#for example ep 5 was Porsche’s pov after kinn spoke w his father
atlasshrugd · 2 years
ok sumn I noticed was that this episode seemed to be in porsche’s pov. usually in other episodes we get a dual pov in which kinn and porsche have scenes on their own so we know how they’re feeling/what they’re doing. but in this ep kinn had no scenes alone. we literally don’t know what he’s doing in the entire episode when he’s not with porsche. he was only in scenes with porsche - meanwhile porsche was having all this internal conflict and reacting to everything. kinn didn’t have many lines on purpose and we only see him when porsche sees him. so this episode was meant to be taken through porsche’s eyes - which means it’s not entirety reliable. this is setting the stage for when porsche misunderstands about kinn and tawan in the next ep, which will probs only be in porsche’s pov too. we will see kinn and tawan through his eyes which will be filtered by insecurity and jealousy. and we won’t get answers until we see kinn as he is, not just through porsche’s eyes. which will happen in the pool scene !
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