#for anyone else it’ll feel like freezing icicles nipping at ur skin
padfootastic · 1 year
☠ - angry/violent headcanon for sirius
alright so
i’m a big believer in the. physical manifestations of magic, particularly in correlation w ur emotional state.
so sirius, who has huge reserves of magic & a very cold, cutting, cruel temper—it’s like this chilling, stifling presence with you, pressing down like shackles. a lot of the time, sirius doesn’t even realise it half the time.
he’s also just like. plain mean, ykno? he knows people’s weak points, just chooses not to press them on most days. but when they’ve really gotten up his nerves or he’s having a bad time, well—let’s just say he’s very good at making people cry.
also hc him to have a weirdly strong knowledge of poisons? like, no one taught him but he spent a lot of time in the black library & read a lot of weird stuff so that’s where it comes from.
From this character headcanon ask game
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