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Tell me abt sayuri x tetsuro plsss c: we dont talk much abt them i wanna know more💜
who wakes up first in the morning
depends on the work schedules! they can both sleep in a lot if they dont have to be somewhere. but if job is calling then neither are late
who’s the first to fall asleep at night
like i said before, sayuri falls asleep quickly, she is not a night owl, she is just out zzz
what they playfully tease each other over
he definitely teases her for her quick anger and everything. like the fact that she gets offended so much. he occasionall ymakes fun of her for tooru
she teases him a little about his nerdy nature and definitely cant stop mentioning that volleyball is a lames sport to play (oh and she quotes the speech he used to say before games back to him when she wants him to blush very hard (kenma told her about it))
what they do when the other’s having a bad day
he got very good at captains speeches in school so he knows how to say the right things.
sayuri lets him sit for a while to give him space but then is supportive with food, or just her presence until he is either ready to talk or in a better mood
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments
sayuri sulks and then comes back with slouched shoulders and apologises (if she realises she is in the wrong)
if tetsu realises he is wrong he apologises right away. he isnt like pissy or sulky
which one’s more ticklish
sayuri. totally. sorry
their favourite rainy day activities
video gaaaaames (or the arcade) (or the gym)
how they surprise each other
like in the other reply, every public show of affection of sayuri is a big suprise.
generally, they both follow the others sport closely and it always suprirses each other that the other (difficult sentence) has a base knowledge about whats going on in the sport worlds
their most sickening shows of public affection
tetsu is really touchy-feely in public especially since it makes her feel mbarrassed (and thats fun), sayuri would rather not, but unfortunately she likes the bastard sooo
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canadachronicles · 2 years
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onlyplatonicirl · 1 year
i the headcANON am greately pleased by your last correspondence with the council, as such like a magpie we are leaving shiny trinkets within your inbox, but nay these are not pennies or stolen rings, they are things we completely and totally made up! todays galavant into the realm of our collective soup of a mind is the one and only blorbo, our poor little meow meow, our Beko LSP3671DW Tall Fridge - White, our soggiest webkinz whom we like throw against the wall to hear the sound of its milk-drenched body 'thwap' against the wall... gradient <3
for some ungodly reason this little shit means the world to me, i have had such a dedicated connection to this asshole since about 2016 thats its boderline religious at this point, oh also have whilst we're at it, i'll throw in some general gracey headcanons too
really lives video games, probably because its what he spends almost all of his time doing, id imagine his favourite games would be somewhat grounded life-sims (games like stardew valley or minecraft), if you are a monster who knows literal gods and has technology which can teleport you at the tips of your fingers, the fantasy and sci-fi genre probably doesnt appeal to you all that much, its just everyday life
however, he also canonically likes shooters, and imo his favourite is splatoon because funny little squid people
loves anime and manga, probably really likes chainsaw man, neon genesis evangelion, and serial experiments lain
watched nge for the first time, saw rei and fell to his knees screaming she me, shes literally me
has slowly been getting casey into anime and manga, originally didnt want to because thats 'weeb shit innit?' but he watched chainsaw man and fell in love
so under a rock its not even funny, he doesnt know anyone outside of his family or some of the high-ranking council members. paperjam will off-handedly mention a popular celebrity in the omega timeline and he will have absolutely zero clue who that is. he probably knows more about human celebrities from earth, mainly footabllers - casey's doing obviously
has a neutral accent, by that i mean, he does not sound as though he is from anywhere, his voice is flat and montone (a combination of living in the middle of nowhere and autism lol) with no vocal fry or twang to speak of, however since living with casey he has begun picking up british slang and an ever so slight brummie accent
i dont know why but i get the impression his room isnt actually all that big, longer than it is wider, ink wouldve given him a bigger room but he asked for a smaller one because wide spaces make him anxious
gender? i hardly know her. refuses to elaborate on what his gender is, just tells a joke every time hes asked. additionally, i dont think he cares what pronouns people use for him. hes whatever gender makes the bit the funniest. when casey asked, he replied whatever gender liking me makes you gay as hell
when casey told him about how he pieced together his laptop from scrapped and stolen parts he became fascinated with it and began helping him upgrade it. now they own a pc which is top of the range but looks like the aftermath of a shrapnel bomb, gradient considers it his pride and joy
has errors lack of taste and willingness to eat anything, combined with inks general lack of taste and culinary knowledge. bro is eating packet noodles and chicken nuggets every day. casey once tried to cook breakfast, he made scrambled eggs but completely charred the eggs and he ate it anyways because it was a nice gesture. i think he can actually cook quite well though, he just cant be arsed too and the microwave is so much less effort
simultaneously think he has a really high tolerance for alcohol, if not just completely unaffected by him, or he has zero tolerance whatsoever
really interested in humans and their biology and anatomy. likes to go up to casey and squeeze his nose or poke his cheeks. has once, when watching a movie with him, spent about ten minutes just playing with his arm and wrist just watching and feeling the skin stretch and squish over his radius and ulna
secretly studies anatomy using casey
i like to imagine he is a genetic freak, sure gaster got the majority of his dna from ink and error, but he had to improvise certain parts, and others he simply added to really make his bioweapon pop yknow? he has retractable fangs and his teeth and eyes glow in the dark. hes like an alternate, his body doesnt work like how its supposed to, in cases this means he is flexible, too flexible, his jaw can extend further than it should, but in others it means his body craps out and is really susceptible to certain things like carpal tunnel syndrome or some form of skeleton-monster-thing chronic illness
cannot stand his reflection because he looks like error, none of the bathrooms on the floor his bedroom is on have mirrors, they did at one point but after having punched one in panic ink got rid of them all. this only became worse after the tERROR incident
really needs to see a therapist, he hates relying on casey because he feels as though hes putting all of his problems on him. goes through moods where he doesnt tell casey any of his worries and puts on a pretend happy front, whilst they dont argue a lot this is usually when they do argue because casey doesnt like gradient keeping his feelings secret, and bottling up his feelings only ends up making gradient stressed and snappy
okay so i know we usually play armchair psycologist and just claim every one in the undertale extended universe is autistic, but i need you to hear me out on this one, this little fucker is so unbelievably autistic its insane, error and by extension any glitched weirdo is already so autismcoded, generally cant stand touch/intimacy, like to be alone, difficulties expressing emotions especially empathy, flat affect or displaying inappropriate responses or facial expressions, but on top of all that hes also got a limited group of friends (especially in tcoti lmaoo) and interests, acts somewhat childish despite his age, and is a complete and total shut-in. yes these things could be explained away by other things such as him having anxiety about leaving the house due to incidents but the way he goes on about it is so incredibly relatable to me, someone with autism, he cannot simply just avoid certain situations, no he has to completely and totally avoid any and all social interaction he cant control and script beforehand, which in and of itself is black and white thinking
also gracey is literally just autism x adhd
despite literally being together they both call each other gay like school kids, one will go in for a hug and the other calls them gaylord. to combat this they started preemptively saying 'no homo'
would absolutely get married for the bit
- headcANON, i feel like i have more to say, but everyt thought has left our brain
Gradient is literally my soggy bread I left in the sink after being done with my breakfast. I LOVE THESE HEADCANONS TIME TO TALK ABOUT THEM!!
- You’re so right abt the video games thing. Also he does like shooters a lot because of how much concentration it takes - they’re very engaging to him. Plus getting on voice calls with strangers is nice, especially if they have no idea who he is. It’s nice to laugh with other people.
- definitely likes anime, definitely is converting Casey. He thinks Casey’s sitcoms are dumb but watches them anyways because he likes how much his friend likes them.
- He is absolutely under a rock and keeps up with nothing. He may be terminally online but he does not keep up with the news of the Omega Timeline at all. He knows a decent amount of the higher-ranking council because he’s met a lot of them in person, and he used to go their for schooling, but he doesn’t like most of them. For obvious reasons.
- if I had to voice claim Gray I’d say something close to Leonardo from TMNT Mutant Mayhem. But without the New York accent.
- his room is large for a bedroom but still pretty condensed.
- (to me personally) he is like. A Boy but in the most nonbinary way possible.
- He’s pretty good with technology, but Casey managed to completely blow his mind. This kid was pulling apart a shitty laptop and putting it back together to get it to run. If they built a PC together it would be 100% function and 0% form.
- don’t tell me he wouldn’t spend like 20 minutes just staring at Casey’s ears.
- He is 100% a genetic little freak of nature and I love all of those headcanons. You did mention Gaster though, which I thought was interesting - Gradient’s canon story is “he was created by a bored Gaster in the void because combo funny heehee”. But seeing as I have removed all of the fourth wall breaking aspects as well as emphasized that Gradient was originally built to be a bioweapon, most of his backstory has changed, including his creator. Gradient’s creation, why he was created, and by whom is a very important part of the story that I am telling :)
- He has a mirror in his bathroom but he doesn’t look at it unless he has to. He did crack it once in the aftermath of a massive panic attack, but Ink was able to fix it. Gradient doesn’t like looking at himself but sometimes he needs to if he’s doing hygiene things.
- I don’t think there’s ever been anyone that needs to see a therapist more than Gradient and Casey
- Autism
- you are probably on my discord server because there was a massive conversation about how they would absolutely get married and just make it the most insufferable and worst wedding ever known to man (on purpose)
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yutofia · 3 months
leonidas stergiou. what do yall think
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There would come a weak knock on Caitlyn's office door, on other side was Achara clinching the side of her torso. Her appearance was dirty, her white shirt stained a dark red where she was holding it against herself. Her other arm looked limp as if she didn't have the energy to move it, droplets of blood would drip off her finger tips as she stood there. "Hello love." she strained "Do you happen to have a few bandages I could borrow?"
A knock? At this hour? And so soft? Caitlyn walked towards the door with a gun in her hand and peaked through barely opening it. "Achara? What are you doing here at this time--OH MY GODS"
She instantly dropped her weapon and went off to grab Achara by the shoulder, carrying her gently inside the apartment and laying her the couch. "Stay still, don't move!" Rushing to her bathroom she grabbed the first aid kit and ran back, almost tripping over as she hit a small footable and begins to provide aid.
As she works she said nothing else. There will be time to nag later.
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damonsctt · 2 years
☆ & * .   ♡  i n t r o d u c t i o n  . . .
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[ PEYTON ALEX SMITH, CISMALE, HE/HIM ] ; have you seen DAMON SCOTT around VIRGINIA BEACH? the TWENTY-FIVE year old NFL PLAYER is known for ( COLLEGE FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS, STANDIUMS FILLED WITH FANS, JERSEY NUMBER 22  ) … around the TOWN CENTER district they have a reputation of being CHARMING and ATHLETIC but also VAIN and IMPULSIVE. rumor has it they’re hiding IF HIS FOOTABLL INJURY DOESN’T HEAL CORRECTLY HIS PROFESSIONAL CAREER COULD BE OVER…let’s hope the GOSSIP HOTTIE doesn’t find out ! kay,25,est,she/her  
everyone in damon scott’s family were relying on him. they relied on him from the time he was old enough to learn how to juggle the emotions of the adults around him. growing up without his mom, he never really asked about her, all he knew was that she gave him up and his father had been his sole caregiver from then on out. they had a great relationship, but his father had many high expectations for him, especially when it came to sports. it was no secret that damon’s father was trying to live out his unfinished football dreams through his son. his father was a good player, but never good enough to make it past his college career. he wanted nothing more than for damon to make it to the NFL and that meant rigorous and over the top training from a very young age. damon was a natural, and it was a plus that it seemed to make his dad’s eyes light up every time he took control on the field. 
it would be a lie if damon said he wasn’t a little burnt out by the time he got to high school, but still, football just made sense to him. it was all he knew, besides his father, his aunts and uncles, and cousins, and every last one of them knew him mostly for his gift. FOOTBALL. there was no escaping it, he’d gone this far with it, he didn’t really see the point in stopping. it wasn’t like he didn’t enjoy it, but he did miss the normal things he didn’t always have the time for because of practices, championships, state leagues, summer programs, you name it, he was enrolled if it was a football program that would help him climb the ladder and advance his skills past his peers. 
all of his hard work paid off through college and eventually he was one of the biggest names being followed in college football. he attended the local university in NORFOLK, VA known as OLD DOMINIAN UNIVERSITY. soon he was being drafted into the NFL on the WASHINGTON COMMANDERS. it was only his first year in when he got a knee injury and is still recovering. if it doesn’t heal properly, he’ll possibly have to hang up his NFL career before it’s even began. he’s sitting the rest of this year out, so he’s back home in virginia, beach. some part of him is a little relieved that he has a chance to slow down and take a break from football. 
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(from; @mcity-xe )
OMG I LOVE UR STUFF AAAAAAAAAAAAA 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Jesus Christ im so happy i found ur Tumblr 😭
AWWW PLS I barely woke up and this already made my day😭😭💗💗💗 THANK U FOR APPRECIATING MY GOOFY LIL FICS I FEEL HONORED😭😭🫶🫶🫶 Seriously you’ve got me giggling and kicking my feet here 🤭😭 /gen
Expect mainly just random life updates and rants on here tho LMAOO
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wags-confessions · 1 year
https://www.essentiallysports.com/soccer-footabll-news-lionel-messi-ex-teammates-ex-wife-slams-cristiano-ronaldo-girlfriend-georgina-for-showing-poor-children-videos-to-kids-and-then-spending-30000-in-a-store/amp/ she isn’t wrong tho, gio is contradicting herself by doing that in my opinion
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tripleaxeldiaz · 2 years
Laureeen! What a journey this was! Congrats on the third place!! I credit you with convincing me to watch the world cup and now im completely hooked on football so thank you so much! My heart stopped like 50times during that game today! Im so proud of my baby Mbappé and the france nt. They fought well. Now onto watching club footabll i guess?
WE MADE IT we survived a month of world cup soccer relatively unscathed!!! the final was truly one of the best games of soccer i’ve ever watched in my 10 years of being a fan, argentina fought HARD for that win i’m so happy for them!!! condolences to mbappe tho he really had an incredible tournament too 😓😓 i’m SO glad you’ve fallen in love with this dumb sport and WELCOME to the even higher insanity of club football!! i of course recommend following liverpool but you do you!! and even better news: only 7 months until the women’s world cup 😎😎😎😎😎💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
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k-ky · 5 months
oh yaeh im a bonafide footabll fan i know stats i know football stats like
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teethcollector54 · 10 months
Everyone say minnesota is purple because of prince prat other footabl too but i think its brown and green. Reblocg with fushbrick id you agreeeeeeeeeeeee
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oldmanreviews · 11 months
Open Source Javascript Tables
Recently I came across a bunch of expensive plugins for Wordpress. They were focused on tables. I get it, it takes time to build plugins, but they were expensive.
So I wondered whether there are Javascript tools for tables. You know, to display on my website.
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And guess what, I found a few that I'd like to try out someday.
ISOTOPE by MetaFizzy
While checking out websites that were using WPDataTables, I came across City Colleges of Chicago website. They were using this for their course search page. You can have build filters to easily identify the relevant data from the non-relevant.
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This tool is free to use, and converts HTML Tables to searchable ones. However, the HTML table must have the tags, <thead> and <tbody>. The <table> must also be identified as having an "id", and a class of "display". I think this has a lot of potential, but you need to convert data to HTML format. That would mean CSV to HTML, and ensuring that the HTML has the proper tagging.
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This is a really nice Javascript library that I'd like to use, if I could. It's free and open source. I think there are some premium tutorials written by an Indian guy, on how to incorporate it into a Wordpress site. The data should be in JSON format. It would load faster then JQuery DataTables. I think I like this a lot.
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An open source project with many plugins, it seems that it's great for use in a Wordpress site. But I'm not sure how many rows it can handle.
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A useful Javascript table framework built for Bootstrap. It's not the only one, but it was a good effort. My concern for this is how to input the data and how many rows it can handle.
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Bootstrap Table
This is the other one that was built with Bootstrap in mind. Now that Elon Musk has taken over Twitter, I'm not sure about the future of Twitter Bootstrap. But it's a good project that has given a lot of help to web developers. I hope that Bootstrap survives Elon's reign.
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Not sure if Datasette is a Javascript framework that I could use easily, but it powers certain high profile websites, like the LAION database website. That is the data set that powers Stable Diffusion, so it's a pretty big deal. Might be the most complex, yet high impact, tool of the lot.
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These are just a few of the Javascript libraries that I could find for tables. Ideally, I would one day like to run my own instance of an online spreadsheet software. And use that to embed data into my website. But it may be just a dream. Meanwhile do check out my main site.
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ghanashowbizonline · 1 year
Online News - Yawa! Abena Korkor Dr0ps Footabller Asamoah Gyan Full Sh3xTape - Begging 4 More!
Unveiling the Vibrant Ghana Entertainment and Showbiz Industry From the rhythmic beats of highlife music to the captivating performances of Ghanaian movie stars, the entertainment and showbiz industry in Ghana never fails to enchant both locals and tourists alike. With an abundance of talent, creativity, and a unique cultural heritage, this West African nation has established itself as a force to…
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yutofia · 3 months
It’s soo funny watching him run about with his tongue hanging out his mouth like a dog 😭😭
it usually gives me the ick w other footabllers but w him it looks so cuuuute🥺
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