#for a while now so blake is definitely on the cusp of 20
n1blakelover · 1 year
ive seen some people saying that they don’t think team rwby (not counting ruby) are on the verge of their 20’s but i have literal proof that they definitely are almost 20 (for ruby, 18)
blake, weiss, and yang have all been 19 since at least volume 6 or 7. same thing for ruby being 17 since volume 6 or 7.
now here are their birthdays to show just how they definitely are on the verge of their next ages:
blake: january 19 (oldest)
weiss: may 15th
yang: july 28th
ruby: october 31st (youngest)
based on their birthdays, if ruby has already been 17 for a while (it has been at least a month or two since they have been in atlas around a month then adding the amount of days and/or weeks other than atlas when they were already that age) then that means blake’s 20th birthday should be coming up pretty soon
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two-baes · 5 years
Just gonna, leave this here for myself.
Main Batfam (ie; the ‘core’ fam) :
Athanasia - Sparrowhark - 14
Barbara - Batgirl - 29
Bruce - Batman - 42
Cassandra - Black Bat - 19
Claire - Gotham Girl - 18
Colin - (work in progress) - 14
Cullen - No superhero identity - 17
Damian - Robin - 14
Dick - Nightwing - 27
Duke - Signal - 16
Harper - Bluebird - 20
Helena W.- Huntress - 21
Jason - Red Hood - 22
Matt - (Flame) Robin - 13
Maya - Nobody - 15
Maxine - Oracle - 20
Stephanie - Spoiler - 19
Nissa - Batgirl - 16
Terry - Batman - 21
Tim - Red Robin - 18
Extended Batfam (ie; cousins / like family) :
Basil - Clayface - 37
Beth - Brightbat - 40
Bette - Flamebird - 24
Carrie K - ‘Robin’ - 13
Charlie - Misfit - 17
Helena B. - Huntress - 26
Jean-Paul - Azrael - 27
Kate - Batwoman - 40
Kitrina - Catgirl - 16
Luke - Batwing - 30
Maps (aka Mia) - No superhero identity (as of yet) - 14
Mary - Strix - 19 (physically)
Selina - Catwoman - 35
Tiffany - Sugar Glider - 12
Outer (ie; not quite Batfam but Batfam adjacent / Batfam friends) :
Calvin - Falcon/Falco (I’m undecided) - 31
Lonnie - Anarky - 20
M - Midnighter - 36
Tatsu - Katana - 33
Violet - Mother Panic - 21
Zatanna - 39
Other (ie; people I haven’t decided what to do with yet but they exist) ;
Lincoln (aka Thomas Jr) - Owlman - 39
Thomas - (currently undecided) - 62
Breaking things down a bit - The inner fam ;
Dick, Jason, Tim, Cassandra, Harper & Cullen, and Maya have all been officially adopted by Bruce in this universe
More or less in that exact order.
They’ve all kept their respective last names, but will occasionally hyphenate and tack on ‘Wayne’ to the ends of them.
Maya was brought home one day by Damian, who insisted Bruce take her on as a ward. Bruce was more than happy to oblige, tho noting how close of a bond the two children already had (and how they were already referring to one another as ‘brother’ & ‘sister’), he decided to just adopted her.
Barbara and Stephanie are not adopted
Steph is however a ward.
Bruce did ask to adopt her but she feels that it would be too weird for her to be legally adopted, since her and Tim are dating. ---She is however, considered by most of the family (in particular Harper, Cullen, & Cassandra), to be an ‘honorary sibling’.
Barbara’s father is still very much alive, altho Gordon and Bruce often joke about shared custody. (Also Babs agrees with Steph in that it would make dating Dick awkward)
Bruce still thinks of them like his own, and they’re considered as a core part of the family by everyone else.
Both also have their own respective rooms at the manor. Steph because she lives there, and Babs because she visits so often.
Claire is more or less an unofficial ward of Bruce’s.
In this verse he took her in after the death of her brother, and has been helping her to get the help she needs to recover; she’s been healing slowly but surely.
She’s formed a close bond with Duke.
She’s been getting training so that she feels less inclined to use her powers and won’t shave any more years off her lifespan.
Duke and Colin, while not officially adopted by Bruce, are his wards
Duke’s parents are still alive (though Jokerized), in light of this Bruce has offered to adopt him, but Duke politely declined. The offer remains open should he ever change his mind, however.
Colin similarly has been made an offer to be adopted, but turned it down for unspecified reasons. (ie; I haven’t decided yet if I want to go the ‘Tiny Boyfriends’ route w/ Dami&Colin in this AU, so I’m holding off on making them adopted siblings)
Helena, Damian, and Athanasia are all biologically Bruce’s children
Helena is from the future (or at least a possible future) in which Bruce and Selina have a child together. She refuses to tell them what year she’s actually from, or reveal much about her timeline.
Damian is Bruce’s son by Talia. He came to live with Bruce when he was 10.
Athanasia is Bruce’s daughter by Talia, although she was more ‘created’ than ‘conceived’ (ie, very much like those spare clone babies Talia had floating that she showed to Damian in the comics).
For clarification, she isn’t a female-clone of Damian. Talia used a sample of her own DNA and a sample of Bruce’s to create a new embryo.
When Damian was sent off to join his father, Talia had Athanasia born; aged up to ten years old to match her brother. She kept her a secret, hidden from Bruce and Damian, training her in the ways of the league for the next three years, before having a change of heart and sending her daughter to meet her brother and father.
Terry, Matt, Nissa, and Max are all from a future timeline that was wiped from existence somehow, they managed to time travel back to the past to survive.
Terry and Matt are (because of genetic tampering done by Waller) biologically Bruce’s sons. Terry is aware of this information. Matt is not.
Since they didn’t arrive with them, Terry and Matt believed Nissa & Max had died. However it turned out that their device had been damaged somehow, causing the timing of their arrival to be off by a year.
Breaking things down further - The extended fam ;
Kate and Beth are identical twin sisters, and are Bruce’s cousins.
In this verse Beth recovers from her ‘Alice’ persona and adopts the mantle of ‘Brightbat’, working alongside Kate as a vigilante.
Bette is the youngest cousin of Kate, Beth, and Bruce.
Jean-Paul isn’t related to anyone, nor is he adopted by, or a ward of Bruce.
He does however work closely with the family, and is considered an extended part of it. He’s like an honorary cousin more or less.
Luke also isn’t related to anyone, but works closely with the batfamily, earning him a spot as an honorary member, even if he's not a part of the core family.
Tiffany is Luke's youngest sister.
She's taken to training with and helping him out on the field. Don't call her his sidekick though, she hates that.
Helena B. has close ties to the batfamily, although she isn’t part of the core family, she is always welcomed by them, and in turn will always aid them when they need it.
She’s particularly close w/ both Barbara & Dick, as well as Cass. She also gets along well with Jason.
Mary isn’t officially integrated as a part of the core family, but she does live with them, having been brought to the manor to live by Babs, who she has grown close to.
She appears to be around 19 years old, in actuality she is much older. Because of the process she underwent when being made into a Talon, she doesn’t age physically.
She was taught sign language from Cassandra, although she still prefers writing as a means of communication.
While Babs fills the role as an older sister type figure for her, Mary seems to have latched on to Secret Six team-member Thomas Blake as something of a (reluctant) paternal figure.
Charlie isn’t exactly a full fledged part of the Batfam, so much as Babs has taken her under her wing and started to mentor her.
She lives with Barbara, and is generally introduced as her cousin.
Carrie is Barbara’s second cousin on her mother’s side, who randomly showed up on her door one way after finding out she had a relative in Gotham.
Eventually she discovered Babs was Batgirl and pleaded for her to mentor her.
Basil has gone from a former Gotham rogue, to a redeemed and trusted member of the batfamily.
He's particularly close to Cassandra, and has become somewhat of a second father figure to her.
Selina really is on the family friend/extended family cusp, with Helena’s arrival edging her a bit closer to the latter. --She’s not quite a part of the core family, but with a daughter from a potential future timeline showing up her dynamic definitely changes.
Her and Bruce have, as you can expect, had a thing. They have in fact, had several things. They’re very on-and-off.
When they’re 'on’ their relationship is sometimes left open (bc y’all kno I’m all about that poly)
Selina being the alleged long-lost daughter of Carmine Falcone is canon in this verse.
Kitrina isn’t quite a part of the batfamily on her own, however as Selina’s protege she’ll make appearances here and there during times of need at her mentors side.
Kitrina is Selina’s niece (unbeknownst to her, tho Selina knows.)
Maps is one of Damian’s very best friends, and has taken full advantage of that to worm her way into the (at least somewhat) inner bat circle.
She’s is --as Damian keeps reminding her -- a vigilante in training and is always asking him to mentor her so she can join in when he goes on patrols. She's even volunteered to be the Robin's sidekick.
Breaking things down even more - The outer fam;
M is for lack of better explanation, like that close family friend you have who is sort of like the cool/fun Uncle. He helps out here and there, gets along w/ most of the fam, and pops into the manor uninvited every now & then to get a rise out of Bruce.
Gets along well with Dick and Jason. (Tends to team up with the latter to tease the former)
Cullen seems to have taken a real shine to him, and has asked if M would mentor him since starting to consider becoming a vigilante. (M however is unsure he's the right fit as a mentor for the kid, since his crime fighting methods tend to be a bit brutal)
He’s not married to Apollo in this verse, though they do have an on-again-off-again type relationship (so I can occasionally hook him up with other people w/o leading to drama).
Zatanna also falls into the category of close family friend.
Her and Bruce have been friends since childhood, making her one of his oldest and closest friends.
Also her and Bruce have had a thing once upon a time. (There might still be some feelings on both sides, I’m keeping options open here...)
Violet isn’t part of the core batfamily, and she doesn’t work quite closely enough with them to be considered part of the extended fam either, but in this verse she’s close friends with (and maybe dating) Harper. which has lead to her working a bit more frequently with the bats than she usually would otherwise.
Calvin is an ally of the Batfam & comes to help them when called upon.
He gets along really well w/ Dick. Circus boys gotta stick together! ...No really, they've got like a whole act worked out together.
Tatsu is another close friend and trusted ally of the bats. Though she doesn't work often with them under normal circumstances as she usually has her own things going on, when they're in a real pinch they can call on her, knowing she'll answer.
Lonnie's position within the batfamily is...complicated, as he doesn't always see eye to eye with some of them.
Despite not always getting along (with Bruce in particular), he does help out the family from time to time when they have need for him, and has admitted that he prefers being friend over foe.
Gets along best with Stephanie and Harper.
Had somewhat of a rivalry with Tim when they were kids. They're both (mostly) over it now.
Sort of awkward around Jason since it's highly possible Lonnie's biological father is the Joker... in this verse it totally is canon
Whatever is left to break down ;
Lincoln - aka Thomas Wayne Jr - Bruce’s younger brother that he was unaware most of his life that he even had.
(I’ve not really decided what to do with him yet, he’s only been fleshed out in this verse far enough for me to have decided that he definitely exists here, his backstory will mostly follow comic canon but after that I don’t know yet)
Thomas is Bruce (and Lincoln)’s father from an alternate timeline where he didn’t die (so, again, also not a huge divergence from comic canon, except this one isn’t an asshole who tries to ruin his son’s life and break his spirit whilst claiming it’s to help him...)
(I haven’t decided yet what to do with him. Do I want him to also be Batman?? Do I want him to have retired??? We’ll see... He, much like Lincoln in this verse, hasn’t been fleshed out beyond ‘he exists’, yet.)
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