#food for thought! idk why this didn’t hit me sooner i am a bit amused bc the comparison is so on the nose
formashimataichi · 2 years
had an epiphany today. i think chyrt is an icrk (bleach) analog 🧐
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peachy-jaehyun · 7 years
Wonho x Reader
A/N: I’ve updated! Yay! I have other things I want to write specifically a apocalyptic x probably Yoongi. I’m excited to try~ But anyways thanks to everyone reading, I’m having fun n.n
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You pulled blanket up and over your face because although your eyes were closed you could feel the sunlight stinging your eyelids. You groaned. Your head was pounding and you felt like you needed about a week’s worth of sleep.
You suddenly felt the blankets pulled from off of you. You managed to open an eye and then turn away from Wonho who stood there with your blanket in hand.
“What the fuck do you want Wonho? And more importantly why are you here?”
“You were the one who called me to pick up your drunk ass last night. So I have taken it upon myself as your best friend to help you once you had gotten up in the morning.”
You groaned again. “The problem with that statement ‘Best Friend’ is that I didn’t get up on my own!”
You felt the weight of him sitting on the edge of the bed. He then turned you so that you were looking at him.
“I brought you painkillers and water. Take it”
You reluctantly took it. Only because you wanted this killer headache to go away already and your best friend..
Later on the two of you were eating much to your dismay. You were feeling nauseous and did not feel like eating but Wonho insisted that it would help you get better. As you were absentmindedly poking at your food you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket.
I.M: I have fucking killer headache but my main concern was if you real and if this number was real.
You smiled and held back a small laugh.
You: Yes I’m real and so is this number. I also have a killer headache and my friend is here attempting to nursing me.
Wonho looked over at you.
“So who is this guy that you met yesterday? You said you were actually going to try and trust guys and date. He must be a keeper if you’re really willing to try.” You nodded.
“I met him yesterday and we sort of just hit it off. That’s when I decided why the hell not. You’re dating. I don’t want to constantly third wheel. When else would there be another opportunity that’s not now? I need to start dating at some point..”
You felt your phone vibrate. Looking down to read the message you missed Wonho’s hurt expression at that fact that you thought this was finally an opportunity.
I.M: Ah, so I see you busy then. I thought maybe you wanted to go out.
You: No no no, I would love to go out. Just let me get ready. Here’s my address. *you put in your address*
I.M: Alright, I’ll see you in an hour.
You smiled and jumped up to go shower and get ready. Wonho watching you the whole time.
Wonho POV:
I couldn’t help but feel the envy in my heart watching her hop around getting ready for a date that wasn’t with me. I know I told myself that I would let her go, but it’s just so hard when your already this far in. I sat on the couch and continued to listen to her get ready. I suppose I am happy for her though. At least she’s trying. She eventually came out and twirled in front of me.
“How do I look?” She had this big grin and the pain in my heart got stronger. I put on a fake smile.
Your POV:
I.M eventually showed up and Wonho had left just before that. You were now sitting in the passenger seat of I.M’s car.
“So I suppose you don’t feel like eating.”
You made a face at the thought of eating.
“No way.”
He looked thoughtful. You couldn’t help but notice the way he bit his lower lip while in thought. You looked out the window at all the passing trees and people walking on the sidewalks. You really hoped that everything worked out this time around.
I.M eventually pulled up at this game center looking place.
“I figured some mini golf and arcade games would prevent us from vomiting all over the place compared to an amusement park.”
You laughed. “You’re right. I hope you’re prepared to lose at mini golf though”
Yeah no, you sucked at mini golf. It was always either too hard or too soft there was no fucking in between. Except when it came to I.M because always managed to get in by at least the third time. He smirked at you while you were there busily attempting to make it into the hole for about the fifth time.
“I was prepared to lose you know”
You scoffed. Then leaned on your golf club. “Listen, this shit takes years of practice to perfect.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah! Anyways when are you going to help me?”
He tilted his head to the side, “What do you mean?”
“In all those cheesy romance movies the guy always wraps his arms around the girl to help her golf properly!”
I.M then came up behind you and put his hands over yours to position the club properly. Leaning close to your head, so close that you could feel his breath on your neck.
Whispering in your ear he said, “You told me to prepare to lose and I don’t like losing. So why would I help you?”
He laughed.
You jutted your butt out in order to push him away from you. In which resulted in him laughing harder.
“You jerk.”
You stuck your tongue out at him. Eventually the two of made your way back to the car. Then decided that you were both able to eat. At the restaurant the two of you ordered and then continued to talk. You were so surprised at how easy it was for you to talk to him. He leaned in close and had grabbed your hand at some point during the dinner. You were to occupy with the good time you were having to notice though. I just felt really natural. Even though you hadn’t actually dated in years.
In the middle of eating this random girl came up and dumped water on I.M, she yelled something at him and then up came what you assumed to be her friend to her and dragged her away. You hurriedly moved to I.M and gave him napkins to help dry him.
“What the fuck is her problem? Do you know her?”
He nodded. Drying his face. “Unfortunately, she’s my ex girlfriend.”
You formed an O with your mouth.
“Bitchy girlfriend I see.. Did things not end well between the two of you?”
He laughed. “Clearly they did not.”
“Do you want to leave now then?”
He nodded and he went to pay then the two of you eventually arrived at your house.
“I’m sure Wonho has some shirts here if you want to borrow one.”
He shook his head.
“It’s alright. I’m nearly dry anyways”
He smiled at you. You felt your breath slightly hitch. He had a really nice smile. It even included a little trace of a dimple.
Before you even realized what you were doing the two of you were pressed up against each other, kissing intensely. Although before things could get any further you pulled away placing your forehead against his.
“Do you want to be my girlfriend? I had a really fun time and would want it to continue”
You nodded. “I had a great time too”
Wonho POV:
As I was just sitting on my couch, I eventually felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I looked at the incoming call to see that it was Y/N. I answered with slight hope that things didn’t work out and she was calling to have me come over to comfort her.
“What’s up”
“I’M HIS GIRLFRIEND! And and and I didn’t have sex with him on the first date!”
I felt my heart drop. What was I expecting, stupid hope.
“That’s great Y/N. I’m happy for you.”
As I sat there listening to her go on and on about her amazing date I felt my heart drop every time. All I could think about was how much of an idiot I was for not just telling you sooner.
I know that I can never have you It's more beautiful when I just look at you I'll protect you, please bloom more beautifully Even if I get hurt, I'm okay Cuz you're my one & only beautiful
Was all I could think as I hung up, letting a tear fall, thinking that it’ll be okay. 
A/N: IDK about you but I see Wonho as the sensitive type and think that it super cute. I just want cuddle him! Anyways I felt like this wasn't my best chapter sorry.. Also I guess this has kind of turned into a Wonho x Reader x I.M LOLOL I didn't expect to go that way..
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