#for context in the horse story - last september i joined my colleges equestrian team despite having never gotten on a horse in my life
sailor-spaghetti · 2 years
Hey! I just saw the post you made about the t pellets you're on, and I wanted to ask a few things?
Generally how painful is the injection (with added question of whats your pain tolerance)?
Can you feel the pellets under your skin?
Have you ever experience acne breakouts due to T?
This is the first in depth info I've ever gotten on them, so thank you so much!
Okay so!
My pain tolerance isn't great. I'm kind of a huge wimp. The worst part is when the doctor injects the lidocaine and that really does sting/burn. Quite a bit. My PCP has informed me though that she can also use a numbing gel before injecting the lidocaine and we will be trying that next time. That said, that stinging only lasts maybe 2-3 seconds per poke and then you don't feel anything. The first few times, after the lidocaine, getting the incision and the implants kind of tickled before I got used to it, but now it mostly just feels like nothing.
You don't really feel any pain for the rest of the day, but then come evening or the next day you will feel sore/bruised but in my experience it's pretty mild. Your doctor will give you an ice pack to apply to the area after the procedure is done and if it feels too bad, then the advice is ice and Tylenol.
You also should not be exercising for 36 hours and you should not submerge the area underwater for 72 hours. Probably obvious advice here, but don't make the stupid mistake I made once and hop on a horse two hours after the procedure - you will absolutely regret that.
I'm not sure what you mean by feeling the pellets. I'm not constantly feeling them - I don't even really notice they're there, but if I were to run my hands over the spot I can feel tiny bumps where they are. But I don't exactly spend a lot of time touching my butt. :P
I'm a bit of a wild card on the acne thing. Even when I was still on the patch, T seemed to make my acne situation better? Like before T my face was a mess and now I can mostly avoid acne as long as I wash my face. It probably also helps that I have a boyfriend with a monkey brain who likes to pick at my face.
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