#for he is eternally curious eternally learning eternally optimistic about the nature of humanity
absentlyabbie · 4 years
read this post and i am now desperate for a leverage-as-old-guard au
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#leverage#i believe we were meant to find each other#we dream of one another until we meet#existentially exhausted and somewhat bitter nate who has watched his children sicken and grow old and die and been unable to give them#this thing this 'gift' of immortality he did not ask for and would give up to have his son back in a second#sophie who might even be older than him (no one knows and she's not telling) who has lost exactly zero zest for life#(for all the lives she's lived they have each been different and each one worth inhabiting)#eliot who discovered his immortality in war and was pushed into using it for ends he regrets deeply before anyone else found him#parker who was different in a time different was not always tolerated; ostracized and made to feel outside; hunted and harmed#until she found she couldn't truly be harmed any more and would never take another second of it#she went elusive for a century or two on purpose refused to be found ran if any other immortal came close enough to finding her#found ways to enjoy life in those overlooked margins of pleasure and joy#and parker thrilled at feeling indestructible even before she knew she was#hardison could go two ways#either as in that post he's old as the dust of the earth and has forgotten more than the world has recorded and remembers even more than tha#who has somehow even still remained like a fountain of eternal youth past even immortality#for he is eternally curious eternally learning eternally optimistic about the nature of humanity#or he takes the role of nile; fearless brilliant young hacker with a problem with authority and a grin to light the night brighter than star#and maybe it's a job gone wrong; doublecrossed or run afoul of the wrong sort#maybe he is shot and is stunned to find himself getting up again from a tacky pool of cooled blood after#and he dreams; he dreams and it's shocking and vivid and echoes into the chambers of his heart#he doesn't just see these others he FEELS them#and even as they know they have to find him to stop the dreams he is already seeking them#(and parker off in her hidden life full of smirking secrets and quick-slip evasions dreams of alec hardison#and for the first time there's something in those echoes that pulls and tugs more than it frightens her and makes her wary#for the first time instead of running away#she runs towards)
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kryptsune · 4 years
World Building Wednesday!~ Etherium
🌼 I decided to share one of my AU worlds that is not Fell based. Yes... I know... what is the world coming to? Etherium in essence is my stab at an Outertale based universe though the story and the designs are very different. I really enjoy this one though I don’t talk about it too much. Let’s get started! 
Etherium AU
Classification: Outertale Alternate “Nicknames” Info: 
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Sans: Nova- Nova is the trickster though he is mostly associated with that of Loki. Loki is described specifically as “Playful, malicious ( ok maybe not that one), helpful, and nihilistic.” He helps others in a kind of goofy over the top way. He just doesn’t take much seriously. Nova is one of the youngest. He acts very childish at times coming to question how long he has been among the pantheon. Some argue his many centuries gave him a nihilistic outlook on life or that he is too young to understand the true ways of the world. 
Not to say that Nova can’t be serious but he is pretty laid back. It’s one of the reasons unlike the others he doesn’t really keep his cultural ties in his design. He should have more Norse in it but nah… varsity jackets are cozy right? I mean he is wearing star shorts for stars sake. When asked about his job he mentions, “Hey, there kiddo. Nice of ya to drop by. Been up to? Heh well got a “new” job which is pretty cool. Not as cool as Pollux but I help arrange stars. Ya know, like the ones you see in the sky you can make pictures out of? I think you humans call em… constellations. One time I made this giant whoopee cushion one. “Then I lost ma job. Got a second chance though. Andromeda's constantly watchin me. hehe no harm done though.”  Both Pollux and Nova refer to each other as brothers but it is unclear if they are biologically related. Their abilities and strengths are nearly opposite and their mythos even more so.
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Papyrus: Pollux- The presumed older brother of Nova. Pollux is associated with Egyptology specifically wisdom. Pollux tends to be the opposite of Nova in that he takes his job very seriously. Once on earth he was known as Thoth gracing humanity with a mechanical and architectural knowledge that astounded the world. His mind and intellect put him at the forefront of innovation making him one of Capricorn's best and most trusted advisors. 
He enjoys testing the mental prowess of others using puzzles and riddles of his own design. Unlike canon Pap Pollux cares more about balance in life. Something his younger brother seems to lack. Not all work and not all play. He is kind, helpful, and willing to give advice to anyone that is looking for it. To the little human Frisk he is a good mentor and teacher. (Pollux has made it his pastime to create a series of challenges to prove a humans worth. If they pass then they are able to speak/ see them. No one has managed to prove themselves.)     
(more characters and info below the cut)
Undyne: Andromeda- Andromeda is not different from canon Undyne as she embodies the Mayan mythology. She is mostly closely associated with the feathered serpent Quetzalcóatl. A deity of wind and rain. Also known as the life giver. Though Andromeda tends to harken back to her more aggressive roots she has a deep respect for the King and acts as his guard. Just like Pollux she too acts as an advisor, though more on matters of security than strategy or mechanics. Such a position is where she first met Elara and to this day the two are inseparable sharing their very different cultures. Her favorite kind of anime to watch are mech based.
Alphys: Elara- Very similar to canon Alphys just as this version of Undyne is. Alphys is based off of Sukuna-Biko-Na (少名毘古那) or the shinto god of medicine and rain. Elara is still very much a scientist and one that has a unique fascination with living things. Everything from the planets, to humans, animals, and plant life. She particularly enjoys spending time in her private greenhouse creating and taking care of all of the plant life. Before the monsters were forced to leave their place among the humans she was able to collect all the DNA of the plants and animals on the planet. 
They are stored in a kind of ark in which to preserve them if anything threatens their existence. Elara is very traditional in her work as her medicines are derived from her magic as well as herbal substances. She is very curious however as she is not allowed to interact with the progress of humanity but rather watches from afar. This is where her love of anime takes hold. Her favorites are ones like Sailor Moon or any type of magical girl anime. She will sit with Andromeda and watch them for hours. Her demeanor is very shy at first but once she opens up she will be a friend for life.
Asgore: Capricorn- The head of the cosmic pantheon he is the King as he is in the original. He is associated with Celtic mythos though he has taken on many pantheon roles in his lifetime. Ambisagrus, a god of thunder and lightning, Ancestor God, Sky God, God of Wind, Rain & Hail is what he is based off of. One such role is that of Zeus who’s main symbol is that of lightning and thunder. Just like the Zeus of mythology Capricorn is constantly debating his involvement with humanity. 
Whether that be to stop their technological advances or aiding in their lives. A large portion of his time was spent with his subjects not so much his wife Aurora who is the jealous type. Capricorn is not a ruthless leader but he does know that sometimes hard decisions must be made. Just like UT Asgore he is kind and benevolent, however, he has a temper if you make him angry enough. His magical abilities lean more toward lighting then fire but he has that ability as well. He tasked Elara to watch over human development should a problem arise.  
Toriel: Aurora- The Queen to Capricorn she is known to be easily jealous. It would explain why Zeus wife Hera also shares these traits. Her Gaelic deity tie is that of Arianrhod a goddess of the moon and stars. She creates life from the stars she creates sometimes causing them to take a form of their own. They are almost like living constellations. Some say that the Queen made such life to combat her own loneliness which her Son and Husband spent time away. In addition to the stars she is also known for being a loving mother and caregiver. In her time on earth she used to watch over and protect children and their families. Aurora though previously jealous of her simple in the universe has come to accept and embrace it. She is kind but rather over protective. Anyone that forsakes life will feel her wrath.  
Muffet: Umbra- Umbra is associated with Hindu mythology as a goddess of wealth and prosperity. Though earthly riches do not concern Umbra she still has a taste for the fine silks and gold that she once had on earth. A little about the goddess that she represents: Lakshmi's name comes from the Sanskrit word ​laksya, meaning an aim or goal. She is the goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. Unlike UT Muffet, Umbra also focuses on a spiritual wealth. A peace of mind. 
She is ever the optimist even when things do not turn out to go her way. In times of need she is called those in the struggles of self worth trying to bring them into a different understanding. There have been many a time when Umbra calms Capricorns quick and rash judgements, much to Auroras displeasure. Just as with the rest of the pantheon she is kind and helpful even with her yearning to return to the people she so loved before they were forced to the outskirts of the galaxy.
Grillby: Helio- Helio derived from sun is my OT Grillby. He out of all the characters could care less about either being a deity or an observer. He is known to be at a middle ground. He would rather live his days running a social establishment but during his time on earth he was known for his magic. Originally he was the right hand of Capricorn being depicted as a war deity for his fiery nature. He was the general of grand armies. His armor is something he hung up long ago but if called into court he will wear it once again. It’s design is very reminiscent of Roman centurions.  
Though depictions of him are curious since his name back then was referred to as Merlin. He was best known for him magic and alchemy and the concoctions he made during a period of time far lacking in imagination. Just like Nova, Helio, tended to interfere far too often in the affairs of man though noble in purpose. He tends to be outcast among the pantheon for his past conduct but he is content in his lab mixing crazy concoctions. Everything from love potions to disguises. His forte is all about alchemy and magic.    
Asriel: Azicree (Azi)- Azicree or Azi for short is the Crown Prince. By monster standards Azi is still very young, however, he has lived for far longer than any human can fathom. His mother used to shelter him until he begged for his father to let him prove himself. He still acts like a child always curious and desiring some form of exploration. Much to Capricorns dismay Azi enjoys spending time with Nova and the two become pranksters in general. He tends to not do as he is told, which is why they are in this mess in the first place. His reckless behavior had him appearing to a human that begged for his salvation. 
The matters of life and death are ones that are not to be messed with. Those that do find their souls being tainted for all eternity turning them into something other than just a monster. 9X is an example of such tampering. Azi does learn his lesson and begins to try and shape up to be a worthy successor to his father if such a thing ever did come to pass. He studies off of all those he knows especially Pollux who is more than happy to share such knowledge. His associations are non existent since he was born after the times of gods. His abilities seem to be mimic based. 
He is able to learn about abilities and use them at will. It is rare that monsters have children and as such Azi is the little prodigy child even though there are many times he just wants to be a kid. He makes friends with Frisk very quickly and learn a lot from the human visitor.  
Gaster: Nero is the Gaster of this universe. He is Capricorns pantheon counterpart. In essence the Hades to his Zeus. He is the monster that everyone thinks about when darkness takes hold. He is the one that associates with apocalyptic events such as ragnarok. He is however not evil by any stretch of the imagination. He would be better suited to be called a god of chaos. He tends to reject the laws placed upon the rest of the pantheon regardless of repercussions. 
It’s speculated that both Pollux and Nova were a part of him and crafted into the monsters that are known today. Nova being his more devious side which Pollux is more his intellect and drive. He has been locked away for a very long time in a prison aptly named Tarturus. His abilities are space and time oriented very similar to Nova which makes him difficult to imprison. He of course has been in his cell for quite some time and it is unclear if he actually has had a change of heart or using it as a manipulation tactic. 
The only one he speaks with on occasion is Azi wanting to learn more about this planet they all used to call home. It is information that the others tend to not speak of. His father more so as he is afraid it will instill a yearning in his son. Nero’s genius is on par with his godly abilities such as creating artificial intelligence. Something that is not considered life. He uses Azi as a template for this new program...  
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F- Friendly
L- Life-like
O- Operating system 
W- With 
E- Earthbound
Y- Yearning
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F.L.O.W.E.Y was created by 9x and Nova with Azi as a template. He is a charismatic AI who was originally created as a helper as well as to teach the Prince about their planet of origin. Unfortunately Flowey does not have the same reservations about disobeying his father as Azi does. Even going so far as to integrate with key and vital systems in The Capital. He even manages to intercept a human vessel that he finds exploring. Flowey is not evil he just is driven to be the best help he can without regards to any type of consequences. He helps Frisk meet and learn more about their existence. He acts as a companion. 
However when Frisk becomes friends with Azi Flowey's AI goes haywire. He begins to feel emotions he is not technically allowed to such as jealousy. This causes him to try and eliminate those threatening him which in this case would be all the monsters. Eventually Azi attempts to program himself into the interface changing it’s initial programming.  
Blookie: Nebula
Riverperson: Omni
Gerson: Quasar
The Ursas: Ursa Major/Minor
Greater Dog/ Lesser Dog: Canis Major/Minor
MTT: Gigabit
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Character Origin/Mythos: 
Sans- Norse (Trickster) Papyrus- Egyptian  Undyne- Mayan Alphys- Japanese (shinto) Asgore- Celtic Toriel- Celtic  Muffet- Hindu Grillby- Medieval (Merlin)  Asriel- Celtic through lineage Gaster- Greek/Roman Blookie- Western Guard dogs- Constellations (Native American) Riverperson- Greek (Charon) Gerson- Chinese (Divination/ wisdom)
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Background and Context: 
A long time ago there lived beings of great power. They could bend space and time with a simple thought and bring life to their creations. These were the gods. Ones of great benevolence but also great and terrifying power. Humanity, a primitive race just starting to understand life itself, became their focus. At first their interaction was very rare only occasionally appearing to help but as time went on those interactions became more drastic. Their assistance and knowledge was seen as godlike to this humans. 
They would bring gifts and offerings to their new deities in hopes that they would look favorably upon them. That they would impart their wisdom and magic if they were pleased. In time this became more and more tradition. A religion built upon pleasing these deities so that their lives would be far improved but this became a conundrum for the beings. Some remained benevolent and helpful while others becomes greedy and wrathful. The power began to go to their minds corrupting their souls. These instances were written down in variation by the humans making up grandiose stories of fiery chariots and jealous gods. Thus mythology came into being for humanity. A way to explain the things in which they did not understand. 
As with each religion and deity the monsters each became associated with a specific culture or mythos. Some being pinnacles of their pantheon and others being lesser deities molded to suit a specific task. These monsters rarely interacted with ones of their own kind but as power shifted some of them took on roles of others. One monster could have been the god of war in Greek mythos but end up also as the god of thunder in Norse. There were no limitations to their influence. One such “deity” was that of the trickster. A monster that tended to be rather childish in his ambitions jumping from pantheon to pantheon looking to lighten up his other “deities” stern demeanors. 
The monsters began to pull away leaving their presences in name only and occasional help but this was short lived. It caused problems, war, destruction, and feuding powers sadly began to use their civilizations as almost pawns. Their meddling almost destroyed that which they wanted to originally protect. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The “gods” faded from existence only being remembered in myths and legends. The great prophecy of the Norse. The architectural marvels of the Egyptians. Now they reside in the furthest reaches of the galaxy. They spread out among the stars but a group of them resided in a Capital of sorts. A station at the edge of the Universe. One which no human could ever reach.  
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The Humans Impressions:
When the monsters left the humans to their own devices they worship continued long after. Eventually the magic and the miracles that had once been performed faded into history. The monsters were all but forgotten unless mentioned in mythology or scary stories. The humans never harbored any animosity toward them since they no longer believed in their existence in any form. They only understand what their ancestors depicted them as. The monsters as well don’t really have anything against humans either. All in all, they just go about their jobs and enjoy the universe, helping from time to time discreetly if need be but never showing their faces.
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Main Plot Synop: 
The plot to Outertale is very simple as it is more based around the world than it is the actual plot. It is very similar to that of the regular UT timeline with some notable differences. Once the humans reach an age of technological advancement they begin to spread out and search the stars. Some of them encounter monsters which they mistake for aliens (hilarious enough. I mean Jerry looks like an alien.) They begin to build colonies living more and more outside the reach of their own galaxy. Humans however tend to turn on their own creating factions within the space colonies. Some more prosperous than others. 
Frisk’s colony was one such beast being cut off from the other colonies as a drifter. Unfortunately Frisk’s family was nearly non existent and being stuck on a space colony was little to be desired. After seeing a streak of fire slamming into the outskirts of the colony. Frisk decides to investigate. They have always been the curious type disobeying orders and questioning everything. The colonies outer and more dangerous regions became their playground finding old pieces of technology. Eventually they stumble upon a crashed ship. One that  It seems to damaged to be used but it’s nothing like they have ever seen before. Everyone else on the colony consider it to be cursed. 
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The strange runic language is confusing but Frisk finds that there is one lone computer onboard that seems to still function. It flickers with a bright yellow light showing an almost pixelated Flower with a =) face on the screen. Over the next few days Frisk returns to decipher the runes with the help of their new friend which they find out is called Flowey. It is a project that the curious human enjoys and for once it is nice to have a friend. Eventually the runes are deciphered claiming some sort teleportation capability. Once Frisk is close enough the system fires up on its own sending the human straight to the monster Capital on the farthest reaches of the universe. A place that no human has ever been.   
The rest of the story is an exploration of this new environment. Frisk befriends the monsters who don’t attack first. They actually mostly want to engage with the human showing off their ability a little bit. A part of them misses the previous worship. Nova seems to take a particular interest in this new human especially when they befriend Azi. They work to help shut Flowey down only for Azi to impart his knowledge on the interface helping it understand. Frisk has nothing to return to so they stay with the monster and become Azi’s human tutor so that one day maybe the monsters can return and live side by side the humans once again. Both Azi and Frisk are almost like siblings coined the star children.  
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intellectualshield · 5 years
spencer’s natal chart information. 
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The Sun
The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality, and outward-shining creative energy.
                                          THE SUN IS IN SCORPIO
Scorpios are known for their intensity. They are determined folk that absolutely throw themselves into whatever they do -- but getting them to commit to something is rarely an easy task. In fact, it's better not to even try to "get them" to do anything. Solar Scorpios absolutely have their own mind. And, their primary motivation is unlikely to be prestige (like their Capricorn friends), or even authority (Leos can have that, too)--it's real power. Their power can absolutely be of the "behind the scenes" variety, just as long as they have it.
To others, Scorpios seem to have plenty of willpower. They probably do. Scorpios do know what they want, and they won't go out and grab it at the wrong moment. They simply sit back, watch (quite expertly), and then get it only when the moment is just right. This apparent patience is simply their powerful skills at strategy at work. Scorpio isn't afraid of getting their hands (their bodies, their minds) dirty. The darker side of life intrigues them, and they're always ready to investigate.
Scorpios simply never give up. They have tremendous staying power. They're not in the slightest intimidated by anybody or anything. Confrontations are not a problem. In fact, talk to any Scorpio about their lives, and you'll probably be in awe at all they've gone through. Trauma seems to follow them wherever they go. When Scorpio learns optimism, instead of expecting the worst, they'll find that they possess amazing regenerative powers -- the power to heal, create, and transform.
Short description:
Physical energy and courage. Strong passions. Regeneration and improvement. Strong sexual powers.
Potential issues: He is suspicious, defiant, extremist; he is sometimes vindictive.
                                        SCORPIO WITH ASCENDANT CAPRICORN
Sun in X: The Sun is in the tenth house
The urge to work toward a goal, for success and accomplishment, and/or for power is part of your make-up. You are uncomfortable in any position in which you must "take orders" from someone else. Recognize your ambitions and your need for authority without going overboard. Seek out a career that allows you to manage, rather than be managed, if possible. It is crucial that you accept the part of you that is ambitious, but take pains not to over-identify with an image that is not really you! Successful career is guaranteed, but may sometimes come late.
269 Sextile between the Sun and Mars
You are enterprising and have powerful stores of energy that you can draw upon when needed. You respond to problems or challenges with a spirited and enthusiastic confidence that is admirable. You are naturally competitive, and this trait is generally well-received by others simply because it is unforced, unaffected, and sincere. You truly believe in fair play, and you seem to be in love with life. When you are expressing competitiveness and courage, it's easy for others to smile and accept these traits as positive ones rather than being rubbed the wrong way. You have good physical vitality. Although competitive, you are not naturally combative. You may enjoy sports or games that are competitive, but not violent. Breaking the rules of a competitive game is particularly upsetting to you. You are more able than most to control your desires, aggressions, and instincts. You know how to be fair, and you expect others to be fair. As such, sneaky behaviors, uncontrolled impulses, violence, and rage are offensive to you.
The Moon
The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-image. The Moon represents the emotions, and the Moon sign shows how a person expresses themselves when at home, at ease, and comfortable.
                                      THE MOON IS IN SCORPIO
While others may find security and comfort in material things, Moon in Scorpio people seek out emotional intensity. No matter what, there is something very intense about Lunar Scorpios. They are diggers when it comes to the world of emotion--they can see beyond facades and cut right to the core of a person. This ability to "see" what isn't obvious to the rest of the world can be intimidating to others or wildly attractive, depending on the audience.
Their deep-seated need for transformation and rebirth can manifest itself in the lives of Lunar Scorpios in different ways. Most have powerful, emotionally intense lives. Some feel like it is beyond their control -- these natives seem to attract emotional upheaval, and their lives appear to consist of plenty of dramatic ups and downs. However, when accepted as an emotional need, rebirth and change doesn't need to be so dramatic and overwhelming. In some way or the other, Moon in Scorpio natives seek out intense experiences. If their lives are regular in any way, there can be an unconscious need to test their own strength and stir up emotional excitement. Self-awareness and acceptance is probably the best way to handle this deep need for emotional drama.
Doing things halfway or having meaningless relationships simply doesn't fulfill them. Lunar Scorpios want all or nothing. Moon in Scorpio people often have a strong fear of betrayal. They seek out commitment, and feel the need for a partner to give up something for them. Some will put the people they love through a series of tests, and these are not always conscious. Their apparent suspicion can be trying for the people who love them. However, once committed, Moon in Scorpio people can be the most loyal and protective partners around. Even the shy ones have enormous presence. Their lives are emotion-driven, yet many Moon in Scorpio natives spend a lot of time controlling and mastering their emotions. Their intuition is enormous, although it is sometimes self-serving.
Moon in Scorpio people radiate strength. Even in the absence of experience, they seem to "just know" things. It would be difficult to shock or scare away Lunar Scorpios in the face of emotional honesty and power. Some people instinctively want to lean on them, and other less brave folk run a little scared. Lunar Scorpios have exceptional "radar" that allows them to size up a situation--and a person--quickly and expertly. This ability to understand human motivation and nature can be too close for comfort for some, and enormously comforting for others. Many Lunar Scorpios are intelligent and astute. Those that use their enormous powers for intimacy and honesty are the happiest, and they make the most interesting and rewarding friends and lovers.
Short description:
Courageous, brave, independent, not a fearful nature. He is attracted to sensual erotic partners.
Potential issues: excesses of pleasures, difficulty letting go.
Moon in X: The Moon is in the tenth house
Changes of situation. He is frightened of getting old and tends to hark back to the past. Perhaps more strongly influenced by the father. Success often due to help from women.
This position of the Moon indicates an emotional need for recognition, popularity, acknowledgement, and achievement. You can be quite charismatic. You are at your emotional best when you lead a structured and responsible life, but it can take time to get there. You may change your goals and ambitions, and/or your profession frequently in an attempt to find the perfect fit. You may worry about living up to your image, or the expectations of your family. Decisions may be too emotionally biased, or you might act on emotional whims far too often. Learning to set your own heartfelt goals is the challenge here, as it is unlikely you will find true happiness if you follow or adopt the expectations of others, which you are especially sensitive to. You can take on a nurturing or managerial role, quickly adapting to trends.
49 Sextile between the Moon and Ascendant
He has a good influence on the family, and the family usually gives back, loving and helping in return. He likes travelling, movement, change. He likes contact. Open to other people. Very sensitive, observant, adaptable, likable, and somewhat of a chameleon.
Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.
                                                   MERCURY IS IN LIBRA
Usually quite diplomatic and tactful, he evaluates and weighs things up endlessly, often to the point of indecisiveness. Of good judgment, he expresses himself clearly. Before coming to an opinion on a subject, he listens to the opinions offered by various people and can compare them before making up his own mind. Mental affinity in his relationships is paramount. He is good at compromising and always tries to put himself in others' shoes. Some mental laziness.
Mercury in IX: Mercury is in the ninth house
His thirst for knowledge is never satisfied. He is mentally active. He may undertake exhaustive studies, always studying for pleasure. Can very much enjoy journeys to faraway places, and may go to live abroad.
You are eternally curious and hunger for knowledge. You enjoy studying and learning, and do it not because you have to, but because you want to. You enjoy exchanging ideas and personal philosophies with others. You can be especially buoyant, enthusiastic, and even inspiring in your communications. While you may not pay enough attention to details, you are skilled at finding a quick solution to problems. You readily see the bigger picture and enjoy sharing your opinions and ideas. You get off on how information affects people's lives, and you take great pleasure in learning that something you have shared or taught has inspired others to take action, experience something new, or make changes in their lives. Some of you might be too quick to offer advice, however, that might be lacking in thoroughness and practicality, or that you yourself don't follow.
95 Sextile between Mercury - Venus
He looks on the bright side of life. He is gay, agreeable, optimistic, sociable. He enjoys speaking and writing, and he does both with charm and artistry. His intellectual pleasures are very much influenced by his feelings. He is amorous and sensual. He likes beauty, the Arts, travelling, frequent changes of scenery. Aims always for diplomacy. Very charming.
235 Conjunction between Mercury - Jupiter
He is intelligent with big ideas: He is tolerant and has a strong sense of justice. He has good judgement, good sense and has his feet on the ground. He has the "gift of gab," fully enjoys literature and learning. He is erudite and will usually be successful socially.
446 Conjunction between Mercury - Saturn
He is precise or strives to be mentally organized. He is able to study, concentrate, and focus, and often has the patience to work towards a goal slowly but surely. He may take time to get communications "just so" and prefers step by step directions. Respects tradition and rules, preferring a sense of order.
21 Sextile between Mercury - Neptune
He can put down in writing everything that his imagination and intuition dictates. A wonderful storyteller.
134 Conjunction between Mercury - Pluto
He has a great sense of observation and quickly grasps and sizes up the situation. He is crafty, subtle, and perceptive.
-16 Square between Mercury - Ascendant
He may criticize and gossip, arguing frequently and often nervous. Without even realizing it, he might look for or instigate a verbal battle, and can be provoking.
Communication is very important to you, and your mind is sharper and more creative when you have a partner you can bounce your thoughts and ideas off of. You are an excellent conversationalist and can fascinate your partners with your sharp mind. You love to debate issues just for the mental exercise, even if you don't feel strongly about the position you argue! You play devil's advocate often, and your ideal partner understands that your debates are, in fact, mental exercises--certainly not attacks! You are also prone to exaggerate or stretch the truth when trying to make your point, especially when it comes to your own background or experience.
In your close relationships, your partner serves as a mirror, reflecting your thoughts and ideas back to you from a different perspective. You are rather independent and will not allow anyone to restrict your freedom, but you love to talk things out before arriving at a decision. Truth is, you won't always take others' advice! However, you do enjoy looking at problems from all sorts of different perspectives. You may choose partners who are considerably younger than you, or who are not as academically smart as you. Conversations with you are always stimulating and lively. The ability to share your thoughts with a partner is vital to your sense of fulfillment in a close personal relationship.
Venus represents an interest in emotions and values, exchange, and sharing with others.
                                          VENUS IS IN SAGITTARIUS 
When Venus in Sagittarius people are in love, they need to feel they can grow and expand their horizons through their relationship. They want to learn new things, and experience everything together. These are idealistic lovers who want you to appreciate their beliefs, visions, and ideals. They can be a confusing mix of the lighthearted and serious. They are roamers and seekers, and don't commit in their relationships as easily as others. Venus in Sagittarius people turn others on with their big smiles and laughs, their jokes, their grand schemes, their dreams, and their friendly, flirtatious behavior. They pride themselves on their open minds, but you may notice they can be judgmental too. They are threatened by inhibitions on the part of their lover, dullness, and emotional overkill. They are restless, and won't put up with lovers who dwell on any one thing. When the going gets tough in their relationship, they have an overwhelming need to run away. Usually this only means getting out and experiencing something new before they come back, but sometimes it can be for good. They are attracted to people in love with life. You don't need to be refined, polished, or graceful to win their favor.
Pleasing Venus in Sagittarius involves allowing them lots of room in the relationship to grow. Avoid getting stuck in a rut, and understand their need to move on. Learn to laugh, but take their rants and raves seriously. Avoid criticizing their beliefs, join them in debates, and philosophize along with them. When they feel the need for more experience, join them! Learn to look past their clumsiness with you and your feelings, and avoid cornering them or forcing them to commit.
Venus in XII: Venus is in the twelfth house
He is devoted to those less fortunate. Can thrive in the medical or social professions. He likes animals, tranquility, peace, and solitude. He may have secret love affairs (*from his team, not from his partner. spence is not the type to cheat).
You are big on romance and you tend to live and breathe your partner once you're hooked. Not the best at defining your boundaries -- where your needs and your partner's needs separate -- you can get hurt in love rather easily. You can also feel used quite readily. You are attracted to people from all walks of life, finding a partner who has an unusual background or quirky personality most attractive. Partners who mistake your compassion for weakness can take advantage of you. Being openly affectionate and trusting often doesn't seem safe to you. You may feel your love won't be appreciated or reciprocated. You may get involved in secret love affairs or fall in love with a person who is quite unavailable to you at different points in your life. Love and sacrifice often seem to go hand in hand for you - having to give something up to be with the one you love, or having to relinquish some person or some aspect of an important love relationship. You value a certain amount of self-sacrifice and a giving attitude in a partner, as you embody these traits. You can be quite mysterious to others, even if you don't mean to be, because your romantic needs are kept hidden. Although you are quite naturally drawn to relationships that are unusual, secret, challenging, and unequal, do take the time to examine why this may be the case. Be certain that you are not, in some way, punishing yourself because you don't feel worthy of an equal and public relationship. Because Venus represents attraction, and the twelfth house is associated with the feet, your feet may be especially attractive and/or erogenous zones!
141 Sextile between Venus - Jupiter
He is good-hearted and generous, possessing a good character. He likes well-being, comfort, a life of ease, without problems. He has good relations with his social circle. He is easy to approach. All the same, he may fall in love easily. He has a successful partnership and professional life. People usually trust him.
322 Conjunction between Venus - Neptune
His professional life can be creative or inconstant. He has a taste for the Arts, can be a dreamer, and may be easily influenced and romantic. He is emotional and very sensitive.
Romantic, creative, gentle, and adaptable, you naturally express the finer qualities of mysterious and dreamy Neptune in your love relationships. Your imagination is rich and your fantasy world well-developed. You are turned off by rudeness and crudeness, and are drawn to beauty in its many forms. You are very giving and generous, but may be a little on the submissive side, or sometimes downright lazy, failing to take the initiative when situations call for it.
68 Sextile between Venus - Pluto
His emotional and sex life can be powerful and rich. He lives out truly passionate love affairs. Extremely resourceful, he is also excellent at determining the worth or value of material things. He can help others to discover their own worth as well. He is naturally attracted to relationships that transform him, that are growing and evolving, and that are intense. He can use his strong intuition and understanding of others for good or for bad, and this depends largely on other aspects in the chart. He can be highly devoted and passionate to the things (and people) he loves. He can be quite persuasive.
Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.
                                                MARS IS IN VIRGO
These productive and busy people are goal-oriented, practical people. Although they can be a little scattered at times, simply because they are doing so many things at any give time, Mars in Virgo natives get things done--quite well! They have a knack for handling a wide variety of tasks at once, and a tendency to take on perhaps too much at the same time. Most Mars in Virgo natives are not particularly aggressive by nature. Although they can be a little hard-nosed and critical at times, they rarely resort to pushing others around. Still, an annoyed Mars in Virgo native can be difficult to be around! Arouse their anger and they turn into complaining, over-critical nags. Generally, these natives don't make themselves nuisances, so this stage is unlikely to last for very long. It is a sensitive position, however. It doesn't take much to make these people nervous.
Mars in Virgo people are quite protective about their "system" for getting things done. Although rather humble in a general life sense, they can be quite particular about their methods--how they organize and accomplish their goals, mostly with work. Theirs is a nervous energy. Although they have some staying power, they can be restless and are not given to sticking with the same projects for too long. These natives derive plenty of energy and life force from the things they do--their work, hobbies, and any kind of projects they take on. An idle Mars in Virgo native is a sorry sight, indeed. Fidgety, nervous, worried...all of these things are a sure sign that Mars in Virgo people have either too little to do, or far too much on their plates. There is a perfectionist at the heart of all people with this position. They'll be the first to deny this, but it's there! They worry when they are not producing anything, and they worry about whether what they've produced will measure up.
An earthy and sometimes nervous sexuality generally characterizes people with this position of Mars. In a sense, their performance in bed is similar to their work. These people want to be good at what they do. They will generally be open to experimentation, if only to feed their curiosity and to feel savvy. There's often a shy and humble side to Mars in Virgo in any area that involves putting themselves out there and letting go (areas ruled by Mars). But experience and knowledge are important to these natives, and this drive generally wins over their natural reticence.
Mars in VIII: Mars is in the eighth house
Sexually very powerful, he is also capable of tremendous focus and hard work. Sexually intense and deep. May be adept at professions requiring research, strategy, uncovering truths, and analysis. Arguments may occur over inheritance.
-6 Square between Mars - Uranus
He is full of contradictions. He is original, tending to the eccentric, headstrong, impatient, and sometimes irascible. Erratic energy levels, needing to be fully inspired to apply energy to a matter. He will fight to the bitter end to overcome hurdles, and has the strength to overcome them.
-53 Square between Mars - Lilith
Love affairs are tempestuous with quarrels, crises, great passion after the storm.
Jupiter represents expansion and grace.
                                            JUPITER IS IN LIBRA
He attracts the most good fortune when he is fair-minded, treats others with equality, bends without being a doormat, is gracious, and uses his talents at promoting and mediating. Values people and relationships, and might succeed best in partnership. Relating as equals is important to him. The arts, architecture, law, math, mediating, and politics are possible avenues for success. Use of charm and grace to reach goals.
Jupiter in IX: Jupiter is in the ninth house
Deeply intelligent, he is tolerant and sincere. Professional success can happen abroad or in connection with foreign countries. Faraway voyages are profitable. Very optimistic, philosophical, hopeful, humorous.
78 Conjunction between Jupiter - Saturn
He is serious, patient, honest, hard-working, orderly. His judgment is good and he is inclined to think things over. He pursues his objectives to the bitter end, usually knowing when to choose the right moment. He is upright, usually law-abiding and respecting order.
112 Sextile between Jupiter - Neptune
He is very generous and altruistic, helping people in difficulty. He knows how to listen or, at least, how to give that impression to make others feel heard. He is a dreamer with imagination to spare, fully enjoying the Arts.
221 Conjunction between Jupiter - Pluto
He likes to direct, he is intelligent and an organizer of the first order.
Saturn represents contraction and effort.
                                              SATURN IS IN LIBRA
Recognized for his seriousness, moral qualities. He is respectable, conscientious.
Weaknesses: may not be open to new ideas.
Saturn in IX: Saturn is in the ninth house
He is studious, patient, rigorous, austere. He likes reflection, meditation. He carries out all the plans he makes. He can be a stay-at-home.
22 Conjunction between Saturn - Pluto
He perseveres, achieving his projects through hard work.
-35 Square between Saturn - Ascendant
His life can be difficult and cramped. He is hard-working, but success takes time. He may have problems with being open, without self-consciousness. He may accept solitude rather than look for solutions. Family problems.
Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.
                                          URANUS IN SCORPIO
Intelligent and subtle. Usually he adores research, inquiry, investigation. Very sensual. May want to explore new ways to connect with others.
Uranus in X: Uranus is in the tenth house
He must have an independent career with little in the way of dull routines, and that satisfies his need to move around, travel and that must in particular have an element of excitement, uncertainty, creativity, or risk attached. He can be eccentric.
61 Conjunction between Uranus - Lilith
He lives through marvellous adventures - without much follow-up, it is true, but these leave happy memories. He can have many such adventures and fantastic love-at-first-sight encounters.
Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.
                                               NEPTUNE IN SAGITTARIUS
May especially enjoy long voyages, things foreign, being close to water. Altruistic, broad spiritual vision, humane, spiritual.
Neptune in XII: Neptune is in the twelfth house
He likes isolation, a withdrawn life, dreams, and meditation. He has has little desire for action. The healer, but it may take half a lifetime or more to recognize this.
38 Sextile between Neptune - Pluto
He is perceptive and able to see layers to a situation. He is naturally drawn to learning what makes himself and others tick.
Pluto represents transformations, mutations, and elimination.
                                                PLUTO IS IN LIBRA
May look for new ways to relate to others.
Black Moon Lilith represents our darker, deeper natures that may be repressed or buried.
                                            LILITH IN SAGITTARIUS
He may have felt uncomfortable or even ashamed for his curiosity, questions, restlessness, the need to challenge and question life/facts/beliefs, or the need to get away, expand, and seek meaning. He may feel uncomfortable around people who are expressing these Sagittarian traits, not quite trusting them! Learning to accept and even embrace these traits without apology can be empowering. It can also help end a cycle of going to extremes with these traits.
0 Trine between Lilith - Lunar Node
This aspect sometimes means a troubled sex life until he learns to feel more comfortable expressing and integrating this side of the personality.
North Node-South Node
The South Node represents our overdeveloped character traits. We are talented here but if we overdo this area of life or hold onto these traits to feel secure, we may stagnate. The North Node points to the qualities that we need to work on and develop to achieve inner balance and fulfillment.
                                   TRUTH NORTH NODE IN CANCER
He is excellent at managing, overseeing, and organizing. He is learning to work on his inner foundation, accepting his need to nurture and be nurtured. His path is to moderate his tendency to over-manage his life and to relax his standards of achievement. As he does so, he discovers he more easily achieves his goals. He also learns to trust his instincts. Qualities to develop: willingness to be cared for or supported, subordination.
North Node in VII: North Node in the Seventh House
He tends fall back on depending on himself when cooperating with someone special can help him succeed and bring him better luck. The goal should be to involve others more and build diplomacy and cooperation so as to gain perspective and share the load. His path is to listen to others instead of falling back on his automatic response to do everything on his own and call the shots. Qualities to develop: finding a middle ground, cooperation, harmony.
The Houses
House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.
                           SCORPIO WITH ASCENDANT CAPRICORN                                         ASCENDANT IS CAPRICORN 
There's a seriousness to Capricorn rising people that is unmistakable. Even when they're joking around, it's of the deadpan variety. In fact, plenty of very humorous people have Capricorn Ascendants. It's all in the timing...and the fact that they don't giggle before the joke is over. Capricorn Ascendant people project competence. They simply ooze it. They're generally very image-conscious people--the clothes they wear and their manner are a big deal to them. They want to appear successful, and they generally succeed! Often the Ascendant persona is the one that was forced upon us by family conditioning. For example, parents may label their Libra Ascendant child the "nice" one; their Aries Ascendant child the "independent" one; and their Pisces Ascendant child is generally the space cadet of the family. We adopt these roles as familiar ones, and often carry them with us as our defense mechanisms, in some way or another, for the rest of our lives. In the case of Capricorn Ascendants, these were the children who were considered the responsible ones. Sometimes, it was they themselves who looked around them and felt the need to be the structured, dependable, and responsible members of the family. So, often, Capricorn rising people adopted a strong sense of tradition, family, and responsibility at a very young age.
Capricorn rising people are generally big on family, and forever worry about security--for themselves and their dependents. They come across to others as hard-working, competent, and dependable people. What others may not see under that cool, even suave, exterior, is an inner struggle: they often ask themselves, "Am I doing enough?", "Do I deserve all of this?", "How can I make things better?" They worry a lot about the future. If success seemed to have come easy to these folks, it hasn't. They just made it look that way with a patient, hard-working, driven personality. Some Capricorn rising people practice some form of self-denial. They know how to do away with the frivolous. Still, they'll spend money on the clothes they really want (the ones with the right labels, that is), and other status symbols. Although they're rarely showy, their quiet air of success is often a result of conscious effort. More often than not, Capricorn rising individuals are success stories. Their childhoods may have been difficult, but they slowly but surely turn their lives around. Saturn rules this Ascendant, and this generally means a kind of backwards way of living--as children, they are serious and bear a lot of responsibility; and as they grow up, they age beautifully, learning how to loosen up.
House II - the second house - is the area of material security and values. It rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.
                                         AQUARIUS ON HOUSE II
Success in professional life won't take place without the help of friends and protectors. While he may earn enormous amounts, he can lose almost as much. Best financial success through networking with others. Might succeed in business on the internet. Most profitable businesses may be unusual or innovative ones. Efforts should be made to better organize finances.
House III - the third house - is the area of social and intellectual learning.
                                             ARIES ON HOUSE III
Straightforward in speech. Lively intelligence. He is ambitious. He is always ready for any initiative requiring change or novelty. Sometimes, this position suggests an only child, or competitiveness amongst siblings.
House IV - the fourth house - is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth.
                                          TAURUS ON HOUSE IV
Can make a good father. He may prefer to be at home, with the immediate family for company. He appreciates comfort, peace and quiet, and simple but good food! Will take care of what he owns wisely.
House V - the fifth house - is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and gambling.
                                          TAURUS ON HOUSE V
A pleasant home, a charming partner, loving and sweet children, nice little meals, pleasant evenings with the loved one -- the good life.
House VI - the sixth house - is the area of learning by material transaction.
                                          GEMINI ON HOUSE VI
Good assistant, sales rep, jack of all trades. Weak point: the nerves, sometimes also the lungs.
House VII - the seventh house - is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.
                                         CANCER ON HOUSE VII
This can point to a rather strong marriage or partnership, a nice little family. The partner may not always be easy to live with due to moodiness.
House VIII - the eighth house - is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.
                                             LEO ON HOUSE VII
He should probably watch for a tendency to want to control joint resources, but he can be generous with others. Proud. It's wise to have regular check-ups on the heart and arteries.
House IX - the ninth house - is the area of learning that shapes the identity.
                                           LIBRA ON HOUSE IX
He likes justice, honesty, loyalty. Would make a good lawyer.
House X - the tenth house - is the area of material action. The Midheaven represents the work one will do in one's life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more important as one grows older.
                                           SCORPIO ON HOUSE X
He likes professions that involve a certain risk. He likes to investigate. He is curious by nature, taking risks and fighting to succeed.
House XI - the eleventh house - is the area of search for social and intellectual security.
                                         SCORPIO ON HOUSE XI
He likes to debate endlessly with friends who don't share his ideas. The discussion can lead to words or even verbal sparring.
House XII - the twelfth house - is the area of education and of emotion. This is where we meet our karma, deal with endings, and sometimes where we bury things.
                                     SAGITTARIUS ON HOUSE XII
Problems abroad, or with foreigners, or flight abroad, exile is possible in extreme cases.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 6 years
Minor EoA character zodiacs
So I decided to go ahead and try some of the zodiac signs for EoA characters. But I really liked @pizzansunshine‘‘s argument for the main six’s Possible zodiac signs so I decided to do minor reoccurring characters. Which was pretty hard I’ll admit. The zodiac signs can be overlapping so you can agree to disagree with what I think is the best fit for the characters. Anyway, enough of my babbling, here’s what I have. https://www.astrology-zodiac-signs.com
Luisa Libra 
Strengths: Cooperative, diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded, social
Weaknesses: Indecisive, avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge, self-pity
Libra likes: Harmony, gentleness, sharing with others, the outdoors
Libra dislikes: Violence, injustice, loudmouths, conformity
People born under the sign of Libra are peaceful, fair, and they hate being alone. As we see, Luisa is a very sociable person from being friends with the palace staff to joining the local Olaball team. She’s like an understanding Abuela to everyone she meets. 
Partnership is very important for them, as their mirror and someone giving them the ability to be the mirror themselves. Francisco and Luisa have the sweetest, closest relationship in the series. They are equal partners with respect, trust and love for each other. 
These individuals are fascinated by balance and symmetry, they are in a constant chase for justice and equality, realizing through life that the only thing that should be truly important to themselves in their own inner core of personality. Luisa stands firm to following her heart and her beliefs and the Abuela-bear claws come out when she faces someone who is a lying, cheating jerk. Lord Elrod from Princess Knight for example. 
Francisco Pisces 
Strengths: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical
Weaknesses: Fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, can be a victim or a martyr
Pisces likes: Being alone, sleeping, music, romance, visual media, swimming, spiritual themes
Pisces dislikes: Know-it-all, being criticized, the past coming back to haunt, cruelty of any kind
It’s a sign connected to music, so Pisces reveal music preferences in the earliest stages of life. They are generous, compassionate and extremely faithful and caring. Pisces are never judgmental and always forgiving. They are also known to be most tolerant of all the zodiac signs. I don’t have to say this but I willl, Francisco’s eternal love is music and we have seen that he is such a kind  man when it comes to looking at both sides of a problem and never gives an unasked for judgement. 
Deep in their hearts, they are incorrigible romantics. They are very loyal, gentle and unconditionally generous to their partners. Pisces are passionate lovers who have a need to feel a real connection. Like I said with Luisa, the two show an absolute loyalty and devotion to each other. It’s clear Francisco only has eyes for his wife. 
Inspired by the need to make changes in the lives of others, they are willing to help even if that means to go beyond the boundaries. This zodiac sign is compassionate, hard-working, dedicated and reliable. Pisces are selfless, they are always willing to help others, without hoping to get anything back. As we learned in the last Día de los Muertos episode, Francisco was a secret vigilante at a time when nobles weren’t allowed to be in danger just for the sake of protecting his kingdom. 
Prince Marzel and Princess Marisa Gemini 
Strengths: Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas
Weaknesses: Nervous, inconsistent, indecisive
Gemini likes: Music, books, magazines, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around the town
Gemini dislikes: Being alone, being confined, repetition and routine
Expressive and quick-witted, Gemini’s are sociable, communicative and ready for fun, with a tendency to suddenly get serious, thoughtful and restless. They are fascinated with the world itself, extremely curious, with a constant feeling that there is not enough time to experience everything they want to see.This is a versatile, inquisitive, fun loving sign, born with a wish to experience everything there is out there, in the world. I swear I didn’t just choose Gemini because they were twins. Marisa and Marzel, Marisa specifically, were interested in looking to the human world and were the most willing to mend the fued. Since the joining, the two clearly enjoy hanging out with Elena and co. and learning a little more about life of the shore. 
Daria Scorpio 
Strengths: Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend
Weaknesses: Distrusting, secretive, violent
Scorpio likes: Truth, facts, being right, longtime friends, teasing, a grand passion
Scorpio dislikes: Dishonesty, revealing secrets, passive people
Scorpio-born are passionate and assertive people. They are determined and decisive, and will research until they find out the truth. Scorpio is a great leader, always aware of the situation and also features prominently in resourcefulness. As we’ve seen as commander of the reef, Daria is a take-charge woman and when she puts her mind to it whether it is sabotage or protection, she puts her whole effort into it, 
Scorpios are known by their calm and cool behavior, and by their mysterious appearance. People often say that Scorpio-born are fierce. They are excellent leaders because they are very dedicated to what they do. Scorpios hate dishonesty and they can be very jealous and suspicious, so they need to learn how to adapt more easily to different human behaviors. What motivated Daria’s actions in Tides of Change was that she wanted to protect Coronando from the human threat so you can say that is dedication to her work though misguided. Plus we see how Daria is not one to quickly spell out her thoughts, preferring stern glares like when Elena arrived unexpectedly at the palace. Also the grudge she held against humans even when Elena proved that they weren’t out to get them but wanted to be friends. 
Princess Valentina Aries 
Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate
Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive
Aries likes: Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, physical challenges, individual sports
Aries dislikes: Inactivity, delays, work that does not use one's talents
Aries are continuously looking for dynamic, speed and competition, always being the first in everything - from work to social gatherings. You'll rarely meet an Aries who isn't capable of finishing several things at once, often before lunch break! Valentina is a fire sign, and as the website suggests, she does look for a competition even if it was really unneeded. Yet Valentina just has a natural exuberant personality and need for action. And as we’ve seen, she has many talents from Olaball to wizardry so she is constantly on the job working for her people. No wonder they call her their savior. 
Rafa de Alva Taurus 
Strengths: Reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable
Weaknesses: Stubborn, possessive, uncompromising
Taurus likes: Gardening, cooking, music, romance, working with hands
Taurus dislikes: Sudden changes, complications, insecurity of any kind, synthetic fabrics
Practical and well-grounded, Taurus is the sign that harvests the fruits of labor. They feel the need to always be surrounded by love and beauty, turned to the material world, hedonism, and physical pleasures. What we often see as stubbornness can be interpreted as commitment, and their ability to complete tasks whatever it takes is uncanny. This makes them excellent employees, great long-term friends and partners, always being there for people they love. Rafa can be stubborn like when she was insistent that she couldn’t help Sofia or that her Navidad traditions were the best or even just passing Avaloran traditions to Mateo under the threat of death. But she is also a very caring individual and a natural leader for her village, and a stable, loving influence in Mateo’s life. And to me, she seems very much a homebody who’d enjoy gardening and the like. Perhaps herbs for magic potions like her father had taught her. 
Carla and Prince Alonso Leo 
Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous
Weaknesses: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible
Leo likes: Taking holidays, being admired, expensive things, bright colors, fun with friends
Leo dislikes: Being ignored, facing difficult reality, not being treated like a king or queen
Leos are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. There is a specific strength to a Leo and their "king of the jungle" status. Self-confident and attractive, and their healthy sense of humor makes collaboration with other people even easier. They are ambitious, creative and optimistic and once they dedicate to their work, they will do everything just right. As we’ve seen that while both are initially very lazy people, Alonso and Carla can be committed to a cause when they put their mind to it. Alonso as he starts to reinvent himself as a better prince while Carla won’t let ghosts or Shuriki or Elena or anyone in her way on her quest for power. And while neither are very joking, both are comedic characters, 
Family matters won't be the first thing Leo will think about when they wake up in the morning or lie to bed at night. Turned to themselves for the most part, they tend to become independent as soon as possible. Still, a Leo will do anything to protect their loved ones, proud of their ancestry and roots in good and bad times. As we’ve seen, both are independent but Alonso does have a need to make his dad proud while Carla does care enough about her father to keep following him around and has some sort of admiration for her mother. 
The best possible situation they can find themselves in is to be their own bosses or manage others with as little control from their superiors as possible. Leos love to be surrounded by modern and trendy things, and although money comes easy to them, they spend it less responsibly than some other signs of the zodiac. Eh less responsible can be the first thing one thinks of when it comes to Alonso and Carla, for sure. And a love of luxury too. And we have seen that Carla really really hates when people tell her what to do so she is just a Leo to the core to me. 
Olivia Aquarius
Strengths: Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian
Weaknesses: Runs from emotional expression, temperamental
Aquarius likes: Fun with friends, helping others, fighting for causes, intellectual conversation
Aquarius dislikes: Limitations, being lonely, dull or boring situations
Aquarius-born are shy and quiet, but on the other hand they can be eccentric and energetic. However, in both cases, they are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love helping others. While Olivia is still growing and her personality still developing, I think she could be an Aquarius due to her energetic nature and her pursuit for wizard knowledge. Wizardry takes many years but she clearly has the devotion to studying time. She wanted to learn right away and without delay. Plus she wanted to do it for a good cause and to help people. 
Doña Paloma Capricorn 
Strengths: Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managers
Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst
Capricorn likes: Family, tradition, quality craftsmanship
Capricorn dislikes: Almost everything at some point
Capricorn is a sign that represents time and responsibility, and its representatives are traditional and often very serious by nature. These individuals possess an inner state of independence that enables significant progress both in their personal and professional lives. They are masters of self-control and have the ability to lead the way, make solid and realistic plans, and manage many people who work for them at any time. They will learn from their mistakes and get to the top based solely on their experience and expertise. Well I think this sums up her character pretty well as she implies with most episodes that she deserve everything based solely on her expertise and fits with how she made everything she had from the ground up. 
Not only do they focus on the material world, but they have the ability to use the most out of it. Unfortunately, this element also makes them stiff and sometimes too stubborn to move from one perspective or point in a relationship. They have a hard time accepting differences of other people that are too far from their character, and out of fear might try to impose their traditional values aggressively. Kinda the whole plot point of Masks of Magic that she wanted the Feast of Friendship her way. More out of her own selfish ego than fear though. 
Capricorns will set high standards for themselves, but their honesty, dedication and perseverance will lead them to their goals. They value loyalty and hard work over all other things, and keep associates with these qualities close even when they might be intellectually inferior. Concentrated and resourceful, this is someone who gets the job done, doesn’t mind long hours, and commits to the final product completely. Fits with how she and Esteban built up Avalor’s economic growth and also the only explanation to me on why she had hired Carlos (Sorry Carlos. Maybe you are smarter than I think). 
Armando Virgo 
Strengths: Loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, practical
Weaknesses: Shyness, worry, overly critical of self
Virgo likes: Animals, healthy food, books, nature, cleanliness
Virgo dislikes: Rudeness, asking for help, taking center stage
Virgos are always paying attention to the smallest details and their deep sense of humanity makes them one of the most careful signs of the zodiac. Their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is left to chance. Virgos are excellent advisors, always knowing how to solve a problem. This can make them helpful and extremely useful to have around, but also brings out their need to search the problem in everything and everyone around them. As chief of staff, Armando is the go to person for any problem as we see in All Kingdoms Fair and Model Sister- how handily he fixed everything. He’s very detailed and always has what Elena needs to do her royal duties. Also Virgos are sensitive and critical of themselves just as Armando is, amplified by Santos’ insults. 
They will care for people they build a solid relationship with, treasuring them for years and nurturing them in every possible way. An intimate friendship with a Virgo is always earned by good deeds. They are very dedicated to their family and attentive to elderly and sick people. They understand tradition and the importance of responsibility, proud of their upbringing. Armando is such a mama’s boy and an abuela’s boy by how fondly he talks of his time with her in the village. He treats the royal family as his family too and we’ve seen his loyalty to them by reminding Esteban of his roots in Secret of Avalor to saving Elena/Mateo/Naomi/Gabe from chonopos. 
Scarlet Turner Sagittarius 
Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor
Weaknesses: Promises more than can deliver, very impatient, will say anything no matter how undiplomatic
Sagittarius likes: Freedom, travel, philosophy, being outdoors
Curious and energetic, Sagittarius is one of the biggest travelers among all zodiac signs. Sagittarius is extrovert, optimistic and enthusiastic, and likes changes. Sagittarius-born are able to transform their thoughts into concrete actions and they will do anything to achieve their goals. Freedom is their greatest treasure, because only then they can freely travel and explore different cultures and philosophies. Scarlet loves the sea and traveling like she loves air and since she was so adaptable to moving around for work and enjoyed it so much, I think it makes her a perfect Sagittarius. 
Because of their honesty, Sagittarius-born are often impatient and tactless when they need to say or do something, so it's important to learn to express themselves in a tolerant and socially acceptable way. Sagittarius is very fun and -born love to laugh and enjoy the diversity of life and culture, so they will easily acquire many friends around the world. They are generous and not one of those who lecture. When it comes to family, Sagittarius is dedicated and willing to do almost anything. In the beginning of Captain Turner Returns, you can say Scarlet was a bit tactless when she was sure that Naomi would get used to leaving Avalor and ignoring all of Elena’s attempts to get them to stay. Yet her family is very important to her like when she tried to get a job at home so she could stay with Daniel and Naomi more and eventually giving in to staying in Avalor. 
Now a lot of this is my own speculation. Craig did say that Carla will be revealed to be more complex than she seems. It doesn’t seem like Victor will have the same treatment, but I think Carla’s development will reveal a little more of his character since he was the one who raised her and cares for her. 
Victor Delgado Cancer
Strengths: Tenacious, highly imaginative, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive
Weaknesses: Moody, pessimistic, suspicious, manipulative, insecure
Cancers are very emotional and sensitive, and care deeply about matters of the family and their home. While this is a bit of a stretch, I say that Victor is a bit emotional such as his deep feeling of hurt at Esteban’s betrayal, and his anger towards the world.  
Cancer is the sign of family and these individuals care about family bonds and their home more than any other sign of the zodiac. Also a stretch but just based on the fact that he is caring for Carla alone and she is the only one he treats with some decency and very unlikely for him to betray her. 
Lack of patience or even love will manifest through mood swings later in life, and even selfishness, self-pity or manipulation. They are quick to help others, just as they are quick to avoid conflict, and rarely benefit from close combat of any kind, always choosing to hit someone stronger, bigger, or more powerful than they imagined. Oh yeah, if we follow this Victor defiantly did not get enough love growing up. He sees himself as a victim even though he committed treason, he is a manipulative thief to his former friend’s family and thinks he can play with the big guns of Shuriki and Fiero. 
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general info such as
name: kiara sarabi santucci
age: 20
date of birth: 26th of october, 1997
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
species: human
sexuality: biromantic heterosexual
nationality: american
disney character based off of: kiara from the lion king 2
hogwarts house: gryffindor
religion (if they don’t practice n/a works): n/a
fathers name: mohatu santucci
mother’s name: lulu santucci (née green)
occupation: student
faceclaim: zendaya coleman
hometown: trenton, new jersey
mbti: enfp
zodiac: scorpio
current residence (which we been knew): walt academy
enneagram: type 2
moral alignment: neutral good
temperament: sanguine
archetype: the explorer/seeker
3 positives: compassionate, adventurous, brave
3 negatives: stubborn, impulsive, rebellious
element: fire
the deets
kiara is one of those people who are unapologetically themselves. she speaks her mind, no matter the circumstance and would probably debate (or argue) to the death with you about her beliefs. she does have a little thing against authority figures that demand blind respect but other than that she’d probably get along with almost anyone. she tries to, at least. she wants to make the world a better place. she’s got so much kindness in her heart and she wants to make good use of it. she’s also incredibly curious and adventurous and is always eager to meet someone new or learn something new. she’s a dreamer and an optimist and an explorer and a protector and she wouldn’t change a damn thing about herself.
them connections
lulu & mohatu santucci: kiara’s relationship with her parents is...complicated. they all love each other, there’s no doubt about that, but lulu and mohatu didn’t give her the chance to have a proper childhood, instead forcing her into the role of santucci princess when she’d rather be anything but. she knows that they’re doing it to keep her safe - her family’s life is dangerous - but she doesn’t want to be a part of the family business and she doesn’t want people telling her what she can and can’t do. that’s created a divide, but they’re still family. and she understands where they’re coming from. she’s just found her own way to survive. hopefully one day they’ll be okay with that.
kovu leu: when kovu came into kiara’s life, he pretty much flipped it upside down. he was the catalyst that pushed her to stand up to her family, and fight to actually be herself. he’s one of the best people in her life, even if so many people can’t see the same good she sees in him. the truth is, whether he realises it or not, he holds a piece of her heart. he always will. and kiara’s beginning to realise that that might not be a totally platonic piece of her heart.
aurora capulet: aurora is the first friend kiara made at walt, and one of her bffs. she loves the girl to pieces, and has a surprising amount in common with her - mainly the fact that they’re both princesses (though the blonde is legitimately royalty, not part of the mafia). so they can both understand a little of the reality that comes with that role, and it’s nice for kiara to have someone like that in her life. rora’s hopeless romantic nature is also probably one of the factors that’s having her reevaluate her feelings for kovu, so jot that down.
penelope hainline: penelope is kiara’s other best friend and she loves her just as much. she’s got an attitude which kiara appreciates, but she’s also been shown another side of the girl. mainly, some really personal stuff about pen’s life - from alec moon humiliating her to finding out she has a long lost sister to her mother being sent to rehab - and it breaks her heart that someone like pen has had to go through that. and knowing that her dad was pen’s mother’s drug dealer is just...it’s weird. if she could, kiara would stop anything bad happening to the girl ever again. she’s just eternally grateful to have her in her life, and relieved that she’s still in her life after telling pen about her mafia ties.
simba santucci: simba is her cousin that might as well be her brother. and finding out he wasn’t dead was a shock, no doubt about it. she’s relieved he’s okay, of course, but also a little hurt that he just ran off and left, and didn’t contact her before walt, and a little worried that he might leave again. they’re still mending their relationship, but she loves him. and she appreciates his recent efforts to accept kovu, regardless of his own personal feelings about the boy.
nala omita: nala is basically kiara’s older sister. it’s kind of inevitable that they’d get to know each other since she’s simba’s best friend. really, nala might as well be family. plus, she’s nice for kiara’s impulse control. the only real friction between them comes from kovu, and the older girl’s disapproval of him.
vitani leu: kiara and vitani have an interesting relationship. by which i mean, vitani wants to see kiara dead and kiara wants to convince her otherwise and maybe even befriend her. she doesn’t know why the girl has it out for her specifically - sure, they’re from opposing families, but it’s like vitani has a vendetta and kiara just doesn’t get it. it’s a shame, because other than the death threats, vitani seems like a cool person. like in another life, they might’ve gotten on great. they’re not really all that different. kiara just wishes she could convince vitani of that.
nuka leu: nuka is...well, kiara doesn’t know what to make of him. he apparently doesn’t like kovu which doesn’t help him in her book, but he doesn’t seem hellbent on the decimation of her or her family. they have a friendly acquaintanceship, and kiara wouldn’t mind getting to know him better. he seems alright.
velma dinkley: half the time kiara talks to velma, she seems on the verge of a panic attack. once kiara’s talked her down from that though, they get along great. velma’s smart in a way kiara admires, and she has pressuring parents in a way kiara can relate to. velma’s a friend, one that is totally free of her mafia family drama, which is pretty nice.
alec moon: he screwed with penelope so long story short, she wants his head on a pike.
who wants those sick beats
also her recently played songs
who wants those sweet pins
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Question 6 (Post 86) 4-29-15
                        I had turned on Catholic Answers while Natalie and I rode to Adoration on Friday night.  We caught the tail end of one of those segments when a kid calls in with a question that a parent could have answered but instead directs their child to a radio call-in option for reasons that aren’t clear to me.  As we tuned in Jimmy Aiken was congratulating the child for the thoughtfulness of his query.  The next caller was an adult with a question about gay marriage.  Like lighting my rap song, quick draw, radio off reflexes fired and I we were driving again in silence.
Of course I was not quick enough to forestall the guided missile of interrogation that Natalie launched like a harpoon missile almost as sound as my hand returned to the steering wheel.  The discussion was good even though I would have liked to have avoided the subject altogether.  She is ten and in a past decade there would have been no elementary school aged reason to discuss alternative lifestyles that really used to involve only the bedroom and social lives of a small percentage of our population. Unfortunately for us, the media, who I like to think of as the devil’s force multiplier, has decided that we will all discuss gay marriage all the time ad nauseum whenever we take a break from discussing police violence.  Because I write about marriage and family, I guess it is fair to chime in finally after largely ignoring the subject for nearly one hundred columns.
“Baltimore Catechism Question 6: Why did God make you?
 Answer: God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in the next.”
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There.  I am pretty much done.  The proponents of Gay Marriage are not forwarding an agenda that has anything to do with loving God, praising God, discerning His will, or seeking His kingdom so their effort is just another aspect of the construction effort of a secular society that daily increases in resemblance to the Tower of Babel. Secular America is a tower shoddily erected of inferior materials near a number of seismic fault lines, on a floodplain, in Tornado Alley.  Forgo the clever marketing campaign; don’t buy the real-estate – not even a timeshare.
Because I believe in God and hope to enjoy eternal life with Him, I understand that He should be the center of my life, He should impact my decision making, and I ought not to defy him.  When I commit sin, I do so selfishly and need to repent immediately.  For me, God writes the rules and I submit to His laws even when I don’t fully comprehend the entirety of the plan for His masterful creation.  While I don’t fully understand quantum mechanics, genetics or even sometimes algebra homework, I do apprehend that I am subject to the laws that govern the universe that God created for me and my fellows to live in. For instance, all around me the Ohio trees will soon sprout buds, leaves or flowers by the millions.  I can neither inhibit nor hinder the natural order. The season change does not await my approval.  Neither did humans take part in the design processes for conception, transubstantiation, baptism and certainly not marriage.  
While we are an ingenious species, humans have been arrogant since we first decided to share a couple of apples with a friendly serpent in a Middle-Eastern garden back before cell-phone bundle packages were invented. Each day we see humans successfully leverage knowledge to cure diseases, break athletic records and create K-car Transformer Monster Trucks.  We ought to stick to innovating in realms where we have some kind of understanding and expertise.  Our improvement effort with regard to human sexuality and marriage has been terrible from the conclusion of the Lambeth Conference in 1930 continuing through current times.  It is because we fundamentally misunderstand God’s hand in creating the marriage institution that ought to be the cornerstone of our society.
Recently, a curious phenomenon has demonstrated an underlying and misunderstood spiritual aspect of marriage to me.   In the process of joining the team I currently work with, my boss set me up with several one-on-one interviews with important office staff members.  Also to learn about the workplace I conducted a series of time observations of the pertinent work elements of all but one of the day shift team members in the department where I am assigned.  I was uncomfortable during the individual sessions with female staff, as I always am, but there was something unusually distracting about two of the women and I couldn’t identify the source of my particular discomfort with their regard.  I also noticed that I was decidedly avoiding time observing a particular hourly worker who was strangely attractive to me even though we have never shared a conversation.  My disquiet around these three particular women was a puzzle to me for a week or so before a dream I had of Pam over the weekend that partially clarified what was going on with my unease.
In different respects all three women reminded me of Pam. One woman had a similar haircut to one that Pam wore in 1991 when she met my ship upon our return from deployment to the Persian Gulf.  The second women had a similar complexion to Pam during that same period.  The third woman had a similar build, hair length and color.  While it is not a great surprise that I would be attracted women resembling a youthful memory of my young wife, my dream of Pam made me consider the attraction on a deeper level.  As far I remember, subsequent to my wedding vows, my attraction level to any woman who I have met since 1988 has been more or less intense based on their level of resemblance to Pam.  While I had no discernible preference between Charlie’s Angels before marriage, I have been decided biased towards Kate Jackson from that date forward.  It was as if my internal template for beauty had been changed with an instant at the exchange of vows.
I know something happened to me on that day when I willingly and unreservedly entered into a sacramental marriage.  As a human I am not able to fully understand the underlying spiritual design of what actually takes place in the marriage ceremony in the same way that I cannot perceive transubstantiation as it happens.  I can only speculate that the same spiritual transformation didn’t happen to Bruce Jenner in his most recent marriage.  I bring his name up not to defame him or to participate in the circus that surrounds him, but only to suggest that his situation is a metaphor for the idea of transforming marriage’s definition beyond God’s design.  There is a spiritual aspect to marriage and our sexuality that the secularists cannot understand or acknowledge.  Innovation with regard to marriage will likely yield further horrifying results the sum of which will be anything but human happiness.
While I am not optimistic that the institution of marriage can be protected from the civil onslaught that the American secularists have unleashed, I am encouraged that Catholics are now closely examining and improving our marriages.  It is very important that marriages within the Church remain strong, happy and loving as an alternative to what is becoming a chaotic and unhappy American family landscape.  Going forward, I intend to continue my personal policy of condemning no one, discouraging what I believe to be harmful behaviors, and praying for all sinners, myself included.
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whatmyheartsaw · 5 years
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What My Heart Did Chapter 5, Episode 3
Thawing from Below
Present Writing always seems to get harder for a time once I uncover a new element of deeply embedded truth. Since all the discoveries about my grandfather’s murder trial and how that trauma has passed down through the generations, I’ve been numb to the stories that until now have been so important to recovery. Nearly a year has passed. My mother died in January, and my father is in a nursing home. It’s almost as if my mind and body have needed to put all the facts of my ancestry aside and place any realizations into hibernation or a dormant state until I am able to adjust and understand.
Spring is slowly unfolding again in the Shenandoah Valley. As I watch the bulbs burst from the ground and the leaves and blossoms timidly emerge from the barren limbs of flowering trees and oaks, I think back to winter’s rough hand. How do trees and plants weather ice storms, snow cover, and frozen ground to faithfully reemerge each spring? What is their defense against the difficulties they are handed each and every season?  
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So, like any curious gardener or naturalist would do, I looked it up. I wanted to remind myself of the process I probably learned in 7th grade, and maybe glean some insight into how we as humans can be more resilient. I found an explanation by Gary Watson, head researcher from The Morton Arboretum in Illinois that struck me.
“Plants from climates with cold winters have evolved to survive winter by going dormant. That means not just dropping leaves and slowing or stopping growth, but also reducing the amount of water in branch and root tissues. The lowered concentration of water in a plant's tissue acts like a natural antifreeze: It means it takes deeper cold to form ice inside them.”
"There's always warmth in the earth," Watson says. "The soil may be freezing from the surface, but it's always thawing from below."
Throughout the winter, he says, plants are adapting constantly to the changes. The biggest danger to plants is a sudden deep freeze. "As long as they have time to adjust, they're OK," he says. "It's when change happens suddenly that it can cause trouble."
As I let that description of how plants adapt to the challenges of winter sink in, the correlation to my own life emerges. “There’s always warmth in the earth,” throbs in my heart like a drumbeat.  
2014-2017 Dismantling my “busyness” took some time to settle into. First it required shutting down one business, stepping down from a non-profit board, and figuring out how to be more present with a family that was 750 miles away. The road was a bit bumpy to say the least. I considered moving closer to my family, but given my business was just starting to earn me a decent living, I didn’t think about that long. So instead I traveled and tried to keep up with the work on the road. I quickly saw that if I was going to eventually relocate, I would need to reposition my business in the new town. And while I wasn’t technically opening a “new” business, the expansion to a new market wasn’t much different. For two years I shuttled back and forth between Virginia and Florida, networking, teaching classes, and taking on new clients in both locations. Busyness took on a whole new meaning. But I rationalized the effort was “focused.”
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Soon there was a second grandchild on the way. As rewarding as it was to spend time with my new granddaughter and anticipate the arrival of #2, the trips were exhausting and expensive for someone chronically ill and financially strapped. Despite my efforts towards self-care, in addition to the bouts of fibromyalgia and gastrointestinal maladies, I caught more bugs that lasted longer and had less and less energy for other parts of my life.  Friends and social activities were infrequent, and I dragged myself from task to task with a gritty determination that held my fractured pieces together like glue drizzled over a pile of straw. I knew I was hanging by a thread, but the realizations of how family trauma is passed on and my intuition about how to stop the cycle kept me driving forward. I couldn’t undo what had happened to me, but I might be able to contribute to greater understanding, support, and love in subsequent generations. Quitting wasn’t an option.
What I didn’t realize was how fragile my recovery still was. Spring and summer turned to fall, and the stones I thought I was turning to reveal a saner life just uncovered another cloudy puddle of fear. Being part of the more animated, vocal family that my son married into set off all kinds of triggers. I had to practice boundary setting again and again in order to keep myself from splitting apart, and I wasn’t sure anyone understood my challeges. More intimate contact with other people’s unhappiness and passionate disagreements reminded me just how ill-equipped I was to be a grounding force within a family. Despite how far I’d come, I had a long way to go.
By early 2017 I found myself dismantling again, but in a much more dramatic way. During a trip the previous fall where I met with multiple clients, did the whole family fall activities thing, and tried to fit a visit with a friend from high school into the mix, I literally went blind. I was fighting off yet another cold, and prior to an early flight out, had booked a room at a small lake resort near the airport hoping to get some much needed recovery time. When I arrived at the hotel, I noticed my eyes were tired and cloudy, but went about having dinner and enjoying some time by the water watching the sun set. By the time I went to bed, my eyes were quite bloodshot and red, but I passed it off as fatigue and decided a good night’s rest would help.
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In the morning my eyes were glued completely shut. Somewhere I had contracted a nasty case of conjunctivitis. How was I going to get my rental car back to the airport and catch my flight? I felt my way to the sink to bathe my eyes. Warm water helped, but I looked a fright and there was no time to make other arrangements. So, like every other time in my life when the going got tough, I went. Donned my sunglasses, loaded up my bags, and got safely to the airport, on the plane, and home from the airport without incident, all the while conscious of not spreading the horrific eye crud to anyone else. 
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But the pink eye did me in. Despite my careful attempts to manage the infection, it moved from one eye to the other and back. Even with treatment, I was unable to see for several weeks, and stumbled through limited work. Three eye doctors and several months later, I was left with a twitch and a clue that perhaps I wasn’t seeing my life clearly. By May I had shut down the Florida business operation and was regrouping once again, wondering if I would ever find my way out of the fog of trauma. The frustration of never quite finding the path to healing was driving me mad.  
Present Today I woke to a cool spring morning, Easter in fact, and the metaphor of resurrection isn’t lost on me. I noticed the oak tree that groaned and shattered so violently during the winter’s first ice storm has, in spite of its scarred limbs, begun to rise to spring’s call with a splash of brilliant green.  
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I feel as though I’ve risen from the dead more times than most people could fathom, but these old trees give me pause. The season has turned again, and I’m cautiously optimistic that I can too.
Holidays bring mostly painful memories for me – but this Easter I’m focused on the fun parts that did and do exist. The waking to eggs hidden in the house. An Easter basket and a new dress or shoes for church. A new tradition of funny bunny ear photos. 
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And as I relive and enjoy the good parts, I see that the legacy of childhood abuse and how it passes down through generations is a lot like the hardness of winter. Just when we think we’ve recovered and created eternal summer in our hearts - just when we think the storm has passed - winter comes around again in a blinding snowstorm or coating of ice, freezing the soil and forcing us into hibernation. And each time the winter of our pain recurs, it’s easy to despair and believe the ravages of those traumas will never heal. But remembering there’s always warmth in the earth, thawing us from below, can help us keep going. Accepting we may never “heal,” just like accepting that winter will come again, is a sweet surrender to a truth that can settle the restless heart of a trauma survivor.  Somehow, even through generations of all kinds of human trauma and pain, just like plants, we too can wake from difficulties of winter and rise again to a new season. And perhaps that’s all the healing we really need. 
Read previous episodes of What My Heart Did HERE.     
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wesratcliffe · 7 years
regrets || self para
“Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, "It might have been.” ― Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
tw; mentions of death, depression, suicidal thoughts, mentions of murder
Wesley Ratcliffe regretted many things in his life. Most of his decisions, in fact, left him with a bitter contrition. His words were too harsh and they upset someone; his words were too soft and he unwittingly let someone else into his fragile heart. He was too cruel and not cruel enough, too stoic and too soft, too this and too that. His cowardice, his tendency to run away from his problems, his inability to properly express his love for his friends, his desperation to have people close to him despite know it was always a bad idea, his selfish desire to protect his own skin instead of doing the right thing, his insecurity, his constant state of fear; all of it haunted him like thousands of gloomy spirits, clinging to him with their icy grasp and refusing to be released. They would whisper things in his ear — teasing taunts of the things he’d done, sweet whispers of what might have been, horrid truths of what could never be — and Wesley fell into the deadly trap of listening to them.
He should have seen what kind of man his father was.
He should have gone straight to the police instead of running.
He should have given his mother a chance to explain her side of the story.
He shouldn’t have let his friends into his heart.
He should have been more insistent about telling them how much they mean to him.
He should have been a better friend to Will and Emmett.
He should have been there more for Rylie and Bailey.
He shouldn’t have snapped needlessly at so many people.
He should have told Michele he loved her more.
He should have left a note when he ran away.
He should have answered the texts he received.
He should have confronted his father.
He shouldn’t have avoided her.
He should have apologized.
He should have told her that he would always love her.
He should have saved her during the earthquake.
He should have died that night.
He should have.
He shouldn’t have.
He should have.
He shouldn’t have.
But in all of his thoughts of regret, never once did he wish that he'd never loved Michele. He barely had a choice in the matter to begin with. She'd kicked and scolded her way into his life, shattering his lines of defense with a intelligent wit and a compassionate heart. Moments with her, even when they were fighting, were far superior to moments without. Loving her was inevitable, as simple and as natural as breath; it became a part of him — she was a permanent fixture, wedged in the most secret, exclusive part of his heart, a place where few entered but none ever left — and he was certain that it wouldn't cease, even now that she was no longer here to love him back.
Perhaps that was the saddest thought of all. That he could regret most of his life and most of his decisions, but the one thing he would never regret was forever gone from his grasp. That in all of the ghosts who haunted him, in all of the horrid demons that plagued him night after night, Michele’s ghost never came.
July 16, 11:35am
“So I hear your friend Bailey Forrester is awake. You must have been happy to see her,” said Dr. Vaughn. Over the weeks Wesley had been going to therapy he’d somewhat opened up about his friends. It was mostly meaningless stories he told — times he got Will out of trouble, his late night conversations with Emmett, how Bailey was eternally optimistic, how Rylie seemed to prefer his dog’s company to his — but it was enough to satiate Lauren Vaughn’s seemingly endless desire to learn more about him. He should have known opening up would bite him in the ass. 
“Yes, I’m glad that she woke up,” he replied evenly. The relief he’d felt to hear that Bailey was awake was palpable. If he wasn’t stuck in his wheelchair he surely would have fallen to his knees. 
“And did you go to visit her?” 
Wesley was certain that Dr. Vaughn would have access to records that showed he did. He’d had to sign in with the hospital, after all. “I did, yes.”
Lauren smiled, just as patient as she’d always been in all of his therapy sessions. There was a certain part of Wesley — a curious, sadistic part — that was interested to see if he could get her to break. Surely no one could be kind all the time, especially with a difficult patient such as himself. He wouldn’t, of course, but the cynic in him was sure that there must be an end to the optimism. Happiness always ended.
“It’s certainly a blessing that she woke up,” Lauren continued, amiably filling the silence.
“She shouldn’t have had to go through it in the first place.” The words tumbled from his lips before he could stop them. Dr. Vaughn’s pen stopped in its incessant scribbling and Wesley knew he was about to be questioned. 
“Of course. No one deserves to go through something like that.”
“No it’s–” Wesley tried to shift in his chair, but the movement was difficult with his casted legs. Pain bloomed in his knee, reminding him of the damage he’d done. “She shouldn’t have been hurt. I was her date, I should have–” His mouth searched for words he didn’t have the courage to say and when it came up empty it closed with an audible snap. 
Silence fell over the room. Normally Wesley liked silence. People talked too much, even if they didn’t have anything important to say. It was wildly irritating, and he was often thankful when conversations ceased. This was not one of those times. The silence was heavy with curiosity. Wesley could almost hear the gears in Dr. Vaughn’s head turning as she assessed him for...something. 
He averted his gaze, choosing to focus on one of the abstract paintings that hung in Lauren Vaughn’s office. There was something stereotypical about a therapist having abstract paintings that always made him wonder if she did it on purpose. 
“She woke up, Wesley. Your friend is alive and is going to be okay.” 
Wesley’s lips pressed together in a firm line and Dr. Vaughn continued. 
“We all have things we regret in life; it’s part of being human. Self-reflection is important — it’s what helps us learn from our mistakes — but too much of it will only drive us mad. Once you have learned from the things you regret, you have to let it go. You need to forgive yourself.”
Wesley had heard those words before (or something similar to them.) Kim had said just that when he’d asked if he deserved his friends’ forgiveness. 
You deserve your own forgiveness. 
But it wasn’t that simple, was it? Saying it was easy, doing it and believing in it was a whole other monster to battle. 
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kryptsune · 5 years
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🌼Good morning everyone and a happy Tuesday to you all! I had a lot of people ask me about my Outertale on Discord. That beat out pretty much all the other options on the poll so here we go! This is one of the larger ones because I had a lot of fun putting some of my favorite sci-fi concepts into this. I am a huge SG1 fan so you can definitely see that reflected. I admittedly am the fantasy genre girl so any ideas are welcome! I just liked the idea that the monsters in this were more than just typical monsters. DO NOT REPOST MY WORK WITHOUT MY PERMISSION IT IS NOT FOR YOUR USE. IF YOU LIKE MY WORK PLEASE REBLOG INSTEAD! It helps me so much! It makes such a difference.💙If you want more of these just let me know! It’s the only way I can gauge interest! Outertale Alternate “Nicknames” Info:  Sans: Nova- Nova is the trickster though he is mostly associated with that of Loki. Loki is described specifically as “Playful, malicious ( ok maybe not that one), helpful, and nihilistic.” He helps others in a kind of goofy over the top way. He just doesn’t take much seriously. Nova is one of the youngest. He acts very childish at times coming to question how long he has been among the pantheon. Some argue his many centuries gave him a nihilistic outlook on life or that he is too young to understand the true ways of the world. Not to say that Nova can’t be serious but he is pretty laid back. It’s one of the reasons unlike the others he doesn’t really keep his cultural ties in his design. He should have more Norse in it but nah… varsity jackets are cozy right? I mean he is wearing star shorts for star’s sake. When asked about his job he mentions, “Hey, there kiddo. Nice of ya to drop by. Been up to? Heh well got a “new” job which is pretty cool. Not as cool as Pollux but I help arrange stars. Ya know, like the ones you see in the sky you can make pictures out of? I think you humans call em… constellations. One time I made this giant whoopee cushion one. Then I lost ma job. Got a second chance though. Andromeda’s constantly watchin me. hehe no harm done though.” Both Pollux and Nova refer to each other as brothers but it is unclear if they are biologically related. Their abilities and strengths are nearly opposite and their mythos even more so. Papyrus: Pollux- The presumed older brother of Nova. Pollux is associated with Egyptology specifically wisdom. Pollux tends to be the opposite of Nova in that he takes his job very seriously. Once on earth, he was known as Thoth gracing humanity with a mechanical and architectural knowledge that astounded the world. His mind and intellect put him at the forefront of innovation making him one of Capricorn’s best and most trusted advisors. He enjoys testing the mental prowess of others using puzzles and riddles of his own design. Unlike canon Pap, Pollux cares more about balance in life. Something his younger brother seems to lack. Not all work and not all play. He is kind, helpful, and willing to give advice to anyone that is looking for it. To the little human Frisk, he is a good mentor and teacher. (Pollux has made it his pastime to create a series of challenges to prove a humans worth. If they pass then they are able to speak/ see them. No one has managed to prove themselves.) Undyne: Andromeda- Andromeda is not different from canon Undyne as she embodies the Mayan mythology. She is most closely associated with the feathered serpent Quetzalcóatl. A deity of wind and rain. Also known as life-giver. Though Andromeda tends to harken back to her more aggressive roots she has a deep respect for the King and acts as his guard. Just like Pollux she too acts as an advisor, though more on matters of security than strategy or mechanics. Such a position is where she first met Elara and to this day the two are inseparable sharing their very different cultures. Her favorite kind of anime to watch are mech-based. Alphys: Elara- Very similar to canon Alphys just as this version of Undyne is. Alphys is based on Sukuna-Biko-Na (少名毘古那) or the Shinto god of medicine and rain. Elara is still very much a scientist and one that has a unique fascination with living things. Everything from the planets, to humans, animals, and plant life. She particularly enjoys spending time in her private greenhouse creating and taking care of all of the plant life. Before the monsters were forced to leave their place among the humans she was able to collect all the DNA of the plants and animals on the planet. They are stored in a kind of ark in which to preserve them if anything threatens their existence. Elara is very traditional in her work as her medicines are derived from her magic as well as herbal substances. She is very curious however as she is not allowed to interact with the progress of humanity but rather watches from afar. This is where her love of anime takes hold. Her favorites are ones like Sailor Moon or any type of magical girl anime. She will sit with Andromeda and watch them for hours. Her demeanor is very shy at first but once she opens up she will be a friend for life. Asgore: Capricorn- The head of the cosmic pantheon he is the King as he is in the original. He is associated with Celtic mythos though he has taken on many pantheon roles in his lifetime. Ambisagrus, a god of thunder and lightning, Ancestor God, Sky God, God of Wind, Rain & Hail is what he is based on. One such role is that of Zeus whose main symbol is that of lightning and thunder. Just like the Zeus of mythology Capricorn is constantly debating his involvement with humanity. Whether that be to stop their technological advances or aiding in their lives. A large portion of his time was spent with his subjects not so much his wife Aurora who is the jealous type. Capricorn is not a ruthless leader but he does know that sometimes hard decisions must be made. Just like UT Asgore, he is kind and benevolent, however, he has a temper if you make him angry enough. His magical abilities lean more toward lighting then fire but he has that ability as well. He tasked Elara to watch over human development should a problem arise. Toriel: Aurora- The Queen to Capricorn she is known to be easily jealous. It would explain why Zeus wife Hera also shares these traits. Her Gaelic deity tie is that of Arianrhod a goddess of the moon and stars. She creates life from the stars she creates sometimes causing them to take a form of their own. They are almost like living constellations. Some say that the Queen made such life to combat her own loneliness which her Son and Husband spent time away. In addition to the stars, she is also known for being a loving mother and caregiver. In her time on earth, she used to watch over and protect children and their families. Aurora though previously jealous of her simple in the universe has come to accept and embrace it. She is kind but rather overprotective. Anyone that forsakes life will feel her wrath. Muffet: Umbra- Umbra is associated with Hindu mythology as a goddess of wealth and prosperity. Though earthly riches do not concern Umbra she still has a taste for the fine silks and gold that she once had on earth. A little about the goddess that she represents: Lakshmi’s name comes from the Sanskrit word ​laksya, meaning an aim or goal. She is the goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. Unlike UT Muffet, Umbra also focuses on spiritual wealth. Peace of mind. She is ever the optimist even when things do not turn out to go her way. In times of need, she is called those in the struggles of self-worth trying to bring them into a different understanding. There have been many a time when Umbra calms Capricorns quick and rash judgments, much to Aurora’s displeasure. Just as with the rest of the pantheon she is kind and helpful even with her yearning to return to the people she so loved before they were forced to the outskirts of the galaxy. Grillby: Helio- Helio derived from the sun is my OT Grillby. He out of all the characters could care less about either being a deity or an observer. He is known to be at a middle ground. He would rather live his days running a social establishment but during his time on earth, he was known for his magic. Originally he was the right hand of Capricorn being depicted as a war deity for his fiery nature. He was the general of grand armies. His armor is something he hung up long ago but if called into court he will wear it once again. Its design is very reminiscent of Roman centurions. Though depictions of him are curious since his name back then was referred to as Merlin. He was best known for his magic and alchemy and the concoctions he made during a period of time far lacking in imagination. Just like Nova, Helio tended to interfere far too often in the affairs of man though noble in purpose. He tends to be outcast among the pantheon for his past conduct but he is content in his lab mixing crazy concoctions. Everything from love potions to disguises. His forte is all about alchemy and magic. Asriel: Azicree (Azi)- Azicree or Azi for short is the Crown Prince. By monster standards Azi is still very young, however, he has lived for far longer than any human can fathom. His mother used to shelter him until he begged for his father to let him prove himself. He still acts like a child always curious and desiring some form of exploration. Much to Capricorns dismay Azi enjoys spending time with Nova and the two become pranksters in general. He tends to not do as he is told, which is why they are in this mess in the first place. His reckless behavior had him appearing to a human that begged for his salvation. The matters of life and death are ones that are not to be messed with. Those that do find their souls being tainted for all eternity turning them into something other than just a monster. 9X is an example of such tampering. Azi does learn his lesson and begins to try and shape up to be a worthy successor to his father if such a thing ever did come to pass. He studies off of all those he knows especially Pollux who is more than happy to share such knowledge. His associations are nonexistent since he was born after the times of gods. His abilities seem to be mimic based. He is able to learn about abilities and use them at will. It is rare that monsters have children and as such Azi is the little prodigy child even though there are many times he just wants to be a kid. He makes friends with Frisk very quickly and learns a lot from the human visitor. Gaster: 9X (I can’t even)- 9x (can be pronounced NYX or Nine-X) is the Gaster of this universe. He is Capricorns pantheon counterpart. In essence the Hades to his Zeus. He is the monster that everyone thinks about when darkness takes hold. He is the one that associates with apocalyptic events such as Ragnarok. He is however not evil by any stretch of the imagination. He would be better suited to be called a god of chaos. He tends to reject the laws placed upon the rest of the pantheon regardless of repercussions. It’s speculated that both Pollux and Nova were a part of him and crafted into the monsters that are known today. Nova being his more devious side which Pollux is more his intellect and drive. He has been locked away for a very long time in a prison aptly named Tartarus. His abilities are space and time-oriented very similar to Nova which makes him difficult to imprison. He, of course, has been in his cell for quite some time and it is unclear if he actually has had a change of heart or using it as a manipulation tactic. The only one he speaks with on occasion is Azi wanting to learn more about this planet they all used to call home. It is information that the others tend to not speak of. His father more so as he is afraid it will instill a yearning in his son. 9X’s genius is on par with his godly abilities such as creating artificial intelligence. Something that is not considered life. He uses Azi as a template for this new program… FLOWEY- F- Friendly L- Life-like O- Operating system W- With E- Earthbound Y- Yearning  F.L.O.W.E.Y was created by 9x and Nova with Azi as a template. He is a charismatic AI who was originally created as a helper as well as to teach the Prince about their planet of origin. Unfortunately, Flowey does not have the same reservations about disobeying his father as Azi does. Even going so far as to integrate with key and vital systems in The Capital. Flowey is not evil he just is driven to be the best help he can without regards to any type of consequences. He also feels abandoned by Nova as he was not only his creator but also his closest friend. It was why he was made. To be a companion and friend.  He helps Frisk meet and learns more about their existence. He acts like a companion. However, when Frisk becomes friends with Azi Flowey’s AI goes haywire. He begins to feel emotions he is not technically allowed to such as jealousy. This causes him to try and eliminate those threatening him which in this case would be all the monsters. Eventually, Azi attempts to program himself into the interface changing its initial programming. Some of Flowey’s previous versions:    Blookie: Nebula Riverperson: Omni Gerson: Quasar The Ursas: Ursa Major/Minor Greater Dog/ Lesser Dog: Canis Major/Minor  Character Origin/Mythos: Sans- Norse (Trickster)
Papyrus- Egyptian Undyne- Mayan Alphys- Japanese (shinto) Asgore- Celtic Toriel- Celtic Muffet- Hindu
Grillby- Medieval (Merlin) Asriel- Celtic through lineage Gaster- Greek/Roman Blookie- Western Guard dogs- Constellations (Native American) Riverperson- Greek (Charon) Gerson- Chinese (Divination/ wisdom) Background and Context: A long time ago there lived beings of great power. They could bend space and time with a simple thought and bring life to their creations. These were the gods. Ones of great benevolence but also great and terrifying power. Humanity, a primitive race just starting to understand life itself, became their focus. At first, their interaction was very rare only occasionally appearing to help but as time went on those interactions became more drastic. Their assistance and knowledge were seen as godlike to these humans. They would bring gifts and offerings to their new deities in hopes that they would look favorably upon them. That they would impart their wisdom and magic if they were pleased. In time this became more and more of a tradition. A religion built upon pleasing these deities so that their lives would be far improved but this became a conundrum for the beings. Some remained benevolent and helpful while others become greedy and wrathful. The power began to go to their minds corrupting their souls. These instances were written down in variation by the humans making up grandiose stories of fiery chariots and jealous gods. Thus mythology came into being for humanity. A way to explain the things in which they did not understand. As with each religion and deity, the monsters each became associated with a specific culture or mythos. Some being pinnacles of their pantheon and others being lesser deities molded to suit a specific task. These monsters rarely interacted with ones of their own kind but as power shifted some of them took on roles of others. One monster could have been the god of war in Greek mythos but end up also as the god of thunder in Norse. There were no limitations to their influence. One such “deity” was that of the trickster. A monster that tended to be rather childish in his ambitions jumping from pantheon to pantheon looking to lighten up his other “deities” stern demeanors. The monsters began to pull away leaving their presences in name only and occasional help but this was short-lived. It caused problems, war, destruction, and feuding powers sadly began to use their civilizations as almost pawns. Their meddling almost destroyed that which they wanted to originally protect. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The “gods” faded from existence only being remembered in myths and legends. The great prophecy of the Norse. The architectural marvels of the Egyptians. Now they reside in the furthest reaches of the galaxy. They spread out among the stars but a group of them resided in a Capital of sorts. A station at the edge of the Universe. One which no human could ever reach. The Humans Impressions: When the monsters left the humans to their own devices they worship continued long after. Eventually the magic and the miracles that had once been performed faded into history. The monsters were all but forgotten unless mentioned in mythology or scary stories. The humans never harbored any animosity toward them since they no longer believed in their existence in any form. They only understand what their ancestors depicted them as. The monsters as well don’t really have anything against humans either. All in all, they just go about their jobs and enjoy the universe, helping from time to time discreetly if need be but never showing their faces. Main Plot Synop: The plot to Outertale is very simple as it is more based around the world than it is the actual plot. It is very similar to that of the regular UT timeline with some notable differences. Once the humans reach an age of technological advancement they begin to spread out and search the stars. Some of them encounter monsters which they mistake for aliens (hilarious enough. I mean Jerry looks like an alien.) They begin to build colonies living more and more outside the reach of their own galaxy. Humans, however, tend to turn on their own creating factions within the space colonies. Some more prosperous than others. Frisk’s colony was one such beast being cut off from the other colonies as a drifter. Unfortunately, Frisk’s family was nearly non-existent and being stuck on a space colony was little to be desired. After seeing a streak of fire slamming into the outskirts of the colony. Frisk decides to investigate. They have always been the curious type disobeying orders and questioning everything. The colonies outer and more dangerous regions became their playground finding old pieces of technology. Eventually, they stumble upon a crashed ship. One that It seems too damaged to be used but it’s nothing like they have ever seen before. Everyone else on the colony considers it to be cursed.  The strange runic language is confusing but Frisk finds that there is one lone computer onboard that seems to still function. It flickers with a bright yellow light showing an almost pixelated Flower with a =) face on the screen. Over the next few days, Frisk returns to decipher the runes with the help of their new friend which they find out is called Flowey. It is a project that the curious human enjoys and for once it is nice to have a friend. Eventually, the runes are deciphered claiming some sort of teleportation capability. Once Frisk is close enough the system fires up on its own sending the human straight to the monster Capital on the farthest reaches of the universe. A place that no human has ever been.  The rest of the story is an exploration of this new environment. Frisk befriends the monsters who don’t attack first. They actually mostly want to engage with the human showing off their ability a little bit. A part of them misses the previous worship. Nova seems to take a particular interest in this new human especially when they befriend Azi. They work to help shut Flowey down only for Azi to impart his knowledge on the interface helping it understand. Frisk has nothing to return to so they stay with the monster and become Azi’s human tutor so that one day maybe the monsters can return and live side by side the humans once again. Both Azi and Frisk are almost like siblings coined the star children.
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