#bc it was about porsche reacting to what was done to him
atlasshrugd · 2 years
ok sumn I noticed was that this episode seemed to be in porsche’s pov. usually in other episodes we get a dual pov in which kinn and porsche have scenes on their own so we know how they’re feeling/what they’re doing. but in this ep kinn had no scenes alone. we literally don’t know what he’s doing in the entire episode when he’s not with porsche. he was only in scenes with porsche - meanwhile porsche was having all this internal conflict and reacting to everything. kinn didn’t have many lines on purpose and we only see him when porsche sees him. so this episode was meant to be taken through porsche’s eyes - which means it’s not entirety reliable. this is setting the stage for when porsche misunderstands about kinn and tawan in the next ep, which will probs only be in porsche’s pov too. we will see kinn and tawan through his eyes which will be filtered by insecurity and jealousy. and we won’t get answers until we see kinn as he is, not just through porsche’s eyes. which will happen in the pool scene !
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jemmo · 2 years
do you know what i love even more about the vegaspete scene in this ep? the fact that in this ep is when we see vegas unmasked. we’ve had all these rumblings about how awful vegas really is, how he’s evil and how he’s dangerous and how he’s gonna fuck over the main family, but we’ve never really seen it until now. and in that way, we’re like porsche and tawan, two men vegas has been playing with and two men he’s tried to ruin. porsche he played innocent with, sweet, flirted at first but when he realized that wasn’t getting through, that kinn was too protective and porsche wouldn’t fall for him like that, he still got in his mind with that whole “kill me nicely” speech last ep. and tawan, who he strung around with pretend romance and love and promises of marriage, all to manipulate him into doing his bidding, completing his plan. now porsche sees vegas as the man the rumors say he is, evil and scheming and dangerous, and tawan realizes that all he’s been told has been a lie, that the ring is just a ring, that he was just a playing piece to vegas and nothing else. and when unmasked, both porsche and tawan react how vegas wants them to, they’re horrified and broken and disgusted and angry. that’s what vegas wants, what he thrives of, getting that response out of people. he wants to be threatening and dangerous and feared. and he’s played the game with pete too, flashed small smiles, acted nice and calm, never done anything outright terrifying or threatening. so now, when pete is stripped and bound, and vegas is coming towards him with the ability and the promise to break him, when he’s unmasked, he wants that response. but he doesn’t get it. because pete smiles. he laughs, he looks the evil in its face and grins. and you see, it makes vegas mad. bc when pete is screaming and writhing in pain, vegas is smiling, his face is lit up with sadistic joy. but when pete smiles back, his face drops, gets stiff, there’s that angry tension behind that smile that says “you dare laugh at me”. it makes him angry, it makes him wanna give pete more, make him suffer more. and it plays in to pete’s hands. because pete can take it. bc more than any kind of joy or kick he gets from the pain, what will delight him more, is seeing the way he can get under vegas’ skin, and make him break just as much as he is breaking.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
There's no way that kinn is trusting tawan, like zero. There's no residual feelings for tawan. During whole episode kinn only once was friendly with bc of pics but it's clear kinn doesn't feel any love towards tawan. He knows tawan betrayed him before. And we know how kinn reacts when porsche does something stupid. If keen truly believed porsche is a mole he would get angry, see vegas situation in bathroom, kinn was feeling betrayed then but not now.
Oh, Kinn has no feelings for Tawan now. That betrayal is long gone and over.
But he still has feelings about Tawan and the betrayal.
That's a line that is hard to convey and I admit I might not ever totally convey it. But it's there. I know that Kinn has no feelings towards Tawan now, definitely not romantically. He's over Tawan. He's done. He's moved on.
But the betrayal lingers bitterly on his tongue and bitterly in his mind and the more he's reminded of it the more he thinks on it.
We saw the anger when he stalked out of Tawan's room. That was Kinn's anger. When he pushed past and he left because this time there was no one else betraying him besides Porsche.
Was he still angry when he sent Porsche to the cell? Yes but it was a different anger. He's putting Porsche away, pushing him away, protecting himself and reminding everyone that he's in charge.
Kinn does not trust Tawan and he does not love Tawan but he still needs the information Tawan has.
I get that I'm obviously reading these characters differently than many people and I respect that. But what I saw in that was Kinn gone cold. He's pushed the anger down but he's also pushed Porsche away.
As for trust, I don't know how much Kinn is trusting Tawan right now. He needs the information he supposedly has and he has to trust Tawan enough to get that information. But trusting him on a personal level? Oh, no. Not at all. Tawan is in for a rude awakening about that when he tries to seduce Kinn with Porsche in the jail cell.
I also think Kinn's changing reactions is part of their relationship. They've been trying to do this in a bubble for so long, trying to just be happy together in a little fantasy world... and now that's been popped by reality and Kinn, especially, is struggling to cope with what that means. And how to deal with it as a couple... or not.
(no book spoilers)
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Hello Darling, it's me Kinnporsche anon! Hope you had a great day!! 💜
I just finished watching episode 8, omg IT WAS SO CUTE???
First, we have the bedroom scene! It was so soft, they are so in love with each already. The way they were holding hand, being in each other arm, it was everything! Kinn already wanting to tell everyone about their relationship, but he respect that not want Porsche want at the moment, like he is ready to do anything to keep his man happy. Then Pete bringing the breakfast and Kinn tease Porsche, it was so funny (this episode was really just cute stuff mix with comedy). I think he knew he was Pete bringing him breakfast, so that why he told him to come in! He definitely knows that Pete knows about them (like he asks him for advice, he ask him to give him update about Vegas and Porsche, him being there when Kinn came like a furies in the bathroom. Pete definitely know)
Then the Bread ad!! I actually forget it was an ad, I was so good??? Kinn making his finger gesture, Porsche getting shirtless, teasing each other, the kiss with the bread???? We are still recovering from the bathroom scene guys 😭
THE THE FOOTIE SCENE OMG!!!! Porsche really do that with everyone around them, love that for him. Then we have the love making moment. Really, Apo and Miles are so Damm good actor!!! We can feel the passion, the need to be close to each other, to touch each, to kiss each other, the feel that they can't get enough to each other!! I really love their duo ugh, the amount of trust you have to have to be do this kind of scene (also Kinn licking Porsche, chief kiss. Kinn lifting Porsche, chief kiss).
Then the Bar scene!! It was so so so cute!!! Porsche, if you think you are smart with your lie, no you're not babe. Kinn definitely knew he was going to see his friend. The fact he let him go bc he probably figure out Porsche would want to talk about them with someone, so adorable. The whole scene vas just too pure!! Porsche confessing his feelings for Kinn, his friend being supportive and not making fun of him when he told them that he never date and then helping him planning a date!!!
THEN WE HAD THE DATE!!! it was so perfect, so lovely, so cute, so soft!!! They really make me emotional!! I had to pause in the changing room, too much cuteness!! They hold hand 🥺🥺 Porsche was shy and let him go, then Kinn was like nope I am holding your hand ahhh. This making believe that when they are getting caught, Kinn will assume their relationship. He loves Porsche, and he want the world to know, he doesn't care about what the world thinks, he is just want to be with Porsche!
Porsche was so nervous during his date, poor thing. He really wanted to make it perfect, and good memories for them (I'm really soft). He feeds Kinn, taking picture of him, making him do aegyo!!! So cute. Kinn seems to be wondering why he did that (he just wqnn eat he was so cute) but letting Porsche do that without making fun of him, so adorable (he could have making fun of him, but he didn't ugh).
THE PICTURE THEY TOOK AHHH!!! THEY'RE SO CUTE (at this, take a shoot every time I say cute 😂) I may or may not save them 👀 Kinn really doesn't care about what the other think, but once again respect Porsche he didn't push him!!! He didn't make a fuss or something!!
The we have the night scene, and their conversations!! I love that they communicate and be honest with each other ( this is a good sign for the future, when you know drama happen. Communication is important!!). Porsche saying that he was nervous and want to make it perfect (like we haven't notice) and being worries he ruined it, then Kinn saying it was amazing!! It was so good!!! And note that Kinn didn't react when Porsche said he done some research for his date. Like how he did do research when he doesn't have a phone? Kinn didn't bc he knew that he was with his friends!!
And now Porsche has a phone 👀👀👀 we are going to have so many cute moment of them being all lovely idiot in love. I also think that he will serve Kinn to find his man if you know he is somewhere he is not suppose to be 👀
The date scene was everything I dreamt for!!! So much fluff and cuteness and two idiot in love! I love it. Now Kinn, you have to return the favor and take Porsche on a date. Now if this happen, he is going to take him in a big fancy restaurant, being so flirty and stuff (and mayyybe, an other gang will attack them during their and create drama!).
One thing I loved during this scene was seeing them so carefree!! It was like they were back in the woods! I was a little bit scare that Kinn would go back being the mafia boss all the time bc that what is expected from him, but no he really changed!! (also the way Kinn was looking at him during the pool scene, my heart)
The we had Kim and Chay!! First detective Kim 🤔 so we know about Korn and Porsche connection, his mum was Korn mistress! That could explain their mysterious death! Like she was close to Korn, and somebody kill her to hurt Korn??? Or maybe she was a spy, and he killed her bc she discover his true identity??? (maybe in Korn journal, there is some picture, letter from her??). The we have Chay being the cutest bean and singing his live song!! I wonder how Kim didn't just kiss him, he was too cute!! (I think Kim is going to ignore Chay, even though he was in awn of Chay, when he left Kim shown some kind of remorse? But Chay is going to show up all sad and boom they kiss)
Then, we had Pete and Porsche!!! I love their friendship so much!!! The drawing of Porsche was so funny, like he really though it was useful?? (this episode was really just fluff mixed with pure comedy). When they pretend to be a this secret mission was so funny too!! It's also something that make me thing that Pete knows about Kinn and Porsche. He is loyal to Kinn (and the major family) and yet he still help Porsche get to Kinn room to find a phone with Kinn ex-lover?? He knew that, even if Porsche get caught, he wouldn't receive a punishment. But yet, he still pretends to not know for Porsche!! Their friendship is top tier!! (Kinn also knew that Porsche was in room not to surpise him, but still he didn't ask, he trust him!)
The whole ghost thing was so funny too. First Porsche screaming at the scary movies. Tankhun throwing him out of his bedroom (Tankhun my king, I missed you). Porsche going back to his room, being so scared that he called Kinn, him attacking Kinn with his phallic objet, pure comedy !!
Then the scene in bedroom, they had a conversation once again!!! We love a healthy couple!!! Kinn was open with his relationship with Tawan. His walls are really falling for Porsche. Porsche talking about the fact he is scared about the picture he found of Kinn and Tawan. Noted that Kinn didn't get angry when he saw the picture!! Him being honest about it, and Porsche respect Kinn and how he act with the picture!!! They are deeply in love with each other.
Really, they were so adorable???? I love their relationship and how it developed!!!! I'm so emotional.
Now the elephant in the room. TAWAN. you couldn't stay with the deceased???????? We don't need or want you man. Go back from where you came from. I wonder who brought it back???? It could be Vegas, one last tentative to get Porsche and to tortur his cousin? He was the one telling Porsche about Tawan, and he was smirking at the end of their conversation, when he left 🤔 he knew that he was still alive and knew what Tawan is going to do???
Or it could be Korn??? Like, he remember Tawan. He could have send him to mess up with his son relationship? He doesn't want Kinn to be envoled with Porsche after all. That's in line with the fact that he probably has some kind of relationship with Porsche mother???
Also why is Tawan still alive??? Did Kinn actually shot him and someone save him? Or did he pretend to kill him bc he could kill the man he loves (that would make the most sense with Kinn character!)
So I have finish now (it was long, but it not my fault. It's their fault)
You're so cute really!! I can give you a clue 🤭 I'm just a girl who enjoyed posting about pretty members of K-pop group after all 😉
Byyyye, can't wait to read your respond!! 💜
Hi! sweetie!! Hope you had a great day too!! 💗💗 OMG YES IT WAS THE CUTEST EPISODE!!!
I don't know where to start! we had many cute moments! I can't!! In the bed scene, they were holding each other while sleeping!!! they were so flirtatious in the morning haha like it was everything!! 🥺️🥺️ I love them. Yeah, I love when Kinn said 'should I announce us?' like he was ready to tell everybody!!! and then Pete enters the room with the BREAD hahaha (I don't know if Pete is really oblivious or just doesn't say anything but knows jijiji)
THE BREAD SCENE WAS HOT AND HILARIOUS lol I only can imagine they discussed how they would advertise the bread and then they were 'how about some bread in the bed' jdajkhjkahdj amazing 🍞🍞🍞 Bread my beloved lol
Porsche is really a mischievous little brat right?? haha the footie scene lmao I laughed with their expressions. Then the punishment scene lmao Ken and Big are so lost here like inside that room it was anything but a punishment 😏😏 and wasn't recover for the last episode and then we have this!! Did you see how Porsche's buttons just jump?? I was 👁👄👁 and then Porsche jumping to Kinn's arms and the licking and the kisses... I'm fine I'm fine as you said Mile and Apo are so good like they nailed everything!!!!!
The bar scene was so cute indeed, I didn't think about what you said but you maybe are right!! like Kinn knows Porsche needs some time with his friends too!!! awww so cuteee!!! also, Porsche being 'I'm so nervous because it's gonna be my first date' omg how cute!! 😍😍
THE DATE!!! OMG!!! AAAAA I love it!!!! look I had to pause it multiple times too, my heart can't handle so much cuteness!! when Kinn said 'how adorable are you?' I literally scream!! hahaha and then he gave Porsche a kiss!! it was too much. Love it 💞💞
Porsche was so bossy when they were eating haha It was adorable!! he really wanted to treasure the moment!! and all the pics they took were so soft and sweet!! I think I reblogged all of them, haha and you are right, they were so carefree! it was refreshing to see them that way! like only being themselves and in love!! I don't want anything to ruin this (I know my desire won't come true but a girl can dream) The date was perfect because they also talk and can know each other more!! the pool kiss!!! It reminds me of another series that I love so some tears came down !! (the series is skam Norway season 3! my babies) I really love pool kisses hahaha
Now our KIMLOCK HOLMES and his board haha he really is investigating everything!! I thought the mistress thing was a joke? I'm not sure now, I need to rewatch that part again but we all know that's something is off with Porsche and Chay's parents and their death. Poor Big haha he has a lot of work! also KIM YOU BETTER ANSWER MY BABY CHAY CALLS !! I was wtf Kim why are you ignoring the loveliest person in the world????? I wanted to throw him something to answer the calls lol and then CHAY SHOWED UP TO SERENADE KIM 😍🥺️🥺️😍 Kim was so surprised for what he was feeling!! He wasn’t expecting to be so awe-struck with Chay and yeah he’s having remorse!! I just don’t want Chay to suffer! He’s too pure!! I hope next episode we’ll have more Kim thinking about his growing feelings for Chay. 
LOOK THE DRAWING!!! I CAN’T WITH THEM!! Porsche and Pete are the comedy duo I didn’t know I needed!! They are amazing and their friendship is the best!! Porsche is just silly!! he really thought that he nailed the draw sjjajhsjka and Pete is so done!! SO DONE!! he only wants to do his work and maybe watch some films with Tankhun lol also I hope nothing happens to my little sunshine Pete because I’ll be  🔪 🔪 YES I’M LOOKING AT YOU VEGAS 
The ghost plot was so funny, they watching the film and Porsche being like ‘why do we have to watch this? Casper is better? lol’ and him going to temple to do an offer so the ghost disappeared like Porsche, honey please, stop being so dumb!!  
As you said the conversation they had in the room was great, the way Kinn opened about his past with Tawan and how Porsche was so understanding even we know he was nervous about Kinn feelings for Tawan, he didn’t want to say anything but I think he was worried Kinn still have feeling for his ex. It’s good they talked about it. BUT (yes I have a but) I think Kinn is hiding something!! I hope I am wrong but I have the feeling Kinn is gonna recover that pic and Porsche is gonna to find out!!!! NOOOOOO  😭 😭 I’ll kill you Kinn if you hurt Porsche!! and with that end I feel Kinn is going to put Porsche aside a little bit and my baby is gonna suffer!! I don’t want that!! Tawan please just disappear, we don’t want you here!! shu shu I also think Vegas is the one who is paired with Tawan and he brought Tawan back! Vegas why so hot but so vile!!! hahaha 
Can’t wait for next episode, I feel we are gonna suffer NOOOOO :( hahaha 
OMG you like K-pop too!! I need to know what groups are you fan of?? I’m excited!!  😍 😍 you are cuteeeee too!!!! maybe I’ll do that board in the end hahahaha also I think I’m gonna start doing gifs again (kinnporsche are guilty for this) so if you have some requests I’ll be happy to do it!!! let me know!! (or anyone who is reading this!!  👀) 
See youuuuu!!! Have a lovely day!!!  😘 😘 😘 muak!
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