 1874 and was first marketed as a nonaddictive substitute for codeine to control coughs.
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Government Intervention
During the 20th century, the federal government increasingly controlled the commercialization of drugs, beginning with the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906:
All active ingredients should be placed on drug labels.
Food and drugs should meet established purity levels.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was created.
The Harrison Narcotics Tax Act (1914) controlled the use of opiates and cocaine:
Taxes on production, importation, and distribution
Prohibited non-medical use. Doctors could not prescribe opiates to addicts, because addiction was not considered a disease.
18th Amendment to the US Constitution (1920): Prohibition of the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages (repealed in 1933)
The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 banned nonmedical use of cannabis and levied a tax on importers, sellers, and dispensers of marijuana (overturned by US Supreme Court in 1969)
The Controlled Substances Act (1970) established five schedules of controlled substances and created the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
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- The federal government became more involved in drug regulation as a result of increased drug use or perceived societal danger of drug use.
- Existing laws are not consistent with scientific evidence (e.g. nicotine is more addictive than marijuana). {Note: I can’t locate any evidence that indicates hallucinogens are addictive at all, at least not in a physiological sense. Marijuana/THC is recognized as having medical use in some states, but not in others. MDMA has been in stage 3 clinical trials for quite some time now and was supposed to be decriminalized or legalized for therapeutic purposes a few years back, but it still hasn’t happened yet.}
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Features of Drug Abuse & Addiction
Addiction is complex, and a precise definition is difficult. It can include physical dependence:
Withdrawal symptoms if the person stops taking the drug (muscle aches and cramps, anxiety attacks, sweating, nausea, and possibly convulsions/death)
Not all drugs produce physical dependence. For example, heroin use causes an intense physical dependence, whereas nicotine does not (even though it’s roughly just as addictive).
Addictive behavior: the addict is driven by a craving, a strong urge to take the drug.
Individuals remain addicted for long periods of time, and drug-free periods (remissions) are often followed by relapses in which drug use recurs, despite negative consequences.
American Psychiatric Association
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) defines substance-related disorders as:
- substance dependence: more severe; corresponds roughly with addiction
- substance abuse: may or may not lead to substance dependence
Because the term addiction has conflicting definitions and strong negative associations, the American Psychiatric Association stopped using the terms addiction and addict.
{Note: I personally feel that the term “abuse” is a little dramatic; I don’t find taking a drug for recreational purposes to be inherently “abusive” but those are the terms used by the APA and in the DSM.}
Substance Use Disorder
DSM-5 replaces those categories with substance use disorder:
The individual has manifested a maladaptive pattern of substance use for at least 12 months.
It has led to significant impairment or distress, by clinical standards.
At least two of 11 additional criteria must be met.
11 Criteria to Diagnose Substance Disorder:
The substance is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended.
There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful effort to cut down or control use of the substance.
A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the substance, use the substance, or recover from its effects.
Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use the substance
Recurrent use of the substance resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home
Continued use of the substance despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of it use
Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of use of the substance.
Recurrent use of the substance in situations in which it is physically hazardous
Use of the substance is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance.
Tolerance, as defined by either of the following: (a) Need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication or desired effect. (b) A markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance.
Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following: (a) The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for that substance (as specified in the DSM-5 for each substance) (b) The substance (or a closely related analog) is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Each specific substance is addressed as a separate use disorder, with the exception of caffeine.
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amrutatbrc1 · 16 days
Robotic Arm Market 2024 : Industry Analysis, Trends, Segmentation, Regional Overview And Forecast 2033
The Robotic Arm Global Market Report 2024 by The Business Research Company provides market overview across 60+ geographies in the seven regions - Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, and Africa, encompassing 27 major global industries. The report presents a comprehensive analysis over a ten-year historic period (2010-2021) and extends its insights into a ten-year forecast period (2023-2033).
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Learn More On The Robotic Arm Market: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/robotic-arm-global-market-report
According to The Business Research Company’s Robotic Arm Global Market Report 2024, The robotic arm market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $69.16 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.0%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to robotic arms used in manufacturing, enhanced efficiency, precision, and speed in production processes, increasing productivity and cost-effectiveness, automation in various sectors, including automotive, and growth in e-commerce. Major trends in the forecast period include the growing complexity of manufacturing processes, technological advancements in robotics, advanced technological infrastructure, advancement of robotic arms in healthcare, and increasing technological integration.
The expansion of the e-commerce industry is expected to propel the growth of the robotic arm market going forward. The e-commerce industry refers to the buying and selling goods and services over the internet. It has transformed how businesses and consumers interact, offering convenience, accessibility, and a global reach. The growth of e-commerce is driven by the widespread use of smartphones, internet access, and a broad selection of online products. Robotic arms are crucial in optimizing supply chain and logistics operations within the e-commerce industry, enabling businesses to manage inventory more efficiently, reduce operational costs, and enhance overall productivity. For instance, in February 2024, according to the United States Census Bureau, a US-based government agency, in 2023, e-commerce sales were projected to reach $1,118.7 billion, marking a 7.6% (±1.2%) increase from 2022, while total retail sales saw a 2.1% (±0.4%) rise over the same period. In 2023, e-commerce sales constituted 15.4% of total sales, compared to 14.7% in 2022. Therefore, the expansion of the e-commerce industry is driving growth in the robotic arm market.
Get A Free Sample Of The Report (Includes Graphs And Tables): https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=17249&type=smp
The robotic arm market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Type: Articulated, Cartesian, Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm (SCARA), Spherical Or Polar, Cylindrical, Other Types 2) By Payload Capacity: Less Than 500 Kilogram (KG), 500-3000 Kilogram (KG), 3001 Kilogram (KG) And Above 3) By Axis: 1-Axis, 2-Axis, 3-Axis, 4-Axis, 5-Axis, 6-Axis, 7-Axis 4) By Application: Materials Handling, Cutting And Processing, Soldering And Welding, Assembling And Disassembling, Other Applications 5) By End-User Industry: Automotive, Electrical And Electronics, Metals And Machinery, Plastics And Chemicals, Food And Beverages, Other End-User Industries
Major companies operating in the robotic arm market are focusing on developing innovative products such as collaborative robots (cobots) to gain a competitive advantage. Cobots are designed to work alongside human operators, enhancing productivity and efficiency in various industrial settings. For instance, in 2021, Universal Robots, a Denmark-based industrial automation company, launched the UR20 cobot, featuring a 20kg payload capacity and a reach of 1.75m. The UR20 boasts advanced safety features, including force-sensing technology and intuitive programming, making it suitable for various applications, from material handling to machine tending. The UR20 is designed to provide up to 30% more speed and torque, advanced motion control capabilities, and a first-class user experience. Its 20kg payload and 1.75m reach make it an ideal match for applications ranging from palletizing to part handling and assembly.
The robotic arm market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Robotic Arm Market Characteristics
3. Robotic Arm Market Trends And Strategies
4. Robotic Arm Market - Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global Robotic Arm Market Size and Growth ..............
32. Global Robotic Arm Market Competitive Benchmarking
33. Global Robotic Arm Market Competitive Dashboard
34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Robotic Arm Market
35. Robotic Arm Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
36. Appendix
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digitechindia01 · 18 days
Elevate Your Brand with Food and Beverage Digital Marketing Services
Discover tailored digital marketing strategies for the food and beverage industry. Boost your brand visibility, engage with your audience, and drive sales with our expert services.
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popup-qa · 20 days
Unlocking Success: Why Popup Agency is the Top Consultancy Company in Qatar
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In the dynamic landscape of business in Qatar, choosing the right consultancy firm can be the difference between success and stagnation. With a multitude of options available, it is essential to partner with a consultancy that not only understands the local market intricacies but also brings innovative solutions to the table. Enter Popup Agency—recognized as the leading consultancy company in Qatar.
Why Popup Agency Stands Out
1. In-Depth Local Expertise
Popup Agency’s profound understanding of Qatar’s business environment is unmatched. From regulatory nuances to market trends, their team of experts is adept at navigating the complexities of the Qatari market. This local expertise ensures that businesses receive tailored advice that aligns with Qatar’s economic landscape and regulatory framework.
2. Comprehensive Services
As a top consultancy company in Qatar, Popup Agency offers a wide range of services designed to meet diverse business needs. Whether you’re a startup seeking to enter the market or an established company aiming to expand, Popup Agency provides strategic guidance in areas such as market entry, business development, and operational efficiency.
3. Innovative Solutions
In today’s fast-paced business world, innovation is key. Popup Agency excels in delivering cutting-edge solutions that help businesses stay ahead of the competition. Their approach combines traditional consultancy with modern strategies, leveraging the latest technologies and methodologies to drive growth and efficiency.
4. Client-Centric Approach
What sets Popup Agency apart is their commitment to understanding and addressing the unique needs of each client. Their client-centric approach means personalized strategies and solutions that are specifically designed to meet the goals and challenges of each business they work with.
5. Proven Track Record
Popup Agency has built a reputation for delivering results. With a portfolio of successful projects and satisfied clients, their track record speaks volumes about their ability to drive success. Their proven methodologies and dedication to excellence have solidified their position as the top consultancy company in Qatar.
Why Choose Consultancy in Qatar?
1. Strategic Advantage
Consultancy Qatar offer a strategic advantage by providing insights and guidance that help businesses navigate the complexities of the local market. From understanding regulatory requirements to identifying growth opportunities, consultancy firms like Popup Agency offer invaluable support.
2. Market Knowledge
Consultants with a deep understanding of the Qatari market can help businesses make informed decisions. Their knowledge of market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive dynamics enables companies to craft strategies that are both effective and relevant.
3. Resource Efficiency
Partnering with a consultancy firm can help businesses streamline their operations and maximize efficiency. By leveraging the expertise of consultants, companies can optimize their resources, reduce costs, and enhance overall performance.
Consultancy Services Offered By Popup Agency
Business Plans and Feasibility Services in Qatar
Sales and Marketing Strategy Services in Qatar
Research and Development Services in Qatar
Business Auditing Solutions in Qatar
IT Solutions in Qatar
Food & Beverages Studies in Qatar
In the competitive world of business in Qatar, choosing the right consultancy is crucial. Popup Agency stands out as the premier choice for businesses seeking expert guidance and innovative solutions. With their extensive local expertise, comprehensive services, and client-centric approach, Popup Agency is poised to help businesses achieve their goals and thrive in Qatar’s dynamic market.
For businesses looking to make their mark in Qatar, engaging with Popup Agency—the top consultancy company in Qatar—is a strategic move towards unlocking success and achieving sustainable growth.
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rupalic · 1 month
Food Antioxidants Industry Future Outlook, Global Trends, Industry Share And Top Key Players
The food antioxidants market refers to the industry involved in the production, distribution, and sale of antioxidants used in food products. Antioxidants are substances that prevent or delay oxidative damage to food products caused by oxygen, light, or heat, thus extending their shelf life and maintaining their quality.
Key drivers of food antioxidants market growth include:
Consumer Demand for Clean Label Products: Consumers are increasingly seeking food products with natural ingredients and minimal additives. As a result, there is a growing demand for antioxidants derived from natural sources, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, rosemary extract, and green tea extract.
Health Benefits: Antioxidants are associated with various health benefits, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. This has led to increased demand for food products fortified with antioxidants, particularly in functional foods and beverages.
Shelf Life Extension: Antioxidants play a crucial role in extending the shelf life of food products by preventing oxidative degradation. This is particularly important for perishable products such as oils, nuts, and fatty foods.
Technological Advancements: Advances in food processing and preservatives technologies have led to the development of new and improved antioxidant formulations that offer enhanced stability, efficacy, and compatibility with different food matrices.
Regulatory Support: Regulatory agencies around the world have established guidelines and standards for the use of antioxidants in food products, ensuring their safety and efficacy. This regulatory support has facilitated the growth of the food antioxidants market by providing a clear framework for manufacturers to develop and market antioxidant-rich products.
The global food antioxidants market size was valued at US$ 1.5 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from US$ 1.6 billion in 2023 to US$ 2.2 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 6.2% in the forecast period (2023-2028).
Make an Inquiry to Address your Specific Business Needs:
How does the Asia Pacific region’s preference for prepared and functional foods & beverages impact the demand for food antioxidants in that region?
Emerging economies like China and India are currently experiencing high industrialization, leading to a surge in demand for food antioxidants as disposable incomes rise. Consequently, awareness about food antioxidants remains low in many regions.
The Asia Pacific region is witnessing a notable increase in demand for prepared and functional foods & beverages, indicating a potential growth trajectory for the food antioxidants market in this region.
While early adopting countries such as Japan and Germany are expected to see modest growth in the demand for food antioxidants, new and emerging markets like Thailand, Malaysia, and other Asian countries are projected to experience exponential growth.
The global population growth is placing greater pressure on producers to manage scarce resources efficiently, with challenges like high energy prices, rising raw material costs, and water shortages impacting food prices and supply.
Science and technology advancements are aiding in extending the shelf life of foods, with marketing efforts targeting even the smallest food & beverage manufacturers to augment the market size.
Changing lifestyles in emerging markets are driving increased demand for convenience in food products, with a shift towards healthier fast food options and a growing preference for ingredients with high nutritional value.
Natural antioxidants like Oryzanol are gaining popularity in markets such as India post-pandemic, with companies like the Ricela Group introducing Gamma Oryzanol in the form of nutraceutical capsules, offering various health benefits.
Kemin Industries has introduced clean label solutions with antioxidant potential and moisture retention properties to improve texture and extend shelf life. Their range of solutions, including NaturFort, offers food protection while maintaining flavor, color, and odor integrity.
Kemin’s clean label antioxidant solutions are particularly effective in delaying or preventing lipid oxidation in the snack market and inhibiting mold in bakery solutions, contributing to longer product lifespans.
Additionally, Kemin’s plant extracts and antioxidants help maintain freshness and safety in dressings and sauce products, aligning with the growing consumer trend towards clean label products.
The synthetic segment is estimated to account for the largest food antioxidants industry share
Synthetic antioxidants, including butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), and propyl gallate (PG), are increasingly utilized in the production of various food products. These antioxidants are produced through a conventional industrial process involving a variety of ingredients, subjecting their addition to rigorous regulations imposed by governments worldwide. The primary purpose of synthetic antioxidants is to prolong the shelf life of food products while enhancing their texture, color, and aroma.
Schedule a call with our Analysts to discuss your business needs:
The Road Ahead: Innovation and Natural Solutions
The future of food antioxidants lies in:
Clean Label Solutions: Developing natural, plant-based antioxidants that meet consumer demands for clean and healthy ingredients.
Transparency and Education: Building trust by clearly communicating the benefits and safety of antioxidants used in food products.
How the food antioxidants industry will develop in the future with several major players like Archer Daniels Midland (US), Tetra Laval (Switzerland), and BASF SE (Germany)?
Archer Daniels Midland (US)
Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) produces food & beverage ingredients, industrial ingredients, biofuels, and naturally derived alternatives to industrial chemicals. It operates through four segments- Agriculture services & oilseed, Carbohydrate solutions, Nutrition and Others. The Nutrition segment offers Food, beverages, nutritional supplements, and feed and premix for livestock, aquaculture, plant-based proteins, natural flavors, flavor systems, natural colors, emulsifiers, soluble fiber, polyols, hydrocolloids, probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, botanical extracts, and other specialty food and feed ingredients are among the ingredients and solutions manufactured, sold, and distributed.
Tetra Laval (Switzerland)
Tetra Laval is one of the top leaders in food processing & packaging solutions. The company’s business operation is segmented into three individual entities: Tetra Pak, DeLaval, and Sidel. Tetra Pak’s product portfolio includes carton packages, processing equipment, packaging equipment, and distribution equipment automation solutions and services. Tetra Pak is a leading provider of processing equipment for the food & beverage industry. Tetra Pak products are uniquely equipped to provide solutions that meet their customers’ entire needs. Tetra Pak has operations in more than 160 countries across regions, including Asia Pacific, Europe & Central Asia, the Americas, and Greater Middle East & Africa, with over 55 plants. Of these 55, 15 are exclusively dedicated to processing solutions production facilities, 11 R&D units, and 11 technical centers. The company specializes in providing complete solutions specifically designed to be economical to process & package dairy products, juices & nectars, ice cream, cheese, dry foods, fruits, and vegetables using Tetra Pak lines, particularly for the developing market.
BASF SE (Germany)
BASF SE manufactures chemical products, operating in a variety of markets, including chemicals, plastics, performance products, agricultural solutions, and oil and gas. BASF SE operates through seven business segments-Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technology, Nutrition & Care, Agricultural Solutions and Others segment (includes oil & gas and other technical services). In the Nutrition & Care segment, involving the Care Chemicals and Nutrition & Health divisions, they serve the growing and increasingly sophisticated demands for fast-moving consumer goods. This includes food and feed manufacturers, as well as pharmaceutical, cosmetics, detergent, and cleaner manufacturers. They also provide technical applications, crop protection, and nutrition solutions.
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Brazil's retail sales down for the first time this year in June
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Retail sales volumes in Brazil slipped for the first time in six months in June, data from statistics agency IBGE showed on Wednesday, undershooting market estimates, due mainly to a drop in food and beverage sales.
In Latin America's largest economy, retail sales were down 1.0% in June from May, IBGE said, their largest monthly drop since May of last year and in negative territory for the first time since December.
Economists in a Reuters poll had expected a smaller decrease of 0.20%.
Continue reading.
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lordshotelsresorts · 1 month
Hotel Management Course
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Why Choose a Hotel Management Course?
The Hotel Management Course is designed to prepare students for a career in the hospitality industry, which includes sectors such as hotels, resorts, restaurants, event management, and tourism. This course provides a strong foundation in various aspects of hospitality management, including front office operations, food and beverage management, housekeeping, marketing, and financial management.
Choosing a Hotel Management Course opens the door to a wide range of career opportunities. Graduates can pursue roles such as hotel manager, event planner, restaurant manager, or even start their own hospitality business. The skills learned in this course are not only applicable in hotels and restaurants but also in other areas such as cruise lines, airlines, and travel agencies.
About Lords Institute of Management
The Lords Institute of Management stands out as a leading institution for hospitality education, offering an industry-relevant curriculum that is constantly updated to meet the evolving demands of the hospitality sector. The institute boasts a team of experienced faculty members who bring a wealth of knowledge and real-world experience to the classroom. The learning environment at Lords Institute of Management is designed to be dynamic and interactive, ensuring that students are well-prepared to meet the challenges of the hospitality industry.
Course Structure and Curriculum
The Hotel Management Course at Lords Institute of Management is a comprehensive program that covers all the essential areas of hospitality management. The curriculum is designed to provide students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Key subjects covered in the course include:
Front Office Operations: Students learn the intricacies of managing the front desk, handling guest inquiries, and ensuring smooth check-in and check-out processes.
Food and Beverage Management: This module covers everything from menu planning and food production to service techniques and beverage management.
Housekeeping Management: Students gain insights into maintaining high standards of cleanliness and comfort in hotel rooms and public areas.
Marketing and Sales: This subject focuses on strategies for promoting hospitality businesses, understanding customer behavior, and driving revenue growth.
Financial Management: Students learn to manage budgets, control costs, and understand the financial aspects of running a successful hospitality business.
Human Resource Management: This module covers recruitment, training, and management of staff within the hospitality industry.
Hands-On Training and Internships
At Lords Institute of Management, the emphasis is not only on classroom learning but also on practical experience. The Hotel Management Course includes hands-on training in the institute’s state-of-the-art facilities, where students can apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. Additionally, the institute has strong ties with leading hotels and hospitality companies, providing students with opportunities for internships. These internships allow students to gain valuable work experience, develop industry contacts, and enhance their resumes.
Career Support and Placement Opportunities
One of the significant advantages of studying at Lords Institute of Management is the strong career support and placement services offered to students. The institute’s placement cell works closely with top hospitality companies to provide students with job opportunities that match their skills and career aspirations. Regular workshops, career counseling sessions, and interview preparation help students build confidence and increase their chances of securing their dream job.
Why Lords Institute of Management Stands Out
Lords Institute of Management is not just about imparting knowledge; it is about nurturing future leaders in the hospitality industry. The institute’s commitment to excellence, industry connections, and focus on practical training make it a preferred choice for students aspiring to build a successful career in hotel management. The institute also fosters a culture of innovation and creativity, encouraging students to think outside the box and develop solutions that can drive the hospitality industry forward.
Enrolling in the Hotel Management Course at Lords Institute of Management is a smart investment in your future. With a curriculum that balances theory and practice, experienced faculty, and excellent placement opportunities, the institute prepares students to become skilled professionals who can thrive in the hospitality industry. Whether you aspire to manage a luxury hotel, run a successful restaurant, or work in event management, this course provides the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to achieve your career goals. Start your journey with Lords Institute of Management and unlock the doors to a world of opportunities in the vibrant hospitality industry.
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gauravmohindrachicago · 2 months
Legal Challenges for Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs starting new firms meet an array of legal hurdles that can have an important impact on their companies’ profitability and long-term viability. Compliance with rules and regulations is critical from the time the corporate entity is formed till it is in daily operation. This article examines the typical legal obstacles that entrepreneurs face and offers ways of effectively addressing these concerns says, Gaurav Mohindra.
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1. Business Formation and Structure
A key legal challenge for entrepreneurs is choosing the best business structure. Each entity type—sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or LLC—has unique legal issues.
Sole Proprietorship: Simple to set up, but provides little liability protection.
Partnership: It involves complex agreements to define roles, responsibilities, and profit-sharing among partners.
Corporation: Provides liability protection, but demands compliance to more strict standards and formalities.
An LLC protects against liability.It allows for flexible management and taxes. But, you must follow state rules.
Strategy: Consult with legal and financial experts to choose the best structure for your business’s requirements and goals. Create explicit and thorough partnership or operating agreements, if relevant.
2. Intellectual Property (IP) Protection
Protecting intellectual property is critical for many businesses, particularly those in technology, creative industries, or new professions.
Trademarks: Protect your brand names, logos, and words.
Patents: Protect inventions and unique processes.
Copyrights: Protect creative works like software, music, and literature.
Trade Secrets: Protect confidential business information.
Strategy: Register trademarks, patents, and copyrights with the appropriate government agencies. Install confidentiality agreements and property rules inside the company to protect trade secrets.
3. Employment Laws and Workforce Management
Managing employees involves navigating an intricate web of employment rules and regulations.
Hiring Practices: Must follow anti-discrimination laws and proper vetting processes. Employee contracts must define employment terms with precision. This includes job roles, pay, and grounds for termination.
Wage and Hour Laws: It is vital to follow least wage, overtime, and other pay rules.
Workplace Safety: Follow OSHA standards to ensure a safe workplace.
Strategy: Create complete HR policies and processes. Regularly train leaders on employment legal compliance. Use clear, legally enforceable employment contracts, and keep diligent records.
4. Regulatory Compliance
Different industries are subject to various regulatory requirements, which can be complex and stringent. Verify the business holds necessary licenses and permits for legal operation.
Industry-Specific Regulations: Follow rules for sectors like healthcare, finance, or food and beverage.
Environmental Laws: Compliance with environmental regulations if the business operations impact the environment.
Strategy: Stay updated on the regulatory landscape impacting your industry. Engage with businesses and legal experts to ensure compliance and avoid penalties.
5. Contract Law
Contracts are the basis for business connections. They include supplier agreements and customer terms of service.
Drafting and Negotiation: Contracts must be clear, comprehensive, and favorable Craft contracts to withstand legal scrutiny and safeguard business assets.
Dispute Resolution: Including provisions for dispute resolution mechanisms such as arbitration or mediation.
Strategy: Work with experienced contract attorneys to draft and review all contracts. Include clear terms and conditions, and ensure all parties fully understand their obligations.
6. Taxation
Entrepreneurs must navigate a complex maze of federal, state, and local taxes. It’s a big challenge.
Income Tax: Report business earnings to meet tax deadlines. Sales Tax: Collecting and remitting sales taxes if applicable.
Payroll Tax: Ensuring accurate calculation and payment of employee-related taxes.
Strategy: Hire knowledgeable accountants or tax advisors to handle tax planning and compliance. Use accounting software to keep accurate financial records and ease tax reporting.
7. Data Privacy and Cybersecurity
As we rely more on digital tech, data privacy and cybersecurity are now critical legal issues.
Data Protection Laws: Compliance with laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
Cybersecurity Measures: Implementing robust security protocols to protect against data breaches and cyberattacks.
Customer Data: Ensuring that customer data is collected, stored, and used in compliance with privacy laws.
Strategy: Develop and enforce a comprehensive data privacy policy. Refresh cybersecurity protocols and educate employees on optimal security methods. Conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with data protection laws.
8. Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Legal disputes can arise in various aspects of business, from contractual disagreements to employment issues.
Litigation: Preparing for the possibility of lawsuits and understanding the litigation process. Alternative Dispute Resolution: Utilizing mediation or arbitration to resolve disputes more efficiently and cost-effectively. Risk Management: Implementing practices to minimize the risk of legal disputes.
Strategy: Establish a relationship with a reliable law firm that can provide litigation support if needed. Include dispute resolution clauses in contracts to manage conflicts outside of court.
Gaurav Mohindra: Entrepreneurs come across several legal difficulties that need meticulous preparation and aggressive management. Each business must understand the legal landscape to succeed. This includes picking a corporate structure, protecting IP, ensuring compliance, and managing legal issues. To grow their business, entrepreneurs should hire expert lawyers. They must also stay updated on the laws and regulations. This will help them handle difficulties.
Originally Posted: https://www.allperfectstories.com/legal-challenges-for-entrepreneurs/
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creativeera · 2 months
Industrial Filter Market Poised for High Growth Owing to Rising Demand from Process Industries
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Industrial filters are devices that are designed to remove solid, liquid, and gaseous contaminants from water, air, process fluid, oils or other industrial fluids or gases by means of a medium that is porous or has a filter bed. Industrial filters are engineered for use in a wide range of applications across different industries including food & beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical, power generation, pulp & paper, marine, oil & gas. Industrial filters offer advantages such as reducing maintenance costs, improving performance, enhancing compliance with environmental and industrial standards. Growing industrialization around the world has led to increased demand for industrial filters from various process industries requiring stringent filtration standards. The Industrial Filter Market is estimated to be valued at USD 3.94 Bn in 2024 and is expected to reach USD 6.12 Bn by 2031, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.5% from 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Industrial Filter Market are Valmet Corporation, Sefar AG, Lydall AG, Ahlstrom-Munksjö, 3M, Clear Edge Filtration Inc., Freudenberg, Fibertex Nonwovens, Nordic Air Filtration, Sandler AG, Johns Manville Ashland, Filtcare, Industrial Filter Manufacturers, Inc., Bee Ess Industries, Industrial Filter Corporation, Anand Filters, Enviro Tech Industrial Products, Vizag Filters, Engineered Filtration, Inc, and Filter Concept. Key players are focusing on new product launches, strategic partnerships and acquisitions to gain momentum in the market. The Industrial Filters Market Demand  provides significant opportunities such as rising investments in process industries, stringent regulations pertaining to industrial emissions, and advancements in filtration technologies. The market is witnessing increased adoption of high-efficiency and multi-functional filtration systems across various industries. Globally, the market is expected to witness high growth in Asia Pacific region owing to rapid industrialization and increasing manufacturing activities in countries such as China and India. North America and Europe are also expected to present lucrative opportunities for Industrial Filter manufacturers over the forecast period. Market Drivers The main driver propelling the growth of the Industrial Filter Market is the stringent emission control regulations imposed by environmental agencies on process industries. Various industries require compliance with regulations and emission norms related to air, water and hazardous pollutants which is accelerating the demand for industrial filters. Additionally, increasing investments in expansion and capacity addition of manufacturing facilities in process industries will augment the growth of Industrial Filter Market over the forecast period.
PEST Analysis Political: Governments across many countries have implemented laws and regulations regarding industrial emissions. This drives demand for filters that help factories and industrial plants meet emission standards. Economic: When the overall economy is growing, industrial production and capital investment tend to rise as well, boosting demand for new and replacement industrial filters. However, during economic downturns, filter sales may decline as plants scale back operations or delay equipment upgrades. Social: As environmental and health standards continue to increase worldwide, communities expect stricter controls on pollution from industrial activities. This social factor contributes to long-term filter market growth. Technological: Advancements in filter media and filtration system designs allow for higher efficiency at removing smaller particles from industrial exhaust and waste streams. Some new filters also enable real-time monitoring of filter performance. Geographical Regions with High Market Concentration The industrial filter market is highly concentrated in regions with large manufacturing and industrial bases such as North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. In terms of value, North America currently accounts for the largest share of the global market, led by the United States. Europe and Asia Pacific also represent major regional markets, with countries like China, Japan, Germany and India among the world's leading producers and consumers of industrial filters. Fastest Growing Regional Market The Asia Pacific region, excluding Japan, is projected to experience the fastest market growth during the forecast period. This is driven by rapid industrialization and expansion of manufacturing capacities across developing economies in Southeast Asia, India and China. Stringent new emissions rules also fuel the need for better filtration systems as industry modernizes across the region.
Get more insights on Industrial Filters Market
Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent Market Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of market insights.
(LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alice-mutum-3b247b137 )
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project-321 · 2 months
Why A Specialized Designer for Your Brand is Needed?
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When it comes to enticing consumers and making a lasting impression, packaging design plays a pivotal role, especially in the food and beverage industry. In Sydney, Australia, Percept is a leading packaging design agency that specializes in food and beverage packaging design, health and beauty product packaging design, and general product packaging design. With almost 30 years of experience and a successful track record spanning over 1000 different packaging design projects, Percept is known for its expertise in strategic branding and graphic design for packaging.
Specialization in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Packaging Design
In the fast-moving consumer goods sector, where consumer purchasing decisions are made in a matter of seconds, effective packaging design significantly influences product sales. Percept excels in creating FMCG packaging designs that best represent products and brands, ensuring they stand out on the shelf and connect with consumers at a meaningful level. With extensive experience in snack food packaging and beverage packaging design, including water, soft drinks, milk, juice, tea, coffee, beer, wine, and spirits, Percept is recognized as a leading F&B packaging designer in Sydney, Australia.
Embracing the Challenge of Food Packaging Design
For food and beverage manufacturers facing the challenges of a competitive market, the expertise of creative packaging designers at Percept can be the "secret sauce" that sets their products apart. The team at Percept leverages branding and communication design to stand out and gain a competitive edge in the challenging and competitive food and beverage market. Moreover, they provide valuable advice on creative solutions that can save on production costs without compromising the perceived value of the package and its contents.
Diverse Expertise in Packaging Design
Percept's packaging designers have worked on a wide range of creative packaging design projects, covering industries such as food and beverage, health and beauty, personal care, and FMCG. With extensive experience in FMCG packaging design, Percept's packaging designers have handled branding and graphic design for everything from fresh food to fast food, confectionery, snack foods, health foods, wine labels, beer, spirits, non-alcoholic drinks, personal care items, luxury products, cosmetics packaging, and health categories.
The Percept Advantage
Partnering with Percept means tapping into a wealth of experience in food, beverage, and health and beauty packaging design. The agency's ability to craft packaging that sparks the senses of potential customers and creates a meaningful connection with consumers sets it apart in the industry. As a design agency, Percept works closely with clients to ensure that the outcome is quality branding and packaging design that truly represents the product and brand.
In conclusion, Percept stands out as a premier packaging design agency in Sydney, Australia, known for its expertise in elevating food packaging design. With a strong track record and a diverse portfolio of successful projects, they continue to be a trusted partner for businesses looking to create compelling and effective packaging solutions for their products.
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mohitkolkata · 2 months
5 Amazing Career Paths with a B.Sc. in Hospitality & Tourism Administration
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A Bachelor of Science in Hospitality & Tourism Administration opens a gateway to a world of exciting career opportunities. This degree equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the dynamic hospitality and tourism industry. From hotel management to event planning, the possibilities are endless. In this article, we will explore five amazing career paths that graduates with a B.Sc. in Hospitality & Tourism Administration can pursue. Whether you're considering enrolling in a Bachelor Hotel & Hospitality Management program or attending a hospitality management college in Kolkata, these career options offer a promising future.
1. Hotel Management
Key Responsibilities:
Overseeing daily operations of a hotel or resort
Managing staff and ensuring high standards of customer service
Handling budgets, marketing, and sales strategies
Ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations
A career in hotel management is one of the most popular choices for graduates of hospitality and tourism administration programs. Hotel managers play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of hotels and resorts. They are responsible for everything from managing staff to overseeing budgets and ensuring customer satisfaction. For those who have graduated from a hospitality management college in Kolkata, the city offers numerous opportunities in its thriving hotel industry.
2. Event Planning and Management
Key Responsibilities:
Planning and organizing events such as weddings, conferences, and corporate meetings
Coordinating with vendors, venues, and clients
Managing budgets and ensuring events run smoothly
Marketing and promoting events
Event planning and management is another exciting career path for graduates. This role involves organizing and executing various events, from weddings to corporate meetings. Event planners need excellent organizational and communication skills to coordinate with clients, vendors, and venues. The skills learned in a Bachelor Hotel & Hospitality Management program are invaluable in this field, making graduates well-suited for the demands of event planning.
3. Travel and Tourism Management
Key Responsibilities:
Developing and promoting tourism packages
Managing travel agencies and tour operations
Providing customer service and travel advice
Collaborating with hotels, airlines, and other service providers
Travel and tourism management is a dynamic field that offers diverse career opportunities. Graduates can work with travel agencies, tour operators, and tourism boards to develop and promote tourism packages. This role often involves extensive travel and requires a deep understanding of different cultures and destinations. A degree from a hospitality management college in Kolkata provides a solid foundation in tourism principles, making it easier for graduates to excel in this field.
4. Food and Beverage Management
Key Responsibilities:
Overseeing the operations of restaurants, bars, and catering services
Managing staff and ensuring high-quality food and service
Handling budgets, inventory, and supplier relationships
Developing menus and marketing strategies
Food and beverage management is a vital aspect of the hospitality industry. This career path involves managing restaurants, bars, and catering services. Food and beverage managers ensure that operations run smoothly, staff are well-trained, and customers receive high-quality food and service. Graduates of a Bachelor Hotel & Hospitality Management program possess the necessary skills to excel in this role, from understanding culinary arts to mastering business management principles.
5. Cruise Line Management
Key Responsibilities:
Managing the operations of cruise ships
Ensuring guest satisfaction and safety
Overseeing staff and entertainment programs
Handling logistics and compliance with international regulations
Cruise line management is a unique and exciting career path for hospitality and tourism graduates. This role involves managing the operations of cruise ships, ensuring guest satisfaction, and overseeing various entertainment programs. Cruise line managers need to be adaptable and able to handle the logistical challenges of operating at sea. The comprehensive training provided by a hospitality management college in Kolkata prepares graduates for the multifaceted nature of this career.
A B.Sc. in Hospitality & Tourism Administration offers a wide array of career opportunities, each with its own set of challenges and rewards. From hotel management to cruise line operations, graduates can find a path that suits their interests and skills. Enrolling in a Bachelor Hotel & Hospitality Management program, particularly at a renowned hospitality management college in Kolkata, can provide the foundation needed to succeed in these dynamic fields. As the hospitality and tourism industry continues to grow, so too will the demand for skilled professionals, making this an excellent choice for students looking for a promising and fulfilling career.
In summary, the versatility and global nature of the hospitality and tourism industry ensure that graduates are well-prepared to take on various roles and make significant contributions to their chosen fields. Whether you dream of managing a luxury hotel, planning unforgettable events, or exploring the world through travel and tourism management, a degree in Hospitality & Tourism Administration is your ticket to a bright and exciting future.
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kingdompressnews · 2 months
Harry C. Powell, Jr. Lic. Real Estate Broker
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Harry C. Powell , Jr. began his career in Real Estate in the 1960’s. He was President of the largest community development in Southwest Florida, known as Lehigh Corporation. He was responsible for handling all aspects of community development, County, State and Federal regulatory agency liaison, accounting, collections, timeshare, association management prior to and after turnover. As a community developer, Mr. Powell was responsible for multi-millions in land and home sales. He believes in developing a relationship “where a handshake means a lasting friendship.” He was responsible for developing affordable land and housing. As a leader in Real Estate, Management, and Timesharing, Mr. Powell is well-known by all for his tutelage and involvement in many varied projects. His personal mission and vision statement is to create or manage a project to the satisfaction of the owners and customers. Mr. Powell continues to maintain his integrity and principles in his own company, Landex.
In 1981 Mr. Powell created Landex Corporation which was ranked 50th in the top 100 of Fortune 500 businesses throughout for over 10 years. Landex Corp. specialized in Timeshare management and telemarketing. Today we are proud to celebrate over 50 years of experience and success in Association Management and the Real Estate Market!
Our team collectively manages of 14 Residential, Commercial, Timeshare, and Vacation Plan Associations through parent company Landex Resorts International, Inc.. This includes managing assets for approximately 2,700 owners, with a total property value of $62,000,000, overseeing aggregate annual budgets in excess of $6,700,000. In addition, our team produces an average of $2,100,000 in rental revenue annually for our owners, through Landex Realty, Inc.
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Robyn Rocco, P.A. holds a degree in Business and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design. Prior to her career at Landex she worked for a commercial design firm, whose clients included Mayo Clinic and Disney World. She is currently serving as the Corporate Office Manager of Landex Realty, Inc, in addition to being the Vice President of Landex Resorts International, Inc. (parent Community Association Management company). As licensed Florida Real Estate Agent and Community Association Manager, Robyn presently oversees management’s overall direction, coordination, and, evaluation of day to day operations. Robyn has proved instrumental in earning Dover House Resort a Florida Green Lodging Designation through the Florida Green Building Coalition and Environmental Protection Agency. She is a member of the National Realtor’s Association, the Community
Association Institute, and the United States Green Building Coalition. With fifteen years of education and service industry experience Robyn is dedicated to providing every client with the very best solutions for their Real Estate needs.
Leonardo Dahbur Is a graduate from Florida International University with a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration in Real Estate. A licensed Florida Real Estate agent and Community Association Manager, Leonardo began his career leasing and selling condos for Swire Realty in downtown Miami. He spent time abroad accruing real estate for fortune 100 companies establishing regional headquarters in Medellin, Columbia. Back in the states he managed a Real Estate Investment Trust on behalf of a privately owned real estate investment portfolio with nearly $2.5BN in holdings; directly managing a high profile Class B retail Plaza, consisting of approximately 500,000 sq. ft. of retail space. As Executive Team Member for the Marriott Group he acted as Outlet Director managing the food and beverage department of a 4 star 4 diamond Resort with seven outlets. This role found him simultaneously managing a 150 seat fine dining restaurant; a poolside restaurant with 80 seats; a 20,000 sq. ft. banquet/meeting space; a tikki Bar; a Starbucks coffee shop; an upscale wine lounge, room service operations for the resort; and a pizzeria for casual dining. Joining the Landex family in 2012 as General Manager for our Timeshare and Vacation Plan properties, he has become instrumental in expanding our market share of vacation rentals in our east coast operations. His experience and expertise make him an innovative and adaptive leader, a true asset to our team.
Contact Us : 
Address - Florida
Phone - (239) 280-5554
Website - The Kingdom Press
Blog - Harry C. Powell, Jr. Lic. Real Estate Broker
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